The Engineer 1914 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1914 Jan-Jun: Index
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- A.-B. Diesels Motoren, Engines for the Motor Tank Ship Sebastian, 264, 268
- Abbey Mills Sewage Pumping Station
- Accrington, Gas Engines and Alternators
- Acetylene Illumination Company’s Portable Acetylene Welding Outfit
- Adnil Electric Company’s Equipment for Large Machine Tool /driving
- A.E.G. Company’s Single-phase Locomotives for the Rhaetian Railway
- Ailsa Craig 35 H.P. Marine Motor
- Alexanderson, E. F. W., on the Split-phase System
- Allen, Edgar , and Co. Double Scissors Crossing in Rolled Manganese Steel for Buenos Aire’s Great Western Railway
- America Cup Challenger, Shamrock IV.
- Ansaldo, Gio., e Co. {Twenty-eight-page Supplement and Three Four-page Supplements, May 3th, 1914)
- Anteo, Italian Submarine Salvage Vessel, Werf Gusto (A. F. Smulders), 208, 210
- Antwerp, Port of, 695
- Aquitania, The Cunard Liner, 21, 587, 622, 630 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Archdale Motor-driven Radial Drilling Machine, 406
- Armfield, J. J., and Co., Low-head Water Turbine, 644
- Armstrong, Whitworth’s 10in. Armour Plate for the Spanish Battleship Jaime I., 320
- Armstrong, Whitworth 15-Ton Movable Electric Crane, 235
- Arum, Motor Ship, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 598, 683, 684
- Asquith’s Vertical Drilling Machine, 620
- Asquith’s Wall, Radial and Plate and Girder Drills, Motor-driven, 284, 292
- Assouan Dam, R. Holt, 631
- Austin Marine Motor, 345
- Australia, Artesian Water Supply of, 63
- Avro Seaplane, 100 H.P. {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- BAILEY, Sir W. H., and Co.’s Automatic Drain Valve for Steam Cylinders, 301
- Barr, Mark, on Spiral Gears, 562
- Bennis Coal-handling Plant at Southend, 642, 543
- Bennis Link Chain Grate Stoker, 699
- Berlin-Anhalt Company’s Roller Metal Mixer for Steel Works, 691
- Berry and Sons, P., Combined Punching, Angle-cutting and Bending Machine, 591
- Betulander Automatic Telephone System, 214
- Bisson and Renaudin, French Destroyers, 616 {TwO’page Sxipplement, June 5th, 1914)
- Blackburn Monoplane, 356
- Bollinckx Apparatus for Testing Valve Leakage, 208
- Bombay Docks, 35
- Bonecourt Surface Combustion Process, 525, 667, 685 ; (Letters), 601, 648, 685, 713
- Boulton and Paul’s Small Marine Engines, 318
- Bournbrook, Machine Tool Ward and Co., 400
- Brazil, Straker and Co.’s Marine Engines, 317
- Breslau, German Cruiser, {Four-page Supplement, February 21th, 1914)
- Breuer and Schumacher’s 10,000-Ton Hydraulic Press at Ansaldo’s Works (xviii. Twenty- eight-page Supplement, and Two-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Bridgit, Motor-driven I rain Ferry for San Francisco, 494
- Bristol Biplane Scout, 355
- Britannic, White Star Liner, Harland and Wolff, Limited, 238, 240, 257
- British Niclausse—see Niclausse
- British Thomson-Houston Company’s Pushbutton Controller, 179
- British Thomson-Houston Motors for Driving in Workshops, 97, 117, 261, 262, 286, 341, 424, 461
- British Westinghouse Company’s Induction Motors for Tool Driving, 425, 426
- Brooke and Co.’s Marine Engines, 317, 319
- Brown-Boveri Train-lighting System, 221
- Broxburn Sewage Disposal Works, 644, 660
- Buenos Aires G.W. Railway, Double Scissors Crossing in Manganese Steel, Edgar Allen and Co., 78
- Buenos Aires, Railway Crossing in Manganese Steel, Hadfields, Limited, 480
- Bullard Motor-driven Vertical Turret Lathe. 261, 262
- Burmeister and Wain’s Diesel-engined Ship Fionia, 50
- Butler’s Bridged Axle for Heavy Vehicles, 176
- Butler’s Polyphase Commutator Motor, 424, 42(» i
- Butler’s Swivel Pin Lubrication System, 176
- Butler’s Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 273 274; (Correction), 300
- Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Railway, Electrification, 445
- CAIRNROSS, Geared Turbine Cargo Steamer, 21 {Supplement; January 2nd, 1914)
- Caledon Shipbuilding Company’s Motor Tank Ship Sebastian, 264, 2(i8
- California, Motor Ship {Supplement, January , 2nd, 1914)
- Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, Aerodynamic Balance, 641
- Canada, Western, Some of the Coalfields of, 627 Canton-Kowloon Railway, 443
- Cap Trafalgar, South American Liner, 312
- Carson’s Chocolate Factory near Bristol, 36 : (Correction), 67
- “Cascade” Induction Motors, Sandycroft, Limited, 424
- Chemin de fer de I’Est Mineral Tank Locomotives with Mestre Superheater, 618, 619
- Cheshire, North, Salt Field in, 62
- Chicago, 26,000-Kilowatt Turbo-generatoi* for, C. A. Parsons and Co., 9
- China, Railways in, 443, 501, 564, 611, 666
- Chinese Coalfield, Rope Conveyors at, 64 {Two-page Supplement, January \^th, 1914)
- Chingford, New Reservoir at, 11 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Chloride Electrical Power Storage Company’s Train-lighting Accumulator, 320 ; (Correction), 362
- Churchill Heavy Plain Grinding Machine, 298
- Citta di Milano, Forlanini Airship {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Citta di Milano, Forlanini Airship, Destruction of, 421
- “ C.K.” Feed-water Diffuser, Holdsworth and Sons, 630
- Claydon Cement Works near Ipswich, 310, 322 {Two-page Supplement, March lO^/t, 1914)
- Clayton and Co.’s 44-Ton Petrol Wagon, 150
- Clement-Baynard All-steel Armoured Monoplane, 356
- Coire-Arosa Railway, 478, 484
- Coolidge X-Ray Tube, 680
- Comigliano Ligure, Ansaldo’s Works (xii—xv. Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914) j Courbet, French Battleship {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Craven’s Motor-driven Armour Plate Planing I Machine, 284
- Craven Planing Machine with Vickers Motor Drive, 406
- Crompton, Col. R. E. B., on Mechanical Engineering Aspects of Road Construction, (luctters), 63
- DAIMLER Company, 2-Ton Commercial Motor Vehicle, 76, 77
- Dalby, Professor W. E., on Results of Trials made on a Small Diesel Engine, 395, 464 ; (Letter), 621
- Dalziel Train-lighting System, 221
- Datetree, Self-trimming Collier, Antwerp Engineering Company, 626
- Denny-Edgecombe Recording Torsionmeters for Turbines, 408
- Dewrance, John, on Bronze, 342, 359
- Diamond Blower Company’s Separator, 646
- Dickie, G. W., on The Unsinkable Ship, 163
- Dixon Brothers and Hutchinson, 80 H.P. Marine Motor, 345
- Djinn Marine Engine, 160 H.P., Pumps and Compressors and Motor Winch, 317
- Dorman’s Four-cylinder Monobloc Fngines, 318, 319
- DowHon and Mason Gas Plant Company’s Byproduct Recovery Gas Producer, 29G
- Dunedin, Twin-screw Tug and Salvage Steamer, Stevenson and Cook, 217
- ELDICK Lathe Cutting-off Tool, Motogenr Engineering Co., 630
- Electric Carrier Company’s System for Transportation of Mails, 164, 162
- Electric and Ordnance Accessories Equipment for Machine Tool Driving, 406
- Electromotors Limited, Motors for Driving in Workshops, 117, 201, 202, 204, 260
- Eloesser System of Steel Belt Driving, 245 Emanuel Nobel, Motor Ship {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Emmet, W. L. R., on Power fr<un Mercury Vapour, 697
- Esquimalt, Yarrow’s Shipbuilding Works at, 132
- Euphrates, Hindia Barrage on the, 87, 100
- FERGUSON, T., on Train Lighting Systems, 220
- Fionia, Motor Ship, Diesel Engines, Burmeister and Wain, 50
- Fischer Automatic Coupling for Railway Stock, 482
- Forlanini Airship Citta di Milano {Supplement, Jamiary 2nd, 1914)
- Forlanini Airship Citta di Milano, Destruction of, 421
- Foster Strain Meter, 397
- Fothergill, H., on Wireless Telegraphy, 028
- Fowler, Henry, on Superheating Steam in Locomotives, 66, 95, 127 ; (Letter), 161
- French Battleship Courbet, 18 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- French Destroyers Bisson and Renaudin, 615 {Two-page Supplement, June bth, 1914)
- Friedrich der Grosse, German Battleship, 1909—1910, 227 {Four-page Supplement,
- February 2'lth, 1914)
- Furka Railway, 694, 706
- GABRIEL and Co., Lock for Sliding Doors of Railway Carriages, 27
- Galway Harbour Improvements, 120
- Ganges Bridge, Eastern Bengal Railway,, 20 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Garrett, R., and Son’s Combined Superheater Engines and Boilers for Cement Works near Ipswich, '310, 322 ; (Correction), 364 (Two- page Supplement, March 2Qth, 1914)
- Gaya Waterworks, 393
- Genoa Harbour, Fitting Out Yard, Ansaldo’s Works (xxv-xxvii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May ^th, 1914)
- German Battleship Kaiser {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- German Dreadnought Kronprinz, 328
- German Warship Design, Modern, 227 {Four- page Supplement, February 21tk, 1914)
- Giovi Line, Electric Locomotive for, 16, 25 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Giovi lane, Electrification, 16, 25-—see also Italy •
- Girod Electric Furnaces at Ansaldo’s Works (xvii, xviii, xxiii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May ^th, 1914)
- Giulio Cesare, Italian Battleship (vi, xvi, Twenty-eight-page Supplement and Two-page Supplement, May ^th, 1914)
- Gladstone Dock, Liverpool, 2 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Glasgow, Meadow Side Granary near, 534, 536, 638
- Gleniffer Paraffin Marine Motor, 343
- Goeben, German Battle-cruiser, 1909—1910, 227 {Four-page Supplement, February 21th, 1914)
- Gorges Motor Connections, 424
- Grahame-White Transport Biplane and Military Biplane, 360, 354
- Great Central Railway, Six-coupled Express Superheater Locomotive, 18 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Great Western Railway, Automatic I'rain Control System, 80
- Gresham, James (Portrait), 75
- Gridley Four-spindle Automatic Motor-driven
- Lathe, 202, 204
- HADFIELD’S Manganese Steel Layout for Buenos Aires, 480
- Hagen, Motor Oil - tank Ship {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Hallford '4-Ton Petrol Lorry Chassis, 177
- Hamburg-Amerika Liner Vaterland, 672
- Haniel and Lueg’s 16,000-Ton Hydraulic Press at Ansaldo’s Works (xviii. Twenty- eight-page Supplement, andTwo-page Supplement. May 3th, 1914)
- Harton Low Staithes Fire, Loading Jib, 191
- Harvey, G. and A., Limited, Boring, Lapping. Studding, and Milling Machine, 514, 515
- Harvey, G. and A., Limited, Gun Boring Lathe and Locomotive Wheel loathe with Induction Motor Drive, 462
- Harvey, G. and A., Limited, Portable Pipe Flange Drilling Machine, 435
- Hawthorn, Leslie and Co.’s Extensions at Hebburn-on-Tyne, 14
- Heap and Co., Joshua, Screwing Maeliines for Direct Electrical Drive, 425, 426
- Heathcote Hardness Tester, 661
- Heaton, T, T„ on Some Modern Methods of Welding, 232, 239, 247
- Helgoland, German Battleship, 1908-9, 227 (Four-page Supplement, February 21th, 1914)
- Henschel and Son’s Rotary Snow Plough h^r the Lotschberg Railway, 460
- Herbert, Alfred, Electrically Driven Machine Tools, 201
- Herbert’s Small Gear Pump, 79
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co.’s Central Exhaust Steam Engine, 647
- Hill’s Control Alarm for Marine Engines, 134
- Hindia Barrage on the Euphrates, 87, 100
- Holden and Brooke’s Five-stage Centrifugal Boiler Feed Pump, Motor-driven, 301
- Holdsworth and Sons’ “ C.K.” Feed Water Diffuser, 630 *
- Holmes, J. H., and Co.’s Motor-driven Portable Drills, 507
- Holt, R., on the Assouan Dam, 631
- Holzer, H., on Graphical Differentiation, 130
- Hooton, Cheshire, Water Softening Plant, 654, 685
- Hull Joint Dock, 122, 123, 674, 678, 701
- Hulse Lathe with Mather and Platt Motor. 117
- Humphrey Gas Pumps for Chingford Reservoir, 11 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Hurst, Nelson and Co.’s Special Wagons for Woolwich Arsenal, 617, 618
- IGRANIC Electric Company’s Control Gear for Sewage Filter Beds, 646
- Igranic Electric Company’s Push Button Control System 163
- Igranic Electric Company’s Starters and Switch Panels, 260
- Imperator, Hamburg-America Liner, 21 {Sup- plement, January 2nd, 1914)
- India, Military Car for the G.I.P. Railway, 630
- Institution of Civil Engineers, New Building {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Ipswich, Cement Works near, 310, 322 ; (Correction), 364 {Two-paye Supplement, March 20Z/i, 1914)
- Iron Duke, H.M. Battleship, 10 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Italian Battleship Giulio Cesare (vi, xvi, Twenty-eight-paye Supplement, and Two-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Italian Gun Shields, Gin., Trials of, 602
- Italian Submarine Salvage Vessel Anteo, Werf Gusto (A. F. Smulders), 208, 210
- Italy, Practical Results of Railway Electrification in, 89, 116, 143, 174—aee also Giovi
- JACOMB-HOOD, John Wykeham (Portrait), 287
- Jaeger Turbine Air Pump, 408
- Jules Henry Converted from Sailing to Motor Ship, 400 ; (Letter), 463
- “ Jumper ” Pump Controller, Leeds Engineering and Hydraulic Company, 492
- KAISER, German Battleship {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Kaiser, German Battleship, 1909-1910, 227 {Four-page Supplement, February 27ZA, 1914)
- Kapp Vibrator, Sandycroft, Limited, 347
- Kearns’ Motor-driven Horizontal Borine Mills, 260, 284, 292
- Kenyon, E., on Power Transmission by Ropes, 436,692
- Khiva, Peninsular and Oriental Liner, 79, 366, 376 {Tujo-page Supplement, April Zrd, 1914)
- Kiangsu Railway, 601
- King Machine Tool Company’s 52in. Boring and Turning Mill, 158
- King Orry, Geared Turbine Channel Steamer, 21 {Supplement, Jamtary 2nd, 1914)
- King’s College Hospital, Automatic Telephones and Electric Clocks, 243
- Kromhout Hot Plate Engine, Perman and Co., 318
- Kronprinz, German Dreadnought, 328
- LANCASHIRE Dynamo and Motor Co.’s Electrical System of Large Machine Tool Driving, 341
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Signalling School at Manchester, 42, 46
- Lanchester, F. W., on Flying Machine from an Engineering Standpoint, 516, 548
- Lanston Monotype Corporation, Visit to the Works, 197, 228, 255
- Laurence, Scott and Co.’s Automatic Starters for Heavy Machine Tools, 147
- Laurence, Scott Carbon Contact Controller for Motor-driven Lathes, 178
- Laurence, Scott’s Electrical Equipment for Driving Machine Tools, 147, 178,
- Laverock, H.M. Torpedo-boat Aground, 286
- Leech, Goodall and Co.’s Loading
- Coal Staithe Fire, 191
- Leeds Engineering and Hydraulic
- “ Jumper ” Pump Control Gear,
- Leeds Forge Train Lighting System, 221
- Liddell, A. A., Freeboard by Formula, 279
- Limpsfield Air Lift Pumping Station, 287, 289 ; (Correction), 364
- Lobnitz and Co.’s Dredger for a Siamese Tin Field, 186, 189 {Two-page Supplement, February 13th, 1914)
- London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, “ Baltic ” Type Tank Engine, 546 ; (Letter), 648
- London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Mogul Express Goods Engine, 18, 120, 126 ; (Correction), 163 {Two~page Coloured Supplement, January 3Qth, 1914)
- London and North-Western Railway Four- cylinder Non-compound' Passenger Engine, Sir Gilbert Claughton, 18, 148, 149, 186 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- London and North-Western Railway Locomotive Dynamometer Records, 148, 149, 185 ; (Letters), 245, 259
- London and South-Western Railway Mixed Traffic Locomotive and Tender, 18, 105, 534, 636 {Two-page Supplement, May Ibth, 1914)
- London, Tilbury and Southend (Midland) Railway Six-coupled Tank Engine, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Longridge, Michael, on Breakdowns of Mill Engines, 188
- Lotschberg Railway Electric Locomotive, 7 {Supplement, Jg,nuary 2nd, 1914)
- Lotschberg Railway’s Rotary Snow Plough, Henschel and Son, 460
- Lotschberg Tunnel, Southern Portal, 7 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Loudon Brothers’ 20ft, Planing Machine, 436 Low’s Inflammable Gas Escape Detector, 134 “ Lux ” Storage Cell for Train Lighting, Chloride Electrical Power Storage Company, 320 ; (Correction), 362
- McELROY, J. M., on Passenger Transportation in Large Cities, 348, 370; (Letter), 620 MacLaren Brothers* Motor Lifeboats for Atlantic Liners, 460
- Maltman’s Converted Lathe, 201, 203
- Manchester, Commercial Motor Vehicle Exhibition at, 150, 176
- Manchester Main Drainage Works, T.
- Courcy Meade, 234, 236
- Manchester, Mining Exhibition, 681, 698
- Manchester, Textile Machinery Exhibition, Manchester, Transportation Problem, J.
- McElroy, 348, 370 ; (Letter), 620 Martens’ Hardness Tester, 281 Mason’s Cement Works at Claydon, Ipswich,
- 310, 322 ; (Correction), 364 {Two-page
- Supplement, March 2()th, 1914)
- Massey, B. and S., on Friction Drop Stamps, 658 Mather and Platt’s Motors for Electric Driving in Workshops, 96, 117, 146
- Mather and Platt’s Pumps at Manchester Exhibition, 698
- Mather and Platt’s Train Lighting System, 221 Meadowside Granary, Glasgow, 634, 536, 538 Merryweather’s Portable Petrol-driven Pump, 462
- Mersey Railway Tunnel, Proposed, 44
- Mestre Superheater, 618, 619
- Midland Railway—see Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway
- Milbum, J., Colliery Shaft Signal Indicator, 700 Milton, J. T., on Present Position of Diesel Engines for Marine Purposes, 396, 437 Mississippi, 300,000 H.P. Hydro-electric Plant on the, 475, 502, 510, 530, 631
- Mitcham Hot Bulb Engine, 682
- Monobloc Engines, Four-cylinder, W. H. Dorman and Co., Limited, 318, 319
- “Moore ” By-product Recovery Gas Producer, Dowson and Mason Gas Plant Company, 296 Morley, T. B., on the Theory of the Explosion Gas Turbine, 337
- Motogear Engineering Company’s Lathe Cutting-off Tool, 630
- Muller Condenser, 686 Muller, F., on Dry Purification, 660
- NEASDEN Works, Thomson-Houston Company’s Motors, 461
- Neptune, United States Naval Collier, Turbine Control, 673
- New York, New Haven and Hartford Railway, Single-phase Working, 450, 488
- Niclausse Boiler, 280 ; (Letter), 463 (Two-page Supplement, March 13th, 1914)
- Niclausse Boilers at Southend, 642, 643
- North Cheshire, Salt Field in, 62
- North-Eastern and Hull and Barnsley Railways New Joint Dock at Hull. 122, 123, 674, 678, 701
- North-Eastern Railway Express Goods Stumpf Locomotive, 19 (Supplement, January 2wd, 1914)
- North-Eastern Railway Station at Tyne Dock 491
- OLYMPJA Exhibition, Aero and Marine Engines, 317, 326, 343, 360, 364
- Ost Friesland, German Battleship, 1908-9, 227 (Four-page Supplement, February 21th, 1914)
- Othegraven Bogie Suspension Link, 246
- Otto Mousted Canal at Southall, 219
- Owens, T. G., on Some Questions relating to Battleship Design, 373, 384, 410
- PARIS-LYONS-MEDITERRANEAN Railway, Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive, 19 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Parsons and Co.’s 25,000-Kilowatt Turbo-generator for Chicago, 9
- Parsons Geared Turbine for Driving 400C- Kilowatt Generator, 432 (Two-page Supplement, April l"lth, 1914)
- Parsons Motor Company’s Paraffin Marine Engines, 344
- Pearn’nDevice for Trueing up Motor Valves, 52
- Pemberton-Billing Seaplane, 354
- Peninsular and Oriental Liner Khiva, 79, 366, 376 (Two-page Supplement, April 3rd, 1914)
- Periodograph Company’s Periodograph, 490
- Perman and Company’s Kromhout Hot Plate Engine, 318
- Permutit Water Softening Plant at Hooton, Cheshire, 654, 686
- Perry Beadle Flying Boat, 360, 364
- Peru, Hydro-electric Engineering in, W. T. Taylor, 68, 72
- Pitman’s Governor for Water Turbines, 407
- Pollock, James, and Co., Aerial Screw Tug, 608 Pollock and McNab’s Turret Lathe with Geared Motor, 201, 204
- Port Arthur Technical College, Experimental Steam Engine for, 479
- Posen, German Battleship, 1907-8, 227 (Four- page Supplement, February 21th, 1914)
- Powell Planing Machine with British Thomson- Houston Motor and “ Fabroil ” Pinion, 286
- Power Plant Company’s Induction Motors for Machine Tool Driving, 462
- Prinz Regent Luitpold, German Battleship, 1910-1911, 227 (Four-page Supplement, February 21th, 1914)
- Pyrenees, Eastern, Single-phase Railway, 642, 670
- RANGOON River Training Wall, 683, 694 Reavelfs Electrically Driven Air Compressor, 676
- Record Engineering Company’s Two-cycle Petrol-electric Lighting Set, 130; (Letters), 161, 180
- Renaudin—see Bisson and Renaudin
- Rennie, D. W., on The Heat Analysis of an Oil-fired Water-tube Boiler, 472, 499
- Reyrolle, A., and Co.’s Heavy Switchgear, 218 Rhaatian Railway Single-phase Locomotives, A.E.G. Company, 246
- Richards, Geo., and Co.’s Vertical Boring, Turning, and Drilling Machine, 668
- Richardson, J., on High-power Diesel Engines for Marine Service, 652, 669 ; (Letter), 713
- Ridley, T. W., New System of Concrete Piling, 489
- Robinson, T., and Son, Limited, Adzing and Boring Machine for Railway Sleepers, 296
- Robinson, T., and Son’s Log Band Saw Mill, 381 Rossiter, J. T., Notes on Centrifugal Pumps, 637, 666
- Rothera, L., on Application of Electrical Driving to Existing Rolling Mills, ^93
- Royce’s Cranes for Hull Joint Dock, 703, 704 Ruston, Proctor’s Suction Gas Plant for Electric Power Station at Valparaiso, 399, 402
- SALMSON Aeronautical Motor, 326
- Sampiardarena Works, Gio, Ansaldo e Co. (i, iii-xii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Sandycroft’s Cascade ” Induction Motors, 424
- Sandycroft’s Kapp Vibrator, 347
- San Francisco Exhibition, 216
- Sara Bridge—see Ganges Bridge
- Schaffer and Budenberg’s Precision Tachometer, 636
- Schilowsky Gyroscopic Monorail System, 106
- Schmidt Circulating System for Locomotive Superheater, 64
- Sea Queen, Yacht’s Tug and Water Boat, W. J. Yarwood and Sons, 13
- Sebastian, Motor Tank Ship, Caledon Shipbuilding Company, 264, 268 ; (Letter), 463
- Seidlitz, German Battle-cruiser, 1910-1911, 227 {Four-page. Supplement, February 27ZA, 1914)
- Seatri Ponente, Ansaldo’s Works (xxiii-xxv, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May ^th, 1914)
- Shamrock IV., Camper and Nicholson, 601 Shanghai-Nanking Railway, 664
- Shanks, T., and Co., Armour Plate Planing Machine, 710
- Shanks’ Electrically Driven Lathe, 178 Shuman’s Sun Power Plant at Cairo, 330 Siamese Tin Field, Dredger for, Lobnitz and
- Co., 186, 189 {Two-page Supplement, February \3th, 1914)
- Siemens Brothers’ Dynamos for 4000-KiIowatt Geared Turbo-generator, 432 {Two-page Supplement, April nth, 1914)
- Siemens Brothers’ Electrical Equipment for Driving Large Machine Tools, 342
- Siemens’ Electrical Installation of Clocks and Automatic Telephones at King’s College Hospital, 243
- Siemens-Martin Steel Furnaces at Ansaldo’s Works (xv, xvii, xviii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement and Two-page Supplement, May Sth, 1914)
- Simon, Henry, Limited, Free Swinging Plansifter, 301
- Simplon Tunnel, The Second, 172
- Sisson’s Experimental Steam Engine, 714
- Smith and Coventry’s Motor-driven Boring Mill, 260
- Smith and Coventry’s Rail Planing Macliine, 666
- Smith, Percy W., on Compression Tests on Woods, 391
- Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway Goods Locomotive, 448, 456
- South Alberta, Irrigation of, 170, 182 Southall, New Canal at, Otto Mousted, 219 Southend, Boilers and Coal Handling Plant at, 642, 643
- Southwark Bridge, Reconstruction of, 417, 428 Stein Gas Producers, Ansaldo’s Works (xviii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May Sth, 1914)
- Stirk Boring Mill with Motor Drive and Starter, 284, 292
- Stothert and Pitt’s 40-Ton Steam Titan Crane, 684 {Two-page Supplement, June ISth, 1914)
- Strassburg, German Cruiser, 1910-1911, 227 (Fowr-pa^e jS'wppZemeni, February 21th, 1914)
- Stromeyer, C. E., on the Strength of Stayed Flat Plates, 302
- Sulzer Diesel Locomotive, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Surbiton, New Disposal Works at, 5 {Supplement, Jamiary 2nd, 1914)
- Suyehiro Torsionmeter, 397
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Experimental Bulkhead Tank, 426
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Motor Ship Arum, 698, 683, 684
- Swift, George, Radial Drill with Motor Drive, 451
- TABOURIN’S Exhaust Valves
- Tangye Charcoal Gas Engine and Producer
- Tasmanian Government Railways
- Taylor, W. T., on Hydro-electric Engineering in Peru, 68, 72
- Thornycroft’s Four-cylinder Paraffin Marine Engine, 343, 346
- Tientsin—Pukow Railway, 611, 666
- Tookey, W. A., on Commercial Tests of Internal Combustion Engines, 104, 134
- Trist, R., and Co.’s Thermo-feed Differential Pump Governor, 131 ; (Letters), 180, 217, 246, 259
- Tudor Train Lighting System, 221
- Tylor 40 H.P. Lifeboat Engine, 344
- Tyne Dock Station, North-Eastern Railway, 491
- Tynemount, Electric Motor Ship, 21, 22 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- UNION Gas Engines for Bridgit, 494
- United States Naval Collier Neptune, Turbine Control, 573
- United Water Softeners Lime-Soda-Permutit Process, 358 ; (I^etter), 686
- Upper Rhine, Electric Railway in, 555, 568
- VALPJSRAISO, Suction Gas Electric Power Station at, 399, 402
- Vancouver, Yarrow’s Shipbuilding Works at Esquiraalt, 132
- Vaterland, Hamburg-Amerika Liner, 672
- Vaughan and Son’s Electric Pulley Block, 435
- Vickers’ Fighting Biplane, 350, 366
- Vickers’ Motors for Machine Tool Driving, 406
- WAKEFIELD Locomotive Lubricator, Mechanical, 712
- Ward, H. W., and Co.’s New Works at Bournbrook, 400
- Webster and Bennett’s Motor-driven Boring Mills, 260
- Weiskopf, Dr., on Hard Woods for the Construction of Railway Rolling Stock, 616
- Westinghouse Bridge Control System, 673
- Westinghouse, George (Portrait), 316
- White, J. S., Seaplane, 364
- White Star Liner Britannic, Harland and Wolff, Limited, 238, 240
- Wioksteed Power Hack Saw with Induction Motor Drive, 462
- Wicksteed Vertical Single-lever Testing Machine, 391
- Wimperis Roll Velocity Meter, 399
- Witton-Kramer Electric Tool and Hoist Company’s Portable Electric Drilling Machines and Grinding and Polishing Machines, 606, 607
- Wolf, S., and Co.’s Electric Pneumatic Hammer, 358
- Woolwich Arsenal, Special Wagons for, Hurst, Nelson and Co., 617, 618
- YARROW’S New Works at Esquimalt, 132
- Yarrow-Terry Forced Draught Turbo Fan, 207 ; (Correction), 304
- Yarwood, W. J., and Sons’ Yacht’s Tug and Water Boat, 13
- Yauli River, Peru, Hydro-electric Power Plant on, W. T. Taylor, 68, 72
- ACETYLENE Welding Outfit, Portable, Acetylene Illuminating Company, Limited, 301
- Adzing and Boring Machine for Railway Sleepers, T. Robinson and Son, Limited, 29(» Aero and Marine Exhibition, 317, 326, 343, 360, 354
- Aerodynamic Balance, Cambridge Scientific
- Instrument Company, 541
- Aeronautical Motor, Salmson, 326
- Air Compressor—see Compressor
- Air Pump, The Jaeger Turbine, 408
- Airship, Forlanini, Citt^ di Milano {Supplement
- January 1914)
- Airship, Forlanini, Citt^ di Milano, Destruction of, 421
- Armour Plate, lOin., for Spanish Battleship Jaime I., 320
- Artesian Water Supply of Australia, 63 Automatic Coupling for Narrow-gauge Railways, Fischer, 482
- Automatic Drain Valve for Steam Cylinders, Sir W. H. Bailey and Co., 301
- Automatic Telephone System, Betulander’s, 214
- Automatic Telephones and Electric Clocks at King’s College Hospital, 243
- Axle, Bridged, for Heavy Vehicles, Butler’s, 176
- BAND Saw Mill, T. Robinson and Son, Limited 381
- Barrage, Hindia, on the Euphrates, 87, 100 Battleships—see Ships
- Belt, Steel, Driving, Eloesser System, 246
- Biplane Scout, British and Colonial Aeroplane Company, 365
- Bo^e Suspension Link, L. Othegraven, 246
- Boiler, Combined Cylindrical and Water-tube, T. Hudson, Limited, 488, 489
- Boiler, Marine Water-tube, J. and A. Niclausse, 280,’ (Letter), 463 {Two-page Supplement, March \3th, 1914)
- Boiler, Mercury, with Steam Generating Apparatus for Power Production, W. L. R. Emmet, 697
- Boiler, Oil-fired Water-tube, Heat Analysis of, D. W. Rennie, 472, 499
- Boilers and Boiler Shops at Ansaldo’s Works (iv, vi, vii, viii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May ^th, 1914)
- Boilers and Coal Handling Plant at Southend, British Niclausse Boiler Company, 642, 643
- Boilers Fired with Coke Oven Gas, Ammonia Recovery Producer Gas, Blast Furnace Gas, and Liquid Fuel, Boneoourt Process, 625, 567, 685 ; (Letters), 601, 648, 686, 713
- Boilers of the P. and O. Steamship Khiva, 79. 366, 376
- Boring Machines—see Machine Tools
- Breakdowns of Machinery, Michael Loncridee on, 188
- Bridge, Lower Ganges, Eastern Bengal Railway, 20 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Bridge, Southwark, Reconstruction of, 417, 428 Bronze, John Dewrance, 342, 369
- Building, New, Institution of Civil Engineers {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Bulkhead Tank, Experimental, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 426
- By-product Recovery—see Gas Producer
- CANAL at Southall, Otto Mousted, 219
- Carrier, Electric, for Transportation of Mails. 154, 162
- Case Hardening Test, H. S. Heathcote, 661
- Cement Works, Claydon, Ipswich, 310, 322 {Two-page Supplement, March 2(ith, 1914)
- Charcoal (^as Producer—see Gas Producer
- Chocolate Factory near Bristol, Carson’s Limited, 36 ; (Correction), 67
- Clutch, The Saver, 383
- Coalfield, Chinese, Rope Conveyors at, 64 {Two-page Supplement, Jamtary IQth, 1914)
- Coalfields of Western Canada, 627
- Coal Handling Plant at Southend, Ed. Bennis and Co., Limited, 642, 643
- Coal Staithe Fire, 191
- Colliery Shaft Signal Indicator, J. Milbum, 700 Combustion Process, The Bonecourt Surface,
- 625, 657, 686; (Letters), 601, 648, 686, 71,3
- Commercial Motor Vehicle, 2-Ton, Daimler Company, 76, 77
- Commercial Motor Vehicle Exhibition, 160, 176 (Commercial Tests of Engines—see Engines Compressed Air Locomotive and Kock Drills, 172
- Compression Tests on Woods, Percy W. Smith, 391
- Compressor, Electrically Driven Air, Keavell and Co., 576
- Concrete Piling, New System, T. W. Kidley, 489 Concrete, Reinforced, Reservoirs for Gaya Waterworks, 393
- Condenser, Dr. P, H. Mtiller, 686
- Control Alarm for Marine Engines, T. H. Hill 134
- Control of Marine Turbines—see Turbines Controller for Motor-driven Lathes, Laurence, Scott and Co., 178
- Controllers—see also Electrical Matters
- Conveyors at a Chinese Coalfield, 64 {'I'uio-page Supplement, January 16/A, 1914)
- Coupling, Automatic, for Narrow-gaugo Railways, Fischer, 482
- Crane, 16-Ton Movable Electric, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Limited, 236
- Crane, 40-Ton Steam Titan, Stothert and Pitt, 684 {Two-page Sup'j^ement, June mh, 1914)
- Cranes for Hull Joint Dock, Craven Brothers, Royce, Limited, and Werf Gusto, 676, 703, 704
- Crossing, Double Scissoi’s, in Rolled Manganese Steel, Buenos Aires Great Western Railway, Edgar Allen and Co., 78
- DAM, Assouan, K. Holt, G31
- Diesel Engines- - ^ee EnginGs
- Dividing Engine at Ansaldo’s Works (iii, v, Twenty-eight-pagc Supplement. Mau ^th, 1914)
- Dock, Gladstone, Liverpool, 2 [Szcpplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Dock, New Joint, at Hull, 122, 123, 674, 678, 701
- Docks at Bombay, 35
- Drain Valve, Automatic, for Steam’ Cylinders, Sir W. H. Bailey and Co., 301
- Drainage Works, Manchester, T. de Courcy Meade, 234, 235
- Dredger for a Siamese Tin Field, Lobnitz and Co., 186, 189 {Two-page Supplement, February nth, 1914)
- Drilling Machines—/tee Machine Tools
- Drop Stamps, Friction, B. and S. Massey, 668
- Dynamometer Tests of London and North- Western Engine—see Locomotive, Sir Gilbert Claughton
- Adnil Electric Company’s Equipment for Large Machine Tool Driving, 341
- Ansaldo’s Works, Electrical Manufacturing Department (xv, xvi, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3fh, 1914)
- Application of Electrical Driving to Existing Rolling Mills, L. Rothera, 493
- Archdale Radial Drilling Machine with Vickers Motor Drive, 406
- Armour Plate Grinder, and Armour Plate Planing Machine with Vickers Motor Drive, 284, 406
- Asquith’s Drills with Various Electric Drives 284,292
- Automatic Starters for Heavy Machine Tools, Laurence, Scott and Co., 147
- Boring Mills, Motor-driven, 168, 260, 273 274, 284, 292
- British Thomson-Houston Motors for Driving in Workshops, 97, 117, 261, 262, 286, 341, 424, 451
- “ Cascade ” Induction Motors, Sandycroft, Limited, 424
- Claydon Cement Works, Electrical Equipment, 312
- Control Alarm for Marine Engines, T. H. Hill, 134
- Controller, Carbon Contact, for Motor-driven Lathes, Laurence, Scott and Co., 178
- Drilling Machines, Grinding and Polishing Machines, Motor-driven, Witton-Kramer, 606, 507
- Drills, Portable, Motor-driven, J. H. Holmes and Co., 607
- Dynamos for 4000-Kjlowatt Geared Turbogenerator, Siemens Brothers, 432 (Two- ?page Supplement, April llth,- 1914)
- Electric and Ordnance Accessories Company’s Equipment for Machine Tool Driving, 406
- Electric Pulley Block, Vaughan and Son, Limited, 435
- Girod Electric Furnaces at Ansaldo’s Works (xvii, xviii, xxiii, Twenty-eight-page Supple^ ment. May 3th, 1914)
- Gorges Motor Connections, 424
- Heavy Switchgear, A Reyrolle and Co., 218
- Hydro-electric Engineering in Peru, W. T. Taylor, 68, 72
- Induction Motors for Machine Tool Driving, British Thomson-Houston Company, Power Plant Company, 451
- Ingot Slicer with Vickers Motor, 406
- Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Company’s System of Large Machine Tool Driving, 341
- Lathe, -with Variable-speed Motor, Cunliffe and Croom, 284, 292
- Laurence-Scott Motors for Machine Tool Driving, 147, 178, 179, 286
- Locomotives—see Locomotives
- “ Lux ” Storage Cell for Train Lighting, Chloride Electrical Storage Company, 320 : (Correction), 362
- Machine Tool Driving—see Machine and also Workshops
- Mississippi, 300,000 Hydro-electric on the, 475, 602, 610, 530, 631
- Petrol-electric Lighting Set, Record neoring Company, 130 ; (Letters), 161, isO
- Planing Machine with Ih'r.H. Motor and “ Fabroil ” Pinion, Powell, 285
- Planing Machines, Various, with Vickers Motors, Craven Brothers, 284, 406
- Polyphase Commutator Motor, H. W. Butler and Co., 424, 426
- Push Button Control System, Igranic Electric Company, 163
- Push Button Controller, British Thomson- Houston Company, 179
- Railways—see Railways
- Rotary Planing Machine with Westinghouse
- Polyphase Motor, 426, 426
- Screwing Machine, Six-spindle, with Westinghouse Slip Ring Motor, 425, 426
- Screwing Machines for Direct Electrical
- Drive, Joshua Heap and Co., 425, 426
- Sewage Filter Beds, Electric Control Gear for,
- Igranic Electric Company, 646
- Ships—see Ships
- Siemens Brothers’ Equipment for Driving Large Machine Tools, 342
- Split Phase System, E. F. W. Alexanderson, 670, 613
- Switch Panels and Starters, Igranic Electric Company, 260
- Transporting Mails by Electric Induction, 164, 162
- Turbo - generator, 25,000-Kilowatt, for Chicago, C. A. Parsons and Co., 9
- Upper Rhine Railway Equipments, Connections, &c., 555, 668
- Valparaiso Power Station, Gas Producer Plant, 399, 402
- Workshops, Electric Driving in, 96, 117, 146, 178, 201, 260, 284, 292, 340, 406, 424, 451, 606
- Central Exhaust Steam Engine, Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Limited, 647
- Combined Superheater Engines and Boilers for Cement Works near Ipswich, R.
- Garrett and Sons, Limited, 310, 322
- {Tv)o-pa(jc Supplement, March 2(}ih, 1914) Diesel Engine, Small, Results of Trials,
- Professor W. E. Dalby, 395, 464 ; {Letter), 621
- Diesel Engines at Ansaldo’s Works (v, vi, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Diesel Engines of the Fionia, Burmeister and Wain, 60
- Diesel Engines, High-power, for Marine Service, J. Richardson, 662, 659 ; (Letter), 713
- Diesel Engines for Marine Purposes, Present Position of, J. T. Milton, 395, 437
- Djinn Marine Engine, 160 H.P., with Pumps, Compressors and Motor Winch, 317 Experimental Steam Engine for Port Arthur, 479
- Experimental Steam Engine, W. Sisson and Co., 714
- Four-cylinder Monobloc Engines, W. H. Dorman and Co., Limited, 318, 319
- Four-cylinder Paraffin Marine Engine, J. I.
- Thornycroft and Co., 343, 346
- Four-cylinder Paraffin Marine Motor, Dixon Brothers and Hutchinson, 345
- Gas Engines and Alternators at Accrington, 6 (^Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Gas Engines and Producers at Valparaiso,
- Ruston, Proctor and Co., 399, 402 Gleniffor Paraffin Marine Motor, 343 Hot Bulb Engine, Mitcham Motor Company, 682
- Internal Combustion Engines, Commercial Tests of, W. A. Tookey, 104, 134
- Kromhout Hot Plate Engine, Permaii and Co., 318
- Lifeboat Engine, 40 H.P., J. Tylor and Sons, 344
- Marine Engine, Company, 345
- Marine Engines, Hill, 134
- Marine Type Engines, J. Brooke and Co., 317, 319
- Mill Engines, Breakdowns of, Michael Long- ridgo, 188
- Motor Tank Ship Sebastian’s Ihigincs. A. B. Diesels Motorer, 264, 268
- Paraffin Engines of the U’rain Ferry Bridgit, Union Gas Engine Company, 494
- Paraffin Marine Engines, Parsons Motor Company, 344
- Petrol Engine for Lighting Set, Record Engineering Company, Limited, 130 ; (Letters), 161, 180
- Quadruple-expansion Engines of the P. and O. Steamship Khiva, 79, 366, 376 (Two- page Supplement, April 3rcZ, 1914)
- Self-starter for Large Marine Motors, AiEa Craig Company, 346
- Small Marine Engines, Boulton and Paul, 318 Suction Gas Engine, 200 H.P., for Tin Dredger, Tangyes Limited, 186, 189
- {Two-page Sup-fiement, Febriuiry 13th, 1914)
- EXHIBITION, Aero and Marine, 317 Exhibition, Commercial Motor Vehicle, 160, 176 Exhibition, Mining, at Manchester, 681, 698 Exhibition, San Francisco, 216
- Explosion Gas Turbine, Theory of the, T. B. Morley, 337
- FACTORY, Chocolate, near Bristol, Carsons, Limited, 36 ; (Correction), 67
- Feed-water Diffuser, The “ C. K.,” Holdsworth and Sons, 630
- Ferry, Motor-driven Train, Bridgit, for San Francisco, 494
- Fighting Biplane, Vickers Limited, 360, 365
- Fitting-out Yard, Genoa Harbour, Gio. Ansaldo e Co. (xxv—xxvii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Flying Boat, Perry, Beadle and Co., 360, 364
- Flying Machine from an Engineering Standpoint, F. W. Lanchester, 516, 548
- Forced Draught, Turbo-Fan for, Yarrow- Terry, 207 ; (Correction), 304
- Foundries, Iron and Steel, at Ansaldo’s Works (xv-xviii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, Mau 8ZA, 1914)
- Freeboard by Formula, A. A. Liddoll, 279 Friction Drop Stamps, B. Hud S. Massey, 668 Furnaces, Forging and Annealing, Bonecourt Surface Combustion, 626
- GAS Engines—see also Engines
- Gas Engines and Alternators at Accrington, 6 I {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Gas Engines and Producers at Valparaiso, Ruston, Proctor and Co., 399, 402
- Gas Escape Detector, Dr. A. M. Low, 134
- Gas Furnaces—see Steel Furnaces
- Gas Producer, Charcoal, for a Tin Dredger, Tangyes Limited, 186, 189
- Gas Producer, “ Moore ” By-product Recovery, Dowson and Mason Gas Plant Company, 296
- Gas Producers, Stein, at Ansaldo’s Works (xviii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, Mau Sth, 1914)
- Gas Pumps, Humphrey, for Chingford Reservoir, 11 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Gas Purification, Dry Cleaning, F. Muller, 660 Governor for Water Turbines, Percy Pitman. 407
- Granary at Meadowside, Glasgow, 634, 636, 638 Graphical Differentiation, H. Holzer, 130; (Letter), 161
- Grinding Machines—see Machine Tools
- Gun Shields, Italian 6in., Trials of, 602
- Guns and Gun-making at Ansaldo’s Works (x—xiv, XX, xxii, xxiii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, and Four-paqe Supplement, Mau Sth, 1914)
- Gyroscopic Monorail System, Schilowsky, 106
- HAMMERS—see Machine Tools
- Harbour Improvements at Galway, 120
- Hard Woods for the Construction of Railway Rolling Stock, Dr. Weiskopf, 616
- Hardness 'resting. Martens, 281
- Heat Analysis of an Oil-fire<l Water-tube Boiler, D. W. Rennie, 472, 499
- Hudson, Thomas, Limited, Combined Cylindrical and Water-tube Boiler, 488, 489
- Hydraulic Presses at Ausaldo’s Works (viii, XV, xvi, xviii, xix. Twenty-eight-page Supplement, and Two-page Supplement, May Sth, 1914) Hydro-electric Engineering in Peru, W. T. Taylor, 68, 72
- Hydro-electric Plant, 300,000 H.P., on the Mississippi, 476, 602, 510, 530, 631
- INDICATOR, Colliery Shaft Signal, J. Milburn, 700
- Indicator Diagrams, Optical, of Small Diesel Engine, Professor W. E. Dalby, 395, 4G4 ; (Letter), 621
- Internal Combustion Engines—see Engines Irrigation of Southern Alberta, 170, 182
- LABORATORIES at Ansaldo’s Works (xii, xiii, XV, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, Mau Sth, 1914)
- Lathes—see Machine Tools
- Launching—see Ships Lifeboats—see Ships
- Lighting Set, Two-cycle Petrol Electric, Record Engineering Company, 130: (Letters), 161, 180
- Link, Bogie Suspension, L. Othegraven, 246 Link Chain Grate Stoker, Bennis, Ed., and Co., Limited, 699
- Loading Jib at Harton Low Staithes after a Fire, 191
- Lock for Sliding Doors of Railway Carriages, Gabriel and Co., 27
- Locomotive. “ Baltic ” Type Tank, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 546 ; (Letter), 648
- Compressed Air, 172
- Electric, for Giovi Line, 16, 25 {Supplement, January 2nd, , 1914)
- Electric, Lotschberg Railway, 7 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Erection at Ansaldo’s Works (viii, ix, X, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May Sth, 1914)
- Express Goods Stumpf, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Four-cylinder Compound, Paris- l<yons-Mediterranean Railway, 19 {Supplement, January 2r^, 1914)
- Four-cylinder Non - Compound Passenger, Sir Gilbert Claugh- ton, London and North- Western Railway, 18, 148,
- 149, 186 ; (Letters), 245, 259 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Goods, Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway, 448, 466
- London and South-Western Railway, Mixed Traffic, and Tender, 18, 106, 634, 536 {Two-page Supplement, May \5th, 1914)
- Lubricator, Mechanical, C. C. Wakefield and Co., 712
- Mogul Express Goods, London, . Brighton and South Coast Railway, 18, 120, 126 ; (Correction), 163 {Two-page Coloured Supplement, January S()th, 1914) Six-coupled Express Superheater, Great Central Railway, 18 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914) Six-coupied Tank, London, Tilbury and Southend (Midland) Railway, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Sulzer Diesel, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Superheater, Scliinidt (?irculating System, 64
- Wheel Quartering Blachine, Motor-driven, Cunliffe and Croom, 262
- Locomotives, Electric, for the’Butte. Anaconda and Pacific Railway, 445
- Mineral Tank, with Mestre Super- heater, Chemin de fer de I’Est. 618, 619
- Single-phase, for the Rhsetian Railway, A.E.G. Company, 246
- Superheating Steam in, Henry Fowler, 66, 96, 127 ; (letter), 161
- Log Band-Saw Mill, T. Robinson and Son, Limited, 381
- Lubricator, Mechanical Locomotive, C. C. Wakefield and Co., 712
- Adzing and Boring Machine for Railway Sleepers, T. Robinson and Son, J.,imited, 296
- Archdale Radial Drilling Machine with Vickers Motor, 406
- Armour Plate Grinder and Armour Plate Planing Maclunes with Vickers Motor Drive, 284, 406
- Armour Plate Planing Machine, T. Shanks and Co., 710
- Automatic Starters for Heavy Machine Tools, Laurence, Scott and Co., 147
- Bar-cutting Machine with British Thomson- Houston Motor, 117
- Boring Mill with Motor Drive and Starter, J. Stirk and Sons, 284, 292
- Boring Mills, Motor-driven, Kearns, Smith and Coventry, Webster and Bennett, 260. 284, 292
- Boring, Tapping, Studding anti Milling Machine, G. and A. Harvey, Limited, 514, 515
- Boring and Turning Mill, King Machine Tool Company, 158
- Boring and Turning Mill, Vertical, J. Butler and Co., 273, 274 ; (Correction), 300
- Cameron Shearing Machine and Craig and Donald Beam Bender, ^vith Laurence, Scott and Co.’s Motors, 146
- Drilling Machine, Vertical, Limited, 620
- Drilling Machines, Grinding and Polishing Machines, Witton-Kramer Electric Tool and Hoist Company, 506, 507
- Drills, Portable, Motor-driven, J. H. Holmes and Co., 507
- Drills, Various Motor-driven, William Asquith and Co., 284, 292
- Electric Driving of Macliine Tools—see also Workshops
- Grinding Machine, Heavy Plain, Churchill Machine Tool Company, 298
- Gun-boring Lathe and Locomotive Wheel Lathe, G. and A. Harvey, with Power Plant Company’s Electrical Gears, 452
- Hammer, Electric Pneumatic, S. AVolf and Co., 358
- Hammer, Electro-pneumatic, with Mather and Platt Motor, 117
- Ingot Slicer, with Vickers Motor, 406 Lathe, Converted, A. H. Maltman, 201, 203 Lathe Cutting-off Tool, The Eldick, Motogear Engineering Company, 630
- Lathe, High-speed Combination Turret, H. W. Ward and Co., Limited, 461
- Lathe, Motor-driven with Laiu-ence-Scott Controller, Thomas Shanks and Co., 178 Lathe, with Variable Speed Motor, Cunliffe and Croom, 284, 292
- Lathe, Vertical Turret, Motor-driven, Bullard, and British Thomson-Houston Companv. 261, 262 *
- Locomotive Wheel Quartering Machine, Driven by Two Motors, Cunliffe and Croom. 262
- Machine, Motor-driven, for Grinding Calender Bowls, Mather and Platt, 96
- Machine Tools, Motor-driven, Various, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 201
- Mild Steel Milling Cutters at Sampierdarena Works (ii, hi, Twenty-eight-page Supple^ tnent^ May 3th, 1914)
- Neasden Works, Tools Driven by British Thomson-Houston Company’s Induction Motors, 451
- Pipe Flange Drilling Machine, Portable, G. and A. Harvey, Limited, 435
- Planers, with Mather and Platt Motors, 146 Planing Machine with B.l’.H. Motor and “ Fabroil ” Pinion, Powell, 285
- Planing Machine, 20ft., Loudon Brothers Limited, 436
- Planing Machines, with Vickers Drive, 406 Polishing Shop, with Motor-driven Tools, 462 Power Hack Saw, with Induction Motor Drive, Wicksteed, 462
- Punching, Angle - cutting and Bending Machine, Combiued, F. Berry and Sons, 691
- Radial Drill, with Induction Motor Drive George Swift, 461
- Radial Drill, with Mather and Platt Motor. 146
- Radial Planing Machine for Armour Plate with Vickers Motor, Craven Brothers, 284
- Rail-planing Machine, 17ft., Smith and Coventry, 665
- Rotary Planing Machine, with Westinghouse Polyphase Motor, 426, 426
- Sampierdarena Works, Machine Tools and Shops (ii-vi, Twenty-eight-page 8upple^ ment, May 3th, 1914)
- Screwing Machine, Six-spindle, with Westinghouse Slip Ring Motor, 425, 426
- Screwing Machines for Direct Electrical Drive, Joshua Heap and Co., 426, 426
- Stirk Lathes with Motors by Electromotors. Limited, 117
- Turret Lathe, with Geared Motor, Pollock and McNab and Electromotors, Limited, 201, 204
- Vertical Boring, Turning, and Drilling Machine, Geo. Richards and Co., 658
- Works, H. W. Ward and Co., at Bournbrook, 400
- MANGANESE Steel Crossing for Buenos Aires G. W. Railway, 78
- Manganese Steel Railway Crossing for Buenos Aires, Hadfields, Limited, 480
- Antwerp, Improvements in the Port, 696 Artesian Basins of Australia, 63 Belfort District, Railways in. 566 Chinese Railway Systems, 443
- Furka Railway and Neighbourhood, 694
- Galway Harbour Improvements, 120 Gaya and its Waterworks, 393
- Giovi Railway, 26
- Hindia Barrage and Works, Site of the, 87
- India and Ceylon, Communication between, 236
- Irrigation Sections of South Alberta, 170 Mersey Railway Tunnel, Proposed, 44 Rangoon River, 683
- Rangoon Training Wall, 683
- Salt Field in North Cheshire, 62
- Wireless Installations, United States, 380 Yarrow’s New Works at Esquimalt, Vancouver, 132
- MARINE Engines —see Engines
- Mechanical Engineering Aspects of Road Construction, Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, 55, 81, 109 ; (Letters), 63
- Mercury Vapour, Power from, W. L. R, Emmet. 697
- MUitary Car for India, G. I. P. Railway, 630 Mineral Tank Locomotives—see Locomotives Mining Exhibition at Manchester, 681, 698 jVIixer, Roller Metal, for Steel Works, Berlin- Anhalt Company, 591
- Modem Methods of Welding, T. T. Heaton. 232, 239, 247
- Monoplane, All Steel Armoured, Clement- Bayard, 356
- Monoplane, Two-seater, Blackburn Aero Company, 365
- Monorail System, Gyroscopic, Schilowsky, 106 Monotype Printing Machinery, 197, 228, 265 Motor-driven Train Ferry *Bridgit for San Francisco, 494
- Motor Traffic, Noise of, 169, 206, 230
- Motor Valves, I^earn’s Device for Trueing up, 52
- Motor Vehicle, Commercial, Exhibition, 150. 176
- Motor Vehicle, Commercial, Two-ton, Daimler Company, 76, 77
- NOISE of Motor Traffic, 169, 205, 230
- OIL Engines—see Engines
- PASSENGER Transportation in Large Cities, J. M. McElroy, 348, 370 ; (Letter), 620
- Periodograph, 490
- Petrol-electric Lighting Set, Keoord Engineering Company, 130; (Letters), 161, 180
- Petrol Lorry Chassis, 4-Ton, Hallford, 177 Petrol Wagon, 4i-Ton, Clayton and Co., 150 Plamng Machines—Machine Tools Plansifter, Free Swinging, H. Simon, Limited. 301 » » .
- Port of Antwerp, 696
- Portable Acetylene Welding Outfit, Acetylene Illuminating Company, Limited, 301
- Portrait, James Gresham, 76
- Portrait, John Wykeham Jacomb-Hood, 287
- Portrait, George Westinghouse, 315
- Ropes, E. Kenyon, 436,
- Precision Tachometer, Schaffer and Budenberg, Limited, 636
- Presses at Ansaldo’s Works—see Hydraulic Presses
- Printing, Monotype, Machinery, 197, 228, 266 Producer—see Gas Producer
- Pulley Block, Electric, Vaughan and Son, Limited, 436
- Pump. Axial Flow Centrifugal, Mather and Platt, 698
- Pump, Centrifugal, for Semi-viscous Fluids, Mather and Platt, 698
- Pump Control Gear, The “ Jumper,” Leeds Engineering and Hydraulic Company, 492
- Pump, Five-stage Centrifugal Boiler Feed, Motor-driven, Holden and Brooke, Limited, 301
- Pump Governor, Thermo-feed Differential, R. Trist and Co., Limited, 131 ; (Letters). 180, 217, 245, 269
- Pump, Portable Petrol-driven, Merryweather and Sons, 462
- Pump, Rotary, 617
- Pump. Small Gear, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 79
- Pump, Turbine Boiler Feed, Mather and Platt, 698
- Pumping Plant, Diesel Engine-driven Air Lift, at Limpsfield, 287, 289 ; (Correction), 364
- Pumping Plant for Hull Joint Dock, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 701
- Pumps, Centrifugal, J. T. Rossiter, 637, 666
- Push Button Control System, Igranic Electric Company, 163
- Push Button Controller, British Thomson- Houston Company, 179
- RAIL Planing—see Machine Tools
- Railway Bogie Suspension Link, L. Othe- graven, 246
- Butte, Anaconda and Pacific, Electrification, 446
- Car, Military, for India, 630
- Coupling, Automatic, Fischer, 482 Crossing, Double Scissors, in Rolled Manganese Steel for Buenos Aires Great Western Railway, Edgar Allen and Co., 78
- Crossing in Manganese Steel, Hadfields, Limited, 480
- Dock—see Dock
- Electrification in Italy, Practical Results of, 89, 116, 143, 174
- Furka, 694, 706
- Giovi, Electrification, 16, 26 Kiangsu, 601
- Rolling Stock, Hard Woods for the Construction of. Dr. Weiskopf, 616
- Shanghai-Nanking, 664
- Signalling School, Lancashire and Yorkshire, 42, 46
- Single-phase, in the Eastern Pyrenees, 642, 670
- Single-phase, New York, New Haven and Hartford, 460, 488
- Single-phase, in the Upper Rhine District, 655, 668
- Sleepers, Adzing and Boring Machine for, T. Robinson and Son, Limited, 296
- Station at Tyne Dock, 491
- System, Split-phase Electric, E. F. W. Alexanderson, 670, 613
- The Coire-Arosa, 478, 484
- Tientsin—Pukow, 611, 666
- Railways in China, 443, 501, 664, 611, 666 Reservoir at Chingford, 11 {Supplement^ Janu- ary 1914)
- River Training Wall at Rangoon, 683, 594 Road Construction, Mechanical Engineering
- Aspects of. Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, 66, 81, 109 ; (Letters), 63 |
- Rock Drills, Compressed Air, 172 Roll Velocity Meter, Wimperis, 399
- Rope Conveyors at a Chinese Coalfield, 64 {Two-page Supplement Jamiary 1914) ~ E. Kenyon,
- SALT Field in North Cheshire, 62
- Saver Clutch, 383
- Screwing Machines—see Machine Seaplane, The 100 H.P. Avro
- January ^nd^ 1914)
- Seaplane, Pemberton-Billing, 364
- Seaplane, J. S. White, 364
- Separator, Diamond Blower Company, Limited, 646
- Sewage Disposal Works at Broxburn, Linlithgowshire, 644, 660
- Sewage Disposal Works at Surbiton, 5 {Supqde- ment, January 2ndy 1914)
- Sewage Filter Beds, Electric Control Gear for, Igranic Electric Company, 646
- Sewage Pumping Station at Abbey Mills {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Launching System at Sestri Ponente, Ansaldo’s Works (xxiii, xxv. Twenty-eight- page Su/pplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Some Questions Relating to Battleship Design, T. G. Owens, 373, 384, 410
- Unsinkable Ship, G. W, Dickie, 163
- Warship Construction in 1913, 10, 147, 204 ; (Correction), 133
- Warships and their Equipment at Ansaldo’s Works (vi, vii, xvii, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, Twenty-eight-page Suppletnent, and Three Two-page Supplements, May 3th, 1914)
- Iron Duke, H.M. Battleship, 10 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Laverock, H.M. Torpedo-boat Destroyer, Aground, 286
- French Battleship Courbet, 18 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- French Destroyers Bisson and Renaudin, 616
- German Battleship Kaiser' {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- German Dreadnought Kronprinz, 329
- German Warship Design, Modern, 227 {Four- page Supplement, February 2'lth, 1914)
- Italian Battleship Giulio Cesare (vi, xvi. Twenty-eight-page Supplement, and Two- page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Italian Submarine Salvage Vessel Anteo, Werf Gusto (A. F. Smulders), 208, 210
- Neptune, United States Naval Collier, Control of Turbines from the Navigating Bridge. 673
- Aerial Screw Tug, James Pollock, Sons and Co.. Limited, 608
- Aquitania, The Cunard Liner, 21, 687, 622, 630 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Arum, Motor Ship, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 698, 683, 684
- Cairnross, Geared Turbine Cargo Steamer, 21 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- California, Motor Ship {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Cap Trafalgar, South American Liner, 312
- Crusader, with 300 H.P. Brooke Engine, 317, 319
- Datetree, Self-trimming Collier, 626
- Emanuel Nobel, Motor Ship {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914) :
- iionia, Diesel Engine Ship, Burmeister and Wain, 60
- Hagen, Motor Oil Tank Ship {Supplement,
- I January 2nd, 1914)
- Imperator, Hamburg-America Liner, 21
- I {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Jules Henry Converted from Sailing to Motor Ship, 400 ; (Letter), 463
- King Orry, Geared Turbine Channel Steamer. 21 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Lifeboats, Motor, for Atlantic Liners, MacLaren Brothers, 460
- Peninsular and Oriental Liner Khiva, 79, 366, 376 {Two-page Supplement, April 3rd,
- Sea Queen, Yacht’s Tug and Water Boat, W. J. Yarwood and Sons, 13
- Sebastian, Motor Tank Ship, Caledon Shipbuilding Company, 264, 268 ; (Letter), 463
- Twin-screw Tug and Salvage Steamer, Dunedin, Stevenson and Cook, 217
- Tynemount, Electric Motor Ship, 21, 22 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1914)
- Typical Ships, 366, 376 {Two-page Supplement, April 3rd, 1914)
- Vaterland, Hamburg-Amerika Liner, 572
- White Star Liner Britannic, Harland and Wolff, Limited, 238, 240, 267
- SHIPBUILDING Works at Esquhnalt, Vancouver, Yarrow and Co., 132
- Shipyard Extensions at Hebburn-on-Tyne, Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., 14
- Shipyard at Sestri Ponente, Gio. Ansaldo e Co. (xxiii-xxv, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May Sth, 1914)
- Shrinking Furnace for Guns at Ansaldo’s Works (x, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May Sth, 1914)
- Signalling School, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, at Manchester, 42, 46
- Snow Plough, Rotary, for the Lotschberg Railway, Henschel and Son, 460
- Spiral Gears, Mark Barr, 662
- Stayed Flat Plates, The Strength of, C. E. Stromeyer, 302
- Steam Circulating System for Schmidt Superheater, Tasmanian Government Railways, 64
- Steam Engines—see Engines
- Steam Superheating in Locomotives, Henry Fowler, 66, 96 ; (Letter), 161
- Steel, Case-hardened, at Sampierdarena Works ' Supplement, May Sth,
- Steel Driving Belts, Eloesser System, 245
- Steel Furnaces, Gas and Electric, at Ansaldo’s Works (iii, x, xi, xv—xxiii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement and Two Two-page Supplements, Ma/y Sth, 1914)
- Steel Works Mixer, Roller Metal Berlin-Anhalt Co., 691
- Stoker, Link Chain Grate, Ed. Bennis and Co,, Limited, 699
- Strain Meter, Foster, 397
- Strej^gth of Stayed Flat Plates, C. E. Stromeyer,
- Sun Power Plant at Cairo, F. Shuman, 330
- Superheated Engines and Boilers for Cement Works near Ipswich, Richard Garrett and Sons, Limited, 310, 322 {Two-page Supplement, March 2Qth, 1914)
- Superheater, The Mestre, 618, 619
- Superheater, Schmidt Circulating System for, 54
- Superheating Steam in Locomotives, Henry
- Fowler, 66, 96, 127 ; (Letter), 161
- Surface Combustion Process, The Bonecourt, 626, 657, 586 ; (Letters), 601, 648, 686, 713
- Swivel Pin Lubrication System, Butler’s, 176
- TACHOMETER Set, Precision, Schaffer and Budenberg, Limited, 636
- Tank, Experimental Bulkhead, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 426
- Telegraphy on Trains, Wireless, 380
- Telegraphy, Wireless, H. Fothergill, 628
- Telephone System, Automatic, Betulander’s, 214
- Telephones, Automatic, and Electric Clocks at King’s College Hospital, 243
- Test of Armour Plate for Spanish Battleship Jaime I., 320
- Testing Apparatus at Ansaldo’s Works (xiii, xv, Twenty-eight-page Supplement^ May Sth, 1914)
- Testing, Hardness, Martens, 281
- Testing Machine for Wood, Wicksteed, 391
- Textile Machinery Exhibition at Manchester, 383
- Thermal Treatment Department, Ansaldo’s Works (xx-xxiii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, Ma/y Sth, 1914)
- Thermofeed Differential Pump Governor, R. Trist and Co., Limited, 131 ; (Letters), 180, 246, 269
- Tin Dredger for a Siamese Tin Field, Lobnitz and Co., 186, 189 {Two-pa^e Supplement, February Vith, 1914)
- Torsionmeter, Suyehiro, 397
- Torsionmeters, Recording, for Turbines, Denny- Edgecombe, 408
- Train Control, Automatic, Great Western Railway, 80
- Train Ferry Bridgit, Motor-driven, 494
- Train Lighting Batteries, Chloride Electrical Power Storage Company, 320 ; (Correction), 362
- Train Lighting Systems, T. Ferguson, 220
- Trains, Wireless Telegraphy on, 380
- Transmission of Power by Ropes, E. Kenyon, 436, 692
- Transport and Military Biplane, Grahame White, 360, 364
- Transportation, Passenger, in Large Cities, J. M. McElroy, 348, 370 ; (Letter), 620
- Transporting Mails by Electric Induction, 154, 162
- Trueing up Motor Valves, Pearn’s Device, 52 Tube, X-Ray, Dr. W. D. Coolidge, 680
- Tunnel, Lotschberg, Southern Portal, 7 {Supplement, Jamtary “ind, 1914)
- Tunnel, Proposed Mersey Railway, 44
- Tunnel, The Second Simplon, 172
- Turbine Air Pump, The Jaeger, 408
- Turbine of the French Destroyer Renaudin, 615 {Two-page Supplement, June 5th, 1914)
- Turbine, Geared, for Driving 4000-Kilowatt Generator, C. A. Parsons and Co., 432 {Two-page Supplement, April llth, 1914)
- Turbine Governor, Percy Pitman, 407
- Turbine, Low Head Water, J. J. Armfield and Co., 544
- Turbines, Francis Reaction, for Power Plant on the Mississippi, 631, 532
- Turbines, Marine, Control of, from the Navigating Bridge, 673
- Turbines for War Vessels at Gio. Ansaldo’a Works (iv, v, vi, viii, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Turbo-Fan for Forced Draught, Yarrow- Terry, 207 ; (Correction), 304
- Turbo-Generator, 25,000-Kilowatt, for Chicago, C. A. Parsons and Co., 9
- Turnery at Ansaldo’s Works (ix, x, 'twenty- eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Type-making Machinery at Lanston, 197, 228, 266
- UNSINKABLE Ship, (i. AV. Dickie, 163
- VALVE, Exhaubb, Taboiirin, 54.7
- Valve Leakage Testing, H. Boliinckx, 208
- Viaducts on the Coire-Arosa Railway, 478, 484
- Vibrator, Dr. Gisbert Kapp, Sandycroft. Limited, 347
- WAGON, 4|-Ton Petrol, Clayton and Co., 160
- Wagons, Special, for Woolwich Arsenal, Hurst, Nelson and Co., 617, 618
- Warships—see Ships
- Water Softening Plant at Hooton, Cheshire, , 654, 686
- Water Softening Process, Lime-Soda-Permutit, 358
- Water Supply of Australia, 63
- Water Turbine, Low Head, J. J. Armfield and Co, 644
- Waterworks for Gaya, India, 393
- Waterworks at Limpsfield, 287, 289 ; (Correction), 364
- Welding, Modern Methods of, T. T. Heaton, 232, 239, 247
- Welding Outfit, Portable Acetylene, Acetylene Illuminating Company, Limited, 301
- Winch for Tin Dredger, 186
- Wireless Telegraphy, H. Fothergill, 628
- Wireless Telegraphy on Trains, 380
- Woods, Compression Tests on, Percy W. Smith, 391
- Works, Cornigliano Ligure, Gio. Ansaldo e Co. (xii—XV, Twenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Works, Lanston Monotype Corporation Works, Visit, 197, 228, 265
- Works, Machine Tool, at Bournbrook, H. W. Ward and Co., 400
- Works, Mason’s Cement, at Claydon, Ipswich, 310, 322 {Two-paye Supplement, March 20th, 1914)
- Works, Sampierdarena, Gio. Ansaldo e Co. (i, hi—xii, 'Fwenty-eight-page Supplement, May 3th, 1914)
- Works, Shipbuilding, at Esquimalt, Vancouver, Yarrow and Co., 132
- Workshops, Electric Driving in, 96, 117, 146, 178, 201, 260, 284, 292, 340, 406, 424, 451, 506
- X-RAY Tube, Dr. AV. D. Coolidge, 680
See Also
Sources of Information