Thewlis and Co

of Phoenix Works, Folly Hall, Huddersfield
formerly Thewlis, Sellers and Co
1914 Manufacturers of machinery for dyeing, drying and finishing cottons, woollens and worsted cloths, plushes, sealskins, carpets etc. Specialities: shearing machines for various trades such as rugs, cocoa matting, felt hats, rabbit skins, sheepskins, all kinds of cloth and very wide machines for carpets; special machines for producing effects on mohair and silk fabrics. Employees 50. [1]
1915 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, Edgar Thewlis and Wilfred Quarmby, carrying on business as Cloth Dyeing, Drying and Finishing Machinery Manufacturers, at Phoenix Mills, Folly Hall, Huddersfield, in the county of York, under the style or firm of "THEWLIS AND CO.," has been dissolved by mutual consent...'[2]
1920 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, Edgar Thewlis and Hugh Ramsden, carrying on business as Cloth, Dyeing, Drying and Finishing Machinery Manufacturers, at Phoenix Works Folly Hall, Huddersfield, in the county of York, under the style or firm of THEWLIS & CO., has been dissolved by mutual consent...'[3]