Thomas Morton Gray-Morton (c1871-1929) of R. G. Morton and Belhaven
1922 M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., A.F.Aer.Inst., M.I.E.S., F.R.S.A., Cons. Engr., Civil and Mechanical. T. A.: " Gray-Morton, Bothwell." T. N.: Bothwell 61. Ed. Private School, Dundee High School, Tech. College, Glasgow. Training: With R. G. Morton, Engrs., Errol, near Dundee; Duncan Stewart and Co., Ltd., Glasgow, and others. Four years sea-going Engr.; thereafter Foreman in Mar. Eng. Works, then Man. in Eng., Shipbuilding and Elec. Works in Gt. Britain and the Colonies; afterwards Cons. Engr. and Partner with R. G. Morton, Errol; 1912 joined Major R. R. Mellor, in forming Belhaven Ltd.; Man. Dir. until 1921, when he retired to resume business as Cons. Engr. Club: Conservative, Glasgow. Address: 2, Hamilton Drive, Bothwell, Lanarkshire.
1929 Obituary [1]
THOMAS MORTON GRAY MORTON had practised as a consulting engineer in Glasgow since 1921.
He was trained with his father's firm, Messrs. R. G. Morton, at Errol near Dundee, and gained further experience with other firms, including Messrs. Duncan Stewart and Company, of Glasgow.
He spent three years as a sea-going engineer and afterwards became a foreman in marine engineering works.
From 1893 to 1899 he was works manager at an electrical generating station and then returned to Errol as chief assistant to his father, with whom he later entered into partnership.
In 1912 he joined Major R. R. Mellor in forming the firm of Messrs. Belhaven. He was managing director until 1921, when he resumed his work as a consulting engineer. Mr. Morton had taken out several patents relating to bakery plant and commercial motors.
He died on 1st June 1929, in his fifty-ninth year.
He became a Member of the Institution in 1905.