Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,666 pages of information and 247,074 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Thomas and William Mole

From Graces Guide

of Pagoda Iron Foundry, Adderley Street, Bordesley, Birmingham

This is presumably the same site as the Pagoda Foundry

1831 Advertisement: 'THOMAS MOLE respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced business as ENGINEER, MILLWRIGHT, & GENERAL IRON FOUNDER, at the Pagoda Foundry, Adderley-street, Bordesley, and trusts the practical knowledge he has acquired during a regular apprenticeship served in a similar concern of great celebrity, will ensure those Friends who may be pleased to favour him with their orders, accuracy and punctuality in their execution, and at such reasonable charges as he feels satisfied will secure to himself a repetition of their commands.'[1]

1832 Advertisement: 'THOMAS and WILLIAM MOLE, grateful for favours received since the commencement of their business at the Pagoda Foundry, Adderley-street, beg to inform their Friends and the Public, that they have just completed an extensive assortment of the newest and most approved patterns of Grates, Fenders, &c. which are now ready for inspection, and can be offered upon terms as low as any house in the trade; also Tablets made to any size or design.
T. and W. M. in returning thanks for the preference hitherto shewn them have only to remark, that no exertions shall be wanting on their part to merit a continuation of the commands of their friends. Pagoda Foundry, Adderley-street, Aug. 11, 1832.'[2]

Highly important SALE of very valuable LATHES of immense power, superior Planing and Drilling MACHINES, Shop Tools, 50 tons of Moulding Boxes, 30 tons of Pig and Wrought Iron, modern Foundry PATTERNS, STOCK IN TRADE, two Carts, Gig Horse, Stanhope Gig, and other valuable Property, at the Pagoda Iron Foundry, Deritend, Birmingham.
TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by E. and C. ROBINS and Co. without reserve, on Monday the 12th day of October next, and five following days, commencing each morning at half past ten precisely, upon the above premises—the very valuable Machinery, Patterns. Stock in Trade. Shop Tools, and effects of Messrs. T. and W. Mole, Iron-founders, who are about to dissolve partnership and relinquish the business.
The Property comprises a very extensive and valuable collection of modern patterns for grates all descriptions, furnaces from 8 to 184 gallons, fenders, window frames, palisading, gates, railway carriage wheels, chased ornaments, and a great variety of other patterns in general for the iron-foundry trade, likewise 50 tons of moulding boxes, upwards of 30 tons of pig and wrought iron, superior shop tools, large vices, anvils, forge bellows, a very powerful and valuable self-acting Slide Lathe, with a sixteen feet cast iron bed, 2 feet 6 inch head-stock, cast conical pullies, driving apparatus, &c quite equal to new ; a superior and costly Planing Machine of immense power, to plane a surface of 6 feet by 3 feet one inch, with double action, equal to new. made by Messrs. Roberts and Co. Manchester; a Lathe of great power, with 20 feet cast bed, change wheels, slide rest, driving apparatus, &c. very costly and quite new, made Messrs. J. and D. Glasgow, Manchester; a Double-power Lathe, with 23 feet wood bed, 12 inch centre, cast conical pullies, driving apparatus, &c. maker, Mr. Batho, Manchester; another Double-power Lathe of a similar description ; Single-power Lathe, with 11 inch head-stock, cast conical pullies, driving apparatus, &c. without bed, made by Blackburn, Manchester; one 4 feet 6 inch Bar Lathe, complete; an excellent and very large Drilling Machine, with cast iron conical pullies, &c. equal to new; large crab windlass, with chains and pully blocks; quantity of cast steel, stock of handsome register and other grates, stoves, cooking apparatus, a new STEAM ENGINE of two-horse power, new chaff-cutting machine, kibbling mills, wrought iron railway waggon axles, cast iron water pipes, large scales and weights, well-seasoned mahogany, deal, and pine boards, about three boat-loads of coal, large mill and other grinding stones, two strong carts, capital gig or cart horse, seven years old, handsome stanhope gig, gig and cart harness, saddles, bridles, &c. &c.
Catalogues may be had six days prior to the sale at the Guardian Newspaper Office, Manchester ; Chronicle Office, Wolverhampton ; Dudley Arms Hotel, Dudley ; Swan Inn, West Bromwich; and at the office of the Auctioneers, Birmingham.
May be viewed the 8th, 9th, and 10th days of October, by ticket only, to be had of Messrs. Robins Co. The very complete FOUNDRY to SOLD or LET. Enquire of Messrs. T. and W. Mole, or of Messrs. Robins and Co.'[3]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Aris's Birmingham Gazette, 24 October 1831
  2. Aris's Birmingham Gazette, 13 August 1832
  3. Aris's Birmingham Gazette, 21 September 1840