Tomkinson and Adam
of Kidderminster, and 94, Newgate Street, London, E.C., Axminster Carpet and Rug Manufacturers
1869/71 Established by Michael Tomkinson and William Adam.
1873 Tomkinson and Co exhibited Axminster carpets and rugs at the Vienna Exhibition[1]
1882 A fire occurred at Messrs. Tomkinson's carpet factory at Kidderminster.[2]
1914 Principals: Michael Tomkinson, Peter Adam, William Adam, John Tomkinson, Herbert Tomkinson, Gerald Tomkinson, Ronald William Adam.
Specialities: Power Loom Axminster Carpets in piece goods and wholepiece carpets, without seam. Patentees' and first makers of Power Loom Axminster Carpets. Many Patents held for Axminster Weaving in breadths and whole-piece Carpets.
1927 Tomkinsons Ltd was incorporated to acquire the company.