Victor Lockney
Victor Lockney (1895-1937)
1937 Obituary [1]
Eng. Lieut.-Commr. VICTOR LOCKNEY, R.N. (S.R.), was assistant to the chief superintendent engineer of Messrs. Alfred Holt and Company, Liverpool, an appointment which he received only three months before his death, which occurred in Liverpool on 2nd January 1937. He was born in Hull in 1895 and served a four years' apprenticeship, commencing in 1911, at the Bergen Mekaniske Verksted, Bergen, Norway. After a further six months' training with Messrs. Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., of Hull, he enlisted in the Royal Navy and served as junior engineer on the troopship Minnetonka. He then became a flight officer in the R.N.A.S. In 1918 he was made engineer lieutenant on H.M.S. Orion, and was subsequently appointed chief engineer on a minesweeper, H.M.S. Pytchley. From 1919 to 1922 he took a course in marine engineering at the University of Liverpool and in the following year he became ship and engineer surveyor to Lloyds Register of Shipping, with which he was connected for over thirteen years. He carried out the survey of the machinery and fitting out of the Conte Grande, of 25,000 tons gross, built at Trieste for the Lloyd Sabaudo, of Genoa. In addition he was responsible for the survey of machinery for a large number of motor ships of 9,000-10,000 tons deadweight capacity. Later he was promoted to be senior surveyor, a position which he held until he received his appointment with Messrs. Alfred Holt. Commander Lockney held a commission in the Special Reserve of Engineer Officers of the Royal Navy.
He was elected a Graduate of the Institution in 1922, and was transferred to Associate Membership in 1924, and to Membership in 1928. In addition he was a Member of the Institution of Naval Architects.