of 163 West George Street, Glasgow
1899 The company was registered on 26 April, as the Victoria Cycle Co, in reconstruction of the New Victoria Cycle Manufacturing Co of Scotland. [1]
1906 The name was changed as above.
1910/11 Listed as: 1910/11: Victoria Motor and Cycle Company Ltd, manufacturers of Victoria motors, Victoria, Windsor & Osborne cycles, component parts, and factors of all kinds of motor & cycle accessories, Victoria Works, Dennistoun. Telegraph address "Bicycle". Secy.'s & regd. office, 163 West George St; Matt Mitchell, C.A., secy.[2]
1913-16 Annual reports[3]
1918/19 Listed as: Victoria Motor and Cycle Company Ltd, manufacturers of Victoria motors, Victoria, Windsor & Osborne cycles, component parts, and factors of all kinds of motor & cycle accessories, Victoria Works, Dennistoun. Telegraph address "Bicycle". Secy.'s & regd. office, 163 West George St; Matt Mitchell, C.A., secy.
Victoria of Dennistoun, Glasgow, produced motorcycles from 1902 to 1928.
1902 The company made their own frames to carry bought-in engines and other components. The machines were typical of the era, but of excellent quality. Gradually, over the years, they improved technically.
1908 At the late-Stanley show they exhibited a lightweight, two-stroke model. It had a 143cc engine, Ruthardt magneto and the option of a drop frame to provide a ladies' model. They were still very conventional in style.
1912 Precision engines were now being used, along with an Armstrong three-speed rear hub.
1914 A Precision V-twin, Villiers two-stroke and a 2hp lightweight were added.
1915 The same range continued into that year, but wartime brought a halt to production.
Post-war. They offered a small range using 147cc and 247cc Villiers engines, plus a choice of transmission.
1924 The range was augmented with the addition of four-stroke models using JAP engines.
1925 Engines used were Villiers 147cc, 247cc and 343cc, plus 293cc, 596cc JAP. All had three speeds, but only three had all-chain drive.
1928 The line ran on, little altered, until this year.
See Also
Sources of Information
- The British Motorcycle Directory - Over 1,100 Marques from 1888 - by Roy Bacon and Ken Hallworth. Pub: The Crowood Press 2004 ISBN 1 86126 674 X
- The Encyclopedia of the Motorcycle by Peter Henshaw. Published 2007. ISBN 978 1 8401 3967 9