W. H. Bailey and Co:1935 Review
Note: This is a sub-section of W. H. Bailey and Co
Visit of the Iron and Steel Institute to the Iron, Steel and Engineering Industries of Manchester and District
Sir W. H. Bailey and Co. Ltd.
From its foundation in 1839, under the auspices of Mr. John Bailey, the concern has remained continuously in the hands of one family, and has derived from that circumstance the advantages of a sustained and consistent business policy, together with those accruing from a valuable heritage of accumulated technical experience. All this has tended to the steady development of repute and interests which place the house to-day in the category of those of practically world-wide celebrity.
There are few, if any, markets in which the productions of Sir W. H. Bailey & Co. Ltd. are not now known, and wherever they have found their way they have worthily upheld the honourable traditions of British skill and capacity in the mechanical arts.
The classes of work specially engaging this Company's attention include several, the importance of which is being constantly emphasised in modern industry and public service.
In connection with more than one of them the firm can claim a place in the ranks of the pioneers of progress. In all of them it has specialised with marked success, and has established widely recognised standards of efficiency and reliability.
The departments may be summarised as follows:— Pumps (steam and electric), air compressors, vacuum pumps for chemical works, testing machines for metals, oils, cement, etc., valves for steam, water and gases, gauges and recording instruments for docks, water works, iron and steel works, mines, etc., turnstiles and counters, Thurston oil tester as supplied to the British Admiralty for recording the co-efficient of friction of a bearing with various oils and bearing metals.
A somewhat similar tester has recently been supplied to Messrs. Rolls-Royce Ltd., Derby. Eight of this Company's air compressors were used in the construction of the Lower Zambesi Bridge. The world-renowned Foster reducing valve is manufactured by the firm and is widely used for pressure regulation in steam, water, air and gas installations.
See Also
Sources of Information