W. H. Brown (1901- )
W. H. Brown B.Sc. (Eng.), Wh. Sch., A.C.G.I., A.M.I.Mech.E.
c.1901 Born
1915-19 H.M. Dockyard School, Chatham
1915-21 Apprentice in H.M. Dockyard
1919-21 Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech.
1921-2 Eng. Laboratory, Cambridge Univ.
1922-4 Junior Asst. Engr., Boulton and Paul Norwich
1924-6 Lecturer in Eng., Tech. Inst., Newport, Mon.
1926-7 Junior Tech. Officer, Royal Airship Works, Cardington, Beds.
1927-36 Lecturer in Mech. Eng., Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Portsmouth
1936 Head of Dept. of Mech. and Civil Eng. and Building, Coll. of Tech. and Art, Rotherham.