William Henry Pilmour (c1877-1952), managing director and secretary of Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co
1952 Obituary [1]
It is with regret that we record the sudden death of Mr. W. H. Pilmour, the managing director and Secretary of Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, Ltd., which occurred in his office on Friday, March 7th.
Mr. Pilmour, who was seventy-five years of age, joined the company fifty-four years ago and two years later was appointed secretary. In those days the "Turbinia" had just created history by demonstrating the possibilities of Parsons turbine machinery and Mr. Pilmour was closely associated with Sir Charles Parsons during the early trials and succeeding developments.
He was elected a director of the company in 1930 and three years later he became deputy managing director and then, in 1936, he was appointed managing director, a post which he continued to fill, together with that of secretary, up to the day of his death.
In 1937 Mr. Pilmour, who was a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries, was elected an Associate of the Institution of Naval Architects and a Companion of the Institute of Marine Engineers, and for a number of years served the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in the capacity of honorary treasurer.