Lieut Colonel William Joseph Polyblank ( -1939) OBE
1921 Member of IEE; of London
1922 O.B.E M.I.E.E., Head of the Development Section of the Instrument Design Establishment, R.A.F., Biggin Hill.
1939 O.B.E. (Mil.), M.I.E.E. Principal Tech. Officer, i.c. radio and elec. development and production, on H.Q. staff at Air Ministry. Private address: c/o Authors' Club, 2, Whitehall Court, London, S.W.1. Born: 1874. Career: Educ. and fully trained as a practical elect, and mech. engr.; 7 years training, diplomas, C. and G. and London Univ.; 1898-1902, Senr. Testing officer, Engr.-in-chief's dept., G.P.O.; 1902-15, Managing Chief Engr., Magneto Time and Signalling Co.; 1915, Lieut., R.N.V.R., attached R.N.A.S.; Comdr., 1916; trans. R.A.F., 1918, commd. Major; 191819, Lt. Col., O.C. production and inspection all radio and elec. equipment, R.A.F., Gt. Britain, U.S.A. and Canada; 1920, on permanent tech. staff, R.A.F. Experimental Estab., Biggin Hill, as Head of Dept. of Instruments, radio and elec. equipments. 1922, trans. to Directorate of Tech. Development, H.Q. Air Ministry.