Walter Henry Purnell
Walter Henry Purnell (1869-1949)
1949 Obituary [1]
1950 Obituary [2]
"WALTER HENRY PURNELL, J.P., was born at Trowbridge, Wiltshire, on 21st September 1869. His first business appointment was in Cardiff in 1888 when he joined the staff of Thos. Thomas and Sons, "Acme" Hoist Works, with whom he remained for about three years. Following this he proceeded to Ireland where he joined the Wexford Engineering Company, Ltd., Cappoquin, County Waterford, and remained with them for about eight years.
Leaving Ireland in 1899, Mr. Purnell joined Herbert Morris, Ltd., Loughborough, where he held executive posts in all departments of the firm, being appointed to the Board in 1908 and becoming vice-chairman in 1920. On the death of Mr. Herbert Morris in 1931, Mr. Purnell was elected chairman of the company, which position he occupied till his death.
He took a keen interest in local affairs, and was a County Justice of the Peace, a Governor of Loughborough College and Loughborough Hospital. A keen rugby football enthusiast, his interest dated from his Cardiff days when he was a playing member of Cardiff Harlequins Rugby Football Club. Many people are indebted to him for his sound and forthright advice, and his kindly and unobtrusive assistance in times of need.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1908, and full Member in 1912. Mr. Purnell was at business as usual two days before his death, which occurred at his residence, Burton Walks, Loughborough, on 18th January 1949."