Wilfred Jenner Jerram
Wilfrid Jenner Jerram (1895-1938)
1938 Obituary [1]
WILFRID JENNER JERRAM, whose tragic death occurred On 17th. February 1938, in a motor car accident between Bulawayo and Salisbury, Rhodesia, was railway representative to Messrs. C. C. Wakefield and Company, Ltd., for whom he travelled extensively in Africa and India. He was on a tour of the South African Railways at the time of his death.
Mr. Jerram was born at Bradley, near Huddersfield, in 1895, and was educated at Malvern College. In 1913 he entered the Airedale Foundry of Messrs. Kitson and Company, Ltd., Leeds, but owing to the War his training was interrupted and he was employed by the Ministry of Munitions first as a tool fitter and later as an inspector in various projectile factories.
He joined Messrs. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, consulting engineers to the War Office and India Office, in 1916, and was appointed assistant to the chief locomotive inspector. After the War he remained with the firm and until 1927 he was assistant to the chief resident locomotive inspector for the Manchester district. He was then promoted to be chief resident locomotive inspector.
In 1930 he took charge of the inspection of work carried out at Messrs. Krupp's works at Essen, and later in the same year he went to Bombay as an assistant locomotive engineer to Messrs. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, and was responsible for the inspection of new standard types of steam and electric locomotives designed by the firm for the Indian State Railways. He returned to the head office of the firm at Westminster in 1931, but in the following year he joined Messrs. Wakefield and for the next five years he was chiefly engaged on the firm's business in India.
Mr. Jerram was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1930.