William Hindson
William Hindson (1846-1896)
Presumably of W. Hindson and Co
1896 Obituary [1]
WILLIAM HINDSON was born at Cummersdale, near Carlisle, on 13th February 1846.
In 1860 he commenced an apprenticeship in the shops and drawing office of Sir W. G. Armstrong and Co., Elswick, and remained there till 1872, when he went to the works of Messrs. John Abbot and Co., Gateshead. There he remained for twenty-one years, during the last twelve of which ho was works manager.
The work he was particularly interested in was the design of hydraulic machinery; and during that period a large number of hydraulic contracts were carried out, notably for King's Lynn Docks, Newcastle Grain Warehouse, Wellington (N.Z.) Harbour Board, Melbourne Hydraulic Power, Sydney Hydraulic Power, and others.
He devised a stockless anchor for Messrs. Abbot, and a self-locking railway chair known by his own name. In November 1893 he commenced business on his own account, taking over the existing portion of Messrs. Hawks, Crawshay and Co.'s Works at Gateshead.
He took an active interest in local affairs, and in 1893 was elected a member of the Gateshead Town Council.
His death took place after a short illness at Whitley, Northumberland, on 7th July 1896, at the age of fifty.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1887.