William Peter Griffith (c1822-1892) of W. P. Griffith and Sons
1861 Living at Park House, Ealing: William P. Griffith (age 39 born St Bride High Street, Mddx.), Printer Machine and Letter Press employing 57 men, 13 Apprentices and 60 boys. With his wife Mary Jane Griffith (age 36 born St Mary, Bermondsey) and their seven children; William Griffith (age 13); Isaac Clark Griffith (age 11); Mary Jane Griffith (age 9); Henry Griffith (age 7); Walter Griffith (age 3); Samuel Griffith (age 2); and Frank Griffith (age 1). Three servants.[1]
1868 'Mr. William Peter Griffiths sworn: "I am a printer and contractor for the printing of many of the Government offices"'[2]
1892 May 12th. Died at Brighton. 'On the 12th inst., at 23 Marine parade, Brighton, William Peter Griffith, formerly of Bromley, Kent, in his 71st year.'[3]