Windmill End Works, Dudley
Also known as Windmill End Boiler Bridge and Girder Works.
1880 'Windmill End, near Dudley. Important SALE of valuable STEAM ENGINES, PUNCHING and CUTTING MACHINES, STEAM HAMMER, Planing Machine. Lathes, travelling Cranes and Derricks, WEIGHING MACHINES, GAS-WORKS PLANT, and other Machinery and Tools in lots.
MR. J. SHEDDEN has received instructions from the Trustees of the late S. Woodall, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 16th day of August next, at Eleven o'clock in the morning, the remaining portion of the valuable Machinery, Plant, and Tools on the premises of the above works, comprising Two Capital HORIZONTAL HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM ENGINES, 16in. and 12in. cylinders respectively; two Cylindrical Tubular Boilers, 22ft. by 6ft. and 13ft. by 5ft. respectively; powerful Steam Riveting Ram, large Steam Hammer, Planing Machine (by Buckton, Leeds)...'[1]
1881 'IRON BRIDGES, GIRDERS, ROOFING, &c. WOODALL, SAMUEL, Windmill Works, Dudley; London Offices, 3A Poet’s Corner, Westminster; manufacturer of boilers, bridges, girders, roofing, gas-holders, sugar coolers, tanks, castings, and every description of iron work. See Iron Boats, Lighthouses, &c.'[2]
1881 'Bridge for Cairo — The contract for the making of a swing bridge 150 feet long and 40 feet wide at Cairo has been secured by S. Woodall, of the Windmill Works, Dudley.'[3]