York Engineering Co

of Leeman Road, York
1883 Showed a Buckett caloric (hot air) engine and rotary blower at the York Show [1]. The 'Stewart's Differential Blower' was an intriguing machine, described and illustrated in 'The Engineer' [2]
1883 'OBITUARY. Mr. Joseph Walker.— Many of our readers will learn with deep regret of the somewhat sudden decease of Mr. Joseph Walker, of The Elms, Hull Road, who died on Sunday morning last, after a severe attack of illness, the result of a complication of maladies. Mr. Walker at the time of his death was vice-chairman of the York Engineering Co., Limited, having formerly been the principal member of the firm of the York Railway Plant Works, and was also the head of the firm of Walker and Co., brewers, of Wakefield.' [3]
1905 Company wound up by voluntary liquidation [4]