Category:Stationary Engines
This is an index to the makers of stationary combustion engines. It was sourced from old catalogues, advertisements and other printed records.
This section currently comprises engines made all over the world, but is gradually being rearranged according to country of manufacture.
Additions and changes are being made on a regular basis.
For stationary steam engines see the Category: Stationary Steam Engines
Pages in category "Stationary Engines"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 571 total.
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- Acme Engine Co
- Acme Machine Co
- Acme Manufacturing Co
- Ailsa Craig Motor Co
- Alamo Manufacturing Co
- Allan Brothers (of Aberdeen)
- Allen and Barker
- W. H. Allen and Co
- W. H. Allen, Sons and Co
- Allen-Liversidge
- John G. Allison and Sons
- J. P. Almond
- Anderson Foundry Co
- Andersons
- J. E. H. Andrew and Co
- Ardwick Engineering Co
- Armitage and Ruston
- Armstrong Whitworth
- Ashbury, Sumner
- Associated British Engineering
- Associated British Oil Engines
- Associated Manufacturers Co (Amanco)
- Aster Engineering Co
- Atlantic Engine Co
- Austin Lighting Co
- Frederick Avens and Co
- Baltic Simplex Machinery Co
- Henry Bamford and Sons
- A. and S. Barker Engineering and Electricians
- T. B. Barker and Co
- Barsanti and Matteucci
- J. Bartram and Son
- Bates and Scholes
- W. J. Bates and Co
- Bathe
- W. H. Baughan and Co
- Beck Gas Engine Co
- Begbie Manufacturing Co
- Belfast-Barker
- Belliss and Morcom
- E. H. Bentall and Co
- Bentley and Co
- Bernard
- Bernard Moteurs
- Beverley and Atkins
- Bilbie, Hobson and Co
- Binn's Gas and Oil Engine Co
- Bisschop Engine
- Blackstone and Co
- John Blake
- Bluffton
- E. Borrows and Sons
- Boulton and Paul
- Bowen and Odery Manufacturing Co
- Bradford Gas Engine Co
- Brazil, Straker and Co
- Fairbank Brearley
- Briggs and Stratton
- Brit Engineering Co
- Britannia Co
- Britannia Engineering Co
- British Engineering and Electrical Co
- British Gas Engine and Engineering Co
- British Gas Engine Co
- British Modelling and Electrical Co
- British Motor Power Co
- British Oil Engines
- British Polar Engines
- British Westinghouse
- G. F. Brooke and Co
- Peter Brotherhood
- Browett, Lindley and Co
- Brown and May
- Brownall Engines
- Bruce Peebles and Co
- Buckett Brothers
- Buckeye Harvester Co
- Buckler (of Grantham)
- Bugaud
- Bull Dog
- F. Bullock
- Burt and Co
- Alexander Burt
- Peter Burt and Co
- Burton and Waller
- Butler Brothers (of Derby)
- Butler's Petrol-Cycle Syndicate
- Henry Butler
- Campbell Gas Engine Co
- Capel and Co
- Carson and Toone
- Carter Brothers (of Billingshurst)
- Challenge (Engine)
- Chalmers-Edina
- Chamberlain (Tractors)
- Champion Blower and Forge Co
- E. A. Chard and Co
- Charter, Galt and Tracy
- Chore Boy (American)
- City Gas Engine Co
- T. A. Clark
- Clarke's Crank and Forge Co
- Clayton-Babcock
- Cliffe Engine Works
- Clinton Machine Co
- S. W. Clough and Co
- J. F. Coats
- Cobham and Co
- Coborn
- John Cochrane
- Henry J. Coles
- Continental Motors Corporation
- Cooper (USA)
- Cooper Engineering Co
- Corbett, Williams and Son
- Cordingley and Son
- Coventry Climax Engines
- W. J. Coward
- H. T. Crewe
- Crossley Brothers
- Crossley-Premier Engines
- Cub Oil Engine
- Cudworth and Johnson
- R. Cundall and Sons
- T. H. and J. Daniels
- F. Darton and Co
- H. W. Davey
- Davey, Paxman and Co
- E. Davies
- George Davies
- George Davies and Co
- James Davies (of Rugby)
- Davy Machine Co
- Dawson Gas Engine Syndicate
- Day and Co
- Day Gas Engine Co
- John Deere
- Detroit (American)
- Devon Engineering Co
- C. H. Dewhurst Gas Engine Works
- Diesel Engine Co
- Dignus Engineering Co
- Dixon Brothers and Hutchinson
- Alfred Dodman and Co
- Dolle
- Domestic Engine and Pump Co
- Bryan Donkin and Co
- Bryan Donkin Co
- Alfred Dougill and Co
- Dowie and Handyside
- Drake and Fletcher
- Drake and Muirhead
- Drummond Brothers
- Dudbridge Iron Works
- F. F. Engine Works
- Walter D. Fair and Co
- Fairbanks, Morse and Co
- Faultless Engine Co
- Felix
- Felix (of Sweden)
- Felsted School Engine
- Fetu-Defize
- Augustin Fiddes
- N. Field
- Fielding and Platt
- Foden
- Forbes (Stationary Engines)
- C. L. Ford
- Forest-Gallice Engine
- Forth Motor Works
- Forward Engineering Co
- Forward Gas Engine Co
- Forward Tool and Engineering Co
- John Fowler and Co
- Frank Hartop and Sons
- Frederick Bullock
- Frederick Hurd and Co
- Friend Manufacturing Co
- Frome Engineering Co
- Fullagar Engines
- Fullagar Gas Engine Co
- Fuller and Cooper
- Fuller and Johnson
- Fullgar Engine Co
- Furnival and Co