1902-1903 The Motor: Index: Difference between revisions
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* [[Clement-Garrard]] Two-speed and Chain Drive, 22 | * [[Clement-Garrard]] Two-speed and Chain Drive, 22 | ||
* [[Clyde]] Motor-bicycle, 1903, 189 | * [[Clyde]] Motor-bicycle, 1903, 189 | ||
* Collan Oil, 40 | * [[Charles Hanson|Collan Oil]], 40 | ||
* [[Corona]] Motor-bicycle, 220 | * [[Corona]] Motor-bicycle, 220 | ||
* [[Crankless]] Motor-bicycles, 56 | * [[Crankless]] Motor-bicycles, 56 |
Latest revision as of 12:21, 2 December 2021

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor
View the Issues referred to by this index
- Accessories, Useful, 136
- Accumulator Case, Damaged, 50
- Accumulators, 35, 84, 86, 114, 116, 148, 199, 216, 229,. 236, 256
- Accumulators as Applied to Motorcycle Ignition, 470
- Accumulators, Care of, 41
- Accumulators, Charging, 65, 97
- Acetylene Gas for Automobiles, 113
- Agricultural Motor, 62
- Airships: Stanley Spencer’s Great Feat, 112, 392
- Alcohol, Future of, 392
- Alcohol, To Popularise, 415
- Alcohol Trials, 45
- Alcohol Trials in France, 247
- Alcoholic Facts, Some, 414
- Aluminium, 196
- Ambulance, An Automobile, 14
- American Light Cars, 302
- Ardennes, Circuit, 10, 11, 432
- Ardennes, Circuit (Awards), 29
- Army, Motorcars for the, 30
- Attachment, Additional, 99
- Australia, Motor Cycling in, 405
- Auto Polo, 31
- Automatic Ignition, 49, 493
- Advisory Committee on Motorcycles, 290, 291
- and Motorcycles, 140
- Anniversary Dinner, 228
- Anniversary Run to Oxford, 210, 225.
- Assistant Secretary, 432, 459
- Gordon-Bennett Contest, 277, 291, 391, 411, 412, 435, 458, 522
- Legislation, 522
- Motorcycle Trials, 522
- Papers, 412, 458, 435, 448
- Reliability Trials, 77. 95, 122
- Reliability Trials, Awards, 160
- Resignation of Secretary, 391
- Speed Track, 431
- Automobile Industry of the World, 501
- Back-firing, 255
- Balfour, Hon. A. J., and his Cars, 29, 143
- Bands, Puncture-proof, 99
- Barter Engine, 37, 72
- Batteries, 99, 107, 116, 132
- Belgian Motor Trade Progress, 159
- Belt Hooks, 63. 136. 240
- Belt v. Chain, 278, 486
- Belts, 3, 34, 56, 99, 188, 198, 231, 256, 415
- Belts and Hill Climbing, 50
- Benzoline, Substitute for Petrol, 100, 161, 214
- Bowden Exhaust* Lifter, 148
- Bradbury Motor-bicycle, 521
- Brake Lever Switch, 247
- Brake, Motor Acting as a, 216
- Buchet M., Death of, 222
- Building a Frame, 116
- Burgling, Motorcar as an Aid to, 139
- Business Purposes, Motorcycles for, 76
- Cable, Electric, Where to get, 116
- Carburetters, 164
- Carburetters, Durr, 144
- Carburetters, Fleury, 88
- Carburetters, Longuemare, 56, 414
- Carburetters, Roubeau, 14
- Carburetters, Spray, 39
- Carburetters, Troubles of, 99, 147, 231, 256
- Chain Drive, 163
- Charging Board, 163
- Chase, F. W., and Records (See “Records”)
- Circuit des Ardennes, 10, 11
- Clement-Garrard Motor, and How to Manipulate it, 86
- Clement in America, 46
- Automobile Club (See “ Automobile Club ”)
- Manchester Automobile Club, 93, 125 Motor Cycling— t
- Bristol, 245
- Derby, 433, 522
- Kentish Auto Club, 291
- Leeds, 11
- Liverpool, 64, 142, 191, 245, 414, 432, 522
- Motor Cycling Club, 222, 289, 327, 412, 434, 459, 522
- Nottingham Motorcycle Club, 485, 328
- Coils, 35, 68, 92, 231, 256
- Colour Signals in France, 94
- Compression, 50, 100
- Congo Free State, Motor Roads in, 63
- Connections, 231
- Connection Bad at Plug Switch, 188
- Construction, Engine, a New Principle, 37
- Construction, Problems of Motorcycle, 1, 20
- Contact Breaker, A Mercurial, 136
- Contact Breakers, Oil on, 39, 231
- Contact Breaker Wearing Out, 200
- Continental Light Cars, 306
- Converted Cycles, 486
- Converting to Higher Power, 68
- Cost of Motor Cycling, 229
- Crank Case, Leakage of Oil, 198
- Crank Chamber, Explosions in, 148
- Crankless Motorcycle, 56
CYCLOMOT’S CAUSERIE (See also “ In Transit ”).
- A Better Lamp Bracket Wanted, 386
- A Fine Cleanser, 424
- A Simple Oil Trap, 424
- Automatic Lubrication, 365
- Cooling or Vaporisation, 386
- Cost of Motoring, 497
- Economy of Motor-bicycle, 497
- Engine Position, 355
- Lamp Brackets, 474
- Motorcycle not to be Neglected, 320
- Oil Trap, The, 474
- Pedals: Are they Wanted? 457
- Removing Pulleys, 497
- Seasonable Advice, 355
- Silencing, 355
- Single Gallons of Spirit, 365
- Some Troubles and their Remedies, 409
- Spray Carburetter, The, 293
- The Light Car as it Appeals to Us, 293
- The Vibration Bogey, 457
- Tyre Results, 497
- Useful Book, A, 474
- Wanted: Continuous Sight Feed Lubrication, 320
- Cylinder Cooling, New System of, 330
- Cylinder Lubrication: Use of Graphite, 180
- Cylinders, 116
- Cylinders, Aluminium, 99
- Cylinders, One-piece, 230, 231, 285
- Cyclometers, 39
- De Dion Motors, 143, 279, 290
- Despatch Riding by Motorcycle, 94
- Dry Batteries, 107. 116
- Dustless Roads, 127
- Dynamos v. Accumulators, 115, 162
- Economy of Motorcycle, 198
- Edison’s Batteries, 112
- Electrical Connections, 161
- Electrical Faults, 34
- Electric Automobiles, 473
- Electric Current as Motive Power, 55
- Electro-Magnetic, 40
- Elopement by Motorcar, 339, 366
- Endurance Tests, Motorcycle, 14
- Engine, Internal Combustion, 23, 151
- Engine Racing while Hill Climbing, 129
- Excelsior Experiences, 97
- Exhaust, Smoke from, 50
- Explosions in Exhaust when Exhaust Valve w liaised, 188
- Eyes, Care of the, when Motoring, 482
- Fire Engine, Motor, 141
- Fly Wheel, Function of the, 499
- Fly Wheel, Value of, 200
- F.N. Bicycle Experiences, 358
- Footrests, 50
- Fore-carriages, Leonard’s, 189
- Fore-carriages, Trimo, 193
- Frame, Building a, 116
- Frame Connection, To Dispense with, 164
- Freezing, To Prevent Water from, 148
- French Army, Motorcars in, 14
- French Motor Tax, The, 127
- Friction to Chain Drive, Converting from, 36
- Gaillon Hill Climb, 121
- Garrard, E., Death of, 128
- Gas Engine to Petrol Motor, Altering, 148
- Gear, Altering, 36, 131, 199, 200,
- Gearing, Noisy, 116
- Gears, Two-speed, 116
- German Emperor’s Car, 127
- Imports and Exports, 30
- Motorcar Taxes, 94
- Popularising the Motorcycle in, 392
- Gordon-Bennett Contest (See under “ Automobile Club ”)
- Gouverneur Motorcycle, 88
- Grease Remover, A, 189
- Handicapping Difficulty, The, 74
- Handicapping Motor-bicycles in Races, 394
- Handicapping Question, 145
- Hanging-on Nuisance, 129, 179, 229
- High Speed Craze, 113
- Hill Climbs (See “ Racing ”)
- Bad Connection at Plug Switch, 188
- Belts, 34
- Belt Hooks, 34 240
- Compression Wrinkles, 433
- Contact Breakers, Oil on, 34
- Cyclometers, 39
- Electrical Faults, 34
- Electric Lamp for Locating Carburetter Troubles, 39
- Exhaust Boxes Getting Blocked up, 211
- Explosions when Exhaust Valve is Raised, 188
- Flints in Tyre Covers, 240
- Free-wheel Clutch and Chain, 212
- How to Remove Tight Nut, 188
- If Without a Stand, 34
- Inlet Valve Springs, 188
- Management of Twisted Belts, 188
- Outside Fly Wheels, Machines with, 34
- Pole-finding Paper, 432
- Sparking-plugs, 188
- Sparking-plug Wrinkles, 211
- Spray Carburetter Difficulties, 39
- The Brakes, 433
- Test the Bearings, 247
- Washers to make Petrol-tight Joints, 188
- When Overheated Engine Misfires, 188
- Hooligan, An Automobile, 101
- Horse, Passing of the, 192
- Horse-power, 81, 210, 215
- Horse-power for Trailers, 256
- Humber v. Singer, 175
- Identification of Motorcars, 246
- Ignition, 34, 40, 40, 67, 86, 100, 107, 114, 132, 146, 231
- Ignition, Magneto, 260, 288
- India, Victory of the Motorcar in, 364
- A Better Silencer, 419
- A Compression Problem, 440
- Accumulator and Silencer, 315
- Accumulator Losing Charge, 399
- Accumulator Problems, 256
- Accumulators, 35, 84, 199, 216
- Accumlators, Repairing, 116, 251
- Altering Contact Breaker, 599
- Altering Gas Engine to Petrol Motor, 148
- Altering the Gear* 36
- Aluminium Cylinders, 99
- A Motor Tandem Tricycle, 419
- Ampere Hours, Meaning of, 491
- Apparent Stateness of Petrol, 420
- Ariel Quad, 492
- Attachment for Extra Rider, 99
- Attachment to Prevent Sideslip, 420
- Back Firing, 255, 336, 559
- Bad Connection to Frame, 182
- Battery Losing its Charge, 131
- Batteries, 99, 132
- Belt Hooks, 335
- Belt or Chain, 181, 182
- Belt Runs oil Pulley, 256
- Belt Slipping, 99, 116
- Belt Treatment, 18, 68, 360
- Belts, 231, 287
- Benzoline as Substitute, 100
- Best Systems of Ignition, 132
- Blacklead Lubrication, 147
- Bowden Exhaust Lifter, 148
- Broken Piston Rings, 164, 200
- Building a Frame, 116
- Calculating Horse-power, 215
- Carburetter, A Spray, 35
- Carburetter Flooded, 147
- Carburetter Troubles, 99
- Carburetter Query, A, 231, 256
- Carburetter Short of Petrol, 492
- Carburetters, 419
- Cause of Slow Running, 527
- Charging Accumulators, 148
- Charging Accumulators at Home, 450
- Clearance of Exhaust Valve List, 200
- Coil, A Damaged, 256
- Coil Connections, 399, 420
- Coils, 35
- Compression, 52
- Concerning Weight, 68
- Compression, Loss of, 100
- Connections, 231
- Constructing a Spark Coil, 336
- Construction of Tank and Carburetter, 131
- Contact Breaker Faults, 399
- Contact Breakers, 251
- Contact Breaker Wearing Out, 200
- Converting a Tandem Bicycle to Motor, 165
- Converting a Tricycle, 116
- Converting to Higher Power, 68
- Conversion from Friction to Chain Drive, 36
- Correct Method of Wiring, 526
- Cylinder Problems, 116, 231
- Damaged Accumulator Case, 52
- Damage to Tricycle Motor, 527
- Daniell Battery, To Construct, 316
- De Dion Carburetter, 516
- De Dion Coil, 399
- Defective Insulation, 439
- Detachable Motor, A, 255
- Different Types of Carburetters, 164
- Difficulty with Trembler Coil, 526
- Dimensions of Magneto, 515
- Direct Chain Drive, 163
- Dry Batteries, 116
- Dry Cells or Accumulators, 359
- Dynamo Connections, 491
- Effect of Cold on Surface Carburetter, 527
- Efficiency of Motors, 147
- Electrical Connections, 181
- Electrical Query, An, 99
- Electric Tricycle. 335
- Exhaust Box, Firing in, 35
- Exhaust Valves Breaking, 335
- Exhaust Valve Lift, 255
- Explosion in Crank Chamber, 148
- Fast or Slow Running for Economy, 526
- Faulty Magneto Ignition, 288
- Firing in Exhaust, 288
- Firing on Half Compression, 491
- Fitting a Set of Castings, 182
- Fitting Exhaust Valve, 527
- Fitting Motor to Lady's Cycle, 36
- Fitting Wipe Contact to Minerva, 182
- Fixing Leather to Pulleys, 131
- Fly Wheel, Value of, 200
- For a Tropical Climate, 67
- For Trailer Work, 419
- Free-wheel Clutch, 231
- Freezing and Defective Circulation, 336
- Frost on Carburetter, 316
- Gear Ratio, 420
- Gearing of a Motor, 399
- Gelatine for Accumulators, 199
- Height of Frame, 84
- High or Low Gear for Pedalling, 199
- High-powered Motors, .18
- Hissing Sound from Motor, 67
- Home-made Motor, 131
- Horse-power and Carburetter, 399
- Horse-power for trailer, 256
- Ignition, 67, 100. 163, 182. 199
- Incandescent Platinum for Ignition, 232
- Increased Engine Power, 599
- Induction Coils, 251
- Inlet Valve, How to Get at, 151
- Inlet Valve Mystery, 287
- Interchangeable Parts, 215
- Knocking Noise in Motor, 182
- License of Car, 599
- License for Trailers, 148
- Licenses, 99
- Liquids for Driving Motors, 148
- Loose Driving Pulley, 147
- Loose Ely Wheel, 440
- Loss of Compression at Cylinder Joint, 528
- Loss of Power, 440, 492
- Low-speed Motors, 182
- Lubrication Difficulties, 599
- Magneto Ignition, 516, 527
- Making a Steel Tube Cylinder, 555
- Matter of Speed, A, 152
- Mechanical Details, 251
- Mis-firing, 200
- Motor Acting as a Brake, 216
- Motor for Ordinary Roadster, 100
- Motor for Tandem, 148
- Motor Lacking Power, 116
- Motor Missing Fire, 84
- Motor-bicycles in France, 18
- Motorcycle Lamp to Burn Paraffin, 52
- Noisy Gearing. 116
- Non-stop Runs, 100
- Oil Leakage, 52
- Orient Enquiries, 181
- Overheating, 216
- Over-lubrication and Short Circuits, 216
- Petrol, Concerning, 55
- Piston, A Stuck, 55
- Piston Kings at Fault, 491
- Piston Rings, Shape of, 287
- Power Problem, 165
- Pulley, A Worn, 55
- Puncture-proof Bands, 99
- Re-boring Motor Cylinder, 288
- Reducing gears, 200
- Reducing the Gear, 151
- Regulating Speed, 181
- Rectifier for Charging Accumulators, 420
- Self-starter for Tricycle, 599
- Separate Trembler, A, 100
- Shipping Motor-bicycles, 580
- Silencers and Reduced Power, 52, 84
- Single Lever Control, 599
- Size of Driving Pulley, 251
- Smoke from Exhaust, 52
- Some Mechanical Questions, 580
- Sparking Troubles, 99
- Sparking-plug, A Charred, 55, 116
- Sparking-plugs, 68
- Spare Parts for Touring, 116
- Speed-changing Gear, 152
- Starley Axle, About the, 515
- Steam Cycles, 18. 99
- Storage of Motor-bicycle, 52
- Suppliers of Motor Oil, 52
- Taking Motor-bicycle to France, 527
- Terminals Corroded, 148
- Three-wheeled Tandems, 147
- Throttle Valve Problem, 67
- To Construct a Charging Board, 165
- To Dispense with Frame Connection, 164
- To Prevent Water Freezing, 148
- Tremblers, 288
- Trembler or Non-trembler Coil, 355
- Troublesome Quad. 231
- Twin v. Single Cylinder, 256
- Two-cylinder Motor. 528
- Two-cycle Motor, Fitting a, 35, 67
- Two-speed Gears, 116
- Value of Exhaust Valve Lifter, 492
- Value of the Throttle, 231
- Valve Grinding, 256
- Valves Sticking, 459
- Voltmeter Test. 131
- Water-cooled Motor-bicycle, 251
- Werner Carburetters, 1900, 18
- Werner Details, 55, 167
- Werner Tips, 52
- What Determines Direction of Rotation of Motor? 215
- Wheels and Tyres, 35
- Where to Get Electric Cable, 116
- Why Drive is on Left Side, 100
- Wiring Problem, A, 527
- Without Vibration. 52
- Internal Combustion Engine, 23. 43. 167, 202
- Inlet Valves. 74, 131, 188, 229, 233, 287, 433
- Interchangeable Parts. 2, 15
IN TRANSIT by a Cyclomot.”
- A Dog’s Doing, 134^
- A Grand Lamp, 134
- Exploded Fallacy. An, 38
- Farewell to the Compression Tap, 205
- Getting More Air, 38
- Inaccurate Cyclometer Readings, 241
- In a Sorry Plight, 89
- Is Frequent Cleaning Necessary? 265
- Mixture Mystery, 4, 24
- Motor Cycling Suit, A, 205
- Need for a Good Saddle and Toolbag, 26S
- New and Delightful Experience, 73
- New Minerva, The, 197, 205
- Non-stop Hundred, A, 153
- Novice on the Motor, A, 73
- One-piece Cylinders, 241
- Paraffin in Cylinder, 265
- Parts that Require Attention, 89
- Running Mount, The, 4
- Saving Vibration, 106
- Terminal Clips, 171
- Those who get Troubles, 38
- Thousand Miles without a Hitch, 171
- Trailers, Pleasures of, 75
- Transparent Plug, The, 106
- Value of Care, The, 80
- Voltmeters and Testing Lamps, 265
- Where the Motorcycle Scores, 58 (See also “ Cyclomot’s Causerie.”)
- Adapter for Re-charging Batteries, An, 154
- Adler Motor-bicycle, 250
- A Swivelling Steering Wheel, 423
- Bassee and Michel New Trembler Coil, 519
- Bat Pulley, 154
- B.K. Sparking-plug, 22, 105
- Carpeviam Motoicar, 204
- " Carsig ’ Motorcar Signal, 425
- Castle Sparking-plug, 319
- Clement-Garrard Two-speed and Chain Drive, 22
- Clyde Motor-bicycle, 1903, 189
- Collan Oil, 40
- Corona Motor-bicycle, 220
- Crankless Motor-bicycles, 56
- Crypto Motor-bicycle, 105
- Curiosity in Motor-bicycle Design, 220
- De Dion Float Feed Carburetter, 423
- Dietrich Racing Bicycle, 136
- Ducellier Motorcycle Lamp, 189
- Dunhill’s Umbrella Coat, 204
- E.I.C. Motorcycle Plug, 40
- Electrc-Magnetic Ignition, 40
- Excelsior Motor Lamp, 220
- Fleury Carburetter, 88
- Gouverneur Motorcycle, 88
- Graphite for Cylinder Lubrication, 180 Grease Remover, A, 189
- Hooydonk s Paraffin Valve, 250
- Ideal Motorcycle, 17
- Improved Belt Fastener, 136
- J.C.M. Sparking Club, 423
- L.A.C. Sparking-plug, 425
- Leggings, 250
- Leonard’s Front Attachment, 189
- “ Leva ” Motor-bicycle Stand, 319
- Lloyds’ Reserve Petrol Tin, 204
- Locomobile Light Steam Car, 250
- Longuemare Carburetters, 220
- Longuemare Carburetter for Bicycles, 56, 319
- Lycett Patent Pulley, 204
- Mercurial Contact Breaker, A, 136
- Miller’s Motor Edlite, 189
- New Automatic Mixture Regulator, 423
- New Belt Fastener, 385
- New Features in Royal Motor-bicycle, 17
- New Method of Lubrication, 88
- New Motoring Garment, 105
- New Non-slip Driving Belt, 22
- New Non-slip Driving Pulley for Motorcycles, 17
- New Principle of Making Piston Rings, 319
- New Simms Motor Set, 88
- New Type of Battery Testing Voltmeter, 56
- New Type of Contact Breaker, 17
- Oil, Lubricating, 22
- Patent Petrol Storage Can, 105
- P.M. Mica Plug, 154
- Punching Holes in Belts, 56
- Ready-made Lengths of Connecting Wire, 105
- Riche’s Motor-bicycle Accumulator and Case, 585
- “ Rosser ” Grip Pulley, 220
- Salsbury’s Motorcycle Horn, 154
- Sarolea Motor-bicycle, 180
- Self-regulating Contact Breaker, 154
- Spring Chain Wheel, 40
- Spring Seat-pillars, 22
- Stands, 22
- Storing Petrol: New Idea, 56
- Sutherland and Marcusson Charging Board, 385
- Tandem Three-wheeler, 385
- Telescopic Support for Motor-bicycles, 180
- Toni Motorcycle Tyre, 385
- Trailers, 40
- Two-speed Gear Bicycle, 40
- Useful Accessories. 136
- Italy’s King in his Car, 527
- Ixion Motor (See “Primus Motor”)
- Ixion Two-stroke Motor, 90
- Jarrott’s Flying Kilometre, 45
- Justice ? Is mis, 4
- King’s Experience, The, 62
- Lady’s Cycle, Fitting Motor to, 36
- Lamaudiere Motor-bicycle, The, 51
- Lamp, Conversion of, 50
- Lamp, Good Motorcycle, 142
- Lamp, The Polkev, 487
- Lamps, Miller’s, 189
- Lamps, Ducellier, 189
- Leathered Pulleys for Speed, 131
- Legislation Affecting Motors, 222
- Licenses, 99, 115, 125, 129, 161, 206
- Light Car Movement, The, 295, 523
- Light Cars, Best Form of. 285
- Light Cars, Comfort in, 389
- Magneto Ignition
- Medical Opinion on Motor Bicycles
- Medical Opinion on Motor cars
- Automobile, Army
- Automobile, Corps, the
- Automobile, Maxim Guns
- In the United States
- Motorcars
- Tricycle Machine Gun
- Milford Hansom
- Minerva Experiences
- Minerva Improvements, 159, 190, 212
- Missfires, 200, 230
- Moderate Speed Engines, 161
- Monaco, Prince of, a. Motorcyclist, 484
- Morris Motor-bicycle, 591
- Morocco, Sultan of, and the Motor Car, 393
- Motor, Power from Waste heat
- Motor, Coming of the
- Motor Cycling in Winter
- Motor Firing with Switch Off
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders Society
- Motor Position and Stability
- Motor Position: Its Relation to Sideslip
- Motor Problem
- Motor Racing: C. Jarrott’s Paper
- Motor Running on Mixture of Petrol and Lubricating Oil
- Motor Tandems
- Motoring for Men of Moderate Means, 483
- Motors, Motors, Motors, Motors Motors
- Motors: Reduction of Weight, 222
- Motor-bicycle Accidents, 263
- Motor-bicycle, Details of, 54, 137, 102, 120
- Motor-bicycle I have Never Ridden, 280
- Motorcar, Cheap, 487
- Motorcars, Oil for 1902, 169, 184, 212, 251, 381
- Motorcycle to Light Car, From, 313
- Motorcycle Yarn, A, 495
- Adler Motor-bicycle, 250, 459
- Buchet 32 h.p. Tricycle, 210
- Chapelle Bicycle, 71
- Clyde Motor-bicycle, 189
- Corona Motor-bicycle, 220
- Crypto, 105
- Davis Bicycle, 13
- De Dion Bicycle Motor, 279, 487
- De Dion Voiturette, 426
- Dietrich Racing Bicycle. 136
- Fafnir Motor-bicycle, 341
- Gouverneur Bicycle, 88
- Hewetson Bicycle, 28
- Hobart Motor-bicycle, 434
- Ideal Bicycle, 17
- Ixion Two-stroke Motor, 90
- Jacquelin’s Racing Motor, 111
- Jesmond, 158
- Locomobile Steam Car, 250
- New Hudson, 485
- Phoenix Tandem, 13
- Princeps, 3
- Quadrant for 1903, 176
- Royal Bicycle, 17. Ill
- Rudge-Wedge Bicycle, 414
- Sarge and Sabeck Racing Motor-bicycle, 210
- Sarolea Motor-bicycle, 180
- Truffault Racing Cycle, 177
- (See also Descriptions in Show Reports, under “ Shows ”)
- Motorcycles for Invalids. .143
- Motorcycles, No More Wind Shields for, 142
- Motorcycles: The Power and Weight of Motor-bicycles for 1903, 428
- Motorcycles, The Scientific Designing of, 425, 443
- Motor-tricycles, Pattern for 1903, 178
- Napier Silent Brougham, 144
- New Hudson Motor-bicycle. 485
- New Rapid Motor-bicycle, 291
- North Pole by Motor, 112
- Novice, Helps to the, 86
- Novitiate, My, as a Motor Cyclist, 405
- Nut Tight, How to Remove, 188
- O’Connor’s, T. P., Speech, 221
- Oil as a Dust Layer, 47
- Oil Leakage, 52
- Oil, Lubricating, 22
- Oil on Contact Breakers, 34
- Oiled Roads in Hampshire, 126
- Oldsmobile Light Petrol Car, 118
- Activity in Motor-bicycle Trade, 190
- At Last 1 450
- At Last! A Definite Move, 502
- Automobile Club and Motorcycles, 140, 481
- Automatic Inlet Valve, 468
- Brutal Contest, A, 60
- Constabulary and the County Court, 172
- Collaborative Evidence, 224
- Conquest of the Air, The, 172
- Crystal Palace Exhibition, 502
- Dashwood Trials Abandoned, 5
- Development of the Motor, 266
- Dimensions of Motor, 468
- Efficiency of Motor-bicycle Demonstrated, 124
- Gordon-Bennett Cup, 342
- Gordon Bennett Cup Race, 450
- “ For Men of Moderate Means,” 326
- “ Furious ” Journalism, 108
- Future of Motorcycle Racing, The, 244
- Historical Repetition, A, 208
- Horses and Motor, 26
- How Low can an Air-cooled Motor be Geared? 467
- Law and Speed of Motorcycles with Trailers, 92
- Light Cars: Some of the Requirements, 390
- Lightweight Motor-bicycle, 44
- Minerva Motor, 190
- Motor Accident Scare, 60
- Motorcycle Definition, 342
- Motorcycles for Business Purposes, 76
- Motorcycle Races at the Crystal Palace. 44
- Motoring for Men of Moderate Means, 481
- Movement Towards Sports Control, 430
- New Departure, Our, 294
- Numbering: The Pros and Cons, 410
- On the Track of the Trailer, 124
- Our Change of Title, 450
- Playing the Game, 172
- Popularising the Motor, 208
- Power of Motor, 467
- Power of Small Motors, 108
- Premeditated Persecution. 140
- Privilege, not Monopoly, 224
- Purchase of Petrol in Small Quantities. 5
- Railway Companies and Petrol, 190, 224
- Splendid Response, A. 502
- Stanley Exhibition. The. 481
- State of the Streets, The. 294
- The Control of Sport, 390
- The Need for Hurry. 430
- The Paris Salon. 326, 342
- The Popular Vehicle, 430
- The Shows, 266
- Tips Concerning Exhaust Valves, 468
- Veracious Reporter, The, 26
- ’Ware Lights, 92
- Welbeck Trials. The, 5
- What the Trials will Prove. 76
- When is an Accumulator Charged? 467
- Orient Buckboard, 521
- Orient Motorcycle, 49
- Ormonde Company Suggest a Match, 49, 175
- Ormonde Motor-bicycle Experiences, 46
- Ormonde Motor-bicycle: How Wired, 521
- Accumulators for Repair, 114
- Accumulators, Mileage of, 312
- Accumulators: Why Some Fail, 333
- A Doctor’s Views on Motor Cycling, 50
- Air Supply for Carburetters, 98
- An Unusual Mishap, 198
- Automatic Ignition, 81 114
- Automatic v. Mechanically Operated Valves, 311 358, 378
- Belt or Chain? 253 334, 356, 418, 438
- Belt or Chain Transmission, 489
- Belt Transmission. 525
- Belts and Hill Climbing, 50
- Benzoline. 161, 214, 285, 437
- Best Forms of Light Car, 285
- Capabilities of Motor-bicycles, 488
- Carburation, 33
- Carburetters, 397
- Carburetters for Front-driving Werners, 81
- Carburetters, Spray or Surface, 462
- Century Wick Carburetter. 416
- Change-speed Gears, 253 437
- Change-speed Pulley, 437
- Charging Accumulators, 97, 179
- Charging Accumulator with Primary Battery, 65
- Cleaning of Motor-bicycles, 379
- Concerning the Light Car. 253
- Converting to a Motorcycle, 416
- Cost of Motor Cycling, 229. 253
- Cotton Belt for Transmission. 417
- Coupling of Motorcycles and Safeties, 66
- Design of Light Motors, 356
- Drive and the Wear of Tyres. 357
- Dynamo v. Accumulators, 115, 161
- Eagle Tandem. The, 490
- Economy of Motorcycle. The, 198
- Electric and Petrol Driven Cars, 437
- Electrical Connections, 161
- Electrical Terminals, 114
- Engine Position, 489, 524
- Engine Racing when Hill Climbing, 129
- Excelsior Experiences, 97, 115
- Experiences on Orient Motor-bicycle. 16
- Faulty Exhaust Valve Lifters, 524, 525
- Fitting Motors to Roadster Bicycles, 490
- Footrests for Motorcycles, 50
- Free-wheel Clutches, 523
- Freezing of Carburetter. 396
- Front Attachment for Motor-bicycles, 230
- Front-driving Werners, 115
- Future Tyre of Motor-bicycle, 357
- Gas Engines, Improvements in, 65
- Gelatine tilled Accumulators, z29
- Good Performance on 1% h.p. Minerva, 146
- Handicapping Question, 14b
- Hanging-on Nuisance, 129, 179, 229, 512
- High-powered Machines, 16
- High v. Low Power, 214, 312
- Home-made Car, A. 490
- How to Fit Piston Rings, 596
- Ignition, 254
- Improving the Coil, 525
- Inlet Valve Lifters, 229
- Is a Towed Bicycle a Trailer? 145
- Large v. Small Spark Coils, 355
- Leakage of Oil from Crank Case, 198
- Licenses, 129, 161
- Light Car and the Medical Profession, 311
- Light Cars in “ Motor Cycling,” 436
- Light Cars, 356, 558, 578
- Light Electrically-driven Car, 466
- Light or Heavy Weights? 285
- Lincona Belt, How to Manage, 198, 511
- Lubrication of Mitchell Motor, 214
- Lubrication of Motorcycles, 525
- Magnetic Ignition, 146, 488
- Magneto v. Electric Ignition, 285
- Mechanically Operated Inlet Valve, 214, 596, 417, 466
- Mileage of Accumulators, 397. 488
- Moderate Speed Bicycles, 161, 198
- Most Suitable Horse-power, 81
- Motor Cycling in India, 285
- Motor Firing with Switch off, 146, 214, 511
- Motor Missing Fire, 129, 250
- Motor Position and Sideslip, 465
- Motor Tandems, 161
- Motorcycle Stands, 462
- Motor-tricycle, The, 579
- Napiers in the Gordon-Bennett Race, 558
- New Method of Cylinder Cooling, 596, 458, 466
- Noisy Tricycle Gear, 525
- Oil Leakage Difficulty, The, 489
- Oil Splashing, 525
- Old Type Werner Carburetter, 198
- One piece Cylinder and Combustion Head, 230, 285, 578
- Original Type of Werner, 35
- Pedals as Footrests, 50, 65, 524
- Petrol in India, 597
- Petrol in Small Quantities, 65
- Petro-electric Cars, 466
- Petrol Motor and Dynamo Transmission for Cars, 396
- Platinum for Tremblers, 81
- Position of the Motor, 598, 416, 436
- Position of Regulating Levers, 97
- Quad, Good Word for the, 525
- Quad v. Light Car, 523
- Quadrant Experiences, 97, 114
- Registration of Drivers, 333
- Repairing Punctures in Motorcycle Tyres, 115
- Sideslip, 525
- Size of Light Cars, 554
- Social Motorcycles, 466
- Sociable Motorcycles, 525
- Sparking-plug Experiences, 129
- Speed, 98
- Speed Limit and Trade, 556
- Stands for Motorcycles, 524
- Steam Motor-bicycles, 16
- System of Cylinder Cooling, 417
- Tallow as Lubricant, 198
- Three-wheelers and Sideslip, 488
- Throttle v. Mixture Tap Control, 555, 396, 490
- Tired Knees, 66, 97
- Trailers in Grease, 114
- Trembler Experiences, 50
- Tremblers, Oil on, 33, 50
- Trimo Forecarriage, 597
- Two Cycle Motors, 16, 65. 97
- Tyres for Motor-bicycles, 81
- Wanted: A Standard of Power, 416
- Wear and Cost of Cycling, 179
- Weight of Motorcycles, 356, 438
- Wood for Motor-tricycle, 534
- Outside Fly Wheels, Machines with, 34
- Overheated Engines. 188, 216
- Over-Lubrication, 216
- Parsons’ Non-skidder, 435
- Pedals: Are they Wanted? 446
- Pedals as Footrests, 50, 65
- Perfect Motor-bicycle, Details of, 363
- Petrol, 190
- Petrol and Railway Companies, 212, 221, 224, 461
- Petrol-driven Railway Trains, 328
- Petrol Consumption, 110
- Petrol Experiments, 341
- Petrol for Power, 406
- Petrol, German, 247
- Petrol in India, 159
- Petrol, Purchasing in Small Quantities, 5, 47, 49, 65
- Petrol, Storage of, 56
- Piston and Rings Sticking, 200
- Piston Rings Broken, 164, 529
- Piston Rings, Shape of, 287
- Police on Motor-bicycles, 211
- Position, Engine, 338
- Power, Increase of, 434
- Power, Large, from Small Engines, 421
- Power, Methods of Increasing, 233
- Power Problem. 163, 214
- Primus Motor Company. 75
- Princeps Motor-bicycle, 3, 63
- Pulley, A Worn, 55
- Pulley, Compressed Leather, 282
- Pulley, Loose in Driving, 147
- Pulley, Size of, 231
- Punctures, Repairing Motorcycle Tyres, 115
- Quadrant Experiences, 97, 159
- Quadrant for 1903, 176
- Quads, 231
- Quads, How to Wrestle with, 403
- Ardennes, 10, 11
- Boston-New York, 15
- Canning Town, 48, 57, 128
- Chateau-Thierry, 138, 157
- Crystal Palace, 12, 58, 60
- Deauville, 47, 61, 63, 109
- Frankfort, 112
- Gaillon Hill Climb, 121, 160, 176
- In Spain, 212
- Paris-Madrid, 222, 246, 435, 485
- Paris-Vienna, 191
- Plymouth, 32
- Spa Hill Climb, 191
- St. Albans, 62
- Welbeck, 6
- Race Meetings: Some Suggestions, 96, 104
- Racing Motor, 475
- Racing, Motorcycle, 248
- Racing Motor-bicycle. The Riding of a, 258
- Railway Motor Service, 64
- Records, 45, 61, 64, 127, 277
- Regal, Victor, 279
- Reliability Trials, 77, 95, 122
- Reliability Trials, American, 128
- Repairs, Simple, 383
- Retrospect and Prospects for 1903, 196
- Road Book, Motor Cyclists’, 44
- Rothschild, Baron Henri de, Experiences of, 435, 448
- Birmingham, 177
- Brussels Motor, 485
- Crystal Palace, 367
- Crystal Palace Motor, 481, 503
- National and Stanley Cycle (Novelties), 187, 207, 223, 239 . 267, 292, 331
- Paris, 343, 372, 387
- Stanley Motor, 451, 477
- Sideslip, 195
- Silencer, A New, 143
- Silencers and Reduced Power, 50
- Simms’ Motor Set, New, 88
- Singer Cycles, 94
- Sparking-plug Charred, 116
- Sparking-plugs, E.I.C., 40, 63, 188
- Sparking-plugs, 129
- Accumulators as Applied to Motorcycle Ignition: An Article in Defence of the High Tension System by Leonard Bell, 470
- A Novice’s First Impressions of Motor Cycling, 362
- A 600 Miles Tour on a Singer Motor-bicycle, 83
- Aluminium as a Constructive Material for Motorcycles, by Leonard Bell, 196
- All about Simple Repairs and Replacements, by G. C. Weston, 383
- Automobile Hooligan, The, 101
- Causes of Sideslip in Motorcars: Is there no Remedy? By W. Phillips, M.I.M.E., 133
- Design of the Lightweight Motor-bicycle, by “ High Tension,” 235
- Electric Automobiles, by H. F. Joel, A.M.I.C.E., 473
- Handicapping Motor-bicycles in Races, by G. Vernon Rogers, 394
- How I Manage my Motor-bicycle, 42
- Hunting Man’s Experience as a Motor Cyclist, A, By Edward Kennard, J.P., 219
- Law Relating to Motorcycle and Car Licenses. 206
- Leaves from a Continental Motorcyclist’s Notebook, 69
- Leaves from the Diary of an Inexperienced Motorist, 19
- Motor-bicycle for Professional LTse, 117
- Motor-bicycles: Their Management and Repair, 102, 120, 137
- Motorcycle Yarn, A, by “ Kuklos,” 495
- Motor Racing as a Spectacle, by Saxon Browne, 201
- My Fifth Motor-bicycle and Some Experiences, by “ Petro,” 195
- Plea for a Weight Limit for Motor-bicycles, A, by “ Petrolia,” 213
- Retrospect and Some of the Features of 1903 Machines, 194
- Some Motorcycle Troubles and How I Remedied Them, 27
- Some Suggestions on the Management of Motorcycle Race Meetings, by G. Lacy Hillier, 96
- The Cyclist and the Motor, 242
- The Riding of a Racing Motor-tricycle, by Victor Regal, 258
- Speed, 11, 13, 45, 47, 49, 63, 64
- Speed-changing Gear, 132
- Speed of Cars, 93, 142, 143
- Speed Trials, 435
- Spring Chain Wheel, 40
- Stand for Bicycles, 180
- Steam and Electricity, 283
- Steam-driven Motor Tandem, 282
- Steam Motor-bicycles, 16, 18, 49
- Storage, Motorcycle, 50
- Surrey Wisdom, 175
- Swift Motor-bicycle, 291
- Tandem, Motor for, 148, 161, 165
- Tandems, Three-wheeled, 147
- Terminals Corroded, 148
- Theatricals and Motors, 112
- Thousand Miles as a Novice, 352
- Throttle, Value of, 231
- Throttle Valve Problem, A, 68
- Tired Knees, 66
- Touring, Spar< Parts, 116
- Towed Bicycle: Is it a Trailer? 145
- Trailers, 40, 73
- Trailers, License for, 148
- Training Schools for Motor Cyclists, 177
- Trembler Experiences, 50
- Tremblers, 288
- Tremblers, Platinum for, 81
- Tricycle, Converting a, 116
- Troubles, Motorcycle, 27
- Truffault Racing Cycle, 177
- Two-cycle Types of Motors, 16, 31, 35, 65,
- Two-speed Gears, 40
- Tyre Covers, Flints in, 240
- Tyre-mounting Record, 392
- Tyres, 81, 127
- Twin v. Single Cylinders, 256
- United States Import Duties, 222
- Valve Grinding, 256
- Valves, Mechanically Operated, 214
- Voltmeters, 56, 132
- Wartburg Car, 412
- Washers for Petrol Light Joints, 188
- Water-cooled Bicycle Motors, 231
- Wear on Tyres, 127
- Weight, 68
- Weight Limit for Motor-bicycles, 218
- Welbeck Trials, 5, 6
- Werner Cycles, 18, 32, 33, 35. 52, 62, 81, 115, 193
- Who’s Who in the Light Car World, 310
- Wrinkles, Some, 482b