Samuel Cocker and Son
1752 Established[1] as manufacturers of crucible-steel wire[2]
1833 Samuel Cocker, of Hathersage, steel refiner and steel wire drawer[3]
1833 Cocker and Sons, of Hathersage, manufacturers of needles, fish-hooks, awl blades, hackles, etc.[4]
1835 Cocker and Sons, of Hathersage, needle manufacturers[5]
At some point the two businesses were combined as the business of Samuel Cocker in Sheffield.
1837 Samuel Cocker and Son, awl blade, steel tack, etc manufacturer, and steel converter and refiner, of Porter Works, Sheffield[6]
1852 Sarah Cocker, of Sheffield, Widow, trading under the style of Samuel Cocker and Son, in the business of a Steel Converter, and Manufacturer and Merchant of Wire, Needles, and other Steel and Iron Wares, at the Porter Steel Works, in Sharrow Vale, near Sheffield, assigned to Fewster Wilkinson, of Kirk Ella, near Kingston-upon-HulI, Merchant, William Waterfall, of Grey Stones, in the parish of Sheffield aforesaid, Banker, Joshua Moss, of Wilkinson-street, in the parish of Sheffield, Merchant, and James Rhodes, of Bentley Hall, near Coal Aston, in the parish of DronfieJd, in the county of Derby, Colliery Owner, all her estate and effects, in trust, for the equal benefit of such of the creditors of her as shall execute the said assignment or assent thereto within three calendar months from the date thereof[7]
Succeeded by Cocker Brothers
1864 Sarah Cocker, relict of Samuel, died [8]