John Ferguson (1887-1929)
John Ferguson (1887-1929)
1929 Obituary [1]
JOHN FERGUSON was born on the 13th September, 1887, at Hamilton, Lanarkshire, and was educated at Hamilton Academy.
He served his apprenticeship as an electrical engineer at Motherwell power station, and later studied at the Technical College, Glasgow.
In 1907 he obtained a post with the Burmah Oil Co, and later was appointed electrical engineer to the Patiala State, India.
He remained in Patiala until 1914, when he became connected with Callender's Cable and Construction Co., and was with that company until he joined the Royal Flying Corps in 1916 as a wireless officer.
After the War he was with the Electrical Apparatus Co. for a short period until his appointment as deputy chief electrical engineer to the East Indian Railway Co.
In January 1927 he was appointed general manager in Malaya to the Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Co., and remained with that company until his death, which took place on the 2nd January, 1929.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1912 and a Member in 1921.