The Engineer 1921/08/26
1921 August 26th PDF
- Contents, p 219.
Main Subjects
- 200 HP Galloways Steam Engine - F. B. Perry, p 222. (Illustrated).
- A Seven-Day Journal, p 213.
- Electric Railways in South Africa.
- The Wages Problem.
- Notable New Liners.
- Carbon Monoxide in Gas.
- Persistence in Capital Ships.
- Reopening of a Chemical Factory - London Chemical Works.
- Wage Cuts Abroad.
- Transport Ministry Economies.
- A German Tube Syndicate.
- Railway Standard Revenue.
- Engineers in Railway Shops.
- Shipbuilders and the Bonuses.
- Mines in the North Sea.
- Developments in Power Station Design - (No. VI), p 214. (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p 219.
- R38 Disaster.
- Battery Vehicles.
- Effect of Appendages in Ship Resistance, p 207.
- Lift Lock on the Canal du Central, Belgium, p 208 and 218. (Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p 216.
- Government Employees and the Income Taxpayer - G. Halliday.
- Jubillee of the Japanese Government Railways - George Cawley.
- Notes on Richard Trevithick's Locomotives - Ernest Alfred Forward, p 211.
- Obituary - Robert Somerville, p 221.
- Obituary - Samuel Cleland Davidson, p 221.
- Patents, p 229.
- Safety Tanks for Aircraft, p 224.
- Vacuum Pump for Corrosive Gases - Tilghmans Patent Sand Blast Co, p 224.
- Water Power Developments in North Wales - John Baker Cannington Kershaw, p 210. (Illustrated).