Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index
See Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun for the digitised volumes
- ABINGDON Sewerage, 305
- Accident, The Tay Bridge, 11, 31, 52, 92, 132, 191, 211
- Accidents, Railway, for 1879. 381
- Accidents, Recent Railway, 118, 242, 422
- Act, The Metropolitan Water, 209, 228
- Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 45
- Address of the President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 65
- Address of the President of the Institution of Naval Architects, 230
- Address of the President of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, 125, 176, 273
- Adhesion, The Electrical, of Metal Contacts, 327
- Agents, Explosive, 275
- Agricultural Meteorology, Conference on, 500
- Air Spaces in Loaded Rifles, 499
- Alcock and Mason's Economiser, 262
- Amalgamated Engineers, Report of the Society of, 438
- American Iron and Steel Works (See Iron and Steel Works, American)
- American Pumping Engines, 18
- American Railroad Bridges, 304
- Amsterdam Ship Canal, The, :384
- Analysis of Blast Furnace Gases, The, 372
- Anglesea Bridge, Cork, The New, Fidler and Walker's, 452
- Anthracite Coal Mine, Fire in an, 459
- " Anthracite," The Steam Yacht, 423
- Arrah Road Bridge, The, 489
- Arsenals-, Chinese, 440
- Art Exhibition, The Dusseldorf, 419, 452
- Artificial Combustion, 301
- Asphalt and Mineral Bitumen, 176
- Asquith's Plate-Edge Planing Machine, 186
- Astronomer Royal's Report, The, 460
- " Atalanta," H.M.S., 343
- Attock's Railway Axle-Box, 282
- Attraction in Water, Magnetic, 422
- Augsburg Water Works, Pumping Machinery at the, '245
- Automatic Action in Railway Brakes, 82, 100
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Proell's, 416
- Axle Lathe, Fetu and Delidge's 413
- Balance, An Improved Resistance, 15
- Balanced Doors for Bulkheads, 303
- Baldwin Locomotive, Tests of a, 484, 502
- Balmain's Captive Light, 52
- Barges, Steam Hopper, for Kurrachee Harbour, 341, 355
- Barrow Shipbuilding Company's Works, Smith's Locomotive Steam Crane at the, 492
- Bars, River„ The Removal of by Induced Tidal Scour, 410
- Beams, Continuous, 14
- Belgian State Railways, The Cost of, 459
- Bergboff's Valve Gear, 35
- Berry's Hydraulic Sugar-Cane Mill and Megams Steaming Chamber, 204
- Bill, The Employers' Liability, 457
- Bitumen, Mineral and Asphalt, 176
- Blake's Gauge Glass Fittings, 186
- Blake's Vertical 13oiler, 147
- Blast Furnace Gases, The Analysis of, 372
- Blasting, Gases formed in, 421
- Blindness, Colour, 440
- Blowing Engine, Compound, 175
- Boat, Tank, for Storing Grain, 146
- Bogie Carriage, Truck for; Imperial Japanese Railways, 144
- Boiler Drilling and Turning Machine, Butterfield's, 396
- Boiler Explosion, The Glasgow, 203
- Boiler Explosion, The Walsall, 402, 421, 431, 458, 497
- Boiler Explosions, Steam ; Annual Meeting of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 266
- Boiler Explosions in 1879 ; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 187
- Boiler Flues, Corrugated, 477
- Boiler Inspection; Annual Report of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, 334
- Boiler Shell Drilling Machine, Kendall and Gent's, 434
- Boiler, The " Talbot" Vertical, 109
- Boiler Tubes. Fixing, 7
- Boilers, Gas-Fired Steam, 2
- Bolan Pass, The Railway to the, 439
- Bore-Hole, A Deep, 271
- Boyle's Soil Pipe Ventilator, 127
- Brakes, Continuous Railway, 82, 100, 227, 345, 362, 440, 481
- Brakes, Continuous, Railway Companies' Returns of, 227
- Breaking Coal and Coke, Hall's Machine for, 137
- Breechloading Ordnance, 210
- Brewing Fountains, Pontifex and Wood's, 29
- Bridge Accident, The Tay, 11, 31, 52, 92, 132, 191, 211
- Bridge, The Arrah Road, 489
- Bridge, The Forth, 113, 131, 153, 173
- Bridge Inquiry, The Tay, 320, 335, 363, 387
- Bridge, The Laughery Creek, 222
- Bridge, The Matina River, 24, 48
- Bridge, The New Anglesea, Cork, 452
- Bridge Piers, 'the Stability of, 71
- Bridges, American Railroad, 304
- Bridges, Railway, in Costa Rica, 24, 48
- Bridges, Railway, The Strength of, 179
- Bridges, The Tay and Forth ; Paper read before the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, 196, 295
- Brown's Horizontal Engine, 75
- Brown's Tank Locomotive for the National Railway of Switzerland, 184, 219
- Brown's Tramway Locomotive, 81, 98, 138
- Brush Electric Light, The, 13
- Building Exhibition, The, 307
- Bulkheads, Balanced Doors for, 403
- Bullivant's Wire Rope Cable Apparatus, 264
- Buoy, Mark, for Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Phillips', 416
- Butterfield's Boiler Drilling and Turning Machine, ;396
- Bye-Products from the Manufacture of Coke, 377, 396
- Cable, Wire Rope, Bullivant's Apparatus for, 264
- Cables, Submarine, 421
- Cables, Telegraph, Johnson and Phillips' Steam Hauling Gear for, 205
- Cail's Tank Locomotive, 264
- Cobourg, Peterborough, and Marmora Railway, 21
- Erie and Ontario, and Welland Railways, 61
- Great Western of Canada, 141, 237, 316, 391, 428, 487
- Canal, The Amsterdam Ship, 384
- Cape of Good Hope Mail Service, Launch of the Steamer "Trojan" for the, 226
- Captive Light, 52
- Capture of the " Huascar," The, 74. 189
- Catalogue, The Ronalds, 459
- Cement, Portland, 413
- Cement, Ransome's New, 361
- Change of Temperature of Steam Cylinders, 460
- Change in Wires, Molecular, 171, 325
- Check to Trade Revival, The, 287
- Chernoff's Papers on Steel, Remarks on, 346
- Chinese Arsenals, 440
- Chronometers, Prizes for, 498
- Claridge's Reversing Gear for Rolling Mills, 284
- Cleaning Water Mains, Scraper for, 435
- Cleveland, Increasing Iron Production in, 271
- Cleveland, Iron Consumption in, 195
- Cleveland, Notes from, 5, 28, 58, 65, 96, 119, 129, 149, 177, 185, 207, 226, 250, 263, 286, 305, 329, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 436, 456, 476, 493
- Clyde Shipbuilding and Engineering, 1879, 35
- Coal and Coke Breaker, Hall's, 137
- Coal and Goods Wagons for the Western Railway of France, 26
- Coal-Cutting Machine, Lechner's, 79
- Coal Washing, 4, 41, 94, 121, 202, 259
- Cobourg, Peterborough, and Marmora Railway;
- Canadian Railways, 21
- Cold in 1879, The, 480
- Colliery Explosions, 171
- Colonial Telegraphs, 73
- Colour Blindness, 440
- "Columbia," s.s., The, 460
- Combustion, Artificial, 301
- Commission, The Italian Railway, 326
- Compagnie Gdndrale Transatlantique, New Steam Fleet of the, 422
- Compound Blowing Engine, 175
- Compound Engines, Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting, for the Tug " Mount Etna," 413
- Compound Engines, Ross and Duncan's Small, 341
- Compound Launch Engine, Kingdon's, 496
- Compound, A New Metallic, 157
- Conference on Agricultural Meteorology, 500
- Construction of Gasholders, The, 482
- Construction of Merchant Ships, The, 292
- Construction, Steel Ship, 329, 368
- Continuous Beams, 14
- Continuous Brakes, Railway Companies' Returns of, 227
- Continuous Railway Brakes, 82, 100, 227, 345, 862, 440, 481
- Conversazione, The Institution,498
- Conversazione, The Physical Society, 133
- Conversazione, The Royal Society, 346
- Conversazione at University College, 499
- Copper ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 217, 277,315, 353, 409, 447
- Corrugated Boiler Flues, 477
- Cost of Belgian State Railways, The, 459
- Costa Rica, Railway Bridges in, 24, 48
- Cotton in the United States, 440, 459
- Couplings for Screw Shafts, Snowden's Flexible, 474
- Crab, Newton's Overhead Steam Travelling, 299
- Crane, Russell's Portable Steam, 64
- Crane, Smith's Locomotive Steam, 492
- Creek, Laughery, Bridge over the, 222
- Cremating Car, A, 421
- Crighton's Insulators, 120
- Crompton's Electric Lamp, 340
- Croton Water Supply, The, 500
- Crude Iron Trade, The Northern, 475
- Cumberland Sound, 278
- Current, The Dynamo-Electric, New Applications of, 478, 487
- Currents, Dynamo-Electric, 231
- Darke's Indicator, 242
- Debrun's Electro-Capillary Generator, 257
- Deep Bore-Hole, A, 271
- Delbecque's Lxpress Locomotive for the Northern Railway of France, 303
- Dennert's Water Meter, 126
- Dephosphorisation of Iron, The, 414
- Disconnecting Compound Engines, Rankin and Blackmore's, for the Tug " Mount Etna," 413
- Dispersion Photometer, A, 72
- Dixon, Mr. W. G., 501
- Dock Extension, The Victoria, 75, 384, 500
- Docks and Trade of West Hartlepool, The, 440
- Doors for Bulkheads, Balanced, 303
- Double-Bogie Tank Locomotive (Fairlie System) for the Festiniog Railway, 453
- Dovetailing Machine, The Tighe Hamilton, 38G
- Doxford and Sons' Engines of the s.s. " Grecian," 400, 435, 475, 4(,‘,6
- Drainage of Torquay, The, 351
- Dredger for Kurrachee Harbour, Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's, 341, 355
- Drilling Machine, Kendall and Gent's Boiler Shell, 434
- Drilling and Turning Boilers, Butterfield's Machine for, 396
- Dundee, Shipbuilding at, 176
- Duplex Telegraphy, 448
- Durability of Gutta Percha, The, 401
- Dusseldorf Exhibition, The, 419, 452
- Dynamo-Electric Current, New Applications of the, 478, 487
- Dynamo-Electric Currents, 231
- Dynamo-Electric Machine, Gramme's Combined, 136
- Dynamo-Electric Machines, 1. 11G. 154, 228
- Dynamo-Electric Machines, The Resistance of, 499
- Dynamometer, Froude's, 288, 356
- Economiser, Mason and Alcock's, 262
- Effect of Temperature on the Strength of Steel Rails, The, 379
- Electric Lamp, Crompton's, 340
- Electric Lamp, Jamin's, 457, 480
- Electric Light, The, 267
- Electric Light, The Brush, 13
- Electric Light, The Edison, 37, 113, 382
- Electric Light, The Gramme Exciting and Dividing Machine for the, 136
- Electric Light, Heinrichs' ; Lighting by Electricity, 161
- Electric Light, The Jablochkoff, at the Palais de l'Industrie, Paris, 64
- Electric Light, Progress of the, 439
- Electric Lighting, 424
- Electric Lighting at Blackpool, Three Months'
- Experience of, 312
- Electrical Adhesion of Metal Contacts, The, 327
- Electrical Speed Indicator, An, 421
- Electricity, The Influence of, on Evaporation, 34
- Electricity, Lighting by, 164
- Electro-Capillary Generator, Debrun's, 257
- Electrometer Key, An Improved, 403
- Electrometer, The Lippmaun Capillary, 498
- Electrometers, 481
- Elements in Hydrogeology, On the Quantitative, 16
- Elevated Railroads, The New York, 7, 48, 210, 211
- Employers' Liability Bill, The, 457
- Employers and Workmen, 131
- Engine, Brown's Horizontal, 75
- Engine, Compound Blowing, 175
- Engine, Kingdon's Compound Launch, 496
- Engine, Vertical Rolling Mill (Corliss System) at Krupp's Steel Works, Essen, 324
- Engine, Wallis and Steevens' Six-Horse Power Traction, 136
- Engineering Precedents, 42, 162, 287, 298
- Engineering and Shipbuilding, 1879, Clyde, 35
- Engineering, Telegraphic, in 1879, 91
- Engineers, Amalgamated, Report of the Society of, 438
- Annual General Meeting, 7
- Address of the President, 45
- Conversazione, The,s498
- On Fixed and Movable Weirs, by L. F. Vernon Harcourt, 101
- On Iron and Steel at Low Temperatures, by John James Webster, 127
- On the Use of Asphalt and Mineral Bitumen in Engineering Works, by W. H. Delano, 176
- On the Purification of Gas, by Harry Edward Jones, 225
- On Explosive Agents applied to Industrial Purposes, by Professor Abel, 275
- On the Abingdon Sewerage, by Charles Foote Gower, 305
- On the Main Drainage of Torquay, by George Chatterton, 351
- On the Amsterdam Ship Canal, by H. Hayter, 384
- On the Manufacture and Testing of Portland Cement, by Major-General H. Y. D. Scott and Gilbert R. Redgrave, 413
- On Portlaud Cement Concrete, and some of its Applications, by E. A. Bernays, 414
- On Portland Cement: its Nature, Tests, and Uses, by John Grant, 414
- Address of the President, 65
- First Report of the Committee on the Form of
- Rivetted Joints, 110, 128, 148, 254, 300, 350
- On Brown's Tramway Locomotive, by B. C. Browne, 81, 98, 138
- On Improvements in Machinery for Rolling Iron and Steel Plates, by Edward Hutchinson, 82, 97
- On Continuous Brakes. Is Automatic Action Necessary or Desirable in a Continuous Railway Brake ? by T. Hurry Riches, 82, 100
- On Permanent Way for 'Street Tramways, with Special Reference to Steam Traction, by J. D. Larsen, 347
- On Water-Pressure Engines for Mining Purposes, by Henry Davey, 358, 380
- On Electric Lighting, by Doctor John Hopkinson, 424
- Reply on the Discussion on Fireless Locomotives, by M. Leon Francq, 99
- Remarks on Chernoff's Papers on Steel, by William Anderson, 346
- Engineers, The Society of Telegraph, 114, 125, 176, 273
- Engines, American Pumping, 18
- Engines of H.M.S. " Nelson," The, 279
- Engines of the s.s. " Grecian," Doxford and
- Sons', 400, 435, 475, 496
- Engines, Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting Compound, for the Tug " Mount Etna," 413
- Engines, Ross and Duncan's Small Compound, 841
- Engines, Sulzer Brothers' Horizontal Winding, 109
- Engines, Traction, Fowler q.nd Company's Military, 172
- Engines, Water-Pressure, 358, 380
- Engines of the Yacht " Wanderer," The, 126
- English Navy, The, 227
- English Telegraphy, Ten Years of, 437
- Equatorial Telescope, The Vienna, 7, 114, 199, 309, 391, 409, 467
- Erie and Ontario, and Welland Railways ; Canadian Railways, 61
- Estimates, The Navy, 189
- Evaporation, The Influence of Electricity on, 34
- Exhibition, The Building, 307
- Exhibition, The Dusseldorf, 419, 452
- Exhibition of Lighting Apparatus at Glasgow, 499
- Exhibition, The Manchester International, 439
- Expansion Gear, Proell's Automatic, 416
- Experiments, The Palliser Gun, 185
- Experiments with the 38-Ton " Thunderer" Gun, 72, 86, 117, 138, 156
- Explosion, Boiler, The Glasgow, 203
- Explosion, The Walsall Boiler, 402, 421, 431, 458, 497
- Explosions, Boiler, in 1879; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 187
- Explosions, Colliery, 171
- Explosions, Steam Boiler; Annual Meeting of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 266
- Explosive Agents, 275
- Express Locomotive for the Northern Railway of France, 303
- Extensions at Victoria Dock, The, 75, 384, 600
- Eye as a Photometer, The, 382
- Face Lathe, Fetu and Delieges, 119
- Factory Hands, New England, 498
- Factory Inspection, 307
- Fairlie Locomotive for the Festiniog Railway, 453
- Feathering Screw Propeller, Kirk and Hunt's, 225
- Ferry Steamers, Passenger, 252
- Fetu and Deliege's Axle Lathe, 413
- Filtration through Spongy Iron, 309
- Fine Tools, Tempering, 422
- Fire in an Anthracite Coal Mine, 459
- Fireless Locomotives, 99
- Fittings, Blake's Gauge Glass, 186
- Fixed and Movable Weirs, 101
- Fixing Boiler Tubes, 7
- Fleet, New Steam, of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, 422
- Flexible Couplings for Screw Shafts, Snowden's, 474
- Fluctuations of Trade, The, 481
- Flues, Corrugated Boiler, 477
- Force of Gravity, Lieutenant Herschel on the Method of Determining the, 459
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 19, 40, 60, 79, 102, 120, 126, 198, 207, 231, 251, 275, 332, 352, 385, 407, 426, 446, 465, 486
- Form of Ships, The, 243
- Forrestt and Son's Steel Launch for Exploration in Central Africa, 475
- Forth Bridge, The, 113, 131, 153, 173
- Forth and Tay Bridges, The ; Paper read before the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, 196, 295
- Foundations, Pneumatic, 15
- Fountain, Pontifex and Wood's Brewing, 29
- Fowler and Company's Military Traction Engines, 172
- France at the Melbourne Exhibition, 439
- French Patents, Working, 474
- Froude's Dynamometer, 288, 356
- Gand-Terneusen Ship Canal, The, 459
- Garrett and Sons' Machine for Spreading Sand, 356
- Gas-Fired Steam Boilers, 2
- Gas Managers' Association, The West of Scotland, Meeting of, 407
- Gas, Occlusion of, by Metals, 403
- Gas Producer, The Tessid, 320
- Gas, The Purification of, 225
- Gases, The Analysis of Blast Furnace, 472
- Gases formed in Blasting, 421
- Gasholders, The Construction of, 482
- Gauge Glass Fittings, The Blake, 186
- Gear, Berghoff's Valve, 35
- Gear, Proell's Automatic Expansion, 416
- Gear for Rolling Mills, Claridge's Reversing, 284
- General Morin, 172
- Generator, Debrun's Electro-Capillary, 257
- Gilmore and Clark's Self-Acting Ventilator, 264
- Ginti on Radiant Matter, 325
- Glacier, The Saumur, 184
- Glasgow Boiler Explosion, The, 203
- Goods and Coal Wagons for the Western Railway of France, 26
- Goods Locomotive and Tender for the Great
- Eastern Railway, 66
- Gothard Tunnel, Saint, Completion of the, 190
- Governors, Wallis and Steevens' Speed Controlling Gear for, 323
- Grain, Tank Boat for Storing, 146
- Gramme's Combined Dynamo-Electric Machine, 136
- Great Eastern Railway, Goods Locomotive and Tender for the, 66
- Great Western of Canada, The ; Canadian Railways, 141, 237, 316, 391, 428, 487
- " Grecian," s.s., Doxford and Sons' Engines of the, 400, 435, 475, 496
- Grinding Machine, Surfacing and Slide Bar, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 320
- Grinding and Pan Mixing Mill, Mather's, 205
- Grubb's Vienna Equatorial Telescope, 7, 114, 199, 309, 391, 409, 467
- Gun Experiments, The Palliser, 185
- Gun, The " Thunderee 38-Ton, Experiments with, 72, 86, 117, 138, 15G
- Guns, Breechloading, 210
- Gutta Percha, The Durability of, 401
- Gwynn's Metaline, 53
- Hall's Coal and Coke Breaker, 137
- Hampton, Lord, 311
- Hardening of Iron and Steel, The, 59,77, 139, 159
- Hathorn, Davey, and Company's Water-Pressure Engines for Mining Purposes, 358, 380
- Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's Dredger for Kurrachee Harbour, 341, 355
- Hawthorn's Tramway Locomotive (Brown's System), 46
- Hayward Tyler and Company's Pumping Machinery at the Twickenham Sewage Works, 25
- Health, Public, and Local Government, The, 497
- Heinrichs' Electric Light; Lighting by Electricity, 164
- Heliotrope, The, 480
- H.M.S. " Atalanta," 343
- H.M.S. " Iris," The Steam Trials of, 274
- H.M.S. " Nelson," The Engines of, 279
- Herschel, Lieutenant, on the Method of Determining the Force of Gravity, 459
- High Temperatures, Iron and Steel at, 425, 442
- Horizontal Engine, Brown's, 75
- Horizontal Winding Engines, Sulzer Brothers', 109
- Horological Instruction, Technical, 480
- Horology at the Sydney Exhibition, 499
- Horseshoe Lamp, Edison's, 382
- " Huascar," The Capture of the, 74, 189
- Hudson River Tunnel, The, 481
- Hydraulic Sugar-Cane Mill and Megass Steaming Chamber, Berry's, 204
- Hydrogeology, On the Quantitative Elements in, 1G
- Improved Resistance Balance, An, 15
- Improved Thermo-Electric Apparatus, An, 439
- Indicator, Darke's, 242
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless, 323
- Influence of Electricity on Evaporation, The, 34
- Inquiry, The Tay Bride, 320, 335, 363, 387
- Inspection of Boilers ; The Annual Report of the Boiler insurance and Steam Power Company, 334
- Inspection, Factory, 307
- Institution of Civil Engineers (See Engineers, The Institution of Civil)
- Institution Conversazione, The, 498
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (See Engineers, The Institution of Mechanical)
- Institution of Naval Architects, The (See Naval Architects, The Institution of)
- Insulation of Subterranean and Submarine Telegraph Wires, The, 152
- Insulators, Crighton's, 120
- Integrator, A Mechanical, 462
- " Iris," H.M.S., The Steam Trials of, 274
- Iron Consumption in Cleveland, 195
- Iron, The Dephosphorisation of, 444
- Iron and Manganese ; Mineral Wealth of European Russia, 257
- Iron, the Passive State of, 403
- Iron Production in Cleveland, Increasing, 271
- Iron Production in 1879, Manufactured, 15
- Iron Production of the United Kingdom, The, 460
- Iron, Spongy, Filtration through, 309
- Iron and Steel at High Temperatures, 425,442
- On the Hardening of Iron and Steel ; its Causes and Effects, by Professor Richard Akerman, 59, 77, 139, 159
- On an Improved Apparatus for Analysing Blast Furnace and other Gases, by J. E. Stead, 372
- On an improved System for the Utilisation of Bye-Products in the Manufacture of Coke, by Henry Simon, 377, 396
- On the Application of the Spectroscope to the Analysis of Iron and Steel, by A. E. Tucker and John Parry, 343, 377, 406
- On Further Experiments to Determine the Presence of Nitrogen in Steel, by Alfred H. Allen, 379
- On the Resistance of Steel Rails at Naturally and Artificially Lowered Temperatures, by the Hon. D. Jouraffsky, 379
- On the Separation of Silica in Analyses of Limestones, Iron Ores, and other Minerals, by H. Rocholl, 379
- On some Physical Changes occurring in Iron and Steel at High Temperatures, by Thomas Wrightson, 425, 442
- On the Dephosphorisation of Iron in the Bessemer Converter, by R. Pink, 444
- On Reactions in the Open-hearth Process, by Arthur Willis, 445
- On the Manufacture of Bessemer Steel and Ingot Iron from Phosphoric Pig, by C. B. Holland and A. Cooper, 464
- Iron and Steel at Low Temperatures, 127
- Iron and Steel, Nitrogen in, 379
- Iron and Steel from Phosphoric Pig, 464
- Iron and Steel, The Spectroscopic Analysis of 377, 406
- Springfield Iron Works, Springfield, Illinois, 371
- Works of the Phoenix Iron Company, The, 103
- Iron Trade, The Northern Crude, 475
- Iron Trade, 1879, The Scotch Pig, 44
- Iron Wires, Molecular Changes in, 171, 325
- Iron Works, The Springfield, at Springfield,
- Illinois ; American Iron and Steel Works, 371
- Ironclad " Huascar," The Capture of the, 74, 189
- Ironfounders' Society, Annual Report of the, 401
- Italian Railway Commission, The, 326
- Jablochkoff Electric Light at the Palais de l'Industrie, Paris, The, 64
- Jamin Electric Light, The, 457, 480
- Japan, The Magic Mirrors of, 498
- Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 217, 277, 315, 353, 409, 447
- Japanese Railways, Imperial ; Truck for Bogie Carriage, 144
- Johnson and Phillips' Mark Buoy for Telegraph Cables, 416
- Johnson and Phillips' Steam-Hauling Gear for Telegraph Cables, 205
- Johnston's Scrap Shears at the Parkgate Iron Works, 284
- Joint, Painter's Pipe, 147
- Joints, The Form or Rivetted; First Report of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on the, 110, 128, 148, 254, 300, 350
- Joints, Rivetted, Mr. Kirkaldy's Experiments on, 194
- Kendall and Gent's Boiler Shell Drilling Machine, 434
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator, 323
- Key, An Improved Electrometer, 403
- Kingdon's Compound Launch Engine, 495
- Kirk and Hunt's Feathering Screw Propeller, 225
- Kirkaldy's Experiments on Rivetted Joints, 194
- Kurrachee Harbour, Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's Dredger for, 341, 355
- Lakes, Sulphate of Soda, 248
- Lamp, Crompton's Electric, 340
- Lamp, Edison's Horseshoe, 882
- Lathe, Axle, Fetu and Deliege's, 413
- Lathe, Face, Fetu and Deli6ge's, 119
- Laughery Creek Bridge, The, 222
- Launch Engine, Kingdon's Compound, 495
- Launch, Forrestt and Son's Steel, for Exploration in Central Africa, 475
- Launch of the Steamer " Trojan" for the Cape of Good Hope Mail Service, 226
- Laws, The Patent, 247
- Lechner's Coal-Cutting Machine, 79
- Lee, River, New Anglesea Bridge over the, 452
- Leonardt's Safety Apparatus, 58
- Liability Bill, The Employers', 457
- Light, The Brush Electric, 13
- Light, Captive, 52
- Light, The Edison Electric, 37, 113, 382
- Light, The electric, 267
- Light, The Electric, Progress of, 439
- Light, The Jablochkoff Electric, at the Palais de l'industrie, Paris, 64
- Light, The Jamin Electric, 457, 480
- Lighting Apparatus„ Exhibition of, at Glasgow' 499
- Lighting, Electric, 424
- Lighting, Electric, at Blackpool, Three Months Experience of, 312
- Lighting by Electricity, 164
- Limestones, Iron Ores, &c., Silica in, 379
- Lines, Postal Telegraph, Testing the, 420
- Lippmann Capillary Electrometer, The, 498
- List of Materials, Price, 20, 40, 60, 80. 120, 140, 178, 198, 216, 236, 256, 276, 296, 314, 332, 352,370 , 390, 408, 426, 446, 466, 486, 506
- Loaded Rifles, Air Spaces in, 499
- Local Government and Public Health, The, 497
- Locomotive, Baldwin, Tests of a, 484, 502
- Locomotive, Brown's Tank, for the Nations, Railway of Switzerland, 184, 219
- Locomotive, Brown's Tramway, 81, 98, 138
- Locomotive, Cail's Tank, 264
- Locomotive, Express, for the Northern Railway of France, 303
- Locomotive, Fairlie, for the Festiniog Railway, 453
- Locomotive, Goods, and Tender, for the Great Eastern Railway, 66
- Locomotive Steam Crane, Smith's, 492
- Locomotive, Tramway (Brown's System), 46
- Locomotives, Fireless, 99
- Locomotives, The Slipping of, 287
- London Water Act, The, '209, 228
- London Water Supply, The, 420, 460
- Lord Hampton, 311
- Low Temperatures, Iron and Steel at, 127
- Lubricating Oils, 500
- Machine, Asquith's Plate-Edge Planing, 186
- Machine, Butterfield's Boiler Drilling and Turning, 396
- Machine, Gramme's Combined Dynamo-Electric, 136
- Machine, Hall's Coal and Coke Breaking, 137
- Machine, Kendall and Gent's Boiler Shell Drilling,
- Machine, Lechner's Coal-Cutting, 79
- Machine, The 100-Ton Testing, 494
- Machine for Spreading Sand, Garrett and Sons', 356
- Machine, Surfacing and Slide Bar Grinding, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 320
- Machine, The Tighe Hamilton Dovetailing, 386
- Machine, Universale156
- Machine, Woolnough and Deithe's Moulding, 355
- Machinery, Hayward Tyler and Company's Pumping, at the Twickenham Sewage Works,
- Machinery, Pumping, at the Augsburg Water Works, 245
- Machines, Dynamo-Electric, 1, 116, 154, 228, 499
- Machines, Wood-Converting ; Engineering Precedents, 42
- Macneill, Sir Jobn, 203
- Magic Mirrors of Japan, The, 498
- Magnetic Attraction in Water, 422
- Malleable Nickel, 481
- Manchester International Exhibition, The, 439
- Manganese and iron; Mineral Wealth of European Russia, 257
- Manufacture of Coke, Bye-Products from the, 377, 396
- Manufactured Iron Production in 1879, 15
- Mark Buoy for Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Phillips', 416
- Marten's Report on Boiler Explosions in 1879, 187
- Mason and Alcock's Economiser, 262
- Materials, Price List of, 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 140, 178, 198, 216, 236, 256, 276, 296, 314, 332, 352, 370, 390, 408, 416, 446, 466, 486, 506
- Mather's Pan Mixing and Grinding Mill, 205
- Matina River Bridge, Costa Rica, The, 24, 48
- Mechanical Integrator, A, 462
- Meeting, Annual, of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 7
- Meeting, Annual, of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 266
- Meeting of the West of Scotland Gas Managers' Association, 407
- Melbourne Exhibition, France at the, 439
- Merchant Ships, The Construction of, 292
- Merchant Steamers, Causes of Unseaworthiness in, 232
- Metal Contacts, The Electrical Adhesion of, 327
- Metal-Working Machines and Tools ; Engineering Precedents, 162, 237
- Metaline, Gwynn's, 53
- Metallic Compound, A New, 157
- Metallurgical Processes, Japanese, 217, 277, 315, 353, 409, 447
- Metals, Occlusion of Gas by, 403
- Meteorological Report for 1879, The, 288
- Meteorological Society, The, 178
- Meteorology, Agricultural, Conference on, 500
- Meter, Dennert's Water, 126
- Metropolitan Water Act, The, 209, 228
- Metropolitan Water Supply, The, 420,460
- Microphone as a Seismometer, The, 493
- Military Traction Engines, Fowler and Company's, 172
- Mill, Berry's Hydraulic Sugar-Cane, and Megass Steaming Chamber, 204
- Mill Engine, Vertical Rolling (Corliss System), at Krupp's Steel Works, Essen, 324
- Mill, Rolling, at the Works of the Grazi-Tsaritain Railway, 6
- Milling Machine, Universal, 156
- Mills, !tolling, 82, 97
- Mine Cages, Leonardt's Safety Apparatus for, 68
- Mineral and Asphalt bitumen, 176
- Mineral Industry in Belgium, 480
- Mineral Industry in Italy, 498
- Mineral Tanning, 250
- Iron and Manganese, 257
- Mines, The School of, 421
- Mining, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's Water Pressure Engines for, 358, 380
- Molecular Changes in Iron Wires, 171, 325
- Morin, General, 172
- Moulding Machine, Wooluough Ind Dehne's, 355
- Movable and Fixed Weirs, 101
- National Railway of Switzerland, Brown's Tank Locomotive for the, 184, 219
- Address of the President, 230
- On Causes of Unseaworthiness in Merchant
- Steamers, by B. Martell, 232
- On the " Nelson" Class, by N. Barnaby, 235
- On a Method of Analysing the Forms of Ships and Determining the Lengths and Anglo of Entrance, by A. C. Kirk, 243
- On Passenger Ferry Steamers, Twenty Minutes with, on the Long Ferry, 252
- On the Stability of Yachts, by Dixon Kemp, 272
- On the Steam Trials of H.M.S. " Iris" and the Resistance of screw Propellers, by J. A. Normand, 274
- On the Relation between the True Period of Waves, and the Period observed on Board a Vessel under Way, by L. E. Bertin, 282
- On Cellular Construction of Merchant Ships, by W. John, 292
- On some Recent Experiments in Artificial Combustion, by J. F. Flannery, 301
- On Steel in the Shipbuilding Yard, by William Denny, 329, 368
- On J. Amslor-Laffon's Mechanical Integrator, by C. W. Merrifield, 462
- On Steel for Shipbuilding, by Henry H. West, 463
- Navy Estimates, The, 189
- Navy, Our, 227
- " Nelson" Class of Ships, The, 235
- " Nelson," H.M.S., The Engines of, 279
- New Cement, Ransome's, 361
- New York Elevated Railroads, The, 7, 48, 210, 241
- New Zealand Railways, 104
- Newton's Overhead Steam Travelling Crab, 299
- Nickel, Malleable, 481
- Nitrogen in Iron and Steel, 379
- Northern Crude Iron Trade, The, 475
- Northern Railway of France, Express Locomotive for the, 303
- Air Spaces in Loaded Rifles, 449
- Astronomer Royal's Report, The, 460
- Belgian State Railways, The Cost of, 459
- Brakes, Continuous Railway, 440, 481
- Change of Temperature of Steam Cylinders, 460
- Chinese Arsenals, 440
- Chronometers, Prizes for, 498
- Cold, 1879, The, 480
- Colour Blindness, 440
- " Columbia," s.s., The, 460
- Conference on Agricultural Meteorology, 600
- Continuous Railway Brakes, 440, 481
- Conversazione, The Institution, 498
- Conversazione at University College, 499
- Cotton in the United States, 440, 459
- Cremating Car, A, 421
- Croton Water Supply, The, 600
- Electric Light, Progress of the, 439
- Electrical Speed Indicator, An, 421
- Electrometers, 481
- Exhibition of Lighting Apparatus at Glasgow, 499
- Factory Hands, New England, 498
- Fire in au Anthracite Coal Mine, 459
- France at the Melbourne Exhibition, 439
- Gand-Terneusen Ship Canal, The, 469
- Gases formed in Blasting, 421
- Heliotrope, The 480
- Horology at the Sydney Exhibition, 499
- Hudson River Tunnel, The, 481
- improved Electrometer Key, An, 403
- Iron Production of the United Kingdom, The, 460
- Jamin's Electric Lamp, 480
- Lippmann Capillary Electrometer, The, 498
- Lubricating Oils, 500
- Magic Mirrors of Japan, The, 498
- Magnetic Attraction in Water, 422
- Malleable Nickel, 481
- Manchester international Exhibition, The, 439
- Method of Determining the Force of Gravity, Lieutenant Herschel on the, 459
- Metropolitan Water Supply, The, 460
- Microphone as a Seismometer, The, 498
- Mineral Industry of Belgium, 480
- Mineral Industry in Italy, 498
- Occlusion of Gas by Metals, 403
- Passive State of Iron, The, 403
- Railway to the Bolan Pass, The, 439
- Raising Sunken Ships, 421.
- Recording Solar Radiation, 403, 498
- Resistance of Dynamo-Electric Machines, The, 499
- Ronalds Catalogue, The, 450
- School of Mines, 421
- Steel Wire, 481
- Submarine Cables, 421
- Technical Horological Instruction, 480
- Telegraphic, 440
- Telephone, An improved, 480
- Telephone Receiver, A New, 459
- Tempering Fine Tools, 422
- Thermo-Electricity, 499
- Tool Steel, Russian, 480
- Torpedoes, 498
- Traction on Tramways, 500
- Trade, The Fluctuations of, 481
- United States Cotton Manufacture, 440, 44
- United States Officers, 4;39
- University of Pennsylvania, The, 460
- Utilisation of Solar Heat, 499
- Victoria Dock Extension, The, 500
- Visual Telegraphy, 361, 403
- Notes from Cleveland, 5, 28, 58, 65, 96, 119, 129, 149, 177, 185, 207, 226, 250, 263, 286, 305, 329, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 436, 456, 476, 493
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 19, 40, 60, 79, 102, 120, 126, 198, 207, 281,251, 275, 332, 352, 385, 907, 426, 446, 465, 486
- Notes from the North, 9, 29, 48, 76, 95, 119, 137, 156, 168, 185, 206, 226, 251, 266, 286, 313, :924, 342, 357, 384, 405, 418, 436, 456, 476, 501
- Notes from the South-West, 18, 29, 49, 76, 96, 111, 137, 149, 169,186, 206, 225, 250, 266, 283, 302, 324, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 435, 456, 475, 501
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 5, 29, 49, 76, 95, 119, 129, 158, 169, 186, 207, 225, 266, 291, 805, 342, 356, 380, 400, 418, 436, 462, 476,
- Captain Cadell, 506
- Captain Minie, 80
- Dixon, Mr. W. S., 501
- General Morin, 172
- Griffiths, Mr. John, 342
- Hjortsberg, Mr. Max, 492
- Huntley, Mr. William, 314
- Lord Hampton, 811
- Napier, Mr. John D., 231
- Richards, Mr. John, 176
- Sir John Macneill, 203
- Solacroup, M., 236
- Occlusion of Gas by Metals, 403
- Officers, United States, 439
- Oils, Lubricating, 500
- Open-Hearth Process, Reactions in the, 445
- Ordnance, Breechloading, 210
- Osarisawa Works, The ; Japanese, Metallurgical Processes, 277
- Our Navy, 227
- Painter's Pipe Joint, 147
- Palliser Gun Experiments, The, 185
- Palliser, Sir William, on the 38-Ton " Thunderer" Gun, 86, 138
- Pan Mixing and Grinding Mill, Mather's, 205
- Parkgate Iron Works, Johnston's Scrap Shears at the, 284
- Passenger Ferry Steamers, 252
- Passive State of Iron, The, 403
- Patent Laws, The, 247
- Patents, Working French, 474
- Pennsylvania University, Tho, 460
- Periods, Wave, 282
- Permanent Way, Tramway, 347
- Peruvian Ironclad " Huascar," The Capture of the, 74, 189
- Phoenix Iron Company, The Works of the ;
- American Iron and Steel Works, 103
- Phosphoric Pig, Iron and Steel from, 464
- Photometer, A Dispersion, 72
- Photometer, The Eye as a, 382
- Physical Society, The Conversazione of the, 133
- Piers, The Stability of Bridge, 71
- Pig Iron Production in Cleveland, 195
- Pig Iron Trade, 1879, The Scotch, 44
- Pipe Joint, Painter's, 147
- Pipe Ventilator, Boyle's Soil, 127
- Pistonless Indicator, Kenyon's, 323
- Planing Machine, Asquith's Plate-Edge, 186
- Plate Rolling Machinery, 82, 97
- Pneumatic Foundations, 15
- Pontifex and Wood's Brewing Fountain, 29
- Portable Steam Crane, Russell's, 64
- Portland Cement, 413
- Postal Telegraph Lines, Testing the, 420
- Precedents, Engineering, 42, 162, 237, 298
- President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Address of the, 45
- President of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Address of the, 65
- President of the Institution of Naval Architects, Address of the, 230
- President of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, Address of the, 125, 176, 273
- Price List of Materials, 20, 40. 60, 80, 120, 140, 178, 198, 216, 236, 256, 276, 296, 314, 332, 352, 370, 390, 408, 426, 446, 466, 486, 506
- Prizes for Chronometers, 498
- Pressure Thermometer, Thomson's Water-Steam, 467
- Proctor and Wallis's "Talbot" Vertical Boiler, 109
- Production of Iron in 1879, Manufactured, 15
- Proell's Automatic Expansion Gear, 416
- Professor Gintl on Radiant Matter, 325
- Propeller, Kirk and Hunt's Feathering Screw, 225
- Propeller, The Screw, 157
- Public Health and Local Government, The, 497
- Pumping Engines, American, 18
- Pumping Machinery at the Augsburg Water Works, 245
- Pumping Machinery, Hayward Tyler and Company's, at the Twickenham Sewage Works, 26
- Purification of Gas, The, 225
- Quantitative Elements In Hydrogeology, on the, 16
- Radiant Matter, Professor Gintl on, 325
- Railroad Bridges, American 304
- Railroads, The New York Elevated, 7, 48, 210, 241
- Railway Accidents, Recent, 118, 242, 422
- Railway Accidents for 1879, 381
- Railway Axle-Box, Attock's, 282
- Railway to the Bolan Pass, The, 439
- Railway Brakes, Continuous, 82, 100, 227, 345, 362, 440, 481
- Railway Bridges in Costa Rica, 24, 48
- Railway Bridges, The Strength of, 179
- Railway, The Cobourg, Peterborough, and Marmora ; Canadian Railways, 21
- Railway Commission, The Italian, 326
- Railway Companies' Returns relative to Continuous Brakes, 227
- Railway, The Great Western of Canada ; Canadian Railways, 141, 237, 316, 891, 418
- Railways, The Erie and Ontario, and Welland ; Canadian Railways, 61
- Railways, New Zealand, 104
- Raising Sunken Ships, 421
- Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting Compound Engines for the Tug " Mount Etna," 413
- Ransome's New Cement, 361
- Reactions in the Open-Hearth Process, 445
- Receiver, A New Telephone, 459
- Recording Solar Radiation, 408, 498
- Remarks on Chernoff's Papers on Steel, 846
- Report, Annual, of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, 334
- Report of the Astronomer Royal, The, 460
- Report of the Factory Inspectors for 1879, The, 307
- Report of the Ironfounders' Society, 401
- Report of Mr. E. B. Marten on Boiler Explosions in 1879, 187
- Report, Meteorological for 1879, The, 288
- Report of the Society of Amalgamated Engineers, 438
- Reporting by Telephone, 417
- Resistance Balance, An Improved. 15
- Resistance of Dynamo-Electric Machines, The, 499
- Reversing Gear for Rolling Mills, Claridge's, 284
- Revival of Trade Check, The, 287
- Richards, Mr. John, 176
- River Bars, The Removal of by Induced Tidal Scour, 410
- River Lee, New Anglesea Bridge over the, 452
- Rivetted Joints, The Form of ; First Report of the Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on the, 110, 128, 148, 264, 300, 350
- Rivetted Joints, Mr. Kirkaldy's Experiments on, 194
- Rolling Mill Engine, Vertical (Conlin System), at Krupp's Steel Works, Essen, 324
- Rolling Mill at the Works of the (Irazi-Tsaritsin
- Railway, 6
- Rolling Mills, 82, 97
- Ronalds Catalogue, The, 459
- Ross and Duncan's Small Compound Engines, 841
- Conversazione, 346
- On the Dynamo-Electric Current, and on Certain Means to Improve its Steadiness, by C. William Siemens, 231
- Russell's Portable Steam Crane, 64
- Russian Tool Steel, 480
- Safety Apparatus, Leonardt's, 58
- Saint Gothard Tunnel, The, 190
- Sand, Garrett and Sons' Machine for Spreading, 356
- Sanitary Summary, 1879, 51
- Saumur Glacier, The, 184
- School of Mines, The, 421
- Science Summary, 1879, 151
- Scotch Pig-Iron Trade, 1879, The, 44
- Scour, Induced Tidal, The Removal of River Bars by, 410
- Scrap Shears, Johnston's, at the Parkgate Iron Works, 284
- Scraper for Cleaning Water Mains, 435
- Screw Propeller, The, 157
- Screw Propeller, Kirk and Hunt's Feathering, 225
- Segrd Viaduct; Western Railway of France, 266, 280
- Seismometer, The Microphone as a, 498
- Self-Acting Ventilator, Gilmore and Clark's, 264
- Sewage Pumping Machinery, Hayward Tyler and Company's, at the Twickenham Works, 25
- Sewerage, Abingdon, 305
- Ship Canal, The Amsterdam, 384
- Ship Canal, The Gand-Terneusen, 459
- Shipbuilding at Dundee, 176
- Shipbuilding and Engineering, 1879, Clyde, 3A
- Shipbuilding, Steel for, 463
- Ships, The Form of, 243
- Ships, Merchant, The Construction of, 292
- Ships, The " Nelson" Class of, 235
- Siemens, Dr. C. William, on Dynamo-Electric Machines, 228
- Silica in Limestones, Iron Ores, &c., 379
- Simey's Balanced Doors for Bulkheads, 308
- Sir John Macneill, 203
- Slipping of Locomotives, The, 287
- Small Compound Engines, Ross and Duncan's, 341
- Smith's Locomotive Steam Crane, 492
- Snowden's Flexible Couplings for Screw Shafts, 474
- Society of Amalgamated Engineers, Report of the, 438
- Society, The Ironfounders', Report of, 401
- Society, The Meteorological, 178
- Society of Telegraph Engineers. The, 114
- Soil Pipe Ventilator, Boyle's, 127
- Solar Heat, Utilisation of, 499
- Solar Radiation, Recording, 403, 498
- Sound, Cumberland, 278
- South-West, Notes from the, 18, 29, 49, 76, 96, 111, 137, 149, 169, 186, 206, 225, 250, '266, 283, 302, 324, 342, 367, 880, 400, 418, 485, 456, 475, 501
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 6, 29, 49, 76, 95, 119, 129, 158, 169, 186, 207, 225, 266, 291, 805, 342, 356, 380, 400, 418, 436, 462, 476
- Spectroscopic Analysis of iron and Steel, The, 377, 406
- Speed Controlling Gear for Governors, Wallis and Steevens', 323
- Speed Indicator, An Electrical, 421
- Spitzberg Tunnel. The, 388, 860, 382, 398, 427, 469
- Spongy Iron, Filtration through, 809
- Springfield Iron Works, Springfield, Illinois, The ; American Iron and Steel Works, 371
- Stability of Bridge Piers, The, 371
- Stability of Yachts, The, 272
- Steam Boiler Explosions ; Annual Meeting of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 266
- Steam Boilers, Gas-Fired, 2
- Steam Crane, Smith's Locomotive, 492
- Steam Crane, Russell's Portable, 64
- Steam Fleet, New, of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, 422
- Steam-Hauling Gear, Johnson and Phillips', for Telegraph Cables, 205
- Steam Hopper Barges for Kurrachee Harbour, Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's. 341,05
- Steam Launch Engine, Kingdon's Compound 495
- Steam Travelling Crab, Newton's Overhead, 299
- Steam Trials of H.M.S. " Iris," The, 274
- Steam Yacht " Anthracite," The, 423
- Steamers, Merchant, Causes of Unseaworthiness in, 282
- Steamers, Passenger Ferry, 252
- Steamship" Columbia," The, 460
- Steamship " Grecian," Doxford and Sons' Engines of the, 400, 435, 475, 496
- Steel and Iron, The Hardening of, 59, 77, 189, 159
- Steel and Iron at High Temperatures, 425, 442
- Steel and Iron at Low Temperatures, 127
- Steel and Iron from Phosphoric Pig, 464
- Steel Launch for Exploration in Central Africa, Forrestt and Son's, 475
- Steel Ship Construction, 329, 368
- Steel for Shipbuilding, 463
- Steel Wire, 481
- Storing Grain, Tank Boat for, 146
- Strength of Railway Bridges, The, 179
- Strength of Steel Rails, The Effect of Temperature on the, 379
- Submarine Cables, 421
- Subterranean and Submarine Telegraph Wires, The Insulation of, 152
- Sugar-Cane Mill, Berry's Hydraulic and Megass
- Steaming Chamber, 204
- Sulphate of Soda Lakes, 248
- Sulzer Brothers' Horizontal Winding Engine, 109
- Summary, 1879, Sanitary, 51
- Sunken Ships, Raising, 421
- Surfacing and Slide Bar Grinding Machine, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 320
- Sydney Exhibition, Horology at the, 499
- "Talbot" Vertical Boiler, The, 109
- Tank Boat for Storing Grain, 146
- Tank Locomotive, Brown's, for the National Railway of Switzerland, 184, 219
- Tank Locomotive, Call's, '264
- Tank Locomotive, Double Bogie (Fairlie Sy stem) , for the Festiniog Railway, 453
- Tanning, Mineral, 250
- Tay Bridge Accident, The, 11, 31, 62, 92, 132, 191, 211
- Tay Bridge Inquiry, The, 820, 335, 363, 387
- Tay and Forth Bridges, The Paper read before the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, 196, 29b
- Technical Horological Instruction, 480
- Telegraph Cable, Jobnson and Phillips' Mark Buoy for, 416
- Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Phillips' Steam Hauling Gear for, 205
- Telegraph Engineers, The Society of, 114
- Telegraph Wires, The Insulation of Subterranean and Submarine, 152
- Telegraphic, 440
- Telegraphic Engineering in 1879, 91
- Telegraphs, Colonial, 73
- Telegraphy, Duplex, 448
- Telegraphy, English, Ten Years of, 437
- Telegraphy, Visual, 361, 403
- Telephone, An Improved, 480
- Telephone Receiver, A New, 469
- Telephone, Reporting by the, 417
- Telescope, The Vienna Equatorial, 7, 114, 199, 309, 891, 409, 467
- Temperature of Steam Cylinders, Change of, 460
- Tempering Fine Tools, 422
- Ten Years of English Telegraphy, 437
- Tender and Goods Locomotive for the Great Eastern Railway, 66
- Tessid Gas Producer, The, 820
- Testing Machine, The 100-Ton, 494
- Testing the Postal Telegraph Lines, 420
- Tests of a Baldwin Locomotive, 484, 502
- Thermo-Electric Apparatus, An Improved, 439
- Thermo-Electricity, 499
- Thirty-Eight Ton " Thunderer" Gun, Sir William Palliser on the, 86, 138
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Surfacing and Slide Bar Grinding Machine, 320
- Thomson's Water-Steam Pressure Thermometer, 467
- Three Months' Experience of Electric Lighting at Blackpool, 812
- " Thunderer" 38-Ton Gun, Experiments with the, 72, 86, 117, 138, 156
- Tidal Scour, Induced, The Removal of River Bars by, 410
- Tighe Hamilton Dovetailing Machine, The, 386
- Tool Steel, Russian, 480
- Tools and Metal-Working Machines ; Engineering Precedents, 162, 287, 298
- Torpedoes, 498
- Torquay, The Drainage of, 351
- Traction Engines, Fowler and Company's Military 172
- Traction Engines, Wallis and Steevens' Six-Horse Power, 136
- Traction on Tramways, 500
- Trade and Docks of West Hartlepool, The, 440
- Trade, The Fluctuations of, 481
- Trade Revival Check, The, 2S7
- Tramway Locomotive, Brown's, 81, 98, 138
- Tramway Locomotive (Brown's System), 46
- Tramway Permanent Way, 347
- Travelling Crab, Newton's Overhead Steam, 299
- "Trojan" Steamer, Launch of the, for the Cape of Good Hope Mail Service, 226
- Truck for Bogie Carriage; Imperial Japanese Railways, 144
- Tubes, Fixing Boiler, 7
- Tug "Mount Etna," Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting Compound Engines for the, 413
- Tunnel, The Hudson River, 481
- Tunnel, The Saint Gothard, 190
- Tunnel, The Spitzberg, 333, 360, 382, 393, 427
- Turning and Drilling Boilers, Butterfield's Machine for, 396
- Twickenham Sewage Works, Hayward Tyler and Company's Pumping Machinery at the, 25
- United States Cotton Manufacture, 440, 459
- United States Officers, 439
- University College, Conversazione, 499
- University of Pennsylvania, The, 460
- Universal Milling Machine, 156
- Unseaworthiness in Merchant Steamers, Causes of, 232
- Utilisation of Solar Heat, 499
- Valve Gear, Berghoff's, 35
- Ventilator, Boyle's Soil Pipe, 127
- Ventilator, Gilmore and Clark's Self-Acting, 264
- Vertical Boiler Blake's, 147
- Vertical Boiler. The " Talbot," 109
- Vertical Rolling Mill Engine (Corliss System), at Krupp's Steel Works, Essen, 324
- Viaduct, Segrd; Western Railway of France, 266, 280
- Victoria Dock Extension, The, 75, 384. 500
- Vienna Equatorial Telescope, The, 7, 114, 199, 309, 391, 409. 467
- Visual Telegraphy, 361, 403
- Wagons, Goods and Coal, for the Western Railway of France, 26
- Wallis and Steevens' Six-Horse Traction Engine, 136
- Wallis and Steevens' Speed Controlling Gear for Governors, 323
- Walsall Boiler Explosion, The, 402, 421 431, 458, 497
- "Wanderer," Yacht, The Engines of the, 126
- Washing Coal, 4, 41, 94, 121, 202, 259
- Water Act, The Metropolitan, 209, '228
- Water Mains, Scraper for Cleaning, 435
- Water Meter, Dennert's, 126
- Water-Pressure Engines, 358, 380
- Water-Steam Pressure Thermometer, Thomson's, 467
- Water Supply, The Croton, 500
- Water Supply, The London, 420, 460
- Water Works, Augsburg, Pumping Machinery at the, 245
- Wave Periods, 282
- Weirs, Fixed and Movable 101
- Welland, and Erie and Ontario Railways; Canadian Railways, 61
- West Hartlepool, its Docks and Trade, 440
- West of Scotland Gas Managers' Association, Meeting of the, 407
- Western Railway of France, Goods and Coal
- Wagons for the, 26
- Winding Engines, Sulzer Brothers' Horizontal, 109
- Wire Rope Cable Apparatus, Ballivant's, 264
- Wire, Steel, 481
- Wires, Iron, Molecular Changes in, 171, 325
- Wires, Telegraph, The Insulation of Subterranean and Submarine, 152
- Wood-Converting Machines ; Engineering Precedents, 42
- Woolnough and Dehne's Moulding Machine, 355
- Working French Patents, 474
- Workmen and Employers, 131
- Works of the Grazi-Tnritsin Railway, Rolling Mill at the, 6
- Works, The Osarisawa ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 277
- Works of the Phoenix Iron Company, The American Iron and Steel Works, 103
- Yacht " Anthracite," The Steam, 423
- Yacht " Wanderer," The Engines of the, 126
- Yachts, The Stability of, 272
See Also
Sources of Information