John Hutchinson and Co
John Hutchinson worked for Andreas Kurtz at St Helens
Recognising the potential for alkalis, he moved to Widnes to set up his own chemical works, which became known as Hutchinsons Alkali Works
When he needed a manager for the works he invited Henry Deacon to take the position but they soon parted company when Deacon left to set up his own business.
1861 John Brunner obtained a clerical post at Hutchinson's at Widnes. During the next twelve years he rose to the position of general manager.
1862 Ludwig Mond moved to England and went to work for John Hutchinson and Co in Widnes, to promote a process for recovering sulphur from the waste products of the Leblanc process. Hutchinson reportedly paid Mond about £10,000 royalty for the use of the process[1]
1864 Mond moved to Utrecht.
1865 Hutchinson died
1873 John Brunner and Ludwig Mond formed Brunner, Mond and Co.
1879 Members of the Iron and Steel Institute visited the works[2]
1881 December 31: Dissolution of the Partnership between John Hedley, James Young,Henry Brunner, and George Pryde, in the business of Manufacturing Chemists and Dealers in Chemicals, at Widnes and Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, under the firm of John Hutchinson and Co. John Hedley would carry on the business under the same style or firm of John Hutchinson and Co[3]
1891 Hutchinsons Alkali Works became part of United Alkali Co