George Patrick Robertson
George Patrick Robertson (1869-1915)
1915 Obituary [1]
GEORGE PATRICK ROBERTSON was born at Blairgowrie, Scotland, in 1869.
He was educated at Rattray School, near Blairgowrie, from 1875 to 1883, when he went to Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh, until 1886.
He received his technical education from 1886 to 1891 under John Lockie, Leith, and at Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh, where he attended evening classes, and during that time he served his apprenticeship at Bertrams, Ltd., Edinburgh.
In 1891 he joined the Woodside Electric Co., Glasgow, and was for a few months electrical engineer and 6th engineer on S.S. "Nebraska," plying between Glasgow and New York.
From 1892 to 1896 he was engineering assistant on the Amo Tea Estate, Sylhet, and from 1896 to 1903 manager of Sylghat Tea Estate, then of Silloah, and finally of New Dooars Tea Estates.
In 1903 he became engineer to the Darjeeling Municipality, and was holding this post at the time of his death, which took place on 20th January 1915, in his forty-sixth year, as the result of a boat accident on the River Rungeet.
Mr. Robertson read a Paper on the History, Construction, and Mechanics of Surface Drains in Darjeeling, at a Meeting of the Calcutta Section of this Institution, on 19th March 1913.
He was elected an Associate Member in 1911.