Acton Bolt
Acton Bolt Ltd, of Chase Road, London NW10[1], manufacturer of screw, nuts and bolts
1935 Became public company. Manufacturer of screw, nuts and bolts, etc. and the assets of the British Dardalet Threadlock Ltd [2].
1939 See Aircraft Industry Suppliers Acton Bolt and Fine Threads Ltd
1945 Name changed. Perhaps this was the point at which it was acquired by S. Pearson and Son??
1960 Acquired The Rivet, Bolt and Nut Co[3].
1961 Manufacturers of bolts, nuts and metal threads screws under trade names "Bees" bolts. "Huglock" nuts, "Lock-Thread" products, "Place" bolts, and "Sems". 700 employees.
1962 A. P. Newall and Co was a subsidiary[4]. S. Pearson and Son sold its majority interest in Acton Bolt to GKN[5].
1963 Motor Show exhibitor. Fixings. Part of GKN