Percy Griffith

Percy Griffith (1865-1940)
54 Parliament Street, Westminster, SW.
1945 Obituary [1]
PERCY GRIFFITH was well known as a consulting engineer specializing in water supply schemes. He was born in 1865, and took an engineering course at King's College, London, and at the Crystal Palace School of Engineering. He served his apprenticeship from 1883 to 1886 with Messrs. H. Young and Company and subsequently at the Eccleston Iron Works, Pimlico, on the conclusion of which, he remained with the firm for a further two years as draughtsman and later as resident engineer in charge of the erection of pumping machinery.
He began his career as a consultant as far back as 1888, when he entered the office of Mr. W. Jabez Church as an assistant. Four years later he was taken into partnership and on the death of Mr. Church in 1896 continued in the practice on his own account until 1929 when he became associated with Mr. Herbert G. Hoskings. He was responsible, either singly or jointly, for the carrying out of many water supply schemes in all parts of the country and continued in that work up to the time of his death, which occurred on 23rd October 1940. Mr. Griffith contributed various papers to technical societies and was the author of a book entitled "Waterworks Law for Small Towns".
He had been elected a Member of the Institution since 1895 and was also a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. In addition he was a founder member of the Institution of Water Engineers (for which society he acted as secretary from 1899 to 1924), a Fellow of the Geological Society, and of the Royal Sanitary Institute.