John Mitchell (1874-1932)
John Mitchell (1874-1932), managing director of the A. B. C. Coupler and Engineering Co
of 69, Kenilworth Court, Putney (1921)
of Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster (1922)
1932 Obituary [1]
JOHN MITCHELL was managing director of the A.B.C. Coupler and Engineering Company at the time of his death on 20th October 1932.
He was the son of the late Mr. Hugh Mitchell, M.I.Mech.E., of Edinburgh and was born in Ceylon in 1874. He completed his general education in Edinburgh and from 1891 to 1896 served his apprenticeship in the running sheds and workshops of the Caledonian Railway at Edinburgh and St. Rollox. He also attended during this period the Heriot-Watt Technical College at Edinburgh and the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. After a further period as a draughtsman he was placed in charge in 1897 of the testing and inspection department at St. Rollox.
In 1899 he joined the staff of the late Sir Alexander Rendel, and in the following year became first assistant in the rolling-stock department at the London office of the firm, and later engineering assistant to Sir Seymour B. Tritton, K.B.E., M.I.Mech.E.
In 1904 Mr. Mitchell was appointed advisory engineer to the Cape of Good Hope Government Railways and travelled considerably during the succeeding seven years.
In 1911 he returned to this country and subsequently became engineer to the A.B.C. Coupler Company, eventually being appointed managing director in 1918. He was responsible for a number of inventions in connexion with automatic railway couplers, side buffers, wagon doors, and other devices.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1902 and transferred to Membership in 1924.