Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

John and George Barton

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of Salford and Manchester

See also Broughton Copper Works.

1825 Barton & Co [same company?] listed as coppersmiths, braziers, brassfounders, and turners in wood and metal, and bolls [bowls] for calenderers, at 82 Market Street, Manchester[1]

1841 Barton & Co listed as coppersmiths, 4 Water Street, Manchester. John Barton's house address 58 Gartside street[2]

1846 'Sales by Auction: Auction. —— Three Very Superior Copper Roller Engraving Machines, by Gadd ; Two Lathes, Two Pair Clams, Setting-on Lathe, large quantity of Mills, Dies, and Engraving Tools, all in the best condition; Seven First-rate Printing Machines, from four to six colours, with Steam Cylinders, Blanket Framing, Maundrills, Copper Color Boxes, Doctor Shears, and Gearing complete ; Powerful Forcing Machine, Padding Machine, Three Excellent Drying Machines, Large Stillage for ditto, Two Hanging Carriages, Mangle, Canroy, Capital of Six Copper Colour Pans, Colour Boxes and Tubs, Brass Pans, Copper Measures, Quantity Drugs and Chemicals, 20 Iron Dye Becks and Dunging Cisterns, with Mid-feathers, Squeezers, Wash-wheels, Steam and Water Piping and Taps; Six Dash Wheels, with gearing; Crofters' Waggons, Bleaching Utensils, Two Pair Madder Stones, with iron plates; Chipping Machine, Capital Fire Engine, by Barton and Co.; Quantity of Flags, Slates, and Timber; Bogies, Tables, Stillages, Iron Safe, Eight-day Timepiece, Office Requisites, Two Stacks of Well-got Hay, Several Tons of Manure, and other important and valuable Property.
By CAPES and SMITH, in the early part of next month, by order of the assignees of Messrs. Jno. & George Barton, at the Whit-lane Print Works, Pendleton, near Manchester : THE whole of the PRINTING and ENGRAVING MACHINERY, which are upon the most modern construction, and in excellent condition; quantity drugs, drysalteries, and other effects; particulars of which will appear hereafter.— Catalogues are in preparation, and may be had several days prior to the sale, by applying to the Auctioneers, 14, Princess-street; and any other information obtained from Jno. Fraser, Esq. official assignee, George-street, Manchester.
N.B.—The WORKS are on SALE, and if not disposed of by private contract, will be offered by auction in a few weeks.'[3]

1853 Advertisement: 'Sale of Plant, Machinery, Tools, Utensils, &c. —Very Important to Manufacturers, Engineers. Millwrights, Coppersmiths, and Others. MR. WHEATLEY KIRK is favoured with instructions from Messrs. John and George Barton, the eminent Copper Roller Manufacturers, to SELL BY AUCTION, on the premises of their works, Cook-street, Chapel-street, Salford (in consequence of their removing to their new and extensive works at Broughton Bridge), on Wednesday, the 31st August. 1853, commencing at eleven o'clock in the morning, all their Valuable PLANT, MACHINERY, TOOLS, UTENSILS, &c. comprising two condensing beam steam-engines, one 25 horse power, cylinder 26 inches, and stroke 5 feet ; and one 26 horse power, cylinder 25 inches, and stroke 5 feet; small pumping engine, with three inch cylinder and five inch stroke; two boilers, with egg ends; waggon-shaped ditto, with flue through; Nasmyth's steam hammer, boiler for ditto, with smoke consumer, C. W. Williams' argand furnace; boring machines, by Gordon & Co. Stockport; break, and single-speed turning lathes; annealing furnace; hand bending rolls, by W. and C. Mather; powerful roller machines; screwing machine and nut-cutting machine, by Maclea and Marsh, Leeds: patent screw chuck, Elce and Co.; single-purchase crab, by Ellis and Norton ; small weighing machine, by T. Brown, Birmingham wrought-iron crane jibs ; mill for grinding bone ash; chain, wrought-iron shafting, grindstone, hand trucks, and a variety of miscellaneous utensils, &c. &c Full particulars in catalogues, which may be had at the offices of the auctioneer, 24, Princess-street, Manchester ; or by post, on receipt of four stamps.' [4]

1854 Sale Notice: 'Steam Engine, Lathes, Planing Machine, Brass Fittings, Stock of New Taps and Joints, &c. By T. M. FISHER and SON, on Wednesday and Thursday the 8th and 9th days of November, 1854, on the premises belonging to Messrs John and George Barton, situate No.4, Albert-street, Manchester, in consequence of their removal to their new works at Broughton Bridge, and their declining the retail trade.—Sale to commence each day punctually at eleven o'clock in the forenoon: TWO Capital PUNCHING ENGINES, five powerful horizontal boring machines, fitted for boring cannon, rollers, &c., up to 10in, diameter; planing machine, 10in bed; turning off lathes, boring lathe, 8in double geared lathe, 8in and 6in single speed ditto; lathe-bearers, six well-fitted 6in foot lathe, with brass speed pulleys, cast-iron beds, and stands ; six pair of smiths' bellows, three smiths' hearths, coppersmiths' tools and benches, sixteen vices parts of various machines, mill gearing, pulleys, powerful fire engine, with 6in pumps; small engine, screwing machine for pipes, Marsland, Burnley; copper colour pans, furnaces, beams, scales and weights, grindstone, 3ft diameter, 8in broad, with cast-iron trough ; model of gas works, joiners' bench, deal partitions and racks ; also, a large and well assorted stock of strong steam and gland cocks, union joints, boiler and racking taps, gas fittings, and an excellent condensing steam engino, cylinder 26in diameter, stroke, on the premises, Cooke-street, Salford ; which will be sold immediately after the conclusion of the sale in Albert-street, on the Thursday afternoon. Catalogues .......'


'Valuable Freehold Property.—Albert-street Copper and Brass Works, Manchester. By T. M. FISHER and SON, on Wednesday, the 15th day of November next, at six o'clock the evening, at the Clarence Hotel, Spring Gardens, Manchester : PLOT of LAND, situate in Albert-street, Manchester, and adjoining to the river Irwell, containing in the whole 1,997 Superficial Square Yards of LAND, or thereabouts, upon which are now standing the copper and brass works of Messrs. John Barton and Co., with messuages, cottages, warehouse, and other erections. The above has a street frontage of about 100 yards, and a river frontage of about 90 yards. Messrs. John Barton and Co. having removed their business to their new works at Broughton, the machinery, lathes, tools, &c. used by them at the Albert-street works, the business of copper smiths and brass finishers, will be Sold by Auction on the 8th and 9th days of November next, on the premises. For further particulars apply to Messrs Goldsmith and Son, architects Bond-street; or to Messrs. ATKINSONS, SAUNDERS, and solioitors, Manchester.'[5]

1855 Partnership between John Barton, George Barton and John Parks, carrying on business as Copper Roller Manufacturers, Coppersmiths, Brassfounders and Gas Engineers, at No. 4, Albert-street, Manchester, Back Shaw-street, Salford, and Broughton-bridge, in Broughton, all in the county of Lancaster, under the style or Firm of John Barton and Co., was as to the said John Parks, on 13th March, dissolved by mutual consent; and that in future the said several businesses will be carried on under the above style or firm by the undersigned John Barton and George Barton only, by whom all debts due and owing to and from the said late partnership will be received and paid.' [6]

1855: ' Capital Machinery for Making and Finishing Copper Rollers. By T. M. FISHER and SON, order of the assignees of John and George Barton and Parkes, on Wednesday, the 3rd of October, and following days, 1855, at the Copper Works, situate at Broughton Bridge, Salford; Sale to commence each day punctually at eleven o'clock in the forenoon— ALL the Valuable and nearly New MACHINERY belonging to the said firm, and comprising an excellent compound screw and hydraulic press for condensing the castings for copper rollers, capital set of five grooved rolls and gearing, two nibbing machines, with the latest improvements; pair of 12-inch headstocks, with planed bed, fitted for cutting roller ends; Nasmyth's 30cwt. steam hammer, two hammer furnaces, one annealing ditto, two refining ditto, one calcining ditto, four ovens for drying moulds and hoops, two ladle furnaces, assay furnace, and coppersmith's ditto; stove, with wrought iron door and fitting; five pit furnaces, and air furnace ; two pairs of 10-inch headstocks for turning off rough castings, bed 14ft 2in long; boring lathe, bed 11ft 6in long 11-inch, double geared slide lathe, bed 9ft long; two cast iron planed lathe beds, 50ft and 20ft long; 20-inch double-geared slide lathe, bed 26ft 4in long;12-inch, raised to 15-inch, double-geared slide lathe, bed 15ft 5in.; 12-inch, and 13-inch double geared lathes, each with two face plates, compound slide rest and top speed : slotting lathe; 6-inch fitting lathe, bed 4ft long; 11-in single speed lathe, five new polishing lathes, and four ditto turning off ditto, fitted on three cast iron planed beds, 24 ft 6 in, 8 ft, and 8ft long; hammering machine: planing machine, bed 2 ft 6 in long, will take in 12 inches wide, 9 inches deep; vertical drilling machine, grindstone, with cast iron trough; chisels, drills, boring, and turning tools; smiths' anvil, bellows and tools coppersmiths and brassfounders' tools; pair of five-grooved rolls and gearing, not set up; timber, cast and wrought iron, engineers and firemen's tools; the counting house and lodge fixtures; and a capital Lever Weighing Machine, up to 10 tons, nearly new. Catalogues will be published on Wednesday the 26th September, and may be had on the premises, when the whole may then viewed; also from the Auctioneers, 16, Tib Lane ; John Fraser, Esq , official assignee; or from Messrs SLATER and HEELIS, solicitors, Princess-street, Manchester.'......


Copper Smelting Works. By T. M. FISHER and SON, by order of the assignees of John and George Barton and Parkes, on Monday, the 8th day of October, 1855. on the premises, in the occupation of the said bankrupts, situate in Cook street, Salford ; Sale to commence punctually at eleven o'clock in the forenoon— FOUR SMELTING FURNACES, One Roasting ditto, and One Refining ditto, with cast-iron plates, wrought-iron rods, and solid stone bottoms ; 96 tons of burnt sulphur stone, 3 tons of slag, heap of refuse slag, 3 cwt. wrought-iron furnace tools, ingot moulds for tile copper, moulds for case copper, coarse copper moulds, iron wheelbarrows, 1 wood ditto, spades, rakes, riddles, ladders, hammers, portable weighing machine, assay furnace, nest of crucibles, 2 wrought-iron trucks, hand barrow, broad wheeled cart, wrought iron cistern and pan, cast-iron cistern, benches and vices, drilling frame, joiner's bench, gas meter, pipes and fittings, water pipes and taps, office fixtures, about 16 tons of cast-iron floor plates each 3ft by 2ft. and lever weighing machine, up to 5 tons. Catalogues will be published on Wednesday the 26th September, and may be had on the premises, when the whole may be then viewed; also from the Auctioneers, 16. Tib Lane; John Fraser, Esq., official assignee ; or from Messrs. SLATER and HEELIS, solicitors, Princess-street, Manchester.' [7]

See Also

Sources of Information

  1. 'History, Directory, and Gazeteer of the County of Lancaster', Vol 2, by Edward Baines and W. Parson
  2. Pigot & Slater's Directory of Manchester & Salford, 1841
  3. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 24 October 1846
  4. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 20th August 1853
  5. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, Saturday 28th October 1854
  6. Edinburgh Gazette, March 30, 1855
  7. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, Saturday 22nd September 1855