Willoughby Statham Smith
Willoughby Statham Smith (c1861-1946) of Elliott Brothers
c1861 Born the son of Willoughby Smith and his wife Anne
1871 Living at 44 New North Road, Hoxton Old Town: Willoughby Smith (age 43 born Great Yarmouth). an Electrician. With his wife Anne Smith (age 43 born Tottenham) and their children Harriett Smith (age 20 born Shoreditch); Hannah Smith (age 17 born Shoreditch); William Smith (age 15 born Shoreditch); Willoughby Smith (age 10 born Shoreditch); Sarah Smith (age 8 born Shoreditch); and Joseph Smith (age 6 born Shoreditch). Also his niece Alice Saunders (age 13 born Plumstead) and his mother-in-law Ann Allen (age 49 born Burrington, Camb). Four servants.[1]
1889 Became a member of the [{Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians]]
1891 Living at 57 Cromwell Road, Brompton: Willoughby S. Smith (age 30 born London), Electrical Engineer. With his wife Daisy King Smith (age 19 born USA). One visitor and five servants.[2]
1901 Living at 13 Courtfield Road, Brompton: Willoughby Smith (age 40 born Consubury, London), a Manager Submarine Cable co and Employer. With his wife Daisy K. Smith (age 29 born USA - British subject). One visitor and seven servants.[3]
1911 Living at Benchams, Southerton near Newton Poppleford, Devon: Willoughby Statham Smith (age 50 born St. Pancras), Director Submarine Telegraph Cable Company. Married seven years but no family listed at this address.[4]
1930 Patent. Improvements in the manufacture of magnetic alloys. Willoughby Statham Smith, Henry Joseph Garnett, Walter Frederick Randall, October 22, 1930: GB336948-A
1930 Patent. Improvements in the manufacture of signalling conductors. Willoughby Statham Smith, Walter Frederick Randall, Frank Leslie Smith, November 21, 1930: GB338565-A
1932 Patent. Improvements in and relating to the refinement of magnetic metals and alloys. Willoughby Statham Smith, Henry Joseph Garnett, Walter Frederick Randall, March 7, 1932: GB368780-A
1933 Patent. Improved magnetic alloys. Willoughby Statham Smith, Henry Joseph Garnett, Walter Frederick Randall, Telegraph Construction And Mai, Deutsch Atlantische Telegraphe, January 23, 1933: GB386682-A
1946 Died in Devon