Madresfield Speed Trials
Held at Madresfield Court, Malvern
1921 August. First speed trial at Madresfield took place on the mile-long drive running from the B4424 to Madresfield Court.
The event continued until 1931, and then returned for a couple of years in 1936.
See Also
- Light Car and Cyclecar: 1924/07/18
- Light Car and Cyclecar: 1928/07/20
- Lightcar: Index v22: (1923/05/25 to 1923/11/16)
- Lightcar: Index v24: (1924/05/23 to 1924/11/14)
- Lightcar: Index v26: (1925/05/22 to 1925/11/13)
- Lightcar: Index v30
- Lightcar: Index v36: (1930/05/30 to 1930/11/21)
- Lightcar: Index v40: (1932/05/27 to 1932/11/18)
- Lightcar: Index v49: (1936/11 to 1937/05)
Sources of Information