Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1880 Jan-Jun Volume
- ABYSSINIAN Wells for Melton Mowbray and Aldershot, 95
- Academie des Sciences, Prize awarded to Mr. Crookes by the, 160
- Acaster Patent Rail Joint Company, Meeting of the, 29
- Accidents, Recent Railway, 435
- Accommodation of Coal Owners in South Yorkshire, The. 186
- Adelaide and Nairne Railway, Progress of the, 178
- Adelaide and Nairne Railway, Rails for the, 446
- Adelaide and Nairne Railway, Tenders for the, 446
- Adelaide, South Australia, The Water Supply of, 407
- Africa, The French in, 332
- Agricultural Engineers' Association, Meeting of the, 380
- Agricultural Society, The Glasgow, and the Implement Makers, 324
- Ainthorpe Iron Works, Middlesbrough, The, 226
- " Ajax," H.M.S., Launch of, 226
- Alabama, Oil in, 415
- Alexandra Harbour Works, Finishing of the, 197
- Alfred Graving Dock, Victoria, Cost of the, 102
- Altoona, New Car Wheel Foundry at, 40
- American Blast Furnaces, 144
- American Bridge Construction, 44
- American Car Building, 284
- American Car Wheels, Shipments of, 28
- American Coasts, Proposed Protection of the, 231
- American Cutlery, 120
- American Fifteen Puzzle, Philosophers on the, 456
- American Lighthouses, 17
- American Locomotive Building, 207, 25G, 426, 466
- American Locomotives in New Zealand, 207
- American Mechanical Industry, 332, 385
- American Railroad Construction, 102, 198
- American Steel Making, 332
- American Telegraphy, Progress of, 16, 276
- American Winter, The Past, 231
- Anniversary Celebrations, The James Watt, 95
- Anstruther Harbour, The, 207, 436
- Arlberg Railway, Progress of the, 426
- Armour-Plate Trade at Sheffield, Progress of the, 291
- Armour Plates, Steel, The Manufacture of, 158
- Artisans' Act and the Metropolitan Board of Works, The, 169
- Asylum at Hull, The New, 225, 305
- Atlantic and Mediterranean, Proposed Canal between the, 446
- Australian Coal Trade, The, 408
- Australian Harbour, A New, 296
- Australian Railways, Fuel on, 78
- Australian Railways, Progress of the, 5, 19, 60, 243, 276, 314, 332, 352, 408, 486
- Australian Railways, Unprofitable, 79
- Australian Telegraphy, 306, 3.5.2
- Austrian Iron Trade, The, 40
- Austrian Railways, Progress of the, 90, 236, 426, 465
- Austrian Steam Navigation, 251
- Austro-Hungarian Iron Trade, Progress of the, 80
- Austro-Hungarian Railways, Progress of the, 198
- Avonmouth Docks, The, 400
- Avonside Engine Company, Meetings of the, 29, 266
- Awards at the Sydney International Exhibition, 433
- Ayr New Harbour Works, The, 476
- Ayr Town Council and the Employers' Liability Bill, 476
- "Badibon," s.s., Trial Trip of the, 126
- Barracks, Naval, for Devonport, 76
- Batteries, New Mountain, 186
- Bay of Biscay and Mediterranean, Proposed Canal between the, 436
- Belgian Coal Exports, 195
- Belgian Rail Exports, 198
- Belgian Railways, Cheap, '207
- Belgian State Lines, Rails for the, 198
- Belgian Trucks for Spain, 60
- Belgium and Krupp, 60
- Bequest, Mr. Robert Napier's, 207
- Bessemer Steel made at Essen in 1878 by Krupp, 111
- Bessemer Steel Rails, Herr Kerpely on, 231
- Bill, The Employers' Liabilities, 102, 476
- Bingley, Proposed Improvements at, 95
- Blaenavon Iron Works, Progress of the, 302
- Blaina, Trade at, 186
- Blast Furnace, Large New, at Treforest, 186
- Blast Furnace Workmen at the Shotts Iron Works, Reduction of the Wages of the, 119
- Blast Furnaces, American, 144
- Blast Furnaces, The Cleveland, 5
- Blast Furnaces at the Lehigh Valley Iron Works, 108
- Blast Furnaces in the Market, 58
- Blast Furnaces at the Pentyrch Works, 29
- Blast Furnaces at the Rhymney Iron Works, 111
- Blast Furnaces at the Sirhowy Works, 283
- Blooms, Steel, in the United States, 408
- Boat for Peru, A Torpedo, 127
- Boats, Steel, for Central Africa, 408
- Boiler Explosion at Glasgow, The Recent Fatal, 324, 436
- Boiler and Foundry Work, Sheffield, Progress of 356
- Boiler Insurance, 5
- Boiler Trade, Steel, at Sheffield, 119
- Brampton District, Sanitary Works in the, 169
- Brazilian Cotton Mills, 28
- Brazilian Railways, Progress of the, 332
- Breakwater, New, for Cattewater and Sutton Harbour, 29
- Breakwater, The Port Victor, Progress of, 466
- Breakwater, The Wick, Destruction of, 149
- Bridge Building, French, 408
- Bridge Construction, American, 44
- Bridge, The East River, Progress of the, 466
- Bridge, The Forth, Progress of, 9, 29, 48, 76, 95, 102, 156, 169, 185, 446
- Bridge, The Nerbudda, Contract for, 38
- Bridge, Proposed New, over Glasgow Harbour, 9
- Bridge, The Scarborough Cliff, Alterations at, 186
- Bridge, The Severn, 357
- Bridge, The Tay, 266, 286, 314, 418, 436, 501
- Bridges on the Union Pacific Railroad, 407
- Bridgewater, The Water Supply of, 357
- Briggs, H., Son, and Company, Meeting of, 169
- Brisbane Tramways, The Proposed, 266, 276
- Bristol Docks, The, 186, 435
- Bristol Locomotive Building, 49
- Bristol Port and Channel Dock, Tonnage at the, 186
- Bristol Steam Navigation Co, The, 137
- Bristol Tramways Co, Half-yearly Meeting of the, 2.50
- Bristol Tramways, Progress of the, 76, 225, 250
- Briton Ferry, New Coal Seam at, 111
- Briton Ferry and Swansea Steam Tramway Company, The, 501
- Brooklyn Bridge, Official Inspection of the, 411
- Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, Progress of the, 160
- Brown, Bayley, Dixon, and Company, Annual Report of, 225
- Brown, John, and Company's Circular to the Shareholders, 5
- Buenos Ayres Exhibition, The, 137, 193
- Cableb, Submarine, 291
- Cadell, Captain, Death of, 506
- Cail, J. F. and Company, The Receipts of, 198
- Callander and Oban Railway, Progress of the, 169, 342, 418
- Canadian Iron Ores, 465
- Canadian Railways, Progress of the, 40, 60, 79, 80, 207, 231, 251, 408, 411, 466
- Canal between the German Ocean and the Baltic, 355
- Canal, The Panama, 275, 366, 426, 429
- Canal, Proposed, between the Atlantic and Mediterranean, 446
- Canal, Proposed, to connect the Bay of Biscay with the Mediterranean, 436
- Canal, Proposed, between the Danube and the Elbe, 320
- Canal, The Suez, 102, 198, 251, 465, 495
- Candidates for the Natural Philosophy Chair in Edinburgh, 357, 405
- Cantor Lectures, The, 95
- Car Building, American, 281
- Car Wheel Company's New Shops, The Missouri, 20
- Car Wheel Foundry, New, at Altoona, 40
- Car Wheels, American, Shipments of, 28
- Cardiff Dock Accommodation, 283
- Cardiff, Trade at, 18, 76, 96, 137, 206, 225, 2.50, 283, 302, 342,357, 380, 400, 418, 435, 456, 475, 501
- Cardiff Water Works, The Purchase of, 18
- Cars, American, for Japan, 462
- Cars and Locomotives on the Illinois Central , Railroad, 276
- Cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 271
- Cars, Pullman, The Cost of, 29
- Cars, Pullman Palace, New Shops for Building the, 486
- Cast Iron, Mr. J. Love on the Fracture of, 178
- Cattewater aad Sutton Harbour, New Breakwater for the, 29
- Cedar, Queensland, 306
- Cemetery, An Expensive, at Sheffield, 95
- "Centennial Engine," The Great, 390
- Central American Telegraphy, '251
- Changes in the Iron Trade of South Yorkshire, 49
- Channel, Proposed New, through Sandy Hook Bar, 120
- Charlton and Company's Affairs, 65
- Chatburn and Hellifleld Extension Line, Progress of the, 400
- Cheap Belgian Railways, 207
- Check System, The, in Sheffield, 436
- Cheques, Preventing Fraud with, 360
- Chicago and Alton Railroad, Locomotives on the, 276
- Chicago, Factories at, 243
- Chilled Car Wheels, Grinding, 207
- Circular of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 206
- Circular of John Brown and Company to the Shareholders; 5
- Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, Meetof the, 370'
- Cleansing the Streets at New York, 251
- Cleveland Blast Furnaces, The, 5
- Cleveland Coal and Coke Trades, 5, 28, 58, 119, 185, 250, 286, 305, 342, 418, 436. 456, 476, 498
- Cleveland Engineering and Shipbuilding, 5, 28, 58, 65, 96, 119, 177, 226, 250, 263, 305, 329, 342 , 380, 400, 418, 436, 456, 476, 493
- Cleveland, The Financial State of, 456
- Cleveland Finished Iron Trade, The, 5, 28, 96, 119, 129, 149, 177, 185, 207, 226, 250, 263, 286, 305, 329, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 436, 476, 493
- Cleveland Iron Market, The, 5, 28, 58, 65, 96, 119, 129, 149, 177, 185, 207, 226, 250, 263, 286, 305, 329, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 436, 456, 476, 493
- Cleveland Ironmasters' Returns, The, 119, 357
- Cleveland Ironstone Mines, The, 476
- Cleveland Manufactured Iron Trade, The, 58, 65
- Cleveland Miners, The, 65, 329
- Cleveland Steel Trade, The, 28, 58, 129, 207, 342, 380, 400, 418
- Cleveland Wages Question, The, 5, 305, 829, 342, 436
- Clothworkers' Company, Liberality of the, 476
- Clyde Lighthouse Commissioners, Meeting of the, 456
- Clyde Lighthouse, An "Otto" Gas Engine in the, 357
- Clyde Shipbuilding Trades, Progress of the, 286, 456
- Clyde Trust, Meetings of the, 119
- Coal and Coke in Rhymney Valley, The, 49, 324 380, 601
- Coal and Coke Trade in the Rhondda Valley, The 111
- Coal and Coke Trade, Sheffield, The, 356
- Coal in Colorado, 352
- Coal Company, The Waterloo and Woodlesford Winding up of the, 462
- Coal Discovery, A Pennsylvanian, 446
- Coal, Discovery of, at Pentyrch, 380
- Coal, English, in Paris, 436
- Coal Exports, Belgian, 195
- Coal, Great Find of, in South Wales, 96
- Coal and Iron Exports, South Wales, 476
- Coal Miners, South Welsh, Manifesto of the 302
- Coal Mining, French, 446
- Coal Mining, Pennsylvanian, 20
- Coal, New South Wales, 207
- Coal, New Zealand, 102, 332
- Coal in the North of France, 231
- Coal Owners and their Accommodation in South Yorkshire, 186
- Coal on the Philadelphia, and Reading Railroad, 207
- Coal Production, The Schuylkill, 198
- Coal, Rhas Las, 206
- Coal, Sarrebruck, The Production of, 275
- Coal Seam, New, at Briton Ferry, 111
- Coal Shipments at Penarth, 49
- Coal, South African, 9, 207, 486
- Coal on the Taff Vale Railway, 400
- Coal Trade, The Australian, 408
- Coal Trade, The French, 332
- Coal Trade, The South Wales, 29, 206, 302
- Coal Trade at Tredegar, The, 111
- Coal, Virginian, 332
- Coal Winning at Penygraig, 380
- Coal Winning in the Vale of Neath, 324
- Coast Survey, The Queensland, 408
- Coasts, American, Proposed Protection for the, 231
- Coke Ovens, New, at the Dowlais Works, 169
- Coke, Rhondda, Rise in the Price of, 29
- Collieries and their Drainage, 266
- Collieries, The Neath Merthyr, 'Restarting of, 436
- Colliers' Difficulty, Another, 49
- Colliers and the New Line to Hull, The, 342
- Colliery Company, The National, 857
- Colliery Managers' Certificates, Scotland, New Rules for the Granting of, 226
- Colliery, The Pen Lan, Maesteg, New Coal Seam at, 476
- Composite Plate Trade at Sheffield, Progress of the, 291
- Constantinople, Quays at, 60
- Contract for the Construction of Plymouth Hoe Pier, 49
- Contract, Important Shipbuilding, 476
- Contract for the Myndd Mawr Railway, 266
- Contract. Shipbuilding, at Greenock, 49
- Contract for the Texas and Pacific Railway, 207
- Contract for a War Vessel, 76
- Contracts for the Forth Bridge, 9, 29
- Contracts, New Shipbuilding, 156
- Corliss Engine for the Lawrence Company, Lowell, 231
- Corrugated Flues : Erratum, 495
- "Cosmos," Steamer, Trial Trip of the, 49
- Cost of the Alfred Graving Dock, Victoria, 102
- Cotton Mills, Brazilian, 28
- Coventry Sewage Works, The, 296
- Cowper Hot Blast Stoves, The, 331
- Creusot Works, Dividend at the, 40
- Crewkerne Water Supply, The, 501
- Crookes, Mr., Prize awarded to by the Academie des Sciences, 160
- Crossing the Detroit River, 102
- Crossley, John, and Sons, Annual Report of, 76
- Cutlery, American, 120
- Cwm New Pit, Contract for Sinking at, 501
- Cyfarthfa, Double Shift at, 501
- Cyfarthfa, Trade at, 49, 302
- Danube and the Elbe, Proposed canal between the, 320
- Dean Forest, Steel Making in, 169
- Dearne Valley Water Scheme, The, 129
- Death of Captain Cadell, 506
- Death of Mr. John Griffiths, 342
- Death of Mr. Max Hjortsberg, Swedish Engineer, 492
- Death of Captain Minid, 80
- Death of Mr. John D. Napier, 231
- Death of M. Solacroup, 236
- Death of one of George Stephenson's Contemporaries, 314
- Decrease, Great, in the Yorkshire Coal Traffic to London, 476
- Deepening the River Brisbane, 119
- Defences of Port Philip, The, 474
- Dephosphorisation of Pig Iron, The, 20
- Derbyshire Institute of Engineers, Meetings of the, 49, 4G2
- Derbyshire Miners' Association, Formation of a New, 158
- Desert of Sahara, Proposed Railway across the, 466
- Detroit River, Crossing the, 102
- Devonport and Stonehouse Sanitary Improvements, '29
- Dickenson's Boiler Drilling Machine ; Erratum, 416
- Difficulty, Another Colliers', 49
- Discovery of Coal at Pentyrch, 380
- Dividend at the Creuset Works, 40
- Division amongst the Miners of South Yorkshire, 119
- Dock Accommodation at Cardiff, '283
- Dock for Ayr, New Slip, 456
- Dock Company. The Newport, 380
- Dock, New, at Whitehaven, 390
- Dock, The Nicolaieff, 29
- Dock and Railway Scheme at Hui: Mhe New, 5, 29, 342
- Dock, The Stobcross, Glasgow, Progress of, 251
- Dock, The Swansea New, 137, 283
- Dock Works, The Leith, Progress of, 313
- Docks, The Avonmouth, 400
- Docks, The Bristol, 186, 435
- Docks and Piers at New York, 276
- Docks, The Plymouth Great Western, 49
- Docks, The Port Adelaide. Progress of, 195
- Dockyard, The Pembroke, 96
- Dom Pedro Segundo Railway, The, 296
- Dorchester, The Sewage at, 76
- Double Shift at Cyfarthfa, 501
- Dowlais Works, New Coke Ovens at, 1G9
- Drainage of Collieries, The, 266
- Drainage of Salisbury, The, 69
- Drainage of Weymouth, The, 76
- Drawing Boards, Fixing Paper on, 251
- Dundas, Mr. R., C.E., Appointment of, to the Caledonian Railway, 137
- Dundee Authorities and the Tay Bridge, The, 418
- Dundee High Level Railway, Opposition to the, 137
- Dundee and Lochee Tramways, Inspection of the, 9
- Dundee Tramways and Steam Power, 29
- Dusseldorf Exhibition of 1880, The, 20
- Dutch Iron Minerals, 251
- Diving, The Use of the Telephone in, 226
- Dynamite, Explosion of, near Prague, 400
- East River Bridge Cables, Testing the, 20
- East River Bridge, Progress of the, 446
- East London, South Africa, The Water Supply of, 275
- Eastern of France Railway, Working Expenses on the, 466
- Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron, and Coal Company, Report of the, 501
- Eddystone Lighthouse, The New, Progress of, 9
- Edinburgh Association of Science and Arts, Meeting of the, 324
- Egyptian Railways, Progress of the, 44
- Elections and Trade, The, 291
- Electric Light, The, at the Albion Mills, Halifax, 193
- Electric Light in Austria, The, 425
- Electric Light in Indiana, The, 251
- Electric Light, The, adapted for Shipbuilding, 95
- Elevated Electric Railroad for Berlin, An, 446
- Elevated Railroad, The Brooklyn, Progress of, 160
- Elevated Railroads, American, Progress of the, 194
- Elevator, New, for the Erie Railroad, 486
- Emery Grinding Machinery, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 250
- Emperor of Russia's Yacht, The, 76, 314
- Employers' Liabilities Bill, The, 102, 476
- " Engine, Centennial," The Great, 390
- Engine, Corliss, for the Lawrence Company, Lowell, 231
- Engineer for Aberdeen Harbour; Appointment of Mr. W. Smith, 76
- Engineering Firms, Scotch, Honours to, 342
- Engineering and Shipbuilding, Cleveland, 5, 28, 58, 65, 96, 119, 177, 226, 250, 263, 305, .329, 342, 380, 400, 418, 436, 456, 476, 493
- Engineering Society, The Liverpool, Meetings of, 95, 160, 207, 370, 405
- Engineering Trades, South Yorkshire, Progress of the, 29, 49, 95, 119, 207, 291, 356, 400, 418
- Engineers, Meeting of the Society of, 186
- Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, Meetings of the Institution of, 49, 137, 169, 207, 251, 324, 342, 405
- Engineers, The Society of Municipal, Annual Meeting of, 332
- Enginemen and Mechanics, and their Wages, The Cleveland, 5
- Engines of the " Nelson ;" Erratum, 305
- Engines, The Porter-Allen, in America, 120
- Engines, Traction, on Tramways, 436
- English Coal in Paris, 436
- Erie Railroad, New Elevator for the, 486
- Erimus Iron Works, Steel Making at the, 96
- Errata, 94, 305, 408, 416, 417, 495
- Examinations, Technological, 349
- Exhibition, The Buenos Ayres, 137, 193
- Exhibition of 1880, The Dusseldorf, 20
- Exhibition of Gas Apparatus for Glasgow, 385
- Exhibition, The Melbourne International, 45, 126, 496
- Exhibition, The New York International, 416
- Exhibition, The Sydney International, 433, 462, 486
- Exhibits at the Quarterly Meeting at Middlesbrough, 286
- Expensive Cemetery at Sheffield, An, 95
- Expensive Town Improvements, Sheffield, 356
- Explosion, Boiler, The Recent Fatal, at Glasgow, 324, 436
- Explosion of Dynamite near Prague, 400
- Exports from the Clyde, 137, 185
- Extension Line, The Chatburn and Hellifleld, Progress of, 400
- Extension of the London and North-Western Railway, The Wortley and Leeds, Progress of, 400
- Facilities, Railroad, at Philadelphia, 441
- Factories at Chicago, 243
- Failures in the Local Coal Trade, South Yorkshire, 476
- Fairfield Association, Meetings of the, 76, 226
- Fairlie Railway, Opening of the, 436
- Fast Voyage of the Steamship "Orient," 251, 342
- Ferry Boat, A Monster, 331
- Fiji, Steam Communication with, 390
- Filey Harbour of Refuge, The, 436, 476
- Financial State of Cleveland, The, 456
- Finished Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 6, 28, 96, 119, 129, 149, 177, 185, 207, 226, 250, 263,286, 305, 329, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 436, 476, 493
- Fire Engine for H.M.S. " Sultan," Trial of a., 49
- Fire Engine, Steam, for Hampton Court Palace, 95
- Firing Locomotives, 48G
- Fish Torpedo, The Whitehead, 360
- Fixing Paper on Drawing Boards, 251
- Foreign Exports from the Clyde, 137, 185
- Forest of Dean, Proposed Railways in the, 29, 418
- Forest of Dean, Trade at the, 18, 29, 49, 76, 169, 186. 266, 283, 302, 324, 357, 456, 476
- Forest of Dean, \%'ages in the, 49, 435
- Forge, An Indiana Steam, 80
- Forth Bridge, Progress of the, 9, 29, 48, 76, 95, 102, 156, 169, 185, 446
- Forts, Projected New, for the Defence of Portsmouth, 49
- Fothergill Gold Medal awarded by the Society of Arts to Mr. Donald Currie, M.P., 405
- Foundry and Boiler Work, Sheffield, Progress of, 356
- Fracture of Cast Iron, Mr. J. Love on the, 178
- France, Iron in, 175
- Fraserburg Harbour, Progress of the, 9
- French in Africa, The, 332
- French Bridge Building, 408
- French Coal Mining, 446
- French Coal Trade, The, 332
- French Mechanical Industry, 466
- French Mineral Movements, 198
- French Railway Projects, 17
- French Railway Traffic, 20
- French Railways, Progress of the, 20, 40, 231, 814, 418
- French Steam Navigation, 25, 465
- French Telegraphy, 126
- Fuel on Australian Railways, 78
- Fuel, Petroleum as. 352
- Fund for the Late W. Templeton, The, 305, 328, 339, 385, 415, 435
- Furnaces, Blast, in the Market, 58
- Gas Apparatus Exhibition for Glasgow, 385
- Gas Buoy, Experimental, on Roseneath Patch, 9
- Gas Engines for Lighthouses, 456
- Gas in Germany, Tine Price of, 20
- Gas at New York, 486
- Gas and Water Supply of Thorpe Hesley, The, 158
- Gas Works, New, at Leeds, 95
- Genoa Harbour Improvements, 251
- German Ocean and the Baltic, Canal between the, 355
- German Patent Office, The, 18
- German Post Office, The, 40
- German Railways, Progress of the, 486
- German Steel Making, 160
- Glasgow Agricultural Society, The, and the Implement Makers, 324
- Glasgow Harbour, Proposed New Bridge over, 9
- Glasgow Iron Works Boiler Explosion, The, 324, 436
- Glasgow Malleable Iron Trade, The, 119, 266, 436
- Glasgow Manufactured Iron Trade, The, 9, 185, 226, 251, 324
- Glasgow Pig Iron Market, The, 9, 29, 48, 76, 95, 119, 137, 156, 168, 185, 206, 226, 251, 266, 286, 313, 324, 342, 357, 384, 405, 418, 436, 456, 476, 501
- Glasgow Technical College, The, 436
- Glasgow Trades Council and the St. Rollox Boiler Explosion, The, 226
- Gold Mining, Victorian, Progress of, 251, 465
- Golden Horn, Proposed Quay along the, 19
- Government Loan to Anstruther Harbour, 436
- Government Survey of the North of South Australia, 120
- Grand Trunk Workshops at Montreal, The, 125
- Graving Dock, New, at Venice, 231
- Great Find of Coal in South Wales, 96
- Great Northern and Midland Joint Stations at Keighley, The, 342
- Great Northern Telegraph Company, Progress of the, 80,'465
- Great Western Railway Extensions and Improvements, The, 169
- Greenock Harbour Trust, Meeting of the, 286
- Greenock Tramways, Mechanical Power on the, 169
- Greymouth Harbour, New Zealand, Sir John
- Coode's Report on the, 465
- Griffiths, Mr. John, Death of, 342
- Grinding Chilled Car Wheels, 207
- Gun Vessel, Launch of a, on the Clyde, 95
- Hand Work v. Machinery, 76
- Harbour, The Anstruther, 207, 436
- Harbour Engineer fur Aberdeen; Appointment of Mr. W. Smith, 76
- Harbour, The Fraserburg, Progress of, 9
- Harbour, The Greymouth, Now Zealand, Sir John Coode's, Report on, 465
- Harbour Improvements, Genoa, 251
- Harbour Improvements, The Queensland, 19
- Harbour, A New Australian, 296
- Harbour, Proposed, in St. Vincent's Gulf, 28
- Harbour of Refuge, The Filey, 436, 476
- Harbour Trust, The Melbourne, 385, 407
- Harbour Works, The Alexandra, Finishing of, 197
- Harbour Works, The Ayr New, 476
- Harbour Works, The Port Elizabeth, 466
- Harbour Works, The South African, Progress of, 40
- Health, Public, The Progress of, 296
- Heating Railway Carriages, A New Way of, 246
- Heavy Pumping, 305
- Henley's Telegraph Works, 231
- H.M.S. "Ajax," Launch of, 226
- H.M.S. "Linnet," Launch of, 119
- H.M.S. "Sultan," Trial of a Fire Engine for, 49
- Hertford Sewage, The, 385
- Highland Railway Company, Meeting of the, 342
- Highland Railway, Rumoured Extension of the, 95
- Hirwain Iron Works, Reopening of the, 149, 169, 324
- History and Manufacture of Steel, Professor
- Kennedy's Lectures on the, 145
- Hjortsberg, Mr. Max, Death of, 492
- Huldfast Bay Railway, Progress of the, 19, 3S5
- Hopkins, Uilkes, and Company, The Affairs of, 65, 119, 177
- Horsforth, Improvements at, 76
- Hot Blast Stoves, The Cowper, 331
- Hudson River Tunnel, The, 231, 352
- Hull and Barnsley Railway, Progress of the, 76, 158, 186, 436
- Hull Borough New Asylum, The, 225, 305
- Hull, The Colliers and the New Line to, 342
- Hull, The Sanitary Condition of, 169
- Hungarian Railways, Progress of the, 225
- Huntley, William, Death of, 314
- Hydrostatic Pipe Joint, Painter's, 484
- Improvements at Horsforth, 76
- Improvements in Large Towns on the German System, 225
- Improvements, Proposed, at Bingley, 95
- Improvements, Sheffield Street, 418
- Improvements at Sowerby Bridge, 476
- Injunction against the Leeds Corporation, 129
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Meetings of the, 80, 111, 204, 206, 299, 313, 329, 390, 423, 473, 506
- Insurance, Boiler, 5
- International Exhibition, The New York. 416
- Interoceanic Railway, Progress of the, 44
- Interruptions, Telegraphic, 466
- Iron Broker, A Wealthy, 29
- Iron and Coal Exports, South Wales, 476
- Iron in France, 175
- Iron Lighthouse, New, for Mexico, 231
- Iron Making in Japan, 426
- Iron Making in Virginia, 423
- Iron Market, The Cleveland, 6, 28, 58, 65, 96, 119, 129, 149, 185, 177, 207, 226, 2b0, 263, 286, 304 329, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 436, 456, 476, 493
- Iron Minerals, Dutch, 251
- Iron Ore in Dean Forest, 111
- Iron Ore, Spanish, 102, 246
- Iron Ore in the United States, 207
- Iron Ore, Virginian, 446
- Iron Ores, Canadian, 465
- Iron Rails hi Belgium, 102
- Iron shipbuilders' Wages at Middlesbrough, 58
- Iron Shipbuilding on the Delaware, 140
- Iron Shipments at Cardiff, 18, 49
- Iron v. Steel, 129
- Iron and Steel in France, 426
- Iron and Steel Institute, Programme of the Meeting of the, 329
- Iron and Steel Rails in Belgium, Tenders for, 40
- iron and Steel Trade at Sheffield,' The, 76, 119, 129, 169, 186, 291, 342, 356, 380, 418
- Iron and Steel Works, The Stranton, 226
- Iron Trade, The Austrian, 40
- Iron Trade, The Austro-Hungarian, Progress of, 80
- Iron Trade in the Forest of Dean, The, 357
- Iron Trade, The Glasgow Manufactured, 9, 185, 226, 251, 324
- Iron Trade of South Yorkshire, Changes in the, 49
- Iron Trade, The Welsh, 476
- Iron in Virginia, 407
- Iron Works, The Ainthorpe, Middlesbrough, 226
- Iron Works, The Blaenavon, Progress of, 302
- Iron Works, The Hirwain, Reopening of, 149,169
- Iron Works in the Market, 65
- Iron Works for Sale at Middlesbrough, 250
- Iron Works, The Springfield, Recommencement of, 96
- Iron Works, The West Stockton, Recommencement of, 96
- Iron Yachts in the United States, 275
- Irons, Common, for Steel Purposes, Utilisation of, 207
- Ironmasters' Returns, The Cleveland, 119, 357
- Ironsand, Taranaki, 126
- Ironstone, Cleveland, The Resources of, 226
- Ironstone Mines, The Cleveland, 476
- Italian Railways, Progress of the, 231, 453
- Jaffa and Jerusalem, Proposed Tramway between, 26
- Jamestown and Yongala Railway, Progress of the, 120
- Japan, American Cars for, 462
- Japan, Iron Making in, 426
- Japan, Locomotives for, 276
- Japan, Railway Enterprise in, 281
- Japanese Nail Manufactory, A New, 79
- Jerusalem, Steam Power at, 60
- Jessop, William, and Sons, Annual Report of, 225
- Jetties, The Mississippi, and Captain Eads' Claims, 40
- Jetties for Port Elizabeth, The Proposed, 198
- Jetties, South African, Reports on, 60
- Kaipara Railway, New Zealand, Inspection of the, 466
- Kapunda, The Water Supply of, 198
- Keeling, Mr. G. W., Presentation to, 357
- Key's Works, Kirkcaldy, Resumption of Work at, 456
- Krupp and Belgium, 60
- Landore Steel Works, Progress of the, 260
- Large Towns, Improvements in, on the German System, 225
- Launch of a Gun Vessel on the Clyde, 95
- Launch of H.M.S. "Ajax," 226
- Launch of H.M.S. " Linnet," 119
- Law Reform, Patent, at Glasgow, 476, 501
- Laws, Sanitary, 266
- Lead Trade of South Yorkshire, Progress of the, 207
- Leather, Waterproofing, 342
- Lectures, The Cantor, 95
- Lectures by Professor Kennedy on the History and Manufacture of Steel, 145
- Leeds Corporation, Injunction against the, 129
- Leeds, New Gas Works at, 95
- Lehigh Valley Iron Works, Blast Furnaces at the, 108
- Lehigh Valley Railroad, Progress of the, 385
- Leith Dock Works, Progress of the, 313
- Lesseps, M. de, made Honorary Member of the
- Institution of Civil Engineers, 313
- Liberality of the Clothworkers' Company, 47G
- Light, The Electric, at the Albion Mills, Halifax, 193
- Light, The Electric, in Austria, 425
- Light, The Electric, in Indiana, 251
- Light, The Electric, adopted for Shipbuilding, 95
- Lighting Railway Carriages, 207
- Lighthouse, The New Eddystone, Progress of, Lighthouse, New Iron, for Mexico, 231
- Lighthouse, The Tampico, 408
- Lighthouses, American, 17
- Lighthouses, Gas Engines for, 456
- Llangennech Coal Company, Llanolly, Sinking a Large Shaft by the, 260
- Loan, Government, to Anstruther Harbour, 436
- Local Coal Trade, South Yorkshire, Failures in the, 476
- Locomotive Building, American, 207, '266, 426, 466
- Locomotive Building, Bristol, 49
- Locomotive Power on the Madras Railway, 40
- Locomotive Trade of South Yorkshire, The, 119
- Locomotive Wheels, American, 385
- Locomotives, American, in Now Zealand, 207
- Locomotives and Cars on the Illinois Central Railroad, 276
- Locomotives on the Chicago and Alton Railroad, 276
- Locomotives, Firing, 486
- Locomotives for Japan, 276
- Locomotives on the Madras Railway, 40
- Locomotives on the Orleans Railway, 446
- Loftus Iron Works and Mines, The Sale of, 96
- London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, Meetings of the, 26, 119, 126, 184, 206, 314, 370
- London and Suburban Railway Officials' Association, Meeting of the, 68
- London Water Supply, The, 186, 331, 356, 380, 436
- McDonald, Mr., M.P., and Middlesbrough Iron, 28
- Macfarlane, Mr. Donald, Presentation to, 357
- Machinery and other Exports from the Clyde, 137
- Machinery v. Hand Work, 76
- Machinery, Reaping, in Australia, 198
- Machinery, Refrigerating, for New South Wales, 436
- Machinery for South Australia, Well-Boring, 426
- Machinery, Sugar, for Queensland, 362
- Madras Railway, Locomotives on the, 40
- Madras Railway, Working Stock on the, 40
- Mail Cars on the Union Pacific Railroad, 231
- Main and Weser Railway, Rails for the, 198
- Make and Disposal of Pig Iron at Cleveland, The, 28, 68, 185, 286
- Malleable iron Trade, The Glasgow, 11i 266, 436
- Manufacture of Steel, Professor A. B. W. Kennedy on the, 137
- Manufactured Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 68, 65
- Marine Signalling, 486
- Mechanical Industry, American, 332, 385
- Mechanical Industry, French, 466
- Mechanical Power on the Greenock Tramways, 169
- Meeting of the ..caster Patent Rail Joint Company, 29
- Meeting of the Agricultural Engineers' Association, 880
- Meeting, Annual, of the Society of Municipal Engineers, 832
- Meeting of the Board of Examiners for Colliery Managers' Certificates, Scotland, 226
- Meeting of Li. Briggs, Son, and Company, 169
- Meeting of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, 370
- Meeting of the Clyde Lighthouse Commissioners, 456
- Meeting of the Clyde Trust, 119
- Meeting of the Edinburgh Association of Science and Arts, 324
- Meeting of the Forth Bridge Railway Company, 186
- Meeting of the Greenock Harbour Trust, 286
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Bristol Tramways Company, 250
- Meeting or the Highland Railway Company, 342
- Meeting of the London and Suburban Railway Officials' Association, 68
- Meeting of the Mining Institute of Scotland, 313
- Meeting of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 261
- Meeting, Quarterly, at Middlesbrough and Exhibits, 286
- Meeting of the Scarborough and Whitby Railway Company, 169
- Meeting of the Society of Engineers, 186
- Meeting of the South Wales Institute of Engineers, 76
- Meeting of the South Welsh Colliers, 456
- Meeting of the Swansea Harbour Trust, 302
- Meeting of the Wick Harbour Trust, 76
- Meetings of the Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors, 207, 266
- Meetings of the Avonside Engine Company, 29, 266
- Meetings of the Derbyshire Institute of Engineers, 49, 462
- Meetings of the Fairfield Association, 76, 226
- Meetings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 80, 111, 204, 104, 206, 299, 313, 829, 890, 423, 473, 506
- Meetings of the Institution of Engineers and
- Shipbuilders, Scotland, 49, 137,169, 207, 201, 824, 842, 405
- Meetings of the Liverpool Engineering Society, 95, 160, 107, 370, 406
- Meetings of the London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, 26, 119, 126, 184, 206, 314,370
- Meetings of the Melbourne Harbour Trust, 385, 407
- Meetings of the Meteorological Society, 256, 423
- Meetings of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 49, 147, 169, 207 251, 313, 324, 385
- Meetings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 185, 324, d67, 405, 456
- Meetings of the Society of Arts, 5, 80, 223, 429
- Melbourne International Exhibition, The, 45, 126, 496
- Merthyr, Trade at, 96, 111,149, 169, 802, 456
- Metropolitan Board of Works and the Artisans' Act, The, 169
- Metropolitan Water Companies' Shares, Sale of the, 119
- Merryweathers' Steam Fire Engines for the
- Metropolitan Board of Works, 456
- Messageries Maritimes, The, 385
- Metals, The Precious, in the United States, 60
- Meteorological Society, Meeting of the, 266
- Mexican Railway, New, 261
- Middle Ages, Roof Construction in the, 362
- Middlesbrough, Shipments of Iron from, 68
- Midland and Great Northern Joint Stations at Keighley, The, 812
- Milan and Pavia Tramway, Progress of the, 79
- Minerals, Movement of, in France, 198
- Minerals, New South Wales, 231
- Miners' Association, Formation of a Now, in Derbyshire, 168
- Miners, The Cleveland, 66, 329
- Miners of South Yorkshire, Division amongst the, 119
- Miners' Union in South Yorkshire, New, 29
- Mines, Tubbing in, 169
- Minis, Captain, Death of, 80
- Mining Institute of Scotland, Meeting of the, 313
- Mining Machinery, Oliver's Illustrated Catalogue of, 231
- Mississippi Jetties and Captain Earls' Claims, The, 40
- Missouri Car Wheel Company's Now Shops, The, 20
- Monmouthshire Railway, Proposed Amalgamation of, 400
- Monster Ferry Boat, A, 331
- Montreal and Sault Sainte Marie Railway, Progress of the, 207
- Mount Vesuvius Railway, Progress of the, 441
- Mountain Batterieb, New, 186
- Myndd Mawr Railway, Contract for the, 266
- Nail Manufactory, A New Japanese, 79
- Napier, Mr. John D., Death of, 281
- Napier's, Robert, Bequest, 207
- Nasmyth, Mr. James, F.R.S., and the Watt Institution, Edinburgh, 137
- Natal Railways, Progress of the, 80
- National Colliery Company, The, 357
- Natural Philosophy Chair in Edinburgh, Candidates for the, 857, 405
- Naval Barracks for Devonport, 76
- Navigation Collieries, Large Winding Engines at the, 456
- Navy, The United States, 306
- Neath Merthyr Collieries, Restarting of the, 436
- Neepsend Rolling Mill Company, Annual Report of the, 380
- " Nelson," Engines of the; Erratum, 305
- Nerbudda Bridge, The, Contract for, 88
- Newport, Trade at, 18, 49, 137, 226, 250, 266, 283, 324, 342, 357, 400, 418, 436, 466, 476, 601
- New South Wales Coal, 207
- New South Wales, New Railway Workshops for, 241
- New South Wales Minerals, 231
- New York Central Railroad at Now York, The, 465
- New York, Gas at, 486
- New York, Lake Erie, and Western Railroad, Rails on the, 207
- Now York, Shipbuilding at, 408
- New Zealand Coal, 102, 332
- New Zealand Railways, Progress of the, 283, 426
- Newport Dock Company, The, 380
- Nicolaieff Dock, The, 29
- North Bridge over the River Ure, The Proposed Widening of the, 305
- North British Railway Company, The, and the Tay Bridge, 266
- North of France, Coal in the, 231
- North of South Australia, Government Survey of the, 120
- North Wales Slate Trade, The, 475
- North-East Yorkshire, New Railway in, 436
- North-Eastern Railway Company, The Increasing Trade of the, 149
- Northern of France Railway, Progress of the, 351
- Northern Pacific Railroad, Progress of the, 145, 407
- Oban Railway, Progress of the, 169, 342, 418
- Official Inquiry at Salisbury, 250
- Official Inspection of the Brooklyn Bridge, 411
- Ohio, The River, Plan for Improving the Navigation of, 832
- Oil in Alabama, 415
- Oil Lands of Peru, The, 17
- Old Rails in Russia, 137
- Oliver's Illustrated Catalogue of Mining Machinery, 231
- Opening of the Fairlie Railway, 436
- Opening of the Wishaw Railway, 436
- Operations at the Tay Bridge, 266, 286, 314, 436
- Ordnance Survey of Gloucestershire, 824
- Ore, Iron, in Dean Forest, 111
- Ore, Iron, in the United States, 207
- Oregon Railroad, Rolling Stock for the, 198
- Orient Steam Navigation Company, The, 435
- " Orient," Steamer, Fast Passage by the, 251, 342
- Orleans Railway, Locomotives on the, 446
- Orleans Railway, Rails on the, 417
- Otago Railways Progress or the, 407
- " Otto" Gas Engine, An, ins, Clyde Lighthouse, 857
- Output and Prices of Finished iron at Cleveland, The, 867
- Painter's Hydrostatic Pipe Joint, 481
- Panama. Canal, The, 275, 866, 426, 429
- Paris, The Population of, 367
- Parkgate Iron Company, Report of the, 418
- Patent Law Reform Agitation in Glasgow, 476, 601
- Patent Office, The German, 18
- Patent Office, The Prussian, 443
- Patents and Trade Marks, 44
- Paving in Paris, Street, 198
- Pembroke Dockyard, The, 96
- Pen Lan Colliery, Maesteg, Now Coal Seam at the, 476
- Penarth, Coal Shipments at, 49
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Cars on the, 271
- Pennsylvanian Coal Discovery, A, 446
- Pennsylvanian Coal Mining, 20
- Pensacola New Steamers for, 814
- Pentyrch Works, Blast Furnaces at the, 20
- Penygraig, Coal Winning at, 880
- Permanent Way on the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, The, 446
- Petroleum as Fuel, 362
- Petroleum in Peru,17
- Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Coal on the, 207
- Philosophers on the American Fifteen Puzzle, 450
- Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Meeting of the, 251
- Picard, M. A., New Work on Water Supply of France, by, 506
- Pier Improvements at Williamstown, Australia, 456
- Pier, Proposed New, at Weymouth, 29
- Piers and Docks at Now York, 276
- Pig Iron, Cleveland, Stocks of, 65
- Pig Iron, The Dephosphorisation of, 20
- Pig Iron, The Make and Disposal of, at Cleveland, 28, 58, 185, '286
- Pig Iron Market, The Glasgow, 9, 29, 48, 76, 95, 119, 137, 156, 168, 185, 206, 226, 251, '266, 286,313, 824, 342, 357, 384, 405, 418, 436, 456, 476, 501
- Plant and Rails on the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad, 446
- Plymouth Great Western Docks, The, 49
- Plymouth Hoe Pier, The Proposed, 49
- Pollution of Rivers, The, 324
- Pontefract New Town Hall, The, 305
- Population of Paris, The, 367
- Population of Victoria, '1 he, 120
- Port Adelaide Docks, Progress of the, 195
- Port Augusta Railway, Progress of the, 275
- Port Elizabeth Harbour Works, The, 466
- Port Philip, The Defences of, 474
- Port Victor Breakwater, Progress of the, 466
- Porter-Allen Engines in America, The, 120
- Portsmouth, Projected New Forts for the Defence of, 49
- Post Office, The German, 40
- Postal Reform, 109
- Power, Locomotive, on the Madras Railway, 40
- Precious Metals The, in the United States, 60
- Presentation to Mr. U. W. Keeling, 357
- Presentation to a well-known Physicist, 357
- Pretoria and Delagoa Bay Railway, Progress of the, 408
- Preventing Fraud with Cheques, 360
- Price of Gas in Germany, The, 20
- Prices and Output of Finished Iron at Cleveland, The, ao7
- " Prince Hendrik," New Iron Steamer, The, 484
- Programme of the Meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, 329
- Progress, Telegraphic, 466
- Prussian Railways, Progress of the, 465
- Public Health, The Progress of, 296
- Public Works in France, 276
- Pullman Cars, The Cost of, 29
- Pullman Palace Cars, New Shops for Building the, 486
- Pumping, Heavy, 305
- Quay, Proposed, along the Golden Horn, 19
- Quays at Constantinople, 60
- Queensland Cedar, 306
- Queensland Coast Survey, The, 408
- Queensland Harbour Improvements, The, 19
- Queensland Railways, Progress of the, 266, 411, 465
- Rail Exports, Belgian, 198
- Rail Trade at Sheffield, Progress of the, 291
- Railroad Construction, American, 102, 198
- Railroad, An Elevated Electric, for Berlin, 446
- Railroad Facilities at Philadelphia, 441
- Railroad, The Lehigh Valley, Progress of, 885
- Railroad, The New York Central, at New York, 465
- Railroad, The Northern Pacific, Progress of, 145, 407
- Railroad, The Southern Pacific, Progress of, 385
- Railroads, The American Elevated, Progress of, 194
- Rails for the Adelaide and Nairne Railway, 446
- Rails for the Belgian State Lines, 198
- Rails, Belgian Steel, 193
- Rails, iron, in Belgium, 102
- Rails for the Main and Weser Railway, 198
- Rails on the New York, Lake Erie, and Western Railroad, 207
- Rails, Old, in Russia, 137
- Rails on the Orleans Railway, 417
- Rails and Plant on the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad, 446
- Rails, Steel, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 40
- Rails, Steel, in Europe, 276
- Rails, Steel, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 332
- Rails, Steel, on the Northern Central Railroad, 332
- Rails, Steel, on the Orleans Railway, 466
- Rails, Steel, on the Panama Railroad, 426
- Rails, Steel, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 19
- Rails, Steel, on the Union Pacific Railroad, 126
- Rails, Steel, in the United States, 181, 251, 276, 466
- Railway, The Adelaide and Nairne, Progress of, 178
- Railway, The Arlberg, Progress of, 426
- Railway Bill, The Hull and Barnsley, 436
- Railway Bridges at Ilkeston, Sinking of, 158
- Railway, The Callander and Oban, Progress of 169, 342, 418
- Railway, The Canadian Pacific, Progress of, 79
- Railway Carriages, Lighting, 207
- Railway Carriages, A New Way of Heating, 246
- Railway Company, Forth Bridge, Meeting of the, 185
- Railway Company, The North-Eastern, Increasing Trade of the, 149
- Railway Construction, Queensland, 465
- Railway and Dock Scheme at Hull, The New, 6, 29, 342
- Railway, The Dom Pedro Segundo, 296
- Railway, Dundee High Level, Opposition to the, 137
- Railway Economy, South African, 408
- Railway Enterprise in Japan, 231
- Railway Extensions, The Great Western, 169
- Railway, The Highland, Rumoured Extension of, 95
- Railway, The Holdfast Bay, Progress of, 19, 385
- Railway, The Hull and Barnsley, Progress of, 76, 158, 186, 436
- Railway Improvements, The Great Western, 169
- Railway, The Interoceanic, Progress of, 44
- Railway, The Jamestown, and Yongala, Progress of, 120
- Railway, The Kaipara, New Zealand, Inspection of, 466
- Railway, the Monmouthshire, Proposed Amalgamation of, 400
- Railway, The Montreal and Sault Sainte Marie, Progress of, 207
- Railway, The Mount Vesuvius, Progress of, 441
- Railway, New Mexican, 251
- Railway, Now, in North-East Yorkshire, 436
- Railway, The Northern of France, Progress of, 351
- Railway, The Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean, Permanent Way on, 446
- Railway, The Port Augusta, Progress of, 275
- Railway, The Pretoria and Delagoa Bay, Progress of, 408
- Railway Projects, French,17
- Railway, Proposed New, iu the Weald of Kent, 453
- Railway, A Proposed Trans-Saharan, 198
- Railway, Re-opening of a, in Wales, 435
- Railway Traffic, French, 20
- Railway Wagon Trade of South Yorkshire, The, 119
- Railway Workshops, New, for New South Wales, 241
- Railways, Australian, Progress of the, 6, 19, 60, 243, 276 314, 332, 852, 408, 486
- Railways, The Austrian, Progress of, 90, 236,426, 465
- Railways, The Austro-Hungarian, Progress of, 29, 198
- Railways, The Brazilian, Progress of, 332
- Railways, The Canadian, Progress of, 20, 40, 60, 79, 80, 207, 231, 251, 408, 411, 465
- Railways, The Egyptian, Progress of, 44
- Railways in the Forest of Dean, Progress of, 418
- Railways, The French, Progress of, 20, 40, 231, 314, 418
- Railways, The Gorman, Progress of, 486
- Railways, The Hungarian, Progress of, 225
- Railways, The Italian, Progress of, 231, 453
- Railways in Natal, Progress of the, 80
- Railways, The New Zealand, Progress of, 283,426
- Railways, The Otago, Progress of, 407
- Railways, Proposed, in the Forest of Dean, 29
- Railways, The Prussian, Progress or, 465
- Railways, The Queensland, Progress of, 266, 411, 465
- Railways, The South African, Progress of, 57, 102, 251, 407,408, 418, 426, 466
- Railways, The Tasmanian, Progress of, 194, 265
- Railways, Unprofitable Australian, 79
- Rapid. Steaming of an Allan Liner, 9
- Reaping Machinery in Australia, 198
- Receipts of J. F. Cail and Company, The, 193
- Recent Railway Accidents, 435
- Reform, Postal, 109
- Refrigerating Machinery for Now South Wales, 436
- Report, Annual, of Brown, Bayley, Dixon, and Company, 225
- Report, Annual, of Crossley, John, and Sons, 76
- Report, Annual, of William Jessop and Sons, 225
- Report, Annual, of the Neepsend Rolling Mill Company, 380
- Report of the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron, and Coal Company, 501
- Report of the Parkgate Iron Company, 418
- Report of the Tay Bridge Commissioners, The, 501
- Resolven, New Tin-Plate Works at, 49
- Resources of the Cleveland Ironstone, The, 226
- Resumption of Messrs. Key's Works, Kirkcaldy, 406
- Revival in the Lead Trade of South Yorkshire The, 207
- Rim Las Coal, 206
- Rhondda Coke, Rise in the Price of, 29
- Rhondda Valley, The Coal and Coke Trade in, 111
- Rhymney Iron Works, Blast Furnaces at the, 111
- Rhymney Valley, The Coal and Coke Trade in, 49, 324, 380, 501
- River Brisbane, Deepening the, 119
- River Hudson, Steall1L011.41 on the, 251
- River Ohio, Plan for Improving the Navigation of the, 332
- River Steamers, American, 231
- River Ure, Proposed Widening of the North Bridge over the, 305
- River Yarra, improving the Navigation of the, 486
- Rivers, The Pollution of, 324
- Rivetters in Scotland, Strike of, 76
- Roadways, Proposed Wooden, at Sheffield, 207
- Rolling Stock in Italy. 332
- Rolling Stock for the Oregon Railroad, 198
- Rolling Stock on the Union Pacific Railroad, 198
- Rome, Tramways at, 466
- Roof Construction in the Middle Ages, 352
- Roseneath Patch, Experimental Buoy on, 9
- Royal Agricultural Society of England, The Show of the, 305
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Meetings of the, 49, 137, 169, 207. 251, 313, 324, 385
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, Meetings of the, 185, 324, 857, 405, 456
- Russian Telegraphy, 486
- Sahara, Desert, Proposed Railway across the, 466
- SL Gothard Tunnel, The, 332, 474
- St. Paul, Minnesota, New Workshops at, 476
- St. Rollox Boiler Explosion and the Glasgow Trades Councils, The, 226
- St. Vincent's Gulf, Proposed Outer Harbour in, 28
- Sale of Iron Works at Middlesbrough, 250
- Sale of the Loftus Iron Works and Mines, The, 96
- Salisbury, The Drainage of, 69
- Salisbury, Official Inquiry at, 250
- Sandy Hook Bar, Proposed New Channel through, 120
- Sanitary Condition of Hull, The, 169
- Sanitary Improvements at Devonport and Stonehouse, 29
- Sanitary Laws, 266
- Sanitary and Municipal Engineers and Surveyors, Meetings of the Association of, 207, 256
- Sanitary Works in the Brampton District, 169
- Sarrebruck Coal, The Production of, 275
- Scarborough Cliff Bridge, Alterations at the, 186
- Scarborough and Whitby Railway Company, Meeting of, 169
- Schuylkill Coal Production, The, 198
- Scotch Engineering Firms, Honours to, 342
- Severn Bridge, The, 357
- Severn Tunnel Works, The, 18, 29, 96, 169, 186, 324
- Sewage at Dorchester, The, 76
- Sewage of Hertford, The, 385
- Sewage Pumping Engines, The Twickenham, 314
- Sewage Works of Coventry, The, 296
- Sheffield Coal and Coke Trade, The, 356
- Shipbuilding Contract at Greenock, 49
- Shipbuilding Contract, Important, 476
- Shipbuilding Contracts, New, 156
- Shipbuilding and Engineering, Cleveland, 5, 28, 58, 65, 96, 119, 177, 226, 250, 263, 305, 329, 342, 380, 400, 418, 436, 456, 476, 493
- Shipbuilding, Iron, on the Delaware, 140
- Shipbuilding at New York, 408
- Shipbuilding Trades, The Clyde, Progress of, 286, 456
- Shipments of Iron at Cardiff, 18, 49
- Shipments of Iron at Middlesbrough, 58
- Shotts Iron Works, Reduction of the Wages of the Blast Furnace Workmen at the, 119
- Show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, The, 305
- Siemens Process, The, and the Prussian Patent Office, 443
- Signalling, Marine, 486
- Sinking Cwm New Pit, Contract for, 501
- Sinking a Large Shaft by the Llangennech Coal Company, Llanelly, 250
- Sinking of Railway Bridges at Ilkeston. 158
- Sirhowy Works, Blast Furnaces at the, 283
- Slate Trade, The North Wales, 475
- Sliding Scale, The, and the Cleveland Miners, 329
- Sliding Scale in South Yorkshire, The, 29
- Slip Dock, New, for Ayr, 456
- Society of Arts, Fothergill Gold Medal awarded by the to Mr. Donald Currie, M.P., 405
- Society of Arts. Meetings of the, 5, 80, 223, 429
- Society, The Meteorological, Meetings of, 256, 423
- Solacroup, M., Death of, 236
- South African Coal, 9, 207, 486
- South African Harbour Works, Progress of the, 40
- South African Jetties, Report on, 60
- South African Railways, Progress of the, 57, 102, 251, 407, 408, 418, 426, 466
- South African Telegraphy, 251
- South Australia, The Water Supply of, 446
- South Australian Railways, Progress of the, 5, 60,243, 314, 486
- South Wales Coal Trade, The, 29, 206, 302
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, Meeting of the, 76
- South Wales Tin-Plate Trade, The, 476
- South Wales, Wages in, 69, 418
- South Welsh Coal Miners, Manifesto of the, 302
- South Welsh Colliers, Meeting of the, 456
- South Yorkshire Engineering Trades, Progress of the, 29, 49, 95,119, 207, 291, 856, 400, 418
- South Yorkshire Trade of the Year and Prospects, 5
- Southern Pacific Railroad, Progress of the, 385
- Sowerby Bridge, Improvements at, 476
- Spain and the United States, 426
- Spanish Iron Ore, 102, 246
- Spreading Sand ; Erratum, 408
- Springfield Iron Works, Recommencement of the, 96
- Steam Coal Trade, The Yorkshire, 380
- Steam Communication with Fiji, 390
- Steam Fire Engines for Hampton Court Palace, 95
- Steam Fire Engines, Merryweathers', for the Metropolitan Board of Works, 456
- Steam Forge. An Indiana, 80
- Steam Navigation, Austrian, 251
- Steam Navigation Company, The Bristol, 137
- Steam Navigation Company, The Orient, 435
- Steam Navigation, French, 25, 465
- Steam Navigation, Turkish, 19
- Steam Power at Jerusalem, 60
- Steam on Tramways, 380
- Steam Tramway Company, The Briton Ferry and Swansea, 501
- Steamboats on the River Hudson, 251
- Steamer, New Iron, " The Prince Hendrik," 484
- Steamer, A New Telegraph, 236
- Steamer, " Orient," Fast Passage by the, 251, 342
- Steamers, American River, 231
- Steaming, Rapid, of an Allan Liner, 9
- Steel Armour Plates, The Manufacture of, 158
- Steel, Bessemer, made at Essen in 1878 by Krupp, 111
- Steel Blooms in the United States. 408
- Steel Boats for Central Africa, 408
- Steel Boiler Trade at Sheffield, The, 119
- Steel v. Iron, 129
- Steel and Iron Rails in Belgium, Tenders for, 40
- Steel and Iron in France, 426
- Steel and Iron Trade at Sheffield, The, 76, 119, 129, 169, 186, 291, 842, 356, 380, 418
- Steel Making, American, 332
- Steel Making in Dean Forest, 169
- Steel Making at the Erimus Iron Works, 96
- Steel Making, German, 160
- Steel Professor A. B. W. Kennedy on the Manufacture of, 137
- Steel Rails on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 40
- Steel Rails, Belgian, 193
- Steel Rails, Bessemer, Herr Kerpely on, 231
- Steel Rails in Europe, 276
- Steel Rails on the Illinois Central Railroad, 332
- Steel Bails on the Northern Central Railroad, 332
- Steel Rails on the Orleans Railway, 466
- Steel Rails on the Panama Railroad, 426
- Steel Rails on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 19
- Steel Rails on the Union Pacific Railroad, 126
- Steel Rails in the United States, 181, 251, 276, 466
- Steel Ship Plate Trade, Sheffield, Progress of the, 356
- Steel Trade, The Cleveland, 28, 58, 129, 207, 342, 380, 400, 418
- Steel Works, The Landore, Progress of, 250
- Stobcross Dock, Glasgow, Progress of the, 251
- Stocks of Cleveland Pig Iron, 65
- Scranton Iron and Steel Works, The, 226
- Street Cleansing at New York, 251
- Street Improvements, Sheffield, 418
- Street Paving in Paris, 198
- Strike of Rivetters in Scotland, 76
- Stroud Water Supply, The, 400
- Stuart Works, The, Hirwain, Progress of, 149, 169, 324
- Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Annual Dinner of the, 473
- Submarine Cables, 291
- Suez Canal, The, 102, 198, 251, 465, 495
- Sugar Machinery for Queensland, 352
- Survey, Ordnance, of Gloucestershire, 324
- Swansea Harbour Trust, Meeting of the, 302
- Swansea New Dock, The, 137, 283
- Swansea, Trade at, 18, 49, 76, 96, 111, 137, 149, 169, 186,225, 266, 324,342, 357, 400, 435
- Sydney International Exhibition, The, 433, 462, 486
- Sydney Water Supply, The, 141
- Taff Vale Railway, Coal on the, 400
- Tampico Lighthouse, The, 408
- Taranaki Ironsand, 126
- Tasmanian Railways, Progress of the, 194, 265
- Tay Bridge Commissioners' Report The, 501
- Tay Bridge, The, and the Dundee Authorities, 418
- Tay Bridge, The, and the North British Railway Company, 266
- Tay Bridge, Operations at the, 266, 286, 314, 436
- Technical College, The Glasgow, 436
- Technological Examinations, 349
- Telegraph Company, The Great Northern, Progress of, 80, 465
- Telegraph Company, The Western Union, Progress of, 251
- Telegraph Steamer, A New, 236
- Telegraph Works, Mr. Henley's, 231
- Telegraphic Interruptions, 466
- Telegraphic Progress, 466
- Telegraphy, American, 16, 276
- Telegraphy, Australian, 306, 352
- Telegraphy, Central American, 251
- Telegraphy, French, 126
- Telegraphy, Russian, 486
- Telegraphy, South African, 251
- Telephone in Diving, The Use of the, 226
- Telephone, The, v. the Transmitter, 205
- Templeton Fund, The, 305, 328, 339, 385, 415, 435
- Tenders for the Adelaide and Nairne Railway, 446
- Testing the East River Bridge Cables, 20
- Texas and Pacific Railway, Contract for the, 207
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Emery Grinding Machinery, 250
- Tin-Plate Trade, South Wales, The, 476
- Tin-Plate Works, New, at Resolven, 49
- Tonnage at the Bristol Port and Channel Dock, 186
- Torpedo Boat for Peru, A, 127
- Town Hall, The Pontefract New, 305
- Town Improvements, Sheffield, Expensive, 356
- Traction Engines on Tramways, 436
- Trade at Blaina, 186
- Trade at Cardiff, 18, 76, 96, 137, 206, 225, 250, 283, 302, 342, 357, 380, 400, 418, 435, 456, 475, 501
- Trade at Cyfarthfa, 49, 302
- Trade and Elections, The, 291
- Trade at the Forest of Dean, 18, 29, 49, 76, 160, 186, 266, 283, 302, 324. 357, 456, 476
- Trade Marks and Patents, 44
- Trade at Merthyr, 96, 111, 149, 169, 302, 456
- Trade at Newport, 18, 49, 137, 226, 250, 266, 283, 324, 342, 357, 400, 418, 436, 456. 476, 501
- Trade at Swansea, 18, 49, 76, 96, 111, 137, 149, 169, 186, 225, 266, 324, 342, 357, 400, 435
- Trade of the Year and Prospects in South Yorkshire, 5
- Training Ships, The Value of, 305
- Tramway Company. The Briton Ferry and Swansea Steam, 501
- Tramway, The Milan and Pavia, Progress of, 79
- Tramway, Proposed, between Jaffa and Jerusalem, 26
- Tramways at Brisbane, Proposed, 266, 276
- Tramways, The Bristol, 76, 225, 250
- Tramways, The Dundee and Lochee, Inspection of, 9
- Tramways, Dundee, and Steam Power, 29
- Tramways, Italian, Progress of the, 453
- Tramways at Rome, 466
- Tramways, Steam on, 380
- Tramways, The Vienna, Progress of, 275
- Transmitter v. Telephone, The, 205
- Trans-Sahara Railway, A Proposed, 198
- Tredegar, The Coal 1 rade at, 111
- Tredegar Works, Progress of the, 76
- Treforest, Large New Blast Furnace at, 186
- Trial Trip of the s.s. " Badibon," 126
- Trial Trip of the Steamer "Cosmos." 49
- Trucks, Belgian, for Spain, 60
- Tubbing in Mines, 169
- Tunnel, The Hudson River, 231, 352
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 332, 474
- Tunnel Trichinosis, 256
- Tunnel Works, The Severn, 18, 29, 96, 169, 186, 324
- Turkish Steam Navigation, 19
- Twickenham Sewage Pumping Engines, The, 314
- Union Pacific Railroad, Bridges on the, 407
- Union Pacific Railroad, Mail Cars on the, 231
- Union Pacific Railroad, Rolling Stock on the, 198
- Union in South Yorkshire, New bliners', 29
- United States Navy, The, 306
- United States and Spain, The, 426
- Utilisation of Common Irons for Steel Purposes, 207
- Vacuum Brake Company, Retirement of Mr. D M. Yeomans from the, 231
- Vale of Neath, Coal Winning in the, 324
- Value of Training Ships, The, 30:i
- Venice, New Graving Dock at, 231
- Victoria, The Population of, 120
- Victorian Gold Mining, Progress of, 251, 465
- Vienna Tramways, Progress of the, 275
- Virginia, Iron in, 407, 423, 446
- Virginian Coal, 332
- Wages in the Forest of Dean, 49, 435
- Wages of Iron Shipbuilders at Middlesbrough, The, 58
- Wages Question in Cleveland, The, 5, 305, 329, 342, 436
- Wages in South Wales, G9, 418
- Wagon Trades Railway, of South Yorkshire, The, 119
- War Vessel, Contract for a, 76
- Water Companies' Shares, The Metropolitan, Sale of, 119
- Water and Gas Supply of Thorpe Hesley, The, 158
- Water Scheme, The Dearne Valley, 129
- Water Supply of Adelaide, South Australia, The, 407
- Water Supply of Bridgewater, The, 357
- Water Supply of Crewkerne, The, 501
- Water Supply of East London, South Africa, The, 275
- Water Supply of France, New Work by M. A. Picard on the, 506
- Water Supply of Kapunda, The, 198
- Water Supply, The London, 186, 331, 356, 380, 436
- Water Supply, The Stroud, 400
- Water Supply of South Australia, The, 446
- Water Supply, The Sydney, 141
- Water Works, Cardiff, The Purchase of, 18
- Waterloo and Woodlesford Coal Company, Winding up of the, 462
- Waterproofing Leather, 342
- Watt Institution, Edinburgh, The, and Mr. James Nasmyth, F.R.S., 137
- Watt, James, Anniversary Celebration, 95
- Weald of Kent, Proposed New Railway in the, 453
- Wealthy Iron Broker, A,,29
- Well-Boring Machinery for South Australia, 426
- Wells, Abyssinian, for Melton Mowbray and Aldershot, 95
- Welsh Iron Trade, The, 476
- West Stockton Iron Works, Recommencement of the, 96
- Western Union Telegraph Company, Progress the, 251
- Weymouth, The Drainage of, 76
- Weymouth, Proposed New Pier at, 29
- Wheels, American Locomotive, 385
- Whitehaven, New Dock at, 390
- Whitehead Fish Torpedo, The, 360
- Wick Breakwater, Destruction of the, 149
- Wick Harbour Trust, Meeting of the, 76
- Williamstown, Australia, Pier Improvements at, 456
- Winding Engines, Large, at the Navigation Collieries, 456
- Winter, The Past American, 231
- Wishaw Railway, Opening of the, 486
- Wooden Roadways, Proposed, at Sheffield, 207
- Working Expenses on the Eastern of France Railway, 466
- Working Stock on the Madras Railway, 40
- Works in the Market, Iron, 65
- Works, Public, in France, 276
- Works, Rolling Stock, in Italy, 332
- Works, The Stuart, Hirwain, Progress of, 149, 169. 324
- Works, The Tredegar, Progress of, 76
- Workshops at Montreal, The Grand Trunk, 125
- Workshops, New, at St. Paul, Minnesota, 476
- Wortley and Leeds Extension of the London and North Western Railway, Progress of the, 400
- Yacht, The Emperor of Russia's, 76, 314
- Yachting in the United States, 275
- Yarra, River, Improving the Navigation of the, 486
- Yeoman's, Mr. D. M., Retirement of from the Vacuum Brake Company, 231
- Yorkshire Coal Traffic to London, Great Decrease in the, 476
- Yorkshire Steam Coal Trade, The, 380
- Zeeland Steam Navigation Company, The " Prince Hendrik," New Iron Steamboat for the, 484
See Also
Sources of Information