Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,701 pages of information and 247,104 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1924 British Industries Fair: Company C

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1924 British Industries Fair.
1924 British Industries Fair.
1924 British Industries Fair.
1924 British Industries Fair.
1924 British Industries Fair.
1924 British Industries Fair.

Note: This is a sub-section of 1924 British Industries Fair

Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, E.C.4.—Printers and Publishers of Revised Version), Prayer Books Canadian), School-books, Mathematical and other Scientific Works. Stand No. C.25 and C.46.
  • CANNING POTTERY CO. THE, Canning Street, Fenton, —Manufacturers of Art Pottery, Cooking Ware, Fancies, Flower Pots and Pedestals, Hotel and Restaurant Ware, Kitchen Ware, Teapots and Jugs. Speciality:—“ Decoro Ware. Stand No. G.34,
  • CARTER, ALBERT, 40, Frederick Street, Birmingham. T.A. : “ Albecarta,” Birmingham. Teleph. : Central 7405—^Manufacturers of Silver, Enamel and Tortoiseshell Brush Sets, Manicure Sets, Scents, Puffs, Lavenders, Trinkets, Inks, Vanities, Photo Frames, Cigarette and Match Cases. Stand No, J.113.
  • CARTER, STABLER and ADAMS, Potters, Poole, Dorset.— Manufacturers of Architectural Della Robbia Ware, Ceramic Figures, Hand-made and Painted Wares for Decoration, Table Wares, Bedroom Wares, Painted Tiles; exceptional pieces for collectors. Stand No. F.34 and F.41.
  • CARTWRIGHT and EDWARDS, Ltd., in conjunction with HOLDCROFTS, Ltd., Registered Offices : Borough Pottery, Longton, Staffs.—Manufacturers of General Earthenware and China P'ea Sets, Breakfast Sets, Dinner and Toilet Ware.
  • CELLON (RICHMOND), Ltd., Cellon Works, Richmond, Surrey, —“ Cerric ” Bronzing Medium, “ Cerric ” Black Lacquers, “ Cerric ” Cellulose Enamels, “ Cerric ” Wood Finishes, Leather Solutions, Paper Solutions, Finishes for Fancy Goods. “ Porcelac ” for Sanitary Fittings. Stand No. K.36.
  • CHAD VALLEY CO., Limited, THE, Harborne.—Manufacturers of Indoor Games, Mah-jongg Sets, Puzzles, Hygienic Fabric Toys and Mascots, “ Bonzo ” ~ Crackers, Stationers’ Carded Calendars.
  • CHALLEN, CHARLES H., and SON, Town, London, N.W, 1.—Manufacturers of Grand and Upright Pianofortes, and Player Pianofortes. Specialities : Baby Grand and the “ Challen-Angelus.” Established ' Stand Nos. B.20 and Garden Pencil Works, Staplelord, Notts.—Manufacturers of Lead Pencils, Copying Pencils, Checking Pencils, Coloured Chalks, Crayons, Pastels, of all grades, to suit requirements of all markets. Stand No. C.12.
  • CHAMBERS, F., and CO
  • CHAMPION and SON, 7a, The Croft, Harlesden, London, N.W. 10— Manufacturers of the “ Champion Chair, ” our speciality. All Classes of Furniture ; Reproductions ; Jewel Cases and Cabinets ; Interior Joinery ; Wireless Cabinets. Stand
  • CHAPMAN and SONS, Standard Works, Elizabeth Place, Rivington Street, E.C.2. Sole Scottish Agents : Melling and Co., 87, Union Street, Glasgow.—Manufacturers of Postcard, Scrap, Autograph, Cigarette Card, Photo and Gramophone Record Albums. See Advt. stand No. D.7.
  • CHAPMANS, LONGTON, Ltd., Albert Works, High Street, Longton.—Manufacturers of China, Tea and Breakfast Sets, China Fancy Goods and Stock Lines, China Badged Ware for Hotels, China for Mounting. Stand No. G.1.
  • CHAPPELL PIANO CO., Ltd., 50, New Bond Street, London, W. 1,—Manufacturers of Pianofortes, Uprights and Grands ; Player-Pianofortes, Uprights and Grands; Sole Sales Con- cessionnaires of the “ Cliftophone ” Gramophone and Brunswick Cliftophone Records. Stand Nos. B.20 and B.21.
  • CHARATAN, ARTHUR, 37, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.I.— Manufacturer of Amber Articles. Stand No. J.125.
  • CHELTENHAM TOY INDUSTRY, c/o Bedington, Liddiatt & Co., Ltd., 16/18, Bayer Street, E.C.l. (Sole Selling Agents). —Manufacturers of High-class and Exclusive Fur Toys. Stand No. E.5A.
  • CHESTER ELECTRO-PLATING CO., THE, Head Office and Works : City Road, Chester. London Office : 13, Copthall Avenue, E.C.2.—^Manufacturers of Silverware and every description of Electro-plated Hollow-ware, Tableware, Flatware and Canteens. Stand No. J.10. Stand No. G.2.
  • CHILD, A. J., and CO., Ltd., 39 and 41, Parker Street, Kingsway, V,^.C.2.—Manufacturers of Handbags, Purses, Letter, Treasury Note, Watch, Manicure, Jewel, Season Ticket, Attache, Cigar and Cigarette, Scissor, and Match Cases, Collar Boxes. Stand No. K.93.
  • CHRISTIE, W. E., Ltd., 59, Old Street, London, E.C.l.—Manufacturers of “ John Bull ” Toy Printing Outfits, Animal Printing Sets, Ticket Writers, Combination Writing Sets, Draughtmen and Draughtboards, Rubber Rattles, Toy Reins, Boxes, Beads. Stand No. E.53.
  • CLARE and MANN, Smedley Works, Smedley Street, Clapham, London, S.W.8.—Hand-tooled Leather Photograph Frames and Writing Sets; Bank Note and Letter Cases, Blotters, Jewel and Despatch Boxes, Attache Writing Cases. Stand No. K.74.
  • CLARK, URIAH, and NEPHEW, Ltd., The Dicker Pottery, Hellingley, Sussex.—Manufacturers of Coloured Glazed Art Pottery (“ Dicker Ware ”) in Vases, Bowls, Toilet Sets, etc., also Kitchen Ware, Filters, etc., in Brown Glaze. Stand No. F.7.
  • CLARKE, JOHN, and SON, Ltd. (and William Rodgers), Mowbray Works, Mowbray Street, Sheffield.—Manufacturers of Stainless Table Cutlery, Carvers, Butchers’ Knives, Spoons and Forks, Razors, Pocket Cutlery, Surgical Knives, Canteens, Putties, Palettes. Stand No. J.90.
  • CLARKE, NICKOLLS and COOMBS, Ltd., Victoria Park, London. T.A. : Clamico, London. Teleph, : East 1391.—Xmas Crackers, Bonbons, etc. ; Xmas Stockings, Lucky Cakes and Pies ; “ Jazz ” Drums and other Xmas Novelties. See Advt. Stand No. E.3.
  • CLEAVER, F. S., and SONS, Ltd., The Honey Soap Works, Twickenham, Mdx.—Manufacturers of Toilet Soap, Perfumery, Toilet Requisites. Stand No. A.23.
  • CLELAND, WILLIAM W., Ltd., Cullingtree Factory, Belfast and Chichester House, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2.—Producers of Showcards, Cut-outs, Transparencies, Folding Cartons, Rigid and Collapsible Boxes, Improved Egg Fillers, Catalogues, Books, Pamphlets, etc.
  • CLIFF, A.
  • COBB, FRANK, &. CO. (incorporating Boardman, Glossop and Co.), Howard Works, Howard Street, Sheffield.—Manufacturers of Sterling Silver and Electro-plated Goods, Cutlery Cabinets, Cutlery, Spoons, Forks, etc. Stand Nos. iJ.23 and J.46.
  • COLCLOUGH and CO., Stanley Pottery, Longton.—Manufacturers of Teapots in Rockingham, Samian, and Decorated. “ Royal Stanley Ware,” Art Coloured Vases, Fern Pots, etc.. Gold Lustre Ware. See Advt. Stand Nos. 6.22 and G.25.
  • COLES and FRYER, 390/5, New John Street West, Birmingham.— See entry under Freeman, Geo. (B’ham), Ltd. Stand No. J.52.
  • COLLARD and COLLARD, Ltd., 12, Oval Road, Regent’s Park, London, N.W.l.— Manufacturers of Grand and Upright Pianofortes and Player Pianofortes. Stand Nos. B.20 and B.21.
  • COLLIER, A. WILME, Ltd., 8th Avenue Works, Manor Park, London, E.12.— Manufacturers of Adhesives for Office and Domestic use. Trade names include; “ Gloy,” “ Dex/ and ‘‘ Gluak.” All products distributed through Stationers. Stand No. C.29.
  • COLLYER, JOHN, and CO. Ltd., 133, Hockley Hill, Birmingham.— Manufacturers of Electro-plated Spoons and Forks, Canteens, Oak Goods, etc. Stand No. J.117.
  • COMYNS, WM., and SONS, 41/47, Beak Street, London, W.l— Manufacturers of High Class Silver and Silver-mounted goods of every description ; Enamelled Silverware ; Tortoiseshell goods, plain or inlaid and mounted with silver. Stand Nos. J.30 and d.39.
  • CONWAY, STEWART and GO., Ltd., 75/82, Shoe Lane, London, E.C.—Manufacturers of Fountain Pens, of every description, also Stylo Pens, Gold Nibs, and Propelling Pencils. Stand No. G.42.
  • COOPER, BOND, Ltd., Minerva Works, 36, Raymouth Road, South Metal
  • COOPER, DENNISTON and WALKDEN, London, E.C.4.—Manufacturers of Writing Inks, Mucilage, Paste, Photo Mountant, Sealing, Letter, Parcel, Bottling Wax ; Sealing Sets, Georgian Sets, Melanyl Marking Ink, Tags, Tickets, Gummed Labels. Stand No. D.73.
  • CORKE and APTHORP, 27/29, Northampton Square, London.—^ Manufacturers of Tortoiseshell, Silver, Ivory, and Ebony goods of every description. Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Jewel Caskets, Smokers Requisites, Hair Ornaments, Earrings, etc. Stand Nos. d.108 and iJ.109.
  • COUSINS and CO., 255, Upper Street, London, N.I.—Manufacturers of “ Cousins ” Perfect Waver, an ingenious Waving Iron that enables Ladies to put the real Marcel Wave in their Hair without skill. Wholesale and Export. Stand No. K.IO.
  • CRAMER, J. B., and CO., Ltd., 139, New Bond Street, London, W.l.—Manufacturers of Pianofortes, Player Pianos, Portable Pianos, Pianos for extreme climates. Music Publishers. Stand Nos. B.20 and B.21.
  • CREMONA, Ltd., Medlar Street, Camberwell, S.E.5.—Manufacturers of Pianos. Stand No. B.40.
  • CREYKE, G. M., and SONS, Ltd., Bell Works, Hanley.—Manufacturers of General Earthenware, including Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, Teaware, Jugs, Pudding Bowls, also Teapots a,nd Hot-water Jugs in Samian, Rcckingham, and Solid green. Stand No. F.M.
  • CRITCHLEY BROTHERS Ltd., Wimberley and Dock Mills, Brimscombe, Gloucestershire. London Office: 40, Monkwell Street, E.C.— Manufacturers of Brass and Plated Pins, Hairpins, Wood and Bone Knitting Pins, Crochet Hooks, Penholders, etc. Stand No. J.96.
  • CROSS and CO., Ltd., Bigthan Works, Dunstable, also London and Glasgow.—Manufacturers of Laced, Embossed, Frilled, and Pleated Goods for table decoration, etc. Manufacturers of “ Navo ” Baking Cases. Stand No. D.74.
  • CROWN DORSET ART POTTERY, Green Road, Poole.—Manufacturers of Fancy Pottery, Perfumed Pottery, Terra Cotta Art Ware. Stand No. K.6.
  • CRYSTALATE MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent.—Manufacturers of Imperial Gramophone Records, Electrical and Wireless Fittings and Moulded Goods of every Description. . Stand No. C.11.
  • CUMBERLAND PENCIL CO., Ltd., Keswick (Branch of British Pens, Limited), London Office, Lovell’s Court, Paternoster Row.—Manufacturers of Pencils and Penholders of all descriptions for School, Drawing and Office use. Stand No. D.41.
  • CURZONS Ltd, 44, Whitechapel, Liverpool.—Manufacturers of Fountain and Stylographic Pens of every description. Every make of Fountain Pen satisfactorily repaired. Forty-eight Hour Repair Service. No. C.20.
  • CUSSOMS, SONS and CO., Lid., Kersal Vale Works, Manchester, and 244, High Holborn, W.C. 1.—Manufacturers - and Shaving Soaps, Soap Novelties, Perfumes, cross ” Baby Powder, and Toilet Preparations.
  • CYKO MANUCTURING CO., Ltd., THE, 1, Newcastle Place, Edgware Road, London, W’.2.—Manufacturers of Mechanical Scooters and other kinds of Scooters, Tricycles, Scooter Bicycles and Four-wheeled Mechanical Coasters. Stand No. E.47.

See Also


Sources of Information