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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name K

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

KANTHACK, Francis Edgar, C.M.G., M.Inst. C.E., M.Mech.E.1 Civil Irrigation and Hydraulic Engineer; Consulting Engineer, P.O. Box 4355, Johannesburg, South Africa; b. 1872. School education, Liverpool and Germany. Engineering Training: Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. 1895-1906--Assistant and Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Irrigation Department, Punjab, India. 1906-10—Director of Irrigation, Cape Colony. 1910-20—Director of Irrigation for Union of South Africa.

KAPP, Gisbert, M.Sc., D.Eng., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E. (P.Pres.), Consulting Engineer, Treganor, Upland Road, Selly Park, Birmingham. T. N.: Selly Oak 179. b. 1852. Ed. Zurich University, Switzerland. With Gwynne's centrifugal steam pumps for draining polders in Holland; with Hornsby's for introducing agricultural machinery in Egypt, Algiers, Russia and Italy; drainage by electric power of Memel Delta District; Consulting Engineer to Companies and Municipalities in England, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Italy; Lecturer on Electrical Engineerina° at Charlottenburg, 1895-190 5; Professor of Electrical Engineering at Birmingham .University, 1905-19. Present occupation, Consulting Electrical Engineer. Publications: " Electric Transmission of Energy "; " Transformers "; " Dynamo Construction "; " Dynamos, Alternators and Transformers, Alternating Currents "; " Electricity "; " Principles of Electrical Engineering and their Application." Various papers at the institution of Civil Engineers and Institution of Electrical Engineers. Awarded twice the Telford Medal for papers read before the Institution of Civil Engineers. Past President, Institution of Electrical Engineers.

KAYE, Louis J., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer (Machine Tools), 47, Boulevard de Magenta, Paris. T. A.: " Hexagon, Paris." T. N.: Nord, 37-64; Nord 67-39; Nord 70-14 (3 lines). b. i880. Ed. Technical School. Apprenticeship, J. Butler & Co., Halifax, England; Draughtsman, Hulse & Co., Manchester; technical posts with Usinet Bonhey, Paris, Coventry Ordnance Works, and Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Coventry; now Managing Director of Soc. Anonyme Alfred Herbert, 47, Boulevard de Magenta, Paris.

KAYE, Parry W., M.A., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.I. B.A., Fellow and Examiner R.San.I., etc., Architect and Civil Engr. App. to late John McCredy, then Pres. R.I.Arch.I. Training: Trinity Coll., Dublin, B.E. Degree. Commenced practice, 1877; partnership with Geo. M. Ross, M.Inst.C.E., 1899; has carried out many important Architectural f and Eng. Works, among the latter Armagh, Northallerton, Saxmundham, Blackrock, Mitchelstown and other Drainage and Sewage Disposal Schemes; drainage of Viceregal Lodge, Dublin, Dublin Castle, Ormiston Lodge for Lord Pirrie, Lismore Castle for the Duke of Devonshire, etc.; Electric Lighting and Water Supply Schemes; Open Sea Baths; Extension and Widening of Ballsbridge, etc. Awarded Gold and Silver Medals, Inst.C.E. Has contributed many papers to Eng. and other Insts. Published, under the title " Sanitary Protection," a course of lectures delivered at the Royal Dublin Soc.; also the journal " Health Record," in conjunction with Surgeon-Col. Edgar Flinn, and a work on office management. Address: 48, Kildare Street, Dublin. T.A.: "Parry, Dublin." T. N.: 8o8.

KAYSER, John Ferdinand, Metallurgist and Pyrometry Specialist; Works Manager, Spartan Steel Co., Ltd., Sheffield; b. 1896; s. of J. F. Kayser, Sheffield. Ed. King Edward VII Sch., Sheffield. Training: Sheffield University (Assoc. Met. ). Specialist in Cobalt Alloys, High-speed Steels, Magnet Steels; Pyrometers for measurement of temperature of molten metals; Designer of a Thermo-couple suitable for long-continued insertion in a Siemens' Bath, or other bath of molten metal; Designer of a Machine for determination of Brinell hardness at high temperatures. Address: 3o, Oakhill Road, Nether Edge, Sheffield.

KEACHIE, D., M.I.A.E. (Member of Council), 92, Camperdown Road, Scotstoun, Glasgow.

KEARNEY, Elfric Wells Chalmers, M.S.E., M.Aer.Inst., P. Member of Council M.Inst.I., Engineer and Man. Dir. of the Kearney High-speed Rly. Co., Ltd.; b. 1881; s. of Rev. A. W. Kearney, M.A. (Cambridge and Adelaide ). Inventor of the Kearney High-speed Rly. System, and of an improved system of tube rly. construction. Publ.: " Rapid Transit in the Future " (1910); " The Kearney High-speed Rly." (1917). Address: ioo, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Unilinear, London." T. N.: Victoria II oo.

KEATINGE, S. A. J., Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, M.I.Mech.E., c/o H. S. King & Co., 9, Pall Mall, London; b. 186o; s. of the late Captain John Keatinge, Manchester Regiment. Indian State Railways for 39 years. Chief Controller of Stores, North Western State Railway, India. Now Embarkation Commandant, Liverpool. Member of the Royal Society of Arts Club, St. James's. War Services.—From May I, 1915, and still serving. Mentioned three times in Dispatches.

KEATS, G. W., Elec. Engr., Woolwich Metropolitan Borough Council, 25, Little Heath, Charlton, London, S.E.

KEAY, Herbert O., B.Sc.(Eng.), M.Amer.S. Mech.E., M.E.I.0., Manager of Research, Laurentide Co., Ltd., since 1917; b. 1875; s. of 0. H. Keay. Ed. Sanborn Seminary. Training: Massachusetts of Technology. Asst. to Chief Engr., Pennsylvania Steel Co., Steelton, Pa.; 19o2-6—Mech. Engr., Boston and Maine Rly., Mass.; 1906-8—Asst. Prof. of Mech. Eng., McGill University, Montreal; 1908-17 —Prof. of Rly. Mech. Eng. and Transportation, McGill University. Publ.: " Use of the Dynamometer Car in Establishing Locomotive Ratings "; " Stresses in the Shells of Sulphite Digesters." Clubs: University, of Montreal. Address: Grand' Mere, P.O. T. N.: Grand' Mere 85.

KEELE, Thomas William, M.Inst.C.E., Commissioner, Sydney Harbour Trust, Sydney, N.S.W.

KEELING, Hugh Trowbridge, C.S.I., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr. and Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, Delhi, since 1912; Member of Delhi Imperial Committee, 1913. Ed. R.I.E. Coll. Asst. Engr., Madras P.W.D., 1887; Executive Engr., 1898. Address: P.W.D., Delhi.

KEELING, Thos., Engr., Glasgow and South-Western Rly. Co., St. Enoch's Station, Glasgow.

KEEN, Francis W., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. & S.I., Man. Dir., Guest, Keen & Nettlefords, Ltd., London Works, Smethwick, near Birmingham.

KELLEY, Howard G., M.Inst.C.E. (Member of Council), Pres. of the Grand Trunk Rly. Co. of Canada, and the Grand Trunk Pacific Rly. Co., since 1917. Address: 731, Sherbrooke Street, W., Montreal.

KELLOW, Moses, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., F.G.S., Alderman of the Merioneth C.C., Cons. Engr. (Civil, Mech., Elec., Hydraulic Min.); b. 1862; s. of William Kellow. Ed. Davies Grammar Sch. and by private tutor. Training: Under his late father. Career: Engr. and General Manager, Park and Croesor Slate Quarries Co., Ltd., Ater Artro Electric Lighting and Power Works, and The Croesor Rly.; Engr. and Man. Dir., Kellow Rock Drill Syndicate, Ltd.; Manager Portmadoc, Beddgelert and South Snowdon Rly.; Patentee of " The Kellow " Rock Drill, Compound Water Turbines, High-speed Ball Bearings, and numerous other inventions. Paper before the Inst. C.E., 1907, " The Application of Hydro-Electric Power to Slate Min."; " The Formation and Composition of Slate." Address: Bryn, Croesor, Penrhyndeudraeth, North Wales. T. A.: " Moses Kellow, Portmadoc."

KELLY, Bertram George, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, c/o the Manx Electric Railway Co., Ltd., Douglas, I.O.M. T. A.: " Electric, Douglas, Man." T. N.: Douglas 61. b. 1883; s. of Capt. J. Kelly. Ed. High School, Southend. The Royal Technical College, Glasgow; Lowdon Bros. & Co., Ltd., Dundee, and Crompton & Co., Ltd., Chelmsford. Assistant Engineer, L.C.C. Horton Central Station, 1902-4; Assistant Engineer, Loco-Electrical Department, Midland Railway, London, 1904-7; Deputy Chief Engineer of the Manx Electric Railway, 1907 to date.

KEMNAL, Sir James, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., F.R.S.E., Man. Dir. of Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., London and Renfrew; Chairman, Worthington Simpson, Ltd., London and Newark; Vice-Pres. of Sociedad Espanola de Construcciones, Babcock & Wilcox, Bilbao; Societe des Constructions, Babcock & Wilcox, etc.; Liveryman, Shipwrights Co.; b. 1864. Recreations: Yachting, Fishing. Clubs: St. Stephen's, City Carlton; Conservative, Glasgow. Address: Kemnal Manor, Chislehurst. T. A.: "Manor, Chislehurst." T. N.: Sidcup 248.

KEMP, Philip, M.Sc. (Tech.), M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 54, St. John's Park Mansions, Pemberton Gardens, N.19. T. A.: "Polytechnic, Wesdo, London." T. N.: Mayfair 6ioo. b. 1887; s. of late A. H. Kemp, Manchester; m. Muriel D. Marson, Manchester. Training: College of Technology (University of Manchester), 4 years. Apprenticed to Mather & Platt, Ltd. Assistant Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, College of Technology (University of Manchester), 1938-11; Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, East London College (University of London), 1911-4; Chief Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, The Polytechnic, Regent Street, 1914-9; Head of Electrical Engineering Department, The Polytechnic, Regent Street, January 1,1920. Publ.: Text-books, " Alternating Current Electrical Engineering," " Rudiments of Electrical Engineering "; paper, " High Tension Spark Discharge in Air," Institution of Electrical Engineers (awarded Students' Premium); paper, " Some Physical Properties of Rubber," Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society; paper, " A Practical Method of Harmonic Analysis," Institution of Electrical Engineers. War Services.—Instructor, R.F.C. Wireless School, 1915-16; Instructor, R.F.C. Electricians School, 1916-17; Head of Disabled Soldiers' Training Section (Electrical) at the Polytechnic, Regent Street, 1917-19.

KEMPE, Harry Robert, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr.; s. of Rev. J. E. Kempe, M.A. Ed. Westminster Sch. Training: King's Coll., London. Career: From 1871 to 1912 in the Eng. Branch of the Postal Telegraph Service, being Principal Staff Engr. and Electrician for several years, and until retirement in 1912; was Designer of the first Submarine Telephone Cable, laid between Dover and Calais in connection with the telephone line installed between London and Paris; introduced and largely extended the pneumatic dispatch tube systems in the principal towns of the United Kingdom; was the inventor and designer of many telegraphic and telephonic devices used in the Postal Telegraph System. Publ.: "Handbook of Elec. Testing " (7 Editions); " The Elec. Engrs' Pocket Book " (2 Editions); " Alternating Currents "; " The Engrs' Year Book " (28 Editions Club: Constitutional. Address: Brockham, Betchworth, Surrey. T. A.: "Brockham Green."

KEMPSTER, John Westbeech, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. & S.I., Man. Dir., Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Queen's Island, Belfast. Address: " Broadstone," Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire.

KENDREW, Thomas John, A.M.I.E.E., General Manager, Southport Corpn. Tramways, 17, Morven Grove, Southport.

KENDRICK, Joseph, M.I. & S.I., Rolling Mills Expert, Eastbrook Cottage, Queen's Road, Sheffield. T. N.: 1341. b. 1871; m. 1893. Ed. Sheffield Board Schools. Entered the Steel Rolling Mills of Jno. Wood & Sons, Wisewood, Sheffield, 1884; Rolling Steel Section, 1889; entered new Mills at Killamarsh, 1893; became Section Roller to the Sheffield Forge & Rolling Mills Co. in 1894; became Mill Manager in 1900, and Director in 1914. Has had experience in all practical parts of Rolling Steel in all kinds of special sections. Now in his 36th year of rolling mill work. Improvements in Rolling Mills Patents, 1910 and 1917; Member of the Iron and Steel Institute; and also Member of the Sheffield Society of Engineers and Metallurgists) Vicar's Warden, St. Peter's, Abbeydale. Sheffield, 1914-7. War Services.—Managing rolling mills in the rolling of steel parts for rifles, helmets, tyres, etc.

KENNEDY, Sir Alex. B. W., F.R.S., LL.D., D.Eng., Emeritus Professor of Engineering in University College, London, Electrical Engineer, The Albany, Piccadilly, W.1, and 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W T. A.: " Kinematic, London." T. N.: Regent 5663 and Victoria 4621. b. 1847; s. of the Rev. John Kennedy, D.D., of Stepney; m. the d. of the late Dr. William Smith, of Edinburgh, in 1874, who died in 1911. Ed. City of London School, School of Mines (Jermyn St.). Pupil 1864-8 to J. & W. Dudgeon, engineers and shipbuilders, Millwall. Leading Draughtsman in Palmer's Engine Works, Jarrow; Chief Draughtsman to T. M. Tennant & Co., Leith; Consulting Engineer (Bennett & Kennedy) in Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1871-4; Professor of Engineering in University College, London, 1874-89; and Consulting Engineer in private practice up to present date. At present head of the firm of Kennedy & Donkin (with J. M. Kennedy and S. B. Donkin as partners), Consulting Engineers. Chief Works: At University College originated and founded in 1877 the first of the Engineering Laboratories which now form an essential part of all scientific Engineering training at Universities and Colleges. Designed the steel and concrete internal structure of the Alhambra Theatre, the first structure in which fiat concrete slabs were used on a large scale to carry weights; designed the steel arched pier at Trouville; carried out technical experiments on the strength and elasticity of engineering materials for many years. Has been one of the pioneers in Electric Undertakings in London and the country generally. Engineer of the Westminster Electric Supply Corporation since its foundation in 1889, and the Central Electric Co. since its foundation in 1899. Is also Engineer to the St. James Electric Supply Co. He put up the first electric works in. many English and Scottish cities and towns, including Edinburgh and Glasgow. He is Chief Electrical Engineer to Edinburgh, Consulting Electrical Engineer to the L. & N.W and L. & S.W. Railways, Engineer to the Calcutta Electricity Supply Co. He was the Electrical Engineer to the Waterloo & City and the Hammersmith & City Railways, and to the L.C.C. during the first sections of their tramways, and his firm are now Consulting Engineers to the L.C.C. Member and Reporter of the Belleville Boiler Committee of the Admiralty (1900 ), and subsequently Chairman of the Machinery Designs Committee of the Admiralty so long as it existed (1904). Member of Lord Parker's Marconi Committee; President of Section G. of the British Association Oxford Meeting, 1894; Warden of the Guild of Undergraduates of Birmingham University, 1909; President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1906; President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1894-5; Associate Member of the Ordnance Committee since 1909; Chairman of the Advisory Committee on plant and machinery for the Disposals Board; Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Electric Railways under the Ministry of Transport (1920). Publications: Translation of Reuleaux's " Kinematik " (1876), " The Mechanics of Machinery " (1886), Moore's " Alps in 1864 " (1902). Clubs: Athenaeum (Rule II), Garrick, Alpine. War Services.—On the Panel of the Munitions Inventions Department; Chairman of the Committee on gun sights and range finders; Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Ordnance and Ammunition, and 2r member of other committees; Vice-Chairman of the Anti-Aircraft Equipment Committee under the Ministry of Munitions.

KENNEDY, Charles Dugald, M.Inst.C.E., M.N.Z.S.C.E., Barrister and Solicitor of Supreme Court of New Zealand, Civil Engineer (Roads, Bridges, River Control, etc. ), Napier, New Zealand. T. A.: "Napier." T. N.: 277. b. 1858. Ed. Napier Grammar School and private tuition. Passed Junior and Senior Civil Service Examinations. Articled to Edward H. Bold, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Five years with Public Works Department; 3 years with New Zealand Survey Department; passed authorized Surveyor's examinations; qualified and admitted a Barrister and Solicitor; Consulting Engineer to Hawkes Bay County Council, Hawkes Bay Rivers Board, Waikato River Board, Clive River Board, Wauva Harbour Board, Waikokopu Harbour Board, etc. Chief Works: Construction of bridges, Mohaka, Kuripapango, Pakowhai, Redclyffe, Owahu, etc.; location of several hundred miles of road in the Hawkes Bay Province, Reclamation of Napier South; schemes for control of rivers in Hawkes Bay, Poverty Bay, Palmerston and Waikato districts. Publications: "Travelling Shingle," " Reclamation of Napier South." Clubs: Hawkes Bay.

KENNEDY, Sir John, Kt., LL.D. (McGill), LL.D.. (McMaster,) Civil Engr.; Cons. Engr., Harbour Commissioners of Montreal; b. 1838; s. of William Kennedy. Training as Pupil under late Thos. C. Keefer, C.E., C.M.G.; served under him, 1853-61, on construction of Montreal and Hamilton Waterworks, etc.; 1862, was Asst. Engr. on deepening of Ship Channel between Montreal and Quebec, under the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal; 1863—Asst. and Deputy City Surveyor, Montreal; 1867-8—Manager of Hull Ironworks and Mines on Gatineau River; 1869-71—Dist. Engr. on Construction of Wellington, Gray and Bruce Rly., Ontario; was Res. and afterwards Chief Engr., G.W. Rly. of Canada and Branches from 1871-5, when important changes were made in Rly. Eng., particularly with regard to the gauging of the track, which was changed from 5 ft. 6 in. to 4 ft. Si in., the use of Bessemer steel rails being the first Rly. in Canada to adopt steel; laid the first double track line in Canada on the G.W. Rly.; rebuilt many wooden Rly. Bridges in iron and steel; 1875—became Chief Engr. and Dir. of Wks. for the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal; deepened the Ship Channel between Montreal and Quebec; Rearranged, re-constructed and deepened practically the entire Montreal Harbour Works and Extensions up to 1907, when he resigned because of loss of sight, and was appointed Cons. Engr.; Designed and supervised Construction of Concrete Pier No. 2 and Concrete Sheds thereon for Govt. Rly. Dept. at Halifax, N.S.; has at various times acted as Member of Canadian Govt. Corn. on Trent Valley Canal, St. Lawrence Canals, Water Powers of Lachine and of Welland Canals, and also as Cons. Engr. for Water Power and Water Power Projects of the Niagara, St. Lawrence, Winnipeg and other Rivers; upon Works on Construction or Important Enlargements of the Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa and other Waterworks; one of the Founders, P.-Pres., and now Hon. M. of the Eng. Inst. of Canada; M. and Past M. of Council of the Inst. C.E., England, and Chairman of its advisory Ctee. in Canada; M. and P. Dir. of the Amer. Soc. C.E.; Chairman of the 0 Eng. Standards Assoc.; M. of the Corpn. of Prof. Engrs. of Quebec, etc.; created Kt. Bachelor, January 1st, 1916. Club: University, Montreal. Address: roo, Crescent Street, Montreal. T. A.: " Sir John Kennedy, Montreal." T. N.: Up. 276.

KENNEDY, R. S., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mar.E. (Mem. of Council), Man. Dir., Glengall Ironworks, Ltd., and British Arc Welding Co., Ltd., Millwall, E.14.

KENNEDY, Robert, M.I.E.S. (Member of Council), Director, Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd., Kilmarnock.

KENNETT, William Charles, B.Sc.Eng. (Hons., Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 61, Dunvegan Road, Eltham, London, S.E.9; b. May 19,1886; m. in 1914, Constance, elder d. of the Rev. Westmore S. Smith. Ed. Foster's School, Sherborne; University College, London. At the latter obtained Engineering degree as above, College Diploma in Engineering, io Class Prizes. Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers a Yarrow Exhibition. Apprenticed to Siemens Bros. Dynamo Works, Ltd., Stafford, spending 4 years in shops and drawing office. Assistant Designer in 1910, Johnson & Phillips, Ltd.; Chief Designer, 1911-1 9. August, 1919, organized a Transformer Department for the Hackbridge Cable Co., Ltd., Hackbridge, Surrey, now separately constituted the Hackbridge Electric Construction Co., Ltd., of which Company he is Manager.

KENRICK, John P., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.M M.I.Mech.E., etc., Agent-General and Engineer-in-Chief in China of the Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., 110, Cannon Street, London. T. A.:" Sindacato, Pekin." b. 1867. Received training with J. & P. Higson, civil and mining engineers, 18, Booth Street, Manchester; Owens College and Hemsworth Colliery, Yorkshire. Has acted as Consulting Engineer for Hockley Hall and Whateley Collieries, Staffordshire; Hornby and Broughton Moor Collieries; Cumberland and others. Carried out extensive sinking operations, the equipment of large colliery undertakings and the management of the same. Since 1907 has resided in China in connection with the Syndicate's operations. Member of the Royal Automobile and the Constitutional Clubs.

KENT, Col. Herbert Vaughan, C.B., late R.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1863; Asst.-Director of Fortifications and Workse at War Office, 1914-18. Address: Junior United Service Club, 11 & 12, Charles Street, St. James's, S.W.r.

KENT, Walter George, C.B.E., General Engineer, but specializing in Hydraulic and in the Measurement of Fluids, c/o George Kent, Ltd., zoo, High Holborn, London, and Luton. T. A.: " Kentobin, London "; " Kent, Luton." T. N.: 790 Luton and Museum 4262. b. 1858; s. of George Kent; m. 1882. Ed. Private schools and University College London. Training: Engineering shops of G. Kent, Ltd. Managing Director, George Kent, Ltd.; Chairman, Evered & Co., Smethwick. Publications: " The Water Meter Manual." Club: British Empire. War Services.—Engaged in the manufacture of fuses, shell noses, gun sights and mines.

KENT-NORRIS, H., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst. Met., Marine and Mechanical Engineer, Ashdown, Pyle Hill, Newbury, Berks. T. N.: 179 Newbury. b. 1887. Ed. at Clifton and the Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol. Now Manager and Designer for the King's Road Works of Plenty & Son, Ltd.

KERNOT, Maurice Edwin, M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer.S.C.E., M.I.E.Aust., Chief Engr. for Rly. Construction, Victoria, Australia; b. 1852; s. of Charles Kernot. Ed. Christ Church, and High Church Schs., Geelong, Victoria. Training: University of Melbourne, Australia. Career: Victorian Water Supply Department, 1869-7o; Department of Mines, Victoria, 1871-3; since 1874, Victorian Rly. Service; and since 1903, Chief Engr. Constructor of all new Rlys. in State of Victoria. Address: Rly. Offices, Spencer Street, Melbourne, Australia.

KERR, George L. M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., " Lindores," Uplawinoor, Glasgow.

KERR, Thos. Archibald, A.M.I.E.E., Engr. and Manager, Trafford Power and Light Supply (1902 ), Ltd., 7, Waterpark Road, Broughton Park, Manchester.

KERR, Walter Talbot, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Hereford Corpn., Corporn. Electricity Works, Hereford.

KERRIDGE, Christopher Wortley, R.C.N.C., M.I.N.A., Constructor, Naval Construction Department, Admiralty; b. 1882; s. of Christopher King Kerridge. Ed. Bishop Stortford Coll. Training: Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. Distinctions: Order of Redeemer (presented by H.M. the King of Greece). Pupil, Thames Ironworks, 1900-3; Scholarships at West Ham Tech. Inst. and Naval Coll., Greenwich, from Worshipful Co. of Shipwrights; Constructive Officer to British Naval Mission to Greece during the War. Address: Admiralty, London. T. A.: " Navistruct, London." T. N.: Victoria 9030; Extension 171.

KESSLER, Leopold, M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Min. Engr. and Director to Tweefontein Colliery, Ltd., and Tweefontein United Collieries, Ltd.; b. 1866; s. of Jacob Kessler, Civil Engr. Ed. privately. Training: Freiberg Academy of Min. and Tech. University, Charlottenburg. Career: Min. investigations in Rhodesia, Transvaal, Morocco, Turkey, Roumania, Transylvania, Portugal, Spain, United States, Mexico, Cornwall, Wales, etc. Publ.: " The Gold Mines of the Witwatersrand and the Determination of Their Value," " Valuation Plans of the Witwatersrand Goldfields." Clubs: Min. and Metallurgical. Address: " Oakwood," Bexley, Kent. T. A.: " Kessler, Bexley." T. N.: 149 Bexley Heath.

KIDD, John William, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. Loco.E., Leeds Forge, Leeds. T. A.: " Vulpas, Leeds." T. N.: 20621 Leeds. General Manager to Kerr Stuart & Co., Ltd., Locomotive Builders, Stoke-on-Trent, 1904-14; now Works Manager to The Leeds Forge Co., Leeds.

KIDNER, Alfred Egerton, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1881; s. of late Francis Kidner, Charlynch, Bridgwater, Som. Ed. Queen's Coll., Taunton. Training: W. & F. Wills, Ltd., Perseverance Works, Bridgwater. Career: With Davy Bros., Ltd., Sheffield, and Belliss & Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham; Draughtsman, Asst. Works Manager, and Manager Oil Engine Dept., Reavell & Co., Ltd., Ipswich; with Turnbull & Jones, Ltd., Wellington, N.Z., design of hydro-electric and other power installations; subsequently with Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., Ponder's End, as Manager of Eng. Export Dept.; with M. of M. as Dilution Officer, and in charge of large Munitions area in London. Papers on Clayworking Machinery, Pumping Machinery (awarded 1st prize), Compressed Air and Petroleum and other Mineral Oils, their History, Production and Uses—chiefly for the Ipswich Eng. Soc. Address: 32, Qu,een Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. Specialises in technical evidence in motor-car engineers' lawsuits. T. N.: City 4739.

KIERNAN, T. J. R., B.Sc.(Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Consulting Engineer, Partner in the firm of Kirkland & Kiernan, 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I, and Consulting Engineer's Office, Guy's Hospital, S.E.I. T. N.: Victoria 5255 b. 1881. Ed. Privately at Portsmouth. Training at Royal Naval Engineering College, Devonport, and King's College, University of London; R.N. Dockyards, Devonport, and Keyham; and Siemens Bros., Woolwich. After a general engineering experience has been engaged in conjunction with his firm on schemes for the central station and complete engineering equipment of many hospitals and public and private buildings, including Guy's and King's College Hospitals, London, the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, and various industrial works; also on the drying and preservation of food and other products. War Services.—Technical and Administrative Officer, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-16; Assistant Director of Shell Production, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-17; Consulting Engineer, Ministry of Food, 1917-19.

KILLON, Harry Birch, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Specializing in the Purification of Sewage, c/o Jones & Attwood, Ltd., Stourbridge. Private Address: Eastnor, Stourbridge. T. N.: io. b. 1866. Ed. Private school at Chester. Articled to L. H. Moorsom, M.Inst.C.E., of Manchester. Pupil and junior on the Engineering staff of the Manchester Ship Canal Co., throughout and some time after construction of canal; afterwards in private practice in Manchester; Director of and Engineer with Jones & Attwood, Ltd., Stourbridge, also Director of Activated Sludge, Ltd., of London. jointly designed and installed new hydro-pneumatic method of raising sewage, also of treating it, the latter system being known as the " Activated Sludge Process "; also introduced and installed the " Fiddian " sewage distributor.

KIMBER, Arthur W., A.M.I.E.E., Man. Dir., Napier-Kimber, Ltd., since 1913; b. 1890; s. of Edward Kimber. Ed. International Coll., Hampstead. Training: Northampton Inst. Lighting Supt. to West Ham Corpn.; Tech. Asst. to J. Stone & Co., Ltd.; owner of several Patents in connection with Electric Heating and Cooking Apparatus; Inventor and Patentee of the first British-made Elec. Washing Machine. Club: National Liberal. Address: Tog, Great Portland Street, W. T. A.: " Apierimber, 'Phone, London." T. N.: •Mayfair 386o.

KINCAID, WALLER, MANVILLE & DAWSON, Consulting Engineers (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical ), St. Stephen's House, Victoria Embankment, London, S.W.I. T. A: " Kincaid, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 4311. Partners: J. Edward Waller, M.Inst.C.E.., Edward Manville, M.I.E.E., Philip Dawson, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Alfred Edward Jackson, M.I.E.E., Herbert Graham Simmonds. In 1864 the late Joseph Kincaid, M.Inst. C.E., started practice in London, and was one of the first engineers to specialize on tramway construction, and was responsible for a very large proportion of the horse tramways not only in Great Britain, but also abroad. Many of the developments were due to inventions introduced by him. Later he was engaged on steam and cable construction. In 1893 J. Edward Waller, M.Inst.C.E., and Edward Manville, M.I.E.E., entered into partnership with J. Kincaid. and from that day onwards the firm have been engaged on numerous electric tramway, power and lighting undertakings, also on pier and harbour works, dust destructors, etc., and other branches of engineering. In 1902 Philip Dawson, M.Inst.C.E., M. I. E. E., M.I.Mech.E., etc., joined the firm, and his speciality has been mainly in connection with railway electrification. In 1920 A. E. Jackson, M.I.E.E., and H. G. Simmonds, who have been associated with the firm for many years, were taken into partnership.

KINDER, Claude William, C.M.G., M.Inst. C.E., Red Button Mandarin (retired); b. 1852; s. of Major Thos. Kinder. Ed. and Trained: England, Canada, France and Russia. Asst. Engr., Imperial Japanese Rlys., 1873; Res. Engr., Chinese Eng. and Min. Co. and Engr.-in-Chief, 1878; Engr.-in-Chief and General Manager, Imperial Itlys. of N. China, retired 1909; built first Rly. of Standard Gauge in China; also first Locomotive. Two papers, Inst.C.E. Club: Royal Socs. Address: " Brenken," Churt, Surrey. T. A.: " Kinder, Beaconhill."

KINDERSLEY, Arthur Edward, Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Coxwell Grove, Faringdon, Berks; b. 1863; m. in 1891. Ed. St. Mark's School, Windsor. Articled to H. Percy Boulnois, M.Inst.C.E., City Surveyor of Exeter and later Borough Engineer of Portsmouth. 1885-6—Clerk of Works in charge of construction of Canoe Lake, Southsea. 1887-91— Municipal Engineer, George Town, Penang, Straits Settlements. 1891—Prospecting for water supply for Florence in Italy. 1892-5—Assistant Engineer, Assam-Bengal Railway on Karimgunge, Shaistagunge and Chittagog sub-divisions. 1895-9—Executive Engineer, Nanmar Division HyderabadGodavery Valley Railway, 135 miles of survey and 45 miles of construction. 1900—Superintending Engineer, Famine Relief Works, Hyderabad, Deccan, India, in charge of various road and light railway surveys and construction. 1901-4—Chief Assistant Engineer, Northern Railway Construction, Ceylon, 140 miles. '904—Deputy Agent and Chief Engineer, KalkaSimla Railway. 1904-8--Executive Engin.eer, Hanzada-Kyangin Railway extension, Burma, of 66 miles length, including Ngawun Bridge of five spans of 150 feet, and one Scherzer Rolling Lift span of 20U feet, on piers 5o feet high, and founds on wells 90 feet deep. Also Kyangin-Nattalin survey of 40 miles. I 909—Executive Engineer for WaingyiNyaunglebin-Madauk, Myogwin-Zayathla, and Kyangin-Petye Railway surveys, Burma, of 63 miles. 1910-11—Executive Engineer for Irrawaddy Delta Railway surveys, Burma, including Hanzada-PantaI0 naw, Henzada-Akyaw, Kyontani-Yegye, and Myogwin-Yegy e lines, totalling about 160 miles. 1913— District Engineer, Toungos and Pegu-Moulmein districts of Burma Railways.

KING, Bishop Napoleon, M.I.Mar.E., Engr. Surveyor; Inspecting Engr. to the National Boiler and General Insurance Co.; h. 1882. Ed. Emmanuel Sch. App. with General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.; extra First Class B.O.T. Certificate; served as 4th and 5th Engr. in Bullard & King Co.'s Steamers; with the Gen. Steam Navigation Co.; last 4 years as Chief Engr. Paper, " Water Hammer," read before the I.Mar.E., 1908. Address: 37, Linwood Road, Bournemouth.

KING, Charles Penrose, M.I.Mech.E., Engr. and Manager, Water Dept., Bexhill Water and Gas Co., 5, Sea Road, Bexhill-on-Sea.

KING, Ernest, Wh. Ex., M.I.Mech.E., M.J. Inst.E., M.S.E., M.I.H.V.E., Director Qf Mellowes & Co., Ltd.; b. 1868; s. of the late Zephaniah King, F.R.I.B.A. Training: Finsbury Tech. Coll., 1884-6. Pupil at H. Young & Co., Constructional Engrs. and Ironfounders; Partner in James Gray, Heating and Ventilating Engrs., Chelsea; subsequently Director of Mellowes & Co., Ltd. P.-Chairman of J.Inst.E. Clubs: Devonshire and Golfers'. Addresses: 2, Gerard Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, and 26, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. T. A.: " c/o Mellowes, London." T. N.: Harrow 582, Victoria 4568.

KING, Ernest Gerald, M.Inst.Met., Man. Dir. of the Louis Gassier Co., Ltd., and Editor of Cassier's Eng. and Industrial Management," and " The Metal Industry "; b. 1876; s. of David Robert King. Ed. privately. Inaugurated " The Metal Industry," the only British journal devoted exclusively to the non-ferrous metals; and also " Latin American Eng." Club: The Royal Socs. Address: 34, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Revolvable, Westrand, London." T. N.: Gerrard 3572._ KING, Frank Arthur, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Nautical Instrument Maker, c/o Kelvin, Bottomley & Baird, Ltd., Kelvingrove Works, 299, Hither Green Lane, S.E.13. T. A.: "Kelbaird, Phone, London." T. N.: Lee Green, 1456. b. 1880; m. 1916, Lilla H. Kay. Ed. Battersea Polytechnic, West Ham Technical Institute. Private Assistant to Dr. J. T. Bottomley, F. R. S., etc., 9D; engaged in Scientific Research Work and Consulting Electrical Practice. Joined firm of Kelvin & James White on Experimental staff, 1910; transferred to London to open a branch works, 1911; organized new factory at Hither Green for war work, 1916; acting as London Manager to the above firm, 1919. Publiations: Joint authorship paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

KING, James Foster, C.B.E., Vice-Pres. I.N.A., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.S., M.I.Mar.E., M.N.E.C.Inst., Chief Surveyor to the British Corpn. for the Survey and Registry of Shipping. App. at Russell & Co., and John Reid & Co., Port ,Glasgow; subsequent training at Earle's, of Hull; Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Belfast; served on a number of Government Departmental Committees, on Freeboard, etc.; Member Sectional Committees, B.E.S. Assoc.; Bulkhead, 1914; Load Line, 1915, etc. 2 Contributions to Transactions of Inst. N.A., and other Socs. Club: Royal Scottish Auto. Address: 14, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. T. A.: " cio Seaworthy." T. N.: 8152 Central.

KING, John Frederick, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mar.E., A.F.Aer.Inst., Principal, Crawford Tech. Inst., Cork; b. 1883; s. of John King. Ed. Presentation Brothers Coll., Cork. Training: Crawford Tech. Inst., Cork; and Royal Coll. of Sc., Dublin. App. and Draughtsman, Cork Steam Packet Co.; five years at sea as Mar. Engr.; Chief Asst. Lecturer in Eng. at Queenstown Tech. Sch.; then Principal of Crawford Tech. Inst., Cork, 1920. Address: " Oakdene," Blackrock Road, Cork. T. A.: " Technical, Cork." T. N.: 807.

KINGDON, Zachary H., Wh.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. T. A.: " Electrical, Devonport." T. N.: Devonport 393; Extensions 66 and 221. b. 1850. Ed. Owens College. Works of Sir Joseph Whitworth, Manchester. Short periods with Bodley Bros. & Co., Exeter, and Mather & Platt, Manchester; 23 years with Siemens Brothers, telegraph and electrical engineers, London and Woolwich; since 19o3 Electrical Engineer at the Ad miralty, and Sheerness, Portsmouth and Devonport Dockyards. War Services.—In charge of fitting, installing and repairing,the electrical equipment of warships of all classes at Devonport Dockyard, and of all naval establishments in the neighbourhood.

KINGHAM, Thomas Alfred, A.M.I.E.E., Borough Elec. Engr., Kingston-on-Thames. Address: 18, Cromwell Road, Kingston-on-Thames.

KING-SALTER, Julian James, R.C.N.C., M.I.N.A., Chief Constructor, H.M. Dockyard, Hong-Kong; b. 1865; s. of the Rev. J. P. King Salter, M.A. (Cantab. ). Ed. Private Sch. and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Training: John I. Thornycroft & Co. and Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. Wh. Ex.; qualified for entry into Royal Corps of Naval Constructors. Career: In employment of Admiralty at various Dockyards at home and abroad; 1914-20— Gen. Man., H.M. Australian Govt. Naval Dockyard, Sydney, Australia; 1920 to date—In Admiralty Service. Papers: " Description of Spanish T.B. Assite. Students," I.C.E. Millar Prize; " Some Experiments of the Influence of Running Balance of Propellors on the Vibrations of Ships," Inst. of Naval Archs., Premium Prize; " The Balancing of Rotors and the determination of the Position of the Amount for the Balancing of Weights," I.N.A.; " Some Experiments on Tallows in their Use for the Launching of Ships," I.N.A. Address: Shute End House, Wokingham, Berks.

KINGSBURY, John Edward, Electrical Engineer, 7, Serjeant's inn, Temple, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Rexinter, London." T. N.: Central 2 41 8. b. 1855. Past Vice-President, Member of Council, and Honorary Treasurer of Institution of Electrical Engineers. Publications: " The Telephone and Telephone Exchanges " (Longmans, 1915), and sundry papers to British Association and Institution of Electrical Engineers. Clubs: National Liberal, Press.

KINGSTON, J. R., Major, O.B.E., A.M.I.E.E., Engineer-in-Chief's Department, General Post Office, CI Fern Bank, Colney Hatch Lane, Muswell Hill, N.; b. 1882. Ed. Hull Grammar School, Hull Municipal Technical College. Apprenticed to the Earle's Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Ltd., Hull. With the British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Manchester, for three years; entered the Engineer-in-Chief's Department of the General Post Office in 1906 as Second Class Engineer, by open competitive examination; promoted to Executive Engineer in November, 1913. Member of Imperial Wireless Commission, 1913. Clubs: Junior Naval and Military. War Services.—Served in France with Wireless Signal Company, Royal Engineers, of the British Expeditionary Force, from October, 1914, to September, 1915; appointed Assistant Inspector of Royal Engineers' Stores at Woolwich and promoted to Inspector in 1917. Attached to British War Mission in U.S.A. in 1918. Mentioned in dispatches for home service.

KINNES, Alexander, B.Sc., A.C.G.I., M.I. E.E.,Assoc.M.Inst.C.E.,Ironfounder, Agricultural and Gene: al Engineer, Scotscraig, Oulton B:oad, Lowestoft. T. A.: " Kinnes, Oulton Works, Lowestoft." T. N.: Oulton 49. b. 1886; m. 1916. Ed. University College, Dundee, and City and Guilds Engineering College, South Kensington. Degree of B. Sc. (Engineering), and Diploma A.C.G.I. In the works of Balharrie & Co., engineers and founders. Assistant to the late W. Duddell, F.R.S., Past President Institution of Electrical Engineers; joined the staff, National Physical Laboratory, in 1908, subsequently becoming Senior Assistant, Electrotechnics Depart ment, in charge of A.C. investigatory and test work. Papers before the Institution of Electrical Engineers and in the " Electrician." Awarded David Hughes Scholarship in 1906 and the Kelvin Premium in 1913 by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. War Services.—Engaged at National Physical Laboratory investigating new types of electrical apparatus and materials for use by the Services.

KIPLING, H. Spencer, M.I. & Si., M.I.A.E., F.I.P., F.C.S., F.R.S.A., Chief Chemist and Research Metallurgist, Wolseley Motors, Ltd., since x9I0; b. 1883. Ed. Darlington Higher Grade Sch. Training: Dr. J. E. Stead's Laboratories, Middlesbrough. Research Metallurgist, Beardmore's Armour Dept., Parkhead; Chief Asst. Chemist, Weardale Steel and Coke Co., Spennymoor; served in Southern Army Troops, R.E. (T.F. ), during the War. Address: c/o Wolseley Motors, Ltd., Adderley Park, Birmingham. T. A.: "Exactitude, Birmingham." T. N.: 4361 Central.

KIRBY, Frederick Oscar, late Capt. R.E. (T.F.), M.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Borough and Waterworks Engr., Doncaster; b. 188r; s. of the late Oscar J. Kirby, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., formerly Borough Engr. of Batley. Ed. Batley Grammar Sch. Training: Leeds University; M. Sc., Leeds; and Manchester University. Borough and Waterworks Engr., 1906; has carried out Street Improvements, Sewage and Sewage Disposal Works, Waterworks and Market Extensions, new Tramway Car Sheds, and Extensions of Permanent Way, Alterations to Race Course, New Stand, etc. Address: 2, Priory Place, Doncaster. T. A.: "Kirby's, Doncaster." T. N.: 24 Doncaster.

KIRKBY, H. McK., Lieut.-Colonel, M.C., D.C.M., M.I.E.E., A.C.G.I., Electrical Engineer, 2T 64, Riggindale Road, Streatham, London, S.W.16. b. 1877. Ed. Kensington Grammar School, Central Technical College, Exhibition Road. With Dolby & Williamson, consulting engineers, Westminster, 1898-1908; with Drake & Gorham, Ltd., now Part.. ner of Dolby & Williamson, consulting engineers, Westminster. War Services.—Lieut.-Col. 4th Division, 1915 -16-1 7; Corps, 1918-20; overseas, February, 1920.

KIRKE, Percy St. George, M.A., Assoc.M.Itist.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr., Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.:" Bonecourt, Phone, London." T. N.: Victoria 5563. b. 1881; m. 19:4. Ed. Trinity College, Cambridge (Honours Degree in Engineering Tripos). Pupil with Willans & Robinson, Rugby, and Bruce Peebles & Co., Edinburgh. Career: Scottish Central Electric Power Co., Ltd., Falkirk; Chief Engineer, British-American Tobacco Co., Ltd.; Engineer, Avonside Engine Co., Ltd.; Managing Director, Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Co., Ltd.; Technical Director of Spencer-Bonecourt, Ltd.; Inventor of the Kirke Patent Gas-Fired Boilers and the Kirke Patent Waste-Heat Boilers, etc.; also private practice as a Consultant. Paper read before Annual Meeting, Society of Chemical Industry, on " Surface Combustion Boilers," in collaboration with Professor Bone, D.Sc., F. R. S.

KIRKLAND, Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., Kirkland & Kiernan, t 7, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1, T. N.: Victoria 5255. After receiving his Engineer. ing training in Manchester, became Manager and Partner in general engineering works; engaged later on railway, dock and other public works; since 1891 has been engaged as Consulting Engineer principally in connection with electrical and other power schemes for industrial and large institutions, both in England and abroad. Holds various appointments as Consulting Engineer. See T. J. R. Kiernan.

KIRKMAN, Percy Dobson, A.M.I.Mech.E., Steam Plant Engineer and Fuel Economy Expert, c/o United Engineering Co., Singapore. b. 1883. Ed. Winnington Park School, Northwich, Cheshire. Organized Science School, Manchester, Salford Royal Technical) Institute. Apprenticeship with W. E. Bates & Son, engineers, Northwich, and J. C. Clarke & Co., engineers, Manchester. Draughtsman to Hick Hargreaves & Co., Ltd., engineers, Bolton; with the Calico Printers' Association, Ltd., Oxford Street, Manchester, in the capacity of Draughtsman, Assistant to Steamtesting Engineer, Chief Technical and Testing Engineer for steam plants, Coal Buyer to the Association (total quantity bought and controlled is approximately 400,000 tons per year), Chief Steam Engineer to the Association, with approximately forty works. to handle. Member of the Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Senior in Technical Coal Economy Campaign for the Board of Trade Coal Mines Department in war period, and expert on fuel economy in industrial works throughout Great Britain.

KIRKPATRICK, C. R. S., Major Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, R.E. (T.F.), M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Port of London Authority, 109,. Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. T. A.: " Dock,. Led, London." T. N.: Avenue 4291. b. 1872,R.A.O.C.; D.A.D.O.S., A.D.O.S., IV and VI September, 1914, to s. of late Captain T. S. Kirkpatrick, 3rd Dragoon Guards; m. Pauline, eldest d. of the late Rev. J. Last of Geneva. Ed. at Repton and Crystal Palace School of Engineering. Pupil to the late E. B. Thornhill, Chief Engineer of the L.N.W. Railway. Assistant Engineer on the L.N.W. Railway on Railway works in Lancashire; ten years as Contractors' Engineer with various firms carrying out railway extensions in Birmingham district, G.C. Railway London extension, Heaton Lodge and Wortley Railway, L.N.W. Railway, Shrewsbury Station enlargement over River Severn, King Edward VII Bridge over the Tyne at Newcastle. 1906-9—Four years as City Engineer to the City and County of Newcastleupon-Tyne. 19to-3—Chief Assistant Engineer to the Port of London Authority. Since 1913, Chief Engineer to the Port of London Authority. Chief Works: River Severn Railway Viaduct at Shrewsbury; King Edward VII Bridge over the River Tyne at Newcastle; river quays and equipment at Newcastle-upon-Tyne; improvements and extensions of docks at London Docks, East and West India Docks, Millwall Docks, Royal Victoria and Albert Docks, Surrey Commercial Docks, and Tilbury Docks; deepening of the River Thames, Royal Albert Dock extension (South), Cold Storage new works at Royal Albert Docks, river wharfe at Tilbury, etc. Publications: Paper on King Edward VII Bridge over River Tyne, in Minutes of Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, for which awarded Telford Premium. Club: Union. War Services.—Many engineering works in London, including military bridge over river at Gravesend.

KIRKPATRICK, William D., A.M.I.E.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr., Howarth & Kirkpatrick, Ltd., 3. Shaw's Alley, Liverpool. T. N.: Bank 4977. b. 1879. Apprenticed to Laird Bros., Birkenhead; Liverpool University College. Electrical Engineer to John Gibbs & Son, Liverpool; Technical Assistant to Denny Bros., Dumbarton; Chief Engineer to Brook, Hirst & Co., Chester;. Chief Assistant to Kermode's, Ltd., Consulting engineers and oil fuel specialists, Liverpool. Publications: " Sea Fights of the Great War." War Services.—August, 1914, to March, 1919, Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., Admiralty Wireless Staff.

KIRKUP, Austen, Min. Engr., Min. Offices, Bunker Hill, Fence House, Co. Durham.

KIRKUP, F. O., Min. Engr., Medansley, Co. Durham.

KIRKUP, Philip J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Min.E., Mining and Civil Engineer, Briermede, Low Fell, Gateshead-on-Tyne. T. N.: Gateshead 545. b. 1859; second s. of late Philip Kirkup of Chester-leStreet, Co. Durham; m. 1886, d. of John Hodgson of Edmondsley, Co. Durham. Ed. Mansion House School, Brampton, and College of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Apprenticeship with Thos. Douglas of Crook, Co. Durham, and Yorkshire. Manager of Radcliffe Colliery (two years), and Cornsay Colliery & Firebrick & Sanitary Pipe Works (12 years); Chief Mining Agent and General Man ger of the Birtley Iron Co., Durham (19 years); Consulting Mining Engineer and Adviser to the Irish Government in 1918; Consulting Mining Engineer for Joseph Johnson (Durham), Ltd., colliery owners, Hamsteels, Co. Durham. Publications: Author of " Manufacture of Firebricks, etc.," and other papers (Institution of Mining Engineers). Chairman of Bench of 2] Magistrates, Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham; Member of Council of Institution of Mining Engineers.

KISCH, Ellis A. D., A.M.I.Mech.E., Marine Engineer, 3D, Bickenhall Mansions, Gloucester Place, London, W. t. T. A.: " Ailsotor, Gunners, London." T. N.: Chiswick 636. b. 1879; s. of Dr. Albert Kisch, M.R.C.S. Eng. Ed. University College, London. Managing Director of the Ailsa Craig Motor Co., Ltd.; Director of the Internal Combustion Engine Department of John Kirkaldy, Ltd.; Director of The Associated Optical Works, Ltd. Member of the Marine Committee and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Publications: " Marine Motor Installation." War Services.—Originated and carried out the construction and equipment of the Ailsa Craig National Projectile Factory; organized and carried out Propaganda Work in connection with the Guns Campaign of the National War Savings Committee KLUGE, Thomas Edward, Extra Chief. Engineer M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr. and Naval Arch.; Port Supt. Engr., United States Shipping Bd., Barcelona, Spain, since 1919. b. 1873; s. of Capt. Edward Kluge (Swansea ). Ed. Higher Grade Sch., Swansea; Mar. Coll., Shields; Durham Coll. of Sc., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Training: Smith's Dry-Dock and Eng. Co., Shields. App. with Messrs. Smith, Engrs.; joined the Prince Line, Newcastle-on-Tyne, as junior Engr., 1902; Chief Engr. in various Prince Liners until Nov. 1918. From Aug. 1914 to Nov. 1918 served as Chief Engr. of the transports " Portuguese " and " Slavic Princes," except for six months during which period he supervised the building of the " Gothic " and " Slavic Princes " at Pal:ners, Hebburn-on-Tyne After the Armistice, Engr. Surveyor to the British Corpn. Registry of Shipping, Glasgow. Clubs: British; and " Circulo Ecuestre," Barcelona. Address: Calle Fontanella, 0, Barcelona; and 13, Curzon Street, Mayfair, London, W.I. T. A.: "Shiplona, Barcelona." T. N.: 2782A.

KNOWLES, Sir Lees, Lt.-Col., C.V.O., T.D., O.B.E., D.L., M.A., LL.M., M.I.Min.E. (P.Pres.), Westwood, Pendiebury, Manchester.

KNOX, Archibald Septimus, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, Cawnpore, United Provinces, India. T. A.: "Knox, Cawnpore." b. 1887; s. of James Knox, Nuneaton, and Elizabeth Florence Knox; In. Ellen Muriel Barber. Ed. Nuneaton Grammar School; Oundle School. Articled pupil with Willcox & Raikes, Consulting Engineers, Westminster and Birmingham. Engineering Assistant to Willcox & Raikes; Chief Assistant to T. J. Moss Flower, Consulting Engineer, Westminster and Bristol. 194-8— Assistant Sanitary Engineer, Public Works Department, United Provinces, India. 1918-20—Executive Engineer, Well Borings Division, United Provinces, India; Executive Engineer, 3rd Sanitary Division, United Provinces. 1920—Manager, Ford & MacDonald, Engineers and Contractors, Cawnpore, India. Chief Works: Preparation of Cawnpore Drainage Scheme, £210,000; construction of part of Cawnpore Drainage Scheme, L4,oco; Jhansi Water Supply Scheme, £100,000; Cawnpore Sewage Farm Schemes, £36,000; Cawnpore Water Supply Extensions, L35,000; Lucknow Sewage Farm Scheme, L6,500; Allahabad Sewage Farm Scheme, £7,coo; construction of Tube Wells for the Shahjahanpur and Bareilly and Cawnpore cantonments; preparation of Ghazi uddin Hyder Canal Scheme, Lucknow, L6o,coo. Member of United Provinces Priority Committee. Member of Cawnpore Club.

KOTZE, Robert Nelson, B.A. (Cape), K. Bachelor, Hon. M.Inst.M.M., Government Min. Engr., Union of S. Af.; b. 1870; s. of Rev. J. J. Kotze. Ed. S. African Coll., Cape Town. Training: R.S.M., Clausthal, Germany. Gold Medallist, S.Af. Coll. Asst. Engr., 1896, and Cons. Engr., 1899, to the Transvaal Gold Fields, Ltd., and Subsidiary Cos.; 1908—Government Min. Engr. to the Trans vaal; and 1910—to the Union of S. Af. Club: Rand, Johannesburg. Address: New Law Courts, von Brandis Square, Johannesburg, S. Af. T. A.: " Engineering." T. N.: 5009 Central.

KRALL, Reginald Frank, Assoc.M.Inst C.E., M.Inst.M.M., A.0.G. I., M.J.Inst.E., Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineer, 133, Trinity Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W.17. T. N.: Bank 879. b. 1873; father Czech, mother English, wife English. Ed. St. Mark's College, Upper School, Chelsea; Central Technical College, South Kensington; Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Pupil W. H..Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd., Bedford. Designing Draughtsman, Stothert & Pitt, Ltd., Bath; Chief Engineer and Manager, The Cyanide Plant Supply Co.; Consulting Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineer at Balfour House, E.C., and 5, South Street, Finsbury, E.C.; Managing Director of the Patent Castings Syndicate, Ltd. Closed business in 1914 to enlist in H.M. Army; demobilized 1919; appointed Director of Auctions (Plant and Machinery Section) Surplus Government Property Disposal Board; 1920, Chief Designer, Minerals Separation, Ltd. Chief Works: Heavy crane designs; designs of some of the largest gold ore treatment plants in all important goldfields. Introduced manufacture of precision die castings in this country. Vice-Chairman, Junior Institution of Engineers, 1913-14. Publications:. Various technical papers on gold ore treatment, etc. War Services.—Enlisted (R.A.M.C.) January t, 1915; demobilized 1919. Over three years' active service in France, Egypt and Salonika.

See Also


Sources of Information