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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name Y

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

YABBICOM, Thomas Henry, Col., V.D., M.Inst.C.E., P.-Pres. Inst.M. & Cy.E., F.R. San.I., M.Cons.E., Cons. Engr. to Corpn. of Bristol; b. 1841; s. of Henry Yabbicom, Stone Ware Manufacturer, Bristol. Ed. Private Sch. Training: Articled to F. Ashmead, M.Inst.C.E. Career: On completion of Articles, in 1861, received appointment under Corpn. of Bristol; District Surveyor, 1864; Deputy City Engr., 1891; City Engr., 1894; and City Surveyor, 1897; retired from active work, 1911; and appointed Cons. City Engr.; during 5o years, engaged on Heavy Main Drainage, Bridge Construction, Tramways, New Streets, etc., and other Municipal Work; P.-Pres., Bristol Assoc. of Engrs.; P.-Pres. Assoc. of Students Inst.C.E., W. of England District; 37 years in the Glos. Volunteer Artillery; retired with rank of Hon. Col., and awarded the V.D. Club: Constitutional, Bristol. Address: 63, Queen Square, Bristol. Private Address: 23, Oakfield Road, Clifton, Bristol.

YALE, Thomas Parry Osborne, J.P., M.I.E.E., Electrical and Motor Car Engineer, Blaenau-Festiniog, North Wales. T. A.: "Yale, Bettws-y-Coed." b. 1868; third s. of late W. C. Yale-Jones-Parry of Madryn Castle, Carnarvonshire. Ed. Marlborough College, Germany, France, U.S.A., Faraday House. With Ernest Scott & Mountain, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Discovered the " quick-stirring " process in electroplating, by which means the rate at which some metals could be satisfactorily deposited was increased enormously, e.g., zinc by a thousand-fold faster than the generally-accepted rate laid down by Professor Kiliani of Munich. Founded the Yale Electric Power Co., Ltd., at Blaenau-Festiniog, North Wales, which is the first hydro-electric plant for the supply of power to the public in Great Britain, without auxiliary steam or gas. Founded the Bettws-y-Coed Motor Co. Member of the Junior Carlton Club.

YARROW, Sir Alfred, Bart., Marine Engineer, Homestead, Hindhead, Surrey. T. A.: " Yarrow, Hindhead." T. N.: 43 Hindhead. b. 1842; s. of Edgar Williams and Esther Yarrow; m. 1875. Ed. University College School. Commenced business as a shipbuilder and engineer at Poplar, London, in 1866; removed to the Clyde in.1906-8; specialized in the construction of high-speed vessels such as torpedo boats and destroyers, vessels of exceptionally shallow draft, and the Yarrow water-tube boiler. Works at Scotstoun, Glasgow. Member of the Automobile Club. War Services.—The Scotstoun works were practically entirely devoted to the construction of destroyers, the Tigris gunboat flotilla and hospital steamers for the Tigris.

YARROW, Harold Edgar, C.B.E., M.I.N.A., Mar. Engr.; Man. Dir. of Yarrow & Co., Ltd.; b. 1884; s. of Sir Alfred Yarrow, Bt. Ed. Bedford Grammar Sch. Training: Privately. Passed Exam. in Assoc. of Engrs. Served his time with Humphrey & Tennant, and at the Works of Augustin Normand, L7 EE Havre; after which in Drawing Office of Yarrow & Co., in which firm he is now Man. Dir. Clubs: R.A.C., London; Western, and Scottish Automobile, Glasgow. Address: Yarrow & Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow. T. A.: "Yarrow, Glasgow." T. N.: Western 2082.

YARWOOD, Henry, M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., A.M.T.P.I., Municipal Engr.; Borough Surveyor, Rochdale; b. 1857. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch., and Victoria University. Training: Rochdale Land & Mine Surveying. Career: Forty years with the Rochdale Corpn. in the Borough Surveyor's Dept., as Draughtsman, Asst. and Borough Surveyor; now on the point of reverting to the Deputy Surveyor's position so as to be relieved of the more active work and act as Advisor to the Corpn. Address: Town Hall, Rochdale.

YATES, Charles Robert, M.I. & S.I., Inspecting Engr. (Rlys. ). Address: "Homestead," Upton Road, Newport, Mon. T. A.: " 2890 Newport." T. N.: 2890 Newport.

YATES, Walter, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.H.V.E. (Member of Council), Gov. Dir. of Matthews & Yates, Ltd., Cyclone Works, Swinton, Manchester.

YATES, William, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, " Fleetwood," The Avenue, Watford, and 21, Surrey Street, Strand, W.C.2. T. A.: "Waterway, Estrand." T. N.: City 6872. b. 1874. Ed. Tamworth Grammar School, Birmingham; Manchester and Edinburgh Technical Schools. With Galloway's, Manchester; Bertram's, Ltd., Edinburgh, and Birmingham Canal Company; Chief Engineer to the Grand Junction Canal Co. since June, 1916.

YEAMAN, C. H., Borough Elec. Engr., Stoke-on-Trent, St. Peter's Chambers, Glebe Street, Stoke-onTrent.

YEATMAN, Morgan Edward, M.A. (Cantab.), M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer.Soc.C.E., Consulting Civil Engineer, Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W., and 12, St. James's Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. T. N.: 6o Victoria. b. 1851. Ed. Graduated with Honours in Mathematics and Classics at Trinity College, Cambridge. Articled to Geo. Fosbery Lyster, Chief Engineer, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. 1880-88—P. McK. & Y. railroad and other work at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 1889-98— Norfolk & Western Railway, Roanoke, Virginia. 18981 90 8—With S. Pearson & Son, Westminster. Since 1908, Consulting Engineer. ' Chief Works: Bridges for Tehuantepec National Railway, and for Arica La Paz Railway. Fellow of the Zoological Society; Member of Council of Concrete Institute. War Services.—Engaged on the design of " Tanks " for the Mechanical Warfare Department.

YOCKNEY, A. L., Cons. Engr. (Civil); Joint Engr., Lampeter, Aberayron, and New Quay Light Rly.; Cons. Engr., Chepstow Electric Lighting and Power Co., Ltd. Address: 53, Victoria Street,

YOUD, Herbert, M.Inst.M.M., M.Amer.I. Min.E., M.I.Min. E., Cons. Min. Engr., and Engr. and General Manager, Guarda Radium Co., Ltd.; b. 1881; s. of John William Youd. Ed. United Westminster. Training: Birkbeck Coll. Career: 1899-1905—General Min. Work, Portuguese E. Af. and Rhodesia; 1906-7—Asst. Surveyor and Sampler, Abbontiakoom Mines, W. Af.; 1908-9—Mine Manager, W. Australia; 1909-10—Underground Manager, Fanti Mines, W. Af.; 1911-14—Manager, Guarda Co., Ltd., Guarda, Portugal (Radium); 1914 to date—Engr. and General Manager to the Guarda Radium Co., Ltd. Publ.: Translation of the Portuguese Min. Laws. Clubs: Royal Socs., and R.A.C. Address: Lancaster House, South Norwood Park, London; and Guarda, Portugal. T. A.: " Charles, Guarda."

YOUNG, Alfred Ernest, F.C.G.I., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., Surveying Engineer, Elmstead, Bexhill, Sussex; b. 1869. Three years' Engineering Course at City and Guilds Central Institute, South Kensington (1887-90); with Tangyes & Co., Birmingham, 1890-I. Chief Draughtsman and Computer, Trigonometrical Survey Department, Perak, 1892; Surveyor-in-Charge, 189c,; Chief Surveyor, 1899; Deputy Surveyor-General, Federated Malay States, 1909. Retired 1912. Chief Works: The trigonometrical survey of the Federated Malay States, with preliminary topographical maps of Perak, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang. Publications: Professional papers in Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers and M.N. of Royal Astronomical Society. Member of the Sports Club, St. James's Square, S.W.r. War Services.—Voluntary work for Y.M.C.A., and mapping for War Office at Royal Geographical Society.

YOUNG, Arthur Primrose, O.B.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E., A.M.I.A.E (American), F.R.S.A., Chief Engr., Coventry Magneto Works, B.T.H. Co., Ltd.; b. 1885; s. of William Young, of Prestwick, Scotland. Ed. Stanley Schs., London. Training: Finsbury Tech. Coll., London. 1st Prize in Electrotechnics; Finsbury Tech. Coll. (1901); (1910 ) Prizeman, Hons. Grade, Elec. Eng., City and Guilds of London Inst. Career: Joined B.T.H. Co., 1901; in charge of Elec. Lab., 1902-4; and Testing Dept., Rugby, 1904-6; in Amer. with G.E. Co., 1906-8, working chiefly in Transformer, Turbine and Meter Depts., at Lynn and Schenectady; in Turbine Research Dept. under Dr. S. A. Moss, Ph.D.; in 1908 again joined B.T.H. Co.; 7 years in Eng. Dept. of the Meter and Instrument Dept.; evolved many new designs of Electric Integrating and Indicating Instruments; Chief Engr., Coventry Works, 1915, when being adapted exclusively to the manufacture of H.T. Magnetos for War Purposes; taken out, in conjunction with the B.T.H. Co., nearly 40 Patents during the past ro years. Publ.: " Magnetos " (Iliffe & Sons), 1919; " The Elements of Electrotechnics " (Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.), 1920; and numerous Papers to learned Socs. Address: " Dovedale," Kenilworth; B.T.H. Co., Coventry. T. A.: " Asteroidal, Coventry." T. N.: 278 Coventry.

YOUNG, Mansel Charles Gambier, M.Inst. C.E., District Engineer, East Indian Railway, c/o Chief Engineer, East Indian Railway, ro 5, Clive Street, Calcutta; b. 1874; s of Henry Thomas Young of 59, Great Cumberland Place, London; rpz. 191r, Berta Albina, d. of W. G. Bellairs of N orthcroft House, Englefield Green. Ed. Haileybury College; 1892-5, the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill (with Diploma ). 1895-99-Assistant Engineer, Southern Punjab Railway. 1899—Joined Engineering Department, East Indian Railway. Vice-Chairman (3 times), Asansol Municipal Committee. Member of the Wellington, Royal Automobile and Sports Clubs. War Services.—Captain, Indian Defence Force.

YOUNG, Robert, M.I.Mech.E. Retired. b. 1860; s. of Rev. G. E. Young. Ed. Woodhouse Grove, and Wesley Coll., Sheffield. App. with Kitson & Co., Leeds; in India and Penang, Straits Settlements, Cons. Engr., and established the firm of R. Young & Co., Ltd., Penang; sometime Editor, and Chairman "Penang Gazette," 1901-16; P.-Pres., Penang Eng. Inst.; P.-Pres. Penang Automobile Club; Member Legislative Council of Straits Settlements, 1910 to retirement in 1916; Local Chairman, Penang Harbour Bd.; served under the M. of M., 1917-18. Club: Sports, St. James's Square. Address: 29, Chapel Park Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea.

YOUNG, Thomas, J.P., M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr., Portpatrick Electric Supply Co., Ltd. Address: 203, West George Street, Glasgow.

YOUNGER, Archibald Scott, B.Sc.(Glasgow), Wh.Ex., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.E.S., Naval Arch. and Mar. Engr.; Director, A. R. Brown, McFarlane & Co., Ltd., Glasgow; Honorary Consul for Japan; b. 1865. Ed. Glasgow University. App. Wallsend Slipway and Eng. Co., Ltd.; Draughtsman, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd.; Surveyor to British Corpn. for the Survey and Register of Ships; 2 years' sea experience; Supt. Engr., Maclay & Macintyre; 4 years Cons. Engr. in London; Extra Chief B.O.T. Cert. Club: New, Glasgow. Address: 19, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. T. A.: "Nemesis, Glasgow." T. N.: Central 9946.

YOUNGER, John Wishart, M.I.Mar.E., Engr. Lt. R.N.R., Chief Engr., R.F.A. " Serbol," Mar. Engr.; b. 1887. Ed. Washington Bd. Sch., Co. Durham. Training: Durie Foundry, Leven, Fife. After App., 3 years' sea experience with William Thomson & Sons, Ltd., " Ben " Line of Steamers, Leith; Draughtsman to G. & J. Wens, Ltd.; Engr. Surveyor, Scottish Boiler Insurance Co., Ltd., Glasgow, when War broke out; 2nd Engr. (Engr. Sub.-Lt. R.N.R. ), H.M.S. " Sokoto," Torpedo Depot Ship; Chief Engr. (Engr. Lt. R.N.R. ), R.F.A. " Mixol "; now Chief Engr. of this ship; 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate. Address: 12, Bedford Terrace, Joppa, Edinburgh.

See Also


Sources of Information