Acton Bolt
Acton Bolt Ltd, of Chase Road, London NW10[1], manufacturer of screw, nuts and bolts
- 1935 Became public company. Manufacturer of screw, nuts and bolts, etc. and the assets of the British Dardalet Threadlock Ltd [2].
- 1939 See Aircraft Industry Suppliers Acton Bolt and Fine Threads Ltd
- 1945 Name changed. Perhaps this was the point at which it was acquired by S. Pearson and Son??
- 1960 Acquired The Rivet, Bolt and Nut Co[3].
- 1961 Manufacturers of bolts, nuts and metal threads screws under trade names "Bees" bolts. "Huglock" nuts, "Lock-Thread" products, "Place" bolts, and "Sems". 700 employees.
- 1962 A. P. Newall and Co was a subsidiary[4]. S. Pearson and Son sold its majority interest in Acton Bolt to GKN[5].
- 1963 Motor Show exhibitor. Fixings. Part of GKN