1905 The Motor Cycle: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor Cycle
Index - Consult images for corrections
- A.C.C. Consumption Trial, 795, 796
- — End to End Run, 1110
- — Penalty Run, 814, 835, 851
- — Reliability Trials, 566, 632, 682, 698, 708, 729, 753
- — Trial for Passenger Motor Cycles, 881, 893, 916, 917, 935
- Accidents, Race Meeting, 855, 871, 946
- — Six Months’ Motor, 325
- Accumulators, Charging, 25
- — The Care of, 786, 793
- Across England on a Motor Cycle, 192
- Adjustable Engine Pulley, 571
- Affiliation Scheme, 107
- Agricultural Hall Show, 271
- Air-cooling Device, 153
- Alcyon Motor Bicycle, 404
- Aldington's Footrests and Footwarmers, 1071
- — “Silent” Silencer 245
- An Amateur’s Alterations, 347
- Anglian Two-speed Gear, 287
- Anti-sideslip Trials, 518, 544
- Ariel Lightweight Motor Bicycle, 348
- — on Trial, 1053
- — Motor Bicycle on Trial. 133
- Australian Motor Road Trial, 327
- Austrian Eliminating Trials for International Cup Race, 499, 519
- — Military Manoeuvres, 940
- Auto Cycle Club A.G.M., 245, 265
- — and Affiliation, 150
- — Hill-climb, 348, 384, 392, 419, 428, 431, 584
- — News, 74, 282, 451, 452, 514, 803, 902, 959, 1036
- Autumn Motor-cycling Experience, 908
- Away to the West, 1038
- Aylesbury Motor Club, 450
- Barnes Runabout, 254
- — 12 h.p. Four-cylinder Tricar, 789
- Barry Rotary-engined Motor Bicycle, 235
- Bateman’s Double Frame, 378
- Bates’s Spray Carburetter, 527
- Beaumont Motor Club, 319
- Belt Transmission, 550
- Bexhill Race Meeting, 549, 555
- Birdlip Hill, Contour Section, 694
- Birmingham Motor Cycle Club, 780, 884, 938
- — Dinner. 74, 432, 1098
- Blackburn and District Motor Cycle Club, 858
- Blackpool Motor Races, 695
- Bloemfontein-made Sidecar, 293
- Bowden Clutch and Two-speed Gear, 22
- Bradbury Newspaper Carrier, 147
- — Tricars, 962
- Brighton Mitre Cycling Club, 384, 802
- — Race Meeting, 648, 665
- Bristol Bicycle and Motor Club, 884
- Brooks’s Tricar Seat, 80
- Brown Trophy, 611, 762
- Brown’s Sheet Metal Frame and Tanks, 1054
- Bury and West Suffolk Automobile Club, 802
- — St. Edmund’s Sports, 384
- Buxton Cycle and Motor Club, 535
- Canning Town Motor Cycle Races, 386
- Cardiff Cycling Club's Hill-climb, 795
- — Motor Club, 403. 432, 511, 628, 762, 801
- — Reliability Tour, 817, 822, 835, 885, 916
- — to Maidenhead, 719
- Care and Adjustment of Ball Bearings, 670
- — of Accumulators, 786
- — the Tricar, by B. H. Davies, 1057
- Caster Wheel Sidecar, 175, 246
- Catford Hill-climb at Westerham, 563, 585
- Central Technical College Hill-climb, 510
- Century Tandem, 151
- Ceylon Motor Trials, 525
- Charging Accumulator Queries, 460, 660, , 930
- — Accumulators on the Road, 71
- Chater-Lea Gear, 176
- Chatham and District Motor Club, 836
- C.I.E. Motor Bicycle, 368
- Circuit des Ardennes, 721
- Clark s Anti-vibratory Footrests, 825
- Clayton's Footrests, 512
- Coates’s Magneto, 893
- Collapsable Tricar, A, 242
- Compression, 841
- Conversion of Bicycles to Tricars, The, 167, 185
- — J. J. Crowther, J.P., 1113
- Conway (full page illustration), 409
- Cordingley’s Show, 271
- Cost of Motor Cycling, 573
- Coventry Motor Club Dinner, 88, 319, 384, 646, 884
- Craig’s Internal Combustion Engine, 528
- Crispin’s Clutch and Gear, 114
- Crystal Palace Show, 123
- C.T.C. Easter Motor Cycle Tour, 381, 420
- Dawes’s Six Days’ Ride, 603
- Dictionary of Motor Cycling, 63, 89, 103, 127, 145, 164, 194, 218, 237, 260
- Do Air-cooled Engines Overheat? 1037
- Does a Magneto give More Power? 1.045, 1066, 1089
- Doyle, Arthur Conan, at Work and at Play, 189, 209
- Durham Hill-climb, 802, 821
- Durkopp Magneto Ignition, 81
- Dust-laying Composition, 472
- Dyas Two-speed Gear, 225
- Easter Motor Cycle Run in North Wales, 316
- Easter Motor Cycle Touring, 359
- Easter Touring (snapshots), 369
- Edinburgh Motoring Club, 383, 780, 813
- Edinburgh Show, The 211
- Editor's Christmas Card (full page illustration), 1101
- Effect of Loosely and Well-fitted Pistons, 845
- Eisemann Magneto Query, 461
- — Hint to Users of, 468
- Eland Tricar, 975
- Electric Headlights, 636
- Electrical Exhibition at Olympia, 880
- — Notes from the Shows, 1031
- Ellingham's Exhaust Valve, 1118
- Ellin's Hack Saw, 39
- English Hour Record Broken, 639
- — v. French Motor Cycle Records, 33
- Essex Beaumont Motor Club, 404, 471, 821, 858
- Exhaust Cut-outs, by G. A. S,, 4
- — Pipes, Concerning, 1052
- — Valve Lifters, Hints on, 988
- Experiences with a Converted Roadster, 512
- Fee Motor Bicycle, 944
- Force Carburetter The, 203
- Forecast of the Shows, 977 .
- Foreign Touring, Hints on, 8
- Fouillaron Chain Belt, 72
- Four-cylindered Motor Cycles, 75
- Frame Design, 643
- Franklins Air-cooled Engine, 1073
- French Motor Cycle Trials, 480
- — Notes, 838
- — Tricar Trials, 795, 824
- Fuge Starting Stand, 72
- Fuller Charging Battery, 176
- Fulmen Accumulator, 797
- Gaillon Hill-climb. 928
- Gaining Power, 725
- German Engine and Combined Carburetter, . 1069
- Glanell's High-tension Magneto, 11
- Glasgow Motor Cycle Club, 403, 470, 747, 885
- Goodlad’s Speedometer, 972
- Green’s Combined Jacket and Radiator, „ 971
- Greenwoods Variable Pulley, 704
- Guenet Trembler Coil, 26
- Gunton Spring Frame, 290
- Gunton Sidecarriage, 968
- Hallamshire Motor Cycle Club, 319, 609, 646, 780, 1063
- Hardy Tricar, 459
- Harper’s Two-speed Gear, 310
- Harris’s Silencer and Springing Arrangement, 728
- Hayes’s Non-skid Device, 45
- Hertfordshire Automobile Club, 858
- Herts Motor Club, 358, 404
- Hewitt Spray Carburetter, 203
- High-tension Magneto, 11
- — Ignition, 229, 252, 304, 326
- Hill-climbing Challenge, 868, 887, 926, 946, 982
- — Trial on Westerham, 939
- Hints on Charging Accumulators, 610 Hobart Trade Tricar, 867
- Holding’s Leg Covering, 327
- — Waterproof Trouser Overalls, 934
- Holiday Tour, 439-441
- — Touring, 416
- Hollington’s Variable Pulley, 1082
- Hopkins’s Spring Frame Tricar, 1054
- Horse-power Calculation, 1068
- Hour Record in France, 1107
- Hull and District A.C., 669, 762
- Humber Footwarmer, 225
- — Two-speed Gear, 136
- Humorous Drawing, 1059
- Hydra Cup Race, 336
- Ilford Motor Club, 358, 511, 606, 780, 801, 859
- Imports of Motor Cycles, 1106
- Impressions of the Stanley Show, 17
- Improvements in Tricars, 911, 931
- Improving Surface Carburetters, 268
- — the Motor Bicycle, by Geoffrey, 979
- Increasing Power of Engine, 334
- Indian Two-cylinder Motor Bicycle, 902
- Induction Coils for Ignition, 984
- International Auto Cycle Cup Race, French
- — Eliminating Trials. 540, 558
- — The, 270, 287, 320, 333, 475, 575, 682, 1036
- — Trials Course, 361
- — Cup Race, Dinner to 1904 Representatives, 196, 259, 261
- — Federation of Auto Cycle Clubs, 37
- Irish Motor Union Hill-climb, 625, 823 Isle of Man Trials, The, 545
- Is Motor Cycling Declining ? 778
- Janjard’s Spring Frame, 368 Juno Motor Cycles, 231
- Karneli Motor Cycle, The, 99
- Kennedy’s Generator, 459
- Kent Variable Speed Gear, 609, 1118
- Knaresborough (full page illustration), 241
- Lady Motor Cyclists’ Page. 315, 366, 413, 615
- — The Autobiography of a Motor Cyclist’s Wife, 207. 240, 259
- — Pioneer. 365
- Lagonda Tricar, 10-12 h.p.. 16. 148, 149
- Lake and Elliot’s Express Stand, 378, 865
- Lamps and Clothing for Winter Motor Cycling. 934
- — on Tricars, 923
- Latest Use for Motor Cycles, 616
- 1905 Motor Cyclo Trials, 1, 27
- A Dissertation on Vibration, 2
- The New Competition Story, 2
- Tricars in France — The Motor Cycle Trials, 53, 54, a 5
- The Cost of Motor Cycle Trials—One Machine, Two Drivers, 54
- The Trials Question, 73
- 29,000 Motor Cyclists—The X.C.C. and Affiliation—Touring Facilities, 95, 96
- Motor Cycle Clubs, 115
- Multi-cylinder Engines—Long Live the Motor Cycle, 137
- Hotel Welcome — Everlasting Weight Question, 160
- Advertising the Motor Cycle, 183
- Where are the Sportsmen ?—The Event of the Year, 205
- Motor Cycling for Ladies, 206
- The Lightweight Bicycle Trials, 227
- Tricar and Voiturette Engines—Motor ?Cycle Notes, 227, 228
- Clubs and the Industry—Gymkhana Tricks, 249
- The Team Competition, 269
- The Ruling Body — A Step towards Perfection — The Requisite Refinement, 292
- The Motor Cycling Club’s Team Competition—The Auto Cycle Cup Race Fund—More Motor Cycle Notes, 313, 314 Engine Dimensions, 335
- Twin-cylinder Engines, 357
- Hill-climbing, 379
- What Constitutes a Touring Machine ? 380
- Vibration—Companionability — M.C.C. Run to Edinburgh—Public Spirited Enterprise, 402
- A.C.C. Hill-climb and its Lessons, 425
- Contradictions of Misleading Reports, 465
- The Success of the Motor Cycle, 509
- A Comparison of Speeds 553
- Trials for Two-seated Motor Cycles, 554
- Motor Cycle Competitions or June, 597
- The M.C.C. Team Competitions 619
- The Number of Motor Cycles — The Demand for Accessories—The Auto Cycle Club’s Annual Trials, 642
- Coming Events—A Separate Weight Limit for Tyres, 663, 664
- Motor Cycle Tju’e Rims—The Number of Motor Cycles—Road Dangers—The No-silencer Brigade, 686
- The A.C.C. Trials—The Tricar Class, 707
- Lessons from the Trials. 751
- The Little Gordon-Bennett—A Suggestion, 771
- Motor Cyclists and the Royal Commission, 772
- Official Weights, 791
- The Difference, 792
- Design and its Effect on Vibration, 793
- Road Dangers — L’Entente — Motor Cycle Tyre Rims, 812
- L’Union Fait la Force, 951
- The Stanley Show—Looking Ahead— Passenger Motor Cycles—Two-speed Gears, 969
- The International Cup Race, 989 Efficient Silencers—Silencers and Lubrication, 1055, 1056
- The Truth about Motor Cycles — An Increase among Foreign Firms, 1012 A Motor Cycle Show—An Important Matter—A Sign of the Times, 1035
- The Paris Show, 1075
- Leechman’s Sidecar, 290
- Leeds Motor Cycle Club, 1064, 1076
- Lewisham Motor Club (illustrations), 545, 938
- Life of a Belt, The, by Caradoc, 4
- Liverpool Cycle and Motor Show, 231, 264
- Trade Association’s Sports, 821
- — - Motor Club, 275, 319, 669, 836, 902, 938
- — University Motor Club, 646
- London Autocar Co. s Spring Fork", 808
- — to Edinburgh Run, 531, 566
- — by a Competitor, 536
- Looking Ahead, 469
- Luck ! 410
- Lyric Tricar, 975
- Mabon Free Engine Pulley and Friction Clutch, 803
- Macquire Sparking Plug, 874
- Magneto Ignition, 229, 252, 304, 326, 351, 370, 688
- — for Two-cylinder V Type Motors, 856
- Main and Co.’s Sidecar, 564
- — Twin-cylinder Engine, 600
- Manchester Motor Club, 275, 403, 446, 447, 669, 780, 858, 915
- — Dinner, 1097
- — Show, 168
- Manx Automobile Club Hill-climb, 801
- March’s Double Cooling Fan, 1054
- Markt and Co.'s Portable Stand, 527
- Martin and Newby's Ariel Agency, 206
- Martin’s Belt Fastener, 26
- Matchless Tricar, 887
- — Twin-cylinder Motor Bicycle, 978
- Medical Aspect of Motor Cycling, 375
- Merington's Detachable Forecar, 26
- Methods of Locking Nuts, 1088
- Milk Purveyor’s Tricar, 105
- Millington and Everitt’s Ignition Devices, 310
- Minerva Two-cylinder Motor Bicycle, 856
- Mitchell’s Variable Speed Gear, 762
- Mogg, Pym, and Witcombe’s Oil Pump, A 1074
- Montgomery Sidecar, The, 629
- Month on the Road, 262, 280. 302
- Moreton’s Footrest Device, 1074
- Motor Bicycle de Luxe, The, 448, 565
- — Bicycling in Winter, 891
- — Cycle Competitions for 1905, 346
- — Pacing and Racing at Brighton, 656 Ride in A.D. 2005, 1099
- — Tyre Rims, 826
- — Union of Ireland, 341, 404, 432, 470, 546, 562, 699, 713, 802, 821, .823,. 859
- — Portmarnock Races, 405, 520, 879
- — Cycles as Wanted by Ladies, 717
- — Cycling Club, 885, 959
- — A.G.M., 107, 606
- — Albert Brown Trophy Competition, 900
- — and the Affiliation Scheme, 66, 567
- — Consumption Trial, 915
- — Fourth Annual Dinner, 1097
- — Inter-club Run.. 445, 446
- — Intel--team Competition, 301, 718, 806
- — London to Edinburgh Run, 514, 531
- — News, 215, 384, 450, 694, 782, 1030
- — Opening Run, 291 Passenger Trial, 589
- — 24 Hours’ Trial, 687
- — 200 Miles Trials for Reeves Cup, 467
- — 100 Miles Reliability Trial, 517
- — for Health, 620
- — Ladies 13
- — in India, 8 41
- — Wales, 86
- — Winter, 921
- — Did It,” “ The, by Mrs. Edward Kennard, 1108
- — Union and Motor Cyclists, 52
- —- The Royal Commission, 794, 815
- — The, A.G.M., 287
- Mudguarding Motor Cycles, 40
- Mudguards, 364
- Muratti Cup Competition, 562, 611, 654
- My First Motor Cycle Ride, 635
- — Motor Bicycle, by Suburban, 766
- — Prize Motor Bike, 1060, 1080, 1102
- — Strange Conversion, by “ Chain Drive,”
- New Bicycle, The, 340
- Non-skid Device, 21
- Norman Gear, 977
- North-eastern Automobile Association, S02
- North London Motor Cycle Club, 358, 450
- Notes for Novices, 786, 793, 878, 965, 1040, 1072, 1115
- Influence of Trials on Design—Fighting a Morbid Craze—Fixing a Standard. 187
- The International Cup Machines —? Wired-on Tyres, 391
- The French Reliability Trial — International Cup Advice—How to Fix Wiring, 424
- The International Cup—The Course— Anzani the Favourite, 484
- Forecast of the French Eliminating Trials. 521
- The Motor Cycle World’s Championship —More Motor Cycle Races in France, 602
- Chat with Olieslaegers—A Successful Tiers de Litre, 623
- Circuit des Ardennes, 748 Third of a Litre Trial, 864
- Chateau-Thierry Hill-climb, 877
- Dourdan Race Meeting, 899
- Gai lion Hill-climbing Competition — Cissac Ties with De Caters, 928
- Novelist as a Motor Cyclist, An Eminent, 189, 209
- Novel Motor Attachment for Bicycles, 591
- Nowshera to Delhi, 397
- N.S.U. Engine Pulley and Clutch, 678
- — Motor Bicycle, 353
- — Twin-cylinder Motor Bicycle, 380 Numbers of Motor Cycles Registered, 143.
- — in France, 815
- Light v. Heavy Tricars—Power and Comfort—Three Classes for Tricars— Isle of Man Races, 12
- Light v. Heavy Tricars—Cross-strains in the Gear Box, 38
- Tricar Engines—The Motor Cycle a Deux — International Racing — The Dangers of Racing, etc., 59
- Exasperating Troubles—Sidecar Champions—The Auto Cycle Club, 100
- Spark Advance—Traffic Riding—Tricar Engines—April Trials, 121
- International Auto Cycle Race—London Clubs, 149
- Three-cylinder Motor Cycle Engine — The Up-to-date Century — Touring Tri ar Defined, 172
- Minor Improvements—A South British Production—A Comparison of Cost, 188
- Precipitous Country and Two-horse Power—An Absurd Fallacy—Variable Speed Gears—A Startline- Statement, 210
- The Choice of a Second-hand Machine— Advertising Motor Cycling, 236
- Colonial Business—Another Example, 255
- Smooth or Rough Treads—Spring Deliveries—Prof. Callendar and the Light Tricar, 283
- Gear Changing—The Sidecar — Design and Side-slip, 306
- Mr. C. W. Brown on Tricars—Reverse Gears on Tricars—That Poor Maligned Back Wheel, 328
- The A.C.C. Hill-climb—Tyres and Steering—A Syndicate to Beat France, 344 12 h.p. Racers—Clean Carburetters— Leggings, 345
- Tricar Tirades—Tricars with a Reverse —Separate Acetylene Generators, 360
- Luck—Rear Lights, 385
- Machine First—Removing a Pulley — Correct Belt Pulleys, 408
- Belt Transmission—The Colonial Market
- 455 Separate Generators—Misleading Journalism—Passenger Machines, 474
- Heavy Tricars—-Defect^—The Reverse on Tricars, 526
- The Edinburgh Run—-What a 5 h.p. Tricar can do—A Reliable Wipe Contact, 559
- Tricars Up-to-date — Affiliation—Vulcanising Tyre Repairs, 581
- A Warning—Road Mending—Silencing a Twin-cylinder Tricar, 624
- Advice on Ignition Items — Consular Reports—Colonial Riders, 657
- Scare Headlines—Magneto Ignition — The M.and the A.C.C,, 672
- Motor Bicycle Two-speed Gears—Twin-cylinder Engines, 673
- Motor Cycling in Bloemfontein-—Magnetos for V Engines—Broken Piston Rings, 700
- Tyre Measurements—Exhaust Valve Lifters on Tricars—Chain Adjustment on Tricars, 720
- The Knell of Racing—A Weight .Minimum—The Practical Value of Speed, 744
- Tricar Tyres—Two-speed Gears—Detail Improvements, 763
- - The Royal Commission—Alterations Required—The Governing Body, 781
- The Brown Trophy—Air-cooled Engines and Hot Climates—Motor Cycling Legislation, 800
- .Another Ideal Motor Bicycle — Leaky Radiators—Magneto Adjustments — A Novel Tricar, 837
- Club Race Meets in South* Africa—Carburetters—Tyres, 857
- Rene Thomas’s Racer—Racing Positions—Doing One’s Own Repairs. 873
- An Ignition Puzzle—The Novice at Sea —Driving Puzzles, 921
- Newspaper Motor Cyclists—Low Frames —Brown and Barlow’s Carburetter, 955
- Twin-cylinder Ignition—Defects of the Battery System on V Engines—Twin-cylinder Carburation, 976
- Side-slip — Twin-cylinder Magnetos — Water-cooled Engines — The International Cup Race, 992
- Tricars at the Stanley — Attractive Bicycles—The Colonial Market, 1032
- Horizontal Engines for Tricars—Advantages of a Horizontal Engine—Loss of Power on Magneto Machines, 1013
- Sociable Motor Cycles—Where the Tricar is Useless—The End to End Record, 1067
- The 1906 End to End Run—A Crying Need—Docs a Magneto give More Power ? 1091
- Air v. Water-cooling—The Ignition of the Future—Faking the Engine. 1105
- Okill’s Two-speed Gear for Motor Cycles, 817
- Olympia Show, 161, 1029
- One v. Two-cylinder Engines, 600, 680
- On Tour, by Arthur Candler, 47, 69
- Ortona Motor Bicycle, 677
- Osborn’s Four-speed Gear Pulley, 574
- Oxford and District A.C., 432
- Pace v. Gear. 415
- Paris Automobile Salon, 1083
- Peterborough and Counties Motor Club, 383
- Peter’s Union Tyre, 527
- Peugeot Racers, The, 761
- — Twin-cylindered Motor Bicycle, 436
- Phelon and Moore’s Motor Cycles, 820
- Phoenix Lady’s Motor Bicycle, 367
- — Open-frame Bicycle, 954
- — Quad Car, 950
- Phoenix Trimo 1905, 390
- Pilkington’s Balata Belt, 808
- — Canvas Belt, 22
- — Non-skid, 203
- Pioneer Lady Motor Cyclists, 365
- Pole-finding Papers, 189
- Pollitt and Smith’s Collapsable Tricar, 968
- Popular Eastern Run, A, 318
- Portsmouth Motor Gymkhana, 836
- Possibilities of Magneto Ignition, 459
- Preparing for the Road, by “Geoffrey,” 234, 256, 276, 298
- Price’s Stand, 310, 948
- Private Reliability Trial, 566, 603
- Quadrant Climbs Birdlip Hill, 795
- — 34 h.p. Motor Bicycle, 850
- — Variable Gear, 136
- Quart de Litre Record, 13
- Racing Motor Cyclists, 972
- Ratcliffe and Thorpe’s Spring Belt, 26
- Reckless Driving, 365
- Reliability Trials of the A.C. Seine et Oise, 184
- Removable Pulley Flanges, 764
- Renouf’s Variable Gear, 79
- Resume of the Year’s Racing, 1058
- Returning from a Christmas Morning Run, _ 1110
- Rex Air-draught Cylinder, 574
- — A Week’s Holiday on a, by “ Geoffrey,” 697
- — 1906 Belt, 865
- — Policy, 958
- — Twin-cylinder Engine, 938
- — Lady’s Motor Bicycle, 387
- — Patents—Tandem Attachment, 71
- — Spring Forks and Lamp Bracket, 798, 799
- — Trophy. 407, 611
- Rexette Gear, 528
- — Springing, 728
- — Twin-cylinder 8 h.p., 607
- Riley 6 h.p. Twin-cylindered Tricar, o64
- — — Bicycle, 893
- Road Notices, 704
- Roberts’s Electric Governor, 67 8
- Robinson’s Flexible Drive, 1074
- “Roll-up ” for Motor Cyclists, 527
- Romance of Motor Cycling. 215
- Rover Light weight, 713
- Run Round Bath, 633
- Scholley’s Sidecar, 114
- Season’s Tricar Riding, 943
- Semmering Hill-climb, 850, 863
- Sharp’s Air-spring Tricar, 106
- Sharpe’s Universal Repair Solution, 39
- Shearing Dogs by Motor (illustration), 957
- Sheffield and District A.C., 821, 859
- Show Impressions, by B. H. Davies, 1078, 1095
- — Statistics, 15
- Side-slip. 1046
- — Austrian Protection against, 971
- Singer Lady’s Motor Bicycle, 315
- — 1905
- Singer Motor Bicycle, 179
- Skegness Motor Cycle Races, 803
- Smith’s Petrol Gauge, 225
- — Tricar Seat, 22
- Some (Motor Bicycles I have known, 1047
- Southern Motor Club, 359, 385, 511, 606, 628, 646, 801, 836, 858, 1064
- Staffs Auto Club, 403
- Stanley Show 1905,
- — Guide to Motor Cycles and Accessories Exhibited, 993
- — Resume of Motor Cycles and
- — Accessories Exhibited, 1015, 1049
- Stephen’s Belt Fastener, 52
- Story without Words, 412
- Stratford-on-Avon (illustration), 675
- Supplementary Exhaust Valve, A, 1073
- Tandem Attachment, Experiences with a, 10
- Tank Stopper, Filliol’s, 72
- Test Case, An Important, 748
- — of Coil and Accumulator, 670
- Testing Valve Springs, 1103
- Thames Valley M.C., 341
- “That Mysterious Motor,” 3, 30, 56, 76, 108, 118
- Three Years of Motor Cycling, 568
- Through Europe on a Tricar, 831-834, 875, 906, 941, 960
- — North Wales on a Single-geared Tricar, 818, 846, 860
- Tips about Tricars, 479
- Toboggan Tricar, 282
- Tour of France, 434-436, 453, 481, 1077
- — through Northern France, 125, 138
- Touring in France, 652, 705, 759
- Trade Tricars, 563
- Transformation Scene, 1098
- Trembler v. Non-trembler Coils, 197
- Tresko’s Magneto Ignition, 52
- Trial Run, A, by a Motorist’s Wife, 714
- “Trials Men” on Ightham Hill, 773
- — Notes, 738
- Tricar and the Horizontal Engine, The, 692
- Tricars and Bicars, 84, 85
- — in France, 454
- Triumph Motor Bicycle 1905, 11
- Tunbridge Wells Sports, 549, 718
- Twelve Months’ Experience with a Tricar, 673
- Twentieth Century Lamp, 905
- Twenty Thousand Miles on a Pedalless Machine, 798
- Tyro’s Cheap Mount, A, 43
- 336 Miles for Three Shillings. By B. H. Davies, 739
- Universal-Paragon Silencer, The, 677
- Uxbridge to Banbury and back, 952
- Variable Motor Cycle Gear, Paper by Prof. Callendar, 154, 155. 181
- Vienna Automobile Exhibition, 300, 329
- — Motor Track Races, 881
- Vim Brake, 704
- Voelker and Pruegel’s Engine and Carburetter, 1069
- Volunteer Motor Cycle Manoeuvres' in Wiltshire, 883
- Wade and Jones’s Spring Handle-bar, 678
- Wade’s Contact Breaker, 211
- Walco Tricar, The, 282
- Walthamstow Town Cycling and Motoring Club, 959
- Warr’s Tandem Motor Tricycle, 804, 805
- Warwickshire Automobile Club, 384, 628
- Weather Guarding of Tricars, 41
- Week’s Holiday on a Rex, A, 697
- Weights of Motor Cycle Frames and Engines, 214
- West Essex A.C., 916
- — Herts Motor Club, 358, 628, 836
- Westlake Engine, 343
- Westlake Motor Bicycle, 214
- What’s Wrong ? 371
- Whittle’s Chain Belt, 774
- Winter Motor Cycle Ride and a Test, 97
- — Cycling, 896, 945, 947
- — Hints on, 1048
- Wiring a Twin-cylinder Engine, 1050
- — Two-Array Switch, 244
- — for Eisemann Magneto and Accumulator, both using Eisemann Coil, 1071
- Woolwich, Plumstead, and District Motor Club, 358, 432, 470, 582, 588, 959, 975
- World’s Motor Cycling Championship, 649. 676
- Worthing Motor Carnival, 391
- Would-be Buyer at the Show, 1044
- Young’s Exhaust Cooler, 179
- — Lady’s Motor Bicycle, 85
- Zenith Bicar, 760