1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Iron, Coal and Steel: B
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Bacares Iron Ore Mines, lAmiteA—Directors : J. G. Cuninghame (Chairman), Sir J. E. Johnson-Ferguson, Bart., and R. Russell (Managing Director). Secretary: W. Girdwood. Office: 32, Victoria Street, S.W.—The company was registered May 25, 1899, to acquire properties in the Bacares district, Province of Almeria, Spain. The authorised capital is £135,000 in shares of £10, ail of which has been subscribed and paid up, and there are debentures for £47,500. Reports are not published, but this information is official. Voting power, one vote for every share. Director’s qualification, 100 shares. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. Telegraphic address, Nettoyage, London. Telephone number, 160 Victoria.
- Baldwins, Limited.—Directors: A. Baldwin, M.P. (Chairman), S. Baldwin, R. Beck, A. I. R, Butler, I. Butler, S. L. Dore, J. R. Wright, and W. C. Wright. SecreUry; G. V. Hazelton. Office: Wilden, near Stourport.—The company was registered April 7, 1902, to acquire the businesses of iron and steel manufacturers, and colliery and iron ore proprietors, &c., of E. P. and W. Baldwin, Limited; Wright, Butler and Co, Limited; Alfred Baldwin and Co, Limited; the Bryn Navigation Colliery Co, Limited; the Blackwall galvanised Iron Iron Co, Limited, &c.
- Barrow Haematite Steel Co, Limited. — Dircciors: Duke of Devonshire, K.G. (Chairman), Et. Hon. V. C. W. Cavendish, M.P., W. A. Donaldson, W. F. Egerton, J. Fell, Lord Knaresborough, W. M, F. Schneider, and W. F. A. Wadham. General Manager: J. M. While. Secretary: A. Butchart. Office: Barrow-in- Furness.—The company was registered April 1, 1864.
- Bearpark Coal and Coke Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir S. A. Sadler, V.D. (Chairman), J. P. Fry, Sir T. Fry, Bart., G. May, and R. H. Wilson. Secretary: G. D. Leng. Office: Middlesbrough.—The company was registered May 6, 1872, to acquire leasehold properties about 2,000 acres in extent,
- Beckermet Mining Co, Limited.—Directors: W. Burnyeat, Sir W. B. Forwood, Kt., T. Hartley, K. E. Highton, Sir J. S. Bandies, Kt., M.P., W. B. Turner, and E. Wadham. Secretary: J. Burchell. Office : Workington.—The company was registered June 4, 1901, to acquire iron and coal mines at Beckermet, Cumberland, The authorised capital is £100,000 in shares of £1, and £70,000 has been subscribed and called up. Reports are not obtainable, but this information is official. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. Telephone numbers, 6, Workington, and 4, Egremont.
- Bell Brothers, Limited.—Directors: Sir H. Bell, Bart. (Chairman and Managing Director), A. J. Dorman (Vice-Chairman), M.‘L. Bell, C. Dorman, A. S. Hay, W. Johnson, and W. L. Johnson. Secretary:'R. L. Kirby. Office: Middlesbrough-on-Tees.—The company was registered January 24, 1899, to take over the business of iron masters, colliery owners, &c., of a private company of the same name.
- Bengal Iron and Steel Co, Limited.—Directors; Col. A. J. Filgate (Chairman), T. Glover, A. Izat, C.I.E., J. J. Keswick, and W. T. Macleilan. Secretai'y: "C. E. Rutter. Office: 17, Victoria Street, Westminster.—The company was registered August 9, 1889, to acquire from the Secretary of State in Council of India a lease for 999 years of ironworks and coal mining properties situated at Barakur, in Bengal.
- Birmingham Coal Co, Limited.—Directors; H. S. Foster (Chairman), P. E. Bcachcroft, and G. W. Lancaster. Secretary: H. A. Grimsdick. Office: 82, Victoria Street, S.W.—The company was registered March 22, 1904, to acquire from the executors of the mortgagee an option to purchase for £35,000 the properties formerly held by the Birmingham City Collieries Syndicate]], Limited.
- Blackball Coal Co, Limited.—Directors: M. Homer (Chairman), C. J. Cowan, and G. T. Haycraft. Jfanomer .• C. T. Moore. Secretary : W. S. Hogg. ; 268-270, Mansion House Chambers, 20, Bucklersbury, E.C.—The company was registered January 1, 1898, to take over the properties of the Black Ball Coal Mining Company of New Zealand]], Limited, which was registered April 1, 1892. The company owns leases for 21 years from January 1, 1906, of properties situated near Greymouth, New Zealand.
- Blaenavon Co, Limited.—Directors: R. W. Kennard (Chairman), J. R. Baillie, A. A. Brand, F. J. Gordon, and E. Kennard. Secretary: J. A. Strachan, (^ce: 86, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered January 22, 1880, to take over the business of the Blaenavon Iron and Steel Co]], Limited.
- Blythe River Iron Mines, Limited.—London Directors: C. L. Budd and W. Cl^k. London Secretary: E. Habben. London Office: Palmerston House, E.C. Head Office: Melbourne.—The company was registered in 1900 under Victorian laws to acquire a property (mostly leasehold), 488 acres in extent, situate about 7 miles from the mouth of the Blythe River, Tasmania.
- Bolckow, Vaughan and Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. E. Johnson-Ferguson, Bart. (Chairman), A. C. Boyd, Col. J. G. S. Davies (General Superintendent), A. Keen, Hon. B. D. Kibson, W. S. B. McLaren, and I. Williams. Commercial Manager and Secretary: "W, W. Storr. O^ce: Middlesbrough-on-Tees.—The company was established in 1864 to acquire the iron works and collieries of the firm of the same name.
- Bowhill Coal Co, Fife, Limited.—Directors: A. Bowman (Chairman), J. H. E. Bowman, R. Cairns, and J. S. Davidson. Manager and Secretary: R. A. Muir. Office: Bowhill Colliery Office, Cardenden, Fife.—The company was registered December 5, 1894.
- Bowling Co, Limited.—Directors: C. W. Dunlop (Chairman), W. N. L. Champion, G. A. Paley, Maj. W. Pollard, Capt. F. II. Reynard, Sir F. Ripley, Bart., and Maj. A, C. Tempest. Secretary: J. R. Jeffery. Office: Bowling, Bradford, Yorkshire.— The company was registered June 10, 1903, with a much reduced capital, to take oyer the business of the Bowling Iron Company, established in 1780, and registered as limited May 19, 1870,
- Breckenridge Cannel Coal Co, Limited.—Directors: J. W. Brigstock, IL J* Nevill, and E. A. Read. Seci'etary: P. Ewens. Office: o, Austin Iriars, E.C.— The company was registered January 27, 1896, to acquire a freehold prop^y m Kentucky, U.»S.
- Britannic Merthyr Coal Co, Limited.—Directors: C. Evans (Chairman), E. D. Evans, N. R. Evans, T, J. Evans, and T. A. Jenkins. Seeretary: E. O. Jones. Office: The Docks, Cardiff.—The company was registered {September 13, 1904, to acquire the Dinas Main Collieries, Glamorganshire,
- Broomhill Collieries, Limited.—Directors : Sir C. Furness, M.P. (Chairman), J. S. Barwick, J. S. Barwick, Jun., J. H. Beckingam (Managing-Director), M. Furness, and J. K. Rogerson. Scci'cUtry : H. Coates. Offi-ce : Collingwood Buildings, Newcastle-upon- Tyne.—The company was registered November 1, 19c0, for the purpose of taking over as going concerns the businesses of three other companies, and of purchasing all the debentures (of the nominal value of £170,000) of the Warkworth Harbour Commissioners.
- Brown Bayley's Steel Works, Limited.—Directors: R. Armitage, M.P. (Chairman), W. J. Armitage, J. H. Barber, D. M. Fox, and Sir W. C. Plowden, K.C.S.I. Manager and Secretary; J. H. Barber. O_^ce: Attercliffe, Sheffield.—The company was registered June 28, 1888, to take over the business of Brown, Bayley, Dixon and Co]], Limited.
- Brymbo Steel Co, Limited.—Director's: Sir H. B. Robertson (Chairman)', J. G. Aikin, Col. W. B. Burton, and J. H. Darby (Managing Director). Secretary: A. Darby. Ojjice : Brymbo, near Wrexham.—The company was registered June 4, 1884.
- Burnyeat, Brown and Co, Limited.—Directors; AV. Burnyeat (Chakmaii), M. E. Burnyeat, J. A. McKibbin, and AV. Peile. Secretary and Manager: 3. B. Ferrier. . O;ffiGe: 5^ Bute Crescent, Cardiff.—The company was registered May 26, 1899, in reconstruction of a company of the same name, incorporated in 1878 and carrying on the business of colliery proprietors.
- Bwllfa and Merthyr Dare Steam Collieries (1891), Limited.—Directors: R. Llewellyn (Chairman), AV. Davies, T. Leyson, R. Llewellyn, F. AV. Mander, and T. Phillips. Secretary: T. B. Malyon. Office: Aberdare.—The company was registered July 20, 1891, to acquire from the Bwllfa and Merthyr Dare Steam Collieries]], Limited, registered October 21, 1890, properties situated in the Dare Valley, Glamorganshire.
See Also
Sources of Information