Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1908 The Motor: Index

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor

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  • A.A., The: Annual Dinner, 213; Enterprise of, Latest, 537. Furious Drivers, Scheme against, 500. Latest Action of, 525. General Meeting, 753. Hustling, 725. Notes, 753
  • A.A. of America, The: Glidden Reliability Trial of, 752, 754
  • Absorber, Shock, and Combination Spring, 498
  • Abyssinia, Motoring in, 156
  • Accessories and Trouble Savers, New, 456, 457 , 458, 459, 510—(See also “Comfort on the Car”)
  • Accidents, Motor Owners’ Legal Liability for, 692 Accumulators, Charging, 28
  • Acetylene, Burner for, Morlite, 412. Lamps, New for, Autoclipse, 259. Fanflare, 187. FanphaTe, 208
  • A.C. of America, The, 395
  • Across Country, 651, 652, 653
  • Action Dismissed, Another, 666
  • Adams Car, 30h.p., Four-Cylinder, 312
  • Adler Car, 9h.p. Four-Cylinder, 370
  • Aerodrome, Spa, Belgium, 18
  • Aeroplane: Accident (Delagrange), 383; Flying Machines, 61; Future of, 25; Mysterious, A, 61; Prize (Messrs. Michelin and Co.’s), 158; Record (Delagrange’s), 505
  • Aeroplanes: Bertin, 13; Bleriot, 747; Delagrange— (See “Voisin”); Demarre, 73; Farman’s, 438, Latest, 214, 747; Passenger Carrying, 503; Ferber, 746; “Flying Fish,” 214, 238; Gastambide-Mengin, 73; Voisin, 505; Delagrange’s Record on, lb.; Wright, 405; Fight of, 405, 578
  • Aerostation in Germany, 185
  • Airship-Motor, Rumpler-Volkers, 436
  • Airships: Bayard (Julliot-Clement), 72; Parseval, 162a; Republique, 605, 640, 747; Spencer, 377; Zeppelin, 381, 635; 24 Hours' Trial of, 692; Accident, Preventing an, 727
  • Air, Wizard of the, 696
  • Albert Brown Trophy, The, 473
  • All-British Oar, A New Four-Cylinder Napier, 526
  • Allday Car, 14h.p. Four-Cylinder, 750
  • Alpini Climbing on 8-12h.p. Two-Seated Car, 488
  • America, Automobile Club of, 395
  • American Matters, 287
  • American Topics: Accidents, 413; Briarcliffe Races, Course for, 414; Crowd at, 413; Facts About, 413; Italian Victory, 353; Carnival, A Big, 358; Hill-Climb, 359
  • America’s Slump, 116
  • Argyll Car, The, 268
  • Ariel Car, 30-40h.p., 608
  • Arundel, Boycott! 409
  • Auster's Adaptable Windscreen, 457
  • Autoclipse Lamp, The, 259
  • Autodrome, Auvergne^ 382
  • Automobile Buggy, American, 51
  • Automobile Engineers: Incorporated Society of, 351; Institution of, 214; Training of, 23, 109
  • Autumn Show, The—(See “ Shows ”) Aviation, French Progress in, 281, 746
  • Backfires, Concerning, 226
  • Backwards. Climbing a Hill, 79
  • Bailey's Motor Miloscope, 208, 209
  • Ballinaslaughter Hill-Climb—(See “ Hill-Climbs ”)
  • Balloonists in London, 505; Contest, lb.
  • Balloons, Dirigible—(See “Airships’1)
  • Basin, Collapsible Waterproof Canvas, 453
  • Bath and Spare Cover Carrier, “ Neptune ” Combination, 452
  • Bauche Tyre Inflator, 746
  • “ Bayard ” Dirigible Airship (Julliot-Clement), 72
  • Belgica Chassis, The, 208
  • Belsize Car, New 14-16h.p. Four-Cylinder, 63
  • Berlin Correspondent, From Our: Accidents, Street, 356; Prince Henry Results—Protest, 692; Zeppelin Airship, 24 Hours’ Trial, 692
  • Bertin’s New Flying Machine, 13
  • Bervin Inner Tubes, 728
  • Bleumel’s Petrol Gauge, 458
  • Boa Constrictor Pneumatic Horn, 456
  • Board of Trade Returns, 44, 160
  • Bosch Magneto Plug, 601; Systems, 175
  • Brake Cable Terminal, New, 50
  • British Divisible Rim, 208, 215
  • British Lorraine-Dietrich Cars, 297
  • British Patent Law and Germany, 525
  • Brooke Car, 21h.p., 738
  • Brooklands, 351, 416, 623; Action Against for Nuisance, 405, 494; Alterations at, 377; American Car at, 485; Bon Motorisms From, .408; Cadillac ■Standardisation Test at, 186; Chronograph Timing :at, 105; Collision at (Bank Holiday), 323; Colours at, 418; Dust Experiments at, 735, 736, 738; Entries, August 1st and 3rd, 747, July 4th, 641; First Race of Season, 266; Siddeley Wins, lb.; Grand Prix at, A, 697; Winner of French at, 722a; Handicapping at, 429, 711; Illusion, Optical, at, 650, 731; Improvements at, 266, 581 ; Jarrot at, 187; Meetings at, August, 1908, 697, 698; Easter, 186, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325 , 326; July, 605, 659, 660, 661; Third. 406, 407, 408; Whitsun, 429 432, 503, 504, 505, 531, 532, 533; Napier-Mercedes Incident, The, 352. 417, 446, 476; Ninety-Five an Hour, At, 49; Novel Offer, A. 49; Official, A New For, 267; 121.64 Miles per Hour at, 565; Private Competitors 128a; Racing Impressions at, 563; Records, 48, 295, 602: By 14h.p. Car, 70; Resta, Mr. D., at, 295; Right of Way Diversion at, 296; Rules, New, 66; Scarfogliograms From, 357; Speed-Worship at, 503; Starting Gate, New. A, 266; Starting Point at, 670; Suggestion, A, 433; Tyres at, 49; Contest, International, for, 49; Endurance Race for, lb.
  • Brooklands Trio, A, 459
  • Brown Car, 25-30h.p. Four-Cylinder, 218
  • Brown Trophy, The, 473
  • Buggy, Automobile, The, 51
  • Bullard Speed Indicator, The, 200, 458
  • Cabinet for Spares and Tools, 454
  • Cabs, Motor, Argyll 12-16h.p., 268; Humber, 20 Cabby, Converted, The, 314
  • Cadillac Standardisation Test, 218b, 250
  • Canham Windscreen, The, 642
  • Carburetter Flooder, F.H.S., 456
  • Carburetters—Adjustment of, 27, 733; Gillett-Lehmann, 14, 208; H.P. Triple Jet, 656; Longuemare, 271; Mechanical, 527, 611; Napier Controllable, 405, 711; Sthenos, 185; W. and P., 661
  • Car Controller, Hill's Safety, 132
  • Car Direction Indicator: French, A, 94; Reason’s, lb.
  • Cars.—Adler, 9h.p. Two-Cylinder, 370; All-British Napier, New Four-Cylinder, 526; Allday, 750; Ariel, 30-40h.p., 608;-Belsize, New, 14-16h.p. Four-Cylinder, 63; Brooke, 21h.p., 738; Brown, 25-30h.p. Four-Cylinder, 218, 731; Certus, 16-20h.p., 163; Clement, 18-20h.p., 511; Clyde, 227; Coventry Humber, 15h.p., 472; Daimler, 30h.p., 256; 42h.p., 738; 58h.p., 749; Darracq, 18h.p. Four-Cylinder, 145; De Dion, lOh.p. Two-Cylinder, 35, 87; Dennis, 35h.p., 738; Electric}, New, 232; Empress, 208; F.N., 14-16h.p., 425; Ford, 272; Frayer-Miller, 50h.p., 485; Gaggenau, 24h.p., 738; Hotchkiss, 16-20h.p. Four-Cylinder, 229;Isotta Frascini, 468, 475, 754; Jackson, 208; Junior, 24h.p., 738; Lanchester, 665; Lorraine-Dietrich, 297; Maj a, 208; Mass, 661; Metallurgique, 26h.p,, 40h.p., 503, 504; Mors, 724; N.A.G., 752; Napier, 40h.p., 505; 90h.p., Ib.; 60h.p., 749; All-British, Four-Cylinder, New, 526; Six-Cylinder, 712; N.S.U., 12h.p. Four-Cylinder, 636, 637; Opel, 193; Orleans, 24h.p., 738; Piccolo, 6-8h.p., 730; Pilgrim, 32h.p., 738; Protos, 751; Rapid, 70h.p., 209; Renault, 209; Reo, 208; S.C.A.T., 753; Siddeley, 47; 14h.p. Four-Cylinder, 90 Star, 12h.p., 285; Starling, 208, 209; Stella, 209; Swift, 666; 10-12h.p., Two-Cylinder, 173; Talbot, 25h.p. Four-Cylinder, 118; Thornycroft, 18h.p. Four-Cylinder, 4; Three-Wheeled, 201; Unic, 16-20h.p., 550; Vauxhall, 20h.p., 749; 20h.p., 651; Vivinus, 208
  • Cars on the Road—(See “ Road, Cars on the ”)
  • Case, Waterproof, Fitting Inside Spare Cover, 453
  • Certus Friction Drive Car, The, 162
  • Challenges: Nottingham A.C.’s, 438; £1,000, The, 93, 102a, 133, 149, 185, 296b
  • Chassis: Belgica, 208! F.N., 14-16h.p., Four-Cylinder, 208; Opel, 156
  • Chateau Country, Motor Trip in the, 519
  • Chauffeur: The Fortunate, 485; Master, and, 699, 700
  • Chauvin and Arnoux Petrol Meter, The, 268
  • Cigar Lighter, Combining Inspection Lamp, 452
  • Circularising Nuisance, The, 33, 166, 306, 316
  • Classic Races, Former, Some Results, 663
  • Clement Car, 18-28h.p., 511
  • Clock, Dashboard, Smith’s, 510
  • Clutches: Multiple Disc, 400, 516; Plate, 245, 361, 388
  • Clyde Car, The, 227
  • Coil Ignition, Lodge’s, A and B Spark Systems, 463 698b, 731; Synchronising with, the, 544, 611—(See also “ Ignition Problem ”)
  • Coil Tremblers, Prested’s, 208
  • Comfort: Aids to, 476b; On the Car, 452, 453, 454, 455 —(See also “ Accessories ”)
  • Commercial Motor Vehicle and Motor Boat Show— (See “ Shows ”)
  • Condenser for Improving Electric Ignition, 510 Continental Tyre, The, 753
  • Cook Resilient Wheel, The, 104
  • Cordingley’s Motor Show—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Costs, Running, 462
  • Coventry Humber Car, 15h.p., 472
  • Coventry Motor Club Hill-Climb—(See “Hill-Climbs”) Covers, Wheel, Stepney Spare, 132
  • Cowey Speed Indicator, The, 240; Monster, Ib.
  • Crystal Palace A.C., The, 508
  • Cudham Chronicles, 743
  • Cyclomot’s Causerie.—Accessibility, So-Called, 174b; Accumulators, Attention to, 332; Car, Most Popular Type of, 444; Case in Point, A, 174b; Clocks, One-Day, Do Not Buy, 107; Clutch: Manipulation of the, 21; Multiple Disc, 400; Action of, 400; History, Ib.; Cross Roads, Negotiation of, 622; Dust Evil, The, 444; Effect, Bad, on Public, 360; Electric Lighting, 143, 144; Engine, Dismantling an, 495; Parts, Condition of, 496; Task, A Big, 495; Racing of the, 302; Gauges, Verify Your, 32; Gear-Changing, Noisy, 302; Sluggish, Its Causes, 21; Grease, Whence Comes the, 332; Highway Anomalies, 360; Hooter, Tuning the, 32; Ignition Puzzle, An, 495; Impressions, Some New, 385; Inflators, Carrying, 655; Knowledge, Dissatisfied Seeker After, A, 174b; Lamp, Gas, A Good, 259; Level Crossing Abuse, The, 360; Magneto Missed, Why the, 729; Magneto, Mysterious, 143; Actual Simplicity, Ib.; Magnetos, The Making of, 729; Morn, Early, Loneliness in the, 115; Napier, 80h.p., Driving on an, 385; Nervous, Enlightening the, 259; Notebook, The, Its Utility, 245; People, Motorist and the, 756; Plate Clutches, Lubrication of, 245; Weathers, in all, 245; Power in Traffic, No Disadvantages of, 386; Rattling, Hood Eyelets, Silencing, 32; Reason, A Curious. 729; Road Junction, Future, 622; Security Bolts Necessary, 107; Shackles, Spring, Helmets for, 655; Side Doors, 203; Side-Slip, Testing for, 115; Signposts, Deceitful, 360; Tools, Carrying Hints, 522; Classification of, 522, 523; Wallets for. 522; Tyres, Metal Unsuitable for, 756; Re-tread, When to'116; Wear, Well, That, 756: Unexpected, The, An Expedient, 245; Water Circulation, Some Puzzles, 382; Wheelshaver, The, And Other Hogs, 400: Windscreen Design, 203
  • Daimler Car, 30h.p., Live Axle, 256
  • Day, The One Question of the—(See “ Road Improvement Question ”)
  • De Dion Car, lOh.p. Two-Cylinder, 35, 87
  • Dennis Car, 35h.p., 738
  • Demarre Aeroplane, 73
  • Derby and District A.C.’s Hill-Climb—(See ‘‘Hill-Climbs ”)
  • Design, Modern Trend of. 421, 544
  • Detachable Rims: Doolittle, 216; Dunlop, 476b; Elastes, 476b; E.R., 215, 216; Goodrich, 476b
  • Detachable Rims, Weight, 81, 165, 221, 249, 278, 417, 516, 575, 576, 642, 671
  • Detachable Wheel, The: New, 72; France and, 694; Spare, Carrying Method, 728
  • Development, A New Line of, 337
  • Devices: Interesting and New, 442, 571; Novel, Two, 424
  • Devon, In Fair, 315
  • Dickens’ Land, To, 713, 714, 715
  • Donisthorpe Petrol Meter, 20
  • Doolittle Detachable Rim, 216
  • Dressing Cases, Lady’s Miniature, 452; “Open Mouth,” lb.;
  • Drive, Engine Road Wheel, Electric, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, 29, 30, 31
  • Dry Batteries, How Made, 160
  • Du Oros, Mr. A., 120
  • Dunlop Detachable Rim, The, 476b
  • Dust Trials, R.A.C.—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Dust Trouble, To Minimise, 735, 736, 738
  • Earite Goggle, The, 457
  • Edinburgh-London—(See “ London-Edinburgh ”)
  • Eisemann Magneto, New, 474
  • Elastes: Rim, Detachable, 476b; Run on, A, 244; Trial Report—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Electric: Car, New, A, 232; Headlights, 459; Horn, The Godia, 424; List, An, 329
  • Empress Car, 208
  • Engines.— Ball Bearing, 289; Fiat, 562; Hotchkiss-Monobloc, 229; Hot v. Cold, 144, 202; Long Stroke, 26; Peugeot-Huber, Two-Stroke, 293; Wakefield and Jansen, 78, 79; Weigel, 217
  • Epicyclic Gearing, 573, 574, 611, 642, 669, 703, 732, 759
  • E. R. Detachable Rim, The, 215, 216
  • Error, A Tactical, 141
  • Essex M.C. Open Hill-Climb—(See “ Hill-Climbs ”)
  • Exchequer, Chancellor of the, and Taxation Deputation, 101
  • Failure, Why New York-Paris was a, 726
  • Fanflare Acetylene Lamp, The, 187
  • Fanphare Headlight, The, 208
  • Farman’s Fall, 239
  • F.H.S. Carburetter Flood er, The, 456
  • F.I.A.T. Engine, The, 562
  • Finance and Business.—11, 39, 67, 95, 123, 151. 179, 206, 235, 263, 291, 319, 348, 375, 403, 4301 466, 501, 529, 556, 599, 633, 658, 68lJ, 719, 745
  • Five-Cylinder Motor, A, 446
  • Florida, Racing at, 162b
  • “ Flying Fish,” Aeroplane, 214
  • Flying Machines: Aeroplane, 61; Bertin, New, 13
  • F.N. Car, 14-16h.p., 425
  • Folding Seat, Willocq-Bottin, 116
  • Foot Rests: Angled, Variable, 453; Combination, 454
  • Foot Warmer. Heated, A, 454
  • Ford Car, The, 272
  • Foreign Touring, Made Easy, 480
  • Four-Inch Race, The, 377, 606; Best Period for, 38; Course Proposed. 695; Entries, 633, 653; “Graphic” Cup, The, 753; Hill-Climb in, 753; Money Prizes, 757; Regulations, 359, 750; Route, 653, 695, 753
  • Frayer-Miller Car, 50h.p., 485
  • French Motorcar Trade, The, 164
  • Fromes Hill-Climb—(See “ Hill-Climbs ”)
  • Fuller Ignition Condenser, 510; Platinum Saving Switch, 442
  • Fusion Welding, 637
  • Gaggenau Car, 24h.p., 738
  • Gaiters: Emergency, Roberts, 458; Shaw, 456
  • Galldway, A Run Through, 309
  • G and A Tyre Inflator, The, 442, 571
  • Gastambide-Mengin Aeroplane, 73
  • G Automatic Petrol Pourer, 454
  • Gearing, Epicyclic, 573, 574, 669, 703, 732
  • Gibaud Magneto, 208, 265
  • Gibus Pail, The, 571
  • Gillett, Fred: Verses—(See “ Vernes )
  • Gillet-Lehmann Carburetter, 208; Improvements m, 14
  • Gipsy Wagon, A Grand Duke’s, 190b
  • Glidden Reliability Trial, The, 752, 754
  • Glissoire Shock Absorber, 742
  • Glove Case, Lady’s, 453
  • Godia Horn, Electric, 424
  • Goggles, 456; Earite, 457; Lady s New 131
  • Golding’s Power Computing Rule. 492
  • Goodrich, Detachable Rim Flange, 476b; Non-Skid Tyre, 736
  • Gradiometer, Gratze Patent, 457
  • Grand Prix de L’Automobile Club de France.— 69, 102b, 129, 159, 186, 190a, 382, 548, 605, 639, 640, 649, 650, 657, 662; Accidents, 663; Fatal, 708; Victims’ Funerals, 694; American Candidate for the, 217; Authorisation of Race, 47; Cadillac Standardisation Test in, 159; Competitions Committee, The, 19; Controversy Concerning, The, 19; Course, The, 3, 566; Draw for, The, 530a; Entries, 47; Close of, 73; Italian, 134; Late, 530a; Finishers, 684; Jarrott’s Substitute, 663; Kaiser’s Delight at German Success, 692; Lessons from, 708; Locomobile for the, 437; Napier Racer, Six-Cylinder, for the, 712; Opel Team, Return of, 381; Prospects of the, 615, 616, 617; Race for the, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 684, 686, 688, 694; Future of the, 694; Resta’s Accident in, 663; Seine-Inferieure Circuit Decision, 3; Weighing in, for the, 663; Wheels, Detachable, and the, 10, 54, 89; Rules Concerning, 33
  • Grand Prix: “ How I Won the ” (C. Lautenschlager),
  • Grand Prix Voiturette Race, The, 530a, 617, 664, 686, 687, 698a, 711
  • Gratze Patent Gradiometer, 457
  • Grosnyi Petroleum Co.’s New P.G.R. Spirit, 14
  • Grovelle Arquemborg Inflator, 442
  • Gymkhanas.—Hastings, 693, 720. 721, 722; Hertfordshire County A.C.’s, 720; Lincoln. 666a; Manchester A.C.’s, 634; Southend and District M.C.’s, 751
  • Hammer Handle, The Perfect, 457
  • Hastings Gymkhana—(See “ Gymkhanas ”) Headlight Reflections, 539. 576, 672
  • Headlights.—Autoclipse, 259; Fanflare, 187; Fan-phare. 208; Polkey Electric, New, 459; Salsbury, Improved, 571, 601 (See also “ Oldfield’s Motorcar Lamps ”)
  • Henry Edmunds’ Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs ”)
  • Hertfordshire, To a Corner of, 550, 551, 552
  • Herts. County A.C.’s Gymkhana—(See “ Gymkhanas”); Hill Climb—(See “Hill Climbs”)
  • H.F. Vulcaniser, Baby, 510; Outfit, 269 Hill-Climbing Contests. Government and the, 267 Hill Climbs.—289; Ballinaslaughter, 507; Coventry
  • Motor Club’s, 722, 760; Derby and District A.C.’s, 722a; Essex M C.’s Open, 434; Frome’s, 97. 658; Henry Edmunds, 753 (4in. Race); Herts. County A.C.’s Open, 691; Kettlebv Hill (Melton Mowbray), 635, 693; Lancashire A.C.’s, 722, 758; Lewisham A.C.’s Open, 267; Midland. 698a, 748, 749; North Middlesex, 435; Shelsley Wash, 720, 748. 949; Sutton Bank, 508; Wolverhampton A.C.’s (Coalport), 561, 698a
  • Hill-Top Humours, 475
  • History, Mainly, 113, 114, 169
  • Hogs, Road. ..400
  • Horns.—Electric “ Godia,” 424; Pneumatic, Boa Constrictor. 456
  • Hotchkiss Car. 16-20h.p., Four-Cylinder, 229
  • Hot v. Cold Engine, 144, 202
  • H.P. Carburetter, Triple Jet, The, 656 Humber Cab, The, 20
  • Humber Detachable Wheel, The, 665
  • Humber’s New Works, 188
  • Icknield Way, To the, 511, 512, 513
  • Igo it’ .n Problem, The, 27, 510, 544, 611, 612, 698b, 704. 732, 755, 759
  • Illusion. Optical, An, 650
  • Indicaters.—Oiling, Gratze, Dashboard, 456; Tail Light, A New Pneumatic for, 159
  • Indu.ii' Our National, 197
  • Inflate?.-. Tyre.—Bauche, 746; Grovelle-Arquemborg,
  • Information Bureau.—Accumulator: Mileage, 577; Size of, 705. Accumulators: 168; Charging, 28, 761; Connecting in Series with Dry Cells, 252; Defective, 111; Heating, 280; Remain Charged, 280. Acetylene Gas, Tubing for, 419; Air Inlet, Extra, Effect of, 56; Air Tubes, Damaged, 645; Axle, New—Less Power, 112; Backfiring, 83, 280. Batteries: Charging, 391; Details of. 447. Bearing Adjustment. 674; Blow Back. A, 419. Brakes: Noisy, 613; Trouble with, 761. Braking, Front Wheel, 734. Carburation: Too Rich, 364; Unequal. 545. Carburetters: Adjustment, 27. 140; Faulty, 762; Fire on, 733; Troubles with, 733. Car Lighting, 252; Celluloid, Cleansing, 391: Clank, 419. Clutches: Defective, 645; Difficulties with, 645; Fierce, A. 518. Coil, Converting a, 27. Coil Ignition: 544, 611, 612, 698b. 704. 731, 732; Condenser for Improving. 510. Compression. Increasing. 706: Connecting-Up Difficulty. A. 140; Connections, Reversing, 577. Contact Breaker: Faulty, 84: Position of. 195. Cut-Outs: Exhaust, 645: Fitting, 578. Cylinders: Cast Iron, Cracked 706; Defective. Running on, 614: Front, Run Weak. 546: Larger Fitted—Less Power. 112; Stop Firing, 613; Weak. 252 Driving: Brakes on, with. 613: Faulty, 84. Engine: Car Overruns. 733: Double-Acting, A, 167; Hot v. Cold. 308; Knock In. 335. 578. 646; Noise in, 223. 761: Powerless on Road. 28; Racing. 614; T’red. 646; Weak on Low Gear. 84. Exhaust Port. Auxiliary, An, 447; Experiment, A Risky, 733; Explosion, Initial. No., 614: Faulty Running. 280: Firing Order, 251. Flooding: 336; Persistent. 391. Formulae v. Tested b.h.p., 392; Gas at Fault, 761; Gearbox. Cleaning. 734; Gear-Changing Trouble, 674. Gearing: Noisy. 336: Heating, Unusual. 336: Hill-Descending, 705; Wheels, Trimming Up. 761. Ignition: Accumulator and Coil. Experiences with. 673: Adjustment. 55; Circuit Shocks. 674; Difficulties, 308, 545, 761 ; Dual, 251; Duplicate. Fitting, 733: Faulty. 578. 706; Improving. 392: Problem. A. 27 —(See also 510, 544. 611. 612. 693b. 704. 731. 732); Troubles with, 307. Joint Leaking. 448: Lamp, Inspection, on Change-Lever Quadrant, 83. Leakage: H.T, 517; Joint. 448: Oil. 167; Past Piston Rings 363; Radiator, 223. License. Endorsement, 419 517, 578: Licensing, 83. Magneto: Defect in, A, 518; Switch, L.-T., for, 364; Weak, Strengthening, A, 84. Make-and-Break for High Speeds, 614; Misfiring, 56, 14U, 279, 307, 363, 645; Nut, Refractory, A, 28. Oil: Leakage of, on Brakes 167; Solvent, 448. Overheating, 112/139, 577, 733. Petrol: Consumption of, Abnormal, 111; Heavy, 279; Tanks, Pressure for, 54a; Piston Fouling, Trouble with, 762; Piston Rings, Broken, 761; Pit, Inspection, 546; Platinum Contact, Undue Wear of, 308. Power: Increase of, 55; Loss of, 168, 195, 577. Radiator Leakages, Stopping, 223; Registration,* 55. Re-Starting: Difficulty, A, 705; Failure, A, 448. Re-Treaded Tyre, Pressure in, 336; Re-Wiring, 577. Running: Costs, 56, 462; irregular, 546; Variable, 705. Self-Starting Device, A, 224; Silencing, 614; Sparking Points, 419; Speed Reduced, 139. Starting: Difficulty, 545, 706; Easily, 280. Tar Stains, Removing, 391; Throttle Control, Faulty, 706; Timing, Wrong, 28; Top Speed Not Reached, 112. Transmission: Noise, 195; Trouble, 753. Tyre Questions, 139, 674; Unattended, Leaving a Car, 335. Valves: Inlet, Oil Round, 577; Setting, 363, 614; Springs, Tension, 27; Timing, 195. Water: Circulation, Improving, 392; Cylinder, In, 56. Waste, 167; Wheel Base and Tyre Wear, 448
  • Inner Tube, Sealomatic, The, 535
  • Institution of Automobile Engineers, 129, 214; Scottish Society of, The Incorporated, 351
  • Insurance, Lloyd’s Motorcar Policy (Col. O. A. Kinloch’s Reduced Premium Clause), 535
  • International Touring Car, 2,000 Miles Trial—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Irish and Scottish Shows—(See “ Shows ”) Isle of Man Races, The, 213, 296a
  • Isotta-Fraschini Car, 468, 475, 754
  • Jackson Car, 208
  • Jack, The Liftogrip, 457
  • Jefferson’s South African Drive, 20 Jones Speedometer, The, 384
  • Junior Car, 24h.p., 738
  • Kempshall Non-Skid, The, 208; Tyre, .695
  • Kennard Valise, The, 453
  • Kettleby Hill-Climb-(See “ Hill-Climbs ”)
  • Kinloch, Col. O. A.’s Insurance—Reduced Premium, 535
  • Knife, Motorists’, 454
  • Knyff, Rene de, M., Ten Minutes with, 225
  • Ladies, Modes, Motoring, for the 478
  • Lamps, Automobile, Theory of Lenses and Mirrors, 539
  • Lamps.—Autoclipse, The, 259; Dash, Flexible, 457; Fanflare, 187; Fanphare, 208; inspection, 452; Oldfield's, 241, 475 Polkey Electric, New, 459; Salsbury Improved Lens Mirror, 571, 601
  • Lancashire A.C.’s Hill-Climb—(See "Hill-Climbs”) Lancaster, Boycott, 530
  • Lanchester Car, 665 Legislation, 154
  • Lenses and Mirrors, Theory of Reflections, 539, 672
  • Lewisham A C.’s Hill-Climb—(See " Hill-Climbs ”)
  • Liability for Accidents, Motor Owners’ Legal, 692
  • Libel, Temple Press, Ltd.’s, Third Action for, 18a
  • Liftogrip Jack and Vice, 457
  • Lights on Vehicles Act, 1907, 725
  • Lincolnshire A.C.’s Speed Trials—(See "Trials”)
  • Linton Wheels, 427
  • Little Switzerland, To, 285
  • Lodge Coil Ignition System, A and B Sparks, 463, 544, 611 612. 698b. 704, 731, 732, 759
  • London, Skirting, 341
  • London to Edinburgh, 536; Awards, 600. 601; Entries, 536; Finishers, 537; Starters; 536
  • Longuemare Carburetter. New, 271 Lorraine-Dietrich Car, 297
  • Lorry, Motor, Difficulty of Passing, 526 Lubrication. On, 491
  • Lucas Motoiler Force Feed, .The, 457 Luggage-Carrying Devices, 564
  • M.A.C. Exhaust Whistle, The, 747
  • Magneto Ignition, Timing. 313'
  • Magnetos.—Bosch, 175; Ehemann, New, 474; Gibaud, 208. 265: Ruthardt, 497: .Simms. 729
  • Magneto’s Point of View.—Accessibility Question, The, 199; Accumulators v. Dry Batteries, 246; Air Admission to Cylinders. Advantage of, 514; Belt Transmission, 284; Brakes, Can They be Improved? 246; Braking on Front Wheels, 284; Buzzer Open to Improvement, The. 62; Carbon Deposits. Nuisance of. 755; Carburetter, Blue Scale in the, 443; Cars Named. How they are. 62; Cars, Unattended. Police and, 316; Chain Treatment. Points on. 443: Cheap C r. Air-Cooled Engines for. 22- Clutch, Leather, Good Features of the, 702; Coils, Adjusting, 62; Diminishing Sparking Power of. 340; Compression. Hiffh. Starting Umler. 514; Crankshafts, Broken. 191: Cylinder. Heat Effect on. 387: Differential. Nervous About the. 246; Difficult Repairs. Executing, 117; Dissembling Mechanism, Method Value in. 549; Driving. Front, and the Transmission Question. 117; Electrodes. Snark, Numbe- a^d Position of. 755. Engine; Auxiliary Uses of the, 443; Running. Leaving the. 387; Thumping on Opening Throttle, 316. Exhaust Port. Auxiliary. Experiments on, 387; Fire, Danger of, 549; Flywheel Effect. 399; Frame Return. A Source of Trouble,. 538; Gearbox Imbrication and Waste of Power. 538: Graphite as Lubricant. 23; Grease in Circulation Systems. 340; lernition Problem. The. 755: Lamp Filament Breakages. 117; Lubrication. Differential and Gearbox 702; Old Ideas. Revival of, 22; Overheating—Bogey or Reality7 260; Pestering the Motorist, 316. Petrol: Can for. 702: Injection Through Plug, 284; Leakage, Watch Tap for, 514. Piston Rings, Shape of, 191; Power, Increasing by Compressed Air, 284; Radiators, Cleaning, 199; Acid, by, 284; Rim Weight, 399; Runs, Long, Engine-Fatigue on, 607; Screen, Celluloid v. Gas for the, 260; Security Bolts, Driving Without, 117; Simplicity, Trend Towards, 191; Sound Producers, Efficient and Non-Efficient, 62; Spanner Hints, 549; Speed Possibilities, Future, 607; Starting Devices, Safety, 514; Steering Wheel Tyres, Undue Wear of, 284; Tramcars, Passing on Offside, 117; U.S.A., Light Motoring in the, 191; Weather, Hot, Running Conditions in, 538. Wheels: Heavy Rimmed, Impact of. 399; Track Experiment Concerning, Why Not? 399. Wiring, Defective, Tests for, 246-
  • Magneto, Weak, Strengthening A, 84 Maja Car, 208
  • Manchester A.C. Trials—(See “Trials); Gymkhana —(See “ Gymkhanas ”); Show—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Man of All Work, A, 237
  • Marseilles Voiturette Race, 241
  • Mass Car, Printer’s Errors Concerning, 661
  • Mechanical Carburetter, 527; Future of. Ib. Medical Motorists, 359; Obstruction of—Fine, 164
  • Metallurgique Car, 26h.p., 503; 40h.p., 503, 504
  • Meter, Petrol, Donisthorpe, 20
  • Michelin Detachable Rim, 476b, 621
  • Midland Hill-Climb—(See “ Hill-Climbs, Wolverhampton A.C.’s ”)
  • Military, Dirigible Balloon, French, “ Republique,” 640
  • Modes, Motoring, for Ladies, 478
  • Morlite Acetylene Burner, The, 412
  • Mors Car, 724
  • Moseley Tyres, Perfect, 666
  • Motodrome, Continental Cult of the, 275
  • Motoiler. Force Feed, The, 457
  • Motor Club. House Dinner, 267, 743
  • Motoring Reminiscences, 46
  • Motor Picnic—(See " Picnic ”) Motors, Military, 6; Utility, 720
  • "Motor, The,” and Colonies, 473; Prompted by, 150
  • M.U., The. 9, 82, 101, 125, 271, 378, 476a; Annual Meeting, 190; Breveties, 563; Conference 239; Crossings Level, and the. 325: Taxation Petition, 201; What it is Doingt 155
  • My Way of Thinking. A.A.’s Latest Action re Scorchers, 525; Action, Another Field for, 711; Addresses, Motorists—How do Envelope Addressers Obtain, 33, 134; Advance Quicker, Why We Do Not, 493. America, Dissension in, 330; Lloyd George Act, and, 524; Roads in, 415. Amulree Hill, 757. Australia: Motoring in, 345; Tariff Charges in. 525. Autobuggy, American, The, 427: Backfire, Killed by a, 135; Backfiring. 76; Belt Drive, Concerning, 247; Boyle Roche’s Bird, Like. 247; Brake Facings, 581; Braking, Efficiency in, 201. Brooklands: 416; Arrangements, New, 494; Handicapping at, 711; Improvement at, 581; Nuisance vkction Against. 494; Starting Point at, 670. Business, Useless Piece of, A, 368; Cabs and Taximeters, 416. Cars: Cheap, and Production of, 618; Running Wild, 581; Small. Society. The. and. 135. Case, A Curious, 7; Catalogue HP., 711; Cheapness Not Everything, 618; Club Rating, 345;*. Clutch. Simplification of the, 619; Comparison, A, 669; Conditions Altered, 303; Consideration-Wanted, 303. 415; Continent to Follow Suit, The,. 171; Cordingley’s Show, 248; Olympia, and, Ib.;: Corner Cutting. 330; Danger Spot* A. 670; Daylight Saving Bill, The, 552; Demonstration^ An Interesting, 331; Depreciation, Motorcar, For Income Tax, 161; Doors Hinged Forward. 89, 171; Elections, Cars at. 273; Engines, Hot, Concerning. 344; Enterprise, Mistaken. 461 Epicyclic Gearing, 669—(See also 573, 574, 669. 703, 732): Errors. Comedy of. A, 460; Exhaust. Objectionable, 304; Exhibitions, Provincial. Barring of, 524: Exhibitor, Travelling. A. 368; Expert (?), The Merry, Once More. 345: False Economy, 33; Farce. Fantastic. A, 428; Fatality in Oxford Street. The, 345; Figures, Slipshod, 162: First Irish Motorist. The. 34; Five-Cylinder Motor, A, 368; Fly in the Ointment. The. 33, Four-Inch Race, The. 712: Money Prizes for, 757; Regulations for, 368. Front Braking, Concerning. 304; Gate Change, The. 162; Gear Changing, Concerning, 76; Gearing Question The, 710; Glass on Cars, Danger of, 135. Grano Prix. The: Detachable Wheel Controversy, 33 89: Italian Entries. 134; Voiturette Race. 711. Hill-Climbs, Starting in. 758; Holidays, Business and. 7; Identification Marks, Concerning, 416; Improvement, A Needed. 415: Income Tax. Depreciation for, 88: Individual, Damage to the. 171; Iniquitv. A New. 344: Insomnia. Motoring for. 369; Killed by His Own Car, 7; Legislation. Impending, 77; Licensing. Universal’ 88; Lighting Laws, 77; Lights. Dazzling. 77: Limousine Drivers. A Word to. 330; Line. Where Shall we Draw the, 304; Linton Wheels in French Trials. 427; Lives, Lengthy, of Usefulness. 8; Llovd George Act and Germany. The. 553: Lock, Excessive. A Danger in, 669; Looking Round, Danger of. 757; Lubrication. Dissolved Oil for. 427; Maaistracv. Injustice of the. 428: Makers’ Marks. Identification. 273; Misconception, A Ouaint. 161; Monev—We Want Yours! 134; Motorcycles in Traffic. 274: Motorists’ Addresses, 134; Motor School Equipment. 369; Mud Splashing, Prevention of. 757; MU. Taxation Petition, The. 201; Named Cars. 428; New York-Paris. 7',. 161. 303; Non-Skids. Something New in, 172. Olympia: Space Allotment at. 460; 1909, For, * 758. Organisation: Trouble Among the, 552; Pi tv of it. 553. Paet, Renrniscence of the, 34. Pedals: Brake and Clutch. Combining, 552: In--ter-Connected, 670: Guard. A, 331. Phaeton Body. What is a. 8; P:ner Who Pavs the? 619; Pit, Dangers of the. 273; Plugs. Something new in. 134; Police and Tyre Question, The. 368; Position, An Unpleasant. 618; Postcards, Objectionable. 33; Prince Henry Competition. Tonring Cars in the, 701. R.A C.: Formula. The; 493; Rating. 427. Rails, Rather off the. 230;-Records, Concerning, 171; Registration Routine 524; .Reversing, Fined tor, 460; Road, Rule of, A, 669. Roads: French, Examination of, 4z/; Tarred, 344; (Surfaces oi, An Object Lesson, 708. Roau Wear, Concerning, 3<d; Samu in Decemwa, The, 7; Sauce for Goose—not Gander, 701; Schools, Wrinkle for Our, A, 330; Secret Commissions Act, The, 670. Shows: Band Nuisance at, 2/4; Illuminations at, 274; Scottish and Irish, 582; Side Doors, Fitting of, 7; Siren Again, The, 494; Six-Cylinder Oar, 247, z48; Slump, Not Much, 76, Small Car Racing, 34; S.M.M.T., The, and Franco-British Exhibition, 8; Speed Indicators, Concerning, 41; Speed in Town, 619; Does not Count, ib.; Speed Limit, Driving to a, 5’52; Speedometers, Recording, zuO; Standardisation, Tyies, 24/; Success, Not Altogether' a, 88; Sweet-Running Car, A, 345; Tarred Roads, 344; Taximeter and Horse Cab, 369; Thermo-Syphon System, Non-Adoption Reason, 493; Three-Wheeled Cars, 201; Tonneau, Disappearance of the, 161; Top Loads, Dangerous, 134. Trade: Comparisons of, 460; Expanding Our, 711; Influence Question, The, 76; Members of, and the R.A.C., 162; Weather and. 162. Trailing Rope, The, 710. Tramcars: Overtaking and Passing, 34; Speed of, 757. Trials: Driving in the, 710; Fees, Entry, for the, 247; Gearing in the, 200; Hill-Climbs for the, 273; Results of the, 701; Misleading, 533. Two Thousand Miles’ Trial, The, 582; Tyre or Tire, Spelling of Word Right, 274, 369; Tyre Taxation, Concerning, 200. Tyres: New, Something in, 618; Prices of, 88; Reduced, 77. Vehicles, Motor, Annual Increase of, 162; Venue, Suggested Change of, A, 758; Vernon, Lord, Serves Him Right, 415; View, Our Circumscribed, 581; Voiturette (?), What is a, 76; Wason, Mr., Again, 428; Weather and the Trade, 162; Wheel Base Question, The, 2/3; Windscreens, 89. Concerning, 172; More About. Ib.
  • N.A.G. Car, 752; 1,500 Miles on, Ib.
  • Napier.— Carburetter, Controllable, 405; Cars, 40h.p., 505 ; 90h.p., Ib.; Racer (Grand Prix), 712
  • Nazzaro, F., the Man, 562
  • Neptune Bath and Spare Cover Carrier, 452
  • News.—A.A., The, at Manchester Motor Exhibition, 69; Abyssinia, Motorcar in, 50; A.C. of Australia (South) 17, 356; A.C. of France, Regularity Cup, 638; Aerial Navigation, 72; Africa, Across in an Auto, 18, 72, 217, 414; Air, 5,000 Marks for a Minute in the, 300; Apology and Explanation, An, 601; Appeal, Legal, Successful, A, 69; Ariel Repair Shops, The New, 571; Article, Neat and Useful, A., 384; Australia, South, A.O., of the, 17, 356. Auto-Cycle Union, The (A.-C.U.): 47, 130, 379, 749; Affiliation Scheme, 74; Land’s End-John o’Groats, 722a. Blackheath A.C., 13; Boycott Lancaster! 530; Briarcliffe Trophy, Italian Victory, 353; Brighton, Alternate Route to, 433; British Car Scores, 47; British Flag in Advertisements, Use of the, 381. Brooklands: Records at, 602; Rival to, A, 18. Carburation, Treatise, Instructive, on, 296b; Cardiff Motor Club, 71; Car Naming, 405; Caros-series, British, German Eulogies on, 509; Ced-rino’s Death,._566; Challenge, £1,000, The, 102a; Charge, A Fresh, 381; Children, Cripple, Manchester and Salford's Motor Run for, 602; Claim, Bogus, A, 436; Coincidence or---?, 384; Cold or Hot? Does an Engine Run Better When, 130. Continent: Motorist’s Key to the. 272; Tours on, '301. Coupe de la Presse, The, 69; Coupe Hy-flra, The, 130; Coventry Motor Club, The, 570a. Cudham Hill: Sprag Test at, 352; Westerham Rival, 635. - Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund. 16, 47, 71, 155, 295; Cyclists and Motorists, 722a; De Dion Dance, A, 47; Derby Club, Annual Dinner, 102: Ditch, Reverse into the, 381; Donisthorpe Petrol Meter, The, 20 ; Driver Exonerated, A, 379; Driving, Inconsiderate, 436; Dustless Roads, 129; Dust, Not Intended to Allay, The, 431; Dust Problem, The, 129; Edinburgh Run, The, 378; Epsom, Trapping at, 18; Evidence, Unsatisfactory, 476; " Faed’s ” Festivities (Mr. A. J. Wilson’s Jubilee), 47, 96; Farman’s Movements, 472; F.LA.T. Users, Of Interest to, 47; Flexibility Competition, 71; Four-Inch Race, The, 377. Franco-British Exhibition, The, 69; Garage Facilities at, 509. Frankfort to India by Auto, 296b, 301; French Automobile Paper, New, A, 436; French Driver’s Suicide, 130; Garage Owners, Warning to, 326; Gear Wheel Teeth, 46; Gendarme, Educating the, 561. Grand Prix, The, 19, 69. 102b, 129; Entries for, 47; Meins Concerning, 186; Opel cars for, 153; Winner at Brooklands, 723. Graetz, Lieut., Reaches Rhodesia. 159; Grantham. Summons Dismissed at, 153; Guildford. Dismissed at, 50; Grimsby, Meet at, 722a; Hastings Gymkhana, 693; Herts. County Automobile Club. 567; Highways Protection League, The, 16; Humber Cab, The, 20; Humber’s Works, New, 154; Hutton Record, New Figures in. 637; Idea, Good. A, 352: India, Motor Tour Through, 243; Insurance, Motorcar. 97; Irish Automobile Club, The, 125; Irish Motorists and License Duty, 243; Jarrett’s Russian Experiences, 570; Jefferson's South African Drive, 20; Jerusalem, First Car Driven to. 243; Kalmuck’s and Automobiles, 181; Legislation, 154; Leyton Wants Speed Limit. 386; Liability Bill, German, New, 602; Light Car Competition, 800 Miles, 130; Lincoln Gymkhana, 66Ga; London Balloon Company, The, 379; Lubricating Systems, Lectures on, 384: Manchester A.C.’s Gymkhana, 634; Mercedes Patent. Litigation. 408; Midland A.C.’s Ladies’ Night, 14; Moseley’s Inner Tube. 13; Motorcabs, 131; Motor Club. The, 602; Motorist v. Motorist, 7; Motorists, Foreign, in Germany, Relief for, 380; Motors for Medical Men (Handbook), 754; Motor Taxation, 125: Motor Touring, 296a; Motor Union. The, 13. 125. 752. 753; Naz-aro’s Bird. How Killed. 570; New York-Paris. 16. 19; Parisiana, 153; Nigeria. For Use in. 129; North Middlesex A.C.’s Weekly Meetings. 128; Ormond Records, 242; Paper (Mr. G. H. Baillie), and Discussion, Special, 352; Petersburg-Moscow Race, The, J5; P.G.R. Spirit, The New, 14; Pmiipson-Stow, Sir F. S., Death of, 435; Phoenix-Like (Messrs. W. and F. Thorn's New Offices), 155; Police Timing, 20; Pound per Car per Year for Water, A, 13U; Prince as Patentee, A, 325; Prince Henry Trophy, 351, 380; Entry List. 354. R.A.C., The: Annual Meeting, 125; Dinner. 125; Driving Certificates, 5/0; M.U. and the, 13. Result, Negative, A, 296b; Ripley Roadmakers’ Fund, lo2a; Road Reports Scheme, 18; Saltburn Programme, 359; Scotland, Touring in, 754; Scottish A.A. and Motor Union, 350; Scottish. A.C., 125; Speed Directions to Motorists, 754; Scottish Trade Association, 156; Shock Ab-. sorber, A, 50; Shows, Provincial, 153; Smash, Bad, A, 353; South Africa, Progress in, 377; Southern Motor Club, The, 601; Spark Locator, A, 20; Speed Limits, 296a, 433; Spring, Early, M.’d-Winter in, 353; System, Original, An, 325; Taunus Project, The, 50, 269, 433, 476a, 695; Taxation, 476a; Taximeter Contest, A, 69; Trade Outings, Two Important, 631; Trials, 2,000 Miles, Notes on, 630; “Truth” Pays Damages, 384; Turin Voiturette Race, 17; Vanderbilt Cup Race, The, 566; Mr. A. G. Pays, 162a; Vehicle, New, Interesting, 71; Villages, Driving Through, 296b; Weather, Patchy, 296b; Wedding, An Interesting, 635; Westminster, Duke of, Interested, 353. Wheels, Detachable: Excluded from Coupe de la Presse, 377; New, 72. World, Round the, in an Autocar? 476; Zabel Resumes Trip, 301
  • Newton, Mr. F., Beats Five World's Records, 100 New York-Paris Race, The, 7, 38, 89. 161, 303, 746; Captain Hanson on, 87; Failure, Why a, 726, 727; Farce, Fantastic, A, 158.. 184, 402; Germany, Another Score for 751; “Matin’s” Project for a, 19; Start, 98, 99; Winner, 751
  • New Zealand Reliability Trials—(See “ Trials ”) Non-Corrosive Terminal, A, 601
  • Non-Skids, 165; Continental, 753; Goodrich. 756; Kempshall, 208; New, A, 172; Palladium Cover, 159; Roberts, 243; Samson, 745
  • North Middlesex Hill-Climbs—(See “ Hill-Climbs ”)
  • North Middlesex M.C. v. Southern M.C., 567
  • N.S.U. 12h.p., Four-Cylinder Car, 636, 637
  • Nottingham A.C.’s Challenge, 438
  • Nottingham, The R.A.C. at, 410
  • Oilcan, Shaw’s Continuous, 456
  • Oils, Price’s, 665
  • Oldfield and Schofield Spring Wheel, The, 555
  • Oldfield’s Lamp Mirror, 458
  • Oldfield’s Motorcar Lamps, 241, 475
  • Olympia. Ventilation of, 54 121.64 Miles per Hour, 565
  • Opinion.—Adage, An Old, New Application of, 37; Agriculturist and the Motorcar, The, 375; Alcohol as Fuel, 744; Amateur Question, The, 499; Amulree Hill, The Much-Criticised, 632; Analagous, Strangely, 401; Automobile Sport, New Branch of A, 149; Ball-Bearing Engines, 289; Barred, Provincial Exhibitions, 464; Boards on the Borders, 346. Brooklands: Handicaps at, 429; Noise Nuisance Case, 465. Business Policy, A Poor, 121. Cars: British Manufacturers and Small, 374; Colonies and the, 94. Case, A Strange, 261. Chauffeur, The: Car and the, 373; Difficulty, The, 234; Dishonest, The, 554; Irresponsible, Again, 554. Circular Nuisance, The, 289; Comfort on the Car, 465; Commercial Progress, 233; Development, An Important, 464; Dirigible Balloon v. Aeroplane, 121; Dust Trials, R.A.C. and the, 688; Easter, "Coat and Muffler,” A, 318; Efficiency, Extraordinary, of Modern Motorcar, 598; Elections, Parliamentary, Motorcars at, 149, 205, 317; Exhaust Problems, 204; Explanation, A Charitable, 598; Exports and Imports, Motor, 121; Farce, Fantastic. A, 402; February, Bad Weather—Good Business, 177; Fiat-Napier Match. Timing in , the, 1632; Four-Inch Race, Best Period for, 38; France and Detachable Wheels—Ignorance or Prejudice ? 347; French Difficulty, The, 718; French Law, -The New, 205; Front, Motors to the, Again, 744; Gearing, 37. Grand Prix, The, 657; Criticisms, 744; Future of the, 688; Germany Wins—France Loses, 688; Suggestion Concerning. A, 688; Wheels in, 10. Hill-Climbs, The Winning of, 289; Horn Sounding, 598; H.P. on Weight Taxation Basis, 65, 66; International Touring Car Trial, The, 65; License Endorsement. 554; Justices and, 499; Light Car, The, 555; Boycotting. 37; Matches and Results., _ The, 528; Mechanical Problem, An Interesting, 178; Mentor and Critic, Our, 401; Motorcars and Elections, 205; Motor Movement, Proof of Progress of, 177; Nazzaro’s Record, 554.. New York-Paris: American Bluff, 150; Can it be Done? 38. Nottingham, Business and Pleasure at, 317; Opinion, Equalised. 9; Patents Act, and Motor Trade, The, 94: Persecution. Petty, 555; Petition, Sign the, 149. Petrol: Testing, 429, 432; Price and Supply of, 657. Police: Methods, Exposed, Their, 401: Trap. Long-Distance, The, 346. Prejudice with a Capital P, 373; Press, Medium of the, Through. 346; Prosecution. Intended, Warning of, 555; Queensberry Rules, Under, 204. Question: One. The, of.the Day, 317; Promise, and A, 598. R.A.C.: Dinner, An / Innovation, 178: 2,000 Miles Trial. Marvellous Results, 632. Re-Registration Negligence, 38; Road Hogs, To Check. 500. Roads: Damage to. Concerning. 261; Danger. Real, 347; Future of the. 261: Motors and the. 499. Specialisation Success. 204; Sneed, Mechanical Regulation of, 528: Sport, Motor. New Era in.. A, 429; Soring, Promise of, The. 10; Steering Gear, Safety of, 528: Sympathy. 233: Tactics, Bad. 9. Taxation: Additional. 122: Basis of. 65 66; Fresh. No Present. 401; Future, 65. 66; Policy of Silence Concerning. 177: Prospects of . and Deputation to Chancellor, 93. Time, Anxious, An. 464; Trade Ethics. 204: Traffic Dangers. Police Neglect of. 528; T^amcar Risks. Folly of Taking. 373. Trials: Challenge, and the, 93; Classification, Re-arrangement Necessary, 122; Critics, and the, 657; Discussion Concerning, 233; Regulations, Revised, 177, Route The 464-lime, Marking, in the, 93; 2,000 Mile’s-Entries’ -62. VVithdrawn!—(Rolls-Royce XI 000 Chai’ lenge), 149; World, Around the, Without an n j-kugiuhtnan, IJ; Yellow Car Mystery, 373 Optical Illusion, An, 650
  • Orleans Car, 24h.p., 738 Ormond-Daytona Meet, The, 219
  • O.S. Speedometer, The, 727; Testing Facilities for lb.
  • Other People’s Views.— Accumulator Exploding, 166; Accumulators v. Dry Eateries. 305; Aerial Navigation, 193; Aeroplane, Future of the, 25, 110; Africa, Central Motoring in, 643; Air Admission to Cylinders, Advantages of, 544; Air-Cooled Motor, The, 109. Airship: Zeppelin, 666a; Trial Trip Record, 666a; Air Tubes Chafing of, 759; Damaged, 704; Alpine Touring’ 334; Arms, Call to, A, 333; Back Axle Trouble, 24; Backfire, Killed by a, 222;’Backfires, A Risky Experiment, 361; Batteries, Dry Mileage of, 80; Belt Drive, The, 361, 417; Cars, Small, For, 306; Body, Side-Entrance, Criticisms of, 81; Bottles, Empty, Throwing from Car, 703; Brake and Gear Manipulation, 24; Brakes, Front, Dangerous, 278; Brakes on, Driving with, 672; Brockley Hill, 417, 515. Brooklands: Colours at, 418; Distinguish Cars at, To, 361; Incident, The, 417. Buggyabout, The American, 417; Buzzer, Electric, v. Bulb Horn, 110; Carburation Difficulty, 108. Carburetters: Mechanical, Drawbacks to, 611; Water in, 445, 644. Car Cleaning, Dry Process, 642, 704; Car Lighting, 81, i94, 278; Best Method of 26; Car, Out.of-Date, Improving, 108, 167; Car, Steam, Condenser for, 249. Cars, Small: Extras and Necessities for, 194; Race For, 53. Chains, Do Not Sit on the, 389; Change-Speed Gear System, The, 80. Chauffeur: Car and the, 445; Responsibilities of the, 24, 110. Chingford Mount Gradient, 731; Circularising Nuisance, The, 166, 306. Clutches: Multiple Disc, 516; Plate, Lubrication of, 361. Coil, Ignition, Voltage for, 446; Colonial Requirements, 390; Commissions, Se. cret and Motor Trade, 362; Compression Leakages, 108, 165; Contact Maker Defect, A, 222; Costs, Running, 166; Cut-Out, Abuse of the, 25. Cylinders: Crack in, Sealing, 222; Jacket, How to Clean, 193; De Dion Out-of-Date Car, Improving, 52; Design, Modern, Trend of, 544; Development, New Line of, 390. Differential: Damage to, 24; Effect, Curious, A, 25; Gear, Breaking 81; Doors, Hinged Forwards, 165; Dry Cells, Experiences with, 137, 165; Criticisms of, 731. Engine Matters: Difficulty Solved, A, 445; Hot v. Cold, 249; Knock in, 543, 612; Long Stroke, A, 26; Novel Eight-Cylinder, 194; Tired, A, 704. Epicyclic Gearing, 611, 642, 703, 732, 759; Exhaust Pipe, Auxiliary, 52; Fire Damage, 516; Flushing-Rotterdam Route, The, 644; Foot Brake, Correct Position for, 53; France and Wired Wheels, 389; French . Spring Wheel Trials—(See "Trials”); Front Wheel Braking, 305; Gate Change Speed-Gear System, 82; Gearbox Lubrication, 544; Gear-Changing Troubles, 731, 732. Gearing: Epicyclic, 611, 642, 703, 732, 759; Noisy, 543, 612. Gloves, Driving, Leather, 52. Glycerine: Non-Freezer As, 25; Radiator, In, 165. Grand Prix: Makers, English, and the, 760; Napiers and, 277; Suggested, A, for Four-Inch, 760; Wheels, Detachable, and, 54. Graphite in Crankcase, 26; Gratitude, Eternal, 732; Grease in Radiators, 390; Handicapping, 575; Headlight Reflections, 576, 672; Ignition Problems, 704, 731. 732, 759; Illusion, Optical, An, 650, 731; India, Modern Requirements in, 389, 445; Inflators, Mechanical, 80; Initial Explosion, The, 671; Insurance, Motorcar, Doubtful Point in, 80; Jet, Altering the, 194; Knyff, Rene de, Chevalier, Chat with A., 668; Level Crossing Abuses, 417; Long Stroke Engine, 26. Lubricating Devices 516; Differential, 612; Gearbox, 612; Undue Complication in, 418; Lubrication Points, 667; Machine Gun, Motor, in War, 52; Makers, British, and Small Cars, 53; Mile Record,’ -The, 222; Misfiring, Cause—Remedy, 108. 250; Mixtures, Explosive, Properties of, 80; Mont Cenis and Simplon Passes, Tour Proposed, 278; Motor Club Address, The, 110; Motor Picnic, The, 612, 703; Mysterious Aeroplane, 61; Naval Artificers as Motor Mechanics, 516; Night, Do Cars Run Better at, 109. Non-Skids: One Sufficient. Is, 165; Single, Driving with, 306. 361. Oil, Lubricating, Notes on, 667; Tins Sealing, 611; Olympia, 1908. 26; Paraffin Burner, Noisy, 250. Petrol: 81; Efficiency of, Theoretical. 642; Heavier, 82; Price of, 278; Tank, Pressure Loss, in the, 136, 192; Tax on, Suggested. 277; Tins, Sealing, 644; Water in, 575. Piston Rings. Shape of, 389, 515; Plate Clutch, 388; Police Timing. 136: Tyre Question and the, 445; Power Increase, 53; Pre.Ignition from Induced Spark, 53: Producer Gas for Cars, 137; Propeller Details, 82; Proposal and Refusal, A. 576; Question of the Day, The One, 333; Race for Small Cars Wanted, 24; Racing and Tyre Bursting, 109. Royal Automobile Club: Formula, The, 544: Criticised, 515; Handicapping and. 543; M.U. and the, 82; Rating, 644. Radiators: Clean, How to, 193; Leakv, Repairing, 445. 543. Rails, Rather off the, 389; Rear Light Difficulty. Overcoming the, 52. Rims: Adjustable, and Wear of Tvres, 53; Detachable. Weight in, 165. 221, 249, 278, 417. 516. 575, 576, 642. 671. Roads: Bad. 704; Centre Driving on, 334; Incident on, 515: Rule of, 108: for Pedestrians. 24; Satisfaction. 81. Security Bolts: Discarding. 24. 54. 80. 136, 249; Faulty. 166; Insert, To. 194. Self.Ignition, 26: Semi-Flash Boilers. Deposit in. 516: Severn. Crossing Below Gloucester. 642. 703. Scale: Circulation, in, Removing. 249; by H.C.L.. 199. 277. " S..” Fawcett. Mr; Replies to 333: Simplon Pass, Crossing The. 305; Snake. Motor Proof. A, 543; Soft Soan as Grease. 194; Soudan. Cars in the. 136; Speed Indicators. 390. Starting Up: Difficulty of. 24, 110: Auto-Trembler Cures. 759: Facilitating. 249; Switch, on, 760; Tips for, 194, 221; Steering, Emergency Repairs to 445; Stroke and R.A.C. Formula, The, 445 Taxation, 13b, 221, 333; Tonneau, Criticism of ’138; Touring Hint, A, 671; Tram Routes (Kent), Avoiding, 388; Trembler Contacts, 516. Trials: Observers in, 221; Resilient, 362; Scottish, 731; 2,000 Miles, 305, 704. V Engines, Lubrication of, 80; Verbiage, Useless, 221; Vibration, Road, Reducing, 108. Vulcanising: 611, 672, 703; Cuts, 644; Permanency of Repairs Question, 644. Water Circulation: Early-Type Engines, in, 108; Greasy, 389. Wheels: Driving, Reversing, 52; Wood v. Wire, 221; Weight of, 166. Windscreens, 642, 643, 704; Wipe Contact v. Trembler, 193; Yard, Two Shillings a, 388
  • Pail, Canvas, Gibus, The, 571
  • Palladium Non-Skid Cover, The, 159
  • Palmer Tyre, The, 502
  • Parcels Rack, 455
  • Paris, News From.— Aeronautical Notes, 746; Aeroplane Record (Delagrange), 294; Ardennes Race. The, 411, 437, 723; Auvergne, Pay De Dome Course, 640, 723; Aviation, 293; Balloon, “ Republique,” Military Dirigible, 605; Replaces,. “ La Patrie,” 640. Clubs: Delegates Dieppe Meeting, 694; Education Work of, The, 383. Coupe de la Presse, 293, 411, 468, 530a; Detachable Wheel, France and the, 355; French Financial Situation, The, 295; Guippone Wins Targa-Florio Voiturette Race, 437. Grand Prix: 411, 437, 694; Cars Practising for, 640; Course for. 566; Speed on, 639; Training on, 566; Dieppe and, The, 746; Doings Relative to, 605; Draw for, 53a: Entries, lb.; Items Concerning the, 382; Next Race (1909), France and, 746; Race, 411; Future of, 694 Voiturette Race, 530a; Law, The New, 212, 239, 293; "Les Sports” and “The MCTOR,” 746; Motor Sleigh, A, 212; New York-Paris Farce, The, 239, 746; Ostend Meeting, The, 723; Panhard, Rene, Mons., Death of, 724; Paris-Moscow, 468, 530a; Petersburg-Moscow, The, 437, 530a: Prince Henry Trophy, The, 411; Racing Preparations, Latest, 355; Regulations and Results, 382; Show, Paris, The, Derisions, 639; Spring Wheel Contest, The, 326; Szisz Trains, 468; Tampier. Charles. Mons., Death cf, 566; Tyre, Tnflator, A New, 746; Voiturettes, The, 355, 723
  • Paris Show—(See " Shows ”)
  • Parliament, Motorists in, 352
  • Patent Act, Lloyd-George, New, 103, 104; America and, 524; Germany and, 525
  • Perfect Tyre, Moseley’s, 666
  • Petrol.—Gauge, Bluemel’s, 458; Meter for, Chauvin and Arnoux, 268; Pourer for, Automatic, ” G,” •154: Testing, 429, 432
  • Peugeot-Huber Two-Stroke Engine, 283
  • P.G.R. Spirit, The New, 14
  • Piccolo Car, 6-8h.p., The, 730
  • Picnic, Motor, The, 482, 483, 484, 485, 532; Hints and Tips for, 482
  • Pilgrim Car, The, 32h.p., 738
  • Platinum.—Points, Tool for Trimming Tool for, 241; Switch, Saving a, 442
  • Plug, Magneto, Bosch, 601
  • Police Cycle Patrols, 380
  • Police Timing, 20 . 334
  • Police Traps—Arundel, 296. 409; Ashington Common. 296; Basingstoke, 691; Beaconsfield, 691; Blackheath, 760; Bromley, 242; Colchester. 561; Darlington, 530; Exeter Road. 305. 378; Grantham 153, 376, 694; Horsham-Worthing Road, 334; Kingston-on-Thames, 242; Maidstone-Mall-ing Road, 217; Milverton, 751; Newport, Essex, 435: Old Shoreham. 570; Reading, 401, 530; St. Albans, 695; St. Helens, Warrington Road, 472; Scotland, Caution! to Visitors to, 502; Southampton. 431; Southport, 431; Tilney All Saints, Norfolk. 691; Worthing. 376
  • Polkey Electric Headlight. 459
  • Power-Computing Rule, Golding’s, 492
  • Prested Coil Trembler. 208
  • Price. Progress and, 641 Price’s Oils, 665
  • Prince Henry Tour, The. 276. 568. 600; Edge’s Protest. 701: Foreigners Non-Quality for, 635; Winner. 692; Protest Against, lb.
  • Protos Car. The. 751
  • Pump. Tyre, G. and A., 442, 571
  • Racing: Tyres and. 1
  • R.A.C., The: 9, 15. 82. 101, 102b, 125, 296a, 436, 515, 543, 544, 560, 644. 722a; And M.U., 9, 82, 101, 125; Deputation of, To Chancellor of Exchequer, 101. Associates. 377, 431; First Meeting of, 102b. Certificates, 414. Chairman, New, The, 476a. Commission. Royal, on Motor Traffic, and the. 266. Committee. General, 162b. 268. Dinner, 178, 182. Formula, The. 544: Handicapping and, 543; Rating and. 427, 493. Meeting, 695. Nottingham, at. 410. Trials—(See “ Trials ”). Trade, The, and, 15
  • Rapid Car. 70h.p.. 209
  • Records, Class (90h.p.), Established by 14h.p. Car at Brooklands, 70
  • Regulation Statistics, 102b
  • Renault Car, 209
  • Reo Car. 208; Rear Springing of, 300
  • “ Republique ” Balloon: French Military Dirigible, 640
  • Rex Valve Lifter, 458, 510
  • Rims, Detachable: 81, 165; British Divisible. 208. 215; Doolittle. 216: Dunlop, 476b; Elastes, 476b; E.R., 215, 216; Goodrich, 476b; Michelin, 476, 621; Vinet, 477
  • Rim, Weight in the, 165, 221, 249, 278, 399, 417, 434, 516, 570b, 576, 606, 642, 671, 698
  • Road, Cars on the: 90, 118, 145, 172, 218, 229, 256, 285, 312, 341, 370, 511, 550, 608, 651, 713
  • Road Congress, International, First, The, 409
  • Road, Motor, Scheme: L.C.C. and, 162a
  • Road Racing: Game Worth Candle? 707, 708
  • Roads Improvement: Association for, 412; Report of (1907), 381; Tests by, 666. Question of, The, 253
  • Road Union, The, 744
  • Roberts’, Gaiter, Emergency, 458; Non-Skid, 243
  • Rotax Speedometer, The, 200, 390, 416
  • Rover, 20h.p. Car: Skirting London on a, 341
  • Rule for Power Computing (Golding’s), 492
  • Rumpier-Volkers Airship Motor, The, 436
  • Running Costs in 1908, 462
  • Ruthardt H.-T. Efficiency Magneto, 497
  • Salsbury Lamp, Improved Lens-Mirror Lighting, 571, 601
  • Saltburn Sands, Racing on, 634
  • Samson Non-Skid, 747
  • Savannah: Racing at, 225
  • S.C.A.T. Car, The, 753
  • Scotland: Caution to Visitors to, 602; Motor Tour in, A, 450, 495; Touring in, 754; Warnings Concerning, 754
  • Scottish and Irish Shows—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Scottish Motor Trade Association, The, 15
  • Screen Wrinkle, A, 580
  • Sealomatic Inner Tube, The, 535
  • Secret Commissions. 386
  • Security Bolt: A New, 604
  • Seismometric System, The, 377
  • Share List, “ The Motor (See “ Finance and Business ”)
  • Shaw’s Gaiter, Emergency,. 456; Oilcan, Continuous, 456; Non-skid, Detachable, 456
  • Shelsley Wash Hill-Climb—(See “Hill-Climbs”)
  • Shock Absorber, Glissoire, 742
  • Show: Is an Open Air Summer Carnival-Show Feasible? 500
  • Shows.—Autumn, 423; Commercial Vehicle and Motor Boat, 246; Cordingley’s, 208, 209, 210, 211; Dublin, 153; Edinburgh 153; Irish, 582; Manchester, 41, 42, 43, 44, 15o; A.A. at, 69; Olympia, 26, 240, 423; Paris, Decisions, 639; Scottish, 582
  • Shrapnel Splashguard, The, 571
  • Siddeley Car, 47; 14h.p. Four-cylinder, 90-92
  • Side-slip Puzzle, The, 106, 138
  • Silencer Choked, 644
  • Silencers: Novel Construction of, 571
  • Simms Magneto, The, 729
  • Simplex Speedometer, The, 638
  • Small Car Touring, 488
  • Smith's Clock, Dashboard, 510; Speedometer, 561
  • S.M.M. and T., 8, 73, 102a, 135, 150, 154, 378, 409, 423, 711, 720
  • Solarite Lamp Adapter, 131
  • Soldering Iron Useful, 458
  • Some New Things, 131
  • South African Picnic, A, 31
  • Southend and District M.C.’s Gymkhana—(See “ Gymkhanas ”)
  • Spare Cover: Case Fitting Inside, 453
  • Spark Locator, A, 20
  • Speedometers: Bullard, 200, 458; Cheap, New, 716; Cowey Monster, 242; Jones, 384; O.S., 727; Recording, 200; Rotax, The, 200, 390, 416; Salisbury, 716, 717; Simplex, 638; Smith, 561; Stewart, 604; Summers, 208
  • Speedometers, Chain Cable for, 458
  • Spider Tyre Lever, The, 510
  • Splashguard, Shrapnel, 571
  • Spring Wheel, zx New. 555
  • Standardisation: Cadillac, R.A.C. Test, 74
  • Star Car, 12h.p., 285
  • Star Weather Screen, The, 442
  • Steed, Jobmaster’s Farewell to his, 202
  • Stella Car, 209
  • Stepney Spare Wheel, 424; Cover for, 132
  • Stewart Speedometer, The, 604
  • Sthenos Carburetter, The, 185
  • Struggle, The, 579
  • Summer’s Speedometer, 208
  • Summonses: Dismissed (Grantham), 153; Two for One Offence, 753
  • Surrey, Heart of, In the, 312
  • Sutton Bank Hill-Climb—(See “ Hill-Climbs )
  • Swift Car, 666; 10-12h.p. Two-cylinder, 173
  • Switch, Platinum Saving, Fuller, 442
  • Tail Light Indicator, Pneumatic, A New, 159
  • Targa Florio, The, 239, 468
  • Tarred Roads: Where Prevalent, 576
  • Tar Spraying on Kentish Roads, Incidents of, 576
  • Taunus Course? The, 187
  • Taxation: 65, 66, 158, 177, 192, 221, 306. 333, 361, 401, 476a. Additional R.A.C. and, 154. Anomaly, An, 241. Basis of, New, 181. M.U. Petition, The, 201. Question of, The, 141. Tyres, of, 200. Views on, 178 205
  • Terminals: Brake Cable, New, 50; Non-Corrosive, A, 601
  • Thomycroft Car. 18h.p., Four-cylinder, 4
  • Three-wheeled Cans, 201
  • Timing, Automatic, 51
  • Toilet Outfits, 455
  • Touring: Car, Small, on a, 488. Continental, Made Easy, 480; 14s- 7d. per Day on, 666. Form of, Ideal, 486 „
  • Trade, British Motor: Its Wants, 441; French (1907), 164
  • Traffic, London: A Top Gear Drive m, 574
  • Transmission: Engine-Road Wheel Devices, 29, 30, 31 Trappists, New Order of, 393
  • Trial Rides, 603
  • Trials.— A.-C.U., 38. Bombay-Kolhapur, 102; Protest, 217. Classification of, 122. Comments on, 654. Cost of R.A.C., 85, 87. Driving in the, 710. Dust: R.A.C., 560, 633, 735, 736, 738; A.A. and the, 688; R.A.C. and the, 688. Efficiency, Extraordinary of Cars, and the, 598. Elastes, Report, 267. Fees for the, 247.. Flexibility, Cancelled, 296. French: Wheels, Spring, 427, 544, 605. Fuel Consumption, 435. Gearing in the, 200. Hill-Climbs as, 273. International Touring Car, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 65, 75, 110, 298, 327, 432; Regulations for, 45, 75, 102b. 133, 157, 432; Revised, 177; Rolls-Royce, £1,000 Challenge, Concerning the, 93, 102a, 133; Withdrawn, 149. Irish Reliability: 74, 156, 469, 471. 506, 507, 508, 666; Awards, 508, 530; Ballinaslaughter Hill, Times, 507; Day, The Last, 507; Hill-Climb, Concluding, The, 507; Non-Stop Runs, List, 507; Result, 508. Lincolnshire A.C.’s, 570. Manchester A.C.’s, 472. New Zealand Reliability, 267. Observers: 221; Duties of, Important, 148; R.A;C. for, 505; Scottish, for, 505. Results of the, 701; Misleading, 533. Resilient Tyres, for, 362. Saltburn Speed, 634, 695. Scottish Reliability: 325, 557, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 731; Advertising, 357; Amulree Hill, Gradients of, 693; Entries for, 271; Oil, 665; Results, 634; Route of, 464; Rules, 101. 2,000 Miles, The: 269, 288, 290, 465, 557, 558, 559, 560, 582, 596, 597 , 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632; Criticisms of, 704; Entries for, 288, 290; Small, 262; Germans and the, 635; Notes on the, 630; Results of the, 701; Route of the, 464; Time Marking, 93
  • Trials, Unreliability of, 732
  • Tubes, Inner, Bervin, 728; Moseley’s, 13
  • Two-stroke Motor, Peugeot-Humber, 283
  • Tyre Inflatois: “ G. and F.,” 571; Grovelle-Arquembourg, 442
  • Tyre Lever, “ Spider,” 510
  • Tyre Manipulation, Devices for, New, 215
  • Tyre, Two Tubes in a, 728
  • Tyres.—Adjustable Rims, with, Wear of, 53; Air Pressure in, 137; Armoured, Question of, The, 718; Bursting, and Racing, 109; Changing on Road, Aids to, 476b; Continental, The, 753; Durability Contest, 109, 194; Effect of a Number of Things on, 126; Goodrich, 756; Kempshall, 131; Moseley’s Perfect, 666; Palmer, 502; Prices of, 137, 383; Question of, A, 139; Standardisation, 93 ; Racing and, 1, 82; Re-Tread, When to, 116
  • Unic Car, 16-20h.p., 550
  • Universal Spring and Shock Absorber, The, 498
  • Use, Illicit, of Motorcars by Chauffeurs, 699, 700
  • Valve Lifter, Rex, The, 458, 510
  • Valve System: Is a Better Possible? 724
  • Vauxhall Car, 651, 749
  • Verbiage, Useless, 144
  • Verses, Fred Gillett’s, 18, 138, 201, 202, 234, 269, 276, 287, 304, 331, 334, 394, 426, 467, 490, 521, 542, 619, 723
  • Verses, L. F. Williams’, 36
  • Vinet Detachable Rim, 477; Tool for, Ib.
  • Vivinus Car, 208
  • Voiturette Grand Prix, The, 530a, 617, 664, 686, 687, 698a, 711
  • “ Voiturette, La,” French Automobile Journal, New, 242
  • Voiturette Race, Marseilles, 241
  • Vulcanised Repairs, To Effect, 269
  • Vulcaniser, H. F. Baby, 510; Outfit, 269
  • Wagon, Motor, Difficulty of Passing a, 526
  • Wakefield and Jansen’s Eight-Cylinder Engine,'78, 79
  • W. and P. Carburetter, The, 661
  • War Automobile makes Record Run, 244
  • Waterproof Basin,. Canvas, Collapsible, 453
  • Watling Street, Signposts for, 296a
  • Weather Screen, Star, New, 442
  • Weigel Engines, 217
  • Weight in the Rim—(See “Rim, Weight in the”)
  • Welding, Fusion, 637
  • Welsh A.C., The, 132
  • West German Tour, The, 6
  • Wheels.—Cook Resilient, 104. Detachable, New, A, 72. Carrying Spare, 728. French Spring, 544, 605. Humbei Detachable, 665. Linton, 427. Oldfield and Schofield, 555. Stepney, 132, 424. Wire v. Wood. 250. Wood, 166. Weight of, 136.
  • Wheels, Detachable, France and, 694
  • Wheel, Wire, Construction of a, 739, 740, 741, 742
  • Whistle, M.A.C. Exhaust, The, 747
  • Willocq-Bottin Folding Extra Seat, The, 116
  • Windscreens: 138, 165, 703; Auster’s Adaptable, 457; Canham, 642; Star, 442; Summers, 131
  • Wrinkle, Concerning, A, 580.
  • Wolverhampton A.C.’s Hill-Climb—(See “ Hill-Climbs ”)
  • World, Across the, In Future, 365
  • Wright Aeroplane, 405; Flight of, Ib.
  • Wrights and Publicity, The, 570a
  • Zeppelin Airship, The, 635; Trial Trip Record, 666a
  • Zeppelin, Ferdinand, Count, 696; His Finances, 750; Hl Luck, Latest, 727


  • A.A., The, Dinner, 213; Bosworth, Col., in the Chair at, 213; Jarrot, Mr. Chas., 213; Gibbons, Mr. Walter, 213; “ Stenson ” Strenuous, 213
  • Abercrombie, Sir George, Bart., 660
  • Abyssinia, Motoring in, 156
  • A.C.A, The, 395; Assembly Room, General, 397; Billiard Room, 397; Chauffeurs’ Room, 414; Dining Room, 398; Directors’ Meeting Room, 398; Elevator, Electric, Car on, 396; Exterior of Building. 395; Garage Floor, 395; Ladies’ Room, 396; Map Store, 396; Members’ Lockers, 396; Staircase, The, 395
  • Accessories and Trouble Savers.—F.H.S. Carburetter Flooder, 456; Goggles, 456; “ Earitic,” 457; Gratze Gradiometer, 457; Oiling Indicator, 456; Horn, “Boa Constrictor,” Pneumaltic, 456; “ Liftogrip ” Jack and Vice, 457; Oldfield’s Lamp-Mirror, 458; “Perfect” Handle Hammer, The, 457; Rex Valve Lifter, The, 458; Roberts’ Emergency Gaiter, 458; Shaw Emergency Gaiter, 456; Non-Skid Detachable, 456; Oilcan, Continuous Stream, 456; Soldering Iron, Novel, 458; Speedometer Cable, Flexible, 458; Windscreen, Auster’s Adaptable, 457
  • Accident Statistics of Department de la Sarthe (Reduced Facsimile), 133
  • Acetylene Burner, Morlite, The, 412
  • Adams Car. lOh.p., 732; 30h.p., Four-Cylinder, 312; Controlled Throttle Ignition inter-connection, 312; Engine Exhaust and Gas Pipes, 312a; Ignition Wire Casing, 312a; Lubrication System Diagram, 312
  • Adler Car, 8-9h.p., 630; 30h.p., Ib.; 9h.p., Two-Cylinder, 370; Change-Speed Lever, 370; Coil, 371; Contact Maker, 371; Cross Shaft, 371: Dashboard Oiler, 371; Driving Magneto, 371; Engine, 371; Grease on Dashboard, 372; Pedal Brake, 371 Aerocab, The, 22 Aeroplane, The, 82
  • Aeroplanes.—Delagrange, 212, 504, 731; Farman’s Passenger-Carrying, 502; Archdeacon, Mr., on, 502; Engine for (Renault 50h.p., Eight-Cylinder, Air-Cooled), 3; Experimental Flight of the, 187; Full Flight, In, 238
  • Africa, Central, Nyassaland, Motoring in, 643
  • Air, In the, 45
  • Airships.—British Military, Dirigible No. 2, 742; First Glimpse at, Ib.; French Military, “ Re-publique,” 640; German, Zeppelin, 635; Lake Constance, Over, 666a
  • Airyhated, “ Airy-a-Ricks.” The, 142
  • Albert Brown Trophy: All British Competitors, 473
  • Allday Car, 750; Mr. Allday, Ib.
  • Aldershot Manoeuvres.—H.M. The King Driving from Laffan’s Plain, 487; Royal Review at, H.M. the Queen Leaving Women’s Hospital, 517
  • All-Motor Fire Station, Tooting, 124; Petrol Escape at, 130
  • All Smiles—Messrs. Edge, Hutton, and Rodakow-ski, 582
  • Alpine Climbing in a Small Car, 488; Car, The, 488; 8,720ft. Above Sea, 489; Dent du Midi, View from Bex, 490; Juras, Hairpin Climb in the, 489; June Snowdrift, In a, 489
  • Ambulance,Shock Absorber for an, 50 American Racer, 308
  • Amersham Town Hall, 218a
  • Argentine Republic: Trying Course in, 445
  • Argyll Car, 300; 40h.p., 320, 387
  • Ariel Car. 30-40h.p., 299, 608, 609, 610. 630; 40-50h.p., 594.. 595, 626 Cut-Outs for Snark Plugs 608; Cylinders, 608; Exhaust Pipes Fixing. 608; Levers on Wheel, 608; Mudguards, Detachable, 609; Propeller Shaft Casing with Universal Joint and Spring, 608; Springs, Elliptic, with Shackle-Pin Lubricators, 609; Starting Handle Arrangement. 609; Valves, Inlet, 608
  • Armstrong-Whitworth Car, 40h.p., 630 Arrol-Johnston Car, 409; 27h.p., 536 Ascot: Cars Lined up under Trees at, 613; Roads, Flooded at, 371
  • Ashbridge Park: Lodge, Picturesque ' at, 550; Scenes. Typical, 551
  • Asquith, Mr., in H.M. the King’s Motorcar at Biarritz. 290
  • Austin Car, 535. 660. 677; lOOh.p., 409
  • Australian Premier, The (Mr. Thomas Price), 530
  • Automobile Association—(See “ A.A.”)
  • Automobile Buggy, American, Engine and Transmission, 51
  • Aylesbury, Road to, Flooded, 380
  • Badge, R.A.C. Associates, The. 431
  • Bagoipe Syren, The, 69
  • Bailleau Car, 637
  • Baillie. Mr. G. H., 127
  • Ballinaslaughter Hill, 506
  • Balloon, Spencer Dirigible, 377
  • Bauche Tyre Inflator, The, 746
  • Bayard-Clement Racer, 362
  • Beeston Humber Car, 590. 626
  • Belgica Chassis. Four-Cylinder. 210
  • Belsize Car. 583, 674; 14-16h.p., Four-Cylinder, 63;
  • Brake. Brake Drum and Shoe Expander, 64; Car Complete, 64; Crankcase, 63; Engine, 63; Gearbox. 64; Lubrication Pump. 64; Magneto and Drive, 63; Oil Inlet and Regulator, 64; Steering Segment, 64; Sump, 64
  • Bend. Copner Pipe in, To Make a. 620
  • Benz Car. 583. 680; Grand Prix Racer, 236
  • Berliet Car, 239. 307, 388; 35h.p.. 406
  • Bhor Ghat. Siddeley Cars on, 389
  • Big-Powered Car. Early Morning Run on a, 386
  • Bishop of London, The. 296b
  • Bishop of Southwell. The. 83; His Motorcar, Ib.
  • Bishop’s Dilemma, The, 14
  • Black Park. Iver, Woods at. 342
  • Blois. Chateau de. Grand Staircase, The, 520 Bombay to Poona,' 353, 389
  • Bonnet, Motoring, for Ladies, A Suggested, 692
  • Boralli, Signor, 214
  • Bosch.—Magneto Plug, The, 601; Magneto System, 175; Battery Coil of Dual System, 175; Connections Diagram, 175; Contact Breaker, Duplicate, Cover of, 175; Dashboard Tester, 176; Plug Switches for, lb.; Electro-Magneto Plug, 176; L.-T. Igniter, 175
  • Bosworth, Colonel, 213
  • Box Hill, the Zigzac, 145
  • Brake Cable Terminal, New, 50 Brasier Car, 639, 683
  • Brentwood, Motor-Tram Collision at, 695
  • Briarcliffe Race, America, Finish of, 413; Mishap, A, 412; Pines Bridge, On, 378; Route of the,. 378; Turn, Sharp, on Course for the, 413
  • Brighton: Road to, Rivals on the, 356; Rover Cars at “ Old Ship ” Inn, 264; Vanderbilt’s Drive to,
  • British Divisible Rim, The, 215
  • Brooke Car, 21h.p., 738
  • Brooklands.—Abercrombie, Sir Geo., on 58.1 Fiat, at, 660; Beauties, Some of, 532; Bruce, the Hon. Lyndhurst, at, 152; Cadillac Test at, 186, 187; “ Car Stop,” The, at Tunnel, 357; Crowd, 531; Draper on Napier, 534; Dust Trials, 735, 736, 737; Cars Assembled for, 736; Disc Wheel Comes off, 738; Incident, Exciting, 738; Judges, The, 736; Minimising Devices at, 737; Edge, Mr. S. F., 34, 361; Electric Timing Apparatus at, New Seconds Pendulum, 105; Synchronised Clock, 105; Timekeeper’s Table and Chronograph, 105; Engines Running on Cars in Paddock, 446; Jarrot, Mr. C., on De Dietrich, 48; Fully Speed at, 49; Rodakowski Instructs, 48; Kidner’s Speed-Average Indicator, 627; Knyff, M. Rene, at, 627; Martin, Mr. Percy, at, 627; Matches: 40h.p. Winner (Draper), 534; 90h.p. Winner (Nazzaro), 535; 26h.p. Standard Class, Winner (Nazzaro), 323, 534; Meetings: Easter, Bookmakers at, 323; Cupper, Mr. Oscar, 324, 503; Finish, Exciting. 322; Napier-Mercedes Incident, The, 350, 351; Wheels Damaged in, 323; Paddock Scene, Easter Monday, 318; Third, 1908, Exciting Moment at, 407; Whitsun.. Metallurgique Car, Antwerp Boat, On, 503; 40h.p5. Racer, 503; Cupper, Mr. O.. at Wheel of, Ib. Nazzaro on “ Mephistopheles ” (Fiat), 535; Newton, Mr., 323, 340, 361. 534; Nuisance Constituted by, Alleged, Complainant’s Residence, 407; All Comers: Finish, 407; Fords in, 408; Second Car in, 661; Brooklands Cup, Winner. 390; Autocycle,First at, 324; Household Brigade Cup, Winner (Moss), 536; Ladies (Bracelet), 660; Miss Thompson Wins. 659; Rodakowski Instructs, 661; May Cup, Finish, 408; Napier v. Fiat, 533; Nazzaro Passes Newton, Ib.; Private Owners: Abercrombie. Sir Geo., on Fiat, 267; Hubard, Mr., on Siddeley, 266; Start for. 266; Stirling, Mr., in, 307; Seventh, The. Winner (Resta), 535; Sizaire-Naudin: Start for 321; Winner (Scantlebury), Ib ; 26h.p., 323; winner (Newton), Ib.; Records: Hutton Breaks 26h.p. Standard Class, 606; Resta’s, Starting for, 295; 90m.p.h. at. 295; Stock’s De Dion, On, 703; Making 90h.p., 70; Rodakowski Measuring Cylinders, 71; Tablet of, 105; Two Thousand Miles, The, A, B, C, D, E. F. G, H, J, K, L Classes, . 630, 631; Crowd at Finish, 650; Scenes, 650; Winners. 630, 631; Way, Dangerous Right of, Closed, at, 296
  • Brooks’ Grid Trunks, 564; Tyre-Carrying Boxes, Ib.
  • Brown Car: 22h.p., 165; 25-3011.p., Four-Cylinder, 218, 557; Clutch Fork, 218; Clutch Pedal. 218a; Cone Leather Clutch,2-18a; Cylinders, Exhaust, and Water Pipes, 218a; Engine, 218a; Gas Piping, 218a; Spark Plugs, Eight, 218a
  • Buggy, American Automobile: Chassis, 338; Engine and Transmission, 51
  • Bullard Speedometer, The, 458
  • Bullock, Mr. W. (Chairman Wolverhampton Chamber of Commerce), 530
  • Burgess and Harvey, Ltd.’s, Showrooms, 572
  • Burgh Heathy Steep Pitch Near, 145
  • Burnham Beeches, 343
  • Buxton Gymkhana, 634; General View of, Ib.
  • Cabs, Humber, 10-12h.p., Four-Cylinder, 20, 381
  • Cadillac Car, 376; 10h.p., 630; New Model, 760
  • Cadillac Test, The Cars Before Start, 218b
  • Caillois, M., 418
  • Canham Windscreen, 642
  • Caravan, Motor, The' First, 523
  • Carburetters: H.P. Triple Jet, 656; Longuemare, 271; Six . Ports Choke Tube, of, 271; Sectional Illustration of, Ib.; Mechanical, Diagrammatic Sections, 527; Napier Controllable, 405; Sthenos. Elevation, 185; Section, Ib.
  • Cars.—Adams, 312; lOb.p., 732; Adler, 9h.p., Two-Cylinder. 372; 8-9h.p., 30h.p., 630; Alldays, 750; 20hp., 137; Apperson, 308; Argyll, 140. 300; 14-16h.p., Four-Cylinder (Doctor’s), 43; 40h.p., 320, 387; Ariel. 30-40h.p., 299, 608, 610, 630; 40-50h.p., 594. 595, 626; Armstrong-Whitworth, 40h.p., 630; Arrol-Johnston, 408; 27h.p., 536; Austin, 535, 660, 671, 679; 10h.p., 409; Bailleau, 637; Bayard-Clement, 362; Racer, 81; Beeston Humber' 590, 626: Belsize, 64, 583; 20h.p., 102; 14-16h.p.,’ 674; Benz 583, 680, 683; Racer, 236; Berliet, 239, 307, 388; 35.7h.p., 390; 3511.p., 406; Brasier, 639, 683: Brooke, 21h.p 738; Brown, 22h.p., 165; 25-30hp., Four-Cylinder. 218: 25-30h.p„ 557: Cadil-^c. 376; 10h.p., 630; New Model, 760; Certus, 162b; Christie, 220; Cleveland, 196: Clyde 227; Coventry Humber, 55. 125; 15h.p„ 589. 591; Daimler, 469 547 564, 626, 728; 28-36h.p., 97; 30h.p., Live Axle 256; 48h.p., 507; 20h p.. 625; 42h.p., 738; 38h.p., 749; Darracq, 97 , 634 ; 25-35h.p., 594; Snas7eo255 p^.590’ 602: De Dietrich. 40h.p., 152, 239- 468; De Dion 406. 703: New York-Paris. 28; l?l14h-P-’ Four-Cylinder. 70; 8-10h.p., 434; 6.2h.p., 630; Delarge, 664, 700; Demester, 686; Dennis, 35h.p.. 736. 738: Electric, New, 232; Fiat 122 158. 220. 300, 562, 660; 16-24h.p , 434; 90h p 533 “Firefly ’ (Napier), 505; F.N., 14-16h.p.,’ 425; Ford, 373, 408, 666; Gaggenau, 24h.p., 738; Germain, 677 ; Gladiator, 5U6, 530a; Horch, Striking Type of, 575; Hotchkiss, 546; 16-20h.p., 229 279-30-40h.p., 447; Hutton, 26h.p., 606 Isotta ’ Fra-schini, 214, 414, 475, 660, 683, 754; Junior, 24h.p. onLag°n.da JH2h.p., 240; Laurin-Klement, 277 306; Lion Peugeot, 437; Lorraine-Dietrich, 52, 49, 623; 40h.p., Six-Wheel, 646; Lucia, 214; Maj a, 208; Matheson, 412; Maudslay. 376; 25-30h.p., 584; Maxwell Racer, Twelve-Cylinder, 162bMephistopheles ” (Fiat), 90n.p., 533; Mercedes, 181, 323, 406, 408, 600, 675, 677, 685; Racer (1908), 671 ; Startling Type of, 575; 24.8h.p., 661; Metallurgique, 503, 531, 534; 26h.p., 588; Minerva, 168; 28h.p., 472; Mors, 417, 530a 683; M.P., 30h.p., 43; Napier, 193, 322, 323, 324, 533, 568, 634, 703, 712, 748; 26h.p. (“Firefly'’), 508; 40h.p. 534 ; 60h.p., Six-Cylinder, 507, 690; 90h.p., 504,’ 533 (“Samson ’’); 120h.p.» 243, 386; N.S.U., 12h p., Four-Cylinder, 636, 637; Opel, 679, 687; Racing, 153; Orleans, 24h.p„ 736, 738; Paekhard, 221; Panhard, 418, 589, 677, 683; 18-24h.p„ 586; Passe Partout, 368; Piccolo, 730; Pierce-Arrow, 180; Porthos Racer, 605; Premier, 543; Protos, 751, 752; Rapid, 311, 320; Renault, 220, 418, 438; 10-14h.p„ 209; 20-30h.p., 725: Riley, 434; 9h.p., 446; Rolls-Royce, 589, 630:’Rover, 264, 392; 8h.p., 136, 643; 20b.p., 343, 349, 643; “ Samson,’’ 90h.p. (Napier), 533; S.C.A.T., 22h.p., 42; Siddeley, 129, 353, 389, 611; 12.811.p., 736; 14h.p., Four-Cylinder, 90; 18h.p., 50; 40h.p., 71. 102‘, 192; Singer, 12-14h.p., 630; 15h.p., 713; Sizaire-Naudin, 321, 326, 434, 640, 705; S.P.A., 516; Star, 672; 12h.p., 285, 286, 289j Starling, 390; Sunbeam, 588 Swift, 508; 10-12h.p., Two-Cylinder, 173; 18h.p., 97: Talbot, 15h.p., 150, 557, 690, 722a; 20h.p., 625. 630; 25h.p., Four-Cylinder. 119; Thomas. 162a, 184, 217, 223, 250, 337, 364, 697; Thornycroft 624; 5h.p., 585; Unic, 16-2011.p.. 550 Vauxhall, 12-1611 p., 556, 630; 20h.p., 651, 691, 749: Vinot. 12-16h.p., 589; Vivinus. 210; Weigel, 678, 687; 41.9h.p., 661; Wolseley, 6h. p., 472; Zust, 28
  • Cart, Butcher’s, Bogged by a, 286
  • Cassiobury Park, Watford, Entrance to, 341 Cedrino: On Fiat, 158
  • Centuries Meet—19th and 20th, 278
  • Certus Car, Friction Drive, 16-20h.p., 163; Aluminium Casting of Disc, 164; Cross Casting, 163, 164; Corrugated Plate Joint, 163; Declutching Link, 163; Differential, 164; Extra Tension Rackets, 163; Gear Operating- Rod Extremity, 164; Leather-Edged Wheel, 164: Pedal Clutch, 163; Striking* Arm, 164; Undershield, 163, 164.
  • Chassis.—American Buggy, 338; Belgica, Four-Cylinder, 210; F.N., 208; Leader. 19h.p., Four-Cylinder. 211; Mercedes, 45h.p , Four-Cylinder, 128a; Napier, 60h.p., 296; 120h.p., 242; Starling, 8h.p., 209; Vauxhall, 20h.p., 651; Vivinus, 210
  • Chessington, Water Splash at, 547 Chestnut Point, Runnymede, 512 Children, A Bevy of Happy, 704 Chilham Village, Steep Ascent to, 230 Ohipstead Valley, 145 Christie Oar, 220
  • Churchill, Lady Edward Spencer, 125
  • Churchill, Mr. Winston. M.P., Election Speech at Manchester from Motorcar, 354
  • Cissac (the late), 698
  • Clement Car, 18-28h.p„ 511; Gate, 511; Reverse, 511;
  • Speed Lever, lb
  • Cleveland Car, 196; In American Swamp, lb Clock, Dashboard, Smith’s, 510
  • Clyde Car, 18-10h.p., Two-Cylinder. 227; Axle Sleeves,. 227; Change-Speed Rods. 227; Clutch, 227; Differential Gearcase, 27; Driving Axle, 227; Engine, Two-Cylinder (White and Poppe), 227; Gearbox, 227; Gear Wheel, 227; Internal-Expansion Brake, 227; Single Chain Drive, lb
  • Cobham, Deer Park Lodge at, 714; “Leather Bottle’r Inn at, lb
  • Coil Ignition, Lodge A and B Spark System, 463 Collision, Cyclist-Motorcar, Scene of a Bad, 564 Comfort on the Car (See also Accessories and Trouble Savers).—Auster’s Angled Footrest, 453; Basin, Canvas, Collapsible, 453; Cabinet for Tools and - Spares, 458; Case, Lady’s, for Handkerchiefs, etc., 453; Comparison, An Interesting, 491; Condensers, Ignition, 510; Dressing Case. Miniature, 452; Footrest, Tool Box and Petrol Can, 454; “G” Petrol Pourer, Automatic, 454; Kennard Valise, The, 453; Lamp, Inspection and Cigar-Lighter, 452; Lavatory, Card Table, and Foot Rest, Portable, 454; Motorist’s Knife. 454; Neptune Combination Bath and Spare Cover Carrier, 452; Parcels Rack, 455; Toilet Outfits 455; Tool Box Trunk 453; Waterproof Case, Inside Spare Cover, 453
  • Coney Island. Poor Children’s Motor Trip to, 612 Connaught, The Duke of, 367
  • Connector for Flexibles, A Home-Made, 709 Continental Tyre Cover. The, 753
  • Contrasts, Motoring: Nuisance and Pleasure, 222; Rail and Road, 707; Cook Resilient Wheel, The, 104
  • Corfu, Royal Visit to, 367
  • County Court Garage, The, 476
  • County Screen, The, 44 , ~
  • Course De Nice: Berliet Car In, 239; Dietrich Car In. 239; Dupont Starting, 239; Meyan Finishing, 238
  • Coventry Humber Cab. 10-12h.p., Four-Cylinder, 20; Car, 15h.p., 589. 591 , ,
  • Coventry M.C.’s Hill-Climb (See Hill-Climbs)
  • Coventry Motor Wheel Co.’s New Detachable Wheel, 72
  • Cowey Tyre Alarm, The, 510
  • Cranley and Felday, An Obstruction Between, 312b
  • Crawley, Argyll Car Outside, 320
  • Cree, River. The, 309
  • Cuxham Village, 652
  • Cuyot, 700
  • Daimler Car, 469, .547. 564, 626 728 738 ; 20h.p 625, 628; 38h.p., 749; 42h.p.. 738; 48h.p., 507; 30h.p., lave Axle, 256; Accessible Valves of, 256; Axle Casing, Welded, 256; Brake Adjustment, 256; Chassis. Rear View, 256; Dashboard, 258; Engine, 256; Filter, 258; Gear Levers, 258; Quadrant for, ’258; Selectors, 258; Petrol Tap, 258
  • Danger, Reflected, 494
  • Darracq Car, 634; 25-3511,p., 594; 14h.p., Four-Cylinder, 146; Change-Speed Lever, 146; Propeller Shaft, 146; Spiral Springs Below Clutch Leather, 146; Throttle Lever, 146; Torque Rod, 146
  • Deasy’ Car, 25h.p., 590, 602
  • De Dietrich Car, 40h.p., 152
  • De Dion Car, 406, 434, 630, 703; lOh.p. Two-Cylinder, Brake and Gas Throttler, 35; Combined Plate Clutch and Flywheel, 36; Engine, 35; Front Axle and Steering Head, 35; Hand Oil Pump, lb
  • Delage Car, 664, 700
  • Delagrange Aeroplane, 751; Delagrange, M., on, 212, 505
  • Demeester Oar, 686
  • Dennis Car, 35h.p., 736? 738
  • Derby Day. Motor Picnic at Epsom, 525
  • Diagrams Illustrating Effect of a Number of Things Upon Tyres, 126
  • Dietrich Car, 238; Paris-Moscow Vehicle, 468
  • Doolittle Detachable Rim, 216; Tool for, lb
  • Double Hairpin Corners, White Downs, Effingham, Wooton Hatch, 312a
  • Draper, Mr. F., 459, -534
  • Drive in Spring, A, 281
  • Du Cros, Mr. A. (M.P.), 120, 166; Mr. H., 166
  • Dunlop Rim, Detachable, 476b
  • Dupont: Starting in Course De Nice, 239 Dust: Early, 197; Open Road and, 141
  • East River Greek, 412
  • Edge H1I. Road Near During Wintry Spell, 391
  • Edge, V i . S., 580, 690, 703
  • Elastes Detachable Rim, 476e
  • Ellis, MChristabel, 661
  • Engines : Hat 90h.p., Wonderful, 565; Wakefield and Jans-. '.s Eight-Cylinder, 78, 79
  • Epsom, A; jLor Picnic to, 525
  • E. R. Det ? I able Rim, The, 215
  • Erie, Fritz, 682; Wins Prince Henry Tour, 600
  • Essex Ccu A-'. AC. Meet, Significant Label, 472 ‘Eu, Moor ' Brabazon Passing Through, 679 Evreux, ■>'. I)
  • Ewhnrst '.been, 312b
  • Eye, Th • U ntrained, 433
  • Fact, A, 461
  • Farman mroplane, in Full Flight, 187, 239 Faulk m Jr. T., 661
  • Fiat Ca 53, 220, 300, 660; 16-20h.p., 434 ; 90h.p., 533, 563
  • “ Firefly ” (Newton) Winning 26h.p. Standard Class, 531 '
  • Fishing f r Fares, Suggested, 241
  • Florida meeting, Cedrino on Fiat, 158
  • Flying Fnh. Farman's Aeroplane, 111
  • F. N. Car, 208; 14-16h.p., 425; Air Lever to Carbu
  • retter, 426; Clutch, 426; Detaching Joint for, lb.; Fan, 425; Radiator, 425; Torque Plates, 425; Water Circulation, 425; Watfcr Pump Drive, 425
  • Folkestone-Boulogne, Quick Work, 272 Ford Car, 379, 408, 666
  • Fournier, M., 683
  • Foxhunting, Motorcar Adjunct to, 110
  • Frame Return and Misfiring, 538
  • France, Tour de, Oars Congregating for, 436; start, 436
  • Fran.kfo: t-Tndia Tour, 301
  • Ful’?r\ 'latinum Saving Switch, 442
  • Gabriel, ; ? , 81
  • Gaggenae Car, 24h.p., 738
  • G. and A. 'lyre- Pump, The, 571
  • Gastam- )■ /-Mengin Aeroplane Flies and Falls, 73 Gay Goal m’s Co. Touring by Motor, 300
  • " Gentleman Joe,” Anticipatory Revival of, 356
  • Germain ' 'ar, 530a, 677
  • German Emperor, The, 57
  • Gibaud Magneto, The—(See "Magnetos”)
  • Gibbons Mr. Walter, 213
  • Gibus Pail, The.’571
  • Gilbert, Sir W„ 371
  • Gipsy Wagon, A Russian Grand Duke’s Motor, 190b
  • Gladiator Car, 35-45h.p., 506
  • Glidden, Mr., 193; Egypt,-In. Ib.; Nile Banks, On, 193; Sphinx, At the, on Napier, 193
  • Glidden Tour, The: Buffalo, N.Y., Cars Parked at, 759; Route, Looking for a, 543^ 544; Ten Teams Start for, 762
  • Godin Electric Horn, The, 424
  • Godstone Green, Old Inn at, 119
  • Goff’s Oak. Cross Roads, Meeting at, 477
  • Golding’s Power-Computing Rule (Diagrams), 492 Goodrich Rim, Detachable. 477; Tyre, 756
  • Grand Prix, The, 662; Caillois, 418; Repairs, Effecting in, 418; Cissac, 698; Refills Water Tank in, 418; Cars Competing, in Paddock, 734; Drivers of English Cars in, 616; Harrison, 616; Laxen, Moore-Brabazon, Resta, Warwick, lb.; Erie Ready for the, 682; Eu, Accident at, Weigel after, 678; Corner at. Duray Taking, 678; Opel Car Leading Down Hill into, 698b; Finish of the, Lautenschlager’s Arrival. 684; Fournier Renews .Tyres, 683; Gabriel on Bayard-Clement, 81; Grand Stand, The, 649, Finishing Straight by, 649; Gendarmes Push Laxen’s Weigel, 687; Hanriot Starts for, 680; Takes in Petrol, 683; Heath on Panhard, 418; Hemery, Bandaged Eye. Continues with 687; Starts for the, 680; Tyres, Changes, 683; Jenatzy Takes in Petrol 683; Knyff, M. Rene, and Commission Sportive Inspect Course for the, 19; Lautenschlager, 675; Drives Mercedes to Victory, 685; Full Speed at, 687; Starts, 683; Wins, 681; Londinieres Corner, 417; Mercedes Winner, Rim Changes, 687; Speed. ^t» lb ; Race, The, Incidents of, 687; Route Map of, 676; Racing Cars, Austin, 409; Bayard-Clement, 362; Brasier. 639; Benz, 236; Germain, J?J:«^erced€& 67L 687; Opel. 153; Panhard, 418;.Thomas, 217; Weigel, 678, 687; Spares Trench at Finish, 684; Start. Scene at the, 677; 'ffhery, •on Brasier Car, 639; Dismounts Rim, 683; Weighing in for the, 662, 663
  • Grand Prix Voiturette Race, The: . Accident During Removing Demeester Car, 687; Bailleau, 63?; Demeesters for, 382; Dieppe, Guyot, on Delage, Taking Fork Outside, 700; Martin’s Car Overturning, 686; Naudin on Sizaire-Naudin, 640, 7uo; Winner of (Guyot) and Car (Delage), 664;
  • Great Hormed—Quaint Herts. Village, 481 Gregoire Voituretie, Design for, 355 Grid Trunks, Brooks, 564 Grouville-Arquembourg Tyre Inflator, -349, 442 Guiness, Mr. A. Lee, 634 Guyot, M., 664 Gymkhanas.—Hastings, Renault Decorated at, 725; Sketches at, 721; Lincolnshire, 704; Manchester, Riley, Mrs. A. E., on Belsize, at, 674
  • Hammersmith Bridge, S.W., 249
  • Hamstead Colliery Disaster—Motorcar Arrives with Rescuers, 160
  • Hanging-On Nuisance: Tip-Up Exhaust, The, 622 Hanriot, 680 Harrison, Mr., 616 Hascombe Post-Office, 312b
  • Hastings Gymkhana—(See “ Gymkhanas ”)
  • .Heath, Mr., 418
  • Heaton, Dr., 666
  • Hedges, Mr. J., 690
  • Helmet for Rear Spring Shackle, 655
  • Hemery, G80, 683
  • Henley, At, 648; Boating Party Motoring, 668 Hensen, Captain, 87 Hereford, R.A.C. Meet at, 693; Cars Outside “ Green Dragon,” 693
  • .Hertfordshire: Ash River in, Half Mile Ford, 518; County A.C.’s Hill-Climb—(See “Hill-Climbs”); Road Flooded in" 387
  • H.F. Baby Vulcaniser, The, 510
  • Hieronymous, M., Winner St. Petersburg-Moscow, 614
  • Hill-Climbs.— Ballinaslaughter Hill, 506, 507, 508— (See also “Trials: Irish Reliability”); Coventry M.C.’s, 722; No Petrol, 723; Start Scene, 722; Winner, 722a; Essex M.C.’s, 432; Letts, Mr. W. M., Runs Second on Sizaire-Naudin, 435; Riley, Mr. V. .Wins, 435; Start for, 432; View General, of, lb.; Herts. County A.C.’s Open, 690; Edge, Mr .S. F., Makes Fastest Time, 690; Hedges, Mr;, on Talbot, 690; Kidner, Mr. P. C., on Vauxhall, 691, View, General of, 691; M.C.C.’s Sharpenhoe Hill, 379; Midland A.C.'s, Shelsley Wash, 748; Allday, Mr., Finishing, 750; Ison, Mr., Rounding Bend, 749; Tryon, Mr. H. C., Makes Fastest Time, 748; Winner, Mr. P. C. Kidner, 749; New York, Finishing Scene at Fort George, 359; North Middlesex M.C.’s. Cat Hill, 435; De Dion (Mr. Alexander’s) Wins President’s Prize, 435; Fiat (Mr. Max Graddon’s) Makes Fastest Time, 435; Wolverhampton A.C.’s, Coalport Hill, 698a; Mr. Eastmead’s Sunbeam Rounding Corner, lb.
  • Hill’s Safety Car Controller, 132
  • Hog’s Back Incident, 335 Holden, Colonel, 127
  • Holmbury Hill, Surrey—Typical Lane, 325 Hood Eyelet Silencer, 32
  • Horch Car, Striking Type, 575 Horn Electric, Godin, 424
  • Hotchkiss Car, 16-20h.p., 229; 279; 30-40h.p., 446;
  • Air Release Pipes, 229; Compression Release Taps, lb.; Crank Chamber, 229; Cylinders, 229; Engine, Monobloc, 229; Fan Belt Adjuster, 230; Lubrication Piping, 229; Pedal Brake, 229; Springs, Elliptical, Rear, 230; Steering Wheel, 230; Water Inlet Feed and Water Jacket Panels, 229
  • H.P. Carburetter, The, Triple Jet, 656 Humber Cabs, 381 Humber Wheels: Detachable, 665; Wire, 665; Wood, 665
  • Humber’s Works, New, 154; Acre (13), Scale Ground Plan of, 190; Assembling Shop, 154; Dynamometrical Testing, 189; Machine Tool Department, The, 188; Polishing Head, A, 188
  • Hutton Car, 26h.p., 606; Mr. J. E. Hutton, 580; on Hutton Car, 606
  • Icknield Way, On the, 511
  • Igtham Village, 714; Crown Point Tree Signboard at, 230
  • Ignition. Condenser for Improving, 510
  • Impossible, Studies* in the, 251
  • India, Motor Tour in, 243, 278
  • Indian Frontier, Military Operations, Adams Car in, 732
  • India Rubber, Gutta Percha, and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd.’s New Electric Car, 232
  • Indicator, Pneumatic, New, 159
  • Industry Dying, Another, 347
  • Inflators, Tyre: Bauche, 746; Grouvelle-Arquembourg, ’349, 442; Hand, 656; Sparklet, 444, 656
  • Irish Trial, The—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Isle 'of Wight: Motorcar Tour in, 467; Vehicle on Southampton Steamship, 467
  • Ison, Mr., 749
  • Isotta Fraschini Car, 414, 475; New, 754
  • Issy-les-Moulineaux Military Ground, The, 212, 383
  • Itala Car, 214, 683
  • James, Mr. H. B., 150
  • Japan: Kobe, Principal Street in, 697; Lake Buva, Road by, 697; Mabara Inn, 697; Obstructions, Clearing, 697; Road Under Repair, 697; Thomas New York-Paris Car in, 697; Yava Gaso Bridge, 697
  • Jarrott, Mr. Chas., 213
  • Jenatzy on Mors Racer (Grand Prix), 350a, 683
  • Jenkins, Mr. F. J., 720
  • Joerns, 679
  • Jones Speedometer, The, 384
  • Joynson-Hicks. M.P., Mr., 352
  • Junior Car, 24h.p., 738
  • Kaiser, The, 224; Reichskanzlerplatz, lb.
  • Kellow. Mr. C. B., 150
  • Kempshall Tyre, New Pattern, 131
  • Kidner, Mr. P. C., 691, 749
  • Knyff, M. Rene De, 627
  • Koeppen, Lieutenant, 751, 752
  • Kolowrat, Count, 277
  • Ladies, For: Goggle, New, 131; Motoring Modes, 478, 479
  • Lagonda Car, 10-12h.p., 240
  • Lake St. Clair, Michigan, U.S.A., Frozen, 221; Pack-hard Cars Racing Over, Ib.
  • Lamps: Acetylene, Oldfield, 241; Salsbury Improved, 601
  • Lamps: Optical Theory of Lenses and Mirrors of, 539, 540, 541
  • Lane, Guardian of the, 365
  • La Turbie, Ascent of, 334; De Dietrich on Mule Track, 294, 334; Driving Wheel, Gripping Band of, 294
  • Laurin-Klement Car, 277, 306
  • Lautenschlager, 675, 681, 683, 685; After Winning, 687
  • Law, Strong Arm of the, 115
  • Laxen, Mr., 616, 687
  • Leader Chassis, 19h.p., Four-Cylinder, 211
  • Lenham Village (Maidstone), 230
  • Lenses and Mirrors: Optical Theory of, 539, 540, 541 Levitt, Miss, 568
  • Lincolnshire A.C. Gymkhana (See Gymkhanas)
  • Lincolnshire A.C.’s Speed Trials (See Trials)
  • Lion Peugeot Car, 437
  • Lippetts Hill, Essex, 432
  • Littlehampton New Swing Bridge, First Car Across, 473
  • “ Little Switzerland,” Splendid Tree in, 286
  • Locomotive Extremes, 40
  • Lock-King, Mrs., 660
  • Lodge, A and B Sparks Ignition System, 463
  • Londinieres Corner, Joerhs Turning, 679
  • Longuemare Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Car, 52.49, 623; Six-Wheel 40h.p., 646
  • Lorraine-Dietrich, Ltd., Works at Selby Oak, Birmingham, 297
  • L.S.D.! 292
  • Lucia Car, 214
  • Lytle, Mr. H., on Apperson, Car, 308
  • Macdonald, Sir J. K. C., 254
  • M.A.C. Exhaust Whistle, The, 747
  • Magneto Ignition Timing: “Maximum” Position, The, 313
  • Magnetos.—Eisemann, New, 474; Condenser, 474; Contact Breaker, 474; H.T. Collecting King, 474; Make-Break Mechanism, 474; Gibaud, 265; Collector Bing Carbons, 265; Condenser Case, 265;
  • -Contact Breaker, 265; Distributor Bevel, 263; Cover of, 263; Testing Switch, 265; Timing Apparatus, 265; Ruthardt High Efficiency, New Type, 497
  • Magneto System, Bosch, 175; Plug for, 601—(See also “ Bosch ”)
  • Maidenhead, Flooded Road at, 374
  • Maj a Car, 208; Igniter Plates of, Ib.
  • Manchester: A.C. Gymkhanas—(See “Gymkhanas”) Show—(See Shows ")
  • Man of All Work, A, 237
  • Marathon Race: Cars, Official, at Windsor Castle, 750
  • Marble Arch, Probable Statuary on, 384
  • Martin, Mr. P.. 627, 686
  • Mascot, The. 53
  • Matheson Car, 412
  • Maudslay Car, 376; 25-35h.p., 584
  • Maxwell, Mr., on Maxwell Racer (12-Cylinder), 162, 162b
  • Mechanical Wrinkles. 620
  • Melbourne, Sydney, Motor Record, The, 150
  • Menelik -Emperor), on 18h.p. Siddeley, 50
  • Mercedes Car, 181, 323, 406, 600, 671, 675, 677, 685; 24.8h.p., 661'; Startling Type of, 575
  • Mervyn O’Gorman, Mr., 127
  • Metallurgique Car, 531, 534; 26h.p., 588 ; 40h.p., 503
  • “ Meteor ” 90h.p. Napier, 504
  • Meyan, Finishing in Course De Nice, 238
  • Michelin Rim, Detachable, 476b
  • Mile, Shortest in England, The, 653
  • Minerva Car, 168; 28h.p., 472
  • Modes, Motoring, for Ladies, 478-9
  • Montague Cup, Ornamental Design for, 381
  • Moore-Brabazon, Mr., 616, 679
  • Morlite Acetylene Burner, The, 412
  • Mors Car, 417, 530a, 683
  • Moseley’s New Rim, 44; Inner Tube, 13
  • Moss, Mr. G. C. G., 408, 536
  • Motist’s Chamber: Will it come? 422
  • Motor Club, The, New Smoking Room at, 717
  • Motor Cycling Club’s Hill-Climb, Sharpenhoe Hill— (See “ Hill-Climbs ”)
  • Motor Picnic, The, 482; Box, Metal, 484; Luncheon Baskets, 483, 484; Outfit for Hot, 482; Tables, Folding, 483, 484; Sirram, Ib.
  • Motor Sleigh, The, for Polar Expedition, 252
  • M.V.: Bournemouth Meet, 476a; Cars on Sea Front, 476a; Pier Entrance at, Ib.

Nalder, Mr. H. C., 390

  • Napier Car, 193, 322, 531, 568, 634, 703, 712, 748; 26h.p., 505; 40h.p., 534; 60h.p., 507, Six-Cylinder, 690; 90h.p., 504, 533; 120h.p., 386
  • Napier Carburetter, Controllable, 405 Napier Chassis, 60h.p., 296; 120h.p., 242 Naudin, M., 705
  • Nazzaro, F., 733. 735, 705; On “Mephistopeles” (90h.p.
  • Fiat), 563
  • Newton, Mr. Frank, 459, 533, 534; 102m.p.h., At, 634;
  • . Wins 26h.p.. Standard Class, 531
  • New York Hill-Climb—(See “Hill-Climbs”)
  • New York Motor Carnival, 358; Broadway, Upper, Procession of Cars on, 358; Queen of the, in Decorated Oar, Ib.
  • New York-Paris “Race”: 329; American Car for, The Only, 74; Autron, Bourchier, Jansen, and St. Chaffrey, Messrs., Equipped for 16. Berlin: Koep-pen, Lieut., Arrives at. During, 751; Leaves, 752. Cars in the, De Dion-Bouton, 16, 28; Thomas, 74, 250, 337, 364; Zust, 25, 28. Chesterton, Indiana, 184, Snow Barrier at, 184. Havre: Competitors Leaving, 19. Hobart, Indiana, Thomas Car at* 184. Japan: Car on Brkfige In, 726. Paris: Boulevard Scene, 27; Crowd Watching Vehicles Competing, 25. Snowdrifts Encountered en route, 359. Start for the, 102a, 139, Times Square Scene at, 98. Thomas Car, in the: Garage, Overhauling, in, 250; Tight Corner, In a, 337; Western Pacific Railway Track Crossing, 364
  • New York-San Francisco, 162a
  • New Zealand: Motorcar in, The, 262; Rakaia Gorge, View of, In, 262
  • Non-Corrosive Terminal, A, 601
  • Non-Skids: Palladium, 159; Samson, 747
  • North Middlesex M.C. v. Southern M.C. (Inter-Club Competition at Hadley Stone), 567; Cars Lined up at, 567; Manor House, at, Cars Arriving at, 567, Garden Party at, 570; N.S.V. Car, 12h.p. Four-Cylinder, 636, 637; Body Standard, With, 636; Cylinders, Gas Supply to, 636; Fan Belt Adjustment, 637; Oil Feeds, Gravity, 637; Pedals Shaft (Brake and Clutch), 636
  • Nyassaland, Motorcar in. The, 643
  • Oaks, Avenue of Live, An, 286
  • Obstructionists, 515
  • Obvious Chain Function? 280
  • Offham, Quintain Post at, 714
  • Oldfield Side Lamp, The, 241
  • Old Iron, Motors Scrapped in Boulevard Richard Lenoir, 328
  • Opel Car, 153, 679, 687
  • Orleans Car, 24h.p., 736, 738
  • Ormond Beach Racing: Automobiles Lined up for, 207; Beauty and Fashion Witness, 219; Christies (2), Fiat and Renault Start for 256-Mile Contest, 220; Fiat Flying, at the, 220
  • Owner, Happy, A, 618
  • Packhard Car, 221
  • Pail, Canvas, The Gibus, 571
  • Palladium Non-Skid Cover, The, 159
  • Panhard Car, 418, 589, 677, 683; 18-24h.p., 586
  • Paris-Moscow, Dietrich Car in, 468
  • Paris, That Beloved—A Dream, 362
  • Parson’s Sparklet Tyre Inflator, 444
  • Passe Partout Car, The, 363
  • Pedestrians: Illuminated, Why Not? 441; Shelter for on Telegraph Poles, 509
  • Peltier, Mme. Therese, French Lady Aeropianist, 731;
  • Enters, Delagrange’s Aeroplane, Ib.
  • Petersburg-Moscow Race Winner (Hieronymous), 614
  • Petrol: Gauge for, Bleumel’s, 458; Meter for. A, New
  • (Chauvin and Arnoux), 268
  • Percival Self-Locking Device, 210
  • Peugeot-Huber Two-Stroke Motor, 288
  • Piccolo Car, 730
  • Pierce-Arrow Road Clearing Car, 180
  • Pigot, Mr. D., 406
  • Platinum Points, Trimming Tool for, A, 241
  • Plug, Magneto, bOl
  • Policeman P99; Perplexity of, 372
  • Porthos Car, 605
  • Portugal, Motoring in, 79
  • Poses, Picnic, Some, 519
  • Postcard, Amusing, Mr. Newton’s, 101
  • Postchaise, Modern A, 56
  • Power Computing Rule, Diagram, Golding’s, 492
  • Premier Car, 543
  • Price, Hon. Thomas, Australian Premier, 530
  • Prince Henry Tour: 411; Cars, New Type of, 569;
  • Horch, Striking Type, 575; Levitt, Miss, Driving Napier in, 568; Mercedes, Startling Type, 575; Poege, Willy, Makes Best Time in, 600; Start, Scene at, 568; Stettin, Cars Arriving at, 569 ; Winner, Fritz Erie, 600
  • Prophetic, Merely, 147
  • Protos Car, 751, 752
  • Pump, Tyre, G and A, The, 571
  • R.A.C.: Additional Premises, Piccadilly, 68, 376; Badge, Associates, 431; Club Dinner, Scene at, 182; “ Orde ” Automobile Club’s Secretary, 182; Stanley, Hon. Arthur, M.P., At, 183; 2,000-Miles Trial—(See "Trials”); Welbeck Meeting, First Provincial, of the, 402
  • Rapid Car, 320; Constant Lubrication Arrangement, Ib.; Parallel Radius and Torque Rods of, 311
  • Rear Light Difficulty, Overcoming the, 52
  • Rear Spring Shackle, Helmet for, 655
  • Reason Car Direction Indicator, 94
  • Reichskanzlerplatz, Kaiser Leaves Station at, 224 Renault Car, 220, 418, 438; 20-30h.p., 725; Sedan
  • Body, 209
  • Renault Pedal Starter, 44
  • Reo Car, 300; Rear Springing on, Ib.; Chassis, 18-22h.p., 211
  • “ Republique ” Airship, French Military, 640
  • Resta, Mr. D., 407, 535, 616
  • Rex Valve Lifter, The, 510
  • Richmond Park, Priory Lane, Dangerous Corner, 174b
  • Road, Fine in, 174; Test Hill in, 1'73
  • Riley: Car, 434; 9h.p., 446; Mrs. A. E., on, 674
  • Rims.—British Divisible, 215; Doolittle. 216; Special Tool for, Ib.; Dunlop, 476b ;Elastes, 476b; E.R., 215; Goodrich, 477; Michelin, 621; Rim Expanded, 621; Locked. 621; Twin Buckle Device for, Ib.; Moseley’s New, 44; Vinet, 477
  • Roberts. Mr. Montague, 184, 250
  • Rodakowski, Mr. E. de, 70, 580. 661
  • Roehampton Lane, Putney, S.W., “ King’s Head,” 174a
  • Rolls-Royce Car, 589 ; 40-50h.p, 630
  • Rougher Methods, He Had Been Used to, 100 Rover Car, 264, 392; 6h.p., 349; 8h.p., 643; 20h.p„ 343
  • Royal Motor Mail: Reeth (Swaledale) and Richmond, Yorks.), 673; Collecting, 673; Cyclist Carriers’ Meeting, Ib.
  • Budge-Whitworth Detachable Wheel, 728; Carrying a Spare, Ib.
  • Russell, Mr. Fred., 588
  • Ruthardt Magneto, New Type, 497; Advance-Retard, 497; Aluminium Mounting, 497; A”mature\ 497; Cam Plate. 497; Condenser Case, 497; Fibre Roller, 497; H.-T. Terminals, 497; Magnets, 497; Platinum, 497; Switch Terminals, Ib.

“ St. George ” (Napier), Winner 40h.p. Standard Class, 534

  • Salisbury Speedometer, The. 716
  • Salsbury Lens-Mirror Lamp Improvement, 601
  • Saltburn Speed Trials—(See "Trials ’)
  • Salvatico Sig. 214
  • Salzer, 181
  • Sampson, Mr. J. Lyons, 127
  • “ Samson ” (90h.p. Napier), 504
  • Samson Non-Skid.. 747
  • Savannah Motor Course.—Convicts Mending, 276; Grand Stand, 269; Lytle, H., At, 308; Racing at, 225
  • Scotland: Motor Tours In.— Ballachulish, Car on Ferry at, 499; Creetown, 451; Dumfries, Roadside Repair Near, 451; Garry Falls, Glengarry, 450; Glencoe, Pass of, The, 450, 451; Strath Glass, Inverness, 450
  • Scottish Reliability Trials—(See “ Trials ”) Searchlight, Overhead, The, 15
  • Self-Locking Devices, Percival, 210
  • Shakespeare’s Country, In—Kenilworth, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, Views of, 257
  • Shelters, on Telegraph Poles, for Pedestrians, 509 Shock Absorbers.—Ambulances for, 50; Universal Spring, 498
  • Show, Manchester, 41, 42, 43; Cars at, 42, 43; General View, 41
  • Showrooms, Smart, Burgess and Harvey’s, Ltd., 572 Shrapnel Splashguard, The, 571
  • Siddeley Car, 192, 353, 389, 611, 736; 14h.p., Four-Cylinder, 91; Magneto Timing Adjustment Method, 91; Pedal Metal-to-Metal Brake, 91; Thermo-Syphon Water System, 90; Torque Rod, 90 Universal Joint Clutch Gearbox, 91; Valve Springs, Accessible to Carburetter and Exhaust and Inlet Pipes, 91
  • Silencer, Asbestos, Novel, A, 571
  • Simplex Speedometer, The, 638
  • Singapore, Siddeley Cars at Malay Village, Near, 611
  • Singer Car, 12-14h.p , 630 ; 15h.p., 713
  • Six-Wheel Car (Lorraine-Dietrich), 40h.p., 646 Sizaire-Naudin Car 321, 326, 434, 640, 705 Sleigh, Motor, for Polar Purposes, 212
  • Smith: Clock, Dashboard, 510; Speedometer, The, 561
  • Snap, A Wayside, 260
  • Solarite Lamp Adapter, The, 131
  • Sonning Bridge, “ White Hart Hotel,” 513
  • South Pole, Dash to the, 1
  • S.P.A. Car. The, 516
  • Spanners. Makeshift Wedging Pieces for, 549
  • Spare, Not a Moment to, 226
  • Sparklet Inflator (Parsons), 444, 656
  • Spark Locator, A, 20
  • Speedometers.—Bullard, 458; Cowey, 242; Jones, 384; Salisbury, 716, 717 l Simplex, 638; Smith, 561; Stewart, 604
  • Speed v. The Camera, 323
  • Spencer Dirigible Balloon, 377
  • Splashguard, Shrapnel, The, 571
  • Spring. Early Days of, 85; Blizzard in the, 388 Star Car.—7h.p., Two-Cylinder, 672; 9h.p., Two-Cylinder. 672; 30h.p., Six-Cylinder,. 672; 12h.p., Four-Cylinder, 285, 286, 589, 672; Fan Attachment, 286; Gearbox, Three-Point Suspension of, 286; Governor, 285; Piston-Throttle, 286; Rear Brakes Balancing, 286; Timing Gear Casing, 285; Water Pump, 285
  • Starling Car, 390; Chassis, 8h.p., 209
  • Star Weather Screen, The, 442
  • State Landau (Fiat), H.H. Maharajah Scindia of Gwalior’s, 122
  • Stepney Wheel: Cover, 132; Flange, 424
  • Stewart Speedometer, The, 604; Carrying Bracket, Universal Jointed, 604; Drive Chain, Flexible,. 604; Governor, 604; Indicating Mechanism, 604 Sthenos Carburetter, The. 185
  • Still Young!—Mr. A. J. Wilson (“ Faed ”), 96 Stocks, Mr. W. J., 70, 406, 703
  • Stoke Poges Church. Byway Near, 342 Straightening Spindles. Stems, etc., 709 Strong, Louis, Mr., 414 Struggle. The. 579
  • Stuart. Mr. F. B., 165
  • Studbaker War Automobile Fights Snow, 244
  • Summer Season, Opening of the, 297
  • Summer’s Patent Windscreen, 131
  • Sunbeam Car. 20h.p., 588
  • Swift Car, 10-12h.p., Two-Cylinder, 173; Cantilever Fan Arm, 174; Carburetter Piping, 174; Differential Casing, 173; Engine, Two-Cylinder, 173; Oldham Joint. 174a; Screw-down Greaser, 173; Torque Rod. 173; Vertical Shaft for Contact Maker. 173; Water Pump, 174a
  • Switch. Platinum Saving, Fuller, 442
  • Szisz on Renault, 438
  • Talbot Car: 15h.p., 150, 557, 690, 722a; 20h p., 625, 630; 25h.p., Four-Cvlinder, 118; Clutch with Link Motion. 119; Engine, Accessible, with Control Quadrant over Wheel, 119; Gearbox. 119
  • Tail Light: Contingncy, A. Not Provided for, 47; Indicator. Pneumatic. For, New, 159
  • Taper Pin. To Make a, 620
  • Targa-Florio Voiturette Race. The: Guippone, Winner. 437; On Lion Peugeot, lb.; Sharp Corner, A. 438; S.P.A. on Winding Stretch, 516; Trucco, on Isotta-Fraschini, 475; Venezia’s Dust Trial, 516
  • Tar Sprayers at Work on Kentish Roads, 576
  • Tate, Mr. Harry, 588
  • Taunus Course, Projected, The (Map), 275
  • Taxiting, The, 113
  • Telfont Manor, Salisbury, 376
  • Terminals: Brake Cable, 50; Non-Corrosive, 601
  • Test Hill. A Good, 316
  • Thames Towing Path, Motoring on the, 706
  • Theatre, Motor and the, 30
  • Thery, M., 639. 683
  • Thomas Car, 162a, 184. 217, 223, 250, 337, 364, 697 Thompson, Miss Muriel, 659
  • Thorn, Messrs. W. and F., New Premises, 155
  • Thornycroft Car. 624; 15h.p., 585; 18h.p . Four-Cylinder, 4; Automatic Carburetter, 5; Engine Monobloc with Driving and Crank Shaft. 4; Gear-Changing Spur Quadrants, 4; Grease Piping, 4; Overhead Valve Mechanism, lb.; Pedal Brake, 5; Rear Spring Suspension, 5; Steel Frame, 5; Valve Cage, Detachable, 4
  • Threads. Touching Up, 620
  • Thumb Screw, To Make a, 709
  • Tilburston Hill. 119
  • Tools and Wallets, 522
  • Touchen End, Poplars at, 512
  • Trials.—Dust, 735, 736, 737, 738; General Items of the, Artist’s Jottings, Our, 587; Auto-Oycle--Union’s, 380; Aylesbury-B'anting Floods, 3d0; Enthusiastic Female and the, 584; Smith, M. R. J. (Secretary S.A.C.), 581; Tate and Russell, Messrs. Watching the, 588; Indian Bombay-Kolhapur, 102, 140; South Indian Motor, 97, 136; International Touring Car, Belsize Overtakes Benz, 583; Irish, 296; Ballinaslaughter Hui, Daimler (Mr. T. Henshaw’s) Makes Fastest Time, 507 ; General View, 506; Gladiator (Mr. W. F.. Pearce’s) Ascending, 506; Cundy, Mr. F. G., on Napier, 60h.p., 50/; Goff Perpetual Challenge Cup Winners, 508; Gold Medal, Special, The, 508; Hollywood Hill, 471; Daimler Climbs, 469; Kennare Tunnel, Cars Emerging from, 471;. Passing, 470; Parknasilla and Sneen, Natives, Tug, 28h.p. Minerva from Ditch Between, 472; | Lincolnshire A.C., Speed, Start, 570; New Zealand, Christchurch-Dunedin Reliability, 137; Saltburn Speed, Guinness on Darracq, 634; Newton on Napier, Ib.; Scottish, Amulree Hill, Ascent of, 591; Fearful of, 596, 597; Elbow Turns, J Bad on, 595; Summit, Nearing the, 644; Blairgowrie, Cars Lined up at, 584; Cairn o’Mont Hill, Deasy Takes Lead, 602; Panhard on, 586; Start for Climb, 388: Devil’s Elbow, The Thorny-croft Rounds, 585: Dunlop Motor Vans, 644; Fin-try Hill, Ariel Takes Bend, 594; Glasgow, Cars Arriving, 646; Road Incident at, 583; Oban, Cars Leaving, 644 Panhard and Rolls-Royce Oars Held. Up, 589; Rest-and-be-Thankful Hill, Cars on, ; 504; Secretary (Mr. Smith) Interrogates a Driver, -583; Star Equalises with Vinot—Coventry Humber Follows, 589; Swift Cars in, 635; Trinafour ' Hill Climb, Beeston Humber Approaching, 590; Two Thousand (2,000) Miles, Brooklands, Finish at, 650; Crowds and Scenes, Ib.; Last Stage Starters, 627; Costock, Cars at, 558; Dunmail 5 Raise, Lorraine Dietrich on, 623; Talbot, 20h.p., Mounting, 625; Henley, Ariel Leading, Daimler Near, 626; Climbing Hilly Road Near, 674; Red Lion, Cars at the, at, 627; Kirkby Stephen, | Cars at, 623; Kirkstone Pass, Daimler Ascending, 625; General View of, 625; Thornycroft ’ ; Smash at, 624; Peebles Competing Vehicles . Nearing, 557, 560, 566; Route Map, The, 570a; Track Test, De Luca Daimler Stops for Petrol, 628; Wetherby, Peebles Hydro Hotel at, Cars Lined up at, 558; Wheel Changes in, Observer . Timing, 626; Zedel Car, In, 12.8h.p., 628
  • Turin Voiturette Race: Competing Vehicles, 17; Giup-pone on Winning Leon-Peugeot, 17, 18
  • Trimming Tool for Platinum Points, 241
  • Tryon, Mr. H. C., on 120 Napier, 386 , 459, 748
  • Tyre Alarm, Cowey, The, 510
  • Tyre Carrying Boxes, Brooks, 564
  • Tyre Cover, Continental, The, 753
  • Tyre Lever, Spider, The. 510
  • Tyre Pumps: G and A, The, 571; Grouvelle-Arquem-bourg, The, 442
  • Tyres, Effect on, of a Number of Things (Diagrams),. ; 126
  • Tyres: Goodrich, 756; Kempshall, New, 131
  • Tyres, Road to Try Your, A, 544
  • Unic Car, 16-20hp., 550
  • Universal Spring and Shock Absorber, 498
  • Utopian Thoroughfare of the Future, The, 169 . Uxbridge-Slough, Road Between, 343
  • Valhala, U.S.A., Bad Hairpin Bend, 378
  • Valve Lifter, Rex, The, 510
  • Vanderbilt, Mr., 420
  • Van Hoboken, 406, 408
  • Vans, Motor, Dunlop, 645
  • Vauxhall Car: 12-16h.p., 566, 630; 20h.p. New Model,. 651, 691, 749; Crankshaft, 651; Engine Lubrication, 651, 652
  • Verona Motor Meet: Borelli at, 214; Salvatico at Full Speed at, 214
  • Vinet Detachable Rim, 477
  • Vinot Car. 12-16h.p.. 589
  • Vivinus Chassis, 210
  • Voiturette Grand Prix—(See " Grand Prix ”)
  • Voiturette: Cornu, Mr. P.'s, 305; Deemster, 382; Gregoire (Design), 355
  • Vulcaniser, Baby, H.F., The, 510; Outfit, 269
  • Wakefield and Janson’s Engine, Eight Cylinders, — Horizontal, 78, 79; Chain Drive, Connecting Rods, 78; Flywheels, Gearbox, 78; General View of, 78, 79; Installed in Oar, 78; Plan of, 78
  • Waltham St. Laurence, Berks, “ Old Bell Inn,” 512, 578
  • War Automobile, Studebaker, Fights Snow, 244
  • Warning Triangle, Unique Double, King's Road, S.W., 313
  • War Office, Old, Demolition of, For New R.A.C. Clubhouse, 404
  • Warwick, Mr., 616
  • Washer, To File a, 620
  • Watersplash, Rush Through, A, 393
  • Watson, Dr., 128
  • Way, Right of, Cows Claim, 286; "Whose? 545
  • Wedding. The Automobile at a, 16
  • Weigel: Car, 41.9h.p., 661, 678, 687; Mr., 616
  • Welbeck: R.A.O. Meeting at, 402, 410; Oars Leaving 411 Hardy Mr. C., at, 410; Nottingham, Mayor of, at, 410
  • West Mailing, Railway Gates, Near, 714
  • Wheels: Cook, 104; Coventry Motor Co.’s New, 72; Disc, 738; Humber, 665; Rudge-Whitworth, 728; Stepney, 132; Flange, 424; Wire, 665; Wood, 665
  • Whistle, M.A.C. Exhaust,' The, 747
  • White Downs, Descent of, 312b; Top of, Ib.
  • Willocq-Bottin Folding Seat, 116
  • Windber, Road Near, 544
  • Windscreen Improvement, Device for, A, 58a
  • Windscreens: Canham. 642; Star, 442; Summers, 131 Winter: In Spring, 353; Banbury-Stratford Road, Ib. Wire Wheel: Construction of, Hub, Axle of. Fluting, 742; Hub Shell, Stamping, 740; Rim, Drilling, 740; Spokes. Threading, 740; Partially in Wheel, 741
  • Wolverhampton: A-C. of, 297; Chamber of Commerce of Chairmen, 530; Hill-Climb—(See ‘‘Hill-Climbs )
  • Woodmanstone Church. Old Pump Outside, 145
  • Wright, Mr. W. J, 409

See Also

Sources of Information