Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,683 pages of information and 247,074 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1914 Who's Who in Business: Company Z

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1914 Whitakers Red Book

Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -


ZAEHNSDORF, Ltd., Bookbinders and Booksellers, Cambridge Works, 144-146. Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Established in 1842. Incorporated as a Private Limited Liability Company. Governing Director: Joseph Zaehnsdorf. Has become known throughout the world in connection with highclass modern bookbinding and the revival of artistic relidres in the most admired antique styles. Awards: London, 1862; Dublin, 1865; Paris, 1867; Vienna, 1873; Chicago, 1893; Paris, 1900; St. Louis, 1904; Grand Prize, Milan, 1906. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Royal Warrants: To His late Majesty King Edward VII. and to H.M. King George V. Telephone: No. 7937 Central. Telegraphic Address: " Zaehnsdorf, London." Code: A B C (5th Edition).

ZEBA CO., Vermin Specialists and Vermin Exterminator Manufacturers, 66, Seel Street, Liverpool. Hours of Business: Office, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established about twenty years ago. Present Principal: S. 0. Morgan. Staff: Large staff of experienced and trained men. Branches: Depots, Manchester, Bradford, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham and Nottingham. Specialities: All kinds of Vermin Exterminators. Contracts taken to treat premises troubled with any class of vermin, " Zeba " Block Disinfectant, Ratmus for Rats and Mice, Roacheen for Coachroaches, Beetles, Bugs, &c., and Pesteen for Bugs and other Vermin. Awards: Two Gold Medals, Diplomas, Liverpool, 1906. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephone: No. 1Y Royal, Liverpool. Code: A B C. Bankers: Bank of Liverpool, Ltd. (Central Branch).

ZEDEX (1912), Ltd., Proprietors of " Zedex for the Nerves " and other Medicinal Products, 94, Church Road, Hove. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1910 by Henry King. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1912. Capital: £50,000. Chairman and Governing Director: Henry King. Secretary: F. D. Pepper. Staff: About 100. Specialities: Zedex and other Medicinal Products. Award of Merit: London, 1911. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Agencies in Australia, South Africa, Belgium and British Columbia. Telephone: No. 2187 Hove. Telegraphic Address: " Zedex, Hove." Code: A B C. Bankers: National Provincial Bank, Ltd. Mr. Henry King is well known in the patent medicine trade, holding some original and unique testimonials from large firms with which he has been connected. Recreations: Boxing and Swimming. Is a versatile writer to the Press, and author of " The Future of the Liberal Party."

ZEISS, CARL (The Carl-Zeiss Stiftung), Optical Works, Jena, Saxe-Weimar. English House: Carl Zeiss (London) Ltd., 13-14, Great Castle Street, Oxford Circus, London, W. Works at Mill Hill. Branches at Berlin, Vienna, St. Petersburg, Hamburg, Paris, Milan, Tokio. Hours of Business: (London), 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established at Jena in 1846 by the late Carl Zeiss. Staff: Over 5000. Specialities: Microscopes, Photographic Objectives and Cameras, Prismatic Field Glasses, Astronomical and Terrestrial Telescopes, Range-finders, Optical Measuring Instruments, Surveying Instruments, Ophthalmic Instruments, Surgical Instruments, Motor Car Lamps, &c. Connection: In all civilised countries. Telephone: (London) Nos. Central 4007 and City 5460: Telegraphic Address: " Zeisswerk, Wesdo, London."

ZEITZ & CO., Iron and Steel Merchants and Agents, 21, Lime Street, London, E.C.1 and Carlisle Works, Sheffield. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Established in 1876 by Theodor Zeitz. In 1898 incorporated with Kayser, Ellison & Co., Ltd., of Sheffield. Directors: C. W. Kayser (Managing Director), Theodor Zeitz, Julius Kayser, Frank Kayser and B. C. Davis. Staff: Fourteen (London). Specialities: " Zeco " and " Colustro " Planished Sheets (Sole Suppliers), Steel Beams, Castings, Forgings, Cast-Iron Pipes, Machine Tools, Rolling Mill Plant, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Continent and the Colonies. Telephone: No. 2565 Avenue, London. Telegraphic Address: " Hierro, Grace, London." Codes: A B C (4th and fith Editions), Western Union, and Engineering.

ZENOBIA, Ltd., Manufacturers of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Zenobia Works, Loughborough, Leicestershire. London Office: 63, Queen Victoria Street. Hours of Business: Office, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Works, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1898 by W. F. Charles. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1912. Managing Director: W. F. Charles. Premises: Occupy a corner site with a frontage of 169 feet in Woodgate and 183 feet in Southfield Road. Within the quadrangle so formed are separate factories and warehouses. Agencies: Sydney and Cape Town. Business: Invention and Manufacture of accurate flower perfumes. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 643 Loughborough. Telegraphic Address: " Zenobia, Loughborough." Codes: A B C (5th _Edition). Bankers: United Counties Bank, Ltd. (Loughborough). Mr. Charles is a Municipal Councillor of Loughborough, Chairman of the Loughborough Road Car Co., a member of the Quorn Hunt and of the Automobile Association and Motor Union.

ZIEGLER, PH., & CO., Merchants, 46, Sackville Street, Manchester. Hours of Business: Usual. Branches: Persia: Teheran, Tabreez, Sultanabad, Ispahan, Shiraz and Bushire. Specialities: Manchester Goods and Persian Carpets. Telephone: No. 327 Central, Manchester. Telegraphic Address: " Ziegler, Manchester."

ZILL & SCHWABE, Ltd., Yarn Merchants, 23, Moreton Street, Great Ducie Street, Strangeways, Manchester. Hours of Business; Usual. Speciality; Cotton Yarns. Connection Continent and the East. Telephone; No. 779 City, Manchester. Telegraphic Address " Hagelstam, Manchester." Bankers Bank of England, and Manchester and County Bank, Ltd.

ZIMMER CONVEYOR CO. (THE), Makers of Conveyors and Elevators, 82, Mark Lane, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Established in 1896 by G. F. Zimmer, A.M.Inst.C.E., the present principal and the pioneer of reciprocating Conveyors in this country. Business: Manufacture of Conveyors and Elevators for handling material in bulk, as well as Screens for the classification of the same. Patents: Zimmer Patents for Conveyors and Screens. Connection: Home, Foreign. Telephone: No. 2245 Avenue, London. Telegraphic Address: " Zumometer, London." Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. Mr. G. F. Zimmer is the author of the standard work, " The Mechanical Handling of Material," published by Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7, Stationers' Hall Court, London, E.C.

ZUNZ, CHARLES, LIMITED, Manufacturers and Export Merchants. Head Office: 13, Rue de Canal, Brussels. London Agency: 124, Fenchurch Street, E.C. Agent: F. G. Negus. - Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1862 by Charles Zunz. Incorporated as a Limited Company. President: Charles Zunz. Director: Alphonse Hecht. Branch: New York, 15-25, Whitehall Street. Specialities: Portland Cement, Plate Glass, Iron, Steel, and all other Metals. Connection: World-wide. Telephones: Nos. 1983 and 4253 Brussels; Nos. 4870, 4871 Avenue, London. Cable Addresses: " Chazunz, Brussels "; " Zunz, London." Codes: A B C (4th and 5th Editions); Lieber's; A 1; Watkins'; Western Union, 1901; Whitelaw's Final (1902 Edition); Vocabulaire Berne, 1904; Standt & Hunduis, 1882, 1891; Ager's Standard Telegraphic, 1879-83. Alsop, William Carson, S. Cunningham, E. H. Greg and A. McDowell. Premises: Works at Warrington, covering an area of thirteen acres. Staff: 1,500. Specialities: Iron and Steel Rolled and Drawn Wires, Patent Steel Wires, Barb Wire, Wire Ropes, Wire Nails, Wire Netting; Galvanizers. Patents are held relating to the above. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: Nos. 9 and 180 (Nat.), Warrington.; No. 657 Avenue, London. Telegraphic and Cable Addresses: " Wh;tecross, Warrington " " Abercrombie, London." Bankers: Parr's Bank, Ltd. (Warrington).

See Also


Sources of Information