1920/06/19 Brooklands Race Meeting
Held on the 19th June 1920 at Brooklands
Organiser: B.A.R.C.. The second meeting after the war. Narrow escape for C. L. E. Geach.
2nd Light Car Short Handicap, over a distance of about 5.75 miles.
- E. B. Ware, two-cylinder Morgan, 85-1 by 65.
- W. Barnato, four-cylinder Calthorpe, 62 by 90.
- C. M. Keiller, four-cylinder G.W.K., 66 by 100
- G. Bedford, four-cylinder Hillman, 63 by 120.
- R. C. Empson, two-cylinder A.V., 85.5 by 85.
- T. B. Andre, four-cylinder Marlborough, 59 by 104.
- W. D. Hawkes, two-cylinder Morgan, 82 By 104.
- H. R. Godfrey, two-cylinder G.N., 84 by 98.
20th 100 m.p.h. Short Handicap
9th 75 m.p.h. Short Handicap,
- M. Campbell, four-cylinder Mors, 78 by 128.
- T. B. Andre, four-cylinder Marlborough, 39 by 100.
- Lord Grimthorpe, four-cylinder Sunbeam, 80 by 149.
- D. Kilburn, four-cylinder Essex, 85.7 by 127.
- N. Macklin, four-cylinder, Eric-Campbell, 66 by 109J.
- W. Barnato, four-cylinder Calthorpe, 62 by 90.
- C. M. Keiller, four-cylinder G.W.K., 66 by 100.
- G. Bedford, four-cylinder Hillman, 6.3 by 120.
- N. T. Chamberlayne, four-cylinder Charron, 110 by 160.
- L. Beadle, four-cylinder Waverley, 76 by 127.
- H. R. Godfrey, two-cylinder G.N., 84 by 98.
- H. R. S. Birkin, four-cylinder D.F.P., 70 by 130.
9th 75 m.p.h. Long Handicap, over a distance of 8.5 miles. The full entries are as follow : —
- M. Campbell, four-cylinder Mors, 78 by 128.
- N. T. Chamberlayne, four-cylinder Charron, 110 by 160.
- Lord Grimthorpe, four-cylinder Sunbeam, 80 by 149.
- D. Kilburn, four-cylinder Essex, 85.7 by 127.
- N. Macklin, four-cylinder Eric-Campbell, 66 by 109.
- G. Bedford, four-cylinder Hillman, 6.3 by 120.
- T. B. Andre, four-cylinder Marlborough, 59 by 100.
- L. Beadle, four-cylinder Waverley, 76 by 127.
- H. R. S. Birkin, four-cylinder D.F.P., 70 by 130.
The final event of the day—the 4.53 p.m. June Sprint Race, over about two miles—finds Capt. Nash’s G.N., Mr. Bedford’s Hillman, and Mr. Keiller’s G.W.K. competing against various big cars.