1932 Who's Who in Railways: Name B

Note: This is a sub-section of 1932 Who's Who in Railways
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
BAILLIE-GAGE (Cecil), Solicitor, Great Northern Railway (Ireland). Mr. Baillie-Gage was admitted in 1900, and was engaged in private practice until 1904, when he was appointed Assistant to Mr. Croker Barrington, the Solicitor to the Great Southern and Western Railway. His present appointment dates from 1910.
BALLANTYNE (John), M.Inst.T., Chief Goods Manager, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Ballantyne entered the service of the Caledonian Railway in 1892 as a Clerk at Beattock Station; was subsequently employed at various stations on the line in the capacities of Booking Clerk and Goods Clerk, and in 1897 was appointed to the position of Relieving Agent attached to the General Goods Manager's Office. He organised the Caledonian Railway Accounts Office, Glasgow, in 1910; was appointed Chief of the Accounts Office, Glasgow, in 1911, and ultimately held the positions of Chief Clerk to the Outdoor Goods Manager and Assistant to the Chief Goods Manager. He became Chief Goods Manager in 1918. On the formation of the London Midland and Scottish Railway in 1923, Mr. Ballantyne was appointed Goods Manager (Northern Division). In 1928 he became Chief Goods Manager for the whole of the London Midland and Scottish Railway.
BARNES (F. S.) Chief Outdoor Assistant (Carriages and Wagons), Derby, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Barnes was appointed Outdoor Assistant, Carriage and Wagon Department, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, in February, 1905. Prior to that he had been for some years a junior assistant in the Locomotive Running Department of that railway at Horwich. Early in 1928 he was appointed Outdoor Assistant (London), Carriage and Wagon Department. London Midland and Scottish Railway, and succeeded to his present position in the latter part of 1931.
BARRETT (A. W.), Overseas and Continental Traffic Manager, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Entered London and North Western Railway service at Broad Street in 1898, and in the following year was transferred to the Assistant Goods Manager's Department at Euston. In January, 1914, he was transferred to the General Manager's Department. From 1916 to 1919 he served with H.M. Forces in France under the Director-General of Transportation. From September, 1919, to June, 1920, he was associated with Sir George Beharrell at the Ministry of Transport. In July, 1920, he resumed with the late London and North Western Railway, and was engaged on Parliamentary matters until, in 1921, he was appointed head of the Rates Section of the Chief Goods Manager's Office. In 1923 he was appointed Chief Rates . Assistant to the Chia Goods Manager, and held this position until 1925, when he was appointed. Commercial Assistant to the Goads Commercial Manager. His present appointment was made in 1927.
BARRINGTON-WARD (V. M.), D.S.O., Superintendent, Western Section, Southern Area, London and North Eastern Railway. Educated at Westminster and. Edinburgh University, where he took his Engineering Degree. He joined the service of the Midland Railway in 1907 and had experience in both new works and maintenance. During this period he was awarded the Miller Prize of the Institution of Civil Engineers for a published paper. Subsequently transferring to the Operating Department, he had an intensive training in all its branches, and in 1914 was appointed Assistant to the Passenger Train Superintendent, and personally assisted the then General Superintendent, Mr. (now Sir) Cecil Paget, on various problems. As an ex-Territorial officer, he volunteered at the commencement of the war, and was appointed Captain in the 11th (Pioneer) Service Battalion South Lancashire Regiment, but in 1915, on the formation of the Railway Operating Division in France, he was transferred to this unit as Major on the Headquarters Staff, at the request of his old chief, who had been appointed Commanding Officer. He subsequently became Lieut.-Colonel commanding a large group of operating companies, and was awarded the D.S.O. for conspicuous gallantry. He was four times mentioned in despatches, became a Brevet Lieut. Colonel, and received the French Croix de Guerre with palm, and also a citation in French Army Orders. In March, 1919, at Sir Eric Geddes' request, he joined his personal staff, and on the formation of the Ministry of Transport, he was appointed Director in Charge of the Railway Operating Section. In 1922 he joined the General Manager's staff of the North Eastern Railway, and in January, 1923, became District Superintendent, Middlesbrough. He was largely instrumental in organizing and raising the Transportation Troops, Royal Engineers (S.R.), and at present is Lieut.-Colonel commanding the Operating Group, Royal Engineers (S.R.). His present appointment was made in 1927.
BARTER (S.), Assistant for Rules and Regulations to Traffic Manager, Southern Railway. Mr. Barter commenced his railway career in the service of the London and South Western Railway Company at Plymouth Friary, in 1900. Subsequent service was seen at Brockenhurst, Basingstoke, and again at Plymouth Friary, from which last-named station he was, in December, 1901, appointed to the Rules and Regulations and Signalling Department, under the jurisdiction of the Assistant Superintendent of the Line at Waterloo. In 1912 he became Chief of that Department, which position he retained until 1919, when he was promoted to the position of Outdoor General Assistant. In 1923 he was appointed Assistant to the Chief Operating Superintendent for Rules and Regulations, Southern Railway. His present appointment dates from 1930. Mr. Barter has attended the Rules and Regulations meetings at the Railway Clearing House since 1912.
BASSAGE (Charles), M.Inst.T., Principal Assistant to Chief Goods Manager, Great Western Railway. Mr. Bassage had held the position of District Goods Manager at Bristol, in succession to Mr. W. F. Wilson, as from. January, 1923. Previous to that appointment he was Goods Agent at Bristol, prior to which he served as Assistant District Goods Manager in Birmingham, having formerly held the office of Assistant Superintendent at Paddington Goods station. Early in 1924 he was appointed General Assistant to Chief Goods Manager, and was promoted to his present position in 1931.
BEAMES (Hewitt Pearson Montague), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer (Derby), London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Beames entered the Crewe Works of the London and North Western. Railway as a premium apprentice in January, 1895. Later he was placed in charge of the Carlisle running sheds, shops and district, and in September, 1899, was appointed Junior Assistant to the Manager at Crewe Works. Mr. Beames was appointed Assistant Superintendent, Outdoor Department, at Crewe, in January, 1902, and Personal Assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer in January, 1910, which position he held until the outbreak of the European War in August, 1914. In June, 1919, on being released from his military duties, Mr. Beanies was appointed Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer of the original London and North Western Railway, and on December 1st, 1920, after the death of Mr. C. J. Bowen Cooke, assumed the position of Chief Mechanical Engineer. On the amalgamation of the London and North Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railways, Mr. Beanies was appointed Divisional Mechanical Engineer for the Western Division, with headquarters at Crewe. On the completion of the amalgamation in 1923, the title was altered to " Mechanical Engineer, Crewe." In 1925 Mr. Beanies visited. America in connection with the reorganisation of Crewe Works. His present appointment dates from January, 1931.
BEGG (G. S.), Passenger Manager, Southern Scottish Area, London and North Eastern Railway. Mr. Begg entered North British Railway service as a Junior Clerk, and, after some years' experience at various stations, was transferred to the office of the Superintendent of the Line at Edinburgh. There, after being employed in various departments, including the New Works. Signalling, etc., Sections, and acting for a time in the capacity of Confidential Clerk to the Superintendent, in July, 1909, he was appointed Chief of the Train-Working Section. On January 1st, 1917, when the office of the Superintendent of the Line was divided into Operating and Commercial Sections, he was made Chief Clerk. In 1918 he was promoted to be Indoor Assistant to the Operating Superintendent. In July, 1920, he was promoted District Traffic Superintendent, Carlisle, and in September, 1921, returned to Edinburgh on his appointment as District Operating Superintendent for the combined Central and Southern Sections. In June, 1924, Mr. Begg became Assistant to the General Manager (Scotland), London and North Eastern Railway, retaining that position until receiving his present appointment, which dates from July, 1930.
BELL (R.), C.B.E., M.Inst.T., Assistant General Manager, London and North Eastern Railway. Previously Assistant Goods Manager, North Eastern Railway. Mr. Bell was appointed Assistant General Manager in February, 1922, and from January, 1923. Assistant General Manager, London and North Eastern Railway. He was educated at Edinburgh University and at St. John's College, Cambridge, joining the North Eastern Railway in 1898, in the Chief Goods Manager's Office at York. Two years later he was transferred to the Hartlepools, where he obtained a wide experience in dealing with goods and associated traffic in that busy district. In 1907 he returned to headquar4rs, and, after holding various responsible positions, was appointed Assistant Goods Manager at the beginning of 1914. The distinction of C.B.E. was conferred upon him in 1918, in view of special services during the war period.
BELLAMY (G. S.), Assistant Superintendent of Motive Power, Chief General Superintendent's Department, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Bellamy received his early training in the locomotive workshops of the Midland Railway at Derby. During the war he saw service with a field company of the Royal Engineers and attained the rank of Captain, being also employed on the Headquarters Staff of the Railway Operating Division, R.E. Mr. Bellamy resumed duty in June, 1919, as Works Inspector in the Midland Locomotive Works at Derby, and the following year became Resident Inspector at Newcastle-on-Tyne of locomotives under construction for the Midland Railway Company. In October, 1922, he was transferred to the General Superintendent's Department, and at the beginning of the following year was appointed Freight Trains Assistant (Midland Division), L.M.S.R., becoming Assistant Superintendent of Motive Power (Midland Division) in February, 1925, and Assistant to Superintendent of Motive Power in November, 1926. Mr. Bellamy's present appointment dates from April, 1928.
BENZIE (George P.), Divisional Stores Superintendent, North Eastern Area, London and North Eastern Railway. Mr. Benzie spent over three years as a Booking Clerk on the Great North of Scotland Railway, and was employed at both passenger and goods stations before being transferred to the Locomotive Superintendent's Office, wherein he passed through all departments. Subsequently, he was for eight years in the General Manager's Office, for the major portion of which time he held the position of Chief Assistant to the General Manager. In April, 1913, Mr. Benzie was appointed Stores Superintendent and Factor, Great North of Scotland Railway. In 1923 he became District Stores Superintendent, North Scottish Area, with headquarters at Aberdeen, and in 1926, on the reorganization of the Stores Department, Mr. Benzie succeeded Mr. Richardson as Divisional Stores Superintendent, North Eastern Area, with headquarters at Gateshead.
BIDDLE (R. P.), M.Inst.T., Assistant Marine Manager, Southern Railway. Mr. Biddle entered the service of the London and South Western Railway Company in Jersey, where his father was the Local Agent of that company until 1917. Mr. Biddle was transferred to the Marine Department at Southampton in 1907. For some years he was Personal Assistant to the Chief of the Marine Freight Department until 1914, when he was attached to the Personal Staff of the then Docks and Marine Manager (Mr. T. M. Williams, C.B.). Obtaining a commission in the Hampshire Regiment in 1915, he served with his battalion in India, and afterwards on active service with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Captain Biddle was in charge of the Embarkation Staff at Port Said when he was demobilized in 1920, and on his return to railway duty at Southampton Docks he became Chief Clerk to Major Gilbert S. Szlumper. In 1924 he became Assistant to Docks and Marine Manager, and in 1927 Assistant Marine Manager.
BISHOP (P. St. John), A.M.Inst.C.E., Divisional Engineer (Central District) Southern Railway. Trained at Crystal Palace School of Engineering; pupil of Mr. Maurice F. Wilson, then engaged on construction, Prince of Wales Dock, and extensions at Southampton. Entered service under Mr. Andrews, then Chief Engineer. Subsequently appointed Resident Engineer for construction of Bulford Branch railway, afterwards returning to Chief Engineer's Office. In 1912 was appointed Central District Engineer, London and South Western Railway. In 1923 was appointed Divisional Engineer, Central District, Southern Railway.
BISHOP (W.), Solicitor, Southern Railway. Mr. Bishop was engaged in the Solicitor's Department of the London and North Western Railway previous to his appointment, in October, 1903, as Assistant Solicitor to the London and South Western Railway. In 1910 he was appointed Solicitor to the company, becoming Solicitor to the Southern Railway Company in 1923.
BLUE (Robert S.), Canal and Sack Superintendent, Southern Scottish Area, London and North Eastern Railway. On joining the North British Railway service as Junior Clerk, Mr. Blue had a year's training in the District Goods Manager's Office, Edinburgh. Then he went to the forwarding office at Waverley Goods Station. In 1901, after passing through all branches of the goods department business at Waverley, Leith Walk, South Leith and Rose Lane stations, Mr. Blue was made Cashier at Galashiels Station, where, as Deputy-Stationmaster, he rained considerable experience. In 1904 he was transferred from. Galashiels to Edinburgh (Waverley), to take up, the position of Chief Forwarding Clerk in the same office where he had commenced his station training. In 1907 he became Chief Clerk in the District Traffic Superintendent's Office, Carlisle. Early in 1920 he was appointed Canal and Sack Superintendent of the North British Railway, which position he retains, as indicated, under the London and North Eastern Railway.
BOND (H. I.), M.Inst.T., A.M.Inst.C.E., Divisional Engineer, London (West District), Southern Railway. Mr. Bond entered the service of the London and South Western Railway, 1900, London District Engineer's Office. In 1902 he was transferred to Chief Engineer's Office. In 1904 he was attached to Western District Engineer's Office. In 1912 he was appointed Lighting Engineer under Chief Engineer. In 1914 he was given in addition control of lighting and water supplies. In 1919 he was appointed London District Engineer. In 1923 he was appointed Divisional Engineer, London (West) District.
BONE (Ernest Frank), Assistant to Docks Manager, Southern Railway. Mr. Bone entered London and South Western Railway Service at Southampton as a Junior Clerk in 1897, and after passing through various grades, was, in 1912, appointed Clerk in Charge of Claims for the Shipping Traffic Department at Southampton. In 1921 he was transferred to the Docks Manager's Office in the Commercial Department, in 1922 being promoted to be Commercial Assistant to the Docks Manager. His present appointment dates from January 1st, 1924. Mr. Bone is an Associate Member of the Institute of Transport and a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.
BOULTON (P. R.). Chief Electrical Engineer, Metropolitan Railway. Mr. Boulton served an apprenticeship to mechanical engineering in the locomotive shops of the late Midland and South Western Junction Railway. He then gained experience in electrical work with the Lister Electric and Manufacturing Company, of Dursley, Gloucestershire. His next appointment was with a firm of motor-car manufacturers, after which he was engaged for about a year as an Assistant Engineer in the Metropolitan area with the National Telephone Company, and principally engaged in the laying of cables. From 1903 to 1906, Mr. Boulton served with the Mersey Railway Company, immediately following electrification, acting as Technical Assistant to the Chief Engineer. Mr. Boulton then joined the Birmingham Corporation Electric Supply Department, and from 1914 to 1919 was in charge of the Summer Lane Power Station. From 1919 to 1922 he was in charge of the temporary station at Nechells, and continued until June, 1924, in charge of both this and the new superpower station there. For two and a-half years during the war period Mr. Boulton was Technical Representative of the Controller of Coal Mines for the Midland Counties. He also took a leading part in the Industrial Economy Campaign which followed. His present appointment was made in 1924.
BOUND (A. F.), M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., A.M I.E.E., M.I.R.S.E., Signal and Telegraph Engineer, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Bound for some years held the position of Signal Engineer (Southern Area), London and North Eastern Railway, having previously held the position of Signal Engineer for the Great Central Section. He received his early training from 1894 to 1898 as a premium apprentice at the Locomotive Works of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway. From 1898 to 1902 he was employed by the then firm of Vickers. Sons & Maxim. In 1903 he was appointed an Outside Assistant for the British Pneumatic Railway Signal Company. In November, 1903, he joined the Great Central Railway as Assistant Signal Superintendent, and in April, 1906, succeeded the late Mr. Thomas Wharmby as Signal Superintendent. His present appointment dates from April, 1929.
BRADBURY (W. P.), O.B.E., Road Transport Assistant to Passenger Manager, London Midland and Scottish Railway. — Mr. Bradbury commenced his railway career in the Department of the District Superintendent of the London and North, Western Railway at Euston in February, 1905. A few years later he was transferred to the Department of the Superintendent of the Line. In January, 1915, he enlisted-, and soon afterwards accompanied to France the late Colonel (afterwards Brigadier-General) G. E. Holland, C.I.E., D.S.O., who had been charged with the organisation of an inland water transport service in France and Belgium. Commissioned in France Mr. Bradbury attained the rank of major in 1917, and was appointed a Deputy Assistant Director of Inland Water Transport. On the formation of the London Midland and Scottish Railway in 1923, and the setting up concurrently of a separate organisation for passenger commercial work, Mr. Bradbury became Chief Clerk to the first General Superintendent (Passenger Commercial), Mr. C. R. Byrom. Later he was appointed Assistant to Mr. Ashton Davies, and in 1929 Road Transport Assistant.
BRANT (F. A.), Continental Assistant to Traffic Manager, Southern Railway. Mr. Brant joined the London, Chatham and Dover Railway in 1889. He passed through the various traffic departments, and was attached to the Superintendent's department in charge of timetables and special traffic until 1897, when he was transferred to the Continental Traffic Manager's office, in which he became Chief Clerk. In 1914 he was appointed Inspector of Continental Agencies, with headquarters at Boulogne. During the war Mr. Brant was first in charge of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway interests at Boulogne, rendering liaison services between the Railway Company, the Admiralty and War Office for the transport arrangements of the British Expeditionary Force. At the end of 1915 he was transferred to London and undertook special missions for the War Office Intelligence Department to various parts of the Continent. He organized overland transport of coal for the Italian State Railways from Bordeaux at the time of the submarine menace in the Mediterranean, and was made a Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy. He holds the Order of Chevalier of the Crown of Belgium. After the war he was appointed Continental Traffic Assistant to the General Manager of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway. On the formation of the Southern Railway in 1923 he became Continental Assistant to the Chief Commercial Manager, Southern Railway, and on March 31st, 1930, to the Traffic Manager.
BRICKWELL (A. J.), C.B.E., M.Inst.T., Estate and Rating Surveyor (Southern Area), London and North Eastern Railway. Mr. Brickwell entered the Surveyor's Office of the Great Northern Railway as a pupil under Mr. W. H. Elwell, Surveyor to the company, who ultimately became Surveyor to the War Department. In 1902 Mr. Brickwell was made Assistant Surveyor, and on Mr. Elwell's retirement in 1903 he was appointed Surveyor to the Great Northern Railway, which position also covered the position of Surveyor to the Midland and Great Northern Joint Committee's Railway. Consequent upon the formation of the London and North Eastern Railway, of which the Great Northern Railway was a constituent company, Mr. Brickwell was appointed to his present position as from January 1st, 1923. From 1918 to 1920 Mr. Brickwell was, under the Minister of Food, Director of Cold Storage for the British Isles, and received the Order of the Companionship of the British Empire in 1921. In that year Mr. Brickwell was appointed by the Minister of Transport a member of the Departmental Committee to consider the situation which would arise as regards the valuation for local rating purposes of railway undertakings in England and Wales and Scotland, due to the amalgamations provided for in the Railways Act, 1921. Mr. Brickwell is a Fellow of the Surveyors' Institution, Fellow of the Auctioneers' and Estate A gents' Institute, and member of the Land Agents' Society; has served on the Rating ,Committee of the Surveyors' Institution, and as a member of the Parliamentary Committee of that body. He has been Correspondent of the Railway Rating Surveyors' Association since 1912, and Chairman of the Estate Agents' Conference of the English and Scottish Railways.
BROMLEY (John), General Secretary, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. Born July 16th, 1876, at Hadnall, near Shrewsbury, Salop. Commenced as an engine cleaner on the Great Western Railway at Shrewsbury in September, 1890; spare fireman, August, 1892; fireman, March, 1896; promoted to permanent driver in January, 1905, and removed to Southall. Was Secretary of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen Branches at Worcester and Southall, elected as delegate representing the footplatemen in 1903, and served as their representative on a standing deputation until the scheme of Conciliation Boards was inaugurated, when he was elected to the Locomotive Board, Great Western Railway, representing the London District. Was elected an Organising Secretary of the Union in April, 1910, and appointed to the Manchester District. Was appointed Secretary of the men's side of the Locomotive Conciliation Boards on the Hull and Barnsley Railway and North Staffordshire Railway, and elected General Secretary of the society in October. 1914.
BROOK (J. F.), District Passenger Manager, Birmingham, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Brook entered the service of the former London and. North Western Railway at Euston Station in 1892, and after training at various stations in both the Passenger and Goods Departments, had charge of different departments in the offices of the District Superintendent and the Superintendent of the Line in London. In July, 1913, he was transferred to Birmingham as Assistant to the District Superintendent at New Street Station, and in April, 1925, was appointed as the L.M.S.R. Passenger and Commercial Agent for Birmingham, from which position he was promoted to Assistant District Passenger Manager at Birmingham, on October 1st, 1931. His present appointment was made early in 1932.
BROWN (Charles J.), C.B.E., Engineer, Southern Area, London and North Eastern Railway. Mr. Brown entered the Engineering Department of the North British Railway as an apprentice engineer in 1889, and in 1903 was appointed Assistant Engineer for New. Works. About four years previous to the retirement of Mr. James Bell, Engineer-in-Chief of the North British Railway, Mr. Brown was appointed Assistant Engineer. He then had under his charge the maintenance of the whole North British Railway system, including the supervision of the docks at Methil, Burntisland, Bo'ness and Alloa, with several other ports on the Firth of Forth, as well as the Forth and Tay Bridges. When Mr. Bell resigned in 1909, Mr. Brown was appointed Engineer-in-Chief, retiring September, 1911, to become Engineer-in-Chief of the Great Northern Railway. This position he held until January 1st, 1923, when the Great Northern Railway became a portion of the London and North Eastern Railway, when Mr. Brown was appointed to his present office.
BROWN (Col. Sir George McLaren), K.B.E., European General Manager, Canadian Pacific Railway. Born at Hamilton, Ontario, in 1865; educated at Shrewsbury, England, and Upper Canada College, Toronto. After serving with the Northern and North-West Railway, joined the Canadian Pacific Railway at Vancouver in 1887, subsequently holding the following offices ; Passenger Agent; District Passenger Agent. British Columbia and United States Coast; Executive Representative for British Columbia; General Superintendent of Dining and Sleeping Cars and Hotels; and General Passenger Agent, Ocean Services, Montreal. In 1910 Sir George Brown was appointed European Traffic Manager, with headquarters in London. During the war period he rendered special service, and was appointed Assistant Director of Movements (all theatres of war), from March, 1917 to April, 1918, and Assistant Director-General of Movements and Railways from the latter date until the termination of the war. He holds the rank of major in the Canadian Militia, Reserve, colonel in the Imperial Forces (decorated January 1st, 1919), and was created a Knight of the British Empire in 1919. Sir George Brown is a Director of the Mersey Touring Company of Liverpool, and of the Allan Line of Steam ships, and he also holds the office of European General Manager of the Dominion Express Company of Canada.
BROWN (Richard), Assistant to Chief Accountant, London and North Eastern Railway. Entered the Accountant's Office of the North Eastern Railway in 1895, and twelve years later was appointed to take charge of a department, which included the accountancy work of the Servants' Pension Society, then recently formed. Subsequently, the accounts of other North Eastern Railway Societies and matters connected with National Insurance were placed under Mr. Brown's control. During 1921 and 1922, Mr. Brown acted as Secretary of the Committee of Accountants of the Constituent Companies of the London and North Eastern Railway, appointed to deal with accountancy matters preparatory to the amalgamation of the Railways under the Railways Act, 1921, and was responsible for the production of the financial and statistical information for the Committee. Mr. Brown took an active interest in the formation of the North Eastern Railway Cottage Homes Fund, and served for several years on the Committee of the Fund. In the early part of 1923, Mr. Brown was transferred to the headquarters of the London and North Eastern Railway at King's Cross as General Assistant to the Chief Accountant, and has been actively engaged in the many schemes of reorganization, particularly in relation to the unification of accounting methods and the standardization of forms and books. His present appointment dates from early in 1928.
BROWN (W. A.), M.Inst.T., London District Freight Superintendent, Southern Railway.--Mr. Brown entered the service of the South Eastern Railway in 1897 at the Bricklayer's Arms. He was appointed Station Superintendent in 1912. In 1917 he was attached to the Royal Engineers, taking charge of staff specialising on economic use of railway wagons in France. In 1919 he was appointed Assistant to the London District Goods Superintendent. In 1923 he was appointed Eastern Divisional Commercial Manager, Southern Railway. His present appointment dates from March 31st, 1930.
BURCHAM (H. J.), Rating Agent, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Burcham entered the service of the old London and North Western Railway in March, 1888, as an apprentice in the Rates and Taxes Office, and served under such well-known Rating Surveyors as the late Messrs. S. M. Howard, Frederick G. Parker and William Caesar Neate. He was made Chief Assistant to Mr. Neate in 1913, and Assistant Rating Surveyor in 1918, and on the death of Mr. Neate in that year was appointed Rating Agent to the London and North Western Railway. On the amalgamation of the London and. North Western Railway and the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway in 1922 he became Divisional Rating Surveyor at Euston under the late Mr. A. D. Lomas, and in 1923, when the Midland Railway Company entered into the amalgamation', he retained his position under Mr. Marriott Payne, whom he succeeded in April, 1930.
BURGOYNE (S. T.), M.V.O., Manager, Cheshire Lines Committee. Mr. Burgoyne became Industrial Agent, London and North Eastern Railway, in 1923, and Assistant Goods Manager, North Eastern Area, London and North Eastern Railway in 1924. He was appointed Manager, Cheshire Lines Committee in 1929. Before the war Mr. Burgoyne, after a thorough training in goods work, filled confidential positions at York. In May 1915 he went to the Ministry of Munitions as Personal Assistant to Sir Eric Geddes. In August, 1916, he was made Deputy Assistant Director-General of Transportation, with rank of Captain, R.E. In the following year he went to the Admiralty as Private Secretary to the First Lord with the rank of Commander, R.N.V.R. After the armistice, Mr. Burgoyne joined the staff of the Ministry of Transport.
BUSHROD (F.), O.B.E., Superintendent of Operation, Southern Railway. Mr. Bushrod was born at Southampton in 1875, and entered the service of the London and South Western Railway at the Docks Station in 1891. He was removed in 1893 to the Assistant Traffic Superintendent's Office, Waterloo, rising to the position of Chief Clerk. Whilst in this Department he specialised particularly in signalling. In 1907 he was promoted to Chief Clerk in the Main Line District Superintendent's Office. Two years later he was transferred to the Superintendent of the Line's Office, and in 1911 was appointed Chief Clerk. In January, 1916, he became Assistant London District Superintendent, and on November 1916, was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Line, London and South Western Railway. He became Assistant Chief Operating Superintendent in 1923, and Superintendent of Operation in 1930.
BUTLER (H. A.), Divisional Stores Superintendent, Southern Area, London and North Eastern Railway. Commenced his service with the Great Northern Railway in the Stores Department. The whole of his business career has been spent in that Department, and, after obtaining an extremely wide experience in the various sections, he was appointed Assistant to the Stores Superintendent of the Great Northern Railway in 1920. In 1923 he became District Stores Superintendent at Doncaster, and in 1926, when the Stores Department was reorganized, Mr. Butler received his present appointment.
BYROM (Charles Reginald), O.B.E., M.Inst.T., Chief General Superintendent, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Byrom was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Line, London and North Western Railway, in 1918, Assistant Divisional General Superintendent (Southern Division) from January 1st, 1922, on the amalgamation of the London and North Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railways, and Assistant General Superintendent (Passenger and Commercial) on January 1st. 1923. Born in November, 1878, at Frankby Vicarage, Cheshire, and educated at Shrewsbury School, he entered the company's service at Leamington Spa in September, 1896, and after serving in the various departments of the District Superintendent's Office at Birmingham, was appointed Outdoor Assistant to the Superintendent of the Line, in 1901, and was stationed in Birmingham. In 1907 he became Assistant District Traffic Superintendent of the Central Wales and Swansea Division, and in 1911 Assistant District Superintendent of the Southern Division, Euston, whilst in 1912 he was appointed Goods Train Assistant to the Superintendent of the Line. Mr. Byrom succeeded Mr. Follows as Chief General Superintendent in 1927.
See Also
Sources of Information