1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name C

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
CADWALLADER, Edmund Latham, joint Gen. Man. C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd. B. Compton, Staffordshire. Ed.: apprntcd. Thomas Parker, Wolverhampton. Car.: engineer with Eastern Anderson & Goulden, Erith, and Waygood-Otis, Ltd.; joined C.A.V. in 1910, controlling mfg. side of electrical products; in 1912 man. commercial vehicle dept.; appt. Gen. Sales Man. 1927. Md.: 3 daughters. Int.: football, gardening, esp. cultivating roses. Pr. A.: "Menlough," Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing Common, W.5. Tel.: Acorn 2651.
CAFFYN, Percy Thomas, Man. Dir. Caffyns, Ltd., Eastbourne. B. 16 August 1872, Eastbourne. Ed.: Eastbourne. Car.: left school at 12 and entered father's business; in 1903 started motor business finally turned into Caffyns, Ltd., with branches in several parts of county of Sussex. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: reading, religious activities. Pr. A: Hay Tor, St. Annes Road, Eastbourne. Tel.: Eastbourne 502.
CAIRNS, William Garroway, Man. Dir. Reo Motors (Britain), Ltd.; European Dir. Reo Motor Car Co. of Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. B. 27 June 1884, Parkhill, Fifeshire, Scotland. Ed.: Toronto Collegiate; Upper Canada College, Toronto, Canada. Car.: entered motor business as Distributor in Winnipeg, Canada, in 1919; 1921 joined Ford Co. as District Supervisor for Manitoba; 1923 joined Reo Motor Car Co. of Canada as Assist. Man.; 1928 came to England and formed British Co. for Reo; 1931 appt. European Dir. for Reo Motor Car Co. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 39 Fife Road, East Sheen, S.W. Tel.: Prospect 2063.
CALLINGHAM, Leslie George, A.M.I.A.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Tech. and Research Dept. Shell Mex & B.P., Ltd. B. London 1888. Ed.: Merchant Taylors School. Car.: Cap. R.A.; active service 1914/1919; joined Shell Mex, Ltd., 1921.
CALVERT, Paul John, consulting engineer. B. 31 August 1907. Ed.: Westminster; trained at Faraday House. Int.: motor racing, rowing, tennis. Pr. A.: 56 Eton Drive, Hampstead, N.W. Tel.: Primrose 3102.
CAMPBELL, Capt. Sir Malcolm, Kt., cr. 1931, M.B.E.; member of Lloyds. B. 11 March 1885, son of William Campbell, diamond merchant, of the Strand and Chislehurst, Kent. Md.: Dorothy, d. of Major William Whittall; one son and one daughter. Ed.: Uppingham; Germany, 18 months; France, I year. Commenced career at Lloyds, 1904; joined army in 1914, demob. 1919. First served in R.W. Kent Regt., transferred to R.F.C. as pilot 1916; started flying 1909, motor-car racing 191o, after motor-cycle races in 1906. Holder of world's land speed record, 272.4 m.p.h., made at Daytona, 1933. Int.: motor racing, fishing, riding, yachting, dog breeding. Pr. A.: Povery Cross, Hookwood, near Horley, Surrey. Tel: Holley 159. Clubs: Royal Thames Yacht, Royal Air Force, R.A.C.
CAMPBELL - TAYLOR, Gordon Campbell, Gen. Man. Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd. B. 26 Jan. 1890, Guernsey. Ed.: Christ's College, Blackheath; Finsbury Technical College; 7 years with Milnes-Daimler, Ltd. Car.: 7 years' foreign service Daimler Co.; i year Aldershot and District Traction Co.; i year Cambrian Coaching Co.; 1 o years Trent Motor Traction Co. Md. Int.: golf, sailing, motoring. Pr. A.: " Cranworth," Quarndon, Derbyshire. Tel.: Duffield 188.
CANNELL, Bertram Sidney, Man. Dir. Moore of Brighton 1924, Ltd., Brighton. B. 1899, Norwich. Ed.: Norwich; Newmarket; Cambridge; apprntcd. E. C. Criswell, of Newmarket. Car.: 2i years' war service; Sales Man.: Prestwich and Co., Hove, 1918-1922; 1922 started business as B. S. Cannell and Co.; 1924 formed present firm, incorporating with Moore's. Md. Int.: shooting, golf, skiing, fishing, skating, ice hockey. Pr. A.: Grand Hotel, Brighton. Tel.: 3015 Brighton.
CARINGTON, Charles Molyneux, Tech. Dir. K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd. B. 12 March 1886. London. Ed.: Marlborough; training, Thames Ironworks, Ltd., Greenwich. Car.: Man. Motor Dept. Thames Ironworks; chief eng. Adams Motor Co.; pilot's certificate in France July, 1914 served in R.F.C. 1914-1916; Air Ministry 1916-1918. Md. Int.: motor boating, tennis. Pr. A.: Ladder Stile Cottage, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Tel.: Kingston 0778.
CARLAW, Capt. Walter M., D.F.C., A.M.I.A.E., M.I.E.S., consulting motor engineer. B. 8, March 1899, Glasgow. Ed.: Glasgow High School; Royal Technical College; trained in mfg. motor cars and aircraft. Car.: Flt. Commander R.A.F.; in practice as consulting motor engineer and claims assessor. Md. Int.: flying, yachting, motoring. Pr. A.: 278, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, C.2. Tel.: Central 5315.
CARLING, Charles B. Nov.1863, Middlesbrough. Ed.: Middlesbrough High School; apprntcd. with father J. Carling. Car.: engineer and model maker. Md.: 2 sons, i daughter. Int.: music. Pr. A.: 136 Borough Road, Middlesbrough. Tel.: 3615.
CARPENTER, Herbert, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Penge Motor Co., Ltd., Green Lane, S.E. B. 12 Oct. 1885, London. Ed.: St. John's College, Margate; Woolwich Polytechnic; apprntcd. Royal Arsenal, Woolwich; Associate Member I.M.E. 1913; member 1921; Asst. Works Man. R. Hoc and Co. London and U.S.A.; Tech. Draughtsman, Humphrey Pump and Co.; Works Eng. W. and T. Avery, Ltd., Birmingham; Chief Inspector Austin Co.; Works Man. Handley Page, Ltd. Md.: i daughter. Int.: golf, bridge, chess, M.A.A. Council; Councillor Penge U.D.C. Pr. A.: 111 Tannsfeld Road, Sydenham,S.E.26; Tel.: Syd. 0604 and 6187.
CARPENTER, Thomas Devereux, M.I.A.E., Asst. Works Man. Hooper and Co. (Coachbuilders), Ltd. B. 1892 Enfield, Middlesex. Ed.: Sir Walter St. Johns School, Battersea; studied body building and motor engineering at Regent Street and Battersea Polytechnics. Car.: examiner for City Guilds Institute in motor body building; City Guilds Medallist in motor car engineering and body building. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, gardening. Pr. A.: 177 Princes Gardens, West Acton, W.3.
CARR, Graham, D.S.O., M.C., F.I.M.T., Par. Carr Bros., Purley, Surrey. B. I May 1889, Croydon. Ed.: Whitgift School, Croydon. Car.: 1906-14 engaged in jute trade; served in Surrey Yeo., Cheshire Regt., and Machine Gun Corps (Motor), commanding 14th Battery; motor Machine Gun Service 1915-1916 in France, and 13th Light Armoured Motor Battery in Mesopotamia, etc., 1917-1919; formed new firm in Purley, in partnership with brother, E. H. Carr, in 1919. Md. Int.: golf, ex-Service organisations. Pr. A.: 917A, Brighton Road, Purley. Tel.: Purley 1200.
CARR, William, Man. Dir. Carrs, Ltd., Knowsley Street, Bury. Car.: established firm in 1897; converted to company 1911. Md. Int.: billiards golf, motoring. Pr. A.: 241 Manchester Road, Bury.
CARSON, Thomas W., Pro. of T. W. Carson, Phoenix Green, Hartley Row, Hants. B. 8 October ',goo, Ballymahon, Ireland. Ed.: Charterhouse. Car.: salesman with Guilford Garage Ltd., Guildford and A. Gray & Co., Ltd.; pro., Carson Motor Co., Camberley; won several races, Brooklands 1928; set up 200 kilo. record. Md.: r son. Int.: motor racing. Pr. A.: Phoenix Hotel, Hartley Row, Hants. Tel.: Hartley Wentney 84.
CARTER, Alexander F. A., Part. Man. Chrysler Motors, Ltd., and Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd. B.: 4 February 1888, London. Ed.: private school, St. Leonards. Car.: 1906 to 1910 experimental work on motor cycles and track work; joined Lanchester Co.; supervisor parts dept., Studebaker, Ltd., 1913 to 1915; 1915 to 1918 Inspection Branch, Mechanical Transport; 1918 re-joined Studebaker; 1926 Production and Service Man. Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: motoring. Pr. A.: 117 Cleveland Road, Ealing, W.13. Tel.: Perivale 3918.
CARVER, Harry, Man. Dir. Bridgwater Motor Co., Bridgwater, Somerset. B. 1863, Bridgwater, Somerset. Ed.: privately. Car.: 7 years' shipbuilder in partnership with his father; started in motor trade 1897. Md.: 2 sons, 5 daughters. Int.: golf, shooting, motoring, travelling abroad. Pr. A.: Pendyne, Rectory Road, Burnham-on-Sea. Tel.: Burnham 89.
CASTELLO, William Ernest, A .M . I .Mech.E . , M. I . A . E., F. I .M. T. , Man. Dir. Kingston Hill Motor Works, Ltd., Kingston, Surrey. B. 10 June 1886, Manchester. Ed.: Merchant Venturers, Bristol; Polytechnic, Regent Street; apprntcd. Royal Small Arms, Enfield. Car.: on staff Wolseley (Crayford), Napier, Talbot, White Steam Car Co.; Eng. Officer R.M.S.P. Co., B.O.T. Certificate; Asst. Works Man., Brazil Straker, Bristol; during war experimental engine work for R.N.A.S. Md.: son. Int.: golf, local government. Pr. A.: " Porlock," Southwood Avenue, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Tel.: Kingston 3737.
CAVE, Albert Ernest, J.P., Sec. Motor Legislation Committee. B. 24 April 1874, Northampton. Ed.: Northampton. Journalistic work in London and provinces until 1919, specialising in parliamentary and local govt. subjects; in 1919 became press rep. for afterwards secretary. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: golf, politics. Pr. A.: " Braybrooke," Worcester Road, Sutton, Surrey. Tel.: Sutton 1682.
CAWTHORN, Francis William, A.M.I.E.E., M.I.M.T., Prop. F. W. Cawthorn, 20 St. Mary's Place, and Haymarket Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. B. January 1879, Yafforth, Northallerion. Ed.: Ripon School: Pannal Ash College, Harrogate; Leeds University, Engineering Department; apprntcd. J. A. Edmondson and Co., Leeds. Car.: with Cox-Walkers, Darlington, installing electrical plant switch gear equipment; in 1903 man. of their Scottish branch; later partnership with F. Little o years' vice-chm. and later chm. North Eastern Counties M.A.A. Division; councillor of I.M.T. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: shooting, all forms of sport. Pr. A.: Studley, Moorside, Fenham, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tel.: Newcastle 34371.
CHAPLIN, Henry Slater, O.B.E., Gen. Sales Man. India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. B. 8 November 188o, Derby. Ed.: Repton. Car.: Major, Reserve of Officers; Corn. Man. B. F. Goodrich Co., France, 1919-1932, dir. 193o-1932. Md. Pr. A.: Brunswick Cottage, Bourton, Dorset.
CHARLES, Hubert N., B.Sc., A.M.I.A.E., Chief Draughtsman M.G. Car Co. B.: 22 November 1893, Barnet, Herts. Ed.: Highgate School 3 years' Diploma, University College, London. Car.: Mechanic in R.N.A.S. 1914-15; fianlly Capt. R.A.F., twice mentioned in despatches; Tech. Sales Zenith Carburetter Co. 1919-20; Automotive Products Co. Tech. Sales 1921 1924; Morris Motors tech. assistant production dept. 1925-1929. Md. Int.: motoring, rowing, books, rifle shooting, mathematics, swimming, wireless Pr. A.: Marazion, 327 Banbury Road, Oxford.
CHARLESWORTH, Edgar, F.I.M.T. Man. Dir. E. and G. Charlesworth, Ltd., Doncaster. B., 3 November 1895, Wombwell, Yorkshire. Ed.: Barnsley Grammar School, Sheffield University. Car.: with Perry Motor Co. until 1914; served in the A.S.C. (M.T.); formed the present concern. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: golf; hon. sec. Doncaster Section M.T.A. Pr. A.: 24 Bennetthorpe, Doncaster. Tel.: Doncaster 521.
CHARLESWORTH, Thomas Richd., Chief Designer Laycock Engineering Co., Sheffield. B. 16 March 1893, Sheffield. Ed.: Firs Hill and Greystones Council Schools, Sheffield, and private tutor; University of Sheffield. Car.: with Durham Churchill and Co., Sheffield, in 1908, practical training; 1915 joined H.M. Forces (Mechanical Transport) as scrutineer and draughtsman; continued with Durham Churchill until 1920; joined Karrier Motors of Huddersfield, and left to take up business on own account as motor agent; in 1929 joined Laycock Engineering Co. Md.: i son. Int.: golf, tennis. Pr. A.: 178 Carter Knowle Road, Sheffield, 8.
CHATTERTON, Ernest Edward, B.Sc.(Eng.), A.F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.A.E., Designer D. Napier and Son. B. 9 May 1901, London. Ed.: Birbeck College; London University; Northampton Polytechnic. Car.: 3 years' designer Still Engine Co.; 3 years' Peter Hooker, Ltd.; 2 years. Humfrey Sandbery Co. Md. Int.: motoring, swimming, psychology. Pr. A.: 36 Endymion Road, Hornsey, N.4. Tel.: Shepherds Bush 1220.
CHILLCOTT, Alfred W., Man. Dir. Chillcotts, Ltd., London. B. 1 February 1889, Shirehampton, Glos. Ed.: Redland School, Redland, Bristol; Merchant Venturers Technical College, Bristol; apprntcd. Brazil Straker and Co., Bristol; with Bristol Tramways Co. in motor repair shops. Car.: p'ship. in mill furnishing in Bristol; served in the R.N.A.S.; formed present company. Md. Int.: music. Pr. A.: 8o Newlands Park, Sydenham, S.E.26. Tel.: Sydenham 2914.
CHITTY, William D. F.I.M.T., M.I.Brit.E. Man. Dir. W. D. Chitty, Ltd., Diss. B. 13 June 1887, Colbrook, Bucks. Ed.: Colnbrook. Car.: 1902 to 19ii with various motor firms; 1911 to 1913 Man. for Aldershot Garage and Taxi Co.; 1913 to 1914 Renaults; 1914 to 1925 Man. for Botwoods, Ipswich. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf, yachting. Pr. A.: Park House, Diss, Norfolk. Tel.: 11 Diss.
CHURCHILL, John Forrester, London Sales Staff, John I. Thornycroft and Co. B. 1902, Essex. Ed.: West Buckland. Car.: pupil at Basingstoke Works of Thornycroft's; staff Repair London Depot, and since on the Sales Staff. Md. Int.: country life, automobile engineering, Pr. A.: Holmwood, Thrupps Lane. Hersham, Surrey. Tel.: Walton 941.
CLAGUE, Cyril Hope, Man. Dir. Stott's Motors, Ltd., Manchester, Liverpool and Oldham. B. 27 November 1884. Sheffield. Ed.: Wesley College (now Kind Edward VII School), Sheffield. M d .: 1 daughter, 1 son. Int.: walking, a keen student of history, particularly Napoleonic history. Pr. A.: " Southfield," Singleton Road, Kersal, Manchester; and " Santa Rosalie," Marine Drive, Rhoson-Sea, North Wales. Tel .: Cheetham Hill 2151.
CLARK, Herbert, Dir. Bendix, Ltd. Birmingham. B. 17 April 1894, Leeds. Ed.: Leeds Technical College. Car.: on technical staff Rolls Royce manufacture of aero engines, U.S.A., 1917/28; Chief Inspector Aluminium Mfg. Corp., Cleveland, U.S.A.; Assist. Vice-President Spicer Mfg. Co., New York; formed Bendix Perrot Brakes, Ltd., 1928. Md.: 1 son. Int.: all sport, golf. Pr. A.: Seven Gables, Sutton Coldfield. Tel.: Sutton Coldfield 1136.
CLARKE, Edmund Roberts, Par. Campbell and Clarke, Belfast. B. 7 November 1900, Cairn Castle, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland. Ed.: Methodist College, Belfast. Car.: served time to engineering. Int.: Rugby football, golf. Pr. A.: " Brookfield," Cairn Castle, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland.
CLARKE, Herbert, Man. Partner Clarke's Motors, Rochdale. B. February, 1897, Rochdale. Ed.: Manchester Grammar School. Car.: with Crossley Motors.; 1914 joined Mechanical Transport, R.A.S.C. in Egypt, Salonica and Malta; 1919 Sales Man. Blackett Motor Co., Ltd., Rochdale; 192o started own business. Md.: 2 girls, I boy. Int.: East Lancs M.T.A. Committee; I.M.T.; Rochdale Council. Rotary. Pr. A.: 19 Manley Road, Rochdale. Tel.: 5883.
CLARKE, Sir Travers, G. B.E. , K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Ch. S.T.D. Motors, Ltd. Car.: educated for Army; served in Burma, on the N.W. Frontier, India, the Tirah Campaign, the South African War and the Great War, 1914-1919; in 1917 appt. Quartermaster-General to the British Armies in France; 1919 appt. Quartermaster-General and a member of the Army Council; in 1923 Deputy Chr. and Chief Administrator to the British Empire Exhibition; 1931 became chr. of S.T.D. and its subsidiary companies. Int.: promotion of Empire trade.
CLAY, Harold Foster, Chr. Woodall Nicholson, Ltd., Halifax. B. 6 June 1884, Hollings House, Sowerby Bridge. Ed.: Victoria College; University of Leeds. Car.: woollen manufacturer and cotton spinner. Md.: 5 children. Int.: motor racing, gardening. Pr. A.: Hollings House, Sowerby Bridge. Tel.: Sowerby Bridge 8iooi.
CLAYBURN, William S., Man. Dir. Motor Delivery Com., Ltd., Darlington and Gatterick Camp, Yorks. B. 27 April 1876, Sydney, N.S.W. Ed.: Exeter Hall, Strand, for Civil Service. Car.: engineering with Southgate Eng., Vauxhall Iron Works, James Simpson & Co.; served period with Rolls Royce, Napier, Fiat; Works Man. Cleveland Car Co., Darlington; founder of Motor Delivery Co.; Transport Chairman of Darlington Area during General Strike; chr. North Eastern Counties M.A.A. 1929. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golf, motoring, travelling. Pr. A.: Polam Road, Darlington. Tel.: Darlington 2707.
CLAYTON, Charles David, Man. Dir. Charles D. Clayton, Ltd., London. B. 1868, Paddington. Ed.: Ranelagh Rd. School, Paddington; Art School, Tufnell Park; learnt salesmanship at A. Cooper's Store. Car.: Man. Cooper Store; Man. Povey's Store; copywriter at A. J. Wilson, Ltd., where became dir.; started own Company in 1908 and has been responsible for the Press and Publicity Campaign, Olympia exhibitions, for the past 25 years. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: music, Pr. A.: Dane Langley, Westbrook Avenue, Margate. Tel.: Margate 735.
CLAYTON, Reginald Fitzroy, Man. Dir. and Vice-Chairman, Karrier Motors, Ltd. B. 1885, Huddersfield. Ed.: Germany, Leeds University. Md.: 2 children.
CLAYTON-WRIGHT, Howard, B. ii July 1887, Streatham. Ed.: Isle of Wight College, Bath. Car.: with J. Lucas, Ltd., at Birmingham; R.A.F. 1915-1918; founder of several Companies, including ClaytonWright, Ltd., Desmo, Ltd. Md.: 5 daughters, 2 sons. hit.: golf, motoring, fishing. Pr. A.: "Pembroke" Pembroke Avenue, Surbiton. Tel.: Elmbridge 6404.
CLEVELAND, R. Douglas, M.I.M.T. Pro. Cleveland's Garage, Ipswich. B. 7 November 1895, Ipswich. Ed.: Ipswich School. Car.: apprntcd. Egertons (Ipswich), Ltd.; joined M.T., R.A.S.C.; pro. of present business since 1924. Md.: 1 son. hit.: trials motoring, walking, golf, flying. Pr. A.: 257 Felixstowe Road, Ipswich. Tel.: 7328.
CLIFFORD, Arthur Campbell, M.I .A . E. , A.M.' .Mech .E ., M.Inst. C.M.E., consulting engineer and assessor. B. 7 July 1883, London. Ed.: St. Paul's School, London; University College. Car.: engineering; Man. of several motor omnibus companies; Chief Engineer of the London Fire Brigade; Man. of aircraft construction during the War. Md.: 3 children. hit.: all sports, arts, sciences. Pr. A.: " Farthings," 'Woodbury, Exeter. Tel.: Woodbury Salterton 40.
COLLIER, Lt.-Col. (Ret.), Richard Hamilton, O.B.E., D.S.O., M.I.A.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. R. H. Collier & Co., Ltd., South Yardley, Birmingham. B. 4 December 1887, Chesterton, Cambs. Ed.: Cambridge; County School, Cambridge; Northgate School, Ipswich; apprntcd. Century Motor Co., Wood Lane, Willesden 1903, and Aster Eng. Co. Car.: commercial Man. Hills Garage, Cardiff 1909; 1915-19, R.F.C., served twice in France, retired with rank of Lieut.Col.; D.S.O. 1917; O.B.E. 1919 (Military Division); 1919-21, Depot Man. and Gen. Man. B.M.T.; 1922-26 Gen. Man. R. E. Jones, Ltd., Motor Dept.; 1926 founded present business. Md.: 3 children. Int.: golf, Rotary. Pr. A.: 68 Greenhill Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Tel.: South 1532.
COLLINS, I. Gordon F., Man. Dir. The Colwyn Bay Engineering Co., Ltd. B. 28 July 1885, Oystermouth, Swansea. Ed.: Malvern College. Md.: 3 children. Int.: fishing. Pr. A.: Carreg Groes, Glan Conway.
COLLINS, William Norman, M.I.M.T., M.I.A.E., M.Inst.B.E., Service Man. Stewart & Ardern, Ltd., London. B. 16 April 1897, Hartlepool. Ed.: Galley's School; Technical College, West Hartlepool; Armstrong College (University of Durham); apprntcd. Central Marine Engine Works, Hartlepool. Car.: 191518 Seaforth Highlanders; 1919-21, Indian Army; 1922-25 Austin Motor Co.; Service Man. with Stewart & Ardern since 1926. Md.: 2 girls. Int.: rugby, tennis, swimming, radio. Pr. A.: 15 Brunswick Road, Ealing, W.5.
COLVERD, Owen, Sales Dir., Silvertown Lubricants, Ltd. B. 14 November 1892, Newport, Monmouth. Ed.: Coopers' Co. School; University of London (East London College); chemical training at London University; petroleum technology at works of Silvertown Lubricants, and in the U.S.A. Car.: laboratory asist., with S.L., Ltd., becoming analytical and research chemist; commercial side in 1921; in 1918 became Gen. Sales Man.; Sales Dir. 1931. Int.: riding, flying. Pr. A.: Arbor Lodge, Bedford Road, S. Woodford, Essex.
COMLEY, Rowland Henry, Sal. Man. Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. B. 1892, Bradford-on-Avon. Md. Pr. A.: Moreland Court, Finchley Road, London, N.W.2. Tel.: Hampstead 4658.
COOKE, Arthur, Ici /14 Nantwich Road, Crewe, Cheshire. B. 14 February 187o, Betchton, W. Sandbach, Cheshire Ed.: Hassell Green; Sandbach Grammar School. Car.: lifetime experience in cycle and motor car repairs. Md.: i daughter, 1 son. Pr. A.: 194 Mantwick Road, Crewe. Tel.: 2011 Crewe.
COOKE, Sir Stenson, Sec. Automobile Association. B. 5 October 1874. Ed.: privately. Car.: Sec. A.A. since its inception in 1905; served in London Rifle Brigade, as cadet, subaltern and captain, retiring 1903; joined 8th Essex Regiment August 1914; appt. Staff Captain at War Office 1915; Major 1916; Controller of Supplies, Ministry of National Service 1917; Vice-Pres. Alliance Internationale de Tourisme 1932; knighted 1933; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Md.: 1 son, I daughter. Int.: fencing (Amateur Foils Champion 1923). Pr. A.: Heathcroft, Hampstead Way,
COOKSON, John James, Pro. J. J. Cookson, Central Garage, Macclesfield. B. 1889, Elworth. Ed.: Ashville College, Harrogate. Car.: with Belsize Motors, Manchester; J. A. Lawton & Co., Manchester; Grosvenor Motor Co., Chester. Md.: I son, daughter. Int.: yachting. Pr. A.: 108 Waters Green, Macclesfield. Tel.: Macclesfield 2226.
COOPER, Eric Harry Leach, chief engine designer John Fowler & Co. (Leeds), Ltd. B. io July 1900, Stansted, Essex. Ed.: Cockburn High School, Leeds; Leeds University. Car.: engine designer; agricultural machinery, Diesel designer; I.C. tractor designer. Md. Int.: motoring, tennis, science. Pr. A.: 59 Waincliffe Mount, Leeds, i 1.
COOPER, Frederick Bryce, M.I.M.T., of Bridgewater Garages, 26 Ullet Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool. B. 2 May 1896, Prestwich, Manchester. Ed.: privately; Arnold House, Blackpool; School of Technology, Manchester. Car.: interested in motor trade in 1925 when business opened in Manchester and transferred to Liverpool 1927. Md.: i son. Int.: motor trade associations. Pr. A.: "Cherry Tree," 193 South Mossley Hill Road, Liver pool 19. Tel.: Garston 925.
COOPER, John, consultant to the Board India Tyre & Rubber Co. B. 17 October 1886, London. Ed.: Wilson's Grammar School, London; trained in merchandising and engineering. Car.: with Dermatine Co., 1902/5; Gen. Man. New Motor & General Rubber Co., Ltd., and Almagam, Ltd., 1906/7; Southern rep. Unity Rubber Co., 1907/8; Sal. Man. St. Alban Rubber Co. and Grimston Tyres, Ltd., 1909/19; Man. Dir. Industrial Rubber Products, 1919/25; Sal. Dir. American Rubber Mnfrs. Assoc., 1926/7; Gen. Sal. Man. India Co., 1928/31, and consultant 1931. Md.: 2 sons, 2 daughters. Int.: motoring. Pr. A.: 347 Byres Road, Glasgow, W. Tel.: Western 5588.
COPESTAKE, Frederick Ray, Man. Dir. Universal Car Co. (Derby), Derby. B. 21 January 1888, Derby. Ed.: Municipal Secondary School. Car.: with A. R. Atkey & Co., Nottingham, 21 years; February, 1928, formed present Company. Md.: 1 son. Int.: shooting, bee-keeping. Pr. A.: " Winifreds," Chellaston Road, Allen town, Derby. Tel.: Chellaston 34.
COSSON, Don, Dir. Don Cosson, Ltd., 116 Hampstead Road, N.W. B. 28 January 1898, London. Ed.: Manchester Grammar School; Man chester University. Car.: with Rover agents works, Manchester; enlisted 3rd Cheshires June 1916; commission in Tank Corps, served in France; started present firm 1928. Int.: grey hound racing, shooting. Pr. A.: Strathmore, Aldenham Avenue, Radlett. Tel.: Radlet 6449.
COTTON, Sydney Arthur, Service Man. South London Motors, Ltd., Streatham, S.W. B. 7 October 1886, Middlewich, Cheshire. Ed.: Sandbach Grammar School; Crewe Technical School; apprntcd. W. Foster & Co., Lincoln. Car.: 5 years with G. Cotton & Co., Holmes Chapel, Cheshire; 5 years motor and general engineering in Canada; 1915-1919 R.A.S.C. and Royal Tank Corps; 7 years with Maxwell & Chrysler Motors; Service Man. 193o, South London Motors. Md.: 1 girl, I boy. Int.: golf, gardening. Pr. A.: 26 Queen's Road Windsor, Berks.
COTTRELL, William Frederick, Dir. and Works Man. Wilcot (Parent) Co., Ltd. B. Bristol. Ed.: North St. Higher Grade School; Bibbings Private School. Car.: assisted father in business and later commenced business, founding Wilcot Co.; patented " Wefco " spring gaiter. Md.: 4 children. Int.: Church, social work Pr. A.: 435 Fishponds Road, Bristol. Tel.: Fishponds 366.
COUPER, William Michael, Man. Dir. Hall & Couper, Ltd., St. Albans. B. 7 September 1905, London. Ed.: Repton; Zurich University, Switzerland. Car.: apprntcd. J. & E. Hall, Dartford, 1924-1927; 1929-31 with Lagonda, Staines; 1931-32, part. with Sir Henry Birkin, in Henry Birkin & Couper, Ltd., Welwyn Garden City. Md.: i daughter. Int.: motor racing, engineering. Pr. A.: Farthing Hall, St. Albans. Tel.: St. Albans 1086.
COVENTRY, Fulwar Cecil Ashton, O.B.E., M.Inst.T., M.I.A.E., Superintendent of Road Transport, G.W.R. B. 1874. Ed.: Winchester. Car.: pupil at Swindon Works; charge of G.W.R. road motor services from 1903; founder member of I.A.E. Pr. A.: Snitherfield, Stoke Green, Slough, Bucks. Tel.: Slough 468.
COWEN, William M., Dir. and Gen. Man. Rolls-Royce, Ltd., and Bentley Motors (1931), Ltd., 14-15 Conduit Street, London.
COX, Francis E. B. 13 November 188o, Catford, Kent. Ed.: St. Michaels School, London. Car.: entered industry with Star Co., 1895; associated with Brown Bros., The Roadway Autocar Co. (Renault England), Ltd.; 1908 managed the Central Garage at Keighly; in 1909 interested in aviation and assisted in the construction of early type of monoplane; several years Sales Man. to Rippon Bros., Huddersfield. Int.: M.T.A. and M.A.A. work: past Chairman of Leeds Section; racing at Brooklands and other meetings; Vice-Chr. Yorkshire Automobile Club.
COX, Leonard Walter, M.C., Sales Man. Rolls-Royce Ltd. & Bentley Motors (1931) Ltd. B. 1886, London. Ed.: King's College School, London; Northampton Institute, London. Car.: automobile industry; 1903 joined S. F. Edge, Ltd.; 1905 joined RollsRoyce, (then C. S. Rolls & Co.); served in R.N.A.S. (armoured cars) at Dardanelles, and in R.A.S.C. (M.T.) in Egypt, Palestine, mentioned in dispatches., awarded M.C. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, yachting. Pr. A.: 26 Addison Road, Kensington, W.14, Tel.: Western 1583.
COX, Rowland Wilton, Pro. Cox, & Co., Putney, Camden Town, Beckenham, Kingston, Croydon. B. 19 June 1886, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Ed.: King Edward's School, Birmingham. Car.: with Bellis & Morcon, Birmingham; 20 years Gen. Man. and later Dir. of Rotax (Motor Accessories), Ltd.; started business in 1927. Md.: 4 children. Int.: tennis, cricket, business. Pr. A.: 31 Waldergrave Park, Twickenham, Mdx. Tel.: Popesgrove 1594.
COXETER, John Wade, Man. Dir. J. Coxeter & Co., Ltd., Oxford. B. 4 September 1873, Abingdon, Berks. Ed.: Stroud Grammar School. Car.: manufacturer of Abingdon cycles at Abingdon; started motor business in Oxford in 1899; Char. for 2 years of M.A.A. Berks, Oxon and S. Bucks Division. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, gardening. Pr. A.:" Kinloss," Wood side, nr. Abingdon, Berks. Tel.: Frierford Heath 39.
CRABTREE, Ernest John, Gen. Man. Pointing, Ltd., Sheffield. B. II November 1884, Wisbech, Cambs. Ed.: Wisbech Grammar School; Norwich Technical College. Car.: apprntcd. Laurence Scott & Co., Norwich; commenced in motor trade in Wisbech 1904; Man. Dir. Crabtree & Son, Ltd., Wisbech until 1923; 4 years Man. of Daimler Dept., Appleyard's, Leeds; 1928 started with Pointings . Md.: 3 children. Int.: gardening, golf, snooker. Pr. A.: 54 Folds Crescent, Sheffield, 8. Tel.: 71019.
CRAIGIE, John William, Sales and Service Man, commercial vehicles, A. & D. Fraser, Glasgow. B. 1 June 1902. Ed.: Edinburgh Academy; Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow; Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Car.: apprntcd. A. Carlaw & Sons, Glasgow; I year Austin Motor Co., Birmingham; 6 years Works Man., A. Carlaw & Sons. Int.: aviation. Pr. A.: Scottish Flying Club Ltd., Renfrew Aerodrome, Renfrew. Tel.: Renfrew 191.
CRAMPTON, William J., M.I.E.E., M.I.R.E. B. 10 April 1871. Sawston, Cambridgeshire. Ed.: Bishops Stortford Grammar School; Perse School, Cambridge; University Engineering Schools Cambridge; G.E.R., Stratford Locomotive Works. Car.: 43 years electrical and auto. engineer; first to adopt electric lighting for cars; introduced Parsons non-skid chains in 1903; one of the first to convert tube ignition tricycle to electric ignition; at Hastings Rally in 1933 only one of the original tour to Hastings 35 years ago; one of the first in England to own a motor tricycle; rank of Capt. in Motor Reserve during Motor Volunteer days; founder member R.A.C. and Royal Aero Club. Widower: 2 girls, I boy. Pr. A.: Huntington House, South Cliff, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. Tel.: 609 Bexhill. Offices: 73 Queen Victoria Street, London. Tel.: Central 6680.
CRANE, Harold Edward, LL B. (Lond.), Neve, Beck & Crane and Engall & Crane, solicitors to the M.T.A., M.A.A., etc., 21 Lime Street, E.C.3.
CREWS, Alexander N., Dir. Frederick J. Gordon & Co., Ltd., London. B. 6 November 1888. Plymouth, Devon. Ed.: Hoe Grammar School, Plymouth. Car.: architect, surveyor, accountant; 1908 to 1910 railway office in U.S.A.; 1910 to 1914 father's business as contractor; war service, 1914-20; France, Palestine and India; 1926 to date Dir. present business. Int. music, theatre, travel, River Thames, sport of all kind. Pr. A.: " The Chestnuts," Cambridge Park, Wan stead, E.
CRISSWELL, Ernest Clifford, F.I.M.T., Pro of Crisswells Garage, High Street, Newmarket. B. 1872, West Bromwich. Ed.: Framlingham College, Suffolk; commercial training Jones Bros., Ltd., Holloway. Car.: opened cycle business in Newmarket 1893; owned and drove first car 1898 (3 h.p. Benz); about same date formed with G. C. & H. G. Bedwell, Cambridge & Newmarket Autocar Co., Ltd.; afterwards owned present business. Md. Int.: tennis, swimming, skating, ski-ing. Pr. A.: Willoughby House, Newmarket. Tel.: Newmarket 238.
CRITCHLEY, James Sidney, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., consulting engineer, Trafalgar House, 11, Water loo Place, S.W. Ed.: Bradford Grammar School; served articles J. Waugh, Bradford and Thomas Green & Sons, Leeds. Car.: engaged in construction of factory plant and machinery; installing amongst other works, first stationary triple expansion steam engine in U.K.; 1896 Man. Daimler Motor Co.; in 1000 mile trials of 1900, 12 of the 13 Daimlers under his successful supervision; 1901 Dir. of Daimler and Tech. Adviser to British Electric Traction Co.; 1913-14 Pres. of I.A.E.; during war Chief Inspector of Mechanical Transport; rep. of the War Office to deal with the supply of transport vehicles from U.S.A.; apprntcd. with Rolls-Royce organisation in U.S.A.; one of founders of S.M.M. & T; founder member of R.A.C. Md. Int.; gardening, motoring. Pr. A .: " Olicana," Waldegrave Road, Bickley. Tel.: Chislehurst 1019.
CROFT, Herbert J., Man. Dir. H. J. Croft, Ltd., Highgate, Kendal. B. 25 February 1872. Ed.: Kirby Londsdale Council School; 7 years apprntcd. general engineering. Car.: started in cycle trade; took up sale and repair of cars 1898; agencies for Humber, Rover, Riley 1903/4; later agencies for Austin & Morris. Md.: 2 sons, 1 daughter. Int.: selling cars and more cars. Pr. A.: Bank Top, Kendal. Tel.: Kendal 188.
CROOK, Walter, A.M.I.A.E., Joint Man. Dir. City Motor Omnibus Co., New Express Saloons Ltd. B. 19 December 1887, Preston. Ed.: privately; Silcoates School, Wakefield; Preston Technical School; apprntcd., Lancashire Steam Motor Co. Car.: with Leyland Motors; New Central Motor Omnibus Co., London General Omnibus Co.; war service A.S.C., 1914-1919; engineer United Counties Omnibus Co. Md. Pr. A.: Richmond Hill Hotel, Richmond, Surrey. Tel.: Richmond 1266.
CROSS, Wilson, Chr. Vacuum Oil Company Ltd., London. B. 23 January 1871. Cincinnati, Ohio. Ed.: Cincinnati. Car.: joined Pennsylvana Lubricating Company, Pittsburgh 1896 at time of the absorption of the Pennsylvania Co's European interests by the Vacuum Oil Co., joined the staff of that coy.; in 1912 a Dir.; Vicechr. and Man. Dir. 1919; chr. 1933. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: riding, golf. Pr. A.: 17 Prince's Gate Court, S.W.
CUMMING, David, Pro. Knowles & Cumming, Nairn Garage, Nairnshire. B. Cawdor, Nairnshire. Ed.: Cawdor; Nairn. Car.: commenced business as cycle agent 1903 and later took up motor cycles and cars. Md.: 6 children. Int.: shooting, fishing. Pr. A.: 13 Bridge Street, Nairn. Tel.: Nairn 9. CUNDY, Frank George, A.M.I.A.E., consulting engineer 9 Dorset Street,W. B. 3 April 1870, London. Ed.: Archbishop Tenisons School; Car.: with S. F. Edge Ltd., testing racing and competition department; with D. Napier & Sons; Man. of repair works; Acting Dir. of Mechanical Transport South Africa 1915-18; consultant to A.A. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: farming. Pr. A.: Marala, Plumpton, Sussex. Tel.: Welbeck 2287.
CUNNINGHAM, Graham, Man. Dir. Triplex Safety Glass Co. B. 19 May 1892, Walthamstow, Essex. Ed.: Bancrofts School, Woodford Wells. Car.: qualified as Solicitor and L.L.B., London University before war; 1915 joined 5th Batt. R.F.; after war practised as solicitor; 1924 appt. Man. Dir. Tuck & Co., Ltd.; May 1919 Dir. of Triplex Safety Glass Co.; Dec. 1919 appointed Man. Dir. Md.: 3 children. Int.: tennis, golf. Pr. A.: 101 Piccadilly, London, W. Tel. Regent 1321.
CUNNINGHAM, Harold James, Editor " The Motor Trader." B. 13 October 1894, Dunfermline, Fife. Ed. Madras College, St. Andrews; George Watson's College, Edinburgh; private tuition in business and commercial subjects. Car.: weekly newspaper training in Journalism; editorial staff " Scotsman " 5 years; joined " Motor Trader " 1925. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 21 Longton Avenue, Sydenham, S.E. Tel.: Syd. 6637.
CUTBUSH, George Hugh, M.I.A.E., M.I.E.S., F.R.G.S., Editor " Motor World," and consulting engineer. B. 3 April 1882, London. Ed.: St. Marks Upper School; South Western Polytechnic; apprntcd. Charing Cross and City Electric Co. Car.: contributor to motor journals; joined " Motor World " in 1905; editor 1907 to 1908 also 1919 to date; 1915 to 1919 Signal Officer, Canadian Corps.; Past chr. Scottish Centre Benevolent Fund; councillor S.M.T.A. chr. Scottish Centre, I.A.E. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: motoring, travel. Pr. A.: "Dunalastair," South Brae Drive, Glasgow. Tel.: Scotstoun 2197.
See Also
Sources of Information