1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name P

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
PAGE, Bertie Leonard, Export and Advertising Man., C.A.V. Bosch, Ltd. B. 20 March 1885, London. Ed.: local; Polytechnic. Car.: in shipping organisation and accountancy; 1908 accountant on staff, Borough Polytechnic; 1918 joined C. A. Vandervell & Co., as accountant, later created Export Depart.; in 1930 with J. Lucas, Ltd., attached Service Headquarters; 1932, C.A.V.-Bosch as Export and Advert. Man.. Md.: one daughter. Int.: gardening, education etc. Pr. A.: " Aysgarth," Sharps Lane, Ruislip, Middlesex.
PAGE, Ernest, A.M.I.A.E., assist chief draughtsman and experimental engineer, Willys Overland Crossby Ltd., Stockport. B. 3 October 1902, Manchester. Ed.: Gorse Hill School, Stratford; Royal Technical College, Salford. Car.: experience in general engineering and marine I.C. engine construction, motor cycles design; experimental work on all types of I.C. engined vehicles. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: swimming, tennis. Pr. A.: 40 Brondonk Road, Wythershawe, Manchester.
PAGE, James Cope, Man. Dir. Oxton Carriage Co.,Ltd., 6 Woodchurch Road, and also Balls Road and Palm Grove, Birkenhead. Md. Pr. A.: No. 2 Kings Mount, Birkenhead. Tel.: 669 & 785 Birkenhead.
PAGE, Valentine, A.M.I.A.E., motor cycle designer, Triumph Cycle Co., Coventry. B. March 1891, London. Ed.: Hastings Grammar School; articled apprntcship. Car.: chief designer to J. A. Prestwich, Ltd., Tottenham; chief designer to Ariel Works, Ltd., Birmingham. Md.: 3 children. Int.: tennis and gardening. Pr. A.: 9 Prospect Road, Moseley, Birmingham.
PALLETT, William George, Gen. Man. Laycock Engineering Co, Sheffield B. 1895, Loughborough, Leicestershire. Ed.: Hicklings School, Loughborough: trained as cost accountant. Car.: 12 months with Herbert Morriss, Ltd., Loughborough; 10 years with Thos. Firth & Sons; joined Laycocks 1920 as cost accountant. Md.: 2 children. Int.: literature, music, gardening, Derbyshire scenery. Pr. A.: 18 Charles Ashmore Road, Woodseats, Sheffield, 8. Tel.: Sheffield 45366.
PARK, William McDonald, Director, Park, Ward & Co., Ltd., London. B. 15 August 1884, Maud, Aberdeenshire. Ed.: Maud Secondary School; apprntcd. R. & J. Shinnie, carriage builders, Aberdeen; 1909-1915 Works Man. Brown, Hughes & Strachan, Ltd.; 1915/1919 Works Man. F. W. Berwick & Co. (Aircraft Dept.); participated with Mr. Ward in formation of Park, Ward & Co., Ltd., 1919. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: golf, gardening, Past. Pres. Institute of British Carriage Builders; member of Council of Federation of Vehicle Builders and Body Builders; Committee of S.M.M. & T. Pr. A.: Hamewith, Frith Wood Avenue, Northwood, Middlesex. Tel .: Northwood 517.
PARKER, Ernest, F.I.M.T., Man. William Arnold, Manchester. B. 1888, Manchester. Ed.: Lloyd Street School; Manchester Technical School. Car.: with Rolls Royce, Ltd., 1903/ 1906; Wolseley Motors 1906/1910; Crossley Motors, Ltd., I9I0/I9I I; William Arnold, 1911 to date. Md: 2 children. Pr. A.: " Sandown," Old Hall Lane, Birchfields Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. Tel.: Andwick 2652.
PARKER, Frederick, Sales Man. William Arnold, Manchester. B. February 1898, Manchester. Ed.: Princess Road, Manchester. Car.: bank clerk 4 years; entered motor trade 1919; Cost Clerk, Cashier, Asst. Works Man., Sales Man. Md.: son. Int.: Soccer, boxing. Pr. A.: " Willow Way," Wembley Grove, Fallowfield, Manchester.
PARKER, Leslie M., Man. Dir. and Sec. Jones, Clarke & Jenkins, Ltd., Fisher Street, Swansea. B. 15 February 1900, Swansea. Ed.: Swansea Secondary School; Swansea Technical College. Car.: 1 years draughtsman with South Wales Structural Co.; from 1922 present position with Jones, Clarke & Jenkins. Md.: child. Int.: swimming, gardening, motoring. Pr. A.: Traquair, Hillside Crescent, Uplands, Swansea.
PARKER, Stanley, Gov. Dir. Parker's (Manchester & Bolton), Ltd., Bolton. B. 19 September 1892, Bolton. Ed.: Bolton Grammar School; trained at L.M. & S. Loco. Works. Car.: started in motor trade on own account in the early days; now controls organisations at Bolton and Manchester. Int.: social. Pr. A.: Bolton. Tel.: Bolton 1348.
PARKES, Arthur Henry, Dir. Small & Parkes, Ltd., Henham Vale Works, Manchester. B. May 1901, St. Annes-on-Sea. Ed.: Malvern College. Pr. A.: Patchway, Prestbury, Cheshire.
PARKES, George Wilfred, Man. Dir. Small & Parkes, Ltd., Hendham Vale Works, Manchester. Ed.: Malvern College. hit.: motoring, golf, tennis.
PARNACOTT, Alfred Edmund, B. 24 January 1872, Lambeth. Ed.: private; then tutorial; King's College, London; practical work and drawing-office training. Car.: invented flywheel fling oiling engines; first dirt-separating carburetter, ran on variety of fuels including alcohol; designed and equipped factory in London; invented and built first car having rigid frame, 4 independently sprung road wheels, engine pedal starter, organ-type pedals, free-wheel and 4 direct forward gears; during war contractor to Government; designed for 30o guineas aero-carburettor for Air Ministry, patent made secret by Navy; attempted to produce light cheap universal car after War. Md.: daughter, 2 sons. Int.: change of work chiefly, pedal cycling. Pr. A.: 41 Newlands Park, Sydenham, London. Tel.: Sydenham 5393.
PARNELL, Frank Gordon, A.M.I.A.E., sales engineer Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Brock House, Langham Street, W. B. 28 June 1892, London. Ed.: City of London School; Northampton Engineering College, London. Car.: 1912/1917 with Clement Talbot, Straker Squire, Arrol Johnson; in 1917 U.S.A. rep. Ricardo & Co.; 1923 designer Triumph Motor Co.; 193o Humber, Ltd., designer. Md. Int.: riding, boating, swimming. Pr. A.: 37 Binswood Avenue, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Tel.: Leamington 1400.
PARSONS, Harry, J;P., M.I.Mech. E., Man. Dir. Parsons Oil Engine Co., Ltd.; Man. Dir. Parsons & Swayne, Ltd., Southampton. B. 13 May 1871, Andover, Hants. Ed.: Andover Grammar School; Brighton School; engineering pupilship and tech. classes. Car.: in drawing office, works. mana., commercial side; originator Parsons non-skid and Parsons oil engine; Past Pres. Southampton Chamber of Commerce; Vice-Pres. Asscn. of British Chambers of Commerce; Chr. Southampton Harbour Board; founder and Past Pres. Rotary Club; Committee R.S.H. Hospital and Sailors' Home; Past Chr. Marine Committee, S.M.M. & T. Md.: 3 childen. Int.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: Brampton, Bassett, Southampton. Tel.: Bassett 68385.
PARTRIDGE, Albert Gerry, Man. Dir., Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Wolverhampton. B, 25 August 1880, Jamestown, N.Y., U.S.A. Ed.: Jamestown, N.Y. Car.: in the rubber business since 1899. Md.: I son, 2 daughters. Int.: golf, fishing, reading. Pr. A.:" Woodside," Wrottesley Road, Tettenhall, Staffs. Tel.: Tettenhall 51303.
PAUL, Cyril, of Brooklands Motor Co., Euston Road, N.W. B. 31 May 1903, Finchley, London. Ed.: Highgate School, London; apprntcd. to engineering. Car.: racing from 1922 for Austro-Daimler, Beardmore, Sunbeam, Lea-Francis, Alvis, Alfa-Romeo, Bentley, Riley, etc.; 4 years pro. of garage and engineering works at Finchley for high-class tuning. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, motor racing. Pr. A.: Navarino, Salisbury Avenue, London, N. Tel.: Finchley 1119.
PAUL, Frederick Henry, M.I.A.E., M.I.Mech.E., Maintenance Manager, Garlick Burrell & Edwards, Ltd., Bootle. B. 14 May 1887, Bromley, Kent. Ed.: Hayes Grammar School; Merchant Venturers College, Bristol; trained as engineer. Car.: 15 years with Bristol Tramways & Carriage Co.; 12 years as engineer and maintenance man. for Garlick Burrell & Edwards. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: 1 o Oxford Avenue, Bootle, Liverpool 20. Tel.: Bootle 1567.
PAUL, William Welham, A.C.A. Sec. and Dir. Brown Brothers, Ltd., and Thomson & Brown Brothers, Ltd. B. Blyth, Northumberland. Car.: Chartered Accountant of 23 years standing: joined Brown Bros. as chief accountant 1924: appt. dir. 1930.
PAULL, Wallace Henry, Tech. Dir. Dunlop Rubber Co. B. 15 November 1870, near Aberystwyth, Wales. Ed.: privately in South of England. Car.: went to Birmingham in 1892 and became interested in pneumatic tyre construction in 1893; remained associated with tyre manufacture ever since. In the early period was connected with much of the patent litigation of the time, eventually joining the Dunlop organisation in 1904; appt. Technical Dir. in 1925. Read one of the earliest papers on pneumatic tyres in 1901 before the Institute of Cycle Engineers (now I.A.E.).
PAWNALL, Arthur Henry, Service Man. Chrysler Motors, Ltd. B. September 1896, London. Ed.: The Cooper's School; apprntcd. 4 years D. J. Smith & Co., London and Northampton Poly.; 1 year at Vickers, Sheffield and Sheffield University. Car.: pilot R.F.C. and R.A.F.; engineer to Westcliffe-on-Sea Motor Services; Transport Man. to F. & A. Swanzy, Gold Coast, W.A.; Ser. rep. Chrysler Motors. Int.: cricket, tennis, swimming, aviation, automobiles. Pr. A.: 16 The Barons, St. Margarets, East Twickenham.
PAWLYN, John H. W., Dir. Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies, Ltd. B. 1875, Birmingham. Ed.: Taunton and Plymouth Colleges; trained as Chartered Accountant. Car.: joined Ransomes' staff as chief accountant 1901, and became a Dir. in 1917. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: "Hatherleigh," Tuddenham Road Ipswich. Tel.: 223o.
PAYNTER, William Livingstone, A.M.I.Mech.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Forth Engine & Motor Works (Newcastle-on-Tyne), Ltd., Newcastleon-Tyne. B. 16 February 1877, Dartmouth. Ed.: Caterham Valley, Surrey; Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne; apprntcd. Simpson, Strickland & Co., Philip & Son, Dartmouth. Car.: departmental head of R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co., Loco. Works; founder of Forth Engine & Motor Works as Man. Partner; now Man. Dir.; inventions: auto coupler, spare wheel carrier, " Quick Fix " seat, " Avalanche " tipping gear, " Hotmix " robot road maker, buoyant power suspension. Int.: swimming, shooting, music, motoring. Pr. A.: Myrtle Cottage, Ke]ls Lane, Low Fell, Co. Durham.
PEAKE-JONES, Arthur, F.I.M.T., Sales Man. Stepney Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd., Walthamstow. B. 21 November 1884, Crewe. Car.: journalism, advertising, sales; with Avon Rubber Co. 1913/31; British Goodrich Rubber Co. and Stepney Co. 1931 to date; on S.M.M. & T. and M.T.A. Councils 1920/30; first Chr. Tyre Mnfrs. Conference 1930; Council and Executive, Benevolent Fund. Md. Int.: music, literature, motoring, golf. Pr. A.: 17 Elms Avenue, Muswell Hill, N. Tel.: Tudor 5834.
PEALL, Gordon Frederick, Dir. F. W. Lucas (1922), Ltd., London. B. 1882, Brixton, London. Ed.: Dulwich College; training with Brotherhood Crocker Motors, Ltd., West Norwood and Lambeth. Car.: drove first car in 1898; 1903 to 1906 with Brotherhood; 1906 to 1909 Sales Man. Gladiator Cars; conducting own car sales business in Leicester Square, London, to 1915; thence to 1919 with Gordon Watneys Aero Works, Weybridge, machine shop production; from 1922 to date with F. W. Lucas. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: tennis, billiards, motoring, fishing. Pr. A.: 56 Wyatt Park Road, Streatham Hill, S.W. Tel.: Tulse Hill 6926.
PEARSALL, Ralph Howard, Certifying Officer under Road Traffic Act, 1930. B. 17 February 1883, Colorado Springs, U.S.A. Ed.: Bedales School; University College School; King's College, Cambridge; Honours Mech. Science Tripos 1905: M.A., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. Car.: with Premier Gas Engine Co., Clayton & Shuttleworth, and Crompton & Co.; Capt. R.E.; afterwards with B.S.A. and Daimler Co. Md.: 2 sons. Pr. A.: Sandalls, Copt Heath Solihull.
PEARSON, Alfred O., Man. Dir. Alfred Pearson, Ltd., Elm Grove Southsea. B. 1874, Plymouth. Ed.: Gresham College, Southsea. Car.: 8 years in grocery business in London; entered cycle trade 1898 with John Griffith Cycle Corpn.; started at 52 Elm Grove, Southsea; formed private co. in 1905 as Pearson & Pearson, Ltd.; moved to present address in 1920 and name of company changed in 1933. Md.: 3 children. in t.: cycling, motoring, bridge, trade association work. Pr. A.: 34 Havelock Road, Southsea.
PEIRSON, Charles, Advertising Man., Brown Brothers, Ltd., London. B. November 1886, Norfolk.
PENMAN, James B., M.C., Dir. A. C. Penman, Ltd., Queensberry Motor Works, Dumfries. B. 14 February 1893, Dumfries. Ed.: Dum-, fries Academy Abbotsholme; Regent Street Polytechnic; Silver Medallist, City & Guilds Exam. Car.: 1912 to 1913 with Wolseley Motors, Birmingham; 1913 with A. C. Penman, Dumfries; war service 1914/19 with K.O.S.B., Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine; rank Capt.; awarded M.C.; 1919 became Dir. of present firm. Md.: 2 daughters. Pr. A.: Greylands, Dumfries. Tel.: Dumfries 86.
PENMAN, Maxwell, Chr. and Man. Dir. A. C. Penman, Ltd., Dumfries. B. 29 August 1879, Castle Douglas. Ed.: Castle Douglas; apprntcd. J. B. Penman, Castle Douglas; Technical School in London. Car.: control of business of J. B. Penman; subsesequently almagamated with A. C. Penman as Dir., forming A. C. Penman, Ltd. Md.: 1 son. Int.: yachting, water colour, sketching, tennis, literature. Pr. A.: Merrick, Castle Douglas. Tel. 33.
PENTLAND, George Charles, A .111.I.A.E., Dir. A. Gray & Co., Ltd., Guildford. B. 15 February 1890, Dublin. Ed.: Malvern; Caius College, Cambridge; B.A. Camb, in Engineering Science. Car.: 1912 to 1914 Asst. Engineer, Rathmines U.D.C. 1914 to 1919 Royal Dublin Fusilers, Machine Gun Corps and R.A.F.; 1919 to date present position. Md. Int.: sailing, shooting, fishing, golf. Pr. A.: The Hutch, Shalford, Surrey. Tel.: Shalford 59.
PERKINS, Alan Howard, F.I.M.T., M.Inst.B.E., Ed.: Preparatory Byards; apprntcd. motor trade 1905. Car.: in Australia prior to war; garage, driving mail coach, some station and well Luring experience; started and managed Western Motor Co., Longreach, salesman for E. G. Eager, Brisbane, and subsequently Man. Sales to S. and S.W. Opland, served in Australian Forces 1915,118, Lieut M.T.A. and M.A.A., Councillor 193o/34; member Used Car Market Report Board 1932/4 chr. B.O. & S.B. Division 1934/5. Md.: 3 children. Pr. A.: 19 Crescent Road, Wokingham, Berks. Tel.: 112.
PERKINS, Thomas C., Man. for Scotland Pirelli, Ltd. B. 15 March 1892, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Ed.: St. Paul's, Manchester. Car.: with Continental Tyre & Rubber Co. to 1914; 1915 war service; 1917 in Ireland, attached to recruiting batt.; 1921/26 representative for Goodrich Rubber Co. Md.: 2 children. hit.: golf, mechanical engineering. Pr. A.: Collingwood, Blairbeth Road, Burnside, Glasgow.
PERRY, Frederick, A.M.I.E.E., Tech. Sales Engineer, Lodge Plugs, Ltd., Rugby. B. 3 May 1891, Birmingham. Ed.: Clark's College, Birmingham; Birmingham Technical School; International Correspondence Schools; apprntcd. H. W. Ward & Co., Birmingham. Car.: Assist. Works Man. Willy's Overland Crossley; Gen. Man. Coventry Repetition Co. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: gardening, modelmaking. Pr. A.: 969 Chichester Road, Erdington, Birmingham.
PERRY, Sir Percival Lea Dewhurst, K.B.E., F.R.G.S., Chr. Ford Motor Co., Ltd.; Chr. Henry Ford` & Son, Ltd. B. 18 Mar 1878, Bristol. Ed.: King Edward School, Birmingham. Car.: Pres. Motor Trade Association, 1914/15/16; Dir. Food Production Dept., 1916; Dir. Agricultural Machinery Dept., Ministry of Munitions, 1917/18; Deputy Controller Mechanical Warfare Dept.; Dir. of Traction, 1918/19. A'Id. Pr. A.: Isle of Herm, Channel Islands.
PERRY, W. Harold, Gov. Dir. W. Harold Perry, Ltd., Finchley and Westcliff; Gov. Dir. Aylesbury Motor Co., Ltd., Aylesbury; Man. Dir. Arthur E. Gould, Ltd., Regent Street, London. B. 24 July 188o, Bristol. Ed.: Birmingham Technical School. Car.: joined Perry Thornton & Schrieber, Ltd., 1906; commenced in business on own account 1908; company formed in 1926 to take over this business; commenced business in High Wycombe, 1912, later becoming Aylesbury Motor Co. Md.: 5 children. Int.: tennis; on Executive Committee of Benevolent Fund; Warden of Children's Home, B.F.; Council of S.M.M. & T., 1924/32; Council of M.T.A. & M.A.A.; First Pres. of I.M.T. Pr. A.: Hillmount, Woodside Avenue, Highgate, London. Tel.: Tudor 1919.
PETRIE-HAY, Alex. George, M.C., London Man. Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., 1 Victoria Street, S.W. B. 17 June 1895, Forres, Morrayshire. Ed.: Inverness College. Car.: 5 year's training at Loco Works and Road Motor Dept. G.N.S. Rly. at Inverurie and Aberdeen; joined 6th Gordon Highlanders 1910; served in France; wounded at Beaumont Hamel 1916; invalided with rank of capt.; awarded Military Cross and mentioned in despatches; represented Eagle Engineering Co. in Scotland from 1923; London Man. 1931. Md. Int.: gardening, shooting, fishing. Pr. A: " Darnaway," Green Lane, Purley, Surrey. Tel.: Purley 4418.
PETTY. Raymond P., Chairman and Man. Dir. South London Motors, Ltd., Streatham High Road, London, S.W. B.: 189o, London. Ed.: London. Car.: in New Zealand from 1912 to 1921, holding three positions as Works. Man.; returned to England and founded South London Motors in 1921. Md.: 2 children. Pr. A.: London. Tel.: Pollards 4444.
PHILIP, Roland, Purchase Man. Ford Motor Co., Ltd. B. 188o, Hull. Ed.: privately. Car.: secretary Central Motor Car Co.; Man. Automobile Cab Co., Ltd.; Man. Dir. A. E. Gould, Ltd.; Dir. Stromberg Motor Devices, Ltd. Md.: 2 children. Int.: motoring, gardening. Pr. A.: 65 Monkhams Lane, Woodford Green, Essex.
PHILLIPS, Arthur Austin, Dir. & Sec. New Avon Body Co., Ltd., Warwick. B. 1891, Coventry. Ed.: King Edward VI School, Birmingham; articled clerk, 1909/14. Car.: practiced as solicitor; served in R.H.A. in France and Germany, 1914 to 1919; participated in the formation of New Avon Body Co. in 1922. Md.: i daughter. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: Little Court, Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa. Tel.: Leamington Spa 154.
PHILLIPS, Arthur Francis Palmer, Dir. of Sales, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. B. 1880, Herne Bay. Ed.: University College. Car. Past President I.M.T.; Past Vice-President S.M.M. & T. Md.: 2 children. Int.: shooting, fishing, golf.
PHILLIPS, Arnold Webb, Publicity and competitions Man. Royal Automobile Club. B.: 1888 Norwich. Ed.: King Edward's School, Norwich; articled to land agent in Norwich. Car.: in 1906 joined Central Conservative office as political journalist; practised as Parliamentary Agent, 1910/1914; war service Royal Fusiliers and R.F.C. 1914/21; joined B.A.R.C. and A.C.U. as Press Sec. 1922; joined the R.A.C. in 1924. Md.: 1 son. Int.: motoring, golf, literature. Pr. A.: Bembridge, Ashford, Mdx. Tel.: Ashford 256.
PHILLIPS, James Charles Joseph, Exhibition Man. S.M.M. & T. B. 22 February 1883, Birmingham. Ed.: Blue Coat School, Birmingham. Car.: connected with motor industry since 1900, when joined concessionaires for Mercedes Cars; started with S.M.M.&T. in 1905; war service 1916/19 R.A.S.C. and General Staff, War Office; rejoined S.M.M. & T. in 1919. Md.: 2 sons. Pr. A.: 23 Audley Road, Ealing, W.
PHILLIPS, Wallace B., Man. Dir. The Pyrene Co., Ltd., London. B. 3o March 1886, New York City. Ed.: Yale University; Sheffield Scientific School. Car.: 9 years sales engineer, travelling in all parts of the world; in 1913 founded the Pyrene Co.; Chr. and Man. Dir. since that date; served as Intelligence Officer in France 1917/18. Md. Int.: business, golf. Pr. A.: Stratton House, Piccadilly, W. Tel.: Mayfair 2642.
PHILLIPS, William Neville Gardner, B.A., A.M. I . A .E. Editor " The, Motor Cycle and Cycle Trader." B. 21 June 1899, Craigavad, Co. Down, Ireland. Ed.: Shrewsbury School; Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. Car.: Mechanical Sciences Tripos, Cambridge University; with Vauxhall Motors as draughtsman, etc., 1921/24; Asst. Tec. Man. Amac, Ltd., 1924/26; Midland editorial rep. Trader Publishing Co., 1926/3o. Md.: I son. bit.: cricket, hockey and motoring. Pr. A.: Oakway, Shortlands, Kent. Tel.: Beckenham 1686.
PHILLIPS-CONN, Thomas, B.A., LL.B., Sec. Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lancs. Ed.: Bradfield College, Berks.; Clare College, Cambridge. Car.: 4 years practising Barrister-at-Law, subsequently with Leyland Motors, Ltd. Pr. A.: 16 Lulworth Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs. Tel.: Southport 66687.
PICKERING, Alfred E., Pro. Express Motor Works, Portadown, Armagh. B. 8 December 1898, Portadown. Ed.: Portadown; technical training; apprntcd. Workman Clark & Co., Belfast. Car.: started present business. Md.: I child. Int.: motoring, racing generally. Pr. A.: 8 Edward Street, Portadown. Tel.: Portadown 144.
PICKTON, Gordon England, Man. Dir. W. H. Ireland & Co., Ltd., Legh Street, Warrington. B. 24 August 1895, Warrington. Ed.: People's College School, Warrington; Warrington Secondary School; Liverpool Technical Institute. Car.: apprntcd., 1911, Warrington Motor Carriage Co.; in 1912 joined Robinson & Price, Liverpool as apprntc.; war service M.T., September 1914; later transferred to R.A.F. as pilot; started repair shop; took over father's business, 1922, and later joined present firm. Md.: 2 sons, i daughter. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: "Norwood," Warrington Road, Great Sankey, nr. Warrington.
PILLING, Jack, Pro. J. Pilling, Y.M.C.A. Buildings, Bury. B. 17 October 1884, Bury. Ed.: St. John's College. Car.: 20 years in the motor trade. Md.: 4 sons. Int.: motor sports, golf. Pr. A.: 307 Walmersley Road, Bury, Lancs. Tel.: Bury 66o.
PINKERTON, George H., Dir. Dickey & Pinkerton, Ltd., Ballymena, Antrim. B. 11 July 1891, Ballaghmore, Ballymoney. Ed.: Coleraine Academical Institution; Queens University, Belfast. Car.: war service, 1914/19; with Dickey & Pinketon, 1919 to date. Md.: 2 sons, 1 daughter. Int.: cricket, golf. Pr. A.: Braidview, Broughshane Road, Ballymena. Tel.: Ballymena 206.
PIPER, Oscar Francis Victor, Man. Burtonwood Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., Woodside Grove, N., Finchley, London. B. 28 August 1885, Harefield, Junee Junction, N.S.W., Australia. Ed.: Rockdale, N.S.W.; apprntcd. Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd., Clyde, N.S.W., and H. V. McKay, Sunshine, Australia; 41 years war service, Capt., D.C.M. Md.: 1 child. Int.: travel. Pr. A.: ro Grove Park, Kingsbury, London, N.W. Tel.: Colindale 7627.
PLASTOW, James Stuart, Dir. and Gen. Man. J. Plastow & Sons, Ltd., Grimsby. B. 2 June 1899, Grimsby. Ed.: Grimsby Municipal College. Car.: joined father in motor trade and took over management when he died, 1928, the firm established 1897. Md.: 1 son. Int: Assoc. football, Masonry. Pr. A.: 36 Weelsby Road, Grimsby. Tel.: Grimsby 4728.
PLATT, Edward Cecil, A.M.I.A.E., 6o Newhall Street, Birmingham, 3. B. 1901, Llangollen, N. Wales. Ed. University of Liverpool; College of Technology, Manchester. Car.: With Ford Motor Co., Trafford Park, Man chester, and Ford Motor Co., Asnieres (Seine), Paris. Md. Int.: golf, shooting. Pr. A.: 78 Bills Lane, Shirley, Warwicks. Tel.: Central 2644.
POHLMAN, G. Cecil, F.I.M.T., Gen. Man. Cook & Palmer, Ltd., London. B. Dublin. Ed.: Elstow College, Bedford. Car.: with Clement Talbot for io years; Man. for Clement Bayard 5 years; Man. Dir. Cecil Pohlman, Ltd. Md.: 4 children. Int.: golf; hon. sec. and founder member of M.T.A. Golf Society. Pr. A.: High Tree, Canons Drive, Edgware, Middlesex. Tel.: Edgware 0820.
POLLITT, John, A.M.I.A.E., A.S.A.E F. I .111 T mnfs.' service J. Lucas, Ltd. B. August 1892, Sale, Cheshire. Ed.: Liverpool College; apprntcd. Rover Co. Car.: chiefly in retail motor business, followed by several years with manufacturers; now with J. Lucas. Int.: avoiding gardening. Pr. A.: 83 Vernon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham.
POOLE, Stephen Carey, M.I.A.E., chief designer and engineer Jowett Cars, Ltd., Idle, Bradford. B. 15 December 1888, Coventry. Ed.: Bablake School, Coventry; Birmingham University. Car.: with Wolseley Motors, Birmingham, 1907/09; Standard Motor Co., Coventry to 1912; chief draughtsman Clyno Engineering Co., Wolverhampton, to 1918; chief engineer to 1920; chief designer Singer & Co., Coventry, from 1920/28; to date with present firm. Md.: 3 children. Int.: motoring, gardening, golf. Pr. A.: 26 Bankfield Drive, Nab Wood, Shipley, Yorks. Tel.: Shipley 955.
POPPE, Erling, works Man. Dennis Bros. Ltd., Guildford. B. 12 November 1898, Steyr, Austria, of Norwegian nationality. Ed.: Coventry; Birmingham. Car.: with White & Poppe; with Rover Co. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: Three Gates, Guildown Road, Guildford. Tel.: Guildford 1503.
POPPE, Gunnar, M.A. (Cam.), Clement Talbot, Ltd. B. 23 March 1901, Coventry. Ed.: King Henry VIII School, Coventry; Clifton College, Bristol; Caius College, Cambridge; honours degree for Mech. Science at Cambridge. Car.: with Austin Motor Co., 1923/32; then Talbot. Md. Int.: Rugby football (London Welsh XV), motor racing. Pr. A.: " Northfield," Morningside, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 3641.
PORTE, Edgar Kenric, M.Inst. B.E., Man. Dir. Bourke & Porte, Ltd., Charterhouse Square, E.C. B.: 1901, London. Ed.: Brighton College. Car.: Vickers, Ltd., Erith Works; 1916/18 Ministry of Inventions; 1922 becoming Man. Dir. on formation of Bourke & Porte. Md. Int.: golf, yachting. Pr. A.: Gorran Close, West Common, Harpenden, Herts. Tel.: Harpenden 653.
PORTER, Robert Claude, Works Man. Boon & Porter, Ltd., 161 Castelnau, S.W. B. 2 November 1905, London. Ed.: Framlingham College, Suffolk; 5 years. Regent Street Polytechnic; apprntcd, Clement Talbot Ltd. Car.: with Laystall, Ltd., London, and present firm since 1927. Int.: motor sport. Pr. A.: 36 Nassau Road, S.W. Tel.: Riverside 5366.
POWELL, A. D., Tech. Dir., Joseph Bradbury & Sons, Ltd., Braintree. B. 1882, Liverpool. Ed.: Leicester City Technical School. Car.: founded Fitall Gear Co., 1908, sold business to Lake and Elliot, and acted as Works Man. for that firm 1911 to 1924; founded Garage Equipment, Co., 1925; amalgamated with Joseph Bradbury & Sons, 1927; inventor of variable speed motor cycle gear, screw jacks, denterazer, service equipment, etc. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: water colour drawings, horticulture. Pr. A.: 31 Clam, Road, Braintree, Essex.
POWELL, Francis Edward, Jnr., Dir. Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., London. B. 12 September 1900, U.S.A. Ed.: Charterhouse; Cambridge University. Car.: commenced in oil business in 1924; with marketing experience in the sale and distribution of petroleum products, France, England and Canada; and in the sale of oil burning devices in the U.S.A. Md. Pr. A.: Milburn, Esher, Surrey. Tel.: Esher 474.
POWELL, George Frederick, Man., Palmer Tyre, Ltd., Aldwych House, London. B. 1882. Ed.: Blundells; Merchant Venturers Technical College; Bristol University. Car.: district man. Dunlop Rubber Co., 1908; 1918, Overseas Manager; 1926, Overseas Director; Dir. several subsidiary companies. 1VId.: 3 children. Int.: dynamics, economics. Pr. A.: 67 Mount Park Road, Ealing London. Tel.: Perivale 3208.
POWELL, Raymond Percy, Man. Dir., Ray Powell, Ltd., Forest Gate, E. B. 13 August 1878, Pimlico, London. Ed.: Monoux Grammar School, Walthamstow. Car.: worked in father's firm ( James Powell, jobmaster) until 1918, when commenced separately own firm of jobmaster and motor dealers. Widower.: 1 son. Int.: rink hockey, yachting. Pr. A.: 295 Romford Road, Forest Gate, E. Tel.: Maryland 3000.
PRANCE, Major Henry Waymouth, M.I. A . E . , A. F. R Ae . S. , Com p I . F.. E. , consulting automobile eng. B. 3o March 1882, London. Ed.: Tonbridge School; articled Archibald Sharp; Central Technical College, Kensington. Car.: par. Markham & Prance, Southampton Street, Strand and High Street, Southampton; Official Measurer and Inspecting Eng., Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, 1908/ 1928; war service, 2nd in command 2/3rd Batt. London Regt.; subsequently attached R.A.F. in technical department Air Ministry; business on own account assembling and selling " Aero-ford " cars. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: motoring. Pr. A.: The Garage Bungalow, Caroline Place, Bayswater, London, W.2.
PRESTWICH, John Alfred, M.I.Mech.E„ M.I.A.E., Pro. and Gov., Dir., J. A. Prestwich & Co., Ltd., Tottenham, N. B. 1 September 1874, Kensington. Ed.: City of London College; Finsbury Technical College; S. de Ferranti & Co.; apprntcd. Tyler & Ellis, engineers. Car.: started present business in 1895, making electrical and scientific apparatus; inventor and pioneer of cinematograph; pioner of aviation, manufacturing aero engines 1908/11 manufacturing J.A.P. motorcycles and engines from 1902. Md.: 5 sons.
PRICE, John Evans, F.I.M.T., Sales Dir. Singer & Co., Ltd., Coventry. B. Swandea. Ed.: Swansea Technical School; works training at British Mannesmann Tube Co., Swansea. Car.: commercial and with Swift of Coventry, Ltd., as Sales Man.; on Council and Man. Comtee. of M.T.A., Council of I.M.T.; served on S.M.M. & T. Council and Car Section. Md.: son. Int.: reading, golf. Pr. A.: 59 Lillington Road, Leamington Spa. Tel.: 1058 Leamington Spa.
PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, Lancelot, Man. Dir. Winter Garden Garages, London. B. 17 October 1894, Rowner Rectory, Gosport, Hants. Ed.: Marlborough College. Car.: in Lloyds Bank 1913 to 1914; war service Aug. 1914 to March 1919 in France all the time; 1914 Motor Cycle Despatch Rider, R.E. Corporal; 1916/ 1919 M.T. attached R.G.A., Lieut.; from 1920/33 with Winter Garden Garages, known as Automobile Service Co., from 1920/28. Md. Int.: motoring, golf, tennis. Pr. A.: Thrift Wood, nr. Limpsfield. Surrey. Tel.: Limpsfield Chart 90.
PRYER, Robert William John, B.Sc.(Eng.) Lond., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., lecturer in auto. and aero. engineering, Loughborough College. B. 3o May 1897, Dover. Ed.: Dover County Secondary School. Car.: R.N. Mech. Training Establishment; 1913/17 marine engineering; 1917/22 R.N. as engine room artificer; 1922 joined Loughborough College. Md.: 3 children. Int.: writing, amateur soldiering, ancient history. Pr. A.: 32 Albert Promenade, Loughborough.
PULFREY, George Henry, Rolling Stock Supt., Nottingham Passenger Transport. B. 16 October 1900, Sheffield. Ed.: locally; Sheffield University; apprntcd. Sheffield Corpn. Tramways and Motors. Car.: Chief Asst. Engineer, Engineer in charge of garages and buses to the Corpn. then present post. Md.: 1 child. Int.: walking, motoring, philately, numismatics, pictorial art. Pr. A.: " Rushcliffe," Maurice Drive, Mapper Rise, Nottingham. Tel.: Nottingham 64271.
PULLINGER, Thomas Chas. Willis, M.I.A.E., C.B.E., J .P., late Man. Dir., Arrol Johnston, Ltd., Dumfries & Galloway Engineering Co., Kirkcudbright, Scotland. B. 16 February 1867, London. Ed.: Dartford Grammar School, Kent; apprntcd. J. & E. Hall, engineers, Dartford, through shops and drawing office. Car.: designer Royal Gun Factories, Woolwich Arsenal; designer A. Darraq, Pre St. Gervais, France; Works Man., Duncan & Suberbie Croissy and A. Teste Moret & Cie, Lyon-Vaise, France; Works Man., Sunbeam Co., Wolverhampton; Works Man. Humber Co., Beeston, Notts., (motors and cycles) and at Coventry (Motors only); Man. Dir. Arrol Johnston, Ltd., and simultaneously Galloway Eng. Co.; Life Member Societe Ingenieurs Civils de France. Md.: 6 daughters, 5 sons. Int.: farming, yachting. Pr. A.: The Brae, St. Brelade, Jersey, C.I. Tel.: St. Aubins 198.
PURVES, Adam, Pro. Adam Purves & Son, 5, Market Street, Galashiels. B. 5 May 1875, Galashiels. Ed.: Galashiels; apprntcd 6 years at turner and fitter, machinery drawing at Galashiels Technical College. Car.: started on own behalf in cycle trade in 1898 and in motor trade since its beginning. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: motoring. Pr. A.: 9 Paton Street, Galashiels. Tel.: Galashiels 231.
PURVES, William Wilson, A.M.I.A.E., Pro. Wilson Purves, Brighton Road, Horsham, Sussex. B. January 1887, Leith, Scotland. Ed.: Leith Academy; 5 years apprntcd. John Cran, Ltd., marine engineers, Leith. Car.: 18 months 3rd Engineer s.s. " Ben Clune " (2nd B.O.T. Certificate); 5 years with J. I. Thornycroft; 1915/19 Aeronautical Inspection Dep .; 1919 to date conducting present business. Md. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: Brighton Road, Horsham. Tel.: Horsham 137.
See Also
Sources of Information