1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name D

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
DANGERFIELD, Roland Edmund, Man. Dir. Temple Press, Ltd. B. 18 June 1897, London. Ed.: Harrow. Car.: war service, commission in R.F.C. and R.A.F. 1916/1919; dir. Temple Press, Ltd. since 1918. Md. Int.: motoring, horseriding. Pr. A.: xo, Alexander Square, London, S.W.3. Tel.: Ken. 6791.
DARBY, Lawson Alfred, London Man. Exide Batteries Ltd. B. Beccles, Suffolk. Ed.: Sir John Leman's School. Car.: civil service; with Crompton & Co., Chelmsford; Exide batteries since 1912. Md.: I child. Int.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: 8 Leopold Road, Ealing Common, W.5. Tel.: Acorn 2835.
DAVEY, H. Leonard, Sal. Man. Humber Ltd. B. 8 October 1877, Dulwich, S.E. Ed.: London. Car.: with Humber Ltd. since 1892. Md.: son. Int.: all outdoor sports. Pr. A.: " Kennington," Stoke Park, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 2455.
DAVIDGE, Alfred Vincent, M.I.A.E., Advg. Man. Austin Motor Co. B. 13 March 1880, London. Ed.: Haberdashers Company School; Southgate Engineering Co.; Regent Street Polytechnic. Car.: 1899 designing special tools and plant for the Helecoid Locknut Co.; 1901 joined Sir Herbert Austin and in 1925 appointed Advg. Man. Md.: 1 son, 4 daughters. Int.: tennis, music, gardening. Pr. A. " Rosebank," Steele Road, Northfield.
DAVIES, David Titlebaum, Man. Dir. Davies Tyre Co., Ltd. B. 9 September 1888, London. Ed.: privately Md.: 3 sons. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 56 North Gate, Regents Park, London. Tel.: Primrose Hill 4717.
DAVIES, J. Llew, Man. D. E. Davies Ltd., Barmouth. B. 1889, Barmouth. Ed.: Barmouth Towyn County School. Car.: member Barmouth Urban Council for 18 years. chr. in 1924 and 1930. Md.: i child. Int.: football, golf. Pr. A.: Tangbryn, Barmouth. Tel.: 4.
DAVIES, Samuel George, F.I.M.T., F.C.W.A., Man. Dir. Torn Norton Ltd., Penarth Road, Cardiff. B. 19 July 1891. Ystradyfodog, Rhondda Valley. Ed.: Ferndale Secondary; Glamorgan County Schools; Fellow of Institute of Cost and Works accountants; 5 years cost departments Colliery and Railway; 5 years cost accountant, engineering steel and iron industry; 7 years professional accountant and consultant; io years retail motor industry. Md.: 2 sons 1 daughter. Int.: sailing, swimming, music. Councillor for (for Wales) Institute of Cost. Accountants various trade organisations and clubs. Pr. A.: " Maesycoed," Cyn Coed Road, Cardiff. Tel.: Cardiff 1474.
DAVIS, Arthur George, insurance broker and District Man. Bowmaker the Divisional Sec., M.A.A., I.M.T. & P.R.A., Midland Bank Chambers, Rhyl. B. 27 May, 188o, Shewsbury. Ed.: School of Commerce, Chester. Car.: with L.M.S. various Depts.; served in war; in 1919 with Motor Union Insurance Co. as District Inspector; started as broker 1927. Md. Int.: golf, billiards, shooting, sporting dogs. Pr. A.: " Henwick" Tre Llewelyn Road, Rhyl. Tel.: Rhyl 334.
DAVIS, Henry George, Pro. of H. G. Davis, Park Street, N. (coachbuilders). B. 2 June 1893, High Halden, Kent. Ed.: High Halden and Regent Street Polytechnic. Car.: Trained at Shinners of Ashford, Kay's of Margate, Belgravia Motor Works of Belgravia, Sopwith's of Kingston; served with the R.A.S.C. during the war; entered Motor Bodies & Engineering Co. in 1919, started present business in 1923. Md.: 1 son. Int.: music, cricket and tennis. Pr. A.: 21, St. Mary's Road, Canonbury, N.'. Tel.: North 4504.
DAVIS, Reginald Arthur, Sal. Man. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. B. 1898. Ed.: Craven College. Car.: with L. & N. W. Rly.; several years as motor dealer; joined General Motors 1925, appointed Sales Man. 1929; joined Vauxhall Motors 1932. Md.
DAVIS, Walter Leslie, Dir. E.D. Motors, Ltd., London. B. 4 June, 1886, London. Ed.: Cheltenham College. Car.: with Daimler Co. Int.: bridge, billiards, golf, tennis, squash rackets (semi-finalist Amateur Cham pionship 1928). Pr. A.: 38 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, W.2.
DAVIS, William Arthur, M.I.A.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. B. 17 March 1883, Coventry. Ed.: Lincoln Municipal Technical School; qualifying examination held by Chartered Institute of Patent Agents; U.S.A. Patent Attorney; medallist in motor engineering; apprentcd. Clayton & Shuttleworth, Lincoln. Car.: draughtsman Davey Paxman & Co., Colchester; Tech. Assist. Monometer Mfg. Co., Ltd., Birmingham; Asst. Industrial Engineer, Dunlop Rubber Co.; Industrial engineer Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham. Md.: daughter. Int.: flower growing. Pr. A.: 22 Goldieslie Road, Wylde Green, Warwickshire. Tel.: Midland 2000.
DAVY, Martin Bevill, Deputy Gen. Man. Shell Mex & B.P., Ltd. from 1932. B. 23 January, 189o, Hamsey, Sussex. Ed.: Eton: Balliol College, Oxford. Car.: with Burmah Oil Co. 1914/15 service with R.G.A. France and England 1916/19; with British Petroleum Co. 1920/31, Gen. Man. 1927; Man. Dir. 1931. Md. Int.: fly fishing, etc.
DAWSON, Arthur Hawkins, Gen. Sec. Motor and Cycle Trades' Benevolent Fund, 28 Bedford Row, W.C. B. 6 February 1880, London. Ed.: Newport Grammar School, Essex, and privately. Car.: clerkship with Light Railway Commission, Board of Trade 1896/1903; served in South African War 1899/1901 with CIAT.; in Western Canada 1903/1909; Journalism in London 1909/1913; author of Stories from Dutch History (Harrap), Dictionary of English Slang and Colloquialisms (Routledge), etc.; Appt. Asst. Sec. M. & C.T.B.F. 1913. Md. Int.: mainly literary. Pr. A.: 22 Bedford Place, W.C., and at St. Leonards-on-Sea. Tel.: Museum 4718
DAWSON, Lt. Com. Sir Hugh, Bart., R.N., Dir. and Sec. British Goodrich Rubber Co., Ltd. B. 17 January 1893. Ed.: Royal Naval Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth. Pr. A.: " The Thistles," Elstree, Herts.
DAWSON, Thomas, A.M.I.Mech.E., Man. Bus Dept. Daimler Co. B. 1882, Edinburgh. Ed.: George Heriot's School; Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh; apprntcd. Brown Bros., Edinburgh (marine and hydraulic). Car.: varied, including design of steam turbines (Vickers), high speed cotton - spinning machinery (Coats), 'bus and car design (All-British Car Co.). Since 1913 chief draughtsman, works manager, sales engineer, with Daimler's. Md.: 3 children. Int.: home, garden. Pr. A.: The Highfield, Allesley, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 4183.
DAWTREY, Lewis Henry, A.M.I.A.E., Chief Engineer's Tech. Assist. Standard Motor Co., Coventry. B. 15 April 1900, Halifax. Ed.: Halifax; Dewsbury; Coventry Technical Institute; apprntcd. with Humber, Ltd., Coventry. Car.: draughtsman with Humber 1921/1923; Tech. Assist. in charge of Technical Office 1923 to 1931. Md.: 2 girls. hit.: gardening, golf, fishing, touring Pr. A.: "Veryan," 54 London Avenue, Radford, Coventry.
DEACON, Miss Phyllis, M.I.M.T., M.W.E.S., Prop. Deacon's Garage, Mostyn Broadway, Llandudno. B. o March 1907, Llandudno. Ed.: County School, Llandudno; Howell's School, Denbigh. Car.: joined father's firm in 1924 (first woman to pass the I.M.T. Exam.); 2 years in London; returned and bought present business. Int.: reading, writing, dressmaking, study of window display. Pr. A.: 16 St. Andrews' Place, Llandudno. Tel.: Llandudno 6967.
DEAN, Capt. George Bernard, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., Indian Army, Qualified Workshop Officer. B. 3 February 1892. Ed.: London; R.A.S.C. Training College, Aldershot; 2 years at Morris Commercial Cars, Birmingham. Car.: employed with mechanical transport in the British and Indian armies. Int.: outdoor games, engineering, particularly auto. engineering. Pr. A.: Parkgate, Seaforth Gardens, London, N.14, but usually abroad in India.
DEAN, Herbert A., Assist. Service Man. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. B. 23 May 190o, London. Ed.: London; Canterbury; City and Guilds Technical College. Car.: engineering student at Vauxhall Motors, 1919/1923; sales and service there from 1923 to date. Md.: i daughter, 1 son. Int.: golf, yachting. Pr. A.: Hilltop, Roundwood Park, Harpenden, Herts. Tel.: Harpenden 288.
DEES, Hubert Vincent, M.I.B.E., Man. Dir. H. Dees, Ltd., Croydon. B. Io June, 1888, Croydon. Ed.: Ampleforth College, York. Car.: clerical and managerial experience; at 21 yrs. worked passage to Australia; farming, building, gold prospecting, well sinking; 1914 enlisted in Australian Light Horse, served in Egypt, Palestine for 5 yrs.; and established large motor agency in West of England; started on own account in 1921. Md.: 1 son. Int.: Rugby, golf, cricket, swimming, tennis, motor business, match factories, amateur play producing. Pr. A.: " Cobham," Sanderstead Road, Sanderstead. Tel.: Sanderstead 2386.
DEFRIES, Lt.-Col. Colin, Man. Dir., Houdaille Hydraulic Suspension Co., Ltd., London. B. lo September 1884, London. Ed.: St. Paul's; London University; Darmstadt; apprntcd. Bruce Peebles, Edinburgh. Car.: with S. F. Edge, Ltd., 1904, then Jarrott & Letts; starting own co., Colin Defries, Ltd., 1907; with Porthos cars participated in Grand Prix and Kaiser cup; Australia in 1908, making first flight there in 1909; Sales Man., Fiat Co., 1913/14; pioneered hydraulic shock absorbers; electric windscreen wipers and adjustable thermostats; war service R.A.F. 1914 to 1918. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: music, deep sea fishing, yachting. Pr. A.: 35 Hamilton Terrace, St. Johns Wood, N.W. Tel.: Maida Vale 4657.
DEKTEREFF, Lionel, Pro. Lionel Dektereff & Co., 61 Gt. Portland Street, W. B. 3 December 1890, Petrograd. Ed.: Imperial Naval College, Petrograd, and Schule der Reformierten Gemeinden, Petrograd; apprntcd. Heenan and Froude, Worcester. Car.: 1910/1913 eng. to Heenan & Froude; 1913/1919 engineering and other work in Russia; 1923 in p'ship as Lionel Dektereff & Co.; cont. after diss. of p'ship. Md.: 1 son. Int.: various clubs, particularly motoring, golf. Pr. A. Journey's End, Pinner Hill, Pinner, Mddx. Tel.: Langham 3731.
DELANEY, Cyril Terence, Dir. L. T. Delaney & Sons, successors to Delaunay Belleville Motors, Ltd., and Chasson Gallay, Ltd. B. 1911, London. Ed.: Terrys, Northwood; Bishops Stortford College; Northampton Inst. Car.: with Lea & Francis; DelaunayBelleville; assisted preparation Lea Francis teams for Tourist Trophy and Grand Prix, etc.; drove in Grand Prix and won various events at Brooklands. Int.: motor racing. Pr. A.: 81 The Avenue, Brondesbury Park, London. Tel.: Willesden 0422.
DELANEY, Desmond Cecil, Dir. of L. T. Delaney & Sons, successors to Delaunay Belleville Motors, Ltd. B. 16 August 1908, London. Ed.: Bishops Stortford College. Car.: with Delaunay Belleville and Rhon Rossitten Gesellschaft Wasserkuppe, Germany; trials and racing on Lea Francis cars. Int.: sail planing, motoring. Pr. A.: 81 The Avenue, Brondesbury Park, London. Tel.: Willesden 0422.
DELANEY, Luke Terence, Dir. of L. T. Delaney & Sons, successors to Delaunay Belleville Motors, Ltd.; Gallay, Ltd.; Lea & Francis, Ltd.; Chausson Gallay, Ltd. B. 3 November 1879, Plymouth. Ed.: Edinburgh; London; training with International Benz Co., and Northampton Institute. Car.: commenced with Benz Cars, 1890; drove De Dietrich car in Paris-Madrid race 1903; introduced De Dietrich, Delaunay Belleville and Bugatti (Hermes) cars. Md.: 6 children. Int.: golf, automobile and aero engineering. Pr. A. 81 The Avenue, Brondesbury Park. London. Tel.: Willesden 0422.
DELPECH, Reginald, founder of the safety glass industry in England and of the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd.; Sales Dir. of that company; Dir. Silent Channel Co., Ltd. B. 3o March 1881, Lee, Kent. Ed.: Holmwood College, Bexhill, and Paris. Car.: Triplex since 1912. Md. Int.: golf; Freeman of City of London; Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; Liveryman of Glaziers' Guild, Member of R.A.C., Junior Constitutional Club Conservative Club, Birmingham, County Club, Coventry. Pr. A.: i cm Piccadilly, W. Tel.: Regent 2559.
DELPORT, Vincent Paul, Dir. Penton Publishing Co., Editor and Man. The Service Station. B. 4 October 1888, London. Ed.: graduated as Metallurgical Engineer, Ecole Centrale, Paris. Car.: war service; joined the U.S. Steel Products Co., in 1919 (New York and Paris); in 1921 in Paris as consulting engineer; since 1924 present position. Md.
DELVES, Sydney Herbert, Chr. and Man. Dir. Delves Motors, Ltd., Prince of Wales Rd., Norwich. B. 1887, Norwich. Ed.: Model and Norwich Schools. Car.: Norwich, Provincial and London training; engineering. Md. Int.: yachting, golfing, busi-ness. Pr. A.: Stalham House, Thorpe Road, Norwich.
DENNIS, John Cawsey, 3.P., Man. Dir. of Dennis Bros., Ltd. B. 20 February 1871, Bideford. Ed. Taunton College. Md.: 1 son. Int.: fishing, shooting. Pr. A .: Down Place, nr. Guildford. Tel.: Puttenham 36.
DENT, Archibald Edgar Charles, A.M.I.A.E., Assist. Road Motor Engineer G.W. Rly., Transport Dept. B. 13 December 1895. Swindon. Ed.: Swindon College; apprntcd. G.W. Rly. Co.'s Loco Shops, Swindon. Car.: with R.F.A. 1914/1919; afterwards various appointments with G.W.R. Md. Int.: gardening, photography. Pr. A.: II Highworth Road, Stratton St. Margaret, Swindon, Wilts.
DENT, John, M.I.A.E., Gen. Man. Daimler, Lanchester and B.S.A. Re pair and Service Works, London. B. 1 July 1887, Manchester. Ed.: Ducie Avenue School, Manchester; Manchester Art School and Windermere; apprntcd. W. A. Fell's, Windermere; pupil Daimler Co., 1910/1914. Car.: war service 1914 to July, 1919; commission in R.A.S.C. (M.T.) and R.H.A.; mentioned in dispatches, 1917; 1918/1919 Assist. to General Willis in re-equipping the Army of Occupation, Germany; rejoined Daimler Co. as Man. of Newcastle Depot; 1925 appt. Man. at Manchester 1926 to present position. Md.: i daughter. Int.: golf, tennis, gardening; Fellow of Royal Zoological Society; Council of Master Coachbuilders' Benevolent Institution. Pr. A.: " Brough," Gordon Avenue, Stanmore, Middx. Tel.: Stanmore 176.
DERCK SEN, William Anthony, London Sal. Dir. Sternol, Ltd. B. 8 November 1893, San Francisco, U.S.A. Ed.: London. Car.: Army services 1914/1918; joined Sternol February 1918 as accountant; appt. Assistant Sales Man., and later present position. Md.: no family. Int.: golf, motoring, chess. Pr. A.: Durley Dene, Canvey Road, Leigh-on-Sea.
DEUCHAR, William Renshaw, A.M.I.A.E., recently Asst. Engineer, Crown Agents for the Colonies. B. 1 October 1885, Aberdeen. Ed.: Aberdeen Grammar School; Robert Gorcon's College; City and Guilds Eng. College; Birkbeck College; 5 yrs. apprntcd. railway works. Car.: 7 years draughtsman in City and Guilds Eng. College; 2 yrs. Lt. in R.E.; 14 yrs. inspector and assist. engineer in the Engineering Inspection Dept. Crown Agents for the Colonies. Md. Int.: motor touring, photography, music, chess. Pr. A.: Boswedden Cottage, St. Just, Cornwall
DEWHURST, Fred, A .M. I .Mech.E. , A.M.I.A.E., Chief Designer E.N.V. Engineering Co., Willesden. B. 6 March 1895, Wigan. Ed.: Wigan elementary and secondary Schools; Wigan Mining and Technical College; Imperial College of Science, Lon don. Car.: Chief Engineer Flexion Extensions, Ltd., Hendon; Asst. Chief Engineer Bentley Motors; Experimental Engineer, Dunlop Rubber Co.; designer, Leyland Motors, Ltd. Md.: 2 children. Int.: tennis, swimming. cricket, motoring, woodwork. Pr. A: " Brendon," 75 Kenton Park Crescent, Kenton, Harrow, Middx.
DIAS, Francis William, Man. Par. Dias & Co., Carlisle. B. 13 February 1901, Carlisle. Ed.: Carlisle Grammar School. Car.: technical and commercial training. Int.: all games and sports. Pr. A.: 4 Warwick Square, Carlisle. Tel.: Carlisle 205.
DICKENS, William Edward Boddington, A.M.I.A.E., M.I.M.T., Man. Grose, Ltd., Northampton. B. 1887. Cornhill Pattishall, Towcester. Ed.: Towcester Grammar School; Oxford County School; apprntcd. New Century Motor Co. Car.: 3 years with Allday & Onions; 25 yrs. with Grose, Ltd. Int.: shooting, fishing, motoring. Pr. A.: 15 St. Georges Street, Northampton.
DICKINSON, Edward Cyril, M.Met., A.M.I.A.E., metallurgist, Morris Motors, engines branch. B. 25 November 1899, Lincoln. Ed.: Lincoln Municipal Technical School; Sheffield University; Bachelor of Metallurgy 1921; Master 1929; Assoc. Member I.A.E.; member Inst. Brit. Foundrymen. Car.: researcher British Cast Iron Research Asscn. at Sheffield University 1921/1927; metallurgist for Morris 1927 to date. Md. Pr. A.: Green Oak, Hampton-in-Arden, Warwickshire.
DIXON, Frederick W., Park Garage, Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough. B. 21 April 1892, Stockton-on-Tees. Ed.: Stockton-on-Tees. Md.: 1 daughter. Pr. A.: 93 Cambridge Road, Middlesborough. Tel.: Linthorpe 8266.
DON, Kaye. B. 1894 in Dublin. Racing motorist. Car.: started with Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., 1910. In 1913 began to race on motor-cycles at Brooklands. Served with Air Force during Great War. Won T.T. car race in 1928. Record lap at 132 m.p.h. at Brooklands, May 1928; improved lap record to 134.22 m.p.h. 5 August, 1928. Drove Miss England II, Lord Wakefield's racing motor boat, creating speed record for water, no m.p.h., at Lake Garda, 9 July 1931. Pr. A.: Oakdene, Portmore Park Road, Weybridge. Tel.: Weybridge 382.
DONALDSON, Peter, Pro. Donaldson's Garage, 33 High Street, Linlithgow and Edinburgh Road, Filling Station. B. 15 April 1899, Motherwell. Ed.: " Selkirk High School," Selkirk; technical training Galashiels Technical College; apprntcd. in Galashiels. Car.: war service two years; in motor business in Linlithgow for 12 years. Md.: 2 boys. Int.: shooting, fishing. Pr. A.: 35 High Street, Linlithgow. Tel.: Linlithgow 78.
DOTTRIDGE, Henry Roland, Man. Dir. and Chr. Dottridge Bros., Ltd., London. B. 1883, London. Ed.: Hurstpierpoint. Car.: joined Dottridge Bros. 1901; Dir. 1914; Man. Dir. 1922; Chr. 1929; 1916 enlisted Artists Rifles; commissioned 3rd London, 1917; served in Palestine; wounded in 1918. Md.: r daughter. Int.: golf, hospital work. Pr. A.: Woodways, Hadley Wood, Barnet. Tel.: Barnet 2143.
DOUGILL, Alfred William, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., rep. in Great Britain for Automobiles Imperia, S.A.; late Man. Dir. Imperia Motors, Ltd. B. 1879, Leeds. Ed.: Leeds High School; Yorkshire College; apprntcd. to gas and steam engineers. Car.: eng., to Port Said Motor Co.; Chief Experimental Dept., Wolseley Motors; Chief, Marine Dept., Wolseley Motors; then Superintentendent Commercial Vehicle Dept.; Supt., Marine and Aero Engine Dept. and Supt. Foundries and Forges. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: motor boating, photography. Pr. A.: Corner Cottage, Cookham on Thames. Tel.: Bourne End 438.
DOUGILL, Ernest, M.I.A.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Byfleet Automobile Engineering Co., Ltd., Byfleet. B. Leeds. Ed.: Leeds High School; Yorkshire College (now Leeds University); apprntcd. engineering. Car.: designer stationary gas and oil engine and later internal combustion engine; started Byfleet Automobile Engineering Co. in 1910. Made H.E. shell and Maxim gun parts for Metropolitan Munitions Co. and Trench Warfare Dept. Md. Int.: motoring, swimming, tennis, golf. Pr. A.: " Compton," West Byfleet, Surrey. Tel.: Byfleet 44.
DOWNS, Norman T., Man. Dir. and Chr. New Imperial Motors, Ltd., Birmingham. B. 8 August 1878. Ed.: Birmingham; Nottingham University. Car.: founder of New Imperial Motors 1903. Md.: 2 children. /wt.: golf, gardening. Pr. A.: "Burford Lodge," Wake Green Road, Birmingham. Tel.: Birmingham 1972.
DOWNS, Richard Arthur, B.Sc. (Lond .), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E lecturer in Workshop Organisation and Management, and in advanced Engineering at Royal Technical College, Salford. Ed.: Elementary; High School of Commerce, Manchester; Royal Technical College, Salford; apprntcd. T. Larmoth & Co., Salford. Car.: 2-i years draughtsman; 1 year Chief Draughtsman Harrison Knitting Machinery Co.; Assst. to Gen. Works Manager Craven Bros., Ltd., Manchester; Vice-Pres. Salford Technical and Engineering Asscn.; Author of paper on " Faults in Engineering Organisation." Md. Pr. A.: " Oak Villa," Wallness Lane, Pendleton, Salford.
DOWNS, Stanley, motor engineer, Sudbury, Suffolk. B. 17 July 1887, Gestingthorpe, Essex. Ed.: Ascham College, Clacton-on-Sea. Car.: training in engineering works; steam engine driving and repairs, manufacture and repairs to agricultural and general machinery; cycle and motorcycle business 1904 and afterwards car business; opened present premises March 1920. Pres. Sudbury Traders' Assn. 1933 and 1934.: cricket, shooting, athletic association work. Pr. A.: 58 Ballingdon Street, Sudbury, Suffolk. Tel.: Sudbury 65.
DRABBLE, Frank, Dir. Drabble & Allen, Ltd., Manchester and Altrinc. ham. B. 12 October 1900, Altrincham, Cheshire. Ed.: Altrincham Boy's School; apprntcd. Edgar Harding, Ltd., Manchester. Car.: formed own company March 1927. Md. Int.: Rugby football. Pr. A.: " Ayles-cott," Crescent Road, Hale, Cheshire. Tel.: Alt. 2658.
DREW, George Keith, Sales Man. at Delco-Remy & Hyatt, Ltd. B. 31 July 1898, London. Ed.: Bancrofts School. Car.: 1915-19 Queen's Westminster Rifles, 1919-25 Cowey Eng. Co., Ltd.; Sales Man., 1925-27, Lodge Plugs, Ltd.; Asst. Sales Man. 1927, Delco Remy & Hyatt, Ltd., in charge of Accessories Sales, later appointed Sales Man. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: games. Pr. A.: 14 Purcells Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex. Tel.: Edgware 1245. (Late addition)
DREW, Harold, B.Sc., Assist. Chief Engineer, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. B. I December 1901. Ed.: Bradfield College; City & Guilds Engineering College; with Sunbeam Motor Car Co. and Olds Motor Works, Lansing, U.S.A. Md.: 2 sons. Pr. A.: Stonebridge, West Common, Harpenden, Herts. Tel.: Harpenden 503.
DREWRY, James Sidney, Joint Man. Dir. Shelvoke & Drewry, Ltd. B. 19 November 1882, London; apprntcd. at engineering works. Car.: 1901/1904 Cape to Cairo Railway Construction; 1904/1908 Dir. Drewry Car. Co., manufacturing railway cars; 1908/1911 with B.S.A. Co.; 1911/1922 Chief Engineer Lacre Motor Co.; from 1922 to date, present position. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: work, garden, golf. Pr. A.: " Kingston," William Way, Letchworth, Herts. Tel.: 291 Letchworth.
DUCROS, George Louis, Man. Dir. Poland Street Estates and Garage. B. 15 January 1899, London. Ed.: Harrow; trained with Dunlop Co. in France and Italy. Car.: joined R.F.C. 1917 and served as pilot. Md.: I daughter. Int.: foreign languages, travel. Pr. A.: 2 Eaton Mansions, Sloane Square, S.W.I.
DUCK, William Ernest, Ch. and Man. Dir., Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd., Gt. West Road, Brentford, Middx., also Dir. Firestone Plantations Co., Ltd.; Dir. of World Wide Carriers, Ltd. B. 1894.
DUCKHAM, Alexander, F.C.S. , Ch. and Man. Dir. of Alexander Duckham & Co., Ltd., 16 Cannon Street, E.C. B. I March 1877, Blackheath. Ed.: Blackheath School; University College, London; Senior Gold Medallist London University. Car.: chemistry, specialising in petroleum technology. Md. Int.: motoring, farming, flying. Pr. A.; Rooks Hill, near Sevenoaks, and 127 St. James Court, Buckingham Gate, S.W.
DUCKHAM, Jack E., Dir. and Man. Motor Oil Sales, Alexander Duckham & Co., Ltd. B. 27 April 1907, Blackheath. Ed.: Oundle School; Clare College, Cambridge; trained for petroleum technology on Trinidad Oilfields. Car.: Man. and Assist. Man. Export. Md.: i daughter. Int.: motoring, Rugby, music. Pr. A.: Box Cottage, Hurst Green, Oxted. Tel.: Oxted 399.
DUNCAN, Allan Gordon, Pro. London Motor Transport Co. B. 20 August 1879, Christchurch, N.Z. Ed.: East Christchurch School; Warwick House College, Christchurch; Canterbury College Engineering Section; apprntcd. engineering. Car.: 1905 Asst. Eng. London Motor Omnibus Co.; 1906 Asst. Eng. Vanguard Motor Omnibus Co.; 1915 reinforced Motor Road springs to carry more load; 193o designed plan map of England and Wales to facilitate inland commerce; Man. Dir. Alpha Estate Co. Md.: family. Int.: deep sea fishing, economics. Pr. A.; 69 Lynton Avenue, Hendon, N.W.
DUNCAN, Andrew Allan, Tech. Rep. Bramber Engineering Co., Ltd., London. B. 26 April 1907, London. Ed.: Brondesbury College; Fitzroy College, Hampstead. Car.: 9 years with A. Duncan & Co., motor chassis spring specialists, Westminster. Md. Int.: most out-of-door sports, designing motor springs. Pr. A.: 18 Lithos Road, Hampstead, London. Tel.: Maida Vale 81o°.
DUNFEE, Jack Lawson. B. 19 Oct. i9oi, Putney. Ed.: King's College School. Car.: Dir. of printing and paper manufacturing concern. Int.: yachting, hunting, polo, motor racing. Pr. A.: 2 Devonshire Street, W. Tel.: Welbeck 9016.
DUNHAM, Charles Gerald Hugh, Pro. of Dunham & Haines, Castle Street, Luton. B. 19 January 1895, Peter Green, Kimpton, Herts. Ed.: Kimpton. Car.: marine engineering training West Hydraulic Co., Luton; established Dunham & Haines with others; competitor on bicycles, motor cycles and racing cars. Md. hit.: cricket, tennis, golf. Pr. A.: "Brooklands," New Bedford Road, Limbury, Beds. Tel.: Luton 2100 P.B.X. and 1541-
DUNN, Harold George, A.M.I.A.E., assist. engineer, Bosch, Ltd. B. 13 April 1901, Beccles, Suffolk. Ed.: City of Norwich School; apprntcd. Boulton & Paul, Ltd., Norwich, 1917/ 22. Car.: pro. Dunn's Garage, Norwich 1922/24 draughtsman at Gloster Aircraft Co., 1924/5 and Dennis Bros., 1925/26; London General Omnibus Co. Experimental Dept. 1926/31. Md. Int.: motoring. Pr. A.; 14 Claremont Road, Surbiton, Surrey.
DUNN, Harry Cecil Ernest, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.A.E., designing engineer, Vickers Armstrong, Ltd. B. 28 January 1889, Aldershot. Ed.: Mile End House School, Portsmouth; Hartley University College, Southampton; apprntcd. J. I. Thornycroft, Southampton. Car.: draughtsman Vickers, Ltd.; track vehicles designer Vickers Armstrong, Ltd. Md.: family. Int.: motoring, photography, gardening. Pr. A.: " Carpe Diem," Squires Bridge Road, Shepperton.
DURDIN, Alfred Fraser, M.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Capital Motor Co, Ltd., Remington Street, London. B. 3o July 1887, Kentish Town. Ed.: Kentish Town School; Regent Street Polytechnic. Car.: entered motor trade with Lacre Motor Car Co. 1907; joined W. Harold Perry's service 1910; formed Capital Motor Co. 1923; served R.F.C. (M.T.) 1916/1919. Md.: 4 boys, 1 girl. Int.: motoring, Benevolent Fund, London Centre Chairman 1928; Warden, Children's Home since 1930, gardening. Pr. A. 52 Greyhound Hill, Hendon. Tel.: Hendon 8555.
DUVAL, Leon Frederic, F.S.S., head of Statistical Dept. S.M.M. & T. B. 16 June 1894, London. Ed.: Westminster City School, 1902/1910; North Western College of Metallurgy and Design 1911/1914; post war student London University 1919/1920. Car.: Lieut. R.F.C. and Middlesex Regt. 1914/1919; Asst. Tech. Sec. Eng. and Allied Employers' Federation 1921/1926; Statistical Dept. S.M.M. & T. 1926 to date. Md.: 2 children. Int.: tennis, Badminton, wireless, bridge, reading. Pr. A.: 24, Green Curve, Nork Park, Banstead, Surrey. Tel.: Burgh Heath 755.
DYER, Leonard Frank, Gen. Sec. Junior Car Club. B. 31 May 1901, London. Ed.: engineering experience Gaston, Williams & Vvigmore, Ltd. (subsequently Citroen) 1917 to 1921. Car.: Assist. Sec. Junior Car Club 1922/1929; Gen. Sec. in 193o; responsible for organisation of many long distance motor races. Md. Pr. A.: Roydene, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead. Tel.: Ashtead, Surrey, 213.
See Also
Sources of Information