1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name H

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
HACKING, Lt.-Col. Alfred, D.S.O., M.C., solicitor, 6 Duke Street, St. James, S.W. B. 12 November 1884, Derby. Ed.: Marlborough; articled Great Central Ry. Car.: Parliamentary solicitor Great Central Ry. 191o/ 13; Chamberlayne, Hacking & Co., Westminster, 1913/2o; war service Lt.-Col.; D.S.O. and bar M.C.; Sec. Motor Legislation Committee 1920/22; Sec. and Dir. Society of Motor Mnfrs. and Traders, 1922/33. Md.: 1 son, daughter. Int.: golf, fishing, literature. Pr. A.: 28 Cathcart Road, S.W. Tel.: Flaxeman 7196.
HADDOW, Charles Paterson, Man. Dir., Hutchinson, Haddow & Co., Ltd., and J. B. Ferguson, Ltd., Belfast. B. 1886, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Ed.: privately; tech. training at Argyle Motors. Car.: lecturer for some years on motor engineering in the Belfast Technical College. Md.: I son, 2 daughters. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: Dornoch, Lansdowne Road, Belfast. Tel. Fortwilliam 897.
HAILWOOD, Stanley Wm. Bailey, Man., King of Oxford, New Road, Oxford. B. 1900, Manchester. Car.: 6 years in paper making industry in Manchester; 1921 started as salesman with J. Rhind & Co.; joined present firm in Oxford in 1923; drove own M.G. in 1931/2/3, Ulster T. Md. Pr. A.: 331 Banbury Road, Summertown, Oxford. Tel.: Oxford 5689.
HALL, Basil Asquith, Man. Dir. Bath Garages, Ltd., James Street West, Bath. B. 24 September 1899, Macclesfield. Ed.: Repton; Clare College, Cambridge. Car.: joined the Bath Garages April 1924; chr. Western Counties Division M.A.A. 1933 and 1934. Md.: 2 daughters, 1 son. Pr. A.: " Overvale," Englishcombe Lane, Bath. Tel.: Bath 3369.
HALL, Ernest Frederick, F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Milnshaw Motor Garage Co., Ltd., Accrington. B. 2 February 1884, Cirencester. Ed. Cirencester; apprntcd. to cycle trade 5 years. Car.: 3 years improver at Freshwater, I.W.; 7 years leading hand motor repair work; 21 years as Man. Dir. Md.: 2 children. Int.: home life, business. Pr. A.: 2 Kings Road, Accrington. Tel.: Accrington 2545.
HALL, Harold Frank, Sec. Liquid Measurements, Ltd., and Hammon Pump & Equipment Co., Ltd.; Dir. Winhams, Ltd., and Fontwell Service Station, Ltd., London. B. 1898, Folkestone. Ed. Folkestone Harvey Grammar School. Car.: enlisted East Kent Regt. 1914; served in France; at British Consulate-General Cologne 1919/21; assist. Sec. Lightalloys, Ltd., London, 1921/26; appt. Sec. of Liquid Measurements 1926. Md.: 1 child. Int.: cricket, gardening, music. Pr. A.: " Kewstoke," Alicia! Gardens, Kenton, Middx. Tel.: Wordsworth 1067.
HALL, John, Works Supt. Dunlop Rubber Co., Birmingham. B. 19 October 1869, Coventry. Ed.: privately at Coventry. Car.: trained with Dunlop Co. in tyre and general rubber goods mfg.; 43 years with Dunlop Co. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, economics, psychology. Pr. A.: Coombe, Beech Hill Road, Wylde Green, N. Birmingham. Tel.: Erdington 0078.
HALL, Reginald Ebsworth Ogle, A.M.Inst., B.E., Dir. and Gen. Man. L. F. Dove, Ltd., Croydon and Wimbledon. B. September 1901, Dilwyn, Weobley, Herefordshire. Ed.: Worcester Cathedral Kings School; tech. training at Austin Engineering College. Car.: joined Gordon England, Ltd., 1923; raced at Brooklands and Montlhery; joined Wimbledon Central Motor Co., and became Dir. Wimbledon branch in 1928, when co. was changed to L. F. Dove. Int.: racing, golf. Pr. A.: Hackbridge Park Hotel, Carshalton, Surrey. Tel.: Wallington 3192.
HALLAM, Frank, Pro., F. Hallam, Bristol Street, Birmingham. B. II January 1899, Birmingham. Ed.: Solihull; Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Car.: Army 1916/22. Md. Int.: motor racing, golf. Pr. A.: 56 Farquhar Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Tel.: Edgbaston 0218.
HALLIFAX, Eustace de Courcy, D.S. C. , M.Inst., B. E. , Pro., Reliance Motor Works, St. Cross Road, Winchester. B. 1891, Alverstoke. Ed.: Cheltenham College; with Armstrong Whitworth, Newcastle-on-Tyne and J. S. Thornycroft, Woolston, Southampton. Car.: in 1913 joined the staff of Majadi Soda Co., visiting Germany and E. Africa, where Majadi Co. commenced to open up Majadi Lake; 1914 joined Majadi Defence Force; commission in R.N.A.S. as pilot and served through the war; 1920 started Reliance Motor Works. Md.: 3 children. Int.: tennis, dancing. Pr. A.: The Bungalow, St. Cross Road, Winchester. Tel.: Winchester 56.
HALLPIKE, Albert William, A.M.I.A.E., M.I.M.T., Bus Sales and Service Depot Man. for Scotland of Daimler Co. B. 18 June 1900, London. Ed.: Parmiter's Foundation School, London; Hackney Technical College; Bonn University, Germany; apprntcd. London General Omnibus Co. Car.: 1918/20, war service; 1920/23, completed apprntship. and won the L.G.O.C. apprentices' prize; 1923/25, in design office of A.E.C.; 1925 /27 design office of Associated Daimler Co.; and July 1928 joined Daimler Co. as bus engineer. Md.: I son. Pr. A.: 44 Vandeleur Avenue, Craigentinny, Edinburgh 7. Tel.: Edinburgh 81327.
HAMILTON, Oswald, M.Inst.A.E., F.I.M.T., F.C.S., Midland Automobile & Engineering Co., Old Stratford, Stony Stratford. B. 18 February 1868, Manchester. Ed.: Owens College, Manchester; University College, London. Car.: private Assist. Technological Depts.; engineering training in works; Literary Works on Chemistry; Research Work in various directions. Works Man. 5 years, Northfleet. Md.: 2 sons, 1 daughter. Int.: canoeing, yachting; Commissioner of B.P. Scouts. Pr. A.: Old Stratford, Stony Stratford. Tel.: Stony Stratford 19.
HAMMOND, Frank, Tech. Dir. Liquid Measurements Ltd., London; Dir. Euston Markets, Ltd., London; Dir. Greenford Playhouse, Ltd., Greenford. B. 1889, New Zealand. Car.: in general engineering works in Australia and U.S.A. up to 1924; since then with Liquid Measurements, Ltd., designing petrol pumps and garage equipment. Md. In: motoring, sport. Pr. A. " White Ledges," St. Stephens Road, Ealing, W.13. Tel.: Perivale 5834.
HANCOCK, Albert L. W., Supt. of Designs Dept., Austin Co., Birmingham. B. 12 January 1882, Kingston-on-Thames. Ed. Wyggeston High School, Leicester; Lowestoft Technical School and Birmingham Technical School; apprentcd. with J. W. Brooke & Co., Lowestoft. Car.: with Humbers, in the erecting shop and drawing office, and drawing office Wolsley works, Adderley Park; 28 years in charge of Austin Designs Dept. Md.: 5 children. hit.: electrical, mechanical, woodworking handicraft, gardening. Pr. A.: Hig wood,' Lydiate Ash, Nr. Bromsgrove. Tel.: Rubery 95.
HANCOCK, Alfred James, M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Hartwells, Ltd., Oxford. B. 8 April 1884, London. Ed.: St. Olave's Grammar School; Borough Polytechnic; apprentcd. Vauxhall Iron Works 5 years; Borough Polytechnic 4 years. Car.: Gen. Works Man. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. to 1928; drove in 120 car races, records and trials in England and Continent; membership of various technical committees over past 15 years; Member of I.A.E. Council and Vice-Pres. several years. Md.: daughter. Int.: yachting. Pr. A.: Wheatley Cottage on Ladder Hill, Wheatley, Oxon. Tel.: Wheatley 52.
HANDS, Norman Stanley, Commercial Man. Caxton Name Plate Mfg. Co., Rochester Row, London, S.W. B. 14 July 1904, Harrow. Ed.: Cranleigh School; Eastbourne College. Car.: 1923 clerk Buenos Aires Gt. S. Railway, accounts dept.; 1924, purchasing dept., Companhia Souza Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 1926/32, commercial traveller; and 1932 present position. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: horticulture, reading. Pr. A.: Newlands, Hawthorne Avenue, Eastcote, Ruislip, Middx.
HANNA, John, Par. John Hanna, Chichester Street and Gloucester Sti eet, Belfast. B. 29 May 1901, Belfast. Ed.: Belfast Academical Institute; apprntcd. shipbuilding; entered coachhuilding on death of father, John Hanna in 1918. Md. Int.: mainly golf. Pr. A .: to Glanworth Drive, Belfast. Tel.: Fort William 563.
HANNA, Norman W., Par. John Hanna, 32 Chichester Street, Belfast. B. 3 January 1906, Belfast. Ed.: Belfast Academical Institute. Car.: commercial and technical training; apprntcd. with Alvis Motors Agents, Belfast, afterwards Sales Man. hit.: motoring, golf. Pr. A.: 9 Cranmore Avenue, Belfast. Tel.: Belfast 4191.
HANNON, Patrick Joseph Henry, M.P., Dir. Daimler Co., B.S.A., Ltd. B. 2 March 1874. Ed.: Dublin University; Royal College of Science; Royal University of Ireland. Car.: M.P. (U.) Birmingham (Moseley) since March 1921; Member Executive Committee Federation of British Industries; Vice-Pres. National Union of Mnfrs.; Pres. Industrial Transport Association. Md. hit.: golf, motoring, agricultural pursuits. Pr. A.: 26 Old Queen Street, S.W.
HARDING, Ernest Charles, F.I.A.C. with Chrysler Motors, Ltd., and Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd. B. 6 Decmber 1887, London. Car.: member of Gen. and Executive Councils of the Institute of Company Accountants and Fellow of the Institute; member of Executive Committee, Automobile Trades Guardian Association; on the staff of the Financial Adviser Mes. Ex. Force during War. Md. hit.: company accountancy. Pr. A.: 115 Boston Manor Road, Brentford, Middx.
HARDY, George Dudley, A.M.I.A.E. M.S.A.E., experimental engineer Trojan, Ltd., Croydon. B. 24 January 1 896, Croydon. Ed.: Whitgift School Croydon; Loughborough Eng. College. Car.: Battalion Engineer and Instructor in Tech. Training Royal Tank Corps; own business started as De Silva & Hardy, Ltd., Belsize Park, Ser. Man. and later Sal. Man. Trojan Ltd.; Tech. Asst. Anglo American Oil Co.; present position. Md.: 3 children. Int.: motoring, gardening. Pr. A.: " Ashbourne," 21 Egmont Road, Sutton, Surrey.
HARMSWORTH, Herbert George, A.M.I.A.E., Part. and Gen. Man. Greycoat Garage, Westminster, S.W. B. 1895, London. Ed.: Stamford Hill Grammar School; City & Guilds College; with R. H. Green & Siley Weir, Ltd., Blackwall. Car.: joined Royal Engineers 1914; 1926 Asst. Sal. Man. Kingston Service Garages, Ltd.; 1929 founded Greycoat Garage. Md. Int.: wireless control of machinery. Pr. A.: "Wincote," Queen Anne's Grove, Bush Hill Park, N. Tel.: Enfield 1452
HARPER, Charles, Man. Dir. Harper Motor Co., Ltd., Holbum Junction, Aberdeen. B. 15 June 1887, West Norwood, London. Ed.: Aberdeen Grammar School; Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen. Car.: 2 years workshop experience R. & J. Skinnie, Aberdeen; commenced in father's business—Harpers, Ltd., Aberdeen; Cadillac agency to 1908; took up Ford agency in 1911; present company formed in 1919; Lieut. and Capt. R.E. in France during the whole period of war. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: motoring. Pr. A.: 218 Springfield Road, Aberdeen. Tel.: 3684.
HARPER, Harold Hori, Joint Gov. Dir. King & Harper, Ltd., Cambridge. B. 2 June 1878, Therfield, Royston, Herts. Ed.: Victoria House School, Royston, Herts. Car.: joined present co-Governing Director in 1897 and became partner in 190o, having built business up from a small cycle shop to its present size. Md.: 1 daughter, I son. Int.: church work, Rotary, trade associations, golf. Pr. A.: " Raylands," 291 Hills Road, Cambridge. Tel.: Cambridge 769.
HARPER, Martin Oliver, joint Man. Dir. Rice & Harper, Ltd. (incorporating May & Jacobs, Ltd.), Guildford. B. 27 March 1881, Merfield, Royston. Ed.: Therfield and Royston. Car.: started in family business of wheelwrights, etc.; with King & Harper, Cambridge; gen. man. of private garage to Cambridge University; D. Napier & Sons; then Rice & Harper. Md. 2 sons. int.: motor boating, golf, Egyptology. Pr. A.: St. Johns, York Road, Guildford. Tel.: Guildford 74o.
HARRINGTON, William Dayen, F.I.M.T., Pro. Harrington & Co., Bootle and Ormskirk. B. 8 June 1893, Blundellsands, Liverpool. Ed.: Merchant Taylors; training W. H. Harrington & Co., coach builders. Car.: 1908/14 W. H. Harrington & Co.; 1914/18, Army and R.A.F.; 1918/23, Man. Motor Transport Dept. Cunard Steamship; 1923 to date business on own account. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: tennis, work. Pr. A,: 2 Merton Road, Bootle, Lancs. Tel.: Bootle 246.
HARRIS, Sidney J., Pro. H. E. Nunn & Co., Manchester. B. 13 May 1903, Manchester. Ed.: North Manchester Grammar School; Cheltenham College; training Eng. Side Cheltenham College. Car.: entered home trade textiles 1920; founded present business in 1926 with part.; part. dissolved 1932 and now sole pro. Md.: I son. Int.: music, gramophones, gardening. Pr. A.: 16 Kensington Gardens, Hale, Cheshire. Tel.: Altrincham 1129.
HARRISON, Charles H., Designer and Tech. Advisor to the British Motor Boat Manufacturing Co. B. 13 December 1902, London. Ed.: Tottenham County School; pupil to J. A. Prestwich, Tottenham; Northampton Institute. Car.: responsible for design of Britannia outboard and inboard marine engines; also boats with which world's speed record was broken 1930 and 1931. Md. Int.: motor boat racing, engine tuneing. Pr. A.: 59 Fursby Avenue, Church End, Finchley, N. Tel.: Finchley 4750.
HARRISON, Frank, Pro. F. Harrison, Bank Street, Mexborough. B. 7 November 1873, Doncaster. Ed.: Doncaster; apprntcd. W. E. Clark & Co., Doncaster, 1888. Car.: commenced business engineering and cycle in Mexborough 1898, incorporating motor 1901. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: shooting, fishing, cricket, member of Local Council for 9 years. Pr. A.: 54 Bank Street, Mexborough. Tel.: Mexborough 92.
HARRISON, John, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E.; tech. journalist. Ed.: Latymer School, Hammersmith; Merchant Ventures Technical college; Regent Street Polytechnic, British & Colonial Aeroplane Co. Car.: 12 years auto. and aero engine experience with Vickers, Ltd., and other concerns; won 39 trophies in long distance car and motor cycle reliability trials. Pr. A.: 36 West Park Avenue, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Tel.: Prospect 3696.
HART, Daniel A., Dir. and Works Man. Alexander Duckham & Co. B. 1894. Car.: joined Duckham's in 1909; war service, 3i, years in France and Italy, Q.M. Sergt.; returned to Duckham's and appointed Works Man.; elected to the board 1934; a member of the Inst. of Petroleum Technologists; Liveryman of Glaziers Company, Freeman of City of London.
HART-DAVIES, Hugh Roland, Dir. Hart-Davies & Haggard, Ltd., The Parade, Leamington Spa. B. 30 January 1892, Bristol. Ed.: Haileybury College; pupil Vickers; Sheffield University 3 year course. Car.: improver Sheffield Simplex to outbreak of war; served in ranks 1914/16; gunner R.F.A. Suvla Bay and Egypt; commissioned R.F.A. served in France; transferred to R.F.C.; shot down and made prisoner August 1917. Md.: 1 son. Int.: motoring. Pr. A. " Roselands," 54 Binswood Avenue, Leamington Spa. Tel.: Leamington 464.
HARTMAN, Capt. Frederick Wm, Man. Dir. Lendrum & Hartman, Ltd., Albemarle Street, London, concessionaires for Buick, Cadillac and La Salle cars. B. 7 April 1884, London. Ed.: Banstead; Uppingham; Heidelberg. Car.: originally in R.E., transferred on outbreak of war to R.N.A.S.; invalided with injuries received on active service. Md. hunting. Pr. A.: " Northease,' Rodmell, Nr. Lewes, Sussex. Tel.: Lewes 491.
HARTNETT, Laurence John, Dir. and Export Man. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton. B. 26 May 1896, Woking, Surrey. Ed.: Kingston Grammar; Epsom College; apprntcd. Vickers, Ltd. Car.: 2 years R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.; 3 years in Singapore managing Buick distributorship; 1 years India rep. General Motors Export Co.; 1 years Sweden Sales Man. General Motors Nordiska. Md.: 2 children. Int.: tennis, golf, travel. Pr. A.: 15 Russell Grove, Mill Hill, London. Tel.: Mill Hill 1536.
HARVEY, Luther F., Dir. L. F. Harvey & Co., Ltd., 423 Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. B. 1884, Leeds. Ed.: Hulme Grammar School, Manchester. Car.: workshops and sales; Auto. Sales and Service since 1899. Md.: i son, daughter. Int.: boating, golf. Pr. A.: Beechlands, Timperley, Cheshire. Tel.: Sale 3016.
HAWKES, Wallace Douglas, A.M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Automobiles Derby, 27 Boulevard de Courbevoie, Seine, France. B. II September 1889, Bristol. Ed.: St. Paul's; apprntcd. Legros & Knowle Ltd.; Iris Cars, Ltd. Car.: consult-ing automobile engineer until 1924, since when resident in France. Int.: motor racing, experimental work. Pr. A.: 19 rue du Calvaire, St. Cloud, S. et 0, France. Tel.: Val d'Or 11.59.
HAWKINS, Charles Paul, Works Manager Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd., Gt. West Road, Brentford, Middx. B. 1900.
HAWKINS, Stanley Victor, F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Chester Engineering Co. (1918), Ltd., City Road, Chester B. 6 July 1881, Croydon. Ed.: Whitgift, Croydon; Alleyns, Dulwich. Car.: io years in Accounting Dept. of Army and Navy Contractors in London, making munitions under Govt. control and for Belgium Govt.; since with present prm. son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf, cricket. Pr. A.: " Amroth," Shavington Avenue, Newton, Chester. Tel.: 1808.
HAWSON, James, Dir. Armstrong Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd.; also Armstrong Whitworth Securities Co., Ltd., and subsidiary companies. B. May 1881, Edinburgh. Ed.: privately, Edinburgh. Car.: chartered accountant (Scotland); from 1909-25 Vice-Pres. in charge of finance of Lake Superior Corpn., and subsidiary co.'s at Sault Ste, Marie, Canada; joined Armstrong Whitworth Securities Co. in Dec. 1925 as Dir. and chief controller finance. Md. Pr. A.: Esher Place, Esher, Surrey.
HAYDEN, Gregory Gilbert, Sales Man. Triumph Company, Ltd., Priory St. Coventry. B. 1895, London. Ed.: in England and Ireland. Car.: 1914/18 in the Army; joined Triumph Co. early 1919 as member of Sales Dept.; 1924 appt. Asst. Sales Man.; 1927 Sales Man. Md. Int.: books, motoring.
HAYES, Charles, Man. Dir. Bescar, Ltd., 91 Gt. Portland Street, W, cash car buyers. B. 1882, Hull. Ed.: Scarborough College. Car.: various positions in motor trade; with Metropole Garages, Blackpool, and Henleys, Ltd.; started own business as used car buyers and specialists. Md.: 2 sons, 1 daughter. Int.: all out-of-door sports except golf. Pr. A.: Northolme, Gt. Northway, Hendon, N.W. Tel.: Hendon 9282.
HAYES, Oswald, A.M.I.A.E., F.M.S.A.E., Special Rep. Solex, Ltd. B. 1896, Wenlock, Shropshire. Ed.: Bridgnorth School; apprntcd. Clyno Engineering Co., Wolverhampton. Car.: racing and trials work 19191921; with Cox Carburettors, Ltd., 1921-27 and Solex, Ltd., 1927 to date. Md. Int.: cricket, photography. Pr. A.: Oakhurst, Blossomfield, Shirley, nr. Birmingham.
HAYGARTH, Cecil Harry Spencer, Gen. Sales Man. Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Shell-Mex House, Victoria Embankment, London. B. 1895. Ed.: Felsted School; Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (B.A.). Car.: 19141919 Lieut. Royal Engineers; 192o joined British Petroleum Co. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, bridge.
HEALEY, Donald, F.I.M.T., Experimental Man. Triumph Co. B. 1898, Perranporth. Ed.: Newquay College: pupil Sopwith Aviation & Engineering Co., Kingston-on-Thames. Car.: 1915 enlisted Royal Flying Corps; 1917 invalided out, joining Aero. Inspection Depart. as Inspector; 1919 opened business at Perranporth; for 3 years chief competition driver for Invicta Cars and winner of numerous events on Continent, including Monte Carlo Rally and 4 Alpine Trials; Sep. 1933 appd. experimental man. for Triumph's. Md.: 3 children. Int.: motor trials, golf. Pr. A.: Beggars Roost, Perranporth. Tel.: Perranporth 6.
HEARD, James Ferriman, Principal J. F. Heard, Wolverhampton. B. 16 November 1897, Blackburn, Lancs. Ed.: Blackburn Secondary School; Wolverhampton Technical College; Birmingham University; pupil Briton Motor Company. Car.: engineer R.N.V.R. (motor boats); Asst. Designer Briton Motor Co.; Asst. Works. Man. Briton Motor Co.; Lecturer Wolverhampton Technical College; Sales Man. Star Motor Co. Md. Int.: gardening, tennis, motoring. Pr. A.: " Ulvik," Compton Road, Wolverhampton. Tel.: Wolverhampton 20855.
HEATH, Harold, Works Man. Humber-Hillman, Ltd., Coventry. B. 1904, Birmingham. Ed.: Wrekin College; St. Lawrence College; apprntcd. Sunbeam Motor Company, 1922. Car.: 1923 joined Automobiles Talbot, Surenes, Paris; 1925 Australasian rep. of Rootes, Ltd.; 1928 Personal Assist. to Mr. W. E. Rootes; 193o Works Man. Thrupp & Maberly, Ltd.; 1932 appt. Humber-Hillman Works Man. Md.: 1 son. Int.: shooting, fishing. Pr. A.: The Old Rectory, Birdingbury, nr. Rugby.
HEDGES, Major Killingworth Michael Fentham, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.A., M.I.A.E. B. 29 September 1890, London. Ed.: Charterhouse; Trinity College, Cambridge; trained at Cambridge in Engineering and Physics, and with J. I. Thornycroft & Co., Basingstoke. Car.: commissioned A.S.C. 1911; B.E.F. 1914-1920 (France); 1915-1919 D.A.D.T., Boulogne; awarded D.S.O. and Despatches; 1921 O.B.E. (Mil.); Dir. M.T. Sudan Defence Force 1925-27; Assist. Gen. Man. and Dir. of M.T. Sudan Government Railways 19271932. Md. Pr. A.: Wedhampton Cottage, nr. Devizes.
HENDERSON, Charles Graham, F.I.M.T., Gen. Man. Carey & Lambert, Ltd., Southampton. B. 9 November 1894, Heckmondwike, York shire. Ed.: Caterham School; shops of L.G.O. at Walthamstow and experience at Caffyns, Ltd., of Eastbourne; mech. engineering course at Finsbury Technical College; City and Guilds of London Institute, obtaining diploma Car.: joined Caffyns (salesman and later garage man.); 1914 in Eng Unit of Royal Naval Div.; 1918 returned to Caffyns; 1920-1929 Gen. Man. of Efficiency Motor Co., Bristol; 1929 with Bournemouth Imperial Motors as Gen. Man; 1933 Chr. Hants and District Division, M.A.A. 1934 winner of Lord Wakefield gold medal of I.M.T. Md: i daughter. Int.: cricket, soccer, Badminton, swimming, reading. Pr. A.: 6 Westbourne Mansions, Southampton. Tel.: Southampton 74951.
HENDY, Gordon Vinton, Gen. Man. F. A. Hendy & Co., Ltd., Southampton. B. 1 Aug. 1904, Southampton. Ed.: Hurst Leigh School, Southampton; King Edward's Grammar School, Southampton; Taunton School, Taunton. Int.: motor racing, motoring. Pr. A.: " Four Winds," Upper Bassett, Southampton. Tel.: Southampton 3834.
HENLY, Herbert Gerald, Joint Man. Dir. Henlys, Ltd., London. B. 17 February 1891, London. Ed.: private. Car.: on leaving College articled to firm of Surveyors, then joined A. J. Wilson & Co. on Dunlop advertising; with Metallurgique car and then Angus Saunderson; served in 29th Division in Egypt during war; founded Heulys with Mr. Frank Hough in 1917. Md.: (married Babs, of Beattie and Babs) 1 girl. Int.: motoring, flying. Pr. A.: 48 Harly House, Marylebone Rd., N.W.I.
HENRY, Henry Peter, Dir. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd. B. 14 June 1887. Ed.: private. Car.: commenced in motor industry in 1905 joining Mr. (now Sir) J. D. Siddeley, then Dir. of Wolseley Tool (Fic Motor Car Co.; transferred with Mr. Siddeley in 1909 to Deasy Motor Co.; appt. Sec. of Siddeley Deasy Motor Co. 1912-1919; Controller of Sales 19191928, when made Dir.; travelled extensively; Member of Council and Man. Committee of S.M.M.T. , VicePres. in 1932-1933.: golf, outdoor sports, motoring, travelling. Pr. A.: 47 Grosvenor Street, London, W.
HENSHAW, Samuel, F.I.C., Chr. National Benzole Co., Ltd. B. 1869, Bristol. Ed.: Merchant Venturers Technical College, Bristol, in chemistry and engineering. Car.: Works Chemist, Man. Dir., now Chr. Staffordshire Chemical Company, fellow of Institute of Chemistry. Md.: daughter.: golf, gardening, books, motoring, travel. Pr. A.: Brocton Holme, nr. Stafford. Tel.: Milford Stafford 49.
HERBERT, Gerald Oscar, Chr. Monk Engineering Co., Ltd., Coventry. B. 18 February 1884, Coventry. Ed.: Bilton Grange, nr. Dunchurch; Rugby; andBirmingham University. Car.: 19051907 with Deasy Motor Car Mfg. Co. as salesman demonstrator; 1907-1913 with Singer Motor Co. as demonstrator, later charge of testing and competition work; then Sales Man. 1914-1920 with Premier Cycle Co. (afterwards Coventry Premier, Ltd.) as Dir. and Man. Dir. Md.: r son. Int.: shooting, fishing, tennis, motor racing. Pr. A.: Springhead, Shottermill, Surrey. Tel.: Haslemere 65.
HERNIMAN, Cecil Douglas, Man. Dir. Adcock's Garages, Ltd., Chichester. B. r June 1899, Muswell Hill, London. Ed.: Tonbridge School; abroad. Car.: completed tech. training with Tank Corps, 1917; commercial training abroad; war service 1917 to 1919; wounded in France 1918; took over business of T. S. Adcock 1925; Chichester City Council 1928; rep. of City on County Assessment Committee 1932. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: Royal Sussex Depot Drag Hunt, cricket, public and social work. Pr. A.: Meadow Cottage, Birdham Road, Chichester. Tel.: 6o6.
HERRIOT, Capt. Thomas Hunter, M.B.E., A.M.A.I.E., B.Sc., Inspector of Public Service Vehicles, Royal Ulster Constabulary. B. 23 January 1894. Ed.: France, Spain, America; Campbell College, Belfast; Queens Univer sity, Belfast; with Rolls-Royce, Ltd. Car.: war service, Eng. Sub. Lieut. R.N.; Capt. R.A.F. Int.: yachting, light aero clubs. Pr. A.: "Lisbwoy," Downpatrick, Co. Down. Tel.: Downpatrick 9.
HESS, Alan C., B.16 July T 1 y 1900, Kew. Ed.: privately. Car, fiction and verse writer; motor journalism; broadcast motor subjects; starter on London speedways when dirt track racing was new. Official broadcasting Brooklands. Md. Int.: motor racing and trials, painting, music. Pr. A.: Friars Cottage, Clive Road, Esher. Tel.: Esher 269.
HEYNES, Erie Arthur, Pro. Wollaston Garage, Stourbridge. B. 31 October 1897, Harborne, Staffs. Ed.: George Dixon School. Car.: enlisted 1915 R.A.S.C.; served in France and Germany; joined Saunders Garage, Sherborne, 1919-1925; founded Wollaston Garage 1925. Md.: 2 sons. Pr. A.: 91 Bridgnorth Road, Stourbridge. Tel.: Stourbridge 5464.
HEZLET, Major Charles Owen, D.S.O., C. 0. Hezlet, North Audley St, W. B. 1891. Car.: war service 1914-18, mentioned in despatches 3 times; Man. London branch of R. E. Jones, Ltd., 1920-1925; Man. Dir. C. 0. Hezlet, Ltd., 1925-1927. Md.: I son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf, runnerup in Amateur Championship 1914, won Irish Open 1926 and 1929, member of Walker Golf Team 1924, 1926 and 1928. Pr. A.: 12 Eastbury Court, Kensington, London, W. Tel.: Western 2578, and Randall Park, Portrush, N. Ireland.
HIBBERD, Frank Allison, F.C.I.S., F.I.M.T., Man. and Sec. St. Roque's Automobile Co., Ltd., Dundee. B. 18 June 1894, Dundee. Ed.: Morgan Academy, Dundee; apprntcd. accountant in Dundee. Car.: joined Sales staff of D. J. MacDonald, Dundee, on demobilisation, March 1919; January 1920 Sales Man. R. D. Ewart & Co., Edinburgh; April 192o Sec. and Man. Moir & Baxter, Ltd., Edinburgh; Oct. 1921 joined St. Roque's and Jan. 193o Man. and Sec. of firm. Chr. Dundee Centre S.M.T.A. 1931-33, chr. Dundee Centre I.M.T. 1932-35, mem. Council S.M.T.A. 133-35. Md.: son. Inf.: golf. Pr. A.: Windermere, East Newport, Fife. Tel.: Newport 225.
HICKLING, Frederick Osgood, A.M.I.A.E., Tech. Man. Ransome & Manes Bearing Co., Newark. B. 1894, Nottingham. Ed.: High Pavement School, Nottingham; Nottingham University. Car.: with Raleigh Cycle Co. and Sturmey Archer Gears, Nottingham; machine tool and production design at Austin Motor Co.; with A B C Motors, Cubitt Motors, Jigs, Ltd.; Machine Shop Super. at Lagonda Cars, B.S.A. and Wadkin Mills, Nottingham. Md.: 2 children. golf, tennis. Pr. A.: " Charnwood," 56 Davies Road, West Bridgeford, Nottingham. Tel.: Nottingham 85552.
HICKS, George W. Northern Man. Pirelli, Ltd., Oldfield Road, Salford. B. 14 April 1891, Heaton Chapel. Ed.: Longsight Grammar School, Manchester. Car.: 2 years with Continental Tyre Co.; 4 years' war service, Manchester Regiment, and A.S.C.; 4 years par., Tucker, Hicks & Burnby; 7 years Pirelli, Northern Manager. Md.: 2 children. Int.: tennis, swimming, motoring. Pr. A .: Brantfell, 2, Heathfield Road, Heaton Chapel, Stockport. Tel.: Heaton Moor 1476.
HICKS, William Ellery, A.M. I .A.E. , F.I.M.T., Pro. S. Hicks & Son, io River Street, Truro. B. 14 Sept. 1875, St. Teath, Cornwall. Ed.: Truro Wesleyan Day School; Truro Technical Art School. Car.: graduated into motor trade from cycle trade; first trader to sell a car in the county of Cornwall; member of M.A.A. & M.T.A. Councils for a number of years; locally represents Benevolent Fund; founder member of I.M.T. Md.: daughter. Int.: golf, bowls (played for the " County "); takes interest in local Chamber of Commerce, hon. Sec. 14 years, and the chr. 1928; also in trade association work. Pr. A.: 23 Lemon Street, Truro. Tel.: Truro 106.
HIGGINSON, G. Wilton, Man. Dir. Wrexham Motor & Electrical Engineering Col., Wrexham. B. 2 November 1901, Wrexham. Ed.: Wellingborough School, passed First Class Wireless Electrical Engineer, Government Exam, Liverpool Wireless College. Car.: joined firm as salesman 1918. Md.: no family. Int.: golf, skating (Continental style). Pr. A.: Bryn Acton, Wrexham. Tel.: Wrexham 445.
HIGGS, Lt.-Col. Henry Joseph, A.M., O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.C.E., B.A., J.P., Vice chr. and Man. Dir. Ransome & Marks Bearing Co., Newark-on-Trent; Dir. Projectile & Engineering Co., Ltd. B. 1886. Ed.: St. Paul's School; Magdalene College, Cambridge; training Woolwich Arsenal. Car.: Special Reserve of Officers R.E.; Irrigation Service P.W.D. Egyptian Government; recalled to ArMy August 1914; served France 1914 and 1915; wounded Neuve Chapelle; Palestine, 1916/1919; three times mentioned in despatches, awarded Albert Medal in gold for life saving. Md.: 3 children. Int.: shooting, fishing. Pr. A.: Winthorpe Grange, Wi nthorpe , Newark.
HILL, Allen, H., Northern Man. Colmore Depot, Manchester. B. July 1884, Birmingham. Ed.: Birmingham Tech. & C. Schools. Car.: served South Staffs. Regt. and R.N.; in motor and allied trades since 1899; 29 years with Colmore Depot. F.I.M.T., M.I.S.M.A. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: motoring, motor boating, Benevolent Fund. Pr. A.: Kippford, Hill Top Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. Tel.: Cheadle Hulme 29.
HILL, Benjamin Alan, Publicity Man. Standard Motor Co. B. 21 May 1892, Buckhurst Hill. Ed.: Loughton. Car.: joined motor trade 1909; consecutively on mechanical, service, sales and publicity sides, also editorial staff of Iliffe & Sons; many motor trials and motor cycle racing before and after War; war service British Red Cross and commission in R.A.F.; 1914 Star. Md.: 1 daughter, 1 son. Int.: motoring, photography, paint ing, amateur mechanics, archaeology. Pr. A.: " Apeldoorn," Tile Hill Lane, Coventry.
HILLCOAT, Henry. Dir. Bristol Street Motors, Ltd., 164 Bristol Street, Birmingham. B. 15 October 188o, Bombay. Ed.: Stockport Grammar School; Athenee Royale, Brussels. Car.: 4f years in sailing ships; Master Mariner; served with Peninsular & Oriental Steamship Co., and Royal Naval Reserve; left sea 1909 and started in motor trade. Md.: I son, 2 daughters. Int.: fishing, sailing, riding, walking. Pr. A.: 23 Belle Walk, Mosely, Birmingham. Tel.: South 2154.
HILLHOUSE, John Paton, M.I. Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Ser. Man. B.S.A. Co., B.S.A Cycles, and B.S.A. Cars. B. 1883, Birmingham. Ed.: Edgbaston Preparatory School; King Edward VI High School; University of Birmingham; took University of Birmingham Degree Course in Eng. Car.: with Lanchester Engine (now Motor) Co.; W. & J. Player, Ltd.; H. W. Ward & Co., Ltd.; B.S.A. Small Tools & Motor Depts.; Calthorpe Motor Co.; Herbert Frood Co.; Brolt, Ltd. Md. Pr. A.: 31 Brandwood Road, King's Heath, Birmingham. Tel.: B'ham. South 0575.
HILLS, Albert Charles, late, Man. Dir. Hills & Hills, Ltd.,export agents (automobiles, etc.). B. 2 February 1864, London. Ed.: privately and City of London College. Car.: 1900/3 Man. Goodyear Tyres (England); 1903/4 Man. E. W. Hart, Euston Road, N.W.; 1904/10 Man. Dir. HillsMartini, Ltd. (Martini Cars); 1910/16 Man. " B.S.A." cars, Birmingham; 1916/23 Man. Eastern dept. Tozer Kemsley & Millbourn, Ltd., auto. exporters (three times round the world); 1923/5Receiver and Man. for Mercantile Bank of India of T. R. Pratt (Calcutta), Ltd.; author (1916) of " Confound their Politics." Md.: 5 children. Int.: golf, occasional writing. Pr. A: 95 Overstrand Mansions, S.W. Tel.: Macaulay 4173.
HILTON, George T., M.C., Man. Dir. George T. Hilton & Co., Ltd. Rugby. B. 5 January 1873, Gretton, Northants. Ed.: Grassbys Academy, Heanor. Car.: started business in Rugby 1899, forming private limited company 192o; 5 years war service in France and Belgium, three times mentioned in dispatches, M.C. Md.: 1 son, daughter. Int.: golf, touring in mountainous districts, interested in fellow man. Pr. A.: 86 Hillmorton Road, Rugby. Tel.: Rugby 78.
HINDE, Frederick William, Dir. & Sec. Avon India Rubber Co. B. 2 August 1878, nr. Chesterfield. Ed.: Grammar School, Retford; Leeds Boys Modern School. Car.: Asst. Sec. Avon Co. 1903; London Man. 1909; Gen. Man. 1915; elected to board 1920; Dir. and Sec. 1931. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golfing, reading. P. A.: The Priory, Chippenham, Wilts. Tel.: Chippenham 144.
HINXMAN, Ernest James, Pro. Hinxman & Son, Fareham. B. 4 April 1871, Salisbury. Ed.: British School, Dews Road, Salisbury; apprentcd. Harris & Son, carriage builders, Salisbury; Bronze Medallist of the Coachmakers' Co. Car.: with Harrison & Son, Stanhope Street, N.W.; built the first body for motor hansom cab; partly responsible for production of first bodies for the British Motor Car Co. and all early makes of car; made spare parts boxes for first Lanchester at the Agricultural Hall April, 1900. Md.: 1 son, 2 daughters. Int.: tennis, croquet. Pr. A.: 38 West Street, Fareham, Hants. Tel.: Fareham 79.
HIRST, Arthur, F.I.M.T., Pro. Hirsts Motors, Armitage Road, Golders Green, N.W. B. 27 March 1885, London. Ed.: London. Car.: commenced business 1910 as Hirst Hire Service at Corringway, Golders Green. 1914/19 war service Salonica; 1923 moved to Armitage Road and started Hirst Motors; chr. local Garage Proprietors Assn. Md.: i daughter. Int.: golf, bowls, billiards, Rotary, Chamber of Trade, M.T.A. & M.A.A. work, Benevolent Fund. Pr. A. Tudor House, Gloucester Gardens, Golders Green, N.W. Tel.: Speedwell 1474.
HISCOCK, Kenneth Edward, Sal. Man. Ray Powell, Ltd., Leytonstone, E. B. 2 February 1904, Melbourne, Australia. Ed.: Kew Grammar School, Melbourne; Aske's (Haberdashers') School, London Car.: apprenticeship and passed 2nd mate and served as officer in British Merchant Service; motor trade in New York, New Orleans and London; 5 years in present position. Md. Int.: boxing, boating, football, cricket. Pr. A. Greenheyes Drive, Snaresbrook, London. Tel.: Wanstead 3651.
HITTINGER, Albert, Gen. Man. National Benzole Co. B. 1884, London. Ed.: London Polytechnic; trained in Chartered Accountancy. Car.: Sec. Public Company, Gen. Man. Md. Int,: cricket, bowls, motoring, football, travel. Pr. A.: " Diala," 36 Pierrepoint Road, Acton, W.3. Tel.: Acton 2514.
HOBSON, Hamilton, M., Chr. and Joint Man. Dir. H. M. Hobson, Ltd. London. B. 15 June 1869. London. Ed.: privately; commercial training in various businesses. Car.: established firm of H. M. Hobson, Ltd., in 1903; J.P. for County of London; Past Pres. of the Society of Motor Mfrs. and Trades; Member of Committee R.A.C.; Freeman of City of London. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: golf, motoring. Pr. A.: Cookham Dean, Berks. Tel.: Shepherds Bush 3321.
HODGKINSON, Ernest N., Gov. and Man. Dir. Hollingdrake Automobile Co., Ltd., Stockport, Man. Dir. Drakeson Motor Co., Ltd. B. 11 December 1876, Beamsmore, Marple, Cheshire. Ed.: Leys School, Cambridge; Victoria University. Car.: 1904 joined Sir H. Hollingdrake in partnership; in 1919 when business was made a Limited Company, created a Gov. Dir. and afterwards Man. Dir.; chr. East Lancs. M.A.A. Div. 1933/34. Md.: 1 girl, 3 boys. Int.: tennis, golf, principally in connection with the betterment of conditions in the motor trade. Pr. A.: Byways, Dean Row, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Tel.: 533 Wilmslow.
HOLBROOK, Samuel, Man. Dir. of Samuel Holbrook, Ltd., Wolverhampton. B. November 1881, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Ed.: Christ Church School, Macclesfield; commercial training, Carters College, Birmingham. Car.: 1903/5 with Wolseley Co.; 1905/29 Austin Motor Co., and Sales Man. 1918/29. Md.: i son, I daughter. Int.: golf, bowls. Pr. A.: "Forty," Richmond Road, Wolverhampton. Tel.: Wolverhampton 22891.
HOLDEN, Brig.-Gen. Sir Henry Capen L., K.C.B., F.R.S., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E. B. 23 January 1856, Cheltenham. Ed.: Queen Elizabeth's School, Ipswich, and R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Car.: entered Royal Artillery in 1875 and was Supt. Royal from (sic) Factory and Royal Carriage Factory and temporarily Chief Superintendent of the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich; retired from Army 1912; Lefroy Gold Medallist R.A., James Forrect Lecturer Inst.C.E. 1908; Director Mechanical Transport War Office 1914 and Ministry of Munitions 1916; Vice-President of Inst. Elec. Engineers; member of Board N.P.L. 1907/12; designed Brooklands racing track; Chairman of Royal Automobile Club 1905; Chairman of Royal Aero Club 1921; President Radio Society of Great Britain 1927. Md. Int.: electrical and automobile engineering. Pr. A.: Gifford House, Blackheath, S.E.3. Tel.: Greenwich 0335.
HOLDER, Henry Nigel, Chr. and Man. Dir. Kensington Moir & Straker, Ltd., Hanover Square, London. Pro. H. N. Holder, 22 George St., W.I. B. 1906, Birmingham. Ed.: privately. Car.: with the Chelsea Garage, Ltd. London: late Dir. Aston Martin, Ltd. and E. C. Burgoyne, Ltd. Md. Int.: motor racing, shooting, fishing, Pr. A.: 22 Ormonde Gate, Chelsea, S.W.3. Tel.: Flaxman 8280.
HOLLICK, Arthur O., Sales Man. Rover Co., Coventry. B. 14 September, 1890, Milbourne Grange, Stoneleigh. Warwickshire. Ed.: Kenil worth College; H.M.S. " Conway." Car.: 1913 with Calcott Bros., Coventry; 1914/1929 (excepting war period) with Daimler Co. at Coventry; 1929 joined Rover Co. Md.: daughter, 1 son. Pr. A.: The Highfield, Kenilworth. Tel.: ioi Kenilworth.
HOLLIDAY, Hubert, Man. Dir. Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd. B. 12 June 1885, Bletchingly, Surrey. Car.: joined Vacuum Oil Co. as junior in July 1901; after 18 years in various positions apptd. to the Board in 1919; Man. Dir. July 1933. Md.: 2 sons, daughter. Int.: fishing, gardening. Pr. A.: Beech Close Court, Sandy Lane, Cobham, Surrey. Tel.: Cobham 473.
HOLLOWAY, Frederick J., F. I .M.T. Sen. Par. J. W. Holloway & Sons, Shoreham-by-Sea. B. I March 1868, Shoreham-by-Sea. Ed.: Collegiate School, Southwick; Municipal Science College, Brighton; Car.: with J. W. Holloway & Sons, and Richard Hornsby & Sons, Grantham; made the "Holloway " motor cycle, taking 2nd Prize at Preston Park motor races 1902, driving early motor cars such as the Star, Vauxhall tiller steering, Allday's 2-cylinder rear axle drive, Pieper belt drive and others; sold " Darracq " in 1905; first Sussex distributor of Bedford & Buick cars; ex-chr. South-Eastern Division M.A.A. Md.: I boy, 1 girl. Int.: tennis, masonry. Pr. A.: "Holmsley," Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex. Tel.: Shoreham 153.
HOLMES, Horace Andrew, Chr. and Gen. Man. India Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd. B. 26 March 1885, Otterington Yorks. Ed.: privately. Car.; banking, financial and commercial. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: golf, fishing. Pr. A.: Baldock Wood, Lenham, Kent. Tel.: Lenham 98.
HOLTON, Herbert Benjamin, Home Sales Man. Renold & Coventry Chain Co., Ltd. B. 25 May 1887, Birmingham. Ed.: Highfield Road, (B'ham) Secondary School. Car.: 1906, asst. Sec. Parker, Winder & Achurch; 1909 estimator, Coventry Ordnance Works; joined Coventry Chain Co., November 1911 appointed Tech. Man. 1923, Gen. Sales Man. 1926; appointed Home Sales Man. present company 1932. Md.: 2 children. Int.: literature, cricket. Pr. A.: Elfort, 62 Wensleydale Road, Hampton-onThames. Tel.: Molesey 1583.
HOODBARRS, Henry R., Chr. and man. dir. G. Scammell & Nephew, Ltd., Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., Steel Barrel Co. Ltd., Mann Steam & Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. B. 9 September 189o. Ed.: Dulwich College; Electrical training with Eastern Telegraph Co. Car.: Captain H.M. Forces 1914/1919.
HOPKINS, William Henry, M.I. Mech. E., M. I . A.E., Tech. Engineer Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Adderley Park, Birmingham. B. 2 August 188o, Swindon, Wiltshire. Ed.: Swindon Higher Grade School; Swindon and North Wilts Technical College; apprntcd. G.W. Rly., Swindon. Car.: insp. at Vickers & Maxim, Barrow; chief designer Sunbeam Motor Co.; chief designer and then Works Man. Arrol- Johnston, Pailsey and Dumfries; chief eng. Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Southport. Md.: 1 son. Int.: photography, watercolour drawing. Pr. A .: 17 North Drive, Heathfield Park, Hansdworth, Birmingham.
HORNBY, Thomas, Man. Dir. at Redline-Glico, Ltd. B. I March 1875, South Shields. Ed.: Durham. Car.: commercial training and over 4o years in the petroleum trade. Md.: 3 children. Int.: selling oil and more oil. Pr. A.: Burnham Lodge, Purley, Surrey. Tel.: Purley 216.
HORTON, Ronald Tombs. B. II September 1907, Tenbury, Wells. Ed.: Bowden College. Car.: started in motor trade with J. Fryer, Ltd., Hereford, and Lea & Francis. Md.: daughter. Int.: motor racing. Pr. A.: 45 Anderton Park Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Tel.: South 1677.
HOUGH, Frank, F.I.M.T., Chr. & Joint-Man. Dir., Henlys, Ltd., London. B. 19 September: 888, Walsall. Ed.: Walsall Technical College; apprntcd. Cross & Cross, electrical & constructional engineers. Car: started in business on own account in 1909, trading at The Walsall Garage, Walsall Garage, Walsall; enlisted 1916 in A.S.C.(M.T.); started in pat'ship in 1917 at Gt. Portland Street with H. G. Henly; Walsall Garage disposed of in 1920 in order to devote whole time to Henlys. Md.: I daughter. int.: golf, Chr. Chertsey Golf Club & late Pres. Motor Trade Ass., Golfing Soc. Pr. A .: " Bindown," 32 Lower Teddington Road, Hampton Wick.
HOUNSFIELD, Leslie Haywood, A.R.C.S., A.M.I.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., experimental engineer. B. 20 July 1877, Oxhey Hall, nr. Watford. Ed.: Brighton Grammar School; Battersea Polytechnic; Royal College of Science; apprntcd. James Simpson & Sons, Ltd.; experience with Ransomes Sims & Jefferies & Woolwich Arsenal. Car.: lecturer in Auto. Eng., City & Guilds; Assist. Examiner in Machine Construction, etc., Board of Education; served as Sapper in South African War; developed Trojan C ar in private workshop, and formed Trojan, Ltd.; making measuring instruments during the war; chief Eng. of Trojan Depart. of Leyland Motors; Member of Executive Committee of London and District Asscn. of Engineers' Employers' Federation, etc.; Past Pres. I.A.E. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: Hounsfield Engineering Laboratory, 8i Morland Road, Croydon. Tel.: Addiscombe 3696.
HOWE, 5th Earl, P.C., C.B.E., Dir. Associated Equipment Co. Ed.: Eton, Oxford. Car.: joined R.N.V.R. in 1904; in 1914 appointed to the command of the Howe battalion of the R.N.V.; Dec. 1914 appt. to " Queen Elizabeth " Asst. Gunnery Officer, and during the last year and a half in charge of photographic work of the Grand Fleet; in 1918 elected M.P. (Conservative) for Battersea; later a Junior Lord of the Treasury; from 1927 he began to enter for all big road and track events; has competed every year in the T.T.; 4 times in the Le Mans 24-Hour Race, and 3 times in the Grand Prix de Monaco; winner at Le Mans; 2nd in Grand Prix de Dieppe; 1st (II litre class) in German Grand Prix, at the Nurnburg Ring; at Brooklands competed in the J.C.C. Thousand Miles, the B.R.D.C. 50o Miles, and the J.C.C. Double Twelve; won " Gold Star " in a " Delage," lapping at I26-i m.p.h.; Pres. of the British Racing Drivers' Club and the Bugatti Owners' Club; a General Committee member of the R.A.C. Md. Int.: motor racing, politics. Pr. A.: 35 Curzon Street, W.I. Tel.: Grosvenor 232o.
HOWELL, George, Man. Dir. Masons Garage (Letchworth), Ltd., Eastcheap, Letchworth, Herts. B. August 1889, Hansworth, B'ham. Ed.: St. Mark College, Chelsea. Car.: 1911/25 employed at Phoenix Motors, Letchworth, first as tester and then in charge of testing and repairing dept.; during war period 1915/19 London M.T. Repair Depot, R.A.S.C.; Sergt. in charge of Neavies test. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: golf, sailing. Pr. A.: 47 Baldock Road, Letchworth. Tel.: Letchworth 112.
HUBBARD, Reginald Kirkshaw, O.B.E., M.I.A.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Stores Super. Central Argentine Railway. B. 6 April 1887, Worthing, Sussex. Ed.: Bethany House School, Goudhurst; Brighton Technical College; apprntcd. Thornycroft Steam Wagon Co. Car.: 5 years with Hubbard Bros., Basingstoke; Asst. Works Super. Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.; 16 years in R.A.S.C. (M.T.), retiring with rank of Major, O.B.E.; three papers read before I.A.E. Int.: salmon and trout fishing, golf. Pr. A.: Junior United Service Club, London; English Club, Buenos Aires.
HUGHES, Harry, F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Francis Garage, Ltd., Colwyn Bay. B. 3o November 1889, Oldham. Ed.: Oldham Council and Technical School; apprntcd. Machine Tool and Motor Engineer. Car.: Man. Dir. of Paragon Motor Co., Oldham, from 1914/2o; Hughes & Bolton, Ltd., Oldham, from 1920/30. Md.: i son.: golf. Pr. A.: " Aingarth," Beach Avenue, Old Colwyn. Tel.: Old Colwyn 5360.
HUGHES, Hywel Ivor, F.I.M.T., M.I.M.E., A.M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Hughes & Watts, Ltd., Birkenhead. B. 1886, Birkenhead. Ed.: Birkenhead Institute; Liverpool University; articled Cammell Laird & Co., shipbuilding and engineering. Car.: 5 yrs. Mercantile Marine Service; 1st class B.O.T. Chief Engineers' Certificate; 2 yrs. draughtsman Cammell Laird & Co.; Capt. Royal Flying Corp and R.A.F., France, Egypt and H.Q., Hotel Cecil. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: yachting, motor-boating, fishing. Pr. A.: "Hal garth," Bryanston Road, Prenton, Birkenhead. Tel.: Birkenhead 1885.
HULL, Charles A., M.I.M.T., Chr., Dir. and Sec. Ely Service Motor Co., Ltd., Lynn Road, Ely. B. 9 Oct. 1893, Little Downham, Ely. Ed.: Needhams School, Ely; tech. and commercial training at West Ham Technical Institute, London. Car.: served as 1st Lieut. in Royal Fusiliers, 1914/18; wounded in Somme battle; 1919/31 Sales Man. A. Cass & Co., Ely; purchased the Service Motor Co., Ely, in March 1931, and in 1933 company formed into Ely Service Motor Co.; holds world record of teaching someone to drive a car at 82i years, which he did for 2i years. Md. Int.: cricket, tennis, soccer player; played for Cambridgeshire County v. Norfolk, Suffolk and Hunts, gaining colours. Pr. A.: Egremont Street, Ely, Cambs. Tel.: Ely 164.
HULT, Gunnar Ulf Adalrik, A.M.I.A.E., designer of engines and appliances for the motor trade. B. 6 May 1897, Stockholm, Sweden. Ed.: Hogre Reallaroverket a Norrmalm, Stockholm. Car.: With Aktiebolaget Archimedes, Sundbyberg, Sweden, 1924/28, design and testing experimental engines; designed Class B outboard racing engine, fastest of its class in 1930. Md. Int.: sailing, architecture, literature, music. Pr. A.: 52 Styrmansgatan, Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: 69 97 39.
HUMFREY, Allan Bernard, Dir. A. B. Humfrey, Ltd., 113 Church Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. B. Kingston Winsloe. Ed.: Culham College; trained as engineer in yachting and at Daimler Works. Car.: 33 yrs. in motor business. Md. Int.: golf, bowls, painting. Pr. A. 32 Central Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E. Tel.: Livingstone 0505.
HUNT, Major Cecil Alfred, M.C., Sales Man. Hammond Pump & Equipment Co., Ltd., and Liquid Measurements, Ltd. B. 1893, London. Ed.: King Edward VI School, Bury St. Edmunds. Car.: 1907 joined E. Webb & Co., Mincing Lane; 1910 Junior Part. A. G. Hunt & Co.; 1911/12 U.S.A. and Canada; 1914 joined West Kent Yeomanry, transferred R.F.A., served Gallipoli, Egypt, France, receiving M.C.; 1919 joined Sales Staff S. F. Bowser & Co.; 1929 appt. present position. Md.: child. Int.: business, command R.A. Battery T.A., tennis, fishing. Pr. A.: " Ashdene," Kingsdowne Road, Surbiton Hill, Surrey. Tel.: Elmbridge 4211.
HUNTER, Robert Stuart, M.I.M.T., Joint Man. Dir., Car Collection Co., Ltd. B. 10 May 1907, Burgess Hill, Sussex. Ed.: St. Albans School. Car.: with Rootes, Ltd., from 1925/ 1929; obtained controlling interest in Car Collection Co., 1929. Md. Int.: Territorial Army, Rugby-football, cricket. Pr. A.: 40 Gladstone Court, Anson Road, N.W.2. Tel.: Gladstone 4365-
HURST, Charles B., M.A., Man. Dir. Charles Hurst, Ltd., Montgomery Street, Belfast. B. October 1881, Drumaness, Co. Down, Ulster. Ed.: Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, Ulster; Cambridge University; L. & Y. Rly. Works, Horwich, Lancs. Car.: with Chambers Motors, Ltd., Belfast, 1907/1; formed C. Hurst, Ltd., 19r1. Md.: 2 sons. hit.: yacht-cruising, sea travel, improvement of retail motor trade. Pr. A.: Gay field, Strandtown, Belfast. Tel.: Knock 847.
HUTCHISON, Kenneth Noel, metallurgical eng., Fry's Metal Foundries, Ltd., Christchurch Road, S.W .19 . B. 3 Feb. 1910, London. Ed.: Harrow, Loughborough Engineering College; tech. and commercial training. Int.: motoring events of any kind, billiards, natural history. Pr. A.: 1 Clarence Terrace, Regents Park, N.W. Tel.: Paddington 3013.
HUTCHINSON, Percy Reuben, Assist., Exhibition Man. S.M.M. & T. B. 21 September 1883, Nottingham. Ed.: Peoples' College, Nottingham. Car.: lace machine building and gen. eng. 1897/1901; motor engineering and commercial practice, 1901/8; joined S.M.M. & T. 1908; Tech. Equipment Officer, R.A.F., 1916/19, served in France, Germany; Sec. Metropolitan Section prior to formation of Agents' Section, Ltd., and M.A.A.; Man. Enquiry and Register Dept., S.M.M. & T., till 1919; compiled Register of Motor Trade and other publications. Md.: 4 children. Int.: all indoor and outdoor sports and games. Pr. A.: 17 Victoria Road, Chingford, Essex. Tel.: Silverthorn 1287.
HUTCHINSON, Col. Thomas Massie, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. B. 14 February 1877, Harpurhey, Lancs. Ed.: Cambridge University; City and Guilds, London. Car.: employed on Army motor transport services, 1902/30, including appt. as Chief Instructor, 1907/14; Chief Insp. of Motor Transport, B.E.F., 1914/19, Chief Insp. in W.O., 1919/24; sometimes member M.T. Advisory Board and Tank Committee; Supt. of Heavy Repair Shops, Chaklala, India, 1924/26; M.T. Advisor India Office, 1926/30. Md. Int.: tennis, engineering research. Pr. A.: Southwick Lodge, Rodney Road, New Malden, Surrey. Tel.: Malden 0758.
HUTT, Arthur Cyril, Chief Eng. Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Shrewsbury. B. 1885, Enfield, Middx. Ed.: Merchant Taylors School; King's College, London; apprntcd. Yarrow & Co., Scotstown. Car.: 1914, enlisted in Navy; promoted EngineerLieut.-Comdr., and appointed Snr. Eng. H.M.S. " Monarch," 2nd Battle Squadron; 1919 to present time with Sentinel Waggon Works. Md.: son. Int.: golf, gardening, tennis. Pr. A.: Ivy House, Shawbury, Shrewsbury. Tel.: Shawbury To.
HUTTON, John Ernest, late Gen. Sales Man. of Vickers, Ltd.; formerly London Man. Wolseley Motors, Ltd. B. 1877, Northallerton, Yorkshire. Ed.: Eton; Trinity Hall, Cambridge; electrical training. Car.: started motoring 1897; in first race Nice, 19o1; made worlds record Dublin, 1903; head of winning drivers Brooklands, 1907; Lon. Man. Wolseley Motors; Gen. Sales Man. Vickers, Ltd.; author of "Motoring" chapter in Badminton Library, also "Welfare and Housing" and "Fishing Days and Fishing Ways." Md. Int.: fishing, shooting, photography, travel. Pr. A.: 71 Pall Mall, S.W.
See Also
Sources of Information