1949 British Industries Fair: Company B
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1949 British Industries Fair
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Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
B. B. CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.78Ulverscroft Road, Leicester. Teleph.: Leicester 20175. Cables : Matchless, Leicester.”—^Manufacturers of ” Boston ” Products for the Shoe and Leather Trades. These include Quickblacks, Coloured Finishes, Stains, Finishing Waxes, Hydrolene Dressings, “ BeBeTex ” Adhesives, Rubber Solutions and Pigment Finishes, Binders, Glazes and Top Finishes.
B. & S. (MANUFACTURING & DISTRIBUTING) Co., Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand No. N.9467, Caledonian Road, London, N.7. Teleph. : North 2437.—Manufacturers of and sole agents for “ Enid Bly ton ” Jigsaws, Indoor and Outdoor Sports Games, Toys, Table Tennis, Dartboards, “ Hot Shot ” Darts, Chess, Airguns, Miniature Diecast Toys, Dolls House Furniture, Fishing Reels, Kites, Skittles, Boats, “ B S T ” Garden Tools.
B.S.A. GUNS, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. L.38Birmingham, 11. Teleph. : Birmingham, Shirley 2281. Cables : Armoury, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Air Rifles, Rifles, Sporting Guns.
B.U.T., Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.34518, Caledonian Road, London, N.7. Teleph. : North 2&66.—Manufacturers of “ Baby Shirley " Dressc i and Undressed Dolls, Dolls’ Clothing, Dolls’ Parts, Soft Toys, Educational Toys, etc.
B.X. PLASTICS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands No. X.8 & X.I5Higham Station Avenue, South Chingford, London, E.4. Teleph. : Larkswood 4491. Cables : ” Xylonite, London.”-—Manufacturers of Thermoplastic Materials. ” Xylonite ” (Celluloid) ; Bexoid ” (Cellulose Acetate) ; Lactoid ” (Casein) ; ” BX.P.V.C. ” (Polyvinyl Chloride) ; ** B.X. Ethyl-Cellulose ” ; “B.X. Polystyrene ” ; “ Styrafoil ” (Orientated Polystyrene Film) ; Isoflex ” (Lightweight Thermal Insulation), etc.
BABY CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING Co. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.86Stamford Works, Denmark Street, Altrincham, Cheshire. Teleph. ; Altrincham 1166.—Manufacturers of Perambulators, Push Carts, Folding Baby Carriages, Canopies, Carrier Cots, Dolls’ Prams, and Wooden Toys.
BACON, B. S. (GAMES), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.93Besbac Works, Llanrwst, North Wales. Teleph. : Llanrwst 115. Cables : “ Bacon, Llanrwst.*’—Manufacturers of Toy Airports, Shops, Blackboards and Easels, Counters, Chest-Expanders, Desks and Chairs, Dolls’ Cots, Beds, Houses. Dartboards, Forts, Garages, Ironing Boards, Railway Stations, Skipping Ropes, Skittles, Drawing Slates, Table Tennis, etc.
BADCOCK, D. (WHARVES), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.38London Wharf, Manchester Road, Cubitt Town, London, E.14. Teleph : East 4111. Cables : “ Deebadcol, Pop, London.”—Bonded Warehousemen, Carmen and Packers. All classes of goods including Heavy Machinery packed for Export, Private Rail Sidings, Riverside Transit Warehouses, Lorries, Goods Collected, Packed, Stored and delivered to ship.
BAGCRAFT, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands No. R.25 & R.46Sackville House, 38-40. Piccadilly, London, W.l. Teleph. : Regent 3108-9. Cables : “ Ringbird, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Bagcraft Bags, Ladies’ Real and Imitation Leather Handbags, “ Sackville ” Model Exclusive Leather Handbags. “ Viking ” Leathercraft Personal Small Leather Goods, Wallets, Billfolds, Purses, Pouches, Cigarette Cases, Key- Cases, Wet Packs, etc.
BAILEY’S AGENCIES, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.7951, Farringdon Road, London, E.C.l. Teleph. ; Holborn 8937. Cables : “ Tidiest, Smith, London.”—Sole agents for “Four-in-Hand” Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, Chalks, Wax Crayons, Pencil Cases, Rulers, Penholders, Toy Typewriters, Money Boxes, Painting Books, Diecast Toys, Balloons, Buckets, Spades, Xmas Novelties, Artists’ Brushes, Boats, Games.
BAILY, A., & Co., Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.9368, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 3601. Factory : Glastonbury, Somerset.—Manufacturers of Quality Footwear lined with real Sheepskin. AND Earls Court 1st Floor, Stand No. V.8 Manufacturers of Sheepskin Rugs. AND Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No L.39Manufacturers of all types of Equipment for Tennis, Squash, Badminton, Cricket, Hockey, Football, Polo-Crosse, Table Tennis, Fives and Boxing, etc., etc.
BAIRNS-WEAR, Ltd. , Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.308 Perry Road, Basford, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 75065. Cables :" Bairnswear, Nottingham."—Manufacturers of Infants' and Children’s Knitted Outerwear and Underwear, Infants’ and Children’s Woven Outerwear, Hand-Knitting Wools. (All sold under the Brand name " Bairnswear.")
BAKELITE, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. X.2218, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Sloane 9911. Cables : " Bakelite, London."—Manufacturers of " Bakelite " Plastics, Synthetic Resins, Moulding Materials, Laminated Sheet, Rod and Tube, " Vybak " Vinyl-Chloride Copolymer Extrusion Compounds. Examples of the use of these materials.
BAKER, BRITT & Co., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.3616, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 0127-8-9 and 6281-2-3. Cables : " Babritco, ’ ’Agents and International Carriers.
BAKER, C., (of Holborn), Ltd. 244, High Holborn, London, W.C.L Teleph. : Holborn 1427 and 4004. Cables : " Optivorum, Westcent, London."—Manufacturers of Microscope^ for Research, Medical, Educational and Industrial purposes. Optical Equipment, Illuminating Systems, Photomicro and other recording apparatus, Epidiascopes, Lanterns, Microtomes, Botanical Apparatus and Accessories.
BAKER, G. P. & J., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.3305, Giltspur Street, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : City 6731. Cables : " Ararat, London."—Manufacturers of Printed Cottons, Rayons and Linens, Down Quilts, Woven Bedspreads, Woven, Plain and Fancy Piece Goods.
BAKER PLATINUM, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46I 52, High. Holborn, London, W.C.L Teleph. : Chancery 8711. Cables : “ Platmetals, London."—Manufacturers, Workers, and Refiners of Precious Metals for Jewellery, Chemical, Electrical, Dental uses, etc. Jewellery, Palladium, Settings, Findings, Tubing, Solders, etc. (British Jewellers* Association Composite Stand.}
BALCOMBE, A. J., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.5352-58, Tabernacle Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 1322. Cables : " Abalgramo, London."—Manufacturers of a complete range of " Alba " Domestic Radio Receivers and Radiograms for export to all parts of the w^orld. Fully tropicalised and incorporating export wavebands, some models with bandspread tuning.
BALDWIN INSTRUMENT Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.19 Brooklands Works, Dartford, Kent. Teleph: Dartford 2989.—Manufacturers of Indicating Instruments, Galvanometers, Bridges, Visual Null Detectors, Resistance Boxes, Potentiometers, Electrometers, Condenser Ionisation Chambers, Moulded Amber, X-Ray Dosemeters, X-Ray Dose- Rate Meters, Integrating Light Counters, Photometers, Moisture Meters, Rolling Mill Apparatus.
BALFOUR & Co. Oiyinpia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K. 115 9-10, Pollen Street, Hanover Street, London, W.l.—Manufacturers of Artificial Flower Decoration and Dress Wear, Manufacturers of Feather Millinery Mounts, Theatrical Wear and Dress Trimmings. Specialists in Ostrich Hats, Capes, Boas, Fans. Sole Distributors: John Grooms Crippleage.
BALMER, J., & Sons (Glass Merchants), Ltd.
Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. S.38 19, Lower Derby Road, Watford, Herts. Teleph. : Watford 4268-9.— Manufacturers of Handmade Glass Animals and Figures in all colours Glass Chessmen and Chessboards. Sets of Fairy-tale Figures in Glass. Coloured and Stained Glass Panels depicting Fairy-tale and Sporting Scenes.
BALSTON, W. & R., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.ll Springfield and Medway Paper Mills, Maidstone, Kent. Teleph. : Maidstone 2201. Cables : “ Balston, Maidstone.’’ Sole Mill Representatives : H. Reeve, Angel & Co., Ltd., 9, Bridewell Place, London, E.C.4.—Manufacturers of ” Whatman ” High Grade Filter Papers and Specialties for Chemical Analysis. Qualitative and Quantitative Grades with extremely low Ash Extraction Thimbles.
BanD PRODUCTS (Bognor Regis), Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. L.40Band House, Aidwick Road, Bognor Regis, Sussex. Teleph. : Bognor Regis 842. Cables : “ Bandproducts, Bognor Regis.”—Manufacturers of and Sole Agents for ”Hood-Bisset” Automatic Dart Scorer, Har-Stel ” Deck Chair, ” Band ” Table Tennis Sets and Bats, ” Topspeed ” Roller Skates, ” Band ” Tennis Court Marker, ” B.O.B.” Seaside Spades and Bats.
BANDA, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.653136, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.L Teleph. : Terminus 7691.— Manufacturers of Leather and Plastic Watch Straps, Cordettes and Wristlet Bands, Unbreakable Watch Glasses in Perspex and Acetate, Fancy Shaped Watch Glasses and Dials.
BANGHAM, A. E., & Co. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand No. N. 137Abco Works, Berwick Avenue, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Teleph. : Larkswood 3518. Cables : ” Obanghamo, London.”—Manufacturers of Carnival Articles, Paper Hats, Caps, Carnival Novelties, Paper and Cardboard Toys, Masks, Papier Mache Hats, Cardboard Trumpets, Festival Goods, etc.
BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.ll 4, Threadneedle Street. London, E.C.2. Teleph. : London Wall 2951. Cables : “ Tralas, London.”—Bankers : London and throughout Australia and New Zealand with World-wide connections, offering outstanding service incorporating facts and advice on Merchandising Shipping Markets to those interested in Australia and New Zealand.
BANTON & Co., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.332Bansun House, Trent Bridge, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 85388. Cables : ” Bansun, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers and Producers of” Bansun ” Down Quilts, Bedspreads, Cushions, Embroideries, Furnishing Fabrics and Upholstery Fabrics. Moquettes and Tapestries for the Furniture Trade, both Utility and Non-Utility. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A. 15 and Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.8 54, Lombard Street, London, E.C.3 Teleph. : Mansion House 1567. Cables : “ Fifty-four, Stock, London.”—Overseas facilities available through Affiliations ; Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas ) ; Barclays Bank (Canada), Barclays Bank (France) Limited, Barclays Bank S.A. Italiana, British Linen Bank, Barclays Overseas Development Corporation, Limited.
BARKER Bros. (Silversmiths), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46I Unity Works, 16, Constitution Hill, Birmingham. Teleph. : Birmingham Central 6841-2-3. Cables : ” Barker, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Electro-plated Flatware, Electro-plated Holloware, Pewter Ware, Rattles, Spoons and Pusher Sets for Children, Sterling Silver Flatware, Sterling Silver Hollow-ware, Toilet Ware and Brush Sets. (British Jewellers' Association Composite Stands]
BAR-LOCK TYPEWRITER Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. E.IO Bar-Lock Works, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 75141-2. Cables : ” Bar-Lock, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers of New Model 22 Bar-Lock ” Standard Typewriter with Keyset Tabulator, Interchangeable Carriage, Carbonless Continuous Stationery Attachments. “ Bar-Lock ” Portable, and “ Family ” Portable with single Gothic characters for universal use.
BARNARD, Edward, & Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.362 54, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Holborn 5677.—Manufacturers of Fine London made Silverware. With our Accumulated knowledge of over 200 years we specialise in Civic Regalia, Scale .Models, Trophies and Cups in addition to our usual high Class Silverware.
BARNET ENSIGN ROSS, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.80Fulbourne Road, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Teleph. : I.arkswood 5555. Cables : ” Barensco, London.”—Manufacturers of Cameras, Cinematograph Projectors, Sound and Silent. Cinematograph General Equipment. Enlarging Apparatus. Photographic Films, Plates and Papers. Lenses, Binoculars, Epidiascopes, Filters. Optical Lanterns, etc.
BARNETT, Leslie I., & Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.461 15, Frederick Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 2102.^—Manufacturers of Imitation Jewellery. Earrings, Brooches, Sprays, Diamante, and Pearl Set. {British Jewellers' Association Composite Stand.}
BARNSHAW & Co., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. Q.524a Maranda House, Binney Street, Oxford Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Mayfair 8966. Cables : “ Maranda, London.’' Factory : Palmer Mills, Portwood, Stockport.—Manufacturers of Metal Upholstery Frames, Etc. “ Maranda ” Electric Appliances, Convector Heaters, Drying Cabinets, Fires, Butane Gas Cookers. All Enquiries to Sales Secretariat, Maranda House, London, W.l
BARR & STROUD, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.I2Anniesland, Glasgow, W.3. Teleph. : Glasgow, Scotstoun 4241. Cables : Telemeter, Glasgow.”—Manufacturers of Optical and Mechanical Instruments including Rangefinders for Gunnery, and for Navigation and Land Surveying, Submarine Periscopes, Heightfinders for Anti-Aircraft Gunnery, Gunnery Control Installations, Aerial Survey Instruments, Binoculars, etc.
BARRACKS FABRICS PRINTING Co., Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.620 Lower Heys Mill, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Teleph. : Macclesfield, 3165-3166. Cables : ” Blockprint, Macclesfield.” London Office : 11, Argyll Street, W.L Telephone Gerrard 1136.—Hand-Block and Screen Printers of Silk, Rayon and Furnishing Fabrics.
BARRATT & ROBINSON, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.42288-310, York Way, Camden Road, London, N.7. Teleph. : North 4021-2. Cables : ** Kastoren, London.”—Manufacturers of ” Behar ” Pianofortes, ” Minstrelle ” Pianofortes.
BAUMANN, Herbert Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.82 Coventry House, South Place, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Monarch 6281. Cables : ” Baumanicur, London.”—Manufacturers of Manicure Sets and Novelties in Fancy Goods.
BAUME & Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.461 1, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Holborn 0486 and 2208. Cables : ” Baume Watch, Smith, London.”—Manufacturers and world distributors of ” Baume ” Watches and ” Gibson ” Clocks. Sole agents Timers. Watches and Clocks Established 1834.
BAVEYSTOCK, A., & Co., Ltd. Earls L ,, Teesdale Works, Fairfield Road, Bow, London, E.3. Teleph. : 2152-3. Cables : ” Bavianco, Bochurch, London.”—Manufacturers of Collapsible and Folding Cots, Two-position High-chairs, Children’s Low- chairs, Folding Tables, Folding Chairs, etc.
BEAN, J. H., & Co., Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. L.28 Heavey Road, Ossett, Yorks. Teleph. : Ossett, 194. Cables : “ Sports, Ossett.”—Manufacturers of Boxing Gloves, Cricket Batting Gloves, Protectors, Leg Guards and Gauntlets, Footballs, Football Shinguards, Hockey Goal Guards and Shin Guards, Punch Balls, Rink Hockey Equipment, Athletes’ Toe ~ ~
BECK, R. & J., 69, Mortimer” Objective, Wesdo, London.'’—Manufacturers of Microscopes and Accessories, Microtomes, Spectroscopes, Magnifiers, Photographic Lenses, Opaque Projectors, Sound Recording and Reproducing Optical Systems, Optical Units, Lenses and Prisms, in Glass, Quartz, Iceland Spar and Fluorite Graticules.
BEDFORD, John, & Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands No. H.15I & H.152 Lion Works, Sheffield, 3. Teleph. : Sheffield 26381. Cables : Bedfords, Sheffield.”—Manufacturers of Manicure Files, Eyebrow Tweezers, Manicure Instruments, Surgical Tweezers, Light Tension Watchmakers’ Tweezers, Precision and Jewellers’ Files, Needle Files, Escapement Files, Riffler Files.
BEDFORD LEMERE & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.398 3, Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey. Teleph. : Croydon 6341. Cables : ” Lemere, Croydon.” Formerly 85 years at 147, Strand, London. Architectural, Industrial Technical and Legal Photography.
BARRATTS PHOTO PRESS, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.39d Ludgate House, 107-110, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 7734-5.—Producers of Photographs for Publishers, Industry, Advertising, and the Press. Photographs of Goods for Export, Catalogues, Exhibitions, Studio or Outside Photography. Expert Operators sent anywhere. Enlarging, Printing, Document Copying, Exhibition Stands Photographed.
BARRIE, Chester, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-4195, Golden Square, London, W.L Teleph. : Gerrard 2866. Cables : ” Ackclothes, London.”—Manufacturers of Hand Tailored Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Sportswear and Tropical Wear, also Women’s Man-tailored Suits, Coats and Sports Wear.
BARRY, OSTLERE & SHEPHERD, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.40 Forth Works, Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Teleph. ; Kirkcaldy 2003. Cables : “ Barry, Kirkcaldy.”—Manufacturers of Linoleum and Felt Base Floor Coverings.
BARTLETT MANUFACTURING Co., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.112 14-17, Noel Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Gerrard 2202.—Manufacturers of Ladies’ and Children’s Bathing Costumes and Beachwear, Children’s Playsuits, Ladies’ Aprons and Pinarettes.
BARTON, A., & Co. (Toys), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.7 31, East Hill, Wandsworth, London, S.W.18. Teleph. : Battersea 4479.— Manufacturers of “ Model Home ” series, Scale-Model Dolls’ House Furniture in Wood. Detailed models in Modern and Period styles with opening doors and drawers, and accessories. Specialists in Miniature Toys.
BATGER & Co., Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. T.24566, Cable Street, London, E.l. Teleph. : Stepney Green 3456. Cables : ” Batgexport, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Silmos ” Lollies, Jersey Caramels, Chinese Figs, Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery, “ Guardian ” Preserves, “ John Peel ” Marmalade, “ Harlequin ” Crackers, “ Happiday ” Cake Decorations, Silver Dragees, etc.
BEETLE PRODUCTS Co., Ltd., The, Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands No. X.26 & X.33 1, Argyll Street, London, W.l. Teleph.: Gerrard 727S. Cables: ” Plastobrit, Wesdo, London.”—Distributors of ” Beetle ” and ” Scarab ” Urea, ” Beetle ” Melamine and ” Beetle ” Plasticised Moulding Powders. ” Beetle ” Synthetic Resins for the treatment of Textiles and Paper ; for Paint and Lacquer Formulation and other industrial purposes.
BELL PUNCH Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands No. E.24 & E.26 39, St. James’s Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Regent 1532. Cables : “ Belpunch, London.” Factories : Uxbridge, Middlesex.—Manufacturers of Tickets and Ticket Control Systems, Ticket Printing and Issuing Machines, Pay Desk and Conductor-carried types, Automaticket Machines and Tickets, Adding and Calculating Machines, Taximeters, Totalisators, etc.
BELL (Toys & Games), Ltd., Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.5 Primus House, Willow Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph : Bishopsgate 7402. —Manufacturers of Boxed games for Boys and Girls, Chemistry Sets, Jigsaw Puzzles, Kindergarten, Educational Toys, Fretwork and Tool Sets, Constructional and Metal Toys, Teasets, Work Boxes, Bubble Blowing Outfits, Conductor Sets, etc.
BELLINGHAM & STANLEY, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.5671, Hornsey Rise, London, N.19. Teleph.: Archway 2270. Cables: ” Polyfract, London.”—Manufacturers of Sugar and Oil Testing Saccharimeters, Polarimeters, and Refractometers, Polarimeter Tubes, Colour Testing Apparatus, Spectrographs for Analysis, Spectrophotometers, Photometers, Research Apparatus, Prisms and Lenses in Glass and other materials.
BELSTAFF MANUFACTURING Co., Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. Q.240 Caroline Street, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. Teleph. : Longton 3211. Cables : ” Belstaff, Longton.”—Manufacturers of Motor Cycle Protective Clothing, Oilskin and Rubber-proofed Cycle Wear. Raincoats, Mackintoshes, Plastic Rainwear. Proofed and Oiled Fabrics. Camping Goods. Lumber Jackets, etc.
BENBOW’S DOG MIXTURE Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. D.27 10, Station Road, Shortlands, Bromley, Kent. Teleph. : Ravensbourne 2408.—Manufacturers of Benbow’s Mixture, the original liquid medicine for all Dogs. In bottles, cans and capsules. Established, 1835. Exported throughout the world. Effective in any climate. Also Benbow’s Skin Ointment for Dogs.
BENCRAFT, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N,86270-271, Broad Street, Birmingham, 1 Teleph. : Birmingham, Midland 3750.—Manufacturers of Invalid Carriages and Hospital Furniture.
BENEY (1938), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46I. Saville Works, Beckenham, Kent. Teleph. : Beckenham 0191. Cables : “ Denselte, London.” Export Office : St. Andrew's House, 32-34, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.l.—Manufacturers of Mechanical Lighters of all Descriptions. Advertising Novelties. Articles for Tobacconists Trade. (British Jewellers* Association Composite Stand.} Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A. 13 and Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.5 Bouverie House, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 3212. Cables : ” Benbrolish, Fleet, London.”—Publishers of ” Cabinet Maker,” ” British Trade Journal,” Industria Britanica,” ” Hardware Trade Journal,” ** Electrician,” ” Timber Trades Journal,” Chemical Age,” ” Gas World,” ” Fruit Grower,” ” Newspaper World,” ” Miller,” ** Leather Trades Review,” ” Nursery World,” and Directories.
BENNETT & JENNISON, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.57Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, Lincs. Teleph. : Grimsby 55016-7 Cables : ** Novelties, Grimsby.”—Manufacturers of Picture Frames, Leather Frames, Barbola Mirrors, Screens, Placques, Powder Bowls, Cindlesticks, Cigarette Boxes, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, Bookends, Workboxes, Trays, Etchings and Watercolours, Oil paintings. Photo Frames, Occasional Furniture, Picture Frame Mouldings, Paper Racks.
BENNETT STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.33Bank Chambers, Goole, Yorkshire. Teleph. : Goole 207. Cables: Bennett, Goole.”—Bennett Line, frequent regular sailings Goole- Boulogne and vice versa, calling at Hull to land fruit and perishable cargo. Direct route between North and Midlands to France, Switzerland and Italy.
See Advt. page 153.
BENNETTS (Oldham), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. Q.437High Lee Mill, Werneth, Oldham, Lancs. Teleph. : Oldham, Main 1234. Cables : ” Audrex, Oldham.”—Manufacturers of “ Audrette ” Brand
Surgical Cotton Wool, all grades ; Sanitary Towels, all grades and sizes. ” Audrene ” Brand Face Towels and Nursery Squares. Audrex ” Brand Upholstery Wadding.
BENTIMA Co., Ltd. 18, Bury Street, London, E.C.3. Teleph. : ” Buergship, London.”—Manufacturers of all Wall, Grandmother, and Grandfather Clocks, dulum Timepiece, 8-day Strike, Bim-Bam and 30-FIour Timepieces and 8-day Lever Clocks.
See Advt. page 168.
BENTLEY PIANO Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.I4Woodchester Mills, Woodchester, Stroud, Glos. Teleph. : Amberley 3243. Cables : “ Pianos Stroud.”—Manufacturers of Bentley Pianofortes, Bentley 4 ft. 6 in. Grand, Bentley “ Studio Minor ”, ” Bungalow ” and ” Oxford ' Upright Models in Mahogany, Walnut, Ebonised and Cellulose Colour Finishes, Stools to match.
BENWELL, H. G., & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ist Floor, Stand No. J.8Cresent Lane, Clapham Common, London, S.W.4. Teleph. : Macaulay 2685. Cables : “ Inlaid, London.”—Manufacturers of Fine Quality Shaving Brushes in Ivory, Plastic, etc.. Hog Hair Fitches, Lining Fitches, Stencil, Pastry, Typewriter Brushes.
BERESFORD & HICKS Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.46131-139, Curtain Road, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 1876-9. Cables : ” Hickober, Finsquare, London.” Factories : Berick Works, Hemsworth Street, London, N.I—Manufacturers and Designers of Fine Furniture Specialising in High Grade Productions for export including Bedroom, Dining, Lounge Furniture and Upholstery. Also specialists in manufacturing furniture to customers own designs. .
BERKEFELD FILTERS & WATER SOFTENERS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. S. 18 Town Mills, Tonbridge, Kent. Teleph. : Tonbridge 2255. Cables : Tubipores, Tonbridge.” And Sardinia House, Kingsway, London, W.C.I. Teleph. : Holborn 5251.—Manufacturers of Stoneware Water Filters and Kieselguhr Filtering Candles for Domestic and Laboratory use. Filters of all sizes for all sizes.
BERNHARDT and MYERS, 16, Glentworth Street, 3975-6. Cables : ” Lighters, London.”—Manufacturers of ” S Combination Lighter Cases, ” Seigneur ” Cigarette Cases, Mechanical Cigarette Lighters and Mechanical Table Lighters.
BERRY, J., & Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.3Period Works, Lea Bridge Road, London, E.IO. Teleph. : Leytonstone 6032. Cables : Period, Leystone, London.—Manufacturers of Antique Reproduction Furniture for the bedroom and dining room, fitted Ward’ robes and Desks. Stockists of Antique Furniture of all periods.
BERWICK’S TOY Co., Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.2B. South Hunter Street, Liverpool, 1. Teleph. : Liverpool, Royal 7865.— Manufacturers of Games and Toys including Jig-Saw Puzzles, Table Tennis, Football Games, Pyramid Cubes, Plastic Playbricks Shooting Games, Sewing Boxes, etc.
BESCO Co. (Propr. : J. Baron & Sons, Ltd.) Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-647 Hill Street, Rochdale, Lancs. Teleph. : Rochdale 4421-2.—Manufacturers of Mops, Peg Bags, Cushion Covers, Shopping Bags, Felt Novelties, Sponge Cloths, Deck Chair Covers, Tea Cosies, Floor Cloths, Nightdress and Pyjama Cases, Dusters, Oven Cloths, and Ironing Pads.
BESFOLDAS, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.870A, Nunhead Grove, Peckham, London, S.E.15. Teleph. : New Cross 4977.—Manufacturers of “ Royale ” Prams, Coach Built Baby Carriages strongly constructed and craftsman finished by hand. Designs are pleasing and various. All parts, fittings and materials are of best quality.
BESWAY MANUFACTURING Co., Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.60Mount Street, Stratford, London, E.15. Teleph. : Maryland 4742-3. Cables : “ Besway, London.'’—Manufacturers of Chromo and Steelite High Quality Trays with fine wood bases, non-slip cellulosed surfaces and with heat proof bases. Also Besway Table Wagons in fine woods, plastic woods and colour finishes.
BETTS & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. D.28Holloway Mills, Elthorne Road, London, N.19. Teleph. : Archway 4361. Cables : “ Checkmate, London.”—Manufacturers of Tin Lead Decorated Bottle Capsules for the spirit and wine trades. Collapsible Metal Tubes for the dentifrice and cosmetic trades, etc, Non-Ferrous Metal food packaging and electrical industries.
BETULA, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 1A, Sharpleshall Street, Regents Park Road, London, N.W.l. Primrose 5424-5.—Manufacturers of Woodware, Breadboards, Cheeseboards Cruets, Bowls, Booktroughs, Table Lamps, Cigarette Boxes in fancy woods, polished or otherwise. Special orders undertaken. Occasional Furniture, School, Church and other Furniture. Wood and Cork Heels, Wedges.
BEVAN FUNNELL, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.6I 18, Margaret Street, Brighton, 1. Teleph. : Brighton 8690.—Sole Agents specialising in Fine Quality Reproduction Lounge, Dining-room and occasional Furniture, in Mahogany and Walnut, Candelabra and fancy Mirrors. Also at Durban, South Africa.
BIBB, Lawrie, & Co., Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.2 49, Duke Street and 60-61, Coleshill Street, Birmingham, 4. Teleph. : Birmingham, Aston Cross 1826. Cables : “ Lawrie Bibb, Birmingham.”— Manufacturers of Brass Ware, Ornamental Reproduction, Art Metal Goods. Fancy Goods, Framed Mirrors, Silver and Plated Fancy Articles, Requisites, Statuettes, Hearth Furniture, etc.
BIGNELLS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand. Imperial House, Rushden, Northants. Teleph. : Rushden 600.” Bignells, Rushden.”—Manufacturers of all types of Men’s Boots and Shoes in Medium to Best Qualities for Town, Country or Sports Wear. Juveniles’ Shoes for School and Best Wear. Produced in six specialised factories.
BIJOUCHIC, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.507 1, Warwick Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Gerrard 3895. Factory at Birmingham.—Manufacturers of High Class Paste and Gilt Costume Jewellery of modern designs. Earrings, Dress Clips, Double Clips, Brooches, Bracelets, Necklets in chromium or pinkgold finish. Desk Cigarette Boxes Fitted Vanity Cases.
BILLAM, J., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.355 Dundee Works, Eldon Street, Sheffield, 1. Teleph. : Sheffield 27374-5. Cables : ” Bilkrome, Sheffield.” London Office : Burley House, 5-11, Theobald’s Road, W.C.l. Teleph. : Holborn 7086. Cables : Despat, London.”—Manufacturers of Table Cutlery oL all Kinds, E.P.N.S. and Chrome Plated Spoons and Forks and Cased Goods.
BIRMINGHAM ASSOCIATED CHAIN Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. HI2I. 28 Villa Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, 19. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 4545. Cables : “ Baccoid, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Chain in Gold, Rolled-Gold, Silver, Nickel, Brass, Iron, Gilding Metal, in a wide range of sizes for the Jewellery, Leather, Fancy Goods and Hardware Trades.
BIRN Bros., Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.74 77, New Bond Street, London, W.L Teleph. : Mayfair 4869. Cables : ” Birnmost, Wesdo, London.”—Publishers of all types of books for children including : ” Boys’ Book of Heroes,” Girls’ Book of Heroines,” “The Modern Series,” “ Tom Puss,” “ Bubble and Squeek,” “ Just William,” ” Magic Painting ” and Cut-Out Books.
BIRNHAK, M., & Son Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.604196-8 Great Portland Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Museum 4822. Cables : ” Birnhakson, London.”—Manufacturers of Gabardines, Worsted and Woollens, Tropical Suitings, Suitings, Panamas, etc.
BIRTWISTLE, J. H., & Co., Ltd. 24, Tib Lane, Manchester, 2. Cables : ” Crescent, Manchester.’ Teleph. : City 2242.—Manufacturers of Sheets, Pillow Cases, Dress Fabrics, Furnishings, Shirtings, etc.
BISBY, A. H., & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No, H.2I0Portobello Place, Sheffield. Teleph. : Sheffield 20605. Cables : ” Kleen- cut, Sheffield.”—Manufacturers of Table and Dessert Knives, Breads, Carvers, Spoons, Forks, Fish Eaters, Fruits, Pastry, etc., in Silver, Plate, Chrome, Nickel, Alpaca. Canteens. Small Cased Goods. Three Bears Childs’ Sets (knife, fork, and spoon).
BLACK, J. W., <Sc Co., Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.8I South Wigston, Leicester. Teleph. : Leicester 89854. Cables : ” Black, South Wigston, Leicester.”—Manufacturers of Ladies’ Footwear, Specialising in Sports Shoes and Casuals, Modern Fitting Comfort Shoes, Promenade and Evening Shoes, featuring lightness and flexibility of construction with careful and up to date styling.
BLACKBURN, C. H., & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.I03 10, Grays Inn Road, London, W.C.l. Teleph. ; Holborn 6531 and ” Stellex ” Works, Shelburne Road, Caine, Wiltshire. Teleph. : Caine 3294.—Manufacturers of Hospital and Dental Sterilisers, Physiotherapy Apparatus (Balanced Pulse Generators, Combined Treatment Units) Electrically Heated Food Conveyors, Domestic Appliances and Photographic Apparatus.
BLACKLOCK, R., & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.658Back Hylton Road, Sunderland. Teleph. : Sunderland 3149.—Manufacturers of the “ Tab,” ” Don,” Watch Straps and ” Eta ” Cordettes in Plaited Leather. Other High Grade Leather Watch Straps in Genuine Pigskin, Morocco and Calf, etc. Leather Alberts and Moire Bands.
BLANCKENSEE, S., & Son (London, Ltd. (Associated with Podolsky Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46922-23, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.l. Teleph.: Holborn 0928-9 and 3104. Cables: ” Blanckensee, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of Chains, Fancy Jewellery, Gentlemen’s Jewellery, Gold Jewellery, Gem Set Jewellery, Platinum Jewellery, Silver Jewellery, Souvenirs, Charms, etc. Watch Cases.
BLANSHARD Bros. (Croydon), Ltd. Olympia, 1st Eioor, Stand No. K.52390, Sydenham Road, Croydon, Surrey. Teleph. : Thornton Heath 4908. Cables: BCM, Blanshard.”—Manufacturers of Photograph Frames with Patent Chrome Corners and all-round Frames.
Blackfriars House, Parsonage, Manchester, 3. Teleph. : Blackfriars ~ ’ Printers, Mercerisers and Finishers of all classes of Cotton Piece Goods, Linens and Rayons ; Yarn Bleachers and Dyers. Specialities : Sanforized, Crease Resisting, Organdie, Flame-proof and permanent Glazed
BLOCK & ANDERSON, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand 58-60, Kensington» Church Street, London, W.8. Teleph. : 2531-6. Cables : ” Blocander, Kens, London.”—Manufacturers of ” Banda ” Spirit Duplicating Machines and Supplies. ” Simplex ” Production Control Machines. ” Banda Line Poster ”—Ledger Posting Machine. ” Victor ” Portable Adding, Subtracting, Listing Machines. ” Banda- mail ” range of Envelope Opening Seahng and Stamping Machines.
BLOWER Bros. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.82Triumph Road, Lenton, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 76671. Cables : ” Blower Bros, 76671 Nottingham.”—Manufacturers of Nursery Furniture, Dining Chairs, Deck Chairs and Garden Chairs, etc.
BLOXIDGE Bros., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46i Regal Works, Holliday Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, 21. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 2139. Cables : “ Bloxbro, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Ladies’ Low Priced Fancy Jewellery ; comprising Brooches, Earrings, Bangles, Dress Clips, Necklets, etc.. Paste. Also Gilt and Attractively Coloured Original Designs. Trade Mark ” Bee Brand ” Wholesale and Export only. {British Jewellers* Association Composite Stand.}
BLUE GATE Blue Gate Teleph. : Silverthorn 3711-2. Producers of the ” Pride-o’- Home ” Range, including Vitreous-topped adjustable all-metal Kitchen Tables, Drop Front Kitchen Cabinets, ” Dimenso ” Enamelled Bread, Cake, and Flour Bins, Two-Tier Canister Sets.
BLUNDELL RULES, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. E.3I Chaul End Lane, Luton, Beds. Teleph. : Luton 4294 and 3976. Cables : ” Blundells, Luton.”—Makers of First Quality Slide Rules, Scales and Measuring Instruments, standard types available. We specialise in trade and other requirements to specification in Slide Rules and other Drawing Office Instruments.
BOAKE, A., ROBERTS, & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.33Sales Office: Ellerslie ”, Buckhurst Hili, Essex. Teleph.: Buckhurst 1133. Cables: ” Boake, Phone, London.”—-Manufacturers of Solvents, Plasticisers, M^ tai lie Soaps, Driers, Ester-Gums, Perfumery Chemicals, Synthetics, Isolates, Essential Oils, Terpeneless Oils, Compound Perfumes, Flavourings, Food Colours, Preservatives, Saponines, Emulsifying Agents, Phosphates, Sulphites, Sulphur Dioxide, Intermediates, etc.
BOEHM, Fredk., Ltd. Olympia, Ground- Floor, Stand No. B.50 19, Bentinck Street, London, W.I. Teleph. : Welbeck 7933. Cables : ‘ Bissula London.”—Manufacturers of Pioneer Products for Paint and Varnish. Naphthenate and Linoleate Driers, Fused and Esterified Congo Copals. Rosin Ester, Zinc Resinate for Food Industry ; ” Protex ” Hydro- lised Protein, ” Yeatex ” Yeast Extract, Citral, Carotene, Chlorophyll, etc.
BOHEMIAN JEWELLERS, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46I 4G, Tavistock Crescent, Westbourne Park, London, W.ll. Teleph. : Park 5696.—Manufacturers of Handset Sterling Silver Double Clip Brooches, Brooches, Earscrews and Rings in Paste and Real Marcassite. Paste Jewellery all Rhodium Plated. Real Marcassite Jewellery—Antique Finish. (British Jewellers' Association Composite Stand.)
BOLCHOVER, I., & Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-705 115, Poilland Street, Manchester, 1. Teleph. : Manchester, Central 0724-5. Cables : ” Bonafide, Manchester.”—Manufacturers of Rayon and Spun Rayon Dress and Lingerie Piece Goods in Dyed, Printed, Coloured Woven Jacquard and Embossed Styles, Spun Rayon Suitings, Dyed and Printed Nylon in Oiled and Rubbered Finishes.
BOLTON LEATHERS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.68Weston Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Teleph. : Bolton 5000. Cables: ” Boltonia, Bolton.”—Manufacturers of ” Boltonia ” Calf. ” Florana ” Calf and Speciahty Side Leathers. Veloui and Hunting Leathers.
BOOSEY & HAWKES, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No.G.5^295, Regent Street, London, W.I. Teleph.: Langham 2060. Cables:” Sonorous, London.”—International Publishers of Music and Musical Educational Literature. Manufacturers of Musical Instruments for the ^Band and Orchestra, Wire Recording Devices, Musical Educational Instruments and Musical Toys.
BOOTS PURE DRUG Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.2Station Street, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham. 45501. Cables: ” Drug, Nottingham.” London Office : 71, Fleet Street, E.Q.l. Teleph. : Central 6901.—Manufacturers of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Toilet Specialities, Veterinary and Horticultural Products, Cosmetics, Soaps, Fine Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Galenicals and Tablets, Potassium Permanganate, Saccharin.
BORITE, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.35 10, Albemarle Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Regent 1061 and 7652. Cables : ” Borite, Piccy, London.”—Manufacturer of “Borite ” Fluid for de-scaling and maintaining scale-free all types of Hot Water and Steam Boilers, Steam Waggons, Tractors, Cranes, etc., and Motor Vehicle, Water Cooling Systems, both static and mobile.
BOSSONS, W. H. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.3I Brook Mills, Congleton, Cheshire. Teleph. : Congleton 638.—^Manufacturer of Hand Painted Highly Embossed Pictorial Wall Plaques with Porcelain Finish, depicting well-known scenes. Special subjects modelled to customers’ requirements. Also Ornamental and Ecclesiastical figures (including Crucifixes) in Vitreplas and Plastic.
BOSTOCK & RAYNER 57, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Chancery “ Bosray, London.'’—Manufacturers of Gem Set, Gold Jewellery.
BOWATER PAPER CORPORATION, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, 9, Park Place, St. James’s, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Cables : “ Nuseprint, Telex, London.”—Manufacturers of Newsprint, Wood- free and Mechanical Printings, Machine Coated, Wallpaper Body, Unglazed Kraft, Kraft Liner, Strawpaper, Tissue, Laminates, Sheets, Reels, Building . Boards, Corrugated Cases, Fibre Drums, Paper Bags, Chemical and Mechanical Pulps.
BOWEN INSTRUMENT Co., Ltd. 401a, York Road, Leeds, ” Pyrometer, Leeds.”—Manufacturers of Indicating, Recording, and Controlling Pyrometers, Optical and Colour Pyrometers, Process Timers. D.C. Amplifiers, etc., suitable for all types of temperature measurement. Also Millivoltmeters and Milliammeters.
BOWLER PRODUCTS, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. M.4422, Bruton Place, London, W.l. Teleph. :• Mayfair 6066-7 Cables: " Sambo, Wesdo, London."—Manufacturers of Fountain Pen and Propelling Pencil Accessories : Nibs, Sacs, Pressure and Lever Bars, Studs, Feeds, Ring Clips, Slip-on Clips, etc. Great variety of all parts in stock.
BOYD-NORMAN MANUFACTURING Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.48 154-157, High Holborn, London, W.C.I. Telephone : Holborn 5395-6 and 4589. Cables : “ Norfacto, London."—Manufacturers of Twin and Triple Roll Mills and Tumbler Mixers for use in Laboratories and for Research purposes generally.
BOYDEN, Percy, & Co., Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. M.IOS 5, Commerce Way, Purley Way, Waddon, Surrey. Teleph. : Croydon 4161-2. Cables : Transwrap, Croydon.'*—Manufacturers of Paper Coils, Rolls, Sheets of all Kinds. Coils Telegraph Tape, Plain or Perforated. Rolls for Accounting and Recording Machines. Sheets Printed one to four colours. Coated and treated papers a speciality.
BRANNAN, S., & Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands No. C.47 & C.53 46, London Road, Forest Hill, London, S.E.23. Teleph. : Forest Hill: 3414. Cables : “ Clinitherm, London."—Manufacturers of Thermometers of all descriptions : Clinical, Household, Industrial, Photographic, Veterinary, Laboratory, Incubation, Refrigeration, and Meteorological.
BRASTED Bros., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.43Piano Works, Hermitage Road, Harringay, London, N.4. Teleph. : Stamford Hill 3482-4. Cables : " Polishing, London."—Manufacturers of " Brasted " Grand and Upright Pianos and a full range of the " Brasted " single and duet Piano Stools.
BREMNER GARRETT PRODUCTS, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.64Abbey House, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Abbey 6252.— Manufacturers of High Grade Mechanical Toys. Only Makers of the Patent " Rota Mota " (not clockwork ; not electric ; no springs) for Driving models, fixing to Constructor Kits, etc. : Also Model Workshops and Cranes.
BREWER & HARDY, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands No. R.70 & R.83 The Tannery, Bulwell, Nottingham. Teleph. : Bulwell 78583. Gables : " Skiver, Bulwell."—Manufacturers of High Grade Leather for Gloves, Belts, Bags, Wallets, Bookbinding and Fancy Leather Goods ; namely, Seal, Goat, Persian Sheep Skivers and Chamois : Also Pneumatic Lambs, Camera and Gasmeter Leather, etc.
BRIGGS, T. N. & F. H., (Tanners), Ltd. Earls Court, Ist Floor, Stand No. R.67 Victoria Tannery, Waring Street, Leicester. Teleph.: Leicester 22938. Cables: ” Tan, Leicester.”—Manufacturers of and Producers of Leather for the manufacture of Footwear, Chrome and Vegetable Tannages : Also Chrome Re-Tan. Leather Linings of all kinds ; Flexible and Rolled Insole Splits : Speciality ” Toughide ” suitable for all climates.
BRIGGS, Walter, (1944), Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stands No. L.I2 & L.I5Playfair Works, Cambridge. Teleph. : Cambridge 3488. Cables Sports, Cambridge.” London Office : 26, St. James’s Street, London, S.W.l.— Manufacturers of Tennis Racquets, Badminton Racquets and Squash Racquets.
BRIMTOY, Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand No. N.I52Progress Works, Sutherland Road, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Teleph. : Larkswood 2691-4. Cables: ” Wellsotoys, Walt, London.”—Manufacturers of Mechanical Train Sets and Accessories and ” Pocketoy ” Series.
BRISTOL, Chas. F., & Son, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.63Regent Place, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 5908. Cables : ” Flosmaron, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of ” Flosmaron ” Table Lamps and Shades. All Types of Fittings, Pendants and Wall Brackets, Lamp Shades in all materials. Novelties in lighting goods.
BRITANNIA RUBBER & KAMPTULICON Co., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.638Bridgewater Road, Alperton, Wembley, Middlesex. Teleph. : Wembley 2961. Cables : ” Britannia, ’Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of Rubber and Oil-proofed Fabrics for Hospitals, Nurseries and home use. Umbrella, Bedding and Garment manufacturers. Waterproof Curtainings, Canvases, Rainwear, Leathercloth, Table Baize, Shelf Baize. Floors laid with Rubber Sheeting and Tiles.
BRITISH ART JEWELS Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.556a 42, Anerley Station Road, London, S.E.20. Teleph. : Sydenham 6524.— Manufacturers of Imitation Jewellery, Paste Brooches, Clips and Earrings, 1, 2 & 3 Row Pearl Necklets, Marcasite Brooches, Clips, Earrings, Chokers, and Snaps, Silver Brooches, Clips, and Earrings, Silver Signet and Fashion Rings, etc.
BRITISH ARTID PLASTICS, Ltd. Trading Estate, Slough, Bucks. Slough.”—Manufacturers of Plastic Table ware, Catering Canteen Requisites, Tobacconists and Stationers Sundries, Babyware, Toilet Requisites, Florists’ Sundries, Buttons, Brooches, Cameos, Advertising Novelties, Cosmetic Containers, Photographic Sundries. Trade Moulders, etc.
BRITISH ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MANUFACTURERS, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.33 13-15, Westland Place, City Road, London, N.I. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 1829. Cables : ” Britaflor, Nordo, London.”— Manufacturers of Artificial Flowers, Foliage, etc., for all purposes including millinery, dress, wreath and decorations. • Also preserved natural foliage and fancy goods.
BRITISH BAMBOO CANE Co., Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.I29 Lanivet, Bodmin, Cornwall. Teleph.: Lanivet 222. Cables: ” Bamboo, Lanivet.”—Producers of Bamboo Canes, Rafda and Associated Products used in countless ways in homecrafts and the manufacture of fancy goods.
BRITISH BATA SHOE Co., Ltd., The Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.92 East Tilbury, Essex. Teleph. : Tilbury 800—809. Cables : ” Batashoe, Telex, Tilbury.” And Maryport, Cumberland.—Manufacturers of Leather Footwear for Men, Women and Children. Rubber Kneeboots, Wellingtons, Overshoes, Galoshes, Canvas Plimsolls, Sports Boots and Shoes, Men’s and Children’s Hosiery, Rubber Slabs, Soles, Heels, Tiles, Upper and Lining Leather.
BRITISH BREHMER, Ltd. Head Office : Batchworth House, Harefield Road, Rickmansworth, Herts. Teleph. : Rickmansworth 3413. Cables : ” Papyrus, Rickmansworth.” Sales Office and Showroom: 20, Tudor Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 4040.—Manufacturers of Bookbinding Machinery, Carton and Boxmaking Machinery, Stitching Wire Staples and all accessories for these industries.
BRITISH CELANESE, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands No. 0.625 &0.709Celanese House, Hanover Square, London, W.l. Teleph. : Mayfair 8000.^ Cables : Celanese, London.”—Manufacturers of ” Celanese ” Textiles. Continuous Filament Yarns and ” Celanese ” Staple, Woven and Knitted Fabrics, Ladies’ Underwear and Men’s Wear, and Proprietors of the Trade Mark ” Celanese.” Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands No. X20 & X.35 Manufacturers of ”Celanese” Plastics, marketed under various trade names, including the following: ” Celastoid ” (Sheets, Rods, Tubes, Sections, Moulding Powders), ” Clarifoil ” (Film), ” Cinemoid ” (Special Non-Flam Sheeting).
BRITISH CONGOLEUM, Ltd. Earls Court, Ist Floor, Stand No. V.53 131, Aldersgate Street, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Monarch 4201Cables : ” Congoleum, Barb, London.” Manufacturers of “ Silver Star ” Congoleum Felt Base Floorcovering in Bordered Squares and two yards wide. Also Passages. ” Brunofelt ” Floorcovering, two yards wide.
BRITISH CREPEMAKERS & PAPER PRODUCTS, Ltd. Olympia, Ist Floor, Stand No. M.98Bedesway, Bede Trading Estate, Jarrow, Co. Durham. Teleph. : South Shields 458 Cables : ” Crepemaker, Jarrow.”—Manufacturers of Coloured Crepe Papers for all Decorative Purposes. Crepe for Specialised use for Tobacco Trade, Air-Conditioning, Insulation, Plastics and other Industrial Purposes, Toilet Rolls, Corrugated Display Board, Handkerchief, Serviettes Table Stationery.
BRITISH DIAMOND CUTTERS, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.467Hatton House, 57 Hatton Garden, London, E.C.L Teleph. : Chancery , polished
BRITISH EBONITE Co., Ltd., The Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand
Nightingale Road, Hanwell, London, W.7. Teleph. : Ealing 1025. “ Ebonitical, Ealux, London/’—Manufacturers of Ebonite Rod, Tube, Sheet, Mouldings, Cylinders, Panels, etc.
BRITISH ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS (1948) Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.l Brereton Road, Rugeley, Staffs. Teleph. : Rugeley 130.—Manufacturers of all types of Electronic Control Equipment for Industry, including Motor Controls, Regulators,. Photo-electric Equipment, Counters, Welding Controls, Timers, Protective Devices, Process Controllers, and Equipment to Customers' Specific Requirements.
BRITISH EUROPEAN AIRWAYS Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.20 and Earl?Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.35 Head Office : Keyline House, Northolt Airport, Ruislip, Middlesex. Teleph.: Ruislip 6061. Cables : ” Bealine, Wire, London.”—Fast, Frequent, Regular Air Services within United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands. From London (Northolt) Services to the principal cities of Europe. Exhibiting with B.O.A.C. and B.S.A.A.
BRITISH EXPORT TRADE RESEARCH ORGANIZATION Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.2I 48, Dover Street, London, W.l. Teleph.: Regent 3001. Cables: ” Betroscope, London.”—Non-profit making Organization open to all Firms interested in Export from U.K. Provides Market Research in all parts of the world. Daily Trade and Commercial Intelligence Reports despatched to Members.
BRITISH FLINT & CERIUM MANUFACTURERS, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.12 Tonbridge, Kent. Teleph. : Tonbridge 2753 and 2970. Cables : ” Brit- flint. Tonbridge.”-t-Manufacturers of Lighter Flints, Pyrophor Re-Lighter Bars for Miners* Lamps, Cerium Metal (Mischmetall), Rare Earth Metals.
BRITISH GAMES (1937), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.4518, Hart Street, Henley-on-Thames. Teleph. : Henley-on-Thames 917. Cables : “ Toygam, Henley-on-Thames.”—Manufacturers of Boxed Games, Draughts, Chemistry Sets, Table Tennis Sets and Tables, Garden Games, Blackboards, Easels, Dominoes, Dolls' Cots, Electrical Games, Skipping Ropes, Educational Lines, Hoops, “ Enid Blyton ” Lines, Badminton, Deck Tennis.
BRITISH GEON, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. X.ll 21, St. James’s Square, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Whiteh^l 9561. Cables: ” Hygeon, Piccy, London.” Works: F facturers of Geon Polyvinyl Resins, Latices, Compounds, Pastes. Electrical Grade P.V.C. 200 Series Copolymers. 15X and 31X Geon 100X210 Paste Resin. Geon Vinyl Compounds and Pastes.
BRITISH HEAT RESISTING GLASS Co., Ltd., The Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Phoenix Works, Loxdale Street, Bilston, Staffs. Teleph. : 41701-2-3. Cables: ” Phoenician, Bilston.”—Manufacturers of “ ’ Heat Resisting Glass Ovenware. Heat Resisting Glass for Scientific apparatus—Glass Components for Condenser work. Radar Appliance's, High Frequency Insulators, Electronic Valves, Tubing and Rod, etc.
BRITISH INDOOR PASTIMES, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.I76-10, Wakefield Road, Tottenham, London, N.15. Teleph. : Stamford Hill 9231-2.—Manufacturers of Hand-made Dolls, Sleeping Eyes, Mama Voice, Dressed, Wigged, Jointed. Plastic Model Kits, Chess Sets, “Foroma’' Table Tennis Bats, Golf Balls, Billiards Tables, Shove Halfpenny Boards, Metal Constructional Sets, Dart Boards.
BRITISH INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands No. X.26 & X.33 1, Argyll Street, London, W.L Teleph.: Gerrard 7278. Cables: ” Plasto- brit, Wesdo, London.”—Manufacturers of Beetle Synthetic Resins, Melamine, Beetle and Scarab Urea, Beetle Melamine and Beetle Plasticised Moulding Powders. Beetle Cements.
BRITISH INDUSTRIAL SOLVENTS, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.26 4, Cavendish Square, London, W.l. Teleph. : Langham 4501. Cables : “ Bisolv, London.”—Manufacturers of Organic Chemicals, Solvents, Plasticisers, Intermediates, including Acetone Butanol, Acetic Acid, Acetic Anhydride, Acetates, Phthalates, Metaldehyde, Wood Naphtha, and a wide range of Alcohols, Aldehydes, Acetates, Ketones and Alkyl Esters.
BRITISH INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.719, Coleman Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Monarch 2432. Cables : " Brinassoc, Ave, London."—Representing British Insurance Companies transacting all classes of insurance through a worldwide network of branches and agencies.
BRITISH JEWELLERS’ ASSOCIATION, The (The British Joint Association of Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, Horological and Kindred Trades) Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46I 7, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Holborn 9629. Midland Office : 27, Frederick Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 2657.—Trade Association for the Jewellery, Gold, Silver,' Plate, Watch and Clock and Allied Trades. Composite display of members' products. Information bureau for trade enquiries of all Jewellers' Association Composite Stand.}
BRITISH MACHINE CHAIN, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Elm Road, New Malden, Surrey. Teleph. : Malden" Britchain, Newmalden."— Manufacturers of Machine-made Chain in Gold, Silver, Gold Filled, Rolled Gold and Gilding Metal. {British Jewellers' Association Composite Stand.}
BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.I28British Medical Association House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.l. Teleph. : Euston 2111. Cables : “ Britmedads, London."—-Publishers of “ British Medical Journal." Abstracts of World Medicine and Surgery and Quarterly Specialist Journals on : The Heart, Rheumatism, Diseases in Childhood, Industrial Medicine, Pharmacology, Social Medicine, Venereal Diseases, Clinical Pathology, Neurology, Thorax.
BRITISH MOULDED PLASTICS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. X.45Avenue Works, Walthamstow Avenue, London, E.4. Teleph. : Larkswood 2323. Cables : " Moldplas, London."—Manufacturers of Mouldings by the compression and injection processes from all proved types of plastic moulding materials. Makers of " Telenduron " bitumen asbestos compound.
BRITISH NYLON SPINNERS, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands No. Q.517 & Q.629 Pontypool, Monmouthshire. Teleph. : Pontypool 420. Cables : Nylon, Pontypool." Commercial Department : Lockhurst Lane, Coventry.— Producers of Nylon Yarns. Wide range of domestic and industrial textile goods made from Nylon Yarns, illustrating their many applications.
BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.20 and Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.35Stratton House, Stratton Street, Piccadilly, London, W.I. Teleph. : Mayfair 6611. Cables: "Flying, Telex, London."—British Overseas Airways Corporation and Associated Companies link Britain with the U.S.A., the British Commonwealth and the Far East.
BRITISH PATENT PERFORATED Atlas Works, Berkshire Road. Amherst 4777. Cables : ” Medipathic, Hack, London.”—Manufacturers of Toilet Rolls and Toilet Packets, Interleaved Toilet Packets, Paper Towels, Cash Till Coils, Paper Towel Cabinets, Toilet Paper Fixtures, etc.
BRITISH PENS, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. M.42“ Pedigree ” W'orks, Bearwood Road, Smethwick, Birmingham, Teleph. : Smethwick 1167. Cables : Penmen, Birmingham.’' London Office : 7, Snow Hill, E.C.l.— Manufacturers of Pen Nibs, Pencils, Stationers’ Sundries, Fountain Pens, Propelling Pencils.
BRITISH PIANO ACTIONS, Ltd. Trostre Road, Llanelly, Carms. turers of Pianoforte Actions, Pianoforte and Organ Keyboards.
BRITISH PLASTICS(Iliffe & Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. X.I7Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.l. Teleph. : Waterloo 3333. Cables : ” Briplastic, Sedist, London.”—Publishers of “ British Plastics ” (monthly 2s.) a source of technical information for every section of the plastics industry. Also ” British Plastics Yearbook ”, a permanent, general and technical reference and directory.
BRITISH PLASTICS FEDERATION 47-48, Piccadilly, London, W.l. Teleph.: Regent 4681-2. “ Plasfed, Piccy, London.”—The National Trade Association British Plastics Industry.
BRITISH PRECISION SPRINGS, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands No. H.50I “ Sectric House ”, Waterloo Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Teleph. : Gladstone 6464. Cables : “ Rightime, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of all types of Hairsprings under the Chronovar ” Patent for Clocks, Watches, Pressure Gauges, Meters for use throughout the world. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.Il and Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. P.42The Railway Executive, 222, Marylebone Road, N.W.l. Teleph. : Paddington 1601.—British Railways have provided Information Bureaux for the assistance of those requiring advice and help on any problem of transport. Enquiries are welcomed concerning passenger and freight train services, fares, etc.
BRITISH RESIN PRODUCTS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand X.I221, St. James’s Square, London, S.W.l. Teleph.: Whitehall 8021. Cables: ” Forresins, Piccy, London.”—Manufacturers of ” Cellomold ” Cellulose Acetate Moulding Powders ; ” Rockite ” Phenolic Moulding Powders ; ”Epok ” Phenolic, Cresylic and Cashew Nut Shell Resins for Laminating. Impregnating, and Paint and Varnish Manufacture ; and ” Cellobond. ” Synthetic Resin Adhesives.
BRITISH ROTOTHERM Co., Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.82Merton Abbey, London, S.W. 19. Teleph. : Liberty 3406. Cables : ” Roto- therm, London.”—Manufacturers of Dial thermometers of the Bi-metal Mercury in Steel and Vapour Pressure types for all purposes. Domestic thermometers in attractive finishes for the office and home ; also the new ” Solar ” Barometer.
BRITISH RUBBER PRODUCTS, Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand No. N.I0673, Endell Street, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Temple Bar 5782-3. Cables: “ Outgeneral, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Fairylite ” Moulded Rubber Toys, Rubber Playballs and Coloured Sponge Balls. Novelty Rubber Toys, Toy Balloons, Soothers, Teats. Starways House, 11, King Whitehall 3131. " Air Services—for Passengers, Freight and Mail, between America, Central America and the West Indies.
BRITISH STERILIZER Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, 3-8, Holman Road, Battersea, London, S.W.ll. Teleph. : Cables : “ Sterilex, London. —Manufacturers of Hospital Sterilizers, Bed Pan Washers, Disinfectors, Operating Room Equipment.
BRITISH TABULATING MACHINE Co., Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. E.717, Park Lane, London, W.l. Teleph.: Regent 8155. Cables: “ Tabulorial, Audley, London.*'—Manufacturers of “ Hollerith " Electrical Tabulating Machines for the automatic preparation of all kinds of Accounting and Statistical Data through the medium of punched cards. Machines and Cards manufactured at Letch worth, Herts.
BRITISH TYPEWRITERS, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. E.8I Queen Street, West Bromwich. Teleph. : West Bromwich 0781. Cables : ” Typewriter, West Bromwich.”—Manufacturers of Empire Aristocrat Portable Typewriter and Accessories.
BRITISH VACUUM CLEANER & ENGINEERING Co., Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands No. E.40 & E.48 Goblin Works, Leatherhead, Surrey. Teleph. : Ashtead 866. Cables : ” Vacuumiser, Peone, Leatherhead.”—Manufacturers of “ Magneta ’' Time Recorders, Job Costers, Public Address Equipment, Synchronous Clocks, ” Loudspeakerphone ” Internal Telephone Systems, ” B.V.C. ” Industrial Type Vacuum Cleaners, etc. AND Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.553 Manufacturers of ” Goblin ” Electric Clocks also ” Magneta ” Synchronous Clocks and Timing Apparatus. AND
BRITISH WATCH CASES, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.562236-240, Pentonville Road, London, N.I. Teleph. : Terminus 8482-4. Cables : Britwatcas, London.”—Manufacturers of Watch Cases in Gold, Gold Filled Warranted 10 Years, Silver, Stainless Steel, ” Staygold ” and Chrome. Drawing Instruments presented in different sizes of Velvet Lined Leather Covered Cases. Silver Powder Compacts.
BRITISH WEST INDIES (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section, Ground Floor, Earls Court Organised by The West India Committee (Incorporated by Royal Charter) . 40, Norfolk Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Temple Bar 8922. Cables : ” Carib. London.”—
JAMAICA Avocado, Pears, Bananas, Cohee, Cigars, Cottage Industries, Ginger, Grapefruit, Honey, Limes, Mangoes, Oranges, Pimento, Rum, Sugar.
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Angostura Bitters, Asphalt, Cocoa, Grapefruit, Honey, Lime Oil, Liqueurs, Petroleum Products, Rum, Sugar (Yellow Crystallised), Sugar Cane Syrup.
WINDWARD ISLANDS GRENADA :—Cocoa, Lime Oil, Nutmegs, Nutmeg Oil, Mace ST. LUCIA :—Cocoa, Lime Juice, Lime Oil, Sugar.
WEST INDIAN SEA ISLAND COTTON ASSOCIATION, INC. Sea Island Cotton Fabrics for Women’s, Men’s and Children’s Wear :— Cambrics, Cottons, Poplins, Semi-transparent Voiles, (Nicosa), Sea Island Cotton Yarns.
Advisory Committee in England of the West Indian Sea Island Cotton Association (Incorporated), 333-350, The Royal Exchange, Manchester 2. Teleph. : Manchester, Blackfriars 2732. Cables : Increase, Manchester.”
BRITON BRUSH Co., Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. J. 14Wymondhani, Norfolk. Teleph. : Wymondham 2116. Cables : " Briton, Wymondham." London Showrooms : 37-8, Golden Square, W.C.l.— Manufacturers of the Briton " Windmill " Household and Toilet Brushware, " Kleensweep " Brooms and Brushes, “ Varcraft," " Dreadnought," " Eclipse," Varnish and Wall Brushes.
BRITTON, L. A., & Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. T.I2" Century House ", Tottenham Lane, London, N.8. Teleph. : Mountview 4436-7. Cables : " Labritson, London."—-Manufacturers of Preserved Fish, Pickles, Fish Cakes, etc.
BROADWOOD, John, & Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. G.32 9, Hanover Street, Regent Street, London, W.L Teleph. : Mayfair 6731-2. Cables : “ Broadwoods, Wesdo, London."—Manufacturers of Grand and Upright Pianofortes.
BROOKS, J. B., & Co., Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.58Great Charles Street, Birmingham, 3. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 3671. " — ? "‘ J ' soft-sided lightweight Cases in Leather and Leathercloth, rigid-sided Airlight, Leather ' - — -Travel Bags, Document Cases. Baby Chair, Cartrays.
BROOKS, J. & F., Ltd. 50-4, Shudehill, Manchester, 4. —Manufacturers of Chromium Fruit and Cake Dishes, Pewter Tea and CoFee Sets, Fancy Brassware, Floor and Table Lamps, Dining and O .sasional Tables, Mirrors, etc.
BROOME & FOSTER, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-618 v 101, Portland Street, Manchester, 1. Teleph. : Manchester, Central 2182. P Cables : ** Brooming, Manchester.—Manufacturers of Cotton and Rayon Dress Cloths, Furnishing Fabrics, Scarves, Lingerie Fabrics, Linings, etc.
BROTHERTON & Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.I4City Chambers, Leeds, 1. Teleph. : Leeds 29321. Cables : " Brotherton, Leeds."—Manufacturers of Sodium Hydrosulphite, Formosul, Zinc Formo- sul, Redusol, Laundros, Sulphur Dioxide, Leucotropes, Metachrome, Direct and Acid Dyestuffs, Ammonia Liquor, Ammonium Carbonate, Bicarbonate, Sodium Sulphite, Bisulphite, Metabisulphite, Hexamine, Sulphuric Acid, Coal Tar Products.
BROWN, A. S., & Co. (Manufacturing), Ltd. Olympia^ 1st Floor, Stand No. K.7 79-83, Coborn Road, Bow, London, E.3. Teleph. : Advance 2671. Cables : Fancybrown, London.'"—Manufacturers of Powder Compacts, Flapjacks, Cigarette Cases, Combined Powder and Cigarette Cases, Snuff and Trinket Boxes, Brush Sets, Toilet Sets, Leather Fancy Goods, Magnifying and Plain Mirrors, Propelling Pencils, Trays, Table Mats, Novelties.
BROWN, John, & Son, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.424 111, French Street, Glasgow, S.E. Teleph. : Glasgow, Bridgeton 1211. Cables : “ Nicol, Glasgow."’—Manufacturers of Dress and Furnishing Fabrics.
BROWN, Neville, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.74Newman Yard, Newman Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Museum 5953. Cables : Nebrofoto, Wesdo, London.""—Sole Agents for Aldis"" Epidiascope, Projectors, Enlargers, Cinepro "" Projection Screens, Microoptics Products, “ Nebro "" Developing Tanks, Exposure Meters, Tripods, Clocks and other Photographic Accessories. Topper "" Home and Export.
BROWN, S. G., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Shakespeare Street, Watford, Herts. Teleph. : Watford Sidbrownix, Watford.""—Manufacturers of Gyroscopic Compasses, Compass Repeaters, Automatic Helmsman, Course Recorders, Rudder Angle Indicators, Headphones, Hearing Aids, Precision Motors, Projection Apparatus, Disc Recorders, etc.
BROWN’S CLIPPER Co. (1939), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. D.32Electric Avenue, Witton, Birmingham, 6. Teleph. : Birmingham, East 0435. Cables : Chard, Phone, Birmingham.""—Manufacturers of Toilet Clippers, Hair Clippers and Hand Horse Clippers.
BRYAN, G., & Co. (Silversmiths, 1947), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.46f 51-52, Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, 18. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 1276.—Manufacturers of Silver and E.P.N.S. Flatware, Hollowware, Trophies, Cups, Cigarette Cases, Boxes, etc. {British Jewellers' Association Composite Stand.)
BRYANT & Co. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.8924, London Bridge Street, London, S.E.l. Teleph. : Hop 0522. Cables : “ Offal, London.""—Manufacturers of Hide Travelling Goods, Leather, including Case, Folio, and Bag Hides, particularly in Aniline. Also Bellies and Shoulders, Raw Hides for Case and Surgical work, Doeville Upholstery Leather for all purposes.
BRYANT, Robert, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. L.21-3, Brixton Road, London, S.W.9. Teleph. : Reliance 1431-2. Cables : Robryshast, Claproad, London.""—Manufacturers of Leather and Canvas Sports Goods. Golf, Bowls, Cricket, Tennis Bags and Cases, Rucsacks, Shooting Requisites, Gun and Cartridge Cases, Bags, Belts and Covers, Camp Equipment, Folios and Zip Travel Bags.
BUCKINGHAM, A. F., Ltd. Earls Court, fst Floor, Stand No. V.83 Clifton Works, Pomcioy Street, London, S.E.14. Teleph. : New Cross 0051-2. Cables: Bucksteads, Nucros, London ”—Manufacturers of Metal Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, Divans and Bedding of all kinds. Bedsteads and Mattresses supplied in special ” knock down ” form for Export Trade.
BUCKLEY, Robert Hyde, &Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-413 Woodend Mills, Mossley, near Manchester. Teleph. : Mossley 161-3. Cables : “ Repeat, Mossley.”—Manufacturers of Single and Folded Super Combed Cotton Yarns in Medium and Fine Counts for all classes of trade.
BULMER’S (Calculators, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand Wo. E.4 7-8, Poultry, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Central 3611.—Manufacturers of “ Addo ” Adding, Subtracting, Listing Machines speedy, silent and simple in operation, portable, large capacity. Wide range of models including hand or electrically operated, duplex, credit-balance, tabulating carriage, etc.
BUOYANT UPHOLSTERY Co.. Ltd., The Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.I9Sandiacre, near Nottingham. Teleph, : Sandiacre 2313-4.—Manufacturers of high class Upholstered Furniture and Occasional Chairs, including examples on all-Metal Frames. Patent Lace Web Springing is incorporated in all models.
BURBERRYS, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-42315, 16 and 17, Golden Square, Piccadilly, London, W.l. Teleph.: Gerrard 5531. Cables : “ Showery, London.”—Manufacturers of Suits, Costumes, Overcoats, Weathercoats, Sportswear, Raincoats, Shirtings, * Gabardines, Coatings, Suitings, Tweeds, etc.
BURLINGTON GLOVES, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. R.48Treforest Trading Estate, Pontypridd, Glam. Teleph. : Taffs Well 152.— Manufacturers of Ladies' High Class Pique Prix-Seam and Handsewn Fancy Suede, Suede-Cape, Cape Snake and Hogskin Gloves, Unlined or Lined with Silk Seamless and Fleece. Also Ladies’ Fur Gloves, Men’s Lined and Unlined Gloves.
BURMAN, J. & A. J., Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.43 9-11, London Lane, Hackney, London, E. 8 Teleph.: Amherst 2556. Manufacturers of Soft Toys and Soft Dolls under the Registered Name “Fondle Toys.” Specialities—Teddy Bears, Dogs, Rabbits, Bunty Dolls, etc.
BURNHAM, H., & Sons, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. M.57Seihurst Road, London, S.E.25. Teleph. : Thornton Heath 3454. Cables : “ Burbritpen, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of Fountain Pens and Automatic Propelling Pencils.
BURT, BOULTON & HAYWOOD, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.43 Horticultural Dept., Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, Strand, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : T?emple Bar 5801. Cables : ” Burboul, London.”— Manufacturers of ” laline ” Insecticides and Fungicides, including Carbolineum, DNOC and Petroleum Winter Washes ; Colloidal Sulphur ; Colloidal Copper ; Lime Sulphur ; DDT and BHC Sprays and Dusts ; HETP and TEPP ; Selective Weed Killers.
BURTON, David Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.8115-17, Phipp Street, and 74, Luke Street, Curtain Road, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 2101 and 1965. Cables : ” Periodic, London.”— Manufacturers of Antique Reproduction Furniture, Bookcases, Bureaux, . Dining Room and Drawing Room Furniture.
BUSH, W. J., & Co., Ltd. Ash Grove, Hackney, ” Tangerine, London.” ceutical Chemicals. Compounds and Raw Materials. D.D.T., Azo Benzine and Dyestuff Intermediates. Rubber Perfumes, Vanillin, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Acetate, Benzyl Benzoate, Terpineol.
Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. T.9 Distillers of Soluble and Fruit Essences, Essential Oils. Manufacturers of Concentrated and Natural Fruit Juices, Harmless Food Colours, Cream of Tartar, “ Buttabelle.”—Manufacturers and packers of Culinary Essences and Colours.
BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., & Associated Companies Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A. 14 180, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. ; Chancery 8844.—Publishers of Advertising, Marketing, Production Methods Publications, including ” Advertiser’s Weekly.” ” Business,” “ Marketing Policy,” Personnel Management and Welfare,” “ Advertiser’s Annual,” U.K. and Overseas Marketing Surveys, “ British Industrial Equipment,” Business Efficiency Devices.
BUTLER, Arthur, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. J.26Mount Street, Poole, Dorset, Teleph. : Poole 450. Cables : " Brushes, Poole."—Manufacturers of Brooms and Cleaning Brushes for all Domestic purposes. Factories, Farms, Railways, etc. All enquiries for Cleaning Brushes welcomed, medium and best qualities. Brands, " Admiral ", " Turnpike " Seagull ", "Signal."
BUTLER, T. A., & Co. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. N.I2102-104, Seabourne Road, Bournemouth. Teleph. : Southbourne 2309. Cables : Butlers Toys, Seabourne, Bournemouth.—Manufacturers of Clockwork Motor Boats, Electric Train Sets and “ Constructo " Electrified Model Building Outfits. Our range also includes several brand new " Action " Games at competitive prices.
BUTTONS, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.I22Portland Street, Aston, Birmingham, 6. Teleph. : Birmingham, East 1422. Cables: Carlyle, Birmingham."—Manufacturers of Buttons and Buckles of all kinds.
BYARD MANUFACTURING Co., Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.54 Byard Factory, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 44054-5. Cables : " Halo, Nottingham."—Manufacturers of " Halo " Hair Nets, Sleeping Caps, Setting Nets, Hair Curlers, Protective Caps, Plain Nets, Wig Nets, etc.
See Also
Sources of Information