1949 British Industries Fair: Company V
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1949 British Industries Fair
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V.C. PANELS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No, V.57 137, Northfield Avenue, London, W.13. Teleph. : Ealing 6202-3.—Manufacturers of Table Top Panels surfaced with Formica (cigarette-proof grade) and other Plastics. Also with Wood Veneers, Cork, Metals, etc. Panels for Bar Counters, Kitchen Cabinets, Tables, Desks, Furniture, etc.
VACTRIC, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. W.4 Newhouse, Motherwell, Scotland. Teleph. : Holytown 400. Cables : " Vactrify, Phone, Motherwell."—Manufacturers of Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Polishers, Fractional Horsepower Motors, Press Tools ; Dies, Moulds and Light Alloy Castings.
VANDER, C. J., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.309 58-61, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4. Teleph.: Central 7615. Cables: " Vandersil, London."—Manufacturers of High Quality Sterling Silver Hand Wrought Flatware Cutlery, and Hollow-ware, in Georgian and other period styles. Manufacturers of " C.J. Vander " Triple Plate E.P.N.S. hTatware Cutlery, and Hollow-ware. Electro-Platers and Gilders.
VANDERBORGHTS, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-641 Woodland Grange, Ovingdean Road, Brighton. Teleph. : Rottingdean 9707. Cables : “ Vandebort, Brighton."—Manufacturers of Tapestry, Damasks, Hessian, Furnishing and Upholstery Fabrics of all kinds. Artistic and exclusive Potteries for Home Trade and for Export to any Country.
VANTONA TEXTILES, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0-236 107, Portland Street, Manchester. Teleph. : Manchester, Central 5641. Cables : " Vantonatex, Manchester."—Manufacturers of ** Vantona " Household Textiles comprising " Court," " Rustic," Homestead " Bedcovers, Counterpanes. " Joyous Morn " Towels, white and coloured Towels and Towelling. " Blansheets," Cotton Blankets, Sheets, Pillowcases, Down Quilts and Bedspreads, Ticks and Tickings.
VARDON, W. A., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.707 36, Princess Street, Manchester. Teleph. : Manchester, Central 6285. Cables “ Vardofab, Manchester."—Manufacturers of all classes and styles of Rayon Piece Goods. Specialities, printed Crepes, printed Spuns in roller and screen work. Dress and Lingerie styles. Dyed Crepes, Oatmeals, Fibros, Printed Cotton, " Vardofab " Table Cloths.
VAUGHAN, Dulcie Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. K.26 7, Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea, London, S.W.IO. Teleph. : Flaxman 8802. Studio-works : 5, Billing Road, Fulham Road, London, S.W. Teleph. : Flaxman 3384.—Producers of Hand Painted Trays, Dinner Mats, Waste Paper Bins, Cigarette Boxes, Ash Trays. Nursery Ware, Babies’ Toilet Requisites, Beakers. Chrome Mounted Trays, Calendars. Designs : Hunting, Game Birds, Dogs, Naval, Military. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. S.4 Producers of Hand Painted Glassware, Pottery, China Fired Designs. Sporting Subjects, Hunting, Game Birds,'Dogs, Naval, Military, Period Costumes, Nursery, Ballet, Golfing. China Teasets, Tankards, Plates, Beakers. Glass Lagers, Sherries, Water Sets, Goblets, etc.
VEEDIP, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. D.20 St. Helens Works, Slough, Bucks. Teleph. : Slough 20333. Cables : “ Veedip, Slough.”—Manufacturers of Seamless Rubber Products to meet Surgical, Veterinary, Industiial and Domestic requirements. Specialists in Rubber commodities to Customers own specifications.
VENTILE FABRICS ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN, The, Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. 0.534 1, Police Street, St. Ann Street, Manchester, 2. Teleph. : Manchester, Blackfriars 7003.—An Association of Manufacturers and Producers of “ Ventile ” Water-Repellent Fabrics. Raincoats, Golf Jackets, etc., made from these self-sealing and Vapour-permeable Cotton Cloths, give outstanding protection against water, and warmth without weight.
VICARS & POIRSON, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand No. Q.305 5, Newgate Street, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : City 4955-6. Cables : Tapisserie, Cent., London.” Factory : 105-7 Farringdon Road, E.C.l and 224, Swan Arcade, Bradford.—Manufacturers of ” Kiddiekit ” Infants’ Wear, ” Fleur de Lis ” Needlework Tapestries, ” B-ze-B ” Knitting Wools and ” Salome ” Embroidery Threads.
VICTORIA INSTRUMENTS (V.I.C. (Bournemouth) Ltd.), Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.52 Victoria Works, Midland Terrace, Victoria Road, Willesden, London, N.W.IO. Teleph. : Elgar 7871-2. Cables : “ Vicmeter, London.”— Manufacturers of Scientific Electrical Measuring Instruments.
VICTORY-KIDDER PRINTING MACHINE Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands No. F.I6 & F.33 Cliffords Inn, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. Holborn 6204. Cables : ” Vickidder, Fleet, London.” Works : Victory Works, Birkenhead.— Manufacturers of ” Johne ” ” Perfector ” Guillotines, ” Johne ” Continuous Three-Knife Trimmers, Rotary Printing Presses for special purposes, including Postage-Stamp Printing and Perforating. Slitting and Re-Reeling Machines. Sole Agents for “ Lagonda ” Automatic Platen Presses.
VINCENT, Harry, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. T.20 Hunnington, Near Birmingham. Teleph. : Birmingham, Halesowen 1174 and 1175. Cables: “Caramel, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Chocolate Toffees, Toffees and Sugar Confectionery. Registered Trade Marks : “ Blue Bird ” and “ Vincent’s ” pre-packed decorated Tins and Gartons in exclusive designs. Direct Exporters to all parts of the world.
VINERS, Ltd. Bath Street, Sheffield, 1. Sheffield.”—Manufacturers Spoons and Forks in Nickel Silver, E.P.N.S. and Sterling Silver, E.P.N.S. Hollow-ware, Hotelware, Prize Cups, Sterling Silverware, Sheffield Reproduction Goods, Pewterware.
VINYL PRODUCTS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. X.25 Butter Hill, Carshalton, Surrey. Teleph. : Wallington 5333. Cables : “ Vinyl, Carshalton.”—Manufacturers of P.V.C. Sheets, Plain, Printed, and Embossed, P.V.C. Pastes and Leathercloth Compound for Extrusion and Moulding, Leather Finishes, Textile Finishes, Lacquers and Adhesives for industrial purposes, Flexible Mould-making Materials, Emulsions.
VISCOSE DEVELOPMENT Co., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. D.I9 Woldham Road, Bromley, Kent. Teleph. : Ravensbourne 2641.—Manufacturers of “ Viskaps and “ Viskrings ” for Sealing Bottles, “ Viskring ” Cable Markers, Plastic Moulded Closures, small Containers and Industrial Components, “ Spontex ideal Sponge Material for personal and industrial uses.
VI-SPRING PRODUCTS, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.47 Victoria Road, Willesden Junction, London, N.W.IO. Teleph. : Elgar 5922-5. Cables : ” Restanza, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of ” Vi-Spring ” and ” Vito ” Overlay Mattresses, Mattress Supports, for Domestic use. Ships, Hotels and Institutions. Also Spring Seating for Railways and Public Service Vehicles,
VOGEL, P. H., & Co., Ltd. Earls Court, 344-5, Ulster Chambers, 168, Regent Street, Regent 6564. Cables : ” Vogemalph, London.”—Manufacturers of fine quality day and evening Handbags fitted with useful accessories. Small Leather Goods for personal use. Wallets, Note-cases, Manicures, etc., and for Decorative Furnishing, Cigarette Boxes, Blotters and Writing Accessories
VOGUE VANITIES, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. H.422 Soho Hill, Handsworth, Birmingham, 19. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 1334. Cables : ” Vovan, Birmingham.” London Office : 26 Holborn Viaduct, E.C.l. Teleph. : Central 6454.—Manufacturers of Vanity Cases, Powder Boxes and Lipstick Cases in Metal.
VONO, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. V.l Export Division, 75-77, Worship Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Bishops- gate 2072.—Manufacturers of Bedding, Divans, Wire Mattresses, Bedstead Fittings, Metal Bedsteads, adjustable Bedstead Castors.
See Also
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