1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Associations and Societies

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS, 166 PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 1. T. A., "Manuchem, Piccy, London". T.N., REGent 4 126/7 and 1557/8. The Association was formed in 1916 to promote co-operation between chemical manufacturers, to act as a co-ordinating body between the industry and government departments, and to promote industrial efficiency. Director and Secretary: J. Davidson Pratt, C.B.E., M.A., B. Sc., M.I.Chem.E., F.R.I.C.
ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN PRESSED GLASS MANUFACTURERS, c/o SOWERBY's ELLISON GLASS WORKS LTD., EAST STREET, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE 8. T.N., Gateshead 7 1031 . Objects: Joint negotiation with trade unions and government departments on subjects common to all members. Chairman: S. B. Bagley, LL.D., J.P., F.S.G.T. Secretary: F. E. Smethurst.
BRITISH CHEMICAL WARE MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION LTD., 17 MANCHESTER STREET, LONDON, W.l. T.A., "Giasmanef, Wesdo, London" . T.N., WELbeck 0461 / 3 (3 lines). This Association was formed in 1916 to promote the consideration and discussion of all questions affecting the manufacture of glassware, porcelain and filter paper used for laboratory, chemical, physical, medical or similar purposes and ancillary and allied articles. Secretary: Dennis Rider, F.C.I.S., A.I.I.A.
BRITISH EMPLOYERS' CONFEDERATION, 21 TOTHILL STREET, WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W.I. T.A., "Confedempo, Pari, London". T.N., WHitehall 9827. Objects: Representation of employers on general labour questions. Director: Sir J. Forbes Watson, K.C.M.G. Secretaries: F. J. C. Honey; K. J. Burton. Assistant Secretary: M. Y. Cobb, M.B.E.
BRITISH INDUSTRIAL MEASURING & CONTROL APPARATUS MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION (B.I.M.C.A.M.), 21 TOTHILL STREET, LONDON, S.W.I . T.A., "Bimcam, Fobustry, Pari, London". T.N., WHitehall 67 11. Objects: To foster the interests of the British industrial instrument industry, and develop the closest collaboration between its members and the industries they serve. Secretary: W. J. Donaldson.
BRITISH LABORATORY WARE ASSOCIATION LTD., 23 SURREY STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.2. T.N., TEMple Bar 0533. The Association was founded in 1914. Objects: (a) The protection of the interests of members; (b) the examination and certification of laboratory apparatus; (c) the promotion of the manufacture of apparatus of a definite standard and quality; (d) the circulation of information, particularly in regard to prices and foreign competition; (e) the negotiation of agreements between manufacturers and others. Chairman: J. E. C. Bailey, C.B.E. Vice Chairman: J. S. Towers. Secretary: W. H. Adams, LL.B.
BRITISH LAMPBLOWN SCIENTIFIC GLASSWARE MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION LTD., 17 MANCHESTER STREET, LONDON, W.l. T.A., "Glasmanef, Wesdo, London" . T.N., WELbeck 0461/3 (3 lines). The Association was formed in 1917 to promote, deal with and protect the trade interests of members who belong to the British lampblown scientific glassware industry. Secretary: Dennis Rider, F.C.I.S., A.I.J.A.
BRITISH OPHTHALMIC LENS MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, 69 CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. T.N., CITy 4444 (24 lines). Objects: (a) To represent members before government departments; (b) the co-ordination of members' interests to the benefit of the public and the industry. General Secretary: B. G. Arthur, C.B.E.
BRITISH OPTICAL ASSOCIATION, 65 BROOK STREET, LONDON, W. l. T.A., "Optobritic, Wesdo, London" . T.N., MAYfair 3382. Objects: The encouragement of the science of optics and protection of the members of the Association from influences inimical to the prosperity of the profession. President: E. C. Dupont, F.B.O.A.(Hons.), D.Orth. Secretary: G. H. Giles, F.B.O.A.(Hons.), F.S.M.C., F.R.M.S., F.I.E.S.
BRITISH RADIO VALVE MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, PICCADILLY HOUSE, 16 JERMYN STREET, LONDON, S.W.l. T.A., "Bradval, Piccy, London". T .N., REGent 5186. Objects: To promote, encourage, foster, develop and protect the interests of the public, the trade and manufacturers of British-made electronic valves. Secretary: W. R. West.
ELECTRIC LAMP MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, ELMA HOUSE, 25 BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. l. T.A., " Britelma, Westcent, London". T.N., MUSeum 0766/8 (3 lines). Objects: To formulate, regulate and secure uniformity of practice in the manufacture, sale and purchase of electric lamps in the British Isles in such a manner as to benefit both the trade and the public by the adoption of standard conditions of sale and of product. Director: W. J. J ones, M.Sc., M.I.E.E.
ELECTRIC LIGHT FITTINGS ASSOCIATION, KINGSWAY HOUSE, 103 KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. T.N., HOLborn 4608/9. Objects: To promote the economical distribution of electric light fittings, high standards of quality, design and workmanship in the industry; to encourage and assist the promotion of standardization. Director: F . A. Rogers, M.B.E. Secretary: J. H. Campion.
FEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRIES, 21 TOTHILL STREET, LONDON, S.W. l. T.A., " Fobus try, London" . T.N., WHitehall 67 11. A representative association of British manufacturers. Objects: To formulate and voice considered views on matters of industrial policy, and advise on problems affecting the production and sale of British manufactures. Represented by district offices in the industrial centres of Britain and in most overseas countries, Empire and foreign. Director-General: Sir N. Kipping, J.P. General Secretary: D. L. Walker, C.B.E.
GLASS BENDERS' ASSOCIATION, BROAD STREET HOUSE, 54 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C.2. T.N., LONdon Wall 7325/ 6. Objects: Generally to serve the interests of firms engaged in the trade of bending glass. Secretary: L. F. Brett, F.C.I.S.
GLASS MANUFACTURERS' FEDERATION, 17 MANCHESTER STREET, LONDON, W.l. T .A., "Giasmanef,, Wesdo, London" . T.N., WELbeck 0461 I 3 (3 lines). Founded in 1926, the Federation is the national organization representing British glass manufacturers or manipulators. Suppliers to the glass industry of raw materials, machinery, appliances or accessories, are eligible for Associate Membership. The main object of the Federation is to safeguard the interests of members by securing their full co-operation in dealing with such questions affecting their interests as may be deemed appropriate. In particular, the Federation provides for joint consultation between members, for keeping members informed regarding the operation of existing laws and practices, the activities of government departments and committees and all legislative proposals which may affect members. The Federation collects and disseminates statistical and other data, acts as a consultative and advisory body in ascertaining the collective views of members, co-operates with organizations of manufacturers, international or otherwise, keeps members advised on the general industrial position in the glass industry and deals with such matters as are incidental or conducive to the object of the Federation. Secretary: Dennis Rider. F.C.I.S., A.I.I .A. Assistant Secretary: J. H. Crockatt.
GLASS TEXTILE ASSOCIATION LTD., 1 DICKINSON STREET WEST, MANCHESTER 2. T .A., " Fleetness, Manchester" . T.N., BLAckfriars 0655. Objects: To promote and protect the interests of the glass yarn and textile industry. President: F. Marsden. Secretary: N. Pearson.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GLASSWORKERS' EMPLOYERS, Broad STREET HOUSE, 54 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C.2. T.N., LONdon Wall 7325/6. Objects: To negotiate with the operatives' organizations on wages and working conditions, either nationally or regionally, and to promote the welfare and efficiency of the industry. Secretary: L. F. Brett, F.C.I.S.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF GLAZING EMPLOYERS, BROAD STREET HOUSE, 54 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C.2. T .N., LONdon Wall 7325/6. Objects: (1) To protect the general interests of glazing contractors, the operatives, consumers and the public; (2) to act in the regulation of wages and working conditions of employees in the glazing industry, either nationally or regionally. Secretary: L. F. Brett, F.C.I.S.
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF CLAY INDUSTRIES, DRAYTON Hoes£, 30 CORDON STREET, LONDON, W.C.I. T.A., "Emclayal, Westcent, London" .T.N., EUSton 2568/ 9. Objects: To promote the welfare and protect the interests of the heavy clay industries. Director: H. Halliday, O.B.E., F.C.I.S. Secretary: G. K Timperley.
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF CONSTRUCTIONAL GLASS ASSOCIATIONS, BROAD STREET HOUSE, 54 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C.2. T.A., "Glassation, Ave, London". T.N., LONdon Wall 7325/6. Objects: To provide a central authoritative body for the promotion of the welfare, advancement, improvement and protection of the interests of all engaged in the trades. President: A. S. Clark. Secretary: L. F. Brett, F.C.I.S.
NATIONAL JOINT INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR THE GLASS CONTAINER INDUSTRY. (A joint body representing employers' organizations and the trade unions.) Employers' Secretary: W. Goodwin, 29 East Parade, Leeds I. T . .Y., Leeds 21854. Employees' Secretary: A. J. Heal, Transport & General Workers' Union, 22 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds 2. T.N., Leeds 21587.
NATIONAL JOINT INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR THE GLASS PROCESSING INDUSTRY. Employees' Secretary: A. G. Tomkins, O.B.E., "Fairfields", Roe Green, Kingsbury, London, .N.W.9. Employers' Secretary: L. F. Brett, F.C. T.S., Broad Street House, 54 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2.
NATIONAL JOINT INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR THE GLAZING TRADE. Employees' Secretary: H. Kelly, R.P., 15 Abbeville Road, Clapham, London, S.W.4. Employers' Secretary: L . F. Brett, F .C. I.S., Broad Street House, 54 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2.
ST. HELEN'S PLATE & SHEET GLASS INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL, c/o PILKINGTON BROTHERS LTD., ST. HELENS, LANCS. A body comprising representatives of employers and employees to negotiate wages and working conditions, and to consider any other matters affecting the industry. Secretary: T. R. Marshall.
NATIONAL UNION OF MANUFACTURERS, 6 HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C. I. T.N., CITy 6031 and 3474. Director: Sir Leonard Browett, I<.C.B., C.B.E. Secretary: Lt.-Col. V. I. Robins, O.B.E., A.C.A.
SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD., 20 QUEEN ANNE STREET, LONDON, W.I. T.A., "Simassoc, Wesdo, London". T.N., LANgham 425 l /2. Objects: In addition to its normal functions as a trade association, the Scientific Instrument Manufacturers' Association provides a central source of information for all types of British scientific instrument. Director: A. J. Philpot, C.B.E., M.A., B.Sc., F.Inst.P. Secretary: A. G. Peacock, B.Sc., A.R.I.C., A.Inst.P.
SILICA & MOULDING SANDS ASSOCIATION, DRAYTON HousE, 30 GOROON STREET, LONDON, W.C.l. T.A., "Emclayal, Westcent, London". T .N., EUSton 2568/ 9. Objects: To promote the welfare and advance and protect the interests of the British silica and moulding sands industries. Secretary: G . K. Timperley.
SOCIETY OF FURNACE BUILDERS, 301 GLOSSOP ROAD, SHEFFIELD 10. T.A., "Veritatem, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 6303 1. Objects: To provide a means of co-operation between furnace builders; to develop the industry; to promote and foster improvements in the design and construction of industrial furnaces; to collaborate with government departments, trade organizations and kindred bodies; to express the views of the industry on economic and trade problems and to co-ordinate general activities without prejudice to the principle of free competition amongst all members. Secretaries: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
STOURBRTDGE GLASS MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, 76 HIGH STREET, STOURBRIDGE. T.A., "Bannister, Solicitor, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 5040. Objects: To promote the interests of the Association and act on questions relating to (a) legislation; (b) relations with other employers' organizations and government departments and public authorities; (c) relations with employees through the Joint Consultative Council; (d) terms of trading; (e) any other matters affecting the interests of members. Chairman: F. H. Stuart. Secretary: W. Wilson Bannister.
YORKSHIRE GLASS MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, 29 EAST PARADE, LEEDS I. T.N., Leeds 2 1854. Objects: To co-operate for the common good of the industry and all connected therewith. President: S. B. Bagley, LL.D. Vice-President: F. Lax. Secretary: W. Goodwin.
BIRMINGHAM & DISTRICT GLASS BEVELLERS' & KINDRED TRADES' SOCIETY. General Secretary: J. Palmer, 7 Grosvenor Road, Handsworth, Birmingham 20. T.N., BIRchfields 5475.
LONDON GLASS WORKERS' TRADE SOCIETY, 20 AMHURST ROAD, HACKNEY, LO:-!DON, E.8. General Secretary: H . J. Sharp. T .N., AMHerst 3126.
NATIONAL JOINT INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR THE GLASS CONTAINER INDUSTRY. (A joint body representing employers' organizations and the trade unions.) Employers' Secretary: W. Goodwin, 29 East Parade, Leeds I. T.N., Leeds 21854. Employees' Secretary: A. J. Heal, Transport & General Workers' Union, 22 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds 2. T.N., Leeds 21587.
NATIONAL JOINT INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR THE GLASS PROCESSING INDUSTRY. Employees' Secretary: A. G. Tomkins, O.B.E., "Fairfields", Roe Green. Kingsbury, London, N.W.9. Employers' Secretary: L. F. Brett, F.C.J.S., Broad Street House, 54 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2.
NATIONAL JOINT INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR THE GLAZING TRADE. Employees' Secretary: H. Kelly, R.P., 15 Abbeville Road, Clapham, London, S.W.4. Employers' Secretary: L. F. Brett, F.C.I.S., Broad Street House. 54 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2.
NATIONAL UNION OF FURNITURE TRADE OPERATIVES (GLASS PROCESSING GROUP), "FAIRFIELDS", ROE GREEN, KINGSBURY, LONDON, N.W.9. General Secretary: A. G. Tomkins, O.B.E. T.A., "Nufto, Hyde, London". T.N., COLindale 3577/9 (3 lines).
NATIONAL UNION OF GENERAL & MUNICIPAL WORKERS, 5 ENDSLEIGH GARDENS, LONDON, W.C. l. T.A., "Unitude, Westcent, London". T.N., EUSton 3644. Secretary: T. Williamson.
ST. HELENS PLATE & SHEET GLASS INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL, c/o PILKINGTON BROTHERS LTD., ST. HELENS, LANCS. A body comprising representatives of employers and employees to negotiate wages and working conditions, and to consider any other matters affecting the industry. Secretary: T. R. Marshall.
SIGN & DISPLAY TRADES UNION. General Secretary: A. C. Torode, 143 Cranbrook Road, Ilford, Essex. T.N., VALentine 3387.
TRANSPORT & GENERAL WORKERS' UNION, TRANSPORT HOUSE, SMITH SQUARE, LONDON, S.W.l. General Secretary: A. Deakin, C.H., C.B.E., T.N., VICtoria 7671 / 5 (5 lines).
UNION OF SHOP, DISTRIBUTIVE & ALLIED WORKERS. Head Office: "OAKLEY", 122 WILMSLOW ROAD, FALLOWFIELD, MANCHESTER 14. Secretary: J. A. Birch, F.C.I.S. T.A., "Rusholme 2804". T.N., RUSholme 2804/8 (5 lines).
BRITISH CERAMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, QUEENS ROAD PENKHULL, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., " Research, Stoke-on-Trent". T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 48741. Objects: Industrial research. Director: A. T. Green, O.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Secretary: A. Dinsdale, M.Sc., F.Inst.P.
BRITISH ELECTRICAL & ALLIED INDUSTRIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. Offices: THORNCROFT MANOR, DORKING ROAD, LEATHERHEAD, SURREY. Laboratories: 5 WADSWORTH ROAD, GREENFORD, MIDDLESEX. T.N., Leatherhead 3423; PERivale 9511. Objects: Co-operative research for the electrical industry. Director: S. Whitehead, M.A., Ph.D., M.l.E.E., F.Jnst.P., 5 Wadsworth Road, Greenford, Middlesex. Secretary: R. A. McMahon, M.I.E.E .. Thorncroft Manor, Dorking Road, Leatherhead, Surrey.
BRITISH SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. Office: 20 QUEEN ANNE STREET, LONDON, W.l. Laboratories: "SIRA", SoUTHILL, ELMSTEAD WOODS, CHISLEHURST, KENT. T.N., LANgham 4251; IMPerial 2237. Objects: To prosecute research into problems arising in the manufacture of scientific instruments. Director of Research and Secretary: A. J. Philpot, C.B.E., M.A., B.Sc., F.I nst.P ., 20 Queen Anne Street, London, W .I.
SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF GLASS TECHNOLOGY, "ELMFIELD", NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD, SHEFFIELD 10. T.A., "Research, Phone, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 62467. The work of the Department is controlled by the Glass Delegacy, a body constituted of University representatives, nominees of the West Riding County Council, manufacturers' and other associations and societies, together with all manufacturers subscribing annually to the maintenance of the Delegacy's work. The objects of the Department are:-
- (1) to carry out fundamental investigations into the nature and properties of glass;
- (2) to carry out systematic investigations into problems concerned with glass and glass production, for the benefit of the glass industry as a whole;
- (3) to conduct tests and researches, subject to the approval of the Delegacy, for any individual firm or person interested in glass;
- (4) to serve as a central laboratory for the examination of the materials for glass manufacture;
- (5) to give advice on all technical questions connected with the industry.
Head of the Department: Prof. H. Moo re, D.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.I nst.P., F.S.G.T. Secretary: A. W. Chapman, D.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C.
NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Physics, Teddington". T .N ., MOLesey 1380. The objects of the Laboratory are:-
- (a) the determination of suitable standards of measurement and the preservation and maintenance of such standards;
- (b) the accurate determination of physical constants;
- (c) the conduct of physical, engineering and metallurgical research of scientific and industrial importance;
- (d) the standardizing and testing of materials for scientific and commercial purposes.
Director: E. C. Bullard, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., F.R.S. Secretary: E. S. Hiscocks, M.Sc., F.R.I.C.
BRITISH CERAMIC SOCIETY, QUEEN'S ROAD, PENKHULL, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 48655. Objects: To provide facilities for discussion of scientific, technical and other problems relating to industries connected with the working of clays in any form, to receive, print and publish papers thereon and to form and maintain a library of ceramic and allied literature. President: L. Bullin, B.Sc. Honorary General Secretary: A. T. Green, O.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Honorary Librarian: H. W. Webb, O.B.E., D.Sc., Honorary Treasurer: F. S. Worthington. Honorary Editor: G. H. Stewart, M.A.
BRITISH SOCIETY OF MASTER GLASS-PAINTERS, 6 QuEEN SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.l. Objects: To promote, encourage and assist and carry out the craft of stained glass. Honorary Treasurer: P. A. Feeny. Honorary Secretary: H. L. Pawle, 35 Circus Road, London, N.W.8. T.N., CUNningham 5879.
BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION, 24/28 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. l. T.A., "Standards, Sowest, London " . T.N., ABBey 3333. The British Standards Institution is the organization recognized by industry and by government for the preparation and promulgation of all standards of national application. President: The Rt. Hon. Sir John Anderson, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., F.R.S. Chairman: R. Duncalfe. Director and Secretary: H. A. R. Binney, C.B.
ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY, 32 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.l. T.N., ABBey 5215. Objects: To further the interests of illuminating engineering. Secretary: G. F. Cole.
INSTITUTE OF CLAY TECHNOLOGY (Founded in 1927 as THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CLAYWORKS MANAGERS), 28 TOWNSEND DRIVE, ST. ALBANS, HERTS. T.N., St. Albans 4737; REGent 3379. Objects: It is the object of the Institute to keep its members in touch with the latest improvements and most recent research work and thought in connection with claycraftsmanship by means of the papers and discussions at meetings of the Institute and by the publication of its official organ, "Claycraft". General Secretary: J. E. Roberts, F.R.S.A.
INSTITUTE OF FUEL (Incorporated by Royal Charter), 18 DEVONSHIRE STREET, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W.l. T.A., "Fuelinst, Wesdo, London". T .N., LANgham 7 124/6 (3 lines). Objects: To promote, foster, and develop the advancement of the various branches of fuel technology, and to further the more scientific and economic utilization of fuel of all kinds. President: J. F. Ronca, O.B.E. Honorary Secretary: Dr. A. C. Monk house, B.Sc. Honorary Treasurer: R. H. Gummer. Secretary: R. W. Reynolds-Davies, B.Sc.
INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS, 47 BELCHAVE SQUAHE, LONDON, S.W.l. T.N., SLOanc 9806/7. Objects: The elevation of the profession of physicist and the advancement and diffusion of a knowledge of physics and its applications in industry. President: Prof. W. E. Curtis. Honorary Treasurer: E. R. Davies. Honorary Secretary: Dr. B. P. Dudding. Secretary: Dr. H. R. Lang.
INSTITUTE OF VITREOUS ENAMELLERS, RIPLEY, DERBYSHIRE. T.N., Ripley 136. Objects: (I) To promote exchange of technical information; (2) to provide an authoritative technical body to give information and advice on all matters relating to vitreous enamelling; (3) to provide technical educational lectures; (4) to keep members informed of the results of research and technical progress; (5) to encourage pure research and technical investigation by means of money grants and awards. President: J. E. Hurst, J .P., D.Met. Secretary: John Gardom & Co., Ripley, near Derby.
PHYSICAL SOCIETY, I LOWTHER GARDENS, PRINCE CONSORT ROAD, LONDON, S.W.7. T.N., KENsington 0048/9. Membership of the Society is open to all who are interested in physics. Objects: To promote the advancement and diffusion of a knowledge of physics. President: Prof. L. F. Bates, D.Sc., Ph. D., F.R.S. Secretaries: Dr. H. H. Hopldns (Honorary Papers Secretary); C. G. Wynne, B.A. (Honorary Business Secretary); Prof. E. N. da C. Andrade, F.R.S. (Honorary Foreign Secretary); Miss A. C. Stickland, Ph.D. (Secretary-Editor). Further information may be obtained from the offices of tlte Society (address above).
POTTERY & GLASS TRADES BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, 3 DYERS' BUILDINGS, HoLBORN, LONDON, E.C.l. T.N., HOLborn 0432. Founded 1881. Objects: To help either by means of pensions or by temporary assistance anyone connected with either of the two industries, pottery or glass. No application is refused simply because the applicant has not in the past contributed to the funds. Every case is considered on its merits and the Board is frequently guided in its decision by the advice and information received from the applicant's employer, personnel manager, or welfare officer. If, however, there should be several applicants which would involve commitments in excess of the availability of the funds, then naturally those who have contributed are given priority, other conditions being equal. The Institution obtains its funds for distribution by means of subscriptions and donations from manufacturers and others interested in its work. Annual subscriptions, donations and legacies are earnestly solicitcd. President: The Right Hon. The Earl of Harrowby. Honorary Treasurer: C. Sax ton. General Secretary: Miss D. Ruffell.
REFRACTORIES ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN. Objects: Joint action in all matters technical and educational for the refractories and sand industries. President: A. V. Goddard. Secretary : G. A. Lomas, J. & J. Dyson Ltd., Stannington, nr. Sheffield. T.N ., Sheffield 44245. Honorary Treasurer: A. Whiteley, Genefax House, Tapton P ark Road, Sheffield 10. T.N., Sheffield 31113.
ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY, 30 RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.I. T.N., MUSeum 1761 / 2. The aim of the Institute is to raise the status and usefulness of the profession of chemistry by setting up high standards of scientific and practical efficiency, by the examination of candidates and the registration of such persons as are found competent and by requiring the acceptance of a code of professional conduct by those elected to membership. Secretary: H. J. T. Ellingham, B.Sc., Ph.D ., F.R.I.C.
SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, 56 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.l. T.A., "Induchem, Sowest, London" . T.N., VICtoria 5215. Objects: To advance applied chemistry in all its branches; to afford the members opportunities for interchange of ideas with respect to improvements in various chemical industries and for discussion of all matters bearing upon the practice of applied chemistry and the publication of information thereon. President: J. Rogers, O.B.E. Secretary: Lt.-Col. F. J. Griffin, A.L.A.
SOCIETY OF GLASS TECHNOLOGY, "ELMFIELD", NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD, SHEFFIELD 10. T.A., "Research, Phone, Sheffield". T.N ., Sheffield 63168. The Society was inaugurated at a meeting in the University of Sheffield on Thursday, 9th November, 1916. Its object was defined as the general advancement of the various branches of Glass Technology by the association of persons interested in glass and glassware; the reading and discussion of papers; the publication of scientific information on glass technology; the formation of a library and museum. All persons or associations of persons interested in glass, whether from the point of view of the manufacturer, the distributor, the scientific worker or technologist, the user or collector, are eligible for membership. Membership (other than Honorary) is of four classes: Collective Membership, open to Firms, Associations and Committees; Fellows, Ordinary Members and Associate Members, the annual subscription in each class being £ 10 1 Os., £ 4 4s., £3 3s., and 7s. 6d. respectively, but, subject to the approval of the Council, manual, clerical and junior technical workers in the industry may be admitted to Ordinary Membership at the reduced subscription rate of £ 1 Is. Ordinary Members may compound for their annual subscription. Copies of the Constitution and Rules may be had on application to the Secretary. The total number of members on the roll in December, 1950, was approximately 1,200.
In addition to the parent body of the Society there is an Indian Section and also five Local Sections serving important glass-making districts of England. The Indian Section of the Society was set up in 1940. The London Section, formed in 1929, holds meetings at various centres in London. The Midlands Section, formed in 1933, provides meetings for members resident within 40 miles of Birmingham. The Yorkshire Section cater~ similarly for members resident in Yorkshire and 1 Derbyshire, the North-West Section for those resident in Lancashire, Cheshire, Westmorland and Cumberland and the North-East Section for members resident in Northumberland and Durham.
The Society publishes a Journal, containing an account of its meetings (Proceedings), the papers read to the Society and the discussions on the papers (Transactions). abstracts of other papers of interest to members published in British and foreign journals (Abstracts) and miscellaneous articles and information of interest to glass technologists (News and Reviews). Each Collective Member may receive two copies and each Fellow and each Ordinary Member one copy. Scientific communications on g lass technology are invited for publication in the journal. The Society's library contains a large number of books and periodicals which may be borrowed by members. Officers: President: Herbert A. Bateson. Honorary Secretary: R. W. Douglas, B.Sc., F.lnst.P., F.S.G.T. Honorary Treasurer: A. E. Hill, B.Sc., F .S.G.T. American Treasurer: F. C. Flint, B.S., F.S.G.T. Editor: Prof. W. E . S. Turner, O.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.S.G.T.
SOCIETY OF INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY LTD. Registered Office: 80 BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C.2. Objects: To further the design, manufacture and use of scientific and industrial instruments. President: E. B. Moss. Honorary Secretary: L. B. Lambert, SS Tudor Gardens, London, W.3. T .N., ACOrn 1702. Treasurer/ Editor: Dr. H. Moore, C.B.E.
THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GLASS SELLERS OF LONDON. The Charter of this City Livery Company dates from 1664. It had the supervision of the glass and pot makers' trades, and was empowered to search for and condemn all defective and "deceitful" ware. Glass sellers made and sold looking-glasses, but only sold drinking or table glass, bottles, stoneware pots and other stoneware goods which were made for them by glass makers and pot makers. Membership: 140. Master: W. G. Alien, F.C.A. Honorary Clerk: H. Kenneth S. Clark, F.C.A., 32 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.l. T .N., ABBey 2333.
THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GLAZIERS AND PAINTERS OF GLASS. The Company received its first Charter in 1638, but the first recorded mention of its existence was at the Guildhall in 1328. The Company's present activities include the establishment of (i) three Scholarships in glass painting and glazing, tenable for one year; they are valued £100, £50 and £25 respectively; (ii) an Educational Fund for promoting the art of glass painting; (iii) a Building Fund; (iv) a Fund for providing stained glass windows for churches and public buildings; and (v) a Benevolent Fund for helping poor and distressed glaziers. The Company has twenty-one "Assistants", three Honorary Freemen and a Livery of two hundred and ten. Master: J. Millard Tucker, K.C., J.P. Upper Warden: Alderman Sir Bracewell Smith, Bt., K.C.V.O., LL.D., B.Sc. R enter Warden: G. Darling Roberts, O.B.E., K.C., 1\LA. Clerk: Major-General R. J. Blackham, C. B., C.l\I.G., C. T.E., D.S.O., I Garden Court, The Temple, London , E.CA. T.N., CENtral 2405.
THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF SPECTACLE MAKERS. The Charter of 1629 is granted to "The Master, Wardens and Fellowship of Spectacle Makers of London", and in addition to its charitable and civic responsibilities, the Company conducts professional examinations in ophthalmic optics and awards diplomas to successful candidates conveying a qualification which is recognized under the National Health Service Act as entitling the holder to practise refraction under the ophthalmic service scheme. Diploma holders are made "free" of the Company and there are some 4,000 of these. Membership comprises Liverymen and Freemen. Master: The Hon. Lionel Berry. Upper Warden: Waiter Lucas Chance, M.A., J.P . Renter Warden: Sir Frank William Morgan, M.C. Clerk: Roland Champness, M.A., LL.M., Apothecaries' Hall, Blackfriars Lane, London, E.C.4. T.N., CENtral 2932.
BARNSLEY MINING & TECHNICAL COLLEGE, CHURCH STREET, BARNSLEY. T.N., Barnsley 4066. Course in glass technology, for adult students over the age of 21 years, dealing with the fundamental principles of the composition, manufacture and manipulation of glass. Principal: T. Llewellyn, B.Sc.(Min.), B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.J.l\LE., F.G.S., Dip.Met.Min. Registrar: F. Horbury.
BIRMINGHAM COLLEGE OF ARTS AND CRAFTS, MARGARET STREET, BIRMINGHAM 3. T.N., CENtral 2204. Part course in glass decoration. Principal: M. W. Hawes, A.R.C.A., N.R.D.
BRIERLEY HILL SCHOOL OF ART & CRAFTS, MOOR STREET, BRIERLEY HILL, STAFFS. T.N., Brierley Hill 751 4. The school is equipped with up-to-date cutting machinery and is developing along the lines of specialist glass decoration, including cutting, intaglio and engraving: drawing and design instruction. Principal: D. A. Chatterton, A.R.C.A. Clerk to the Governors: J. H. P. Oxspring (Director of Education).
BROMLEY COLLEGE OF ART, TWEEDY ROAD, BROMLEY, KENT. T.N., RAVensbourne 3544. Classes in stained glass and enamel decoration of glass. Principal: K. Coleborn, A.R.C.A., F.R.S.A. Secretary: Miss H . R. Cooke.
CENTRAL SCHOOL OF ARTS & CRAFTS, SOUTHAMPTON Row, LONDON, W.C.l. T.N., HOLborn 9184. Course in stained glass. All forms of stained glass and glazing are dealt with, the object being to give students an insight into all the decorative uses of plain, ornamental and painted work. The instruction includes cutting and glazing, designing and painting, firing, design for acid embossing and sandblasting, opus sectile work. Instruction in heraldry for designers is also given. Principal: W. Johnstone. Secretary: R. Barratt.
GUILDFORD SCHOOL OF ART & CRAFTS, STOKE PARK, GUILDFORD, SURREY. T.N., Guildford 3635. Courses in glass decoration: acid work, including etching, engraving (wheel engraving by machine), cutting and sandblasting; silvering and gilding of finished products. Principal: D. Holland. Registrar: Mrs. Wagg.
HACKNEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE, DALSTON LANE, LONDON, E.8. T.N., AMHerst 0029. Classes in glass technology: raw materials and manufacture of types of glass; work on glass; heraldic painting and illuminating. Course in glazing: instruction in various types of glazing work; leaded and copper lights; wall lining; shop-front glazing. Principal: G. P. McHugh, M.Sc., Ph.D., M.Ed. Secretary: N. J. Cross.
LANCASTER & MORECAMBE SCHOOL OF ART & CRAFTS, STOREY INSTITUTE, LANCASTER. T.N., Lancaster 721. Classes in stained glass. Principal: L. Barton, A.R.C.A.(London). Clerk to the Governors: W. K. Waiting, Education Office, High Street House, Lancaster. T.N., Lancaster 1188.
MANCHESTER MUNICIPAL COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, MANCHESTER, LANCS. T.N., CENtral 3624. Classes in glassblowing. Principal: Sir James E. Myers, O.B.E., J .P., D.Sc., A.R.I.C.
MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE, THE GAMBLE INSTITUTE, ST. HELENS, LANCS. T.N., St. Helens 4267. Part-time day and evening courses for: (a) Higher National Certificate (Glass Technology); (b) glass cutters' and bevellers' apprentices. Principal: J. R. Petrie, B.Sc., M .I .Mech.E. Registrar: G. Allcock.
NORTHAMPTON POLYTECHNIC, ST. JOHN STREET, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.C.l. T.N., CLErkenwell 1662/3 and 5231/2. Courses in glassblowing for laboratory assistants and scientific workers. Instruction in lens grinding. Principal: J. E. Richardson, Ph.D., B.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Secretary: T. H. Holmes, A.C.I.S.
THE POLYTECHNIC, 309 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W.l. T.A., "Polytechnic, Wesdo, London". T.N., LANgham 2020. Courses in glassblowing for laboratory assistants and scientific research workers. Director of Education: J. C. J ones, C.B.E., B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Secretary: C. McKenna, F.C.I.S.
REGIONAL COLLEGE OF ART, MANCHESTER, LANCS. T.N., ARDwick 3480. Classes in stained and painted glass. Principal: J. M. Holmes, Dip. Fine Art (Lond.).
ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART, EXHIBITION ROAD, SOUTH KENSINGTON, LONDON, S.W.7. T.N., KNightsbridge 2441. Industrial Glass: a three-year, full-time course in industrial glass, for those wishing to train as designers in the glass industry. Stained Glass: a three-year, full-time course for those wishing to train as fully-qualified designers and painters of stained glass. Principal: R. Darwin, Hon.A.R.C.A. Registrar: J. R. P. Moon, M.A.
SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF GLASS TECHNOLOGY. (See under Research Organizations for address, etc.) The Department provides opportunities for post-graduate research work leading to the degrees of M.Sc.(Tech.) and Ph.D.; it also provides courses of instruction in glass technology as under:-
- (a) The Degree Course, involving systemati c study at the University for a period of three years;
- (b) the Diploma Course, involving systematic study at the University for a period of three, or, in special circumstances, two years;
- (c) part-time courses, enabling students to take such parts of the systematic courses as they may need;
- (d) certificate courses in glass technology for Saturday or evening students, or for students attending works schools attached to any glass works in the country.
The Degree and Diploma Courses are designed to provide training for all persons intending to take up scientific and technical posts in the industry. These courses include instruction in the science and technology of glass and glassmaking and also in the principles of engineering and other allied branches of applied science essential to the successful working of a modern glass factory. Students for Degrees and Diplomas are required to satisfy the Faculty that, unless specially exempted, they have spent a reason able period during vacations in gaining experience of a suitable kind in glass works practice. Head of Department: Prof. H. Moore.
SOUTH-EAST LONDON TECHNICAL COLLEGE, LEWISHAM WAY, LONDON, S.E.4. T.N ., TIDeway 142 1/2 . Classes in glass technology, glassblowing, bending and fabrication for laboratory assistants and scientific workers. Principal: F. H. Reid, B.Sc.(Eng.) Hons., Wh.Ex., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Mar.E. Secretary: J. E. Richards.
STOURBRIDGE SCHOOL OF ART & CRAFTS, HAGLEY ROAD, STOURBRIDGE, WORKS .T .N ., Stourbridge 57202. Courses of instruction in design, history and methods of production, glass making, glass decorating (cutting, intaglio, engraving). Principal: J. C. Downing, A.R.C.A., M.S.I.A., Stourbridge Art & Technical School.
See Also
Sources of Information