1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Companies U

Note: This is a sub-section of 1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
U. M. E. Distributors Ltd. Manufacturers of Sleeve Presses, Honing Tools and Reamers. Precision Engineers. 100, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale. Telephone: 3738. Directors: B. Bescoby (Managing). H. F. Bescoby (Sales).
H. C. Underwood, Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 521-5, Christchurch Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. Telephone: Boscombe 33892. Also H. C. UNDERWOOD, 984, Christchurch Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. Telephone: Southbourne 1529. Director: H. C. Underwood (Managing). General Managers: R. C. Grimwood. D. G. Cocksedge.
Uni-Gun Lubricating Equipment Ltd. Lubricating Equipment Engineers. Coombe Bridge Works, Beverley Way, Kingston-by-Pass, London, S.W.20. Telephone: Malden 2266. Directors: Sir C. F. Entwistle, K.C. K. S. Estlin, O.B.E., M.C. R. H. Damon (U.S.A.). R. S. Carroll (Canada). General Manager: K. S. Estlin, O.B.E., M.C. Assistant Sales Director: S. G. B. Wallace. Chief Engineer: H. C. Thacker.
Union Transport Finance Ltd. Industrial Bankers and Motor Hire Purchase Financiers. Transport House, Wellington Circus, Nottingham. Telephone: 40354 (3 lines). Directors: William Humble (Chairman). Charles Watson Cooper (joint Managing). Edward Samuel Bonser, A.C.A. (Joint Managing and Secretary). Cedric Cooper, B.A. Anthony Henry Mather Jackson. Managers: Jack Hickman Fryer (Agency). George Frederick Potter (Local). Daniel Howard Cross (London). Donald George Weil (General).
United Dominions Trust Limited. Financiers of credit transactions in connection with Motor and allied trades. Regis House, King William Street, London, E.C.4. Telephone: Mansion House 8744. T/A.:" Banquithus " Telex, London. Directors: J. Gibson Jarvie (Chairman). J. R. T. Gibson-Jarvie. Duncan Carmichael, LL.B. P. Macleod Gray, C.A. Lord John Hope, M.P. W. J. Johnson, C.M.G., O.B.E. Sir Brian Mountain, Bt. Sir Robert B. Pearson. A. C. Uren. Secretary: G. L. Standing.
United Motor Finance Corporation Limited. Hire Purchase, etc. Financiers. Stoke Park House, Slough, Bucks. Telephone: Slough 23325. TIA.:"Umofin" Slough. Directors: Sir Noel Mobbs, K.C.V.O., O.B.E. (Chairman). R. 0. Mobbs, J.P. (Deputy Chairman). E. N. Mobbs. A. J. Wilson. Secretary: C. A. Ward.
University Coachwork Ltd. Car Body Builders. 99, Boston Road, Hanwell, London, W.7. Telephone: Ealing 2611. Directors: Major G. Bradstock, D.S.O., M.C. (Chairman and Managing). S. Kemball. J. R. Bradstock. M. H. G. Bradstock. G. C. Durtnal (General Manager). T. Rodocanachi. J. C. Elwes, O.B.E. R. P. Elwes, M.C. Secretary: A. E. Wraight.
University Motors Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 7, Hertford Street, London, W.I. Also Stratton House, 8o, Piccadilly, W.I. and Lion Works, Lots Road, S.W.xo. Telephones: Grosvenor 4/41 and Flaxman 579/. Directors: Major G. Bradstock, D.S.O., M.C. (Chairman and Managing). R. P. Elwes, M.C. S. Kemball. J. R. Bradstock. M. H. G. Bradstock. T. Rodocanachi. J. C. Elwes, O.B.E. Secretary: A. E. Wraight.
See Also
Sources of Information